Lol said on 12/Jun/11
I´m 5ft7.5, a girl, and I have no problem dating " small" guys, as long as they are a tiny bit taller than me. What´s the deal with his height? People who want to downgrade or upgrade themselves have got some serious confidence issues. 5ft8 seems right for Johnny, since he appears to be 4 inches taller than his ex- gf Kirsten Dunst (5ft4).
bogart_heels said on 10/Aug/08
a few pics of johnny with ex kirsten dunst. just shows how unreliable pap shots are. think the 1st one, both in flats, is prob most reliable. interestingly, the 2 where you can't see footwear are the ones where dunst towers over him, plus ground slopes in her favour. but if you compared pics 2 & 3, you'd think they were different couples. overall, her at 5'5.5" & him at 5'8" seems about right.
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Edge said on 2/Apr/08
He walked past me in Camden Town tube station a few years back, and I'm 5'7. He was about 5'9 but had really good posture as he walked, almost arrogantly so (head turned up), and looked taller. Great site btw!
Anonymous said on 24/Feb/08
Question, if he is only 5'8", why does he look as tall as this 5'10" lady? Does that make sense?
CherryPie said on 22/Aug/07
And I'm 5'75" , not considering myself very tall for a female , I still think 5'8" is to short for a guy...sorry Scott!
CherryPie said on 22/Aug/07
I saw them live couple of weeks ago , I thought he was at least 5'10", maybe even 5'11"- but he was onstage, you know how that can make celebrities look taller...but he is absolutely gorgeous guy with a perfect body! Except for the height:-( Wedding is definately off!
scott said on 14/May/07
being 5 ft 8 myself comments like that really annoy me.unless u are a tall girl he will still be taller than whos to say he'd even giv u a chance when he is dating kirsten dunst.ur in dreamland
Kate said on 1/Apr/07
I'm so sad, my heart is broken...Johnny is only 5'8?? Thats it the wedding is off!
Randy Alexander said on 29/Mar/07
roger daltrey is about 5-5 FWIW re: comment below
Markus said on 28/Mar/07
Ok, "in my opinion" the music isn't so bad, but his voice is.
The fact that millions of people download and buy it has more to do with good marketing than how good their music is.
Guess they make catchy tunes, but I bet there are thousands of bands that are way better that Razorlight, but they don't have the opportunity to get in that position.
anonymousxx said on 27/Mar/07
'in my opinion' is what you should say, as clearly the music isn't bad; millions of people buy/download it. Don't express opnion as fact.
height related looks 5'8, the lady is leaning in.
Markus said on 27/Mar/07
Thought he was about that height.
He looks as irritating as his music sounds...that horrible high pitched voice.
G-unit said on 23/Mar/07
I'd give him 5'8½ according to the picture

Editor Rob
I should mention, the lady said there might have been slight slope on street...she might be little lower then
razz said on 12/Jul/06
i read he is 5'5" but i've seen him pictured next to roger daltrey who is 5'6" and johnny was at least 2 inches taller, so i'd say he is 5'8" maybe 5'9".