rod said on 5/Feb/08
he is maximum 6'0 barefooted.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/08
I think Ross is 6 ft 1/2 MAX.
sam said on 25/Jan/08
Ross has a massive problem with height , he slipped in something about height with every guest on tonights show!
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/08
When David Cameron (Tory guy) was on the show they both looked the same height and Cameron is 6ft.
rider said on 1/Jan/08
most people below 6 ft have a thing about height,"SIX" is the magic number,i'd say he's 6 ft max (barefoot)and i beleive most celebs give their height with shoes on,.the doc is wrong about brothers heights, i'm 5ft10&1/2 and my older brother is 5ft5&1/2 ,but more importantly WHY is he talking about genitals ?
Ejel Khan said on 11/Dec/07
Des Lynam stood up alongside Ross. Lynam said he was 6'1.5" and ross was an inch shorter, promise!
TJ said on 28/Nov/07
Wow, the Doc sure talks garbage. Kinda funny though, as after saying "BUT END OF THE DAY, WHO CARES !!!! DONT MATTER HOW TALL YOU ARE", he then goes to paint a picture of how terrible it is to be tall :-)
MPV said on 5/Oct/07
Well, I've actually been bumped into by Jonathon Ross in the street. He was chatting to someone with his back turned to me, said "I'll see you anon" to the guy, then turned round sharply and clattered into me. My head hit his chest. I'm 5ft 9. He looked massive to me as I looked up. I'd say he's 6ft 4 in his shoes. Rude sod never even apologised, just went "Oops" and carried on....
Rusty james said on 20/Sep/07
Yeah i agree with that person "anonymous" jonathan ross is f8cking obsessed with people's height lol.But u say he's "only 13 stone" like that's light lol.
RatedR said on 24/Aug/07
On his interview with Pete Doherty (who is 6ft 2). Doherty towers above Ross, so i would say he's 5'10 - 6ft.
g2da3 said on 4/Jul/07
he is not 6'1.5 i meet him yesterday my friend i was with is 6'2 Jonathan was WAY taller then my friend
Anonymous said on 22/May/07
Ross was slightly taller than philip Scohfield who does look a legit 5'11 who appeared on his show recently. Ross was about an inch taller, hence he is most probably 6' barefoot and 6'1.5 in shoes.
chris said on 4/Apr/07
When Travolta first walked through the door to shake hands with Ross, there honestly looked to be a 1.5" difference in Travolta's favour

Editor Rob
the wee platform thing he has guests standing on to wave?
Vegas said on 3/Apr/07
Click Here Travolta and Ross from friday night. Chris; Ross is the tall guy with Travolta and Ricky Gervais is the small guy. How you see Travolta being 1.5" taller than Ross I don't honestly know.
Anonymous said on 1/Apr/07
Travolta was about 1.5 - 2 inches shorter than Ross, Also Travolta had really big heels on his shoes. Did anyone else notice them?
chris said on 31/Mar/07
if hes 6'1.5" travoltas a solid 6'3

Editor Rob
huh, travolta was shorter and had an easy 1/2 inch heel advantage
anonymousxx said on 24/Mar/07
johnathan is
Obsessed With Height lol, i wouldn't be surprised if he posts on this site.
last night, he made a point of discussing height with daniel radcliff and ricky hatton.
Viper said on 2/Feb/07
That Borat interview is unbeivable!!!
J-Dog said on 1/Feb/07
Ross says he is tall when trying to persuade the Rock he can be a Wrestler.
Click Here
iris said on 16/Jan/07
He couldn´t be 6´1, I saw an interview on his show where his guest is Sacha Baron Cohen (as Borat of course!) and there is a moment in which both of them stand up (so Jonathan can touch Borat´s "cramm"!) and they seem both exactly the same height!! Therefore he must at least 1.90mts or 6´3... (Baron Cohen is above 1,90 for sure)
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
Saw him in Selfridges during last summer, he maybe six foot but certainly no taller (5.11 & 1/2?). Also only about 13 or 13 & 1/2 stone, looks much bigger on the screen - just like everyone else!
Viper said on 23/Dec/06
I agree that it seems like Ross has a height complex, even at his tall height.
6'2'' JK said on 22/Dec/06
Rossy is
Obsessed With Height, anyway he was same height as Pee Doherty on friday night with Jonathan Ross.
Anonymous said on 1/Oct/06
Ross looked about 2 inches taller than the 5'10 (some say 5'9 or shorter) Adam Sandler on his show last friday. Ross is probably 6' barefoot and 6'1.5 in shoes.
Sid said on 17/Aug/06
He was interviewing ant and dec couple weeks ago and he asked dec how tall he was and he asked back well how tall are you he sed "six foot one and a half" and dec stood next to him and said well im 5-6 and a half, "the half's important" and dec was saying how freakishly tall ross was when standing side by sidde.
Viper652 said on 1/Jun/06
This guy has a height complex.
Mikex said on 1/Apr/06
Ross is a tall guy but not massive. He looks 6' 1.5''. As he says this is his height I see no reason to doubt this.
newjon said on 31/Mar/06
sorry, i meant dec said he was 5ft6.5, not ant
newjon said on 31/Mar/06
today when he interview ant and dec, he stated clearly he was 6ft1.5, He compared himsef with ant who claimed he was 5ft6.5 . Thing is though there only seemed to be about 5inches max between them!
Fuzz said on 22/Jan/06
He said on his radio show yesterday that he is 6'2, but he wears big shoes. So I'd say that around 6'1 1/2 barefoot is about right.
andyf said on 2/Dec/05
I've always been curious about Ross's height. But then I am
Obsessed With Height! He is deffo between 6'1 and 6'2.5 tho' to me. I do remember Paul Ross saying he was 5'11 in Fit Club, and I also remember him discussing him on Sue and Mel's "Light Lunch" where he bemoaned the fact that Jonathan was younger than him, better looking than him, richer than him and taller than him!
But does anyone remember this--Evander Holyfield towering over Jonathan during the comedy awards show (either 1998, 1999, 2000 or 2001)? Odd, and how come? Maybe Evander was wearing lifts?
TheMan said on 22/Oct/05
He probably wishes he was 6,1 and 1.5 more like 6,0 tops. Sorry ross lol.
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Oct/05
Yesterday again he mentioned height on his show. When Des Lynam said he was 6ft 1.5, Ross said he was 6ft 1.5.
TheMan said on 17/Oct/05
Yeah thats what ive been thinking tubbs. He wasnt as tall IMO he simply wears bigger shoes. It's the same story as with mariah carey didnt look as tall as like when she first started now poeple think shes massive but fact is shes not as tall as poeple make out IMO just that she wears massive heals. However Ross is still tall just not gigantic like he seems now. IMO He's no more than 6,1 at best. But in the old days he seemed no more than 6,0 to me.
The Man said on 29/Aug/05
Oh just found some new evidence proving ross is deffently 6,0 see youre picture when ross is with penny and tim henman. Well Henman is 6,1 know that from he's tennis records look at their trainers. Ross is wearing chunky ones whilst henman is slouching abit losing about a cm and 1/2 maybe and wearing flat shoes or deffently lower shoes and he's still clearly over ross whos got glasses on aswell so you can't tell he's eyes are lower down. So ross has got to be 6,0 at best. But he on he's chat show is 6,3 simply because he's wearing massive massive shoes. I wouldent be surprised if he was as much as 6,4 he deffently wears some special made shoes maybe risers. He almost deffently thinks about he's height aswell. And on the show he always asks people their heights.
TheMan said on 29/Aug/05
Actually youre right. Ive noticed in very large familys like say someone whos had five boys for example 4 of them were 5,8 to 5,10 or something. And then there was one who had some ridiclous height that doesnt even add up like 6,4 or something and it wasnt geneitical because the dad was like 5,6 it was just a freak thing. I know brothers height can be slightly diffrent like by two inches and i am the same im 2 inches taller than my two brothers but most of my family are around the same height as my brothers are so it does happen. But i personally think Ross is pushing 6,0 even with the pic with he's brother he's blatently around the same height of 5,11. And Paul Ross is only mid 5,11 at best as on fitclub andy fordam the darts player whos 6,0 seemed to be quite abit taller than ross so he must of been low 5,11. So i still think johnathon is 6,0 at best. He simply wears massive shoes that im sure of. Years ago he didnt seem to be that tall all of the sudden he seems to have gained about 3 inches and is about 6,3. I swear he was once nearly as tall as lennex lewis so if he could look nearly as tall as him when he's blatently about 6,0 then he must be wearing elvator shoe. He probably knew Lewis was on and though oh id better raise my shows so that im 6,4 lol. He could be but im betting he's no more than 6,0. Andy Foredam was taller than Pual ross even by the picture with john and paul below it was blatently obvious. To me from the picture below both paul and john are the same height 5,11.
Parker said on 27/Aug/05
Not sure I agree with you regarding brother's heights- my brother is 4 to 5 ins taller than me. I've two close friends, one has a brother 4 ins taller like myself and my sibling, the other has a brother 6 ins taller.