Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Apr/23
Editor Rob: On Picard he really did still look a decent 6ft 2, taller than Todd Stashwick an easy inch.
...and Todd by your estimation looked a decent 6ft1 up close. It could really be a case of Frakes currently being 6ft2¼ (6ft3¼ peak) and Dorn 6ft1¾ (6ft2¾ peak)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Mar/23
I wonder if Frakes can still clear 6ft2 if measured.
Click Here
Recent shot of him and Michael Dorn. I reckon Michael is maybe hovering somewhere within 6ft1½-2 zone while Jonathan still holds 6ft2 at his low and might just wriggle past it a fraction. Neither of these guys are looking 6ft3 anymore, that much is obvious. I think Michael was a weak 6ft3 peak and Jonathan arguably a strong one (steep round up to 6ft4 - might have first thing)

Editor Rob
On Picard he really did still look a decent 6ft 2, taller than Todd Stashwick an easy inch.
5'7 and a fraction said on 17/Feb/23
If he stood up straight I can see 6'2.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/23
May well have got 6ft3½ earlier in the day once and rounded that to 6ft4.
I wouldn't go under 6ft3 peak.
berta said on 24/Jan/23
did look tall on star trek. under 6´3 peak is hard to argue. Well 190 is possible but nothing under that. Very legit 6´3 and maybe measured in the morning at 192 and rounded that to 6´4. Only strange thing is that old clip with terry o quinn. both inside both on level ground, both with good posure and it wasnt that mutch difference. terrys 6 foot claim takes this guy to at the very most 6´2. But i really think terry was 6´1 at peak so lets give joanthan 6´3
Robbe said on 22/Jan/23
Same fan with Jonathan, and Joonas Suotamo
Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/22
WHAT a mammoth 🦣 guy! I had no idea that I was watching all of 6ft3 when I had The Next Generation on; my friend Bert got me into the new Star Treks. I remember it was under protest as I wanted to watch another side while they were on, but I enjoyed them ALL!
Funny that….. my little Mum became an avid watcher of the original series, which I would watch with her, of course. I’m sure she would have enjoyed the offshoot Star Trek series - each and every one - just as I did. All the new ones were littered with stars, which to this day, I spot in all manner of films, which I find quite fascinating. I can’t say the same about Jonathan though, but then he is a director, which is so impressive.
Yes, the Star Treks were strewn with talent.
Jonathan gets 6ft3 for his peak and an inch less today.
6'4" Leprechaun said on 30/Apr/22
I use to watch Beyond Belief:Fact or Fiction. That was 1997 and 1998, so Frakes was still in his peak. He's no more than 6'1" in 2012, so his peak was 6'1.5". Christopher Llyod was 6' peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/22
6ft4 in shoes peak
Chadvi said on 10/Oct/21
He was definitely taller than Ben Affleck
Bobbyh3342 said on 31/Aug/21
Canson agreed, i think he is in ben afflecks range 6.2.5 range , but as i say it is just a guess, because i have never met him, but he just does not strike me as a strong barefoot 6'3 guy(when in his prime) most legit 6'3 guys in hollywood claim 6'5, so im skeptical,,,,
Canson said on 26/Aug/21
@Bobbyh3342: I think he was calling his height in shoes before. Maybe 6’3 peak which he looked
Bobbyh3342 said on 26/Aug/21
classic strong 6'2 guy that reaches 6'3.5give or take in shoes so he rounds up and says 6'4 , great actor, great show,, but 6'4 not a chance 6'3.5 not a chance, 6'3 was possible but unlikely id say he was like ben affleck range,,,,,,,
Chadvindly said on 30/Apr/21
Rob, Riker 6ft4 or not, you got to admit tng was one of the best shows ever.

Editor Rob
Next Gen in HD is definitely worth re-watching...still one of the best Sci-Fi series ever made.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Mar/21
I used to think he was a legit 6ft4 but then I thought Dorn was over 6ft3 himself....the more I look at old Next Gen episode, around the 6ft3 mark for Frakes is fair and he is looking shorter these days
Darrenreed said on 22/Feb/21
Rob, what so you think Frakes height was in s1 of tng. I could believe close to 6'4, yeah he did look shorter later on.

Editor Rob
when I rewatched it, I wasn't convinced he could be 6ft 4, although at times did look over 6ft 3
Whostaller said on 17/Jan/21
Hi Rob. I have been watching the star trek episodes a lot recently. A couple of things I have noticed are that Frakes is not just a tiny bit taller than Dorn. The difference is actually about 1.5 inch or more when Frakes rally stands tall.
Frakes is always trying to look shorter. Picard is way shorter and I guess the height difference is too much despite Picard wearing height boosting shoes. Frakes always has very poor deliberate posture to reduce this height difference. He slightly bends the knees, hunches slightly and a bit side ways and also his neck is almost never really straight. He still looks 6'2 or taller doing this.
He was a tall man. I would think 190/191cm peak. Nowadays 189cm.

Editor Rob
I had done a rewatch myself a few years ago and at times he could look similar but overall I do think was taller than Dorn, just a question exactly how much.
Davept said on 21/Aug/20
Can you change Frake's peak height to 6'3.25-.5? Never thought he was ever 6'4 but if you look at Frakes in season 1 of THG he looked taller before he had back problems.
HeightRealist said on 24/Jun/20
Looks like a weak 6'3 at his peak. De
Lancie was half an inch or more taller. Michael Dorn was about 0.75 of an inch shorter.
De Lancie 191cm
Frakes 189cm
Dorn 187cm
Jug said on 6/Jun/20
I think closer to 6'2.5 for a peak compared to James Cromwell in Star Trek: First Contact. Cromwell was 6'7 right? Frakes really looks about 6'2 next to him in that film.
Jkiller said on 18/Jan/20
Peak height was right over 6'3, nowadays a weak 6'2.
Nik Ashton said on 29/Sep/19
I like it that he once said: "Thank you! I am 6'4"!
miko said on 30/Jun/19
Given his back injuries I suppose its possible he might have been a touch taller before his Star Trek fame. He looked a genuine solid 6'2/weak 6'3 guy most of the time during 1987-1994 series.
Given he's 66 now, and inch loss is expected I guess, and given his poor posture he probably looks more 6'1.5 a lot of the time.

Editor Rob
There was an episode of star trek once with matt frewer, I think his character said to Frakes he looked taller in person.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Apr/19
@ Monkey Knees - That tall people like Jonathan tend to adopt worse postures as they grow older is a viable point. Does anyone think that it happens as a result of bending down to listen to shorter people?
I haven't noticed anything wrong with Jonathan's posture myself, but what Monkey said doesn't necessarily apply purely to the older among us. I know I remember discussing this some time ago, but it's worth mentioning again: one of my boyfriend's step-daughters, who was exactly 6ft in her teen years, had a best friend some 11" smaller than she was, and the constant bending down was beginning to affect her whole posture at her tender years, but my fella jolted her into action, and made her walk as tall as she stood and be proud of it.
Perhaps there are a few drawbacks being very tall after all....
I always enjoyed watching Jonathan on Star Trek's Next Generation and remember him to be well above average in an interesting and thoroughly diverse cast of fascinating actors.
6ft3 peak; 6ft2 today's height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Mar/19
Looked a decent 6ft3 range peak
Matt6'5" said on 25/Dec/18
He was in the booth next to me at Indianapolis ComicCon this past March. He stood about 10 fy from us. I’m 6’5” an I was expecting him to be much larger (both in frame and stature) but would say 6’2” tops today. I was surprised, but at 66, I suppose he’s in that phase where height loss occurs.
Monkey knees said on 24/Sep/18
Horrible posture, but age plays a huge factor on tall guys. 6ft2 now seems spot on. Id go 6ft3.25 late 80s peak.
Lamont Cranston said on 4/Jul/18
1. Really nice guy, met him at a trade show.
2. Poor, poor posture. You could tell there was a difference in his height from just standing around, talking to people, and probably what he would be if he stood up, or practiced yoga on a regular basis...or at least had someone coaching him, or training him...
I would place him between 6'-6'1" these days...
Nik said on 1/Apr/18
6'2" seems right!
Alexandra said on 28/Mar/18
I met him very recently at an event where I had multiple opportunities to see him up close for periods of time. He is a big guy, not just tall but solid, whereas many actors are quite thin. I think he's a legit 6-3 or close to it. My son is a little under 6-3 and Frakes is taller. He is definitely over 6-2, and I think he really could have been 6-4 in his youth. Michael Dorn was about an inch shorter.
berta said on 10/Dec/17
peak 190-190,5, around 2005 i guess he was around 189,5 by 2010 barely 189, 2013 188,5 and now barely 188.
JordanG said on 5/Dec/17
I'll be honest, I've never really been a fan of Star Trek so I've never really checked the cast member heights but I'm shocked at this guy's height. Always assumed he'd be around 5'8-5'11' :O
John Davis said on 21/Jul/17
Alot taller than I thought he was
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/17
6ft4 in shoes is believable. May have scraped it out of bed but it's quite unlikely that's what he's claiming it off...
HeightMan said on 19/Jul/17
On a binge TNG rewatch right now. I just do not see 6'4''. I'd say between 191 and 189 from morning to evening.

Editor Rob
I think he seemed to get a bit shorter after first season, maybe posture wise he didn't hold himself as tall, but 6ft 4 barefoot seems too much on the show.
Canson said on 15/Jun/17
Peak 6'2+ today 6'1.5-6'2
World Citizen said on 24/May/17
He looks no taller than 6'1"
Sandy Cowell said on 12/May/17
@ Rob - Yes, I agree that the extra bit of weight did interfere with the appearance of his height a bit!
Sandy Cowell said on 10/May/17
Good grief! Is Jonathan really as tall as that? I'll have to take a better look next time I see him in 'The Next Generation' version of 'Star Trek', which is always being shown on some channel or other!
I have noticed that he's stocky! Does that count? Probably not, but it can make him look a teensy weensy bit shorter!
I'll have to go with the flow then! 6ft3 peak and 6ft2 now! Mission complete!

Editor Rob
having rewatched a few seasons I think earlier on he had a more solid 6ft 3 look, but by season 4-5 he had a bit of weight and could look under 6ft 3 on a number of occasions.
Jordan87 said on 4/Apr/17
Looks about 6'1.5" with Rob more or less now that I look at it again. Not 6'4" at Peak But at 60 years Old with Rob, could have been around an inch taller in his prime.
Sonnecker said on 22/Feb/17
I see him now at 189 cm, with a good posture. In ST:Next Generation he appeared 190/191 cm or 6'3" to me,
like Rob says too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Feb/17
I can't accept anything less than 6ft3 peak
berta said on 20/Feb/17
this guy was barely taller than bruce campbell in 2016 i think he is no gtaller than 187 now. peak about 190
Bambi said on 19/Feb/17
This guy was listed in 1987 newspapers as 6 ft 4, and he really looked the part. In a 1993 interview in Chicago Tribune he said he weighed 200 pounds when he first started filming Star Trek in the 80's. So his lean strapping physique probably made him appear even taller. I'll give him a 6 ft 3-1/2 peak height when he was younger.
berta said on 17/Feb/17
he really didnt looks taller than at most 189 with 184 terry o quinn but most of the time he could looke littel over 190. but with terry its evidence that he was at most 191 and chas that he was probably little under ut. toda y i dont know
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Oct/16
Rob, would this guy edge out the likes of Richard Brakes or Nathan Fillion?
I get a similar vibe in this picture

Editor Rob
I think he is still near 6ft 2 range, I thought he was about that range, taller than brakes.
Aza said on 11/Oct/16
He looks taller against as compared with Michael Dorrn pic so think the listing is accurate.

Editor Rob
Frakes up close has lost a bit of height, I think from watching the first couple of seasons of next generation I couldn't buy him at his claimed 6ft 4, just didn't seem to be that tall.
Jordan87 said on 3/Oct/16
Around 6'1 with Rob More or Less.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Sep/16
182cm, now that is funny. No less than 6ft2 today and no less than 6ft3 peak
berta said on 8/Jun/16
nowing that o Quinn qwas never taller than 184 and looking at their photo together i would say this guy was 189,5 -190 peak and now maybe 188,5. Its funny that some people say they are shorter than they are and most that they are taller. My grandfather told my dad he was 182. my dad who i have measured 188,2 stod back to back with him and there was 1 cm between them. Thats was when my grandfather was around 65-70 years old. If he would have stood beside frakes in this photo they would have looked about the same height. And one guy says 182 and the ontehr 193
Charles said on 13/Feb/16
I worked at LAX in the early 90's as a gare agent and met him twice. One i was right next to him. I'm a fraction over 6'1" and he seemed about 6'3" or skightly less. Also not as big or broad as he looked on the show. As a fan i complimented him on the show and he was extremely gracious
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Oct/15
Edged out Dorn...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/15
I think 6ft3½(192cm) prime is closer than a flat 6ft3.
He had close to 1in on Michael Dorn (6ft2½-3)
Yaspaa said on 30/May/15
He's slim and has immaculate posture in TNG, but compared with some guest actors, he looks 6'3 max. Probably 6'2.5 and Worf an inch under that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/15
He really did look near 6ft4 on The Next Generation.
Shocker knowing he's 1in shorter than me now.

Editor Rob
I watched some early episodes and really I wouldn't put him over 6ft 3 now.
FlameBoy said on 7/Feb/15
if you measured him right now at night he would measure 188.3cm i GUARANTEE
Judd said on 22/Jan/15
Peak: 6'3"
Today: 6'2-2.25"
Shredo said on 21/Dec/14
I would say Rikers a strong 6'2 nowadays
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Nov/14
Rob, did he look taller than Michael Dorn?

Editor Rob
both around 6ft 2 I think, not as tall as 6ft 3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Nov/14
Rob, what was he like in person?

Editor Rob
he was quite pleasant, but never seen him that much.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Oct/14
Frakes looks a solid 6ft4 in that photo if Dorn was 6ft3
Ace said on 23/Oct/14
A picture of both Frakes and Dorn in their primes:
Click Here
Despite being farther from the camera, Frakes looks a good bit taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Oct/14
Yeah, nowhere near that mark today. In The Next Generation he could look it at times though. Certainly no less than 6ft3 at that time...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Sep/14
Did Frakes suffer back injuries, Rob?

Editor Rob
no idea, but he's visibly nowhere near 6ft 4 in person
Danimal said on 23/Sep/14
He's already lost a full inch Rob?
Tommo said on 28/Jul/14
How tall is that guy Rob? With Gunn and Frakes.

Editor Rob
looks in between 6ft 4 and 5 but not seen him much
Realist said on 22/Jul/14
Max 6'2, i would'nt go beyond 187 actually.
diavolo said on 20/Jul/14
Patrick Stewart wore 2-inch lifts in Star Trek: TNG yet he was always dwarfed by Frakes.
Jordan said on 18/Jul/14
He's 6'2 on the DOT here. He was lucky to be 6'3 in his prime.
Sam said on 17/Jul/14
I think Selleck's a truer 6'4" guy than Frakes, Frakes might have had the same peak height as James Stewart and Gary Cooper.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Jul/14
Me too yeah, I always believed he was 6 ft 4. I'd thought 6'3.5-6'4" was true, much like Tom Selleck. Generally though I think a solid 6 ft 3 peak barefoot it probably more accurate. A 6'4" in shoes sort of guy I his prime but I still believed he was near it.
Brad said on 14/Jul/14
Patrick Stewart has never been over 5' 8" in his life.
Sean said on 12/Jul/14
Wow, I thought he was 6'4. Wasnt he described as 6'6 before?

Editor Rob
I think at one point in the distant past he had been described as high as that, but today he really is more 6ft 2ish in person, I do believe he's lost about an inch from the 1980's though.
James B said on 11/Jul/14
Looks like an older version of robin thick
The Horse of FUNK said on 10/Jul/14
Should help narrow down Patrick Stewart's height. Stewart has always been listed at 5'10", but I just never felt it.
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Jul/14
Not sure on his peak but looks a solid 6'2 here. Would be 6 inches if he was a bit more straight
Brad said on 9/Jul/14
As listed, had him by 4 on the nose last month.
SaveUsY2J said on 8/Jul/14
Rob, noticed your photo still isn't up here ... it slip your mind to upload it?

Editor Rob
ah, yes! I will put it up right now!
mike said on 13/Jun/14
6ft 2.5 today 6ft 3-6ft 3.5 peak
Lorne said on 9/Apr/14
Hell yeah Rob! It appears you've been updating some listings. So can't we get Dorn at 190cm now, it is the next logical step.
miko said on 29/Mar/14
Click Here
Dorn looks taller than Frakes here

Editor Rob
I just realised my own pic isn't even here, I will sort that next month! I don't ever plan on wearing a star trek uniform myself though...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Dec/13
"Peak height was 6ft 3.25in (191cm)"
Michael Dorn was maybe 190cm
Rey said on 20/Jul/13
Six two and 3/8 that the best.
Joe said on 7/Dec/12
Saw Mr. Frakes at Paramount back in 2000, very nice man. He looked a weak 6'3"--maybe 6'2" 3/4 . I don't think Michael Dorn is as tall as he listed too.
Mathew said on 25/Nov/12
Just looking at pictures of him next to random fans,he comes across more 6'2" thjn 6'4".
Yaspaa said on 24/Oct/12
He was always 6'2.5-6'3. James Cromwell was significantly taller in First Contact.
Legit 6 footer said on 18/Oct/12
Holy cow, he got downgraded :P well, I saw a picture of him on twitter. Definitely lost some height here, he looks shorter than 6'2" Mike Dorn! (Probably slouching)
Click Here
Josh B said on 13/Oct/12
Always suspected he wasn't a full 6'4 when compared with Brent Spiner
Bakura said on 5/Feb/12
Rob, just curious as to why you've bumped half an inch off him?
aaron1337 said on 29/Jan/12
Watch the first 30 seconds of this clip. He says, I am 6'4"!
Click Here
Shaun said on 6/Aug/11
I'd think he'd have to be close to 230 pounds in his prime, probably more now.
Shaun said on 6/Aug/11
Looks the exact same height as Tom Selleck to me. Spot, on weak 6'4".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jun/11
Imposing guy...could definitely pass for 6ft5. He may actually be 6ft4
TruebloodFan said on 22/May/11
Frakes is and has always been no more than 190cm. Dorn was 188-9cm. he'd dwarf Stewart if he was 192cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/May/11
Looks really close to 6"4...no less than the listed height
I think he may be 6"3.75(192cm)
Aaron said on 16/Feb/11
I'd say he looks between 6'3" and 6'4" on the Arsenio Hall show. He clearly has a good 4-5 inches on 5'10-5'11" Arsenio Hall.
Click Here
MOF said on 6/Feb/11
Not a very reliable picture, the ground they stand on is probably very uneven. You can see the hillside behind them, Frakes is standing on higher ground.
Gary said on 13/Jan/11
Gotta be at least 6'5"
See this pic with James Cromwell (6'7")
Click Here
tallerthanyou said on 6/Jan/11
Idjiots. 5'10".25 Are you kidding. Can you really tell the difference between 5'10".25 and 5'10".75?
Shaun said on 29/Dec/10
Always looked very similar in height to Tom Selleck, 6'3.5" spot on.
Shaun said on 29/Dec/10
Marc says on 28/Oct/10
THAT is my dream to be 6'4" have black hair and blue eyes like Jonathan does.
Yeah I know what you mean, I think 6'4", muscular with black hair and blue eyes is an ideal but I wouldn't want to look like Jonathan. It is very rare though to have all of those straits...
Marc said on 28/Oct/10
It seems that while Frakes is listed as 6'4 Michael Dorn is listed as 6'2"
and even not counting the makeup why does Worf always look taller than Riker?
THAT is my dream to be 6'4" have black hair and blue eyes like Jonathan does.
I do have black hair and green eyes and am only 5 7.5 inches tall.
Even though everyone has always known me as good looking
Click Here
I wish I was 6'4" like all the time.
sidewinder said on 24/Jun/09
192 is accurate nowdays. And I think Dorn is about 191-190
Your Name said on 22/May/09
Worked with him to long ago. He is a big man, strong shoulders, gut who give the impression of being really tall. Especially when standing next to short cast & crew. There was finally a time when we were standing a couple of feet away on the same level ground. If he 6'3.5 than I must be 6'6 with shoes. I am exactly 6'3.5 and I could look down on him. He's about 6'1 or 6'2 at the most. If he is my height than I get the reward for better posture.
sidewinder said on 15/Apr/09
I think Frakes is a solid 6'4 if not a little taller (194).
Rusty said on 13/Apr/09
Based on that photo, it looks like hes aquired a beergut.
Ray said on 9/Jan/09
nice photo imright. I think Rob is spot on here...he looks 6'3.5".
IMRIGHT said on 28/Dec/08
me with him at new york and im 6 foot flat
Click Here
Dave said on 8/Oct/08
Yeah, again killing me. I'd take him at his word more or less. I always thought he was 6'3", but depending on who's talking some round up some round down. I, for example, am 6'4.5" and I usually say 6'5" just because it takes time to say 6'4" and a half and I don't want to round down. I'd say he's probably 6'3.5" and rounds up. Good job here.
Yaspaa said on 26/Jul/08
One extreme to another here.
Chris said on 26/Jul/08
If Frakes is 6'4" then I am 6'2". In reality I'm 5'11" and I met Frakes today, stood right next to him at Comic Con, he has just about exactly two inches on me so he's 6'1"
Yaspaa said on 23/Jul/08
6'4 in his shox.
TaxedMainer said on 2/Jun/08
Frakes has come into where I work a few times, and I have talked to him, one time at length. I am 6'1" and he is well above me. Nice guy, I never told him I know who he is, never talked about Star Trek, or Movies. We just talked about our kids mostly. I never figure these guys want to hear the usual convention crap when they are out around town. I don't think Midcoast Maine is big trekkie area anyway, probably why he lives here.
Da Man said on 20/May/08
Frakes never gave the impression of a 6'4" guy. I would put money on the fact that he is under 6'3" in his stocking feet.
Theatredistrict NYC said on 18/May/08
Frakes must have toward over you Arnie he already is big to begin with tall and broad framed , he looks large and imposing on Star Trek TNG he must be a solid 6'3.75 .
Arnie said on 14/May/08
I once had the pleasure of meeting Mr Frakes at a Star Trek convention , Id say the man is a monster , but that also may be due to the fact that Iam way shorter than avarage at 4'9 and a half you "short fellows" think at 5'2, 5'3 or 5'4 your a short man take a walk in my shoes please, but anyway Frakes was a true gentleman at the convention , I would say he looks just about 6'3 and a half with shoes on.
' fellas think 5'3 is short for a man then step in my shoes, , but any way Frakes was a nice fellow and id bet hes about 6'3 and a half, with his shoes on.
Yaspaa said on 6/May/08
Woh,looks like James Cromwell is 6'10 now!
Langelo said on 5/May/08
Bill, why should Frakes lie about his height? He's definitely 6'4". I estimated him 6'5".
Yaspaa said on 14/Apr/08
6'4 is doubtful even if James is at his peak 6'6.5
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 11/Mar/08
Well that makes James Cromwell 6'9.
Brotha said on 11/Mar/08
I've seen him up close at the Billagio in Vegas last summer, he's 6'4" without shoes.
Yaspaa said on 7/Mar/08
He looks 4-5" shorter than James Cromwell in First Contact
Clark said on 16/Feb/08
I met Frakes twice. Maybe the top of his hair is 6'4", but he is 6'3" and Michael Dorn is about 6'2".
Georgy said on 18/Jan/08
Yea right, Frakes always towers over Stewart and i don remember a single seen where they were eye to eye
It never seemed liked they hid the fact that frakes was taller
Bill said on 21/Dec/07
My Father in law, 6'2", was in an episode of STNG. In one scene with him, Patrick Stewart, and Frakes they stood Stewart on a box (out of camera, of course) to even up the eye level. Frakes is at least 1/2 inch to an inch taller than my Father in law. Of course he is an actor too, so he may be lying about his height!!
brotha said on 31/Aug/07
Saw Frakes in Las Vegas at the Bellagio a few weeks ago definitely in the 6'3.5" range. Very big guy, wouldn't wanna piss him off by any means.
Caesar said on 16/Jul/07
Jordan says on 22/Apr/07
MHoullion, he is 4 or 5 inches shorter than 6'6 james Cromwell in Star Trek first contact. Frakes is also only 5 inches taller than 5'9 Patrick Stewart.
Stewart wore lifts in his uniform boots on that show. This is highly evidenced in the episode where 5'11.5 Famke Janssen falls in love with him, and is an inch or two shorter than Stewart! Frakes' boots were very flat from what I understand, largely to reduce the size difference between him and Stewart.
Ray said on 16/May/07
I think Cromwell is closer to 6'7". I heard he rounds himself down a bit. Frakes is about 6'3"....which would account for the 4 inch difference.
Jordan said on 22/Apr/07
MHoullion, he is 4 or 5 inches shorter than 6'6 james Cromwell in Star Trek first contact. Frakes is also only 5 inches taller than 5'9 Patrick Stewart.
MHouillon said on 19/Apr/07
What ? Frakes on 6'3.5 now (192cm) ?
Never! Frakes is a 6'4 minimum for sure, if not 6'4.5 (194cm).
Jordan said on 19/Apr/07
He only looks 4 inches taller then 5'9-5-10 picard. I watched Star Trek: Genrations yesterday. Also 6'6 James Cromwell had 4 inches on Frakes in that movie.
Antron said on 19/Feb/07
definitely a strong 192cm at least. Looks massive next to 5foot9ish Patrick Stewart
Gabbyfan said on 14/Feb/07
There're numerous scenes of them walking down the hall together, and Frakes edges it out a bit, based on eye level. You can't judge by top of head because of Worf's headridge-of-the-week effect. Another web site claimed they were 6'6" and 6'4", respectively, but they're much closer in height to each other than that. Of course, one could have had on lift shoes, too, I'm sure the director decided on their relative height in the show.
Robert said on 13/Feb/07
He really looks like tall. I would say that he is for sure a 6-3, because he towered over everyone in star trek.
He really looks very tall.
Chaos said on 19/Dec/06
Heard him once state he was 6'2" tall but that was a long time ago, maybe he was in college at the time.
Shemp said on 16/Oct/06
I'd say Frakes is a full 6'4, and Michael Dorn might be 6'3-6'3.5. Frakes was always slightly taller, but Riker and Worf towered over evryone in TNG.
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
He looked 6'4" to me as well. At one point I was about three feet away.
TNTinCA said on 13/Aug/06
Easily 6'4". He was the tallest cast member in the original show.
Joe Teague said on 14/Jun/06
When he stands beside Stewart he's at least 1/2 a foot taller. He towers over Stewart. I own every movie and series episode of STTNG and have watched them multiple times. Riker is "at least" 6'4".
Ray said on 23/Mar/06
I saw Jonathan in Dublin in '95. I'm just under 6'2" and he was a couple of inches taller than me. Definitely 6'3" to 6'4"
MHouillon said on 13/Jan/06
Believe me, Jonathan Frakes is 194cm tall.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/05
I read on here: sizematcher.com that he was 6ft 6, but I think he only looks 6ft 2-3 maximum
MHouillon said on 29/Nov/05
On the Patrick Stewart-board someone said, Riker (Jonathan Frakes) appeared 2-3 inches (5 - 7,5 cm !!!) shorter than Worf !
Nonsense. In fact, Jonathan Frakes is about half an inch taller than Michael Dorn. Look ! http://www.kahl.net/scifi/graphics/st9crew.jpg
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/05
Billy Campbell is a definite 6'4 as he is best friends with my buddy who is also 6'4. Billy starred along side Johnathon Frakes in an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, and they were the exact same height. So I agree, Johnathon is 6'4 for sure!
Anonymous said on 2/May/05
Frakes is 6'4", like the entry says, he has stated himself that he is that height, and judging his height against your own, or watching him on TV, isn't the most reliable source!
James said on 17/Feb/05
Frakes is about 6'3" tall. I saw him at a Star Trek convention last year, and I'm 6'1", and he definitely had 2 inches on me.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/05
I am a huge trek fan, and when I've always watch the show, it doesn't seem that Frakes is 6'4. He looks to be around 6'2 at the most. When he stands next to pichard who is 5'10, can you you honestly say he is 6 inches more, more like 4 inches