How tall is Jose Pablo Cantillo

Jose Pablo Cantillo's Height

5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm)

American actor known for roles in TV series The Walking Dead (as Caesar) and Sons of Anarchy (as Hector). In film he has appeared in Crank, Redbelt and Elysium.

How tall is Jose Pablo Cantillo
5ft 8 Rob and Jose @ LFCC 2014

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Add a Comment79 comments

Average Guess (60 Votes)
5ft 7.87in (172.4cm)
Jack (Still Growing) said on 21/Nov/24
I don't think it's a huge enough difference to rule out a flat 5'8. He'd be close to Yeun in person imo
Jewels said on 21/Mar/23
flat 5’8

i see only a 0.25 inch difference than a full 0.5 inch one
Canson said on 23/Dec/22
@Rob and Griffith: I’m assuming he was either 1/2” or 1 centimeter shorter than Rob. Maybe Rob feels 5’7.75 at lunch and 5’7 5/8 at a low since Rob is half inch taller 5’8.25 lunch 5’8 1/8 at a low
Griffith said on 21/Dec/22
Rob looks about the same height as you, was he wearing more footwear than you to not give him the full 5'8??
Editor Rob
Weak 5ft 8 in person.
Has said on 17/Oct/21
Hi Rob,

Is guessing someone's height by looking at their eye level accurately? Because that's what I usually do, but in this photo here, you look taller but his eye level is higher than yours. Is that because he's looking more up or is it genetic?
Editor Rob
It's what most people are doing...if you have a low (or high) eyelevel it might throw things off a fraction, especially if the other person has the opposite, creating half to 3/4 inch difference in eyelevels.
Elene said on 4/Sep/21
At least 5’7.75 at most 5’8
Bwk said on 28/May/20
172.4cm possible for him Rob?
Editor Rob
Wouldn't have thought so in afternoon, but at 10-11?
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 20/May/20
Yes. 5ft 7 3/4 as I can see it!!!!
JohnMoore-162cm said on 1/May/20
5ft8-ih , a little bit shorter than Rob
Gusgiga said on 12/Jan/20
Flat 5'8 he looks same height for u. But i think he is 1,72.7 to 1,73.1
Bobby 178cm said on 17/Feb/19
Doesn't look 1cm shorter than Rob, he looks nearly identical as Rob, but the camera is favoring Rob's side more.
Editor Rob
The lens is actually more on his side...
Peter 180cm said on 29/Jan/19
Yeah looks about a cm shorter than Rob,172 is a good estimate.He would definitely pass for 5'8,unlike Glenn! :P
Powerhouse said on 15/Aug/18
Odd, in The Walking Dead he looks quite short. Probably do to his proportions, I would have guessed him closer to a flat 5’7 but he does indeed look 5’7.75 here, close to 5’8.
khaled taban said on 5/Aug/18
5'7.75" It's very clear .
Deacon Ashworth said on 28/Apr/18
Uhh rob he looks nearly the same height as you
Editor Rob
1/3rd of an inch is quite close, it's not much really.
Bobby said on 26/Jan/18
@Shredder, I'm 23 and somehow, people say I look older even though I look after myself and my health.
Galaxyonfire said on 2/Jan/18
Definitely on spot
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Dec/17
171cm max in the photo
Renegade said on 22/Oct/17
He isn't above 172 because Rob already compared him to a stadiometer and showed there was a half inch difference. If Rob has worse posture probably less. He can't be 5'8 he looks shorter than 5'8 guys on the site which I believe some of which are closer to 172 themselves
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 20/Oct/17
I think the 5'7.75" listing fits Jose perfectly. Mind you that Rob has looser posture compared to him. I see a 1cm difference if Rob had the same posture as Jose.
Slim 6' said on 19/Oct/17
Same deal as Yeun. 5'7.75".
Bobby said on 19/Oct/17
5'8 flat for this guy.
Cameron said on 28/Aug/17
5'8" flat. Rob only has 1/4 inch on him.
dsds said on 13/Aug/17
compare this to steven yeun's height chart
Ben said on 10/Aug/17

Seriously, am I one of the youngest people on here..?

Shredder, you're 13-14 years older than me and Rob is 24 years older than me...

People tell me I look like 13
reno911 said on 9/Aug/17
@Arch Stanton

I thought you were referring to Glenn from the Walking Dead is 5'8. I think he is a bit less than that.
Shredder said on 7/Aug/17
I'm 30 and people tell me I look younger when I shave.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Aug/17
Ben said on 4/Aug/17
C'mon Rob, Glenn is ATLEAST 5ft 8! I would even argue that he's 5'9"-5'10". But he does look 6'!

Admit it, you photoshopped Glenn's picture to make it look like he's under 5'6.75"!

Editor Rob: Glenn agrees with you

My god, Glenn is ageing terribly. His face suggests a very high fat/cholestrol diet and exercise. I bet he doesn't eat a single piece of fruit!
Editor Rob
he is 45 now...I suppose we all can get caught looking a bit worse for wear, especially under pressure trying to take a quick selfie 😵
Rory said on 4/Aug/17
Rob, in the picture with Jose would you say visually that was a 1cm difference ?
Editor Rob
visually I'd say it was Half Inch, my hair isn't really that thick, I know he has maybe less like 1/8th inch hairstyle.

I think also that's what he seemed, a weak 5ft 8 range.
Ben said on 4/Aug/17
C'mon Rob, Glenn is ATLEAST 5ft 8! I would even argue that he's 5'9"-5'10". But he does look 6'!

Admit it, you photoshopped Glenn's picture to make it look like he's under 5'6.75"!

S.J.H said on 4/Aug/17
If he had more footwear than rob then he is not over 5'7
errybodyshutup said on 3/Aug/17
yeun got 5'8 so should he
even said on 20/Jul/17
one hundred seventy two centimeters
World Citizen said on 25/May/17
Looks the height as listed, no more no less..
GP said on 30/Mar/17
Rob, was he closer to camera? I'm noticing tha he is doing the Glenn technique by dropping his head slightly back so I'm curious if that gives him some advantage. I believe he would measure 5'7.5" if it was done by you.
Editor Rob
I wouldn't have said so, pretty similar range...

but raising eyelevel a bit is a trick that our old friend G might have done a few times...although he has given up many tricks, apart from telling people to f*** off who dare question his 5ft 8 height 😡 🙂 🙃
same said on 3/Dec/16
its like 5'8 1/8 vs 5'7 7/8
S.J.H said on 14/Nov/16
Minus rob 6-7mm hair and Cantillo hair clearly he is between 5'7.25 to 5'7.5 not over 171cm
eee said on 1/Oct/16
rob has a longer than average head length
Johno said on 2/Aug/16
Is about 0.75-inches shorter than you Rob.
Editor Rob
I think he is just in that nearly 5ft 8 range.
Key said on 2/Aug/15
Oh, Rob, that makes sense. I think that might explain why they switched Michael Raymond-James height from 5'9 to 5'8
CD said on 14/Jul/15
Rob would you have been able to tell he was shorter than you if you hadn't gotten a back to back photo? Since he has a smaller head he looks eye to eye in the photo, so I have a feeling in some cases you may have given the benefit of the doubt with a full 5ft 8 listing.
Editor Rob
yes, I seen him with a couple of people and 172 seemed a good shout.
Tan le said on 22/Dec/14
Jose looks pretty close to 5'8
Adamz said on 11/Dec/14
171 possible.
Adamz said on 30/Nov/14
this guy didnt look like a shrimp on AMC's TWD, probably bc he has decent build.
Adamz said on 14/Oct/14
Rob who would u expect to be taller even if by a mm. this guy or tom cruise?
Editor Rob
probably very similar, having seen a guy like michael pena (who looks taller than G in person) and then Cruise looking taller than pena, I can't buy Tom at just a 5ft 7 flat.
italianoGuy said on 19/Aug/14
He is 1.71m
mike said on 18/Aug/14
his death was graphic on TWD...
anyway is 171 maybe better Rob?
Editor Rob
I think just under 5ft 8 is fine.
Height said on 9/Aug/14
Looks the same height rob just looks taller cause of hair
Editor Rob
Click Here. With an object on top of my head you get a sense of my hairlevel...if we were identical then you would be cutting a cm of my skull off :)
J.Lee said on 9/Aug/14
Rob even though you're only .25 inches taller, why is it so easy for everyone to see that you're clearly taller?
Editor Rob
I put the top of my hair at the edge of the photo, maybe that gives a better idea?
DaDang said on 5/Aug/14
it's 5'7½''(1.71m)
Andrea said on 4/Aug/14
Sam, if you think that way i invite you to see Rob with the challenger 8, who is about 186.5... They look pretty similar, really! As i said, add half an inch for shoes and he doesn't look over 6'2 in that pic! Of course, i wouldn't rule out 6'2.5 but that's the most i'd argue for him!
Sam said on 4/Aug/14
I agree that at times Morrissey can look like more of a 6'2.5" guy (I posted on his page back before he was on The Walking Dead that he could look sub-6'3"), I just said in that photo he could pass for 6'3" IMO.
the shredder said on 3/Aug/14
funny how just 0.5 can make a difference , even him and Rob have different body frames
the shredder said on 3/Aug/14
Cruise can have lifts though and pull off 5'9 with Rob. as for those saying Cruise is 5'7 , sorry but please back up the facts.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/14
the shredder says on 3/Aug/14
I can see Tom Cruise if not in lifts , looking like this with Rob.

I would see Cruise at about an inch lower than this next to Rob
Realist said on 3/Aug/14
Rob looks average in most pics. Cruise ain't over 171.00 flat today. The average in my opinion is flawed.
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Aug/14
Shredder, Cruise is listed at 5'7.75 on here as well so Rob would expect him to look like this next to him. I think Cruise is a weak 5'8 at best
the shredder said on 3/Aug/14
I can see Tom Cruise if not in lifts , looking like this with Rob.
Andrea said on 2/Aug/14
Yeah, but 6'3 is not! Obviously if you want to keep him at an ideal 6'3, you're free to do that but he's not! I saw some pics of him with Tennant and he can look 1.5 inches taller but Tennant himself might be 6'0.5... To be fair he struggles to look much over 6' with you but once again your pics arent enough because you said he's gotta be close to the six one mark!
Editor Rob
6ft 2.5 is a possibility for him
Andrea said on 2/Aug/14
Too bad, Rob! Anyway, i think you can safely rule out a full 6'3 for him, after having a look with some people you met... 6'2 range is closer!
Editor Rob
6ft 2.5 could be possible
Andrea said on 2/Aug/14
In that pic, the difference seems really similar to the one between Rob and the 186.5 challenger guy! Add maybe an half inch difference for shoes and you have an about 6'2 guy! Not 6'3 for sure! Unfortunately there's just one pic with Morrissey and Vincent M Ward but the last one easily look an inch taller which makes sense because Vincent is more a strong 6'3 and Morrissey 6'2! Rob, what about a downgrade to 6'2.5 for Morrissey? That's the most i'd argue and i wouldn't rule out 6'2 flat to be fair!
Editor Rob
i was hoping he would turn up at a UK con, but fear the organisers gave up on him (he was announced 3 times about 3-4 years ago and cancelled each time)...
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Aug/14
Guys who are 5'7.75-5'8.25 are going to claim 5'8 and when you see them together you'll see that small difference but its only noticeable if theyre up close standing side by side. They both are gonna look 5'8 to people. Its the guy who are 5'7ish range who claim 5'8 that throw it off
Andrea said on 2/Aug/14
Sam, noway does Morrissey look even close to 6'3 in that photo... He looks 6'2 at most (if he has shoe disadvantage)! Rob, don't tell me that's how a big 6'3 guy should look next to a weak 5'8 guy!
the shredder said on 2/Aug/14
Rob , do you think most guys that claim 5'8 look more like him than you next to people?
Editor Rob
3/8ths of an inch isn't really could say either would look 5ft 8 to people.

I mean I hadn't seen the girl challenger who is identical height to me for a while until a week ago and with good posture looked what a proper 5ft 8 looks...certainly a noticeable fraction taller than Jose looked in person
Sam said on 1/Aug/14
A better shot of Morrissey and Cantillo from that same photo shoot, with Morrissey standing more upright, and he does look at lesat as tall as a 6'3" guy would compared to Cantillo.
Click Here
edguy282 said on 1/Aug/14
Definitely a weak 5'8". Good listing.
Andrea said on 1/Aug/14
Well, Morrissey really doesn't look over 6'2 with him, even considering the shoe difference. You agree, Rob?
Martinez said on 1/Aug/14
Click Here
With David Morrisey, Jose looks to have a bit thicker boot and maybe even a bit better posture. Just under 5'8" matches what he looks here.
Khalid said on 1/Aug/14
He looks 5'8 weak to me.
Alex 6'0 said on 1/Aug/14
5'7.75 looks spot on. That's about 1/2 inch difference it looks like.
Hypado said on 1/Aug/14
172cm for Jose Pablo
Emmett said on 31/Jul/14
Yeah weak 5'8, that's what he looked in Walking Dead. How much would you think this guy weighs Rob?
Editor Rob
possibly mid 160
enrique said on 31/Jul/14
C'mon Rob. This guy's the same height as you. I can't see any difference unless you tell me that he was wearing some kind of thicker footwear.
Editor Rob
obviously he has about 0.2in hair, but there's another half inch above his hair to the top of mine which means if you think he's the same height you also think I have like nearly 0.75in of hair? Seriously? Look Here for an object on my head...I clearly do not have 0.7in of hair, that would be eating into my skull :)
Sasha said on 31/Jul/14
did you have similar type of shoes?
Editor Rob
pretty similar yeah.
Mr. 30 mins said on 31/Jul/14
Spot on listing
Connor 183cm said on 31/Jul/14
Rob he does look very close to your height, 172cm looks spot on.
the shredder said on 31/Jul/14
5'7.5 unless Rob has more footwear
new guy said on 31/Jul/14
Rob maybe hes 5'8 but your hair makes you look a fraction taller
Sam said on 31/Jul/14
This guy looked bigger on-screen when was on The Walking Dead. Looks like a correct listing.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.