MD said on 3/Jun/20
Yep, 5'9" is a bit too high. He's a bit below average.
Tunman said on 31/May/20
Rob,I think this guy looked way shorter than Rodriguez to be 5'9 more likely 5'8
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Several years ago,this guy MD provided pics from the same event where he looked like 4-5" smaller but of course he's not
Maybe this pic is more reflecting the true difference,overall I felt there was rather 3" between them on CSI,the difference seemed just too big if you ask me.

Editor Rob
5ft 8.5 isn't impossible for him.
Zampa180 said on 30/Nov/17
5'9 is to high
Feels like he drop as low as 172cm at times
Martin said on 5/Sep/11
No, 5'9 is too high, he seems 5'8 at most, 5'7 would be my best guess as he is the same height as Eva LaRue.
jake said on 25/Aug/11
Looks way shorter than 6ft0 Rodriguez. He's 5ft8.5 max I think.
Eugene said on 20/Jul/11
He is not more than 5'8"
joe said on 29/Mar/11
No way he is 5'9". He looks way shorter than David Caruso (5'11") or Adam Rodriguez (6'0"), shorter than Eva La Rue (5"7") and not that tall above Emily Procter (5'2").
richinkle said on 20/Mar/11
He noted on an episode of CSI Miami, in the course of an investigation, that he is 5'-9". Seems about right...maybe a little less.
Kris said on 1/Jan/11
Actors tend to either be tall or to wear thick-soled shoes to seem tall. But a lot of actors are genuinely tall. I guess that their height is a quality attribute to being an actor. And athletes are usually very tall. Fact of the matter is that in average, famous adult males are taller than average.
lolo said on 23/Nov/10
looked so short on csi miami
everybody around him are 6'1+
dmeyer said on 16/Jun/09
he is well proportioned so he looks a bit taller
Leung said on 19/Oct/08
I reckon 5
Yoyoyo said on 19/Jun/07
Another site has him listed as 5'11. I saw him standing next to Adam Rodriguez who is 6 foot even and 5'9 sounds just right.
Calleigh said on 1/Jan/07
On CSI:MIAMI he's shorter than Eric[Adam] and Horatio[David], and I thought he was shorter than Calleigh[Emily]. but aparently not. He is still CUTE!!
kate said on 27/Dec/06
When I was watching CSI Miami i thought he was much shorter than he is. It looks like hes about my height 5 foot 5. My friend Annie thinks that he is short because she is 5 foot 9 and is only 13 years old. So she thinks I'm stupid for liking a guy that is 29 years old going on 39 who is 5 inches taler than me and when he is only 1 inch taller than her and she is not even done growing. Last summer she grew 4 inches and so I think that she will be taller than him by the middle of 2007. Which she will make so much more fun of him.
Sarah said on 7/Nov/06
All my friends say he's short,but I think his height is so cute!
Serene said on 7/Jun/06
My mum thought he was
Jake Gyllenhaal. Her bad. Sorry. Erm...really? 5 feet 10?
I thought he was only 5 feet 7...
Shaye Bogert said on 21/Nov/05
I am 5'9 and I think it is perfect that Jonathan's height is 5'10 because that is perfect! I am one of his biggest fans!