How tall is Johnny Depp - Page 9

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Average Guess (498 Votes)
5ft 8.65in (174.4cm)
Felix said on 24/May/07
Upgrade Depp? Glenn talked with the wardrobe on Pirates of the Caribbean and they said 5'9 so that's maximum! He do look 5'10 sometimes but he can wear bulky shoes and sometimes as low as 5'7 like in Fear in Loathing. but he ain't 5'7 and not 5'10..5'9 morning absolutley but could be 5'8 night. :S
derbi said on 24/May/07
yes, I agree with the last few comments, I doubt he is a lift wearer, and I really think he is 5'10". He looks around 3 inches taller than stiller, and if you look at recent pictures of him with orlando bloom, you'd see that they are very close in height.
RobI really think youshould consider to upgrade depp.
Anonymous said on 24/May/07
yes treuheight i think depp is most probably above 5'9 and very likely 5'10. although i wouldnt personally say he looks 4 inches taller than stiller more lke 2.5or something. i.e pause at 2:54 to see that
trueheight said on 24/May/07
Eddie: it's so easy to say "oh he wears lifts" - evidence? some ppl just have long shins.

And as Rob's Sneaker section points out - there are very few shoes out there that give more than 1.5in - which is what regular Doc Martens give
trueheight said on 24/May/07
5'10, I say. Rob has seen clips of that film w/ 5'9 Morrow in which Depp is 1in taller. So at least 5'9 - enough w/ the 5'8 claims. He's 1in taller than Glenn in both photos.
trueheight said on 24/May/07
Andre, actually in that event - the kids choice awards, he looks almost 4in taller than Stiller. watch the video:

Click Here

at 1:01 when he's standing releatively straight, he's more than 3in taller than Stiller.
eddie said on 23/May/07
does anyone know how tall the surfboard is in the teen choice awards?
eddie said on 23/May/07
Its hard to nail down a guy's height when he uses lifts, everytime he wears the same old worn out boots, he looks 5'10. In 1994, he appeared in Jay Leno show just an inch shorter than Jay, 5'10ish. He then appeared in Jay's show for willy wonka and with the same shoes, he looked three inches shorter than Jay, 5'8ish. That picture with Snoop was durring the teen choice awards and he is wearing what appears to be doc martens, he looked 5'10ish. In the latest pirates premiere he is wearing the same old worn out boots again, he looks 5'10ish
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the last two are videos at Jay Leno show, watch the very end of each interview and you will see a height difference of 2 inches from the two shows. You can also tell when he crosses his leg where the ankle breaks, that he is wearing lifts in 1994 interview
5'9 is still the best estimate, even the pirates wardrobe told Glenn so.
I am 5'9.25 and with military boots and lifts I can be 5'11 giving an impression of 5'10. I can tell when someone wears lifts because it makes their lower leg look disproportionately longer than their thigh. The only time he really looked 5'10 to me was in the last scene of Don Juan de Marco, when he was barefoot on the beach and he still stood taller than Marlon Brando in shoes.
derbi said on 22/May/07
Everything under 5'9" is just the try to make another celeb smaller than he actually is. 5'9" could be if he was a celeb with good posture, thick soles and lifts. But actually you can see him very often slouch around in thin soled boots or dress shoes, so I think he is near 5'10". My point is good to see in the pic, lately posted on this site, with him and snoop dogg.
glenn said on 22/May/07
5-10 is very possible.
Anonymous said on 22/May/07
i have done and id say depp is looking more shy of 5'10 there. i have met jd at a premiere, and i may not have the wealth of knowledge as glenn does, but i assure u hes more than 5'8. he could have been taller than me at that premiere with his shoes off and im 5'8!
Viper said on 22/May/07
Most evidence points towards 5-9 Derbi. And Rob has him as that as well.
Andre said on 22/May/07
Johnny Depp is shy of 5ft 8in. He is 1 inch taller than Ben Stiller. They appeared together at a children's event (where Depp got gunked in goo) and presented together. Same height shoes. Look on Wireimage.
derbi said on 21/May/07
I hardly think the guy is 5'9". I suppose he tends to slouch sometimes, but actually is 5'10". Glenn, I think you could back me up on that one, right?
Anonymous said on 21/May/07
take a lookat the pirates of the caribbean 3 premiere of depp next to keith richards. he looks taller than him, and both are wearing similar bulky shoes
Brad said on 21/May/07
"A little bit shorter than Snoop Dog"? Oh my gawd. Try custom cowboy boots.
Viper said on 20/May/07
Snoop is at least 6-3.
anonymous said on 18/May/07
he's only a little bit shorter than snoop dog whose 6'2...i'd say he's 5'10 5'9...but who cares he's the most gorgeous man of all time!
Anonymous said on 17/May/07
i agree wviper there are many pics where depp actually looks even mroe than his listed height of 5'10 however eqaully there are some making him look as small as 5'7.5 so thats why i beleeive a figure such as 5'9 is actually correct
Viper said on 17/May/07
The top of Depp's head isnt just up to his nose, its up to his eyes or just past them. Depp looks a minimum of 5-10 with Snoop. Could be more 5-11 there.
trueheight said on 17/May/07
Nick, that can be explained by slouching. He does look about 5'10 when upright. Glenn's Donnie Brasco photo just looks weird, like Depp is in the middle of a stride. The left pic, Depp is slouching alot and his head is lowered. The shoulder difference alone points to 1.5in

Eddie, that photo w/ Snoop proves he is in fact close to 5'10. Felix, there is no evidence he is wearing lifts, the photo cuts off at the waist and Bloom is obviously slouching while Depp is upright for a change

Editor Rob
there's no big mystery to me, depp appears to have 1/2 inch lean in left pic, on right glenn's head is slightly closer, but the shorter photographer and closeness looks to me like it is making glenn look a little taller. I could see in early 90's probably depp with cowboy boots giving 5ft 10 impression easily
Felix said on 16/May/07
eddie - Depp is wearing lifts, he has never been that close to Orlando Blooms height either, and we are not seeing any footwear. Snoop has also a bad posture compared to Depp.
Viper said on 16/May/07
The smart money is on 5-9
eddie said on 16/May/07
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compare this pic to glenn's pic with snoop dogg. there is no way Depp and Glenn are the same height. Glenn's head is up to Snoop's upper lip, while Depp's head is up to Snoop's nose at least.
Nick said on 15/May/07
Depp really messes with my head, picture evidence against other poeple he looks 5'8, yet, he looks at least 5'9 - 5'10.

being 5'10 myself, i feel average height, but people of about 5'8 tend to look short, even if they're skinny.

Most celebs here i can at least try to estimate... but depp, myabe an kind of illusion on screen that makes 5'85 look taller?
Raoul Holland said on 11/May/07
that he gives the illusion of being tall is surely treu!!!
but i'd like that kind of behaviour, becouse i'm olso short :-)
K-T said on 10/May/07
First time I'm seeing this pic, and Depp doesn't look 5'9 at all.

He looks slightly taller than Glenn. But he has cowboy boots on.

So being that he has boots on, shouldn't he look substantially taller?
I'd put him as 5'8.
will said on 10/May/07
hmmm i perosnally think leo is taller than depp. i mean just looking at glenns evidence. for example, in both pics with glenn who we know is 5'8 depp is lookin 5'9 -5'9.5 max. With leo in one pic he is looking a good two inchers taller, probably more. i stil say depp i s a 5'9, and leo is about 5'10.5. cant see them being the same height soory
Felix said on 10/May/07
trueheight - checked it again but no they are not even close to the same height, Leonardo is slouching BIG TIME! and Johnny is wearing boots most of the time.
trueheight said on 10/May/07
no in Gilbert Grape, Leo and Depp were the same height. Leo was 5'10 back then as evidenced by the pic w/ Glenn. Check the film again, Leo and Depp are the same
Felix said on 9/May/07
will - the first pic whith Glenn and Leonardo Dicaprio is from 1993 when Gilbert Grape is done, where Leonardo Dicaprio is playing next to Johnny Depp, and their height difference isn't more than the old Glenn/Dicaprio is.
will said on 9/May/07
glenn, just seen ur pic with leonardo dicaprio.....i cant beleive how tall he looks there. that makes depp 5'9 for sure in ur pics with him.!!!
will said on 9/May/07
hmmm johnny is hard to put a lid on really. perhaps he we take a step back to look at things in a different light...if i had seen johnny depp in a picture and was asked to judge his id definatly say 5'10'', however in light of the fact he wares lifts id say the 5'9 mark is certainly more accurate. however i honestly cant see him shorter than that.
eddie said on 9/May/07
I have to agree with you UNK, in 1994 Depp was an inch shorter than Leno, in the last interview Depp was three inches shorter than Leno. That is proof that he use to wear lifts in the 90's. I guess he just doesn't care about height anymore, or like me the lifts started causing back problems. 5'9 give or take half an inch is still my best estimate. I still cant get over the fact that he stood an inch taller barefoot on the beach with Marlon Brando wearing shoes in Don Juan De Marco. Does anyone know the height of Brando in the 90's, that will really clarify Johnny's real height.
Brad said on 8/May/07
Is the new Donnie Brasco DVD edition worth getting?
UNK said on 8/May/07
Next to Rosie O'Donell and Leno he appears 5'8". Also, next to Glenn he appears 5'8"(ish).. especially since we know he had the heel height advantage in both pics.

I am starting to think a very, very weak 5'9" at most in the morning. 5'8.75" may be a more accurate listing.
glenn said on 8/May/07
i met toby last week.he appeared a shocking 5-6.depp slouches alot and appeared a shocking 5-11 in the early 90s.a man of mystery who started my whole fascination with,he was that short next to leno?
trueheight said on 7/May/07
In the photo w/ glenn on the left, Depp is looking down and still an inch taller; check out shoulder height also. If he stood staright like Glenn, it would be 2in. 5'9 in the least no doubt
trueheight said on 7/May/07
he wore .5in converse in Fear and Loathing and remember, Gilliam filmed it in a non-conventional way so the angles are all skewed. In it he looks bigger frame-wise to 5'8 Tobey Maguire.
UNK said on 7/May/07
Yeah, there are really starting to be more shots of him looking 5'8" than anything else lately.
Random Person said on 6/May/07
What the hell, in that interview with Jay Leno, Depp is in bigger shoes and is still four inches shorter then Leno. Even if Leno is 6 foot (which I doubt) that would make Depp 5'8 maximum. There is something not right about that interview at all. A 5'9 person should not look that short next to a 5'11 person.
Mombo said on 6/May/07
Glenn 5' 7" in some photos listed....which ones 5' 8"? Pirate is 5' 9". 5' 8" on TV years ago. Short man.
Anonymous said on 5/May/07
Click Here

interview w/ jay leno - check at about 3:15 into the video
Felix said on 5/May/07
Stench - yeah, he do look short, but in Fear and loathing there's a lot of tricky camera angels too...but yeah he come off short. In fear and loathing he has bad posture etc. Glenn did you notice Johnnys posture when you meet him?
Stench said on 5/May/07
hey did you see the scene in the elevator in Fear and Loathing? He does look very short compared to Cameron Diaz also
Felix said on 5/May/07
The things that makes me suspicious about Johnnys height is, The scene in Donnie Brasco when he and Anne Heche are walking to their car after their meeting at the shrink. He looks very short! He do look short in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas also compared to other people, he come off short. And last, Glenns pictures, I can't se him bigger than 5'8 in those pictures, and to all of you who think that Glenn is 5'7, FORGET ABOUT IT! :D
Nick said on 1/May/07
5'10 he would never look small, and would looks 6ft in some of the footwear he uses.... i honestly think 5'85 would be an accurate guess, 5'85 looks average on screen, and would explain how he can look quite small.
UNK said on 1/May/07
I am not suggesting Depp or Morrow has or had height hangups.. simply stating that going by any movie for heights doesn't prove much. Especailly when you really don't know the true heights of the other actors.

Moving pictures are hard to judge by.. haven't you ever looked taller or shorter in a pic or vid due to perspective, etc?

It would be hard for me to buy that Depp is any specific height based soley on any of his movies.
glenn said on 1/May/07
felix i havnt forgot you.just need a little time.
eddie said on 1/May/07
Well if you take the eye height into account. Hector Elizondo is 1 inch taller than Depp, and Depp is 1 inch taller than Morrow. 5'9 give or take half an inch is a very good estimate for Johnny Depp, don't you guys think?
trueheight said on 30/Apr/07
"Don't go by a movie." -UNK

Well, that is a 1984 film, the most professionally humble period for both Morrow and Depp - they were unknowns. Kinda like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. They couldn't afford the really have any height hangups.

I have the film on DVD and that's just 30sec out of the whole film. In it, about 70% of the Morrow/Depp scenes are barefoot and Depp consistently appears at least 1in taller than Morrow.
trueheight said on 30/Apr/07
good on you for finding that clip Rob. As for me, I always thought Morrow was 5'8. I truly believe JD is 5'9.5 or 5'10. Check out the shoulder height for both photos. And no, I don't think he is pretentious about his height - otherwise, he would not have worn .5 Converse in Fear and Loathing next to 6'2 Del Toro in boots.

JD is average 5'9 to 5'10 and has always appeared average in all his films. He hasn't the perfect posture either, he's a bad slouch in publicity photos and interviews.
Mike said on 30/Apr/07
Thanks, Viper.
I also thought that 5-11 is still in the average range, but closer to the taller ones than the shorter ones.
Felix said on 30/Apr/07
Glenn I would love to hear your Johnny Depp history! :D
UNK said on 30/Apr/07
Don't go by a movie. His hair is way higher than Morrow and he appears to be standing with better posture. Also, when taking his hair into play, he doesn't appear that much taller... and do we realy know how tall Morrow is?

All I am saying is that Private Resort is not good evidence to prrof he is 5'10".

On the other hand, It makes it hard to say he is under 5'8".
Viper said on 30/Apr/07
5-11 is still average, but on the tall side of average. If your 6-0 or over you are tall in America.
Mike said on 29/Apr/07
Glenn, is 5-11 tall or average?
Gotxo said on 29/Apr/07
But then in the youtube link Rob posted both Morrow and Depp are smaller than Hector Elizondo (Depp being slighlty, yet smaller) who's billed 5'10".
I would dare to say he's slightly over 5'9".
eddie said on 29/Apr/07
I understand what you saying trueheight, but Hector Elizondo is also 5'10 and he was taller than Johnny Depp in Private Resort. I totally understand why glenn is so confused about Depp even though he met him in person.
trueheight said on 29/Apr/07
Glenn is absolutely correct, Depp is 5'9 to 5'10 - he has no hangups about height - Watch Fear and Loathing in which he wore .5 converse the whole film compared to Del Toro's boots. Early in his career especially the film "Private Resort" confirm that he was every bit of 5'10.
trueheight said on 29/Apr/07
ppl! just watch "Private Resort" - he is a lean and lanky 5'10 in that film (many scenes barechested and barefoot) with Rob Morrow. I would wager he was 5'10 in peak and is now just above 5'9 - or we could say that he has always been about 5'9.5

Editor Rob
here is a clip, its true what you say, he is taller than 22/23 year morrow click.
eddie said on 28/Apr/07
In 1994 Depp was on Jay Leno show and he stood an inch shorter and no less than Jay. He was wearing the beat up army boots with lifts, you can tell when he crossed his legs. His lower leg was disproportionately longer than his thigh, thats how you can tell. It's believable he is 5'8.5 at the least but anything shorter would make it very hard to be within an inch of Jay Leno who claims to be 6'0. The interview is on youtube, I bumped into it when I was watching the Rosie interview which does make Depp look 5'8ish. To say he is under 5'8 is severely dillusional.
glenn said on 28/Apr/07
orlando was 510ish minimum when i saw him.
Franco said on 27/Apr/07
let's be honest here, Johnny Depp is 5'8 and with cowboy boots he does look 5'10ish.

no deny.
matt said on 27/Apr/07
"eddie-alot here dont see it that way.they are the ones dillusional,selfish and or jealous."
I dont think this is the case and it certainly isnt with me, im a a fan of depp however i take the opposite conclusion i think people who say he is 5'9 are dillusional. i have posted various pictures, the majority without any problems, alot with kate moss, and to be honest alot of those pictures, you'd be hard pressed to say depp is 5'8. Im not trying to upset or anger anybody however this site is supposed to find out celebs true heights, On many occasions i have had everyone who comes on hear say 'yes depp appears to be 5'8'. On my side of the arguement, the fact remains that there is still no proof of depp being 5'9, only that he is well under that mark. The only other posted proof of depp's height on this site is the image of glenn with depp in cowboy boots, and the only conclusion you can draw from that is that glenn is infact taller.
aussie said on 27/Apr/07
eddie, they arent that big, merrick is about 85kg's in real life and rosso is about 75kg's. They are also both under 5'11. And they were both specifically refering to height. ( they were making a joke about that they have to get a step ladder to get onto the couch. this is what they said not a joke i have said). What i cant believe is that is depp was 5'9 he wouldnt seem short next to guys who are only 5'10 themselves, which leads me to believe that he just cant be 5'9. They refered to him as less than 5'8. If they were lying they can get into a fair bit of trouble on radio for saying that.
Potc_fan said on 27/Apr/07
hey glenn i am a huge orlando bloom fan, and i actually met depp, i'd be interested to know how he seemed 5'11 when you met him, because im 5'8 and when i met him he was my height. I may be wrong but im also 100% certain his shoes were bigger than mine, he must have had some crazy shoes going on when you met him
UNK said on 26/Apr/07
Interesting Will. He has on boots, I am sure giving him at least 1.5". Can't really see Rosie's shoes, but I doubt she has more than 2-3" tops. So yeah, pretty much looking 5'8" there.
will said on 25/Apr/07
hey guys an interesting thing i saw the other day was a depp on the rosie'o donnell show. now if she is stated as being 5'6.5, and depp is apparently 5'9, then i really need an explantation for the 1 inch gap i saw betweeen them. i cant see what shoes thye are both wearing. but i would be pleased if you can view the interview on youtube. you see them standing together at the begininng of the interview. O'donell must have high heels on thats all i can think of. i stil think depp is 5'9!!!!
will said on 24/Apr/07
vibram i agree im one of those guys. i think this is one reason why depp is imagined to be alot taller than 5'9 ( the height i beleive he is). depps shoulders are typical of a thin persons. although ive noticed over the years depps put quite a bit of muscle on shoulder wise. anyone else noticed that? :S lol
Vibram said on 23/Apr/07
He has a high shoulder height (not sloped) which makes him appear longer in the torso. People around average height but with sloped shoulders or long necks & long heads always appear smaller and get called small, yet I've known guys that are 5'8" that never get called small because their shoulder height is the same as 5'11" folk - but the 5'11'ers have longer necks and head.
Lmeister said on 23/Apr/07
I agree with Will and Eddie. I just saw Collateral last night and eventhough Tom has rather high heeled dress shoes in that movie he does have long lengs.
the shredder said on 23/Apr/07
Im watching Edward Scissorhands right now , and I fine it very odd that he gives you the Impression that he is a guy 5'7 to 5'11 ! ... So who can argue 5'9 ????
glenn said on 23/Apr/07
exactly will and eddie.
will said on 22/Apr/07
sorry theres not only 1 inch between cruise and depp. as far as im concerned depp is not under 5'9, i just personally cant see it. Infact they have entirely different builds as well.
glenn said on 22/Apr/07
eddie-alot here dont see it that way.they are the ones dillusional,selfish and or jealous.thanks for the support.
Viper said on 22/Apr/07
I can buy 5-9 for Depp, no problem with that.
aussie said on 21/Apr/07
they were saying who was the tiniest they compared depp and cruise with one inch between them, they were joking that they are such big stars but they wouldnt be so big without their lifts. just a play on words i guess. ( im commenting on what they said im not personally make a joke).
And in answer to your question ive met merrick and rosso and they are about 5'10, they wouldnt say depp was small unless he was, they would have said another actor instead.
eddie said on 21/Apr/07
Glenn, you are the only one that is believable here.
Unless all of Hollywood is in a height conspiricy against us, the height celebs tell us isn't far from the truth. inch and a half at most. For instance someone 5'9.5 would round up to 5'10 and add an inch to 5'11. So when we see them in person they look very legit. As for merrick and rosso, they must be really tall or short. It is harder for someone over 6'0 or under 5'5 to accurately guess someone who is 5'9 because the difference is too much. But I being 5'9.25 can give good estimates if someone is between 5'8 and 5'11 in person. When I see anyone much taller or shorter than me I am always way off on my estimates. That is why Glenn has the better guess than all of us, he met Depp in person and is within 2 inches of his height.
glenn said on 21/Apr/07
matt-you met depp? i have repeatedly over a 7 year period.he was always i dont believe that for one second.but he cant be smaller than 5-9.and people who work with him confirmed it for me.and yet you still insist.oh,and the pirates wardrobe also said bloom is 5-11.and you know what,first time i saw bloom he gave me the illusion of he is 5-11.5-10 with a physical proof and photo proof,plus backup by their wardrobe team,yet im still dismissed.amazing.
aussie said on 20/Apr/07
was listening to merrick and rosso ( funny australian breakfast show, and they were talking about celebs they have met, and obviously just for laughs they make fun of celebs but then they started talking about the celebs which were the tiniest, and they were tossing up between depp and cruise, they said depp claims to be 5'10 but when they met him they would be surprised if he is 5'8..
My girlfriend also reckons he was shorter than her and he is 5'8.
I know most of you will dismiss this but it is factual information.
matt said on 20/Apr/07
he isnt 5'9, i think there is enough evidence to prove that.
Bloom is not 5'11 either, he is under 5'10.
Im wondering whether the is much use providing evidence of someones actual height when you proof just gets dismissed by someones own bias personal opinion.
glenn said on 20/Apr/07
yes we do actually my darling.he is 5-9.the pirates wardrobe told me so.
Scarlet said on 20/Apr/07
I said Depp 5'7.5 and wears boots often and that he is *looking* 5'7 in that one pic with Paradis. Could be 5'8 in the morning but we don't count morning heights do we?
UNK said on 20/Apr/07
Remember, not too long ago 5'8" was the average height in the US. I am going back to he 50's/60's here. If a guy like Depp, goodlooks, good build stands at a solid 5'8", or slightly more, he will not appear short around most people; He will appear average.. which is what Depp does.

It is very likely that the guys is about 5'8.5" and appears taller in footware making him look in the 5'11" range on certian occasions.

5'7".. I just don't see it.
glenn said on 20/Apr/07
scarlet is the pefect person to ask.amazing.
Viper said on 20/Apr/07
Scarlet, how do you see a guy like Mark Wahlberg at 5-8 but Depp at only 5-7? I guarantee its the other way around, with Depp probably taller than 5-8, possibly 5-9 even.
will said on 20/Apr/07
i agree with glenn. he certainly looks alot taller than he is. but i personally think its unlikley hes under 5'9. anyway with depps build and proportions i actually cant see him being that short, well certainly not 5'7!
UNK said on 20/Apr/07
If he is only 5'7" than Kate Moss would be in the 5'3" range. Poke around at pics of her.. there is no way. After looking at thousands of pics of Moss over the years I am not even buying 5'4" for her. A solid 5'4.5" would be the minimun... I would say a solid 5'5" is closer to the truth, and she could be taller than that.

Scarlet, go research Moss a bit to see for yourself. She is one of the most photographed poeople in the world.. you could get a good sense of her, then compare dozens of pics with Depp to see that he can't be 5'7".
Scarlet said on 20/Apr/07
He has never been 6'0 in 3" boots. 5'11 Orlando Bloom is much taller.
glenn said on 20/Apr/07
ive seen him look 5-11ish plenty of times.i asked my peers for a recent estimate and they all said 5-10, i agree,he can only be 5-9 at the smallest.obviously,he isnt 5-11.
Scarlet said on 20/Apr/07
Viper, he wears boots a lot and is very slim with a large head.
Viper said on 20/Apr/07
If Depp is really only 5-7, then hes the tallest 5-7 guy Ive ever seen by a longshot.
will said on 19/Apr/07
sorry i wont accept hes 5'7. ive been right up close to him at a premeire and he was taller than me, even without his shoes he would have been. i stil say 5'9. i cant ignore the fact that ivre seen depp looking almost 5'11 at times, so im pretty sure hes gotta be somewhere in between that range
Anonymous said on 19/Apr/07
Depp is in fact only 5''7. Got a photograph with him in Paris. My grandmother, who stands 5''7 was about his height and my father and I were at least 8 inches taller than him.
Scarlet said on 19/Apr/07
I counted his hat size in the math. Where the top of the red line ends is the top of his head. Sidewalk has no amount of slope that could make Paradis too tall or Depp too short.
UNK said on 19/Apr/07
Yeah, but there could be an angle in the sidewalk... most slope towards the street for rain drainage.. also he has a hat on.
Scarlet said on 19/Apr/07
There's a 3 inches difference at the shoulder and top of the head there. Paradis can't have much heel maybe 2 inches because the distance from her knee to ground isn't raised much. Depp has Dr Martens shoes with standard 1 inch heels.
Paradis 5'3 + 2 inch heel = 5'5
Depp is 3 inches taller but has a 1 inch heel = 5'7
UNK said on 19/Apr/07
Can't really see Paradis' shoes, and if there is a slope in the side walk, but yes Scarlet he does look fairly short in that pic.

Still hard to say he is under 5'8" from that pic though.
glenn said on 19/Apr/07
dustin hoffman is 5-6 peak height.5-5 maybe now.felix-im going sleep now,but i repeated a story twice may need a 3rd retelling.ill do it later on.thanks. unless you think you heard for moss,she can look as tall as 5-6 i dont know about me being taller than depp.i met her in old was she then? fully grown i presume?

Editor Rob
oh, as a side note, I was doing a bit of cleaning of this thread and I think about 80 posts from this thread were wiped...the price people pay for continuing to annoy me by using 4 or 5 names...there's a couple others on this site where my finger is on the trigger, so pray I'm lenient or I'll do a Kellerman!
Scarlet said on 19/Apr/07
Depp with 5'3 Paradis looking extremely small
Click Here
(thanks for the break Rob)
Nick said on 19/Apr/07
5'8 -5'85 seems most likely, i dont see under 5;8 or over 5'9
Felix said on 19/Apr/07
Yeah, Johnny and Glenn is probably the same height, give or take 1cm.
Diane said on 19/Apr/07
I enjoy Johnny Debb's movies very much. Lately I have been watching his movie Finding Neverland along with his Caribbean Pirate movies. James Barre was 5' in real life and I was wondering if Johnny depp was a very short man. In a search they say Dustin Hoffman is 5'8 and they stand by each other alot in "Finding Neverland" and I swear they are the same height. anyway, he doesn't seem to be the same height as the real james Barre, lol.
Viper said on 18/Apr/07
I could buy that Depp is 5-9.25 as well.
Spoons said on 18/Apr/07
There have been a few film festivals, and film premieres, where Depp has worn a top with horizontal stripes. If he was as bothered about making himself look tall as some people think he is, he would never wear anything with horizontal stripes on it. It's well known that if you want to look taller, wear vertical stripes.

And I agree with UNK; It's not about WANTING Depp to be tall. Personally, I love the fact he's not very tall!
Felix said on 18/Apr/07
Glenn, do you have some good or funny story about Johnny? Would be very fun to hear! :D
glenn said on 18/Apr/07
thanks for having faith in me unk.depp was here last july.but was chased around by 30 people.i wasnt interested in chaos.and it the weather was atrociously hot.
eddie said on 18/Apr/07
I am 5'9.25 barefoot. I was very height conscious in high school till my mid twenties. I was never ever able to reach 6'0 in any shoe with lifts. The highest was 5'11.5 with army boots and lifts in my years in the Air Force. At 5'11.5 I was already walking funny and everyone noticed in the way I walked and when I sat down also when I kneel on one knee. It is extremely hard for someone less than 5'8.5 to reach 5'11. I don't think Johnny is the type to sacrifice comfort for looks.
will said on 18/Apr/07
im seeing depp in may at the potc 3 premiere in london! woo. so i will try my very very best to get some good pics of him next to other actors/ celebs. lmao shall i just ask him how tall he is!
UNK said on 18/Apr/07
I have always thought 5'8.5" or a weak 5'9" for Depp. I really don't see any evidence of him under 5'8".

Glenn sees Moss as 5'4"(ish). Most people think she is at least 5'5". Keep that in mind when looking at pics of her with Depp. I would say Depp has a good 3" on her when both barefoot.

Glenn - Your number one priority as our Height-Sherpa is to meet up with Depp and Mossy again! I am putting you to the challenge..ha ha. We have faith in you, you could track at least one of them down... the paparazzi is all over Moss.. you're smarter than them.
Nick said on 18/Apr/07
im most places he is listed 5'10, but with the boots he wears i think, perosnally, that he is 5'8- just under 5'9
Lmeister said on 18/Apr/07
He looks short. My girlfriend is 5'3'' and I am 5'8'' when she is wearing low cut trainers and I'm wearing my Caterpillar boots I "tower" over her. Maybe Johnny is closer to 5'8''.
glenn said on 18/Apr/07
great pics matt.yes,im glad you noticed the moss pic.some thin she is 5-6 or 5-7.she is 5-8 for sure in that pic.and i had flat casuals then.some ****s here think im 5-7.i totally agree will.and thanks eddie.
eddie said on 17/Apr/07
Will, on March 28, you asked what model Porshce is Johnny walking by. Click Here
That is the 911 Carrera cabriolet(type 993) in production from 1995 through 1998. the height is 52 inches approximately 4ft4", the rims on the car is 17inches. His height above the car is about the rim size. He looks very 5'9ish barefoot in that pic. Remember the bottom of his shoe in the picture is lower than the bottom of the tires of the Porsche. I took a picture next to a same model Porsche and looked the same height next to the car.
eddie said on 17/Apr/07
Talisa's husband, Benjamin Bratt, is a legit 6'2. Ben is 6'3 minimum in dress shoes and Talisa is only 3 or 4 inches shorter than him in heels. At the least Talisa is 5'11 in heels. Johnny Depp stands just as tall as Steve McQueen did with Faye Dunaway in The Thomas Crown Affair. Downgrading Johnny from 5'9 is also downgrading the cool Steve McQueen and the great Marlon Brando. All three men and Talisa Soto claimed/claim to be 5'10 in their life. I think all four were/are between 5'8.5 and 5'9.5. Why would anyone add more than an inch and a half to their actual height?
eddie said on 17/Apr/07
Not to be brown nosing, but the only opinion thats truly believable here is Glenn's. He is the only one with proof that he met Johnny Depp in person. There is no way a 5'7 man can look 5'11 unless he is wearing stripper/hooker heels, and even then he would be walking so funny everyone would notice.
will said on 17/Apr/07
cheers glenn. somebody else who agrees with me!!!! johnny depp wears those kinda baggy style outfits most of the time that is really suited by shoes with a heel. i think its depps rebelious nature as well. i mean there arnt too many stars who wear uber cool hats, trinkets, extra thick framed glasses and bulky shoes and stil look cool. its just depps way of dressing i think.
UNK said on 17/Apr/07
Tim - I think he is close to 5'9" because that's what he looks to be in the majority of the pics I see, not because I want him to be 5'9". It would make me happy if he was shorter to tell you the truth.

Why do you assume people that like Johnny Depp want him to be tall?
glenn said on 17/Apr/07
you talk alot of **** scarlet.he was 5-11ish in the early 90s whenever i saw him,and a women here once saw that many times.of course with the help of lifts or thick boots .i agree he wears thick shoes out of fashion.
Scarlet said on 17/Apr/07
Click Here
Thanks for that pic. Thickest shoes I have seen anyone in the world wear
will said on 17/Apr/07
katie i was indeed at that premire and i totally agree with you. id say he was certainly over 5'8 and edging on 5'9. going to the next potc 3 one woo!
Packers_fan indeed we dont know depp at all, nor do you, but we must base our opinions on something. it doesnt make me an idealist to beleive depp is a height concious guy. do you automatically assume that men who wear hats are afriad of showing thier reecdeing hairlines? the reason i hold my opinion is based on seeing johnny depp in real life, and also on the opinions of others whom i trust. and i stil maintain that johnny depp wears bulky shoes becuase it his style.
im not going on fact im going on opinion, from what i know of a man who is basically my idol.
Scarlet said on 17/Apr/07
Nice to see more witness reports for Depp at less than 5'8 like I said. If he was taller he would be 6' in boots. Never happened.
glenn said on 16/Apr/07
i agree eddie.there is a small possibility on both 5-10 and 5-8.he is one the mysteries.the one that started it all for me on heights.
eddie said on 16/Apr/07
The women in that pic are not that short. Faye Dunaway is 5'6 and Talisa Soto is close to 5'9. Talisa is probably 6'0 in that picture which is why she has to slouch.
will said on 16/Apr/07
i dont think Johnny does care about his height. I stil beleive depp is 5'9, and at this height hes not exactly small nor is he tall. Ive read alot about johnny, alot of stuff he has writen himself and i have never came across him worrying about his height nor image. some may argue that this suggest johnny avoids such talk, but lets face facts he is one of the most popular actors of our times, and personally i think how tall he is wouldnt even cross his mind. It just doesnt seem something johnny depp would worry about. fair enough, you get alot of height concious actors, but has it ever been an isue amongst the press? im sure they would be the first to pick up on it like with tom cruise. having seen JD at a premiere i also noticed nothing unusal about his height. Id say hes pretty much average for a guy, around 5'9/5'10 if your talking about the uk or usa
UNK said on 16/Apr/07
those shoes were a popular style in the early to mid 90's... goth shoes were huge back then.

i am sure he has some concern of his height, but not as much as you guys make it out to be.
Nick said on 16/Apr/07
if he was at least 5'9 he wouldn't ever look 5'7
eddie said on 16/Apr/07
Glenn, in all respect, the reason why he looked 5'11 in front of your face is because he is at least 5'9. I am speaking through experience, myself being 5'9.25 I can be 5'11 in boots with regular Dr. Scholls in them. I have seen women 5'6 in height become 5'10 in heels. That picture with Kiera and Orlando shows all three atleast 5'10. Notice that Johnny never stands straight in most of his pictures. even with Glenn. His chin is always down.I am totally convinced Depp is atleast 5'9 barefoot.
trueheight said on 16/Apr/07

Click Here
trueheight said on 16/Apr/07
Depp is at least 5'9. Watch Private Resort in which he is at least 1" taller than 5'9 Rob Morrow (CH listing)
HellBoundPower said on 15/Apr/07
He appears to be a really bad sloucher. I'd say the 5'9" here is accuarate. 5'9.5" MAX.
Viper said on 15/Apr/07
I think it would be easy to overestimate Depp's height. He has a longish looking body and legs.
Nick said on 15/Apr/07
snap, on the right he isn almost the same height, and glenn said cowboy boots.
G-unit said on 15/Apr/07
Glenn, I'm not gonna talk about politics because this site isn't made for that. What I meant with cool is that Che Guevara was a socialist, and Hollywood is kinda the opposite, very capitalistic. By that I meant it was very cool that depp wears Che-clothes on those kind of events.
And I do not think that depp uses chebrand just cause it's fashion these days. He might have some socialistic opinions because of his growth and relatively bad childhood.
glenn said on 15/Apr/07
great photos.he really does look if i can only figure out why he looked 5-11ish in front of my face in the early 90s.
snap said on 14/Apr/07
is scarlet like stupid or maybe mentaly disabled? in the picures Depp is clearly about 5-9. he got a good inch, and maybe ½, on glenn in the left one. let's not make him shorter than he is just because his not like really tall.
derbi said on 14/Apr/07
scarlet, how stupid are you? Really, first of all, if glenn says that he is 5'8", then he is. I knew one day people will even try to downgrade him, it's ridiculous. Depp looks 5'9" in the right and 5'10" in the right pic.
5'9" is a good guess, but I thnik he could be slightly taller, 0.25-0.5 inch.
Scarlet said on 14/Apr/07
Nick, Glenn's photo makes Depp 5'7.5 max. 1/2 inch less. Let's not be so shy or generous.
Nick said on 14/Apr/07
using glens photos still makes him 5'8 or so though
Scarlet said on 14/Apr/07
eddie not just an inch from age loss. He weighed 350 pounds. My dad lost 2 inches at 60 years old and he was slim so imagine how much a huge fat old man loses.
eddie said on 14/Apr/07
I know Brando was about 70 yrs old in that movie, so he must have lost an inch by cartilage loss. So 5'8 1/2 to 5'9 for Depp is very reasonable to me. 5'7 is more like Noel Gallagher's height, so we gotta scratch the thought of Johnny being less than 5'8 1/4.
Scarlet said on 14/Apr/07
Thats just crazy eddie. Brando weighed 350 pounds in that movie and was a shrunken old heavy man. Old Brando was 5'7 range.
Viper said on 14/Apr/07
Depp has some longish looking legs in that Gallagher pic. He really does look 5-10 there.
eddie said on 14/Apr/07
I agree Glenn, Che or che was a murderer, just like the men he was up against, definitely a bad man. That pic with gallagher makes Depp look very 5'10ish. In chapter 22, the last scene in Don Juan De Marco, Mr. Depp is barefoot at the beach with Marlon Brando wearing shoes. Depp still was almost an inch taller than Mr. Brando. If Marlon Brando is 5'9 with shoes on, then Johnny Depp is 5'10 barefooted. Can someone please try to prove me wrong on my observations? Could Brando have shrunk when he got older and obese?
Scarlet said on 13/Apr/07
Come ON! If he was 5'8-9 he would be in the 6'0 range with his cowboy boots. Forget about it. No sorry, gotta do it the Brasco way, fuggetaboutit.
Spoons said on 13/Apr/07
tim- I think you'll find I'm right: I have a whole load of screen-caps I can show you were Depp is the shortest person in the shot, if you'd like to see them. UNK has already provided one.
glenn said on 13/Apr/07
why is that cool g-unit? everyone wears che stuff cause its trendy.over half the people out there dont know anything about the man.or even what country he was im not saying thats depps case.che to my disgust and im sure others,has become hot topic shopping mall material.
glenn said on 13/Apr/07
oh thats gallagher.geez,depp looks 5-10 minimum there.
glenn said on 13/Apr/07
kate is 5-4ish.unless she grew after 1996.that is a bad photo to judge.he is still 5-9 there.
Stench said on 13/Apr/07
For me depp is 173.5 hence the constant overrating or the downgrading of his height. I'm this height and I can tell a lot of times it's difficult to say by other people if I'm 5'8 or 5'9, and shoes don't help them to judge me
Nick said on 13/Apr/07
still puts him at 5'8 -5'9
Scarlet said on 13/Apr/07
Click Here
Not much taller than 5'6 Kate Moss UNK
UNK said on 13/Apr/07
i disagree with some comments below. first, in donnie brasco he had cuban heel boots, which a lot of guys wore in nyc during that time period.. his wardrobe was a pretty accurate portrayal of a nyc mob guy at that time.

second, depp's combat boots with nice suits is part of his style.. he is always doing stuff like that. if it was just about height he would haved used lifts in nice dress shoes like so many other actors. a lot of his footware goes along with his grunge/rock style... i don't think the guy cares much about his height.

Click Here (in trainers with noel gallagher, kate moss, meg mathews. he is on higher ground but looks taller thatn 5'7"/5'8" gallagher)

and spoons is right - he doesn't mind being short next to other actors... ex. timothy hutton (secret window), Benicio Del Toro (fear and loathing), bare foot scenes with charlize theron (astronauts wife).

Click Here (not standing on a box here)
Scarlet said on 13/Apr/07
Thx. Lets show more photos then. In the 1st place with Glenn above Depp is 5'8 3/4 with boots on.
Brad said on 12/Apr/07
Cowboy boots in Donnie Brasco....I've never seen a mafia member in cowboy boots, the goombas "shoulda known by now"(Eazy-E) in the movie/real story. His lean build adds "sight-height".
Spoons said on 12/Apr/07
That's one of the things I love about Depp; He's not afraid to look short against his co-stars. Some actors have a problem with looking shorter than other people on screen, and have to have a box to stand on, but Johnny is a bigger person than that, and doesn't have a complex about the fact that he is often the shortest person in the film...
UNK said on 12/Apr/07
Any one saying Depp is under 5'8".. show me some hardcore evidence please? I just don't see him under 5'8".
Nick said on 12/Apr/07
5'8-5'9 its hard to pin depp because of his changing styles/hats/build.

those army boots probably give him 1.5'' over barefoot? i measured my dads simirlar ones, and thats what they give. course it's always a possibility that he added an extra 1'' or so inside the boot, its would make wlaking to difficult with the huge boot up to his leg.
G-unit said on 12/Apr/07
Brad, Johnny Depp had cowboy boots in donnie brasco
Brad said on 12/Apr/07
I put on "Donnie Brasco". He does look short in those scenes with Pacino. I wonder who wore the bigger heels/lifts....probably Al.
eddie said on 11/Apr/07
cool, ok, I was just watching the Don Juan de Marco dvd. At chapter 21 Depp comes out of the hospital wearing classic converse all stars with Marlon Brando. Those shoes only give a quarter inch boost. Marlon was wearing dress shoes. Johnny was a good inch and a half taller than Marlon. If the great Marlon Brando is 5'8, it is totally safe to say Depp is 5'9. Hope that helps us guys, but I wouldnt want your comments to stop I am having too much fun here.
UNK said on 11/Apr/07
scarlet downgrades everyone.
Scarlet said on 11/Apr/07
There's no way Depp is 5'9 or he would be close to 6'0 in boots. Never ever happened ever. He is 5'7.5. Watch Donnie Brasco the evidence is there in your face.
TheJerk said on 11/Apr/07
Depp is over 5-7, hon. I'd say hes safe at 5-9.
Scarlet said on 11/Apr/07
Depp is 5'7.5. Watch Donnie Brasco and compare him mentally without boots to 5'5 Pacino and Heche
Viper said on 10/Apr/07
Matt, Stallone wears HUGE lifts at times.
Random Person said on 10/Apr/07
Click Here

Here he is with 6 foot Malkovich looking a good three inches shorter but too bad you can't see the footwear.

Click Here

Here hs is 5.'4 (at best) Samantha Morton who even in the most mega of heels would only be standing at 5'8. This picture makes me wonder.

Click Here

I'm not sure what to make of this next picture, he looks about 3 to 4 inches taller then 5'6 Kate Winslett but he has at least an inch advantage in shoes.

Click Here

Here he is looking shorter then 5'8 Heather Graham, but I'm unsure of how big of heels she has on.

To be honest, I'm not too sure about how tall Johnny Depp really is, he can look anywhere from 5'8 to 5'10. I'd say he is probably just under 5'9.
UNK said on 10/Apr/07
tim - we'll let this go because it's a height board.. the only reason i brought it up to begin with is because depps extraordinary facial structure has been a topic for years... actors in his movies have joked that they themselves started to feel attracted to him.. and actresses joking about not wanting to be in movies with him because he is prettier than they are.

granted, now with the pirate movies and all the other obsecure roles he plays he has gotten slightly away from that. also, it's been known for years that he didn't want to be known for his looks so he purposely takes obscure roles.

sure, relationships with the women he dates were based on more than his looks.. but probably not to start with.. the word is that moss saw photos of him at a photo shoot she was on, and told her "people" that she just had to meet him.
will said on 10/Apr/07
i have seen that picture Matt. unfortuantly my pc wont let me post it. If somebody goes to google and types in deppimpact you will find the site. Then simply go to 'on the go' photos section. if you search through you will find depp and stalone. its a great pic and it would be even better if somebody can post it on here
G-unit said on 10/Apr/07
I've actually thoughtthe same about his skin. In many movies when you see him upclose you actually can see that he has had a bad face. Like teenage acne or something close.
And when it comes to height, I don't think girls notice anything special about your height if you are 5'8 or above. I mean, just check out my brother, he's 5'9 and have a different girl every week. Me myself, i'm 6'½(184cm), and I get 1 girl every year. :P
will said on 10/Apr/07
nah i stil think he would be out of the ordinary good looking in real life. Ive seen him at a premeire. i know ive been tainted like evryone with his screen persona, but i still though he was a very attractive man compared to the other people that were there. Even if he wasnt famous, i reakon he would stil be bloomin popular with women. Anyway...... as for his height i actually agree with G-unit 5'8.75 does sound more likely.
glenn said on 9/Apr/07
i nerver heard any girl say a bad thing about depp.i heard 2 girls that didnt know each other,different years,say they didnt find brad pitt attractive.
G-unit said on 9/Apr/07
And about his height, I think he's 5'8.75 on the dot.
G-unit said on 9/Apr/07
Click Here

Check out! Depp has a Che Guevara brand on his clothes, really cool guy :D
will said on 9/Apr/07
anyway as for depps height... i still think hes looking 5'9. Im trying to aquire some pictures showing depp next to sylvester stallone. these could prove every interesting.
UNK said on 9/Apr/07
Back to height - My guess is he has a 5'9" morning height.
UNK said on 9/Apr/07
There are a few things to consider here Tim...

There is no doubt that Depp would stand out as better looking, among other men his age, in real life. The key is his AGE... he is 43, or will be 43 soon. Get him out of his pirate costume, and but him in a suit with a shave and a hair cut and he will be much better looking than most 43 year old men in real life. You have to compare "apples to apples".

The other thing to consider is why the best looking successful women of their time chose him. When he dated Wynona Ryder she was the hottest thing in hollywood.. much more famous than him.. she could have dated anyone. And Kate Moss, arguably the most successfully model ever, went after Depp in the mid 90's... not for his money or fame, she was insanely famous at the time, she could have dated anyone.

Also - obvioulsy looks are all subjective and people have different tastes.
glenn said on 9/Apr/07
tim is right to a point.
will said on 9/Apr/07
the thing is he seems to look ALOT taller than his girlfriends in some pictures and just average in others. ive seen plenty of decent photographs where depp is looking a solid 5'10, but equally ive seen many showing him to be nearer 5'8. So ive kinda of come to a descion tha his true height lies somewhere between this value, most likely 5'9.
Packers Fun.... id say that its pretty natural for most guys to want to be taller than thier woman. Of course there may be exceptions, but generally speaking height is quite an important issue for men. Im just thinking though that somebody with depps sucess probably couldnt care less how tall they are.
will said on 9/Apr/07
i think jerry actually is a big user of lifts. check out that pic of him next to depp. as for depp, i personally think he wouldnt be that self concious and wear lifts. Infact id say he wouldnt need to becuase i still maintain depp is about 5'9. im going to the pirates of the caribbean premire this year, so i will try and get some decent pictures of him.
glenn said on 9/Apr/07
i agree with g-unit,matt,viper,and eddie on all those glad im not the only one that sees jerry that short.
Viper said on 8/Apr/07
Depp is cool for changing his looks every few months. Hes very distinctive looking thats for sure.
G-unit said on 8/Apr/07
He is attractive and he would've been if he wasn't famous, you guys don't know what you are talking about.
Look at his face, it's great. He has a strong chin and strong cheek-bones. He's body was great back in the days and also is great now. And his clothing style is very odd, but in a really good and attractive way.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with him, I think he looks really good
eddie said on 8/Apr/07
He is 5'9 give or take half an inch. As for looks, the camera doesnt love everybody. Someone who looks better than depp in person, probably will look like a fat ass with a crooked face in the silver screen. You need a very symmetrical face for the camera to appreciate you.
glenn said on 8/Apr/07
pc-it was the wardrobe crew of pirates.they also said orlando was 5-11.
glenn said on 8/Apr/07
jerry is 5-6 tops.
leonari said on 8/Apr/07
ROB:You belive Jerry Bruckheimer to be 5'8.5"?? Please say no cause there is no way this man is almost 5'9". PLEASE!

Editor Rob
no, the point is if jerry really is 5ft 6 then a guy like scott would be lying 3 inches...sure, he looks to be stretching his own truth by 1-1.5
PC said on 7/Apr/07
Glenn, a few months back you said you had a source who measured Depp barefoot at exactly 5'9". I'm just checking how reliable you consider that source, since you have seen Jerry Bruckheimer looking 5'6" or less?

Editor Rob
if Glenn saw Brucky as 5ft 6, maybe he was static and brucky was keeping a low profile. Folk walking by you can look shorter especially mid-stride, who knows, Brucky looks no shorter than ridley scott (who himself tries claiming 5ft 9), and who a 5ft 6 guy recently said might be 5ft 8.5!
UNK said on 7/Apr/07
Tim - you are INSANE if you don't think Depp would be perceived in real life as good looking!!! I would venture to say that Depp's whole career is based on how good looking he is.. it just so happens that he is a great actor too.

They put him on 21 Jump Street soley for his looks.. he wasn't famous then.. just a "real life" guy.

"im not talking personality or otherwise, purely the way he looks and if you were honest with yourself and put fame aside he wouldnt be classified as a good looking man"

The above statement by Tim is one of the most warped comments I've heard on this site.
glenn said on 7/Apr/07
orlando is 5-10.5, 5-11.depp isnt very talkative or overly friendly,but is very nice enough to pose with fans and sign autographs he is a winner in my book for that.although, now i hear its hard to get near him with security in the way when he promotes something.great photo of him with penn.i saw penn 4 months ago and he was depp looks 5-8 there.
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/07
Click Here

w/ Sean Penn
Scarlet said on 6/Apr/07
tim, you meet the wrong women. Most don't give a toot about how tall you are. You have to have personality. I'm the millionth who said that.
UNK said on 6/Apr/07
TIM - "i dont think he would be percieved as good looking i mean", are you serious???

You have much bigger problems if you think girls are turning you down because you are 5'9", or you friends can't get dates because they are "too skinny" or have "a bad complexion".

Maybe it's easier for you to think it's that simple.. but look around.. why are there so many imperfect men with pretty girls.. why don't those girls care if their guy is short, or skinny, or has a bad complexion??

"depp play a role with a tall good looking actor??". well, he plays against orlando bloom... what, in real life bloom wouldn't be attractive either? and yes, he has been in many movies with tall good looking actors.. what are you talking about?
Scarlet said on 5/Apr/07
He was only 5'7.5 in Donna Brasco next to 5'5 Anne Heche when they come out the shrink's office. Both in high heels.
Viper said on 5/Apr/07
Hes probably the best actor period.
TheJerk said on 5/Apr/07
Well one things for sure he is NOT short. On fans! Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Anthony said on 5/Apr/07
Depp is tricky to pin down, maybe tougher than Stallone or Pitt. If he had give out a decent estimate, I'd go with 5'8 1/2. Lean build, good posture, and wads of charisma and presence make him seem taller. He's one of the coolest guys around and probably the best actor under 50 working today.
leonari said on 5/Apr/07
alicia: stop posting non-senmse. You don't lose height in your 40's...thats ridiculous!! Just becuase you are in love with Johnny...come on down girl.
UNK said on 5/Apr/07
No, a healthy normal human does not lose any height by 40.

And Depp is better looking than average, period. If he wasn't famous he would be like the rest of the better looking than average guys... able to get girls a little quicker than most.. assuming he has some what of a normal personality.
anonymousxx said on 5/Apr/07
i odnt think u loose 1/2 an inch by 40 alicia
Viper said on 5/Apr/07
Hes 5-8 1/2 - 5-9.
glenn said on 5/Apr/07
true to a point tim.
D. Ray Morton said on 4/Apr/07
I agree, Viper. Not to mention his choices. He takes some serious risks, acting-wise.
TheJerk said on 4/Apr/07
Yes, agreed. Depp is very handsome in a unique way. I would take his looks easily over say Brad Pitt's.
Viper said on 4/Apr/07
You know, I cant think of anybody in hollywood that has the looks plus the insane acting talent that Depp has. Im serious.
The Height Wizzard said on 4/Apr/07
Johnny is great love him. His height is just shy of 5' 9".
will said on 3/Apr/07
lol the fact is if depp was even 5'7 the women would stil fall at his feet for his charm! but i think can safely say he isnt 5'7
UNK said on 3/Apr/07
Girls don't know - It's not enough that he has dated the most beautiful woman in the world, Moss, and is with one serious hottie know... the still can't expect how he is in reality.

Come to think of it, over the years my mother has continued to call my father 5'10" and he is always 'NO, I am 5'9".. I have never been 5'10"'
will said on 3/Apr/07
UNK dw i can safely depp is one good looking guy. i think most guys would agree with you. the prob is when i say to some of my girl mates depp could be 5'8-9 they are like no way hes at least six foot. If only they
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
depp is question.
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
thanks anonymous.its nice to hear words like that sometimes,cause i sure get my share of knuckleheads here on the site.i use to witness depp at 5-10 is possible.people can have deceptive posture.i repeatedly mentioned on this site that i have 5-11 friends that look 5-9,and 6-1 friends that look 5-11.some inside source i ran into has claimed to measure him at 5-9.
will said on 3/Apr/07
despite depp have what i call an elusive height, he certainly is not above 5'10 in my book. And after that photo of him next to jerry bruckheimer im convinced he is around the 5'7.5-8'.5 range
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/07
It's possible Depp is 5'9-5'10. He has a similar body type to my husband and my husband is 5'10.5 barefoot, with imperfect posture they both easily look 5'8 or so. Good Lord, it's nearly impossible to pin some of these guys down! No matter, regardless of height, he's still hot as hell fire. Glenn, you look like you could be a celebrity, good fashion sense! Thank you for sharing your photos and opinions on celebs. Many celebheight fans are living vicariously through you.
Brad said on 2/Apr/07
Jermaine looks like beanie baby.
glenn said on 1/Apr/07
i mustve never seen irving.thats interesting.jermaine dupree is no dull moment in coversation piece either.whoa.
will said on 1/Apr/07
Click Here
ok i appreciate depp is leaning in this pic, and we cant see thier feet but it does kind of suggest depp is defiantly in the 5'9 and below catagory
will said on 1/Apr/07
yeh thats why i think that pic is so good, becuase it is a pretty reliable image, where both actors are standing pretty much upright face on the camera and we can see thier footware. depp certainly is not his usual listed 5'10'' here lol. And if we go by what Glenn has told us, id say he could actaully be looking around 5'7 here. Remember depp also has a hat on and some hench army boots which i suspect will have a heel on them. Jerrys shoes are looking VERY much like lifts to me, so yeh he could well be below his listed 5'6'' as Glenn suggested.
Will ( thanks again matt for posting the pic)
glenn said on 31/Mar/07
i never saw depp look that short next to jerry.when i saw jerry i was amazed at how short he was.maybe even a 5-4 impression.maybe he is close to 5-6,but didnt look it at all.
Brad said on 30/Mar/07
Geez, 5' 8" on JD in his Dr. Hunter S. Thompson Woody Creek Colorado memorial battle outfit with 5' 6" (maybe shorter) Jerry Bruckheimer. Rob's 5' 9" listing is 1" too high. He's 5' 8" max.
Langly said on 30/Mar/07
Depps hat definatly makes him appear taller, so you have to try to guess where his head finishes.
will said on 30/Mar/07
yes thanks matt that is the pic and as you can see depp certainly looks alot shorter than usual. id say 5'8'' max.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
wow,that pic is crazy.i saw jerry and he gave me the illusion of 5-5 tops.either was depp is looking 5-8 to me here.sans hat.
Brad said on 29/Mar/07
5' 9". Jerry Bruckheimer is only 5' 6"
will said on 28/Mar/07
my link didnt come out. you can find the pic at . go to the 'on the go section' and i assure you there are some good pics on there.
will said on 28/Mar/07
great stuff!
this pic is a much better comparison of depp and bruckheimer in my opinion. dodgy shoes in both cases. but not a great difference in height. depp still is taller, but perhaps a inch or two tops
will said on 28/Mar/07
hey new pic... i think somebody mentioned it before.
now im no expert on porsches, but im sure somebody here can take a guess at depps height in this pic. Click Here
id be intrigued if anyone can let us know the height of this model of porsche. it would then be easier to judge depps height, although i appreicate he is not standing still in the pic.
Bombay Rocker said on 27/Mar/07
Are you guys blind or that pic depp looks atleast 5 feet 8.5 and bloom is atleast 5 feet 10.5, 2 inches taller than depp. Jerry not sure on him, maybe 5 feet 6 - 5 feet 6.5, maybe even 5 feet 7 since depp and bloom have a lil bigger shoes.
glenn said on 26/Mar/07
late 1996 on the set of donnie brasco.
anonymousxx said on 26/Mar/07
in that pic, is beuckhiemer is 5'6 depp is 5'9 ish
eddie said on 25/Mar/07
yeah i guess he just likes to wear things loosely which shows that he is a guy who really likes to feel comfortable. It is strange that he wears the beat up army boots in alot of his pictures wearing semiformal atire. He is so cool and eccentric.
Felix said on 25/Mar/07
yeah he is no shorter than 5'8 and he's no taller than 5'10, never heard he would be short beside that interview in the topic, never seen him, heard he is a nice guy! Glenn, when was the picture to the left taken?
will said on 25/Mar/07
hmm peherps the sleeves idea is a bit extreme, however it could be a subconcious thing. maybe depp has a liking to that kind of atire anyway.
i stil think its the hats and the big old shoes he wears, along with his slender figure.
anonymousxx said on 25/Mar/07
eddie i doubt he 'wears sleeves to hide his armspan' depp doesnt seem that insecure.
eddie said on 24/Mar/07
I second your comment Will, I agree he can never be under 5'8. I am 5'9, 150 lbs. I am a guitar player and have a photo playing a fender telecaster just like johnny in his photos. And our proportions to the guitar is very similar. I also commented before how I stood next to the same model porsche as Johnny has and we had the same proportions. I am positive he cant be under 5'8 or over 5'10. He is probably a weak 5'9.25 like me because with cowboy boots I look 5'11 so I understand what glenn is talking about. But you notice that alot of his jackets have sleeves covering half his palms which means he is trying to hide his arm span, arm span is a good indicator of true height
will said on 24/Mar/07
i have to say glenn i agree with you he does seem likely to wear lifts, and i know johnny wears alot of large walking boots with at least a 2 inch heel on them. saying this we all know johnny is still a very slender guy and perhaps this creates more of an illusion of height. i have always maintained depp is above 5'9, and i think a combination of heeled footware and fancy hats may cause johnny to look taller than he actually is. i do however doubt he is below 5'8 as some have suggested.
glenn said on 24/Mar/07
he is the guy that had me originally interested in height 14 years ago looking 511ish.i was shocked he was so tall.he had weird boots.and possibly lifts.
Felix said on 23/Mar/07
I think Johnny Depp is 174cm, that's my opinion, what do you guys think? 175cm is his morning height. He is 1,5cm taller than what I think 172,5cm Rob Morrow in private resort, he looks 174 next to Benicio Del Toro in Fear and loathing in las vegas, both wearing low cut.
UNK said on 22/Mar/07
depp has some crazy footware too, but still looking 5'9" to me.
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
to me depp still looks near 5-10 there.did you forget to mention thats manson who is 6-1 barefoot and 6-3,6-4 in that crazy footwear?
will said on 21/Mar/07
the site is
will said on 20/Mar/07
Click Here
theres the link
will said on 17/Mar/07
i think depp still tops her by at least six inches
glenn said on 17/Mar/07
great pic.tricky.thats iggy pop to the right.iggy told me he is 5-10.he is really in that pic depp could be close to 5-10.and moss looks tall.however look at my pic with not standing straight and im taller.did she grow since 1996? she indeed looks 5-4ish in my pic considering she is wering heels i 5-10? certainly not.confusing as all hell.any lifts?
glenn said on 17/Mar/07
unk- i piss alot of people off on this site,usually cause they start with me first.i dont want get you upset,cause we support each other.yes, in writing its hard to tell tones sometimes.thanks for understanding!
UNK said on 16/Mar/07
Glenn - It's cool. I know you didn't say anything against me. It just seemed like a few posters were debating with me, when I am agreeing with most of you that he is around 5'9". It's hard to address every post, so sometimes comments can sound confusing.

Matt - Sorry, I didn't realize you were quoting "trueheight" when you wrote "JD IS AT LEAST 5'9".
will said on 15/Mar/07
ive found a pic of depp next to miss knightly. im sure many of you have seen it. its from the new pirates of the caribbean 3 film. in this pic 5'7'' knightly appears perahps a maximum of 1 inch shorter than JD and both are wearing boots. if anybody knows the picture i mean please can you post it on hear. my pc wont let me. i previously said depp was 5'9 and above and i still maintain this. i would however appreciate opinins on this picture to explain why depp is looking so small! heres the link to the pic. somebody please post it! many thanks Will
Click Here
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
what did i say unk? i said nothing against misunderstood.
UNK said on 15/Mar/07
Don't know why you are all jumping on me... I think the guy is 5'9". Glenn you said you know people that measured him at 5'9". And he pretty much looks 5'9" every where he is seen, to me.

Also Glenn, I think you are pretty dead on most of the time. Moss is the only one I really question, don't see her at 5'4" as you say.

My point was that I have friends that I would have a hard time pin-pointing to an exact height, let alone people I only met for a few minutes. I have met some celebs and wouldn't feel comfortable betting my life on the exact cm of their height. That's all I meant, not questioning that you are the best source of celeb heights we have here.
UNK said on 15/Mar/07
Matt - Depp almost always plays eccentric/unique characters.. rarely ever an action hero or "hero of the movie" as you say. There is no need to make him look larger than life.

Your comments make it obvious that you are not a Depp fan... and they are contradictory. In one sentence you are telling us to watch a movie to prove he is over 5'9", and in the next sentence you are telling us movies make people taller/biger than they are.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.