UK Bassist from Duran Duran and occasional actor. Said in Mirror 2005, "I'm 6ft 2 and [my wife] is a foot smaller" and "Six-Two on a good day" in 2012.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Apr/23
Personally, I'd have thought 6ft1¾ was more aligned with 6ft2 on a good day
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Dec/22
Rob. I really think you had him nailed at almost 6ft2. No shorter than Simon
Taylor, LeBon and Geldof were all weak 6ft2 men in the 80’s. Band Aid video they’re easily the tallest there after Hadley

Editor Rob
Since he wrote the 1.5, it matches up with 6ft 2 on a good day.
GRXj17 said on 26/Dec/22
@Rory magazines gathered info from the band members themselves. Im fully aware on some of these the dates are off but it could simply be a mistake being made on the company that made the magazine. One interview is enough to send the information across the globe and its possible that some people misread the information hence the mistype. This was the 80s no such thing as internet remember? You can also tell the magazines that got the info on cold aka the ones that messed up the date have their height rounded up to 6'1 or 6'2. The ones who have the date right state fractions. Besides how the hell do they know John is exactly 142lbs? As I state its info from the members themselves that got passed on alot and got misread by some printing companies thats all. The fact numerous magazines state the same height or similar is proof he is around that ballpark. John was honest about his height at first but probably got complimented alot during his heyday so he decided to give himself a boost. No one will know right? He is 6'2 barefoot if you counted his hair which he probably did. Its not like people notice half an inch anyways.
Rory said on 25/Dec/22
The thing with those profiles is some of the info is off in other areas, sometimes john says he was born 1960 and then 1961 other times..Simon says born 1958 and then 1959 elsewhere,so I'm not so sure how reliable they are. I think peak both Le Bon and Taylor looked easily over 6ft1 but not genuine 6ft2 guys, I think 187 for both. Either 1.5 or 1.75 is the argument, I don't think you should have them on different listings though as they look identical really.
187 peak,186 today for both potentially.
GRXj17 said on 23/Dec/22
I give him 6ft1 and a half personally. Hes pretty much my height twin. The listing you have him at now is probably closer to his morning height. Both Simon and John are notorious with inconsistent claims about their height. Always giving fractions. "And a half" and "three quarters" being frequents occurances. If you asked me none of the two I would list at 6ft2 altho Simon is close to it. They both started claiming 6ft2 as they got older. Must have gotten fed up with "and a half" stuff...
I found some of the printings of their interviews that ended up in magazines. It mentions their height and weight. Its easily accesible on the net you just gotta dig in a bit more.
Suprisingly as you are going to see 6ft2 for John is never mentioned. But it is for Simon.
John listed as 6ft1 and a half here
Click Here
And here
Click Here
Until we even get to 6ft1 flat listings
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Personally I think 6ft1 flat listings is just magazines rounding up.
Heres for Simon
6ft1 flat here
Click Here
Until we get to 6ft2 listing
Click Here
Found several other listings classing Lebon as 6ft1 but no bother repeating it. For JT pretty much no 6ft2 listings. Lebond seems a stocky dude but for JT what suprised me is his weight. 10 stone (64kg) on a 5'11 frame is miniscule let alone 6ft1. Along with his mullet no wonder he looked so tall to everyone. John also experimented with various shoes. Hes no stranger to heels as seen here
Click Here
I bet those gave another extra impression.
Now to stop with all the blabbing. LeBon is in my opinion taller. Hes not a full 6ft2 but peak I would list him as you did 6ft1 3/4. John in my opinion gets a quarter of an inch downgrade to 6ft1 and a half. Fully postured Lebon edges him out. Altho I wouldnt be suprised if they are height twins. How do I know Lebon is not 6ft2? Why would a genuine 6ft2 guy fiddle with all the "and a half" and "three quarters" nonsense. This is my listing for them I would be shocked if one day its found out these two guys are barely scrapping 6ft1 and have been conning us all along.
Also heres an extra pic of John with Russell Brand who is almost a 6ft2 guy. Remove Johns hairdo and stand him up a bit straight. Your take on this Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Looks likely he has lost height now and 6ft 1.5 prime, now 6ft 1 ish at 62.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/21
John is lankier than Simon so that may have given taller impression....
Covvvid1984. said on 20/Apr/21
Looks 6-2
Rory said on 17/Apr/21
The evidence with John and Simon can be quite puzzling at times, ive seen pictures where John looks 1-2 inches taller than Simon, others where Simon edges John and lots where they look identical. I think on the whole im pretty happy with 6ft1.75 for both peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Dec/20
I always felt he edged LeBon
Rory said on 14/Aug/18
He claims 6ft2 on a good day here at 0.45 seconds. Maybe 6ft1.75 is reasonable.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'll add the quote at top thanks.
Sixone said on 19/Feb/18
Both simon and John are at least 6’2 I’ve stood on stage with them
zane said on 14/Dec/13
solid 6,2 see him many times ,,,
Slate said on 20/Nov/13
6'1". No more
Kyuss said on 27/Jul/13
sorta lanky stylish look,6-2" imo
Zane said on 14/Nov/12
Looks 6/2 in real life ,,
beth said on 10/Jan/12
This is spot on. Have seen him offstage a few times.
Zane said on 24/Sep/11
6/2 strong
Emoq said on 27/Jul/11
Jt is thinner which makes him taller but he's already taller than Simon. Jt is 188cm, Simon is 185cm.
Brad said on 21/Apr/11
As listed talking to him yesterday.
Oktorivan Simanjuntak said on 14/Apr/11
really john , in 16 magazines in 1984, u said in a interview that you're 6 ft 0.5 in ( 184 cm ) , and simon probably 5 ft 11.5 in ( 182 cm ), which is true john ??
an avid DD fans since 1982
Sam said on 17/Mar/11
Simon Lebon is 6 ft 1.5 in. John is 6 ft 2 in. Very close in height.
Joe said on 14/Apr/09
He is 6'2. He is a little taller than Simon Le Bon. He's a very talented bassist and his talent is underrated.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Once again Rob has it bang on.
Hugh said on 25/Nov/08
I beleive it's the other way around. John always looked slightly taller than Simon.
Hugh said on 31/Aug/08
Phil is 6ft1
Kurt said on 24/Jun/08
I don't think John is thin and wirey. He was on Never Mind the Buzzcocks a while ago. He seemed quite beefy. Also, he had a good inch on comedian phil Jupitus. Don't know how tall phil is though?
Viper said on 28/Jun/07
I dont think Lebon is quite a full 6-2. Id give him 6-1 1/2.
Dan said on 27/Jun/07
John Taylor is 6'1" and Simon Lebon is 6'2" ... John looks taller because he is thinner. Simon, has had back problem over the years and may have lost an inch, but in the 1980's Simon was taller. That's the truth folks.
Brad said on 5/Mar/07
Saw them 5 times in '82 in dinky clubs in/around NYC. I stood right next to him then & in '94, he's 6' 2" in shoes. The other Taylors & Nick were er, short.
Stephen said on 14/Sep/06
John is about 6'.05" without shoes. He is about an half inch shorter than Simon who is right at 6'1". John's thin wirey build makes him look taller than he actually is.
Kats said on 5/Feb/06
Yay! I'm the first to comment on ***John Taylor***. I agree with this listing I've seen. Many males listed as 6'2 are adding a bit, but I think he's legitimate. Lead singer, Simon Lebon's listing of 6'1 1/2 seems accurate too. He's shorter, but barely.
I love that John's wife is a lot shorter. He didn't end up with some 5'8+ model. (Keyboardist Nick Rhodes gets all the credit for that one, and he's dwarfed by all his girlfriends!) I've seen a picture of him and his wife, and even with heels she was a great deal smaller. She may very well be exactly a foot smaller.