berta said on 24/Jan/23
the 6´2 claim is strange. could have been measured 189 and rounded down but still dont believe he is down to 189. He looks like a 6´3 guy. Peak was a strong 6´3. its 6´3 or 1/4 over. Also he may have been measured wrong ofcourse and think he shrunk to 6´2. Like the story of my grandfather i have told before. My father at 188cm asked how tall he was and he said " i think im 182 cm". They stood back to back and my father was 2 cm taller. This was when my grandfather was pushing 70 years. He was well built to i think he had only lost 1 cm by then. So sometimes its a wrong measurtment or people in rare cases dont even know. Imagine my grandfather being around 5 cm taller than he thought his whole life.
Peter 180cm said on 10/Nov/22
Looks 188-189. Decent height,a great one to be in every aspect.
Eric Keown said on 10/Sep/22
I’ve met him and he was shockingly tall. He had his hair spiked that day, probably 2 inches or more and was wearing cowboy boots. He truly looked 6’6 or 6’7 because of it. I’m 6’ barefoot and he dwarfed me.
I really believe he’s close to the 6’4 he claims, 6’3 1/2 maybe.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Aug/22
Standard 6ft3 guy in his prime. Today still looks close to it. Made it through his 50's intact
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 18/Aug/22
A decent 190cm
ChristianPerkins said on 27/May/22
But the difference between Rob and John is around 6.5", not 7". It's more like the difference between my dad (5'11" noon) and myself.
viper said on 26/May/22
He generally looks how I do with a 5-8 person and I'm a flat 6-3 usually by bedtime
Darksol64 said on 25/May/22
Definitely not a full 6'3 bedtime height in the pic with Rob, (Probably around 6'2.5) but a solid 6'3 peak isn't impossible. Weak 6'3 at worst.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/22
Reasonably legit 6ft3 at his peak...I'd give him the edge on Welling overall on Smallville even though they could look very close.
Gman42 said on 21/Apr/22
I suppose he has lost a little height and perhaps he was measured recently at 6'2, or 6'2.25/.5, and rounded down. I believe he was 6'3 peak.
6'4" Leprechaun said on 4/Apr/22
He's tall in the recent youtube Alec Baldwin gun clip. 6'2" seems right.
Matt6'4.5 said on 13/Mar/22
John was always a favorite of mine on Smallville. Even back then he seemed to edge Tom Welling. Tooo bad he turned out to be a Trump fanatic.
ChristianPerkins said on 13/Mar/22
Likely either an admission that he's lost some height, or maybe was never 6'3" to begin with. He doesn't look the full 6'3" next to Rob anyway. Wouldn't shock me if his peak was something like 6'2.5"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Mar/22
Earlier in the day he'd probably measure 6ft3½, peak anyway
viper said on 4/Mar/22
Why would he say he's 6-2
Progking184 said on 3/Mar/22
Looked kind of huge in Smallville. 6'3-6'3.5 probably
Eric Keown said on 1/Mar/22
No way he’s 6’2. I peak at 6’ barefoot and he dwarfed me. Now he was wearing his hair spiked and cowboy boots but I was shocked at how tall he was. I would put him at 6’3.5 bare minimum
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 14/Jan/22
prime maybe measured 6'3, current height is maybe prime Welling's height twin, which is weak 6'3, 190 cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/21
He reminds me of lot of Chris Hemsworth in his Duke of Hazzard days. Peak both were identical in height I reckon
In older age, could easily pass for his father
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Aug/21
Editor Rob: he could have shrunk a bit in mid 50's or measured 6ft 2.5 and went with 6ft 2
That mark at worst today, no way a flat 6ft2
James B 171.5cm said on 5/Aug/21
Rob a bit strange him claiming 6ft2 isn’t it?

Editor Rob
he could have shrunk a bit in mid 50's or measured 6ft 2.5 and went with 6ft 2
Lorne??? said on 31/Jul/21
I guess Andrea is here
Hey 👋! ;)
I agree John S was probably 189-190cm range, never 190.5 evening
I am.givng him 6ft2.75 as my "official" peak guess
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 19/Jul/21
If you’re 6’3 midday/afternoon a 6’2.5 extreme low may be possible. On my most physical days I can measure a flat 6’2
Andrea said on 18/Jul/21
6'2 (flat) is too low for sure, but him claiming that is just another good indication that he's never been a full 6'3.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/21
Eric, bit of both...Might've measured 6ft2½ and rounded down....6ft3 peak is unquestionable
Eric W. Tam said on 13/Jun/21
@Rampage(-_--_-)Clover Would you fancy that this means he has shrunk and has also gotten more humble over the years?
WHITECIVILRIGHTS5 said on 7/Apr/21
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Mar/21
Still edges Tom
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Mar/21
That's quite a set of claims 6ft2 up to almost 6ft4...definitely think 6ft2 flat is as unlikely as almost 6ft4. Now as far apart as they are...I can understand both up to a his prime (the Duke days) I think it's safe to say he was a legit 6ft3 and may have gotten 6ft3½ at a morning appointment and took that as almost 6ft4 - perfectly reasonable....with the more recent 6ft2 claim, he may have measured a little below 6ft3 and rounded down...exaggerating his height loss, a bit like Tony Hadley
No need to give him a peak/current just yet...certainly not 6ft2 flat anyway
Mickie said on 13/Mar/21
Weak 6'3" more likely than the full 6'3"!
berta said on 13/Mar/21
he always looked 6´3 to me. very legit 6´3 its strange that he now have claime all the way from 193-188. Myabe he have measured just over 6´2 now that he is older? down to weak 189?
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 9/Mar/21
I’m getting the impression that this guy genuinely doesn’t know his own height and just goes off peoples guesses
Aj06 said on 17/Dec/20
I think he's a inch or so off 6'4 next to tom welling who looks 6'2.7 he looked a weak 6'3 no more than 6'3.
RJT said on 7/Dec/20
@Editor Rob
Comparing this photo with your pic with Routh/Welling, John does give taller impression but what about his shoes?
Also the angle is from low one, if it's taller like with Routh/Welling pic maybe we can tell better. But I'm sure John is at least 190cm considering your tophead was under his nosetip. It's his posture that made him look shorter often.

Editor Rob
Schneider could look taller, I was in a queue getting his auto and watching him with numerous people so he could pass for 6ft 3 that day, albeit he did have a decent sneaker so it's not like a fraction under is ruled out.
he was also taller than mick foley in that old
Gorgees Nano said on 18/Nov/20
Hey rob, didn’t he also play in the snow beast film as well?

Editor Rob
yes, you can even watch it on
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Nov/20
Solid 6ft3 peak, now maybe 6ft2¾?
I'm not sure he's lost a half inch...still looks about 6ft3 now
Tunman said on 16/Nov/20
So maybe 6'2.75 is better?I know Welling wore boots at some point which could explain why he may have had an edge on John some times but then Schneider footwear isn't that clear tbh.Ultimately I'd be surprised if there's as much as 0.5" between them.I assume I would have ended up spotting it
Tunman said on 16/Nov/20
Rob,did this guy clearly edge someone like Brandon Routh who is definitely a legit 189?I can see why Andrea thinks he's the same as Welling,actually the latter definitely gave me a taller impression on the show,well at least I would be surprised if Schneider was taller than him.He looks what on that pic?187-88 tops?Even if he was to stand at his best I have a hard time to see how he can push much more than 16cm taller than you

Editor Rob
I'd have said taller than Routh that day, however he did have a bit more sneaker...
Andrea said on 14/Nov/20
Still not convinced he was ever much taller than Tom. A fraction maybe, but a full 0.5 inch??? 189-90 is probably what he's always been.
Vincent Caleb said on 11/Nov/20
I think part of it is the angle. If the camera was higher then he would look taller. Rob also is a little closer to the camera. I still believe he is a weak 6’3”.
Canson said on 2/Nov/20
@Vincent: yea that’s common where a celeb can look shorter or taller with Rob in pics. Its possible he’s a bit less but I’m not sure it’s much under maybe 1/8-1/4”
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Nov/20
He doesn’t look the full 6-3 with Rob.
Eric Keown said on 4/Oct/20
I can get as short as 5’11.25 after a long day or as tall as 6’0.25 in bare feet. I met John yesterday and he made me look almost how he makes Rob look. He looked a completely legit 6’4. And even if I was only 5’11.25 he still looked 6’4. But I did have on tennis shoes in our pic together and he had on cowboy boots. But I see no way on earth he isn’t a minimum of 6’3.5. But with rob I think he looks 6’2. But he made me, 6’0 tall guy look almost like rob
JD1996 said on 27/Sep/20
Almost 6’4” yeah in shoes
Mickie said on 23/Aug/20
Almost 6'4"... he just left out that it was in shoes!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Jul/20
Rob, at 60 is it possible he’s lost a bit?

Editor Rob
possibly a fraction by 60, but still looks over 6ft 2
Nik Ashton said on 13/May/20
@ Xpac99 - Great idea!
Maybe Rob should claim 5’10”! John Schneider can have his 513th comment on the 13/5/20, the average guess is 6’2.93” (63 votes)!
He doesn’t look 6’4”!
Canson said on 21/Mar/20
I don’t get the almost 6’4”. He looks at most 6’3” with Rob
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Mar/20
@on the Mark (1.87m)
Please read carefully who is the one who came out with sentences to insult others. I'm not here to argue with people, i'm here to argue on some celebrity height.
""NataliaAroni said on 1/Nov/19
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 The evidence is clear that John Schneider and Tyler Perry are about the same height. Your persistence is rather disturbing and nonsensical. Believe what you want as you cannot change the indisputable fact that John Schneider and Tyler Perry are of similar height. Case closed.""
I wouldn't use words like "disturbing and nonsensical" to judge others and this is the real insulting thing going on if you read what she typed again.
@on the Mark (1.87m)
For your own ego intelligence you can have both Tyler and John 6'3 i don't care but with reality measurement that has to be Tyler the taller one.
You're being so weir in your own behaviour. I have never insult you by anything or mean it at all. That "standing behind" of words is just pointing by the fact he isn't that's all. Don't try to find trouble on my fault when you're the one who started it out.
Jkiller said on 4/Feb/20
189-190cm. Always thought he looked exactly the same height as Tom Welling.
viper said on 31/Dec/19
6-2.5 is possible since he has claimed 6-2
Neville46 said on 30/Dec/19
6ft2.5 ?
Xpac99 said on 18/Dec/19
Today he is 6ft2.5 not over than that. He needs a current height!
on the Mark (1,87m) said on 15/Nov/19
@Chris Junior Hernandez Dude, you need to chill. You're wrong about singling out @NataliaAroni because I posted a response very similar to hers and I agree with her 100%. No point in insulting our intelligence.
PhilRenne said on 15/Nov/19
Hello again, Rob. I would appreciate if you include my response for this specific page because I had posted a comment but it didn't go through for some reason.
I want to respond to "Chris Junior Hernandez 1990" and tell him that he is projecting his own impolite behaviour onto others. Chris has insulted me too, just as he has insulted Natalia, simply because we expressed our opinion just like everyone else on this page.
As for Chris, I've noticed that he tends to lash out at many people who disagree with him. Such behaviour is not indicative of a healthily functioning member of society and he should find a way to deal with it.
Thank you, Rob, and I'm looking forward to having my response included on this page.
Stacey_R88_ said on 14/Nov/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 There's actually only one person rude on this forum and that is YOU. You are the one who tried to insult Natalia Aroni. You're upset and triggered because she's intelligent and dynamic by not tolerating your condescending attitude and standing her ground. It appears that you don't like empowered women. Well, that's too bad because there are many of us and we're increasing far more whether you like it or not. By the way, John Schneider is 6ft 3.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/19
He's one tall dude!
I wonder where I'd come up to on him? Over to the expert....😆

Editor Rob
Your head probably is just about almost to his shoulder tip.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Nov/19
@NataliaAroni Case isn't closed. You need a pair of new glasses or seek help from more people's view on the comparison picture. Solid 6'4 Tyler Perry is clear taller than a 6'3 listed John Schneider. You're being ignorant. Ask Editor Rob if they are identical in height. I'm not aruging that you're wrong and i'm right. It's simply the fact you can't accept Tyler Perry is easily taller than a weak 6'3 Schneider. It's funny when you were the one being disturbing and call out others being disturbing that is insane and rude.
eyalome said on 3/Nov/19
6ft 3 barefoot
AndrewSar_ said on 3/Nov/19
John Schneider mentioned in an interview that he was 6ft 2 but in a more recent article about him, he's described as 6ft 3. Maybe that 6ft 2 quote was a mere typo. He looks 1-2 inches taller than that, anyway.
viper said on 1/Nov/19
Mick Foley is 6-1.5, not 6-2.5
John is 6-2-6-2.5
viper said on 1/Nov/19
6-1.5 Matthew Fox looks 6-3-6-3.5 with 6-4 Tyler Perry
viper said on 1/Nov/19
He's claiming 6-2.
It's not concrete. I think he's 6-2.5
Yet another height estimator ... said on 1/Nov/19
Based on this pic of 5ft 8 Rob and John Schneider as well as the video footage where John is standing right next to 6ft 2 1/2 Mick Foley, it's all too perfectly clear that John is a concrete 6ft 3 and close to 6ft 4 straight out of bed.
NataliaAroni said on 1/Nov/19
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 The evidence is clear that John Schneider and Tyler Perry are about the same height. Your persistence is rather disturbing and nonsensical. Believe what you want as you cannot change the indisputable fact that John Schneider and Tyler Perry are of similar height. Case closed.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Oct/19
@NataliaAroni Same? Totally doubt it. Please look carefully how high of hair volume on John's head it's not under 1.25" hair advantage and Tyler had a cap that give 0.75-1" at most from the tip of cap and from their eye level it's very obvious tony bit over an inch differences. Please ask Rob and he will explain it. John is not that legit 6'3 and probably just 6'2 and 3/4 a low.
@PhilRenne He isn't really "standing behind" that already pegged a 6'3 max measurement for John. He isn't as tall as you think and NataliaAroni think he is almost 6'4 LOL that is much ridiculous which will leave David Hasselhoff at 6'5.
on the Mark (1,87m) said on 31/Oct/19
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 What is "funny" is that you're actually proving the claim that John is within the 1,90-1,93m height range because he's standing further back in the photograph you've included in your comment. Tyler Perry is almost in front of him and he's wearing a cap. Furthermore, @Kathryn5ft11 includes a photograph where John and Tyler are standing next to each other and they're about the same height. Yet, most importantly, Rob has included both photographs and a video of John being taller than the "big Mick Foley" (who claims to be about 1,90m tall). In the above photograph of Rob and John, they have the same height difference as Rob has with all the 1,90-1,93m tall people. It's a fact that John is a clear-cut 1,90m tall man and he could even be a bit more.
PhilRenne said on 30/Oct/19
Yes, the "evidence" reveals that John Schneider is standing behind everyone else but he still looks taller than everyone else in this photo. The man is a solid 6ft 3 and he looks incredible for his age. I agree with @lawrence67 that this discussion has been reduced to nitpicking.
NataliaAroni said on 30/Oct/19
In all photos provided, John Schneider and Tyler Perry are roughly the same height. Either of them may appear slightly taller (not more than an inch) depending on who is standing closer to the camera and thus has a better camera advantage. In the final photo, Tyler Perry is clearly standing closer to the camera and he's also wearing a baseball cap which isn't glued to his head, LOL. This cap gives him further height advantage but he and John Schneider continue to look the same height. They are both around 6ft 3 or perhaps even almost 6ft 4.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Oct/19
Click Here Evidence is here. Tyler is 3cm taller
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Oct/19
@lawrence67 Tyler Perry is strictly 6'4 not more at a low and there is more than an inch he will be edging out John. You probably add up John's hair as the same height as a bald head Tyler. Funny..
lawrence67 said on 21/Oct/19
I don't care what an article mentions. John Schneider is hands down 6ft 3. He was standing right next to Tyler Perry at the opening gala of the Atlanta studios a couple of weeks ago and they're the same height. Trying to take the man down half an inch is silly nitpicking.
viper said on 18/Oct/19
He may be rounding down, but it's not
6-3 down to 6-2.
It's 6-2.5 down to 6-2
LexiAD said on 18/Oct/19
Thanks for the link, Rob. Yeah, John Schneider looks a couple of inches taller than Mick Foley. You could also catch a glimpse of their footwear and it's similar. They both got loads of rich hair so it's not as if any of these two very tall men has got a greater advantage. What I did notice though was that Mick was standing straight whereas John was being his renowned hilarious and laid-back self slouching a bit. Can't believe he was almost 50 years old in that vid. He's almost 60 years old now and he still looks fab. He must be working out and avoiding unhealthy habits. Apparently, men and women his age inevitably lose height but this man has been defying time for so long that he may have not lost any height yet. He looks way younger than his age. That 6ft 3 estimate is convincing from what I've seen of his latest photos with the cast of the HAHN.
LexiAD said on 16/Oct/19
Hi Rob, I had posted a while back that John had mentioned that his height is 6ft2 but I agree with the comments following that he's taller than 6ft2. After a "Google" search, I can see that 6ft3 is perfect for him. Many very tall people like John Schneider tend to deliberately underestimate their height for career purposes.
Chris Hemsworth has admitted that he did it too and so did Famke Janssen.

Editor Rob
It is possible he's lost half inch. You can see a brief clip
Of John and big Mick Foley the day I seen him, he looked taller than mick for sure
NatasaVrn said on 16/Oct/19
John Schneider could claim he's a solid 6ft 3 even though he tends to underrate himself quite a lot. He's always similar height with all his colleagues who are well within the 6ft 3 - 6ft 4 range. I can definitely see that John's 6ft 3 and even more. This pic of him standing a bit behind 5ft 8 Rob dispels any argument that he's less than that. I give him a solid 6ft 3 and almost a 6ft 4 when he's out of bed.
viper said on 15/Oct/19
I think hes 6-2.5 at best with the 6-2 admission.
He always seemed to edge out 6-2 Tom Welling.
Cant see 6-3 when he says hes 6-2
indigo259 said on 13/Oct/19
John doesn't look like he's lost any height. He's always been a big guy. 6 foot 3 looks just about right to me. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a bit more than that.
dire_straits_ said on 9/Oct/19
It's obvious that John Schneider is as tall as Tyler Perry. They're both very tall and long-limb men. My safe bet on this would be a clear-cut 6-foot and 3-inches for each of them. They could be close to a 6-foot and 4-inches in the morning.
22helter_skelter said on 7/Oct/19
I agree with the comments here that John Schneider is certainly underestimating his height. He sure looks well over 6ft2. I've seen a photo of you standing next to
Gwendoline Christie who's listed as 6ft3 (and a bit more) by you. She has the same height difference with you as John Schneider has with you. It would make sense, therefore, to place him on that same height level as the strong 6ft3
Gwendoline Christie.
6ft1_dude said on 7/Oct/19
I've found some pics of John Schneider and Tyler Perry and they roughly look the same height depending on who is standing closer to the camera. Usually, John is standing tall at the back behind everyone else and Tyler is standing more to the front. If Tyler is considered to be 6ft 4, then John is around that height. Nowhere does he look under 6ft 3. Those who claim he's below 6ft 2 have lost the plot.
Click Here
Click Here
HeightEstimate88 said on 6/Oct/19
Having seen loads of pics of John Schneider next to legit 6ft2-6ft4 people, he indisputably is within that height range. As for his self-professed 6ft2 height claim, this man has the tendency of underestimating and underrating himself which is admirable of him but also a bit annoying because he's profoundly talented and charismatic and he shouldn't be doing that even if it's out of sheer self-effacing modesty. My estimate is that John Schneider is a solid 6ft3 and when he wears cowboy boots, he could easily sport a solid 6ft4 height.
Nik Ashton said on 5/Sep/19
I certainly think that John is over 6ft2, maybe he is 6ft2 and change!
He is refreshingly honest! 🥤🍊!
I love the name Schneider!
LexiAD said on 4/Sep/19
In People's Magazine, John Schneider mentions his height which is 6ft2.

Editor Rob
He could have lost a half inch of height by now.
Intersect001 said on 3/Sep/19
Probably about 6ft 3 but not more than that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Sep/19
189-190cm today is possible
AndrewSar said on 2/Sep/19
In a recent interview he said he's 6ft 2.
Ipsometric said on 14/Aug/19
I have always considered John Schneider to be circa 6ft 4. In the 90s TV series, Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman, he looked like a giant. However, in a recent interview he mentioned that he's 6ft 2. I think he's underestimating his height considering the fact that he's such an amiable and unpretentious man. How was it like meeting him, Rob? He seems to be a really friendly and genuine person.
zeitgeist27 said on 14/Jul/19
His near to 6 foot 4 claim is convincing. He could even be a bit taller in cowboy boots. He doesn't seem to have lost any height as that dude refuses to age. Nature has sure been generous to him.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Jun/19
Rob, meaning John could be holding it like 6'2 5/8 (189.5)?

Editor Rob
Today he might be 189-90 zone
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/19
Rob, is a fraction over 6ft3 prime a possibility?

Editor Rob
I am not sure about that. I think today he is still at least same height as welling and probably not really lost more than a smaller fraction in his 50's.
K.A 188 said on 28/May/19
He never really looked taller than Welling and even if he was it was less than 1cm....
Matt32 said on 1/May/19
Looks just about right. 6ft3-6ft4.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Aug/18
I used to think 6'3 1/4 peak. But looking more i see 6'3 and probably lost a cm now at 6'2 5/8.
berta said on 20/Aug/18
legit 6 foot 3 peak and 190 cm flat today
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Aug/18
Need a peak and current height. Guessing he look more 6'2 1/2 recently.
Mickie said on 2/Aug/18
Pretty much the same height as Welling, no? I know he wore Shox when Rob met him, so it would make sense he looked a nibble taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jul/18
He may not have lost much actually. He's in good shape.
I keep him at 6ft3 for now.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/May/18
6'3 1/4 peak, 6'2 3/4 now.
joe### said on 9/May/18
yes in the photo he look 6'2 but generally he seemed to be close to 6'3 aguns years ago
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 8/May/18
He looks a bit taller than just flat 6'2" but doesn't look a full 6'3" either.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Dec/17
This guy clearly edges out solid 6ft2 guys who Rob has met.
He's maybe a fraction under 6ft3 at worst
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 25/Oct/17
Would you say he would definitely be taller than someone like 'Ray Fisher?'

Editor Rob
yes, Jonathan seemed taller in person, of course a little more footwear and maybe 3 hours extra sleep over me (I was up very early to get to airport to fly down to birmingham, so I'm already at my lowest by 10-11am), he may have been still 1/3rd or so above his low height.
Junior said on 25/Oct/17
Small fraction edge out Tom Welling but i notice sometimes Schneider dropping posture and look shorter than Welling in Season 3 and up.
Cameron said on 29/Aug/17
175 lbs seems quite light for his height.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 17/Aug/17
He doesn't look shorter than Welling.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Aug/17
I've seen a few episodes of Smallville and this guy actually does edge out Welling...
Matt6'5 said on 27/Jul/17
So he is 56 or 57 years old now . To still be this tall, I'd say he was 6'3.25 or a tad more at his peak. A possibility Rob?

Editor Rob
Might be half inch less soon
hunt said on 10/Jul/17
He looks 6ft2
Sammy Derrick said on 7/Jul/17
I've been watching Smallville lately and most of the time Tom Welling looks taller...And Tom Welling clearly is bigger/more muscular e.t.c.
I heard the main reason he got the role was because they wanted a guy who could look Clark Kent eye ball to eye ball especially been the father.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/17
Rob, could he have been maybe in the same range as Kevin Sorbo or Liam Hemsworth at peak?
He still looks roughly 6ft3 today or like you said a fraction under at worst

Editor Rob
could measure identical to Welling in 2017 now...
Don't know what to claim(5'11") said on 17/Mar/17
188-189.5cm range barefoot low. 6'4 in shoes in the morning.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jan/17
Rob, I meant to say is that the only time you saw/met him or have you had the opportunity again since?

Editor Rob
yes, that weekend was only convention I seen him at.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jan/17
Rob, is that the only you saw him?

Editor Rob
Rampage, that's the only event I've seen him at.
Booker said on 12/Nov/16
188-189 cm
S.J.H said on 7/Nov/16
@KH said on 13/Oct/16
No obligation. Look carefully at picture above John Schneider is about 6'2 here with big rob and if you compare a big 189cm brandon routh with rob. Seriously i wouldn't lie just because if i'm a fan. He never look over 6'3.25 peak and possible 6'2.75 in person. Again from here with 5'8 rob he is 6'2 at most (issues with camera angle , back posture we can't see)
Sarah said on 26/Oct/16
Close to 6'3"
KH said on 13/Oct/16
John looks really tall in that photo I'm not sure where the 6'2' some people are coming up with is coming from. 6'3 (at least) now 6'3.5 in his prime he has probably lost a little height he is 56 after all. Loved the Dukes of Hazard as a very little boy.
josh jeffords said on 9/Oct/16
hes a tall guy over 6 2 beyond that who knows he favors boots often cowboy so I guess thats how he gets to 6 4...
and 175 likely his high school weight.
Gotta love cherry pickers I should see if anyone would notice if I claimed 185 over my actual weight 205 who would notice.
Funny guy not much of an actor or singer..he may be counting that hair for so loft too..
S.J.H said on 7/Oct/16
Rob , do you consider a 6'3.5 peak for schneider?

Editor Rob
not sure about that as a peak, I think an honest 6ft 3, today maybe a fraction under.
S.J.H said on 20/Sep/16
John had a very short head length compare to big rob 10 inch head. John head look around 23.5-23.75cm in metric
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Sep/16
6ft3 peak is fair but looks a bit under it today
S.J.H said on 8/Aug/16
Peak 6'3.75 in sneakers says almost 6'4 but 6'3 barefoot
Now 6'2.25 absolute lowest
But i think he could hold 6'2.5
JW said on 27/Jul/16
I shook his hand a few years ago, and I am 6'3.25"
I stood right in front of him for awhile talking to him at a trade show
John is about .75" shorter than me so I'd put him at 6'2.5" tops
Ren said on 19/Jul/16
Rob Please show the scale In this picture
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Apr/16
Its not optimism, it's truth.
Alex said on 1/Feb/16
Rampage you're too optimistic about the morning height. It's really subjective get more than 1 cm of height in the morning, for example I'm a good 192 cm in the morning for a few houres, than I fall in the 191.5 range for all the evening and night. So I get and I lost a really few mm, less than a 1 cm. I think that, I never got a 193 (6'4) barefoot in the morning, and I'm 24 years old. Maybe if I continue with
stretching exercises as I'm doing these days, could get something more, but, more than 1 cm? I don't think so.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/16
I'd be shocked if he measured as low as 188cm even today. He does look taller than a lot 6ft2 guys that Rob has met. Somewhere in the 189-190cm zone today, probably closer to the latter. I think in his 20's he was a solid 6ft3 guy and most likely brushed 6ft4 out of bed.
S.J.H said on 18/Dec/15
I believe he can measure 6'2.75 but nowadays look in the 6'2 range alot. At peak 6'3 i wouldn't say no.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/15
Rob, I think he might be heading towards that after a long day on his feet.
Out of bed: 6ft3⅜(191.4cm)
Before bed: 6ft2⅝(189.5cm)
Not convinced he's just a 6ft2 guy though
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Nov/15
He should definitely clear 6ft2 but there's a strong probability that he may not quite be 6ft3 anymore.

Editor Rob
he still was bigger than mick foley...the worse I'd guess would be 6ft 2.5
S.J.H said on 29/Oct/15
He only look 6'1.5 range with rob. I know it's a bad angle. It still strikes me that he was not even a proper 6'3 after figure out he look more like 6'2.5 and at the very best he could be 189.5cm range and let alone 190cm
Tarinator said on 24/Aug/15
Looks to be 170 cm + 4 cm + 12 cm + 3 cm or 4cm = 189 cm (6'2.5") - 190 (6'2.75"). But 190 cm is a good call.
joe @@ said on 23/Aug/15
he looks a little more than brandon routh I'd say he's 190cm, 6'3 or 6'2.75
Armandy said on 21/Jul/15
190.5 cm and Tom 190.0
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/15
I have a hard time believing he'd edge out Welling...
James B said on 1/Apr/15
190cm by bedtime
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Feb/15
Most sites have him listed 6ft3½(192cm).
Rob what are the chances of him measuring that earlier in the day?

Editor Rob
out of bed sure
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Nov/14
But, Rob 190cm is 'near' 6ft3?
With all due respect I don't understand your logic
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Nov/14
Oh you're so on the money there
really what the hell is that supposed to mean I 'spend a lot of time looking at heights'?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Nov/14
Rob, could John be 190cm like Welling?

Editor Rob
he can be in that zone near 6ft 3
onthemoney said on 12/Nov/14
i think this guy is around the same height as tom welling so this listing is on the money. @rampage clover: for a guy who's claiming 6'4" out of bed, you sure spend a lot of time looking at heights.
diamonddave7 said on 2/Nov/14
John has,only 5.5 to 5.75 inches in the photo with Rob......He's flirting with 6'2" with the hair and the boots hes probably wearing......I am,6'0.75" and right at 6'2" in my work shoes.
Markus from Italy said on 20/Oct/14
Well, that's exactely the height range difference between me and a friend of mine who's 190. When I'm next to him, feel like dwarf. Interesting as height difference, with camera angle, can make you look taller or shorter according to the case even though there's not so much difference in height. a 190 man can easily tower over a 174 to 185 height man if camera angle is advantaging him or her.
Sam said on 24/Sep/14
To me he looks a weak 6'3" in that photo but can look pretty close to the mark otherwise.
Nils said on 20/Sep/14
I see, thought 6'2-6'2.5 before.. but i think he might be 6'3 or close as listed :)
Nils said on 19/Sep/14
Hey Rob it looks to me like ur head is abit closer to the camera
is that the case?

Editor Rob
maybe a small fraction, but the top of my head is further away from his nose.
My head length is in the 90-92 percentile range.
bigboy fury said on 2/Aug/14
I met him at a dukesfest event in Atlanta in i think 2008 and he looked about 6,2 but had boots with a fairly big heal so was more like 6'1 at the very most.
exe said on 28/Apr/14
to all of you who are talking about how tall you are in the morning after bed and before you go to sleep - you can stretch yourself doing arm bars. if the muscles are tense, you lose less height. try it!
John said on 9/Apr/14
Funny, on Smallville, more often than not Welling appears to have the edge.
jonas said on 25/Jan/14
John is a bit taller than Tom Welling so 191cm is spot on. Very accurate listing.
avi said on 22/Jan/14
Yeah i don't hear height discussed much amongst every day people I guess being projected on screen makes it quite noticeable
avi said on 19/Jan/14
wonder why Larry King really would ask him his height. i never understood why , if height isnt that important, then these news reporters and talk show hosts always mention it. what a messed up media we have.

Editor Rob
height is of course of interest.
People get their height measured, they get asked their height, they observe people of different heights and notice how tall people parent wants their kid to 'grow up to be small and weak', it's always 'big and strong'.
And since there is a keen interest in celebrities, and all sorts of aspects relating to them, height is a very visual interest and people are curious about certain celebrities and how tall they are.
For actors themselves their height can define the type of work they get, as can their looks. That's why it is on their resumes and casting directors do pay attention to heights when determining roles for movies etc.
To show how 'unimportant' height as become, you only have to look in the last 2 years at the biggest company on the internet - even they wanted to get in on the height bandwagon ;)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Dec/13
I'm around 235-240lbs now. But I was a twig in the teens and 20s.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Dec/13
Hey, I don't shrink a full inch...ever
I'm 6ft3.25/191cm evening and exactly 6ft4/193cm on the nose upon waking. But then again I have the upper body of man well below 6ft and the legs of a 6ft6+ basketball player.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Nov/13
192.5cm-192.6cm right out of the bed.
190.8cm-190.9cm the second before collapsing on the bed
Mathew said on 14/Oct/13
Looks about 189 - 190 cm above.
LG69 said on 7/Oct/13
Looks 6'3" here.
Mathew said on 22/Sep/13
A bit under 6'3".
Lorne said on 14/Sep/13
Yeah Rampage, a guy like him could even lose 3cm morning to night, it's not impossible he'd scrape 193cm immediately after a full nights rest. IMO, he measured a little over 6'3 early day, hence the claim. I do think he'd measure just a hair under 6'3 afternoon(like welling) so 190cm range evening, 192.5-193cm out of bed, 6ft3-6ft3.5 is what he'd measure within the first few hours of day.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/13
Rob, is it possible he measured close to 6ft4 out of bed?

Editor Rob
quite likely
cult22 said on 12/Sep/13
exactly 1.91 m
6.3196 feet
Brad2 said on 8/Sep/13
Am I correct in assuming that these actors don't know that they are having their height assessed? His posture isn't the best and I would give him 6"3', but jeez you guys are demanding 6"2'? Harsh! He is a big guy. Over 6"2' for sure.
RobV said on 29/Aug/13
Interesting though, yet again, a very tall person in the public eye just pushing the claim upwards. Many would think that it is understandable an actor of 5'11" claiming 6 foot, or a shorter actor claiming more, and that no-one above a certain level would claim more, or want to - but that is wrong and it proves yet again (look at Lundgren and the Hawaiian actor
Jason Momoa) that even very tall guys like to claim taller and bigger than they are. It kind of goes against the often-stated idea that 'anything over 6'2" is too tall' !
Yaspaa said on 26/Aug/13
@Lo sgozzatore - That puts John under 6'2... nah.
Balrog said on 22/Aug/13
I think this guy at 6'2.5-6'2.75" and Welling at 6'3" is better.
Mathew said on 31/Jul/13
Hmm I think he's not a full 6'3", but pretty close.
Lo sgozzatore said on 24/Jul/13
Lorne, i repeat! There was a scene where Welling was barefoot and Schneider in big shoes. He wasnt taller than Welling! And you maybe forget that also Schneider does wear pretty thick shoes so he's not disadvantaged!
Lorne said on 23/Jul/13
Wow didn't realize he's only 47 in this pic. Makes me think a 190cm listing has to be closer. But I'm not convinced he was shorter than Welling. In early episodes he edges him out a lot, though other times welling has clear advantage. I think he should be dropped to 190cm. Him and Tom both identical in height, only footwear made the difference.
avi said on 22/Jul/13
no even with no hair he is 6,2 and change. you have to train your eyes to ignore any hair that is fluffed up. hair doesnt count much maybe 1/8 inch unless like this guy who has it spiked a bit up in the front then maybe it counts for 1/4 inch or touch more...
Average weight said on 23/Jun/13
Looks a strong 6'1 here. I think it's his build and hair making him look taller.
Lo sgozzatore said on 5/Jun/13
Rob, i'm rewatching Smallville and Schneider 9/10 times looks shorter than Tom Welling. I remember a scene where Schneider had shoes and Welling was barefoot and Schneider didnt look taller than him. Even if it's been 4 months i've not commented, i still remember you dont think Welling is over 190. Ok, but Schneider is shorter, he himself said it, maybe a 6'2.5 listing would be closer?
penguinboy25 said on 10/May/13
Looks slightly shorter than Brandon Routh. Range is 189 - 190.
TimDuke said on 15/Mar/13
He's was a strong 6'3" when I met him in 1999.I'm easy 6'4" and I was just a tad taller than him then.
Lo sgozzatore said on 3/Feb/13
This guy himself said Tom is taller than him. Whats the need of saying that if Schneider is taller? After all those years working together, he probably knows that better than us...
Alex said on 29/Jan/13
Rob, do you think this guy is taller than Tom Welling?

Editor Rob
they are probably very similar
Nils said on 22/Jan/13
Should be downgraded abit.. he can look slightly shorter
then Tom at times.
PepsiCola said on 16/Jan/13
Strong 6'3 for sure,i think he is taller then Tom welling
Trent said on 5/Dec/12
Nah, 186 is out of it. I give him 6'2.5
CBM said on 23/Nov/12
Looks 186-187. His hair is makin him look taller.
Lo Sgozzatore said on 3/Nov/12
He IS shorter than Tom Welling! He looks that and he himself said that Tom is a bit taller than him! I doubt he'd be taller than Brandon Routh! 6'2.5 is about right
Aragorn 5'11 said on 20/Oct/12
He's not shorter then Tom Welling. He's either the same or most likely a little bit taller. 6'3 sounds right for him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/12
" John Schneider height: 6 ft 2.75 in (190cm)"
UK182.5cm said on 5/Oct/12
He looks nothing over 6'2" in this
Tom said on 26/Sep/12
I agree with patrick! JS is closer to 6'4"
Tom said on 25/Sep/12
I think six foot three and a quarter is very close.
avi said on 12/Sep/12
i thought my hair gave me a 1/4 inch!! this guys hair is so pushed up! must give him a over .5 inch. Mine must only give a 1/8 inch or .2 tops. wow. he is 6'2.5 btw
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 6/Sep/12
Maybe 6'2.75 is closer, he just doesn't look any taller than Tom Welling, they're around the same height.
patrick said on 24/Aug/12
When i see the pic of Rob beside Adam Baldwin a legit 6'4...i don't notice any height difference with the J,S. one. They are exactly the same. check out. i am old now...
Drew said on 10/Aug/12
@Hob, It could just be looser posture on his part. In any case he looks at least 6'2.5" judging by this picture.
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
rob should bring him down at 6'2.25-6'2.5 , anyone check on brandon routh page could easily spot john was no way taller than routh. max 6'2.5
patrick said on 5/Aug/12
Hans, you need glasses or watching again and above all, listening to J.S. himself telling that Tom was one inch taller than him, what confirmed people of the S.V. crew near Vancouver. Hans, would you be yourself of German decent? The fact is Germans are generally tall and taller than many but here, in the US, a lot of people are very tall with very different origins. BTW i am french but live in Arizona and am only 5'7. Anyway, J.S. looks a legit 6'3.
Anonymous1 said on 16/Jun/12
Sorry but he looks more 6'2 than 6'3 here.
Biff said on 14/Feb/12
The guy is over 50 --looks great , but cannot be at prime height anymore.
Hans said on 14/Feb/12
I disagree with Welling being taller. Not that this makes his height a fact, but the 10 years of Smallville, John always appeared slightly taller than Welling.
Hans said on 14/Feb/12
Yeah, both Schneider and Hasselhoff both of German decent--read in their bios. Even Brandon Routh part German, too. Not sure if there is a height connection , but genetics always part of the mix.
Nils said on 5/Feb/12
Rob , did he really look taller then Brandon routh?
In ur pics John even looks slightly shorter.

Editor Rob
in person both look quite similar
steven said on 14/Jan/12
i don know much about this guy but he does't look taller than 6'2.5 tom welling. he could be 6'2.5 morning so 6foot2.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 30/Dec/11
Rob, would you be surprised if he measured under 190.5 before bed? He actually is not taller than Tom, he said it several times!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 18/Dec/11
He claimed once to be the same as Tom Welling and another time to be one inch shorter but you still have him at 6'3 and Tom shorter... Mystery of this site...
ChiasmataX said on 10/Dec/11
I don't see him (barefoot) taller than the guy from height challenge # 5.
Patrick said on 1/Dec/11
He is 6'3 minimum according to what I see and what told me people working on Smallville but they also said, all of them, including "him" - read or watch his own interviews - that Tom Welling was an inch taller. I consider Tom so from 8/10th of that TW Show shots. Cinema is very, very deceptive.
Johnny G said on 28/Nov/11
amazes me - I'm a legit 6'1" and for sure he is 2 iches taller then me - we stood next to each other for an hour or more & I was surprised how tall he was - and again a super guy, really down to earth - at least that was a positive in our society we meet a celeb that is a good egg
Rudolf said on 21/Nov/11
Well, those guys with German ancestry generally look pretty tall. I don't know is he from German descent, but Austrians and Swiss' sure aren't exceptions. I would stick with 191 cm.
Mamun said on 18/Nov/11
Julie , will you date me ? I love tall girls !!!!
Regards with flowers !
Julie Szenger said on 17/Nov/11
I'm 5"11 and 3/4 inches okay almost 6 feet tall then.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Nov/11
In all honesty, 187cm-188cm tops next to Mamun...
LAN Jiao said on 1/Nov/11
he look near hasselhoff is much possible he had on advantage shoe and hoff in flat shoes. 6'2.5 is still very tall my guess in person.
LAN Jiao said on 30/Oct/11
I think in person he is 6'2.5 but here we can see 187cm. 6'3 earlier morning.
Jay said on 25/Oct/11
Seems near 6'3 to me next to Welling and others.
LAN Jiao said on 19/Oct/11
1,91m day dreamer.. he is 6'2max fair accurate. Not even 6'2 with supermun!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 10/Oct/11
Dont think he less than 189! Hes as tall as tom welling, maybe a little shirter! Theyre both around 190!
LAN Jiao said on 6/Oct/11
he had small head and is merely taller than 2nd height challenge guy 186.3cm. i"ll say he is 187cm with rob here. also he had footwear advantage by 1/2inch. in reality he could be taller.. maybe 6'2 certainly not a chance 6'3. with mick foley he had good poture look an inch taller but foley did't look good posture as him. maybe 1/2inch apart foley and schneider. foley 186-187 schneider 6'2flat.
jeremy said on 26/Sep/11
LAN Jiao said on 25/Sep/11
i donnoe 6ft3 for schneider. maybe he bend and slouch too much.. he look at most 6ft2.5 in smallville and 6ft1.5 here.
Johnn G said on 16/Sep/11
met John this past July at a private P90X dinner - good guy all the way around - I'm a solid 6'1" and he was 2 inches taller then me - 6'3" is correct - a true gentleman
Legend said on 11/Sep/11
Well that settles it, 6'2.5 max for him which means just I suspected Welling is 6'2
ptoad said on 9/Sep/11
I met him a year ago and I am 6'3.25" and John is about an inch shorter than me. He looks tall because he looks good and stands erect, but he is not 6'3" folks.
lan jiao said on 7/Sep/11
"Kian says on 28/Aug/11
@Hansen 6'1 no way he looks 6'4 and Btw if a 5'8 guy was mouth level he would be 6'5-6'6 and hes at the bottom of his nose so hes 6'3.5."
kian, im 195ish and wife was 175cm. guess what? shes on e mid level of my mouth that account a 20cm(8inch) different when we both had straight up posture. rob was only 5ft8 , do you think im a head taller? impossible.. no offense.. but you are accidental
trolling height here. take a 6ft guy friend get a measure his mouth level to tip of head how much aparting? im bet on 19-20cm. trust me. 6ft2 for schneider is fair. he was not even a nose taller than 5ft8-1/4 mamun 5ft8-1/8 rob. so think again believe leave comments.
:) LJ :)
lan jiao said on 7/Sep/11
i believe schneider was standing tall awhile in the 6ft3 range. but he is 6ft2 nowadays. merely same height as tom welling.
USYD said on 31/Aug/11
Looks 189cm-190cm nowadays. May be 191cm-192cm when he was younger- taller people loose more height normally.
Mathew said on 29/Aug/11
He's taller than 6'2" flat. Taller than 6'3" probably not, but he's definitely taller than 6'2".
Anon said on 29/Aug/11
2cm on Mick Foley I think. If Foley is 187cm he's 189cm. If Foley is 188cm like he's listed than Schneider is right there at 190cm. Makes sense.
Anon said on 29/Aug/11
I think 190cm is close.
Kian said on 28/Aug/11
@Hansen 6'1 no way he looks 6'4 and Btw if a 5'8 guy was mouth level he would be 6'5-6'6 and hes at the bottom of his nose so hes 6'3.5.
James said on 27/Aug/11
looked taller than mick foley
Martin said on 25/Aug/11
He can not be over 6'2. Rob has his head over John's nose. He actually looks closer to 6'1 so 6'3 is out of question if you ask me.
Mathew said on 25/Aug/11
No more than 6'3" in either photo above but certianly not below 6'2" either. I'd say he looks around 190 cm, weak 6'3" in the pics.
Hansen said on 23/Aug/11
"Kian says on 22/Aug/11
looks 6'4 to me on both photos. but a 6'3-6'3.5 looks strong a weak 6'4.5.
sorry kian. i have to say you are truely wrong judging height. a 6ft4 guy should had a mouth level easily tip on 5ft8 guy head by straight posture here with rob , shoes advantage wise schneider had rob by possible 0.7-0.9inch(
Nike Shox) rob converse 0.6inch. probably he apear only bare 6ft1 range here , but pull a stretch maybe he is 6ft1.75-6ft2 barefooted.

Editor Rob
when I saw him he had about 0.3 inch more sneaker, so not a big difference.
man said on 23/Aug/11
Legend says on 22/Aug/11
He's the same height if not a smidgen taller than Welling actually.
if he were 6'2,he still would be tall.btw welling is 6'2.5 it's not impossible that schneider is 0.5 inch 6'3 or little taller is right.
Legend said on 22/Aug/11
He's the same height if not a smidgen taller than Welling actually.
Da Man said on 22/Aug/11
IMO, Schneider needs to be brought down to 6'2.5". He's clearly not taller than Welling, and he doesn't look 6'3" even in the shot with Rob where he is in Shox.
Kian said on 22/Aug/11
looks 6'4 to me on both photos. but a 6'3-6'3.5 looks strong a weak 6'4.5.
Reality said on 20/Aug/11
I didn't know that this guy is 6'3.I thought that he's an average man.
doctor said on 20/Aug/11
feeling bad about your height Mr Editor ?

Editor Rob
if I felt 'bad' about my height I certainly wouldn't create a large site about the topic, especially one that lets visually compare my height against celebs ;)
Legend said on 19/Aug/11
Could be just under 6'3. I'm going to say 6'2 and a quarter actually.
James said on 19/Aug/11
He does not look a strong 6'3
Cranberries (18m, 193cm) said on 19/Aug/11
Link fixed:
Click Here @Larc: I've already posted pics under a demonstrated 6'9" doorframe and most agreed I looked 191cm. This was well over 2 months ago. My spine has grown since then so I've gained about 0.7 inches as well as a fair bit of weight.
Cranberries (18m, 193cm) said on 19/Aug/11
@Truthman: Doesn't matter what you think about my height. Matters what my wall tape reads.
With Brandon Molale, known as a "big man" and 'DB listed as 6'4", Schneider doesn't really look smaller.
Click Here looks similar with David Hasselhoff.
Dan said on 18/Aug/11
Tom Welling has better posture, which is why he looks taller, but John Schneider is taller, i think in an interview or on commentary someone mentions it on smallville, they said something like "since John left, Tom is the tallest cast member"
Parker said on 18/Aug/11
Martin says on 17/Aug/11
He does not look 6ft3 on any of the pictures, if you ask me. He looks shorter. Am I the only one who thinks so?
He looks closer to 6'2 in the pictures for sure, but if he claims 6'3 range why doubt him.? 6'2/6'3 is tall. He's certainly a strong 6'2 at minimum.
Martin said on 17/Aug/11
He does not look 6ft3 on any of the pictures, if you ask me. He looks shorter. Am I the only one who thinks so?
truthman said on 17/Aug/11
Cranberries (18m, 193cm) says on 16/Aug/11
I think he touches 6'4" in the morning, which would explain his claim. His build is kind of similar to mine, although he might be slightly shorter...
His build is not similar to your, you has a build of 5'9 guy. I bet you not 6'4
Cranberries (18m, 193cm) said on 16/Aug/11
I think he touches 6'4" in the morning, which would explain his claim. His build is kind of similar to mine, although he might be slightly shorter...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Aug/11
If he's 6ft3, then upgrade tom welling to 6ft3.75!
Legend said on 16/Aug/11
He's 6'3...ish
QLR said on 16/Aug/11
Not related to his height, but he looked healthier in the pic with Rob than he does in the P90x was he doing that for?
Hansen said on 15/Aug/11
he never look 6ft3 in my opinion. alot like 6ft2-6ft2.5 in small ville, but when i look at his footwear that account him down like 6ft1.5 , with maumun here he look just a fraction over 186 so i think weak 6ft2.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 12/Aug/11
He is 2 cms shorter than tom welling! 188/189 is right for him!
James said on 9/Aug/11
I guess slightly under 6'3 is not impossible