Simon Horwell said on 20/Mar/22
He’s tiny. Wears the most outrageous lifts, and tiptoes on top of it. He is max 5’8”, but my educated guess is that he is more like 5’7” to 5’7”1/2.
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 9/Mar/22
@Rob- How tall is Victorica Keon-Cohen? Listed at 180, but if Rhys is 5ft8.5" or 5ft9, then she's at most 5ft9.5".

Editor Rob
Would have thought 5ft 10 rather than 11
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 24/Feb/22
Lol the 179 claim 😂😂 He is 174 at most.
haroldgreen741 said on 2/Jan/22
@Mally711 Moe Dunford is not 6 feet tall as he is shorter than Hugo Weaving who is 6'2 by at least 4 inches and also shorter than James Frecheville who is between 6'0-6'1 by at least 2-3 inches. He is a bit taller than Freddie Fox who looks around 5'8 by 2 inches maybe, so I would say Moe Dunford is probably around 5'10 range. Moe Dunford would be a great addition to Celebheights.
with Hugo Weaving:
Click Here
with Hugo Weaving, James Frecheville and Freddie Fox (Moe wasn't standing straight so it looks like he is the same height as freddie fox):
Click Here
Mally711 said on 12/Nov/21
It is interesting. It seems most people tend to agree that he is about 5'8.5-5'9. When watching Vikings, he looks about the same height if not taller than 6'0 listed Moe Dunford who plays King Aethelwolf. Whether he is wearing lifts or not, I don't know, and whether Moe is lying about his height, I also don't know, but it is interesting to see. My guess though is he is a 5-8.5 guy that wears lifts to look more like 5-10.5/5'11 which is why he holds up well against fellow actors.
Pere said on 29/Oct/21
173 or 174 afternoon
Jtm said on 5/Dec/20
He gives a taller impression than hardy to me but not sure hardy is over 5’8
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Dec/20
Tom Hardy give a taller impression than Jon.
Jkiller said on 29/May/20
Guy is 5'8.5 (174cm), no doubt.
Panchsfhool said on 12/Apr/20
This kind of people mixing their true height with the wannabe one. Jon reminds me of depp who is really 5'8 and claimed
5'11 to be short. Now this guy is 5'8-5'9 and says only 179cm well guess what that's not short at all - is the high end of average on the western world. Do not come with this cause you look like a big fat liar
Paul Wood said on 7/Jan/20
Was listed as 5ft 8in for a long time. My guess is 5ft 8.5in. If he were 5ft 10in or 5ft 10.5in, I doubt he'd be so hung up about his height, which he appears to be.
khaled taban said on 8/Jul/19
5'9" is too high for this man, he is 174cm max.
berta said on 4/Feb/19
174-175. I world have donerades hon by 1/4

Editor Rob
I think Meyers has a chance of measuring 5ft 10.5...but how thick his boots are when he's taking that measurement is another matter!
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Jan/19
At least he's honest about wanting to be taller, though we all knew that already! 179 cm is really pushing it, though. More like 174 without the big heels, lifts, tip-toeing etc. This listing is certainly the most he can be without those tricks.
TW8 said on 10/Jul/18
I would downgrade him to 5'8". Seeing him barefoot gives me no indication he is even close to 5'9". On his best day I might give him 5'8.25", but 5'8" tops.
Suzanne Moogan said on 22/Jun/18
Jonathan is 5ft 8 he said so on a video with the Irish presenter Ray D'Arcy years ago .
Mara his wife is around 5 inches smaller than him in flats,and she is tiny around 5ft3
I can tell he isn't 5ft9 as I am just over 5ft9 barefoot .
Jonathan is the spitting image of my first love also called John he was 6ft3 ,intense and a heavy drinker when he was 17.
back in 1990
Suzanne Moogan said on 22/Jun/18
Jonathan is 5ft 8 he said so on a video with the Irish presenter Ray D'Arcy years ago .
Mara his wife is around 5 inches smaller than him in flats,and she is tiny around 5ft3
I can tell he isn't 5ft9 as I am just over 5ft9 barefoot .
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/17
I cannot believe this man is 5.9 after seeing him in the tudors!
MD said on 5/Nov/17
I feel like if he had himself listed at 5'9" early in his career, that it's very likely he's not even that. However, that poster below me talking about 5'2" to 5'5" range is absolutely ridiclous.
But, yeah, 5'9" barefoot is probably too high. I don't think he's much shorter than this, but definitely shorter. He has a penchant for boots and heeled shoes, that's for sure, and dresses in a way to make himself look taller.
Dan said on 4/Nov/17
A few years back there were pictures of him pushing a pram with his wife or girlfriend, and he looked very literally to be in the 5' 2" to 5' 5" range. The push bar came up to his chest. I don't think he's even 5' 7".
Anna said on 29/Oct/17
I met him. I'm 5'7 and don't wear heels. He was the same height as me. He's really tiny but his face is the most beautiful face I've ever seen.

Editor Rob
Rhys Myers started off with a more believable claim, he used to have himself listed as 5ft 9, then like many, fame adds an inch...
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Aug/17
This guy has no shame with the tip-toeing. He's as bad as Jeremy Piven:
Click Here
He's not exactly wearing flat boots there either. He is taller than Banderas regardless, but he makes Antonio look subtle in trying to look taller. It's anyone's guess where he falls between 5'8.5" and 5'9" considering his tip-toeing, big heels, thick boots and lifts.
Junior said on 23/Aug/17
Tom Hardy will edge out Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
berta said on 30/May/17
i think 174 would be a better listing.
EdD2_171.4cm said on 23/May/17
It's so hard to find an accurate picture of this guy standing without lifts or high-heeled shoes. I re-watched a few of the Tudor episodes, and he is always wearing boots and shoes that give him a 2-3 inch boost. Given that he is still 2 inches shorter than Henry Cavill when they are in the same scene, and that Henry's shoes are assumed to be normal, I think Jonathan is a 173-174cm guy. Based on my intuition, he is probably 5'8.25", possibly 5'8.5" a few years ago.
RisingForce said on 12/May/17
Here's a closeup of his boots, no question he's got a serious lift!
Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Mar/17
If EVER an actor had good reason to wear lifts, it is 5ft9 Jonathan playing Henry VIII, who'd be tall even today, but back in the 16th century, he was a giant of a man!
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Mar/17
@ Arch Stanton - Yes, I have to agree that Phil Mitchell is far more suitable to play Henry with his thick-set shape and fairer hair (what's left of it!). I think Henry VIII had fair/reddish hair and not dark hair like Jonathan's. Phil/Steve can also do grumpy pretty well! 😫 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍺🍺🍺 (Henry's breakfast!)
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Mar/17
@ Rob - That was meant to be Henry VIII! Very important, especially as there has never been a Henry XIII or even a Henry VIX!
My Roman Numerals need some revision it seems!
Arch Stanton said on 14/Mar/17
5'8.75 could be on the money Sandy. Yeah, bad casting. Try Phil Mitchell instead, dessite being shorter, give Mitchell Peter Lorre's Casablanca shoes and he'll be rockin. :-)
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Mar/17
That should be Henry VIII!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Mar/17
This guy played the most unconvincing Henry XIII that could have EVER been dreamt up!
He gets 5ft8 and three quarters from me!
I liked him in 'Velvet Goldmine' though! History is definitely not his forte, and if he must, he should play a less regal philanderer! He'd be good at that!
Arch Stanton said on 13/Mar/17
There's a good chance of 174, I wouldn't go under 5'8.5 though.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/17
So he wore lifts in Tudors? Rob actually said below in the comments he could have been nearer 5'8" if he had been wearing lifts or heels with Cavill or Callum Blue on that show. So I guess 5'8.25" or 5'8.5" is more likely?

Editor Rob
more like big heels, but certainly gaining advantage over cast members.
delancey said on 6/Mar/17
5'8 range max imo. Hard to accurately gauge as he's wearing lifts/massive heels in so many photos. He's appearing in the next season of Vikings which might reveal more.
berta said on 22/Nov/16
he wears lift he is shorter than a guy like stallone peak
Mat said on 17/Jul/16
Rob, you still give this guy 5'9? Have you seen what he is wearing?
Arch Stanton said on 16/Mar/16
Yeah nailing his real height is pretty elusive. His skinny Indie look can give the illusion at times of 5 ft 11 but he does seem the sort of guy to wear lifts. I think somewhere in 5'8.5-5'9 range is what he is, but not easy to tell. For a guy at this height he does have a good look, but you only have to look at his eyes to see he has issues.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Mar/16
@Rob, Can you add a photo, correct the spelling on Sandals remove "recently" Elvis was 2005! and add films like Velvet Goldmine, Match Point, August Rush, Mission: Impossible III, Shelter, From Paris With Love, and Vanity Fair.

Editor Rob
this is a page that hasn't had any description update for 10 years :) But it is now worth mentioning Tudors and his big heels!
chris said on 14/Mar/16
He looked 176-178cm in From Paris with love, ge is VERY hard to judge, but i think 175-176cm is his range.
JK said on 29/Mar/15
This guy has never ever been over 5'9
174/175 cm at best
Matt said on 23/Mar/15
Lol those lifts are ridiculous!
diavolo said on 3/Jan/15
My brother worked with him as an extra during the filming of the short-lived Dracula series. In one scene, a waiter came to Rhys-Meyers' table and they stood next to each other. The extra playing the waiter was a tallish guy, about 6'3" or so, and after rehearsing the scene, they ordered to change the guy to another waiter-extra, who was shorter, because he would've dwarfed Rhys-Meyers on screen.
HJ1979 said on 16/Sep/14
Just an example of the heels this guy wears... Massive; at least 2 ½ inches in this pic, maybe pushing 3. Even with these heels he STILL stands on his tip toes when taking pictures.
Click Here

Editor Rob
yeah he's a guy who wants to look taller, and I think for a long while has liked big heels.
Chilean said on 16/Aug/14
Click Here here he looks very tall ... lifts maybe ?
Mc51295 said on 29/Jul/14
Looks BARELY taller than Brian Cox in Match Point. 5'7.5 seems closer
Mark said on 4/Jun/14
This guy definitely wears some lifts, internal and external. On The Tudors he can go from looking just two inches taller than Natalie Dormer - who's listed in several places as 5'6" - and his other female co-stars. Definitely a short guy. I'd say about 5'9", 5'8.5, but anything lower is pushing it. On Dracula, he has some large heels (maybe an two inches to two and a half inches) as he stands taller than some co-stars and has an unnatural bendy-leg look when he stands. In several scenes he doesn't even look so short up against Nonso Anoze who is a good 6'5"/6'6". Definitely conscious of his height. He's even been quoted to say that he suffers from insecurity. Good actor though, and my wife seems to adore him, so doesn't seem to have anything to be self-conscious about.
RisingForce said on 18/Apr/14
Wow, around 0:28-0:29 in that video, you really see he is looking no more than 5'9" there if that, and if he wears lifts in general, then that role would seem like the ideal time, in fact, here's a quote from him talking about it, also with a height claim.
“Psychologically, I had to be 6 feet 3 inches and I’m only 5 feet 10 inches – and Henry’s size was a huge element of him.”
Click Here
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/14
Rob, this guy is definitely "for the watching" as well. He's made a habit of tip-toeing.
Click Here Click Here
Obvious lift guy too.
Click Here Click Here Not sure if he's got lifts here too, but the heels look to be a good 2 inches.
Click Here

Editor Rob
he is kind of under the radar, I mean he's not quite a Downey Jr, but yeah, keep an eye on this guy.
If he's wearing those kind of boots on Tudors like in scenes with Cavill or Callum Blue, maybe he is nearer 5ft 8!
See him With those two
chrissss said on 2/Feb/14
176cm, or a fraction over it, max 177cm,
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jan/14
Looks a bit taller than Cruise in MI3, seems about right.
Kate said on 28/Dec/13
Looks at least 177 cm to me. Great actor, very handsome too.
Sarah said on 3/Dec/13
Looks 5'9"- 5'10" on Dracula.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/13
LOL elevator sandals, made in NYC..
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/13
5'9" range, I'm not sure he is quite as low as 175, I'd guess he was more 177cm, 5'9.5". I think he's a good friend of Colin Farrell, I can't remember how they looked in Alexander, you know the film in which Farrell had that dodgy looking blond mullet! I'd image that Farrell just edged him out. Yeah he looks like your typical drug-addled rock star, very thin with that wild look in his eyes. He looks more like an Indie rock star or model than an actor.
Shaun said on 23/Oct/12
Troubled guy, you can see by the look in his eyes. Doesn't look under 5 ft 9 but he wears boots a lot.
Chris said on 7/Feb/12
He's very insecure about his height, I think he's 5'8.5 (174 cms). Next to Travolta who looks 5'11 - 5'11.5 range nowadays:
Click Here
Dave said on 5/Feb/12
For those guy's who are stating he looked 5'10 to 5'11 next to John Travolta in 'From Paris with Love', did you ask yourselfs why?...Did you actually see the whole movie?...otherwise i would suggest to see the movie again...very carefully...and you'll notice that he wears boots with at least 2 inch heels.
ano said on 24/Nov/11
another guy is exclusively in lifts... doesn't seem to accept that it's normal for people to be below average height!! 5'8.5 at the most!
Legend said on 31/Aug/11
Looks like the guy below me never heard of movie trickery, including lifts and angles. This guy is 5'9 max and probably less.
Jed said on 28/Aug/11
There is no way is this guy under 5'10. 'from Paris with love' makes this pretty obvious.
Legend said on 27/Aug/11
He's 5'9 flat or less
ACG said on 9/Aug/11
Terryman says on 17/Jul/11
he looked 1,79-80 meters next to john travolta in 'from paris with love'
That's because he probably IS.
Terryman said on 17/Jul/11
he looked 1,79-80 meters next to john travolta in 'from paris with love'
Legend said on 26/Jun/11
He's 5'9 at the very most. What a tip-toer smh
C. said on 6/Jun/11
Looks about the same height as Keira Knightley in Bend it Like Beckham in football practice scenes (meaning she's in football boots). So yep. He's about 5'7-8". Definitely NOT 5'10" unless Keira was wearing 3 inch soccer boots and he was barefoot.
Keira said on 13/May/11
Johonaton is around 5'11. I met him at London and he was 5'11 or just above.
Maximus Meridius said on 4/May/11
Saying he is 5ft 7in is like saying brad pitt is 5ft 8in.
Will said on 2/May/11
Rhys Meyers is 5'10 1/2".
:) said on 18/Apr/11
In tudors he stands by Joss Stone being pretty much the same height or an inch or two taller but she is like 6ft and there is no way he is over 5'11! I'm only 13 and 5'7 and I hope he's not below 5'9!
TheVerve180 said on 31/Mar/11
5ft9 to 5ft10 is average. He is 5ft9. Simple as that folks.
xkon said on 25/Mar/11
He is standing on his tiptoes next to 5ft10 Rebecca Hall. She is probably close to 6ft in her heels.
Click Here
Click Here
J said on 10/Mar/11
I've met him at a party and he's shorter than me and I'm 5'8.
Sam said on 11/Jan/11
Charlie, you calculated 5.9 feet to centimetres which is different to 5 ft 9 inches -5.9 feet =179cm 5 feet 9 INCHES - 175cm
M.C.A. says on 15/Dec/10
Charlie Vic: with all respect, I don´t want to contradict you, but that info. is wrong. You should check it out again; 5´9 is around 1,75.4 mt..
charlie Vic says on 8/Dec/10
I've checked, 5ft9 = 1m 79cm 8mm.
Viper said on 7/Jan/11
last I checked 5'9.1 is exactly average
Stephanie said on 6/Jan/11
5' 9" is tiny? No, it's a little below the average height for a man; men average at 5' 9 1/2" to 5' 10". He's well within the normal range. If he were 3' 9" then I'd agree he is tiny, but not 5' 9".
eric said on 2/Jan/11
I must be missing something here. Isn't posing for a picture while standing on your tiptoes when the camera reveals that stance rather absurd? I don't know if he is 5'8". 5'9" or 5'10", I'm just saying this is bizarre behavior.
maximus meridius said on 25/Dec/10
He is defiantly 5ft 10in he looked taller in bend it like beckham about 6ft at least he must have wore nike max trainers nike max trainers make people look taller they add 2 inches he looks taller because of his slim build.
M.C.A. said on 15/Dec/10
Charlie Vic: with all respect, I don´t want to contradict you, but that info. is wrong. You should check it out again; 5´9 is around 1,75.4 mt..
charlie Vic said on 8/Dec/10
I've checked, 5ft9 = 1m 79cm 8mm.
JRM is heights 1m80.
Click Here
Bon said on 2/Dec/10
I think he's just a good 5'8"
Larry said on 31/Oct/10
5 9 seems fair maybe a little less maybe a little more, but i don't think more than an inch on either end
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/10
he is defiantly 5ft 10in he looks taller due to his slim build in bend it like beckham he looked 6ft he must have either wore lifts in his trainers to appear 2 inches taller or wore nike air max trainers nike hair max trainers make people look taller
Clay said on 7/Jul/09
Lucas if you are at least 5'11 than the person who thought you were 5'7 must be partly blind.
orangy said on 6/Jun/09
@Jay. That girl you saw with him was probably his girlfriend, Reena Hammer. I always thought he was taller too because he's so thin. Not a bad actor though.
Jay said on 4/Jun/09
Saw him today shopping with a petit Asian girl. From the distance he looks 5ft 11 but up close he is 5ft 9. He acts strange, always moves his head back and forth like a chicken when he talks.
Lucas said on 19/Apr/09
at independent models they're claim is that he is 5'10.5 but this seems unlikely considering he always appears to be shorter. but you never know
Lara said on 23/Mar/09
I think he's like 5"8. He did not seem much taller than Keira Knightley in Bend it like Beckham, and she wasn't even standing perfectly straight at any point in the film.
MD said on 1/Feb/09
There is no way to tell of the footwear, here (though, I think it's safe to say knowing what they usually wear that they are probably BOTH in boots), but here he is with both a straight-standing and a slouched Olivier Martinez (given 5'8.5", here):
Click HereClick Here5'9" would be the absolute top of the scale for Rhys Meyers.
BTW, please always remember that he's not above wearing boots like this:
Click Here
NYCGal said on 31/Jan/09
I just met him yesterday at an event. I'm 5'6", with my heels, about 5'8". He is between 5'9"-5'10". Real sweetie!!
In Shock said on 12/Oct/08
How can he be that short.I thought he was way taller.
howie day said on 6/Oct/08
he was taller than cruise in mission imposible on his this seems about right
Jota said on 2/Oct/08
If he is 5'9'' then Scarlett Johansson is 175 and she is listed as 163 just look at him at Match Point.I don't understand why people have to lie about thier heigh.
Lucas said on 15/Sep/08
It is amazing the height discrepancies people estimate. I'm at least 5'11 maybe 6'0 at a pinch and have been estimated between 5'7 and 6'1 . I'm V skinny like jonathan. I think it very much depends on the person wether being skinny makes you look taller or shorter. Sometimes being bulkier makes you look more imposing. Jonathan looks thin but quite toned/muscular maybe has best of both worlds looking more imposing and having a long inseam.
Anonymous said on 15/Sep/08
It is amazing the height discrepancies people estimate. I'm at least 5'11 maybe 6'0 at a pinch and have been estimated between 5'7 and 6'1 . I'm V skinny like jonathan. I think it very much depends on the person wether being skinny makes you look taller or shorter. Sometimes being bulkier makes you look more imposing. Jonathan looks thin but quite toned/muscular maybe has best of both worlds looking more imposing and having a long inseam.
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/08
In that Hugo XX XY commercial, the model with him, Bette Franke, is 5'11"
Click HereIt's obvious that he was wearing lifts or something, in that ad he was at least two inches taller than her.
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/08
benj, i have to disagree with you on that. i'm a slim guy, 5'8 and change, 140 or so, and i get 5'9 - 5'10 estimates pretty regularly (and i guess i can manage those heights depending on footwear). my guess is he's in the same boat i am: shortish in reality, get's away with looking pretty average at times by having a long inseam for his height and being super slim.
Leung said on 24/Aug/08
Rob, those high heels easily outdo anything in Sly
Editor Rob said on 22/Aug/08
In Tudors look at the footwear he's raided from Stallone's wardrobe:
Click Here
Lmeister said on 14/Jul/08
Click Here Pretty interesting picture...
passing by said on 9/Jul/08
i just saw 'The Children Of Huang Shi' and he looked only 1.5~ 2 inch shorter than the HongKong actor(Yun Fat Chow) who was a solid 6 footer in his good days. He does look around 5.10 inches compared to the chinese actor.
benj said on 25/May/08
He is slim, that can make you look taller on film but in real life if your slight people assume your a lot shorter than you are. I'm 5'10 and a half and lots of people think i'm around 5'8.
Leung said on 31/Mar/08
Jeans tucked into boots is something you would only see women do. This guy has always seemed feminine to me so I
anonymous said on 30/Mar/08
check out his new pair of boots.
Click Here
6footkate said on 30/Mar/08
too short for me but he is stunning and has a great, unique singing/speaking voice. im like in love with this man
Jota said on 18/Mar/08
this guy is 170-173 see him in match point next to scarlett he looks very small
Shawn Jones said on 30/Jan/08
I've noticed he looks fairly short in Match Point, and has a penchant for high-heeled footwear from all the events he's at. Check this clip out. Right after he comes out, Regis asks him if those are cowboy boots he's wearing. My guess is he's a weak 5'9.
Click Here
Marcus said on 22/Oct/07
Well, quite true. I'm just wondering Bette Frank's true height (Jonathan's co-model). She is listed as 178-180 cm tall, but she's clearly shorter than him. Even with heels. I don't think Jonathan is wearing lifts in that ad, though (and besides it wouldn't help that much)...
Possibly her agency is lieing about her height...And a lot.
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
marcus modelling isn't that strict, his height doesn't transalate onto his pictures for Hugo boss so why wouldn't they use him.
vandam said on 21/Oct/07
annie: no offense taken ! he gave a glimps of how he was or looked but he did not nail it ! theres was in the past other that were way better than him like Micheal st-gerard (same height and better looking ) , one of the best ones on tv that did him .
Click Here
Annie said on 21/Oct/07
Pardonez-moi, Monsieur suis fran
Marcus said on 19/Oct/07
Funny that they chose him as the new face of Hugo Boss...So, I guess it's easy to lie about your height in modeling business? Or is it only with the catwalk models that you have to be atleast 5'11''?
vandam said on 18/Oct/07
TJ : you are right I did watch every show he ever did , and I rarely found any ITA or actor be able to sound or even move like him , he had a rare charisma that is impossible to copy ! and Meyers not saying he is a bad actor but did not do Elvis good ! elvis did not look like that nor moved like that ! and Annie who cares what the term is !!! you knew what I meant and english is not my first language i'm french so doing the best I can and my age is 35 , been listening , reading , studying elvis since i'm 5 years old .
TJ said on 17/Oct/07
Annie, I am a huge Elvis fan and Meyers most certainly doesn't have the energy or charisma of Elvis. I don't think vandam's age is relevant. You might have watched his early shows, but vandam probably owns them all and has watched them repeatedly ;-)
Annie said on 16/Oct/07 old are you? I was old enough to watch Elvis' first live TV appearance and had never seen Rhys-Meyers before watching first part of Elvis. He blew me away with the same kind of charisma and rawness Elvis displayed in the early days. Oh and the term is not "lipsing". Look it up.
Watch him in "Match Point", "The Tudors" or "Velvet Goldmine"..May not be tall, but definitely electric and extremely talented 5'7" more. I'm 6" female and do not care if he's short..only if he's a good actor.
myspace celebrity said on 1/Oct/07
mightbe 5'10, especially next to 5'2 reese witherspoon and 5'4 scarlett johanson
vandam said on 26/Sep/07
scott: awesome as Elvis ??? he does not even know how to lipsing ! to short to be elvis and was not natural at it , it shows he did not have respect for elvis cause he blew it ! any real elvis fan thinks this ! bad casting
scott said on 24/Sep/07
he was awesome as elvis 5'9 is a great average height good for him i think he looks 5'9.5
Anonymous said on 16/Sep/07
he looks preety tall because he is very thin !!thought he might be 5 11 or 6
but it turns out to be that i was wrong!hes only 5 9
anonymous no-name said on 7/Sep/07
He wears big boots/dress shoes a lot. though in Bend it Like Beckham he looks to be about 2" taller than 16-year-old Keira Knightley (had she reached 5'7" by then?) And he does look about 7" taller than Parminder Nagra, and they are all in similar footwear (football/soccer boots). I'd say 5'8"-5'9" is correct. In Match Point I remember him appearing quite short? But maybe that was just because the actors playing the brother and sister were both quite tall?
Brah said on 6/Sep/07
Tom Cruise in MI3 was wearing big boots though. He was 2 inches taller than 5'7" Michelle Monaghan and not that much shorter than Ving Rhames. If Rhys-Meyers was taller than Cruise, that makes him 5'9ish.
vandam said on 14/Aug/07
he is way to short to be in the role of elvis saw the series last night he looks 5feet 7 , dont get why he was casted , no moves , bad hair , had no charisma this guy was the worst casting ever , doesnt even look close to him !!!
Yitzhak said on 8/Aug/07
He's about half an Inch taller than Tom Cruise in MI3.
He's about 6-7 inches taller than the Indian girl in bend it like beckham, who is 5'1 and a bit more than 5'7 keira Knightley.
This guy is probabaly 172 CM (5'7.5 ft)
MD said on 11/Apr/07
If Cillian Murphy is 5'8" than Jonathan has to be taller than listed:
Click Here
But, then again, I don't think Cillian is 5'8".
Chris said on 6/Apr/07
just luk at him walkin beside Keira Knightly in Bend it like beckham....
she's 5'7''...i bet he's not more than 5'8''
P. Smith said on 1/Feb/07
He was doing an interview for "The Tudors" his new tv series, where he will be
playing King Henry VIII. He said "they could of cast some six-foot blonde guy."
I read people on a forum saying he is six foot (like Elvis). That is pretty ridiculous.
busek1004 said on 7/Nov/06
his profile says that he's 5'10' . and he looks taller than tom cruise on still cut from "Mission Impossible 3".
z1 said on 8/Sep/06
He's clearly 5'8", not an inch shorter or taller. Look at him standing next to 5'7" (maybe 5'6") Cillian Murphy...
Click Here
MOF said on 22/Apr/06
Next to 6'2 Matthew Goode in Match Point he just about reached his nose. 5'9 is a maximum, probably somewhat less...
Stiffelio said on 10/Mar/06
Just saw Match Point and I thought that Jonathan looked quite small framed, not much taller than Scarlet Johansson. I'd say 5ft 8in at the most.
Editor Rob said on 7/Mar/06
"Slim and five foot seven inches tall" - Irish Times in 1996.
trueheight said on 24/Feb/06
he looked about an inch taller than Keira Knightly in Bend it Like Beckham, kinda of a slight guy
nrc said on 18/Nov/05
I stood next to him for some time at a cocktail party last night. I was with my boyfriend, who's a little over 5'11", and Jonathan looked the same height, if not slightly taller. We were both very surprised; based on his movies, we thought he'd be much, much shorter. He may have been wearing lifts, but if he wasn't, he's at least 5'10".
Tanzi said on 1/May/05
I've read that he is actually 5'8'', which seems to be more accurate based on pictures of him standing next to his co-stars. He is a slim guy though, and this could give him the illusion of being taller than he really is.