C: TheHeightAnalyzer said on 25/Sep/22
Actually, Darksol64, Jack Tripper described himself as being 6'1'' in the Three's Company episode "Love Thy Neighbor," when he is on the phone trying to secure a job as an escort to get gifts for Chrissy and Janet. It was the episode where Jack first meets Lana.
I'm watching an episode of Hooperman right now, and 5'9''-listed Lee Garlington walked past Ritter, and seemed to be wearing heels by the way she walked (I could be wrong). John Ritter (who was approaching 40 at the time) was about 2 inches taller than her. If John Ritter wasn't 6'1'' in his prime, then I believe that he was at least 6 feet tall in those years.
Darksol64 said on 6/Aug/22
@ Jesica:
I can confirm that you're correct in saying that he never claimed 6'1 on the show. I've probably seen every episode 20 times, and I remember that episode and quote to a T.
It was an episode about this huge body builder dude who had a really hot little sister who also hit the gym and he was trying to show off to impress her. She asked him something about his body in which he replied, and his exact quote: "All 6 ft 180 pounds of me!"
This is the only part of the show I can recall where he ever claimed a height.
Was he a full 6 ft? Nah, see my below comment. Pretty close though.
Jesica said on 20/Jun/22
karatchris said on 25/Feb/13
On an episode of Three's Company, he said he was 6 ft 1 inch.
But on several episodes, Jack(John) said, "I'm 6'0 180lbs."
He wasn't even 6'0, let alone 6'1. John was 5'11 tops.
edge said on 7/Feb/22
Looked taller than Jim Belushi in the 1987 film Real Men by half an inch, sometimes almost a full inch. But I was looking at the foot wear and Jim had flatter shoes and John had healed dress shoes.
Darksol64 said on 23/Nov/21
Going to guess 5'10 and 3/4.
At peak he may have been a flat 6' out of bed if he's lucky but he's not quite into the 6 ft range. Good tall looking height but not that tall.
If you were to measure him in 1980 I'd bet big money the measurement would be no less than 5'10.5 and no more than 5'11.25 after being on his feet most of the day.
5'11 is all in all a perfect listing. The claimed 6'1 actors on the show looked to have a solid 2 inches over him.
CDS said on 4/Jul/21
If you recall the episode of "threes company " Barry Williams (greg brady) guesstarred , 5'10" mr. Williams did look a tad taller than John. Was a bit surprised, thinking at the time, Barry was taller than I thought he was. Thought he was like 6'1" since john had always been referred to as being 6 foot tall.
Tall Sam said on 4/Jul/21
Yeah, Bogdanovich is a rather tall and gaunt guy, no less than six foot at peak I'n sure. He appeared to have a comfortable edge on Burt Reynolds at peak.
Lawson said on 4/Jul/21
If jon was really 5'11 then they must have always had super tall guys on the show 3s company. Because it was quite obvious jon was always 3-4 inches shorter than alot of the male actors that was on that show.if you watch alot of the episodes he looked 5'10 at most because almost all other guys was 2" taller. And Larry (5'8") was seen wearing 2.5" heeled boot shoes that brought him to the height of Ritter. He was in just no way above 5'10.5"
Jtm said on 3/Jul/21
Frank2 claimed Bogdanovich was 6’0. I guess bogdanovich is another bill Pullman or rob Reiner.
CDS said on 1/Jul/21
Watching this Reelz documentary about the late john ritter, and in multiple shots, seeing him appear about an inch shorter than filmmaker, Peter bogdanovich. I didnt know how tall Peter was, but figured he'd have to be around 6'1" or so. But I checked multiple sources and see he's listed at only 5'10"?? Wtf, how could this be??

Editor Rob
Bogdavonich in his prime looked well taller than 5ft 10 for sure.
Average Heighted Male said on 21/Dec/20
The most I would give the late Mr. Ritter is a weak 5'11½"(1.82cm). He was not under 180cm either. So 5'11" seems very accurate. Tall-ish but not 6ft/6ft1.
In the Problem Child films he was slightly over Jack Warden. Of course, Warden was an old man at ages 69/70 and shrunk some, but looked at least 178-180cm next to John. Plus he was slightly over his then-wife Amy Yasbeck in both films. She is listed as 169 cm and wore heels in many scenes. He was at most a weak 182 in shoes, 180 cm barefoot.
cybericebyte said on 3/Oct/20
if you do a google search on larry's height it says 5'11 Jack is clearly and inch taller than larry. however if you also look at Richard Kline's height who actually plays Larry it says he is 5'10. so I suspect their heights were exaggerated by about an inch to fit the charreteras. keep in mind that Threes company is not an orinal show but a remake where the charreteras have already been established. is you search John ritter's height it says he was 5'11 mostacilla from his peak. take it from someone who is not quite 6ft. I am a flat 5'11 no shoes and yes to others I can at times to apear to be 6ft until one of my brother's of father enter the room and say they are 6ft or up to 6'2 also side note the blushi picture ritter IS slouching but blushi is hunched over and still like and inch to inch and a half taller than ritter.
cybericebyte said on 3/Oct/20
if you do a google search on larry's height it says 5'11 Jack is clearly and inch taller than larry. however if you also look at Richard Kline's height who actually plays Larry it says he is 5'10. so I suspect their heights were exaggerated by about an inch to fit the charreteras. keep in mind that Threes company is not an orinal show but a remake where the charreteras have already been established. is you search John ritter's height it says he was 5'11 mostacilla from his peak. take it from someone who is not quite 6ft. I am a flat 5'11 no shoes and yes to others I can at times to apear to be 6ft until one of my brother's of father enter the room and say they are 6ft or up to 6'2 also side note the blushi picture ritter IS slouching but blushi is hunched over and still like and inch to inch and a half taller than ritter.
Abraham Lincoln said on 14/Apr/20
He always looked average height on Threes Company. Meaning he looked just a little taller than both Mr. Roper and Mr. Furley but those 2 guys were short. Many times looked shorter than Cindy. He was probably slightly more than 5'8 without shoes.
avi said on 16/May/19
@Editor Rob
Can you please add that he appeared in movies such as Stephen King's It , Problem Child and Real Men (With Jim Belushi) and also voices Clifford the Big Red Dog? Those are some fairly known ones he wasn't just a sitcom star.
avi said on 13/May/19
5'10 flat I think is too low
You can argue he appears a weak 5'11 at times.
The actor who plays Mr. Angelino on threes company is listed at 6'1 and Ritter is almost his height though that actor's height may be overstated. Ritter always appears 5'11.
If he is only 5'10 flat a lot of other actors are in trouble.
Jesica said on 3/May/19
I meant "Three's Company"
when I said "this show"
Jesica said on 3/May/19
Smiles03 said on 4/May/18
He was at least 6'0, 5'11 wgen he got older
No, he was 5'10.5 MAX. I've watched this show for years, and have looked at him with other people of similar/known height. This show was on when John was in his prime, and he still never approached 6'0.
Lawson said on 20/Mar/19
I can tell you with confidence that beloved Jon Ritter was not anything taller than 5'10.25". In an episode of 3's Company both jack and janett were face to face barefoot and there was max 7" height difference. Janett is listed 5'3" here
Jack is in no way taller than 5'10" . and if u look at him besides other guys on 3's company he is usually much shorter. 5'10"
Smiles03 said on 4/May/18
He was at least 6'0, 5'11 wgen he got older
avi said on 2/Aug/17
Actually just saw a Three's Company episode where Jack mentions his height and weight. He's says 6'0 and 180lbs. I think he is giving shoe height but the weight seems off. He's probably exaggerating in the context of the episode. It's from season 4. Episode 16 called "Mighty Mouth".
Rob, do you think the 180lbs is about 10 or so pounds too high for John during his Three's company days?

Editor Rob
not necessarily, with weight there's far more of a wider range of guess than something like height.
avi said on 27/Jul/17
Looked around 1.5-2 inches shorter than 6'1ish George Hamilton on The Muppets.
5'11 is a fair listing. He could look 5'10.5 -6'0. I do agree he "lost" about a half inch or so by his death.
On Three's Company episode he looked 6-7 inches less than 6'6 James Cromwell .
Also John Laroquette was on the show and he looked 4.5-5 inches more than Ritter. People saying he is 5'9-5'10 are crazy.
Johan said on 25/Mar/17
5 ft 10 range, he was always 2 inches taller than Kaley Cuoco when she was in 3 in heels. So 5'6" girl standing 5'9" puts him at 5'11" in dress shoes.
5 ft 10. Alway's remember him for Flight of Dragons, a great animated film for the time.
Charlie said on 25/Mar/17
On Three's Company Lucille Ball was on a episode. She was standing side by side with John Ritter and surprisingly they stood the same height. John Ritter was some where in the 5 ft 8 Category. After seeing him with Lucille Ball there is no way he is 5 ft 10.
LG69 said on 10/Nov/16
He was the same height as 5'8" Jenilee Harrison in 2-2.5" heels. She played "Cindi" on Threes Company, and is quite tall for a woman. I've watched numerous episodes where she is face to face with John Ritter. There is one episode where she is barefoot and looks only 2"-2.5" shorter than John. I think John was no less than 5'10", but no more than 5'10.5"
Canson said on 30/Jul/16
He looked as listed and RIP to a great actor
Oanh said on 14/Feb/16
I always thought John wasn't quite 6'0. I think 5'11" is right.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Nov/15
Danimal said on 14/Sep/15
John and 5'11" Jim Belushi in 1986/1987:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Belushi and Ritter could both have measured a fraction over 5ft11...
bodwaya said on 30/Oct/15
Dont know when people officially shrink a bit.
Len said on 30/Oct/15
He's officially listed at 5'11" elsewhere. Looked it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Oct/15
Rob, do you think he may have lost height in his 40's-50's?

Editor Rob
late 40's maybe, but I doubt much really noticeable.
bodwaya said on 16/Sep/15
is it possible he shrunk and he was just short of 5 foot 11 mark before he passed.
bodwaya said on 15/Sep/15
daniel same height right
bodwaya said on 15/Sep/15
Rob has daly as 6 foot maybe he shrunk since. then. Ritter does slouch alot which maybe why he appear shorter then 5 foot 11 donald faison. I think before he died he was 5 foot 10 barefoot. He doeernt seem that much taller then kathy segal
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/15
Tim Daly is 6ft
bodwaya said on 12/Sep/15
he was same height wiht jim beliushi
C said on 11/Sep/15
In his scene with Tim Daly, Tim Daly is wearing shoes and Ritter is only wearing socks. And Tim Daly is 6'1''. Plus, Ritter is slouching throughout the episode. I think Ritter was 6 feet tall in his prime.
bodwaya said on 7/Sep/15
rob when he guest starred on scrubs he was short then donald faison who u claim is 5 foot 11. he was 53 at the time so maybe he shrinking an inch . In news radio epsidoe he guest started he towerd over everyone including tallest of the cast 5 foot 10.5 andy dick. he was 47 then maybe he didnt shrink yet. But i think think back then maybe i was wrong he was 6 f00t 1 then here is video link
Click Here BUt then there episode of wings he guest on when he was more then inch short then 6 foot tim daly its hard to telll sometimes
Click Here

Editor Rob
his height can vary a bit, maybe at times his posture was a bit loose and that's why he could look weak 5ft 11.
C said on 29/Aug/15
He looked 6 feet tall on "Three's Company", "Three's A Crowd", and "Hooperman." Not sure how tall he was after that.
bodwaya said on 27/Jul/15
he is a good actor rob i loved 3s company but was 8 simple rules that popular in its time before he died it seemed it got more publicty when he passed
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/15
I take your point, Rob.
Still, cool photo huh?

Editor Rob
yeah, John was a good actor, with Jenny rewatching waltons I remember him popping up now and again in it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jun/15
Click Here
Rare pic with Alec Baldwin not long before his passing. He's obviously hunched but proportionally he looks like he'd be about the same.
Rob, what do you make this finding?

Editor Rob
it's a bit hard to conclude from a photo like that.
bodwaya said on 16/Jun/15
rob is it possible he was 5 foot 10 barefoot. because he he was taller then some of the tall actress in threes company yet he was always towered by 6 footers.

Editor Rob
was he that short, I'm not sure on it!
Steve said on 7/Jun/15
I think he was no more than 5'10".
Marcus said on 5/Jun/15
Ritter's appearances on "The Waltons" and "Three's Company", showed that he was exactly 5'11".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Nov/14
Looked more 5ft10-5ft11 range in the Problem Child movies & 8 Simple Rules. Wasn't much taller than Katy Sagal (maybe 1in). Strong 5ft11 at least in Three's Company for sure, though.
jp said on 2/Sep/14
Many scenes in 3's company he and Larry look at par and Larry is 5'9.5"
MrTBlack said on 6/May/14
In either Problem Child 1 or 2 don't remember which one, he was described as "6 feet tall".
So he was nothing over that for sure.
Lorne said on 18/Jan/14
He was 181cm, I' used to watch three's company too:) He could look tallish, but 181 is fair.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/14
Rob, is a fraction over 5ft11 for John possible?
I saw an episode of Three's Company and he does look tallish. Hilarious show.

Editor Rob
not impossible
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Oct/13
"John Ritter height: 5ft 11.5in (182cm)"
Looked it in Threes Company
Lorne said on 27/May/13
181cm peak. Wasn't much shorter than Chris Meloni
penguinboy25 said on 29/Mar/13
Looks 5'11 flat next to Duchovny
karatchris said on 25/Feb/13
On an episode of Three's Company, he said he was 6 ft 1 inch.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/12
I think 5ft11.25(181cm) could have been closer, quite possibly even 182cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Sep/12
In his last movie, Bad Santa he looked 2in shorter than Bernie Mac. If Mac was 6ft2.5(189cm) then Ritter looked closer to 6ft1.
bodwaya said on 27/Aug/12
was eye level with 6 foot braff on scrubs
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Aug/12
Looked 5ft11-6ft on Three's Company.
Very funny guy and sorely missed.
RICHARD said on 18/Sep/11
Didn't look much shorter than Michael Richards in Problem Child.About a 4 inch difference tops.
lorne said on 12/Sep/11
A legit 5'11 guy.Wasn't much shorter than 6ft Chris meloni.Honestly, he could look 181cm on Three's Company, but I dunno...
For now, I say 5ft11 flat...Maybe 5ft11.25in when he was younger.
(RIP John)
Legend said on 2/Jun/11
pb says on 16/Apr/11
the more i watch reruns of three's company, the more i think he wasn't quite 5'11". there were numerous guest stars on the show whose heights are well-known (jeffrey tambor, among others), not to mention the heights of his female co-stars (joyce dewitt, suzanne somers, priscilla barnes, jenilee harrison) - and compared to them, ritter didn't look to be the height he's listed here.
whenever ritter (as jack tripper) stooed next to a legit 6'0"+ guy like jeffrey tambor, he didn't look to be within an inch or so. at the same time, whenever the blonde girls on the show wore heels, they didn't appear to be as short as they should have if ritter were a legit barefoot 5'11. it was especially notable in the case of jenilee harrison, who is listed as 5'8" but looks taller than that on three's company. when she wears heels on the show, she's noticeably taller than ritter - and that shouldn't be possible if he's a legit 5'11" barefoot, even if she's wearing 3 inch heels.
my conclusion is that ritter was more like 5'10" or 5'10.25" barefoot. that explains why he could look close to 6" at times and why he could also get towered over by legit 6'0"+ guest stars.
I agree actually.
pb said on 16/Apr/11
the more i watch reruns of three's company, the more i think he wasn't quite 5'11". there were numerous guest stars on the show whose heights are well-known (jeffrey tambor, among others), not to mention the heights of his female co-stars (joyce dewitt, suzanne somers, priscilla barnes, jenilee harrison) - and compared to them, ritter didn't look to be the height he's listed here.
whenever ritter (as jack tripper) stooed next to a legit 6'0"+ guy like jeffrey tambor, he didn't look to be within an inch or so. at the same time, whenever the blonde girls on the show wore heels, they didn't appear to be as short as they should have if ritter were a legit barefoot 5'11. it was especially notable in the case of jenilee harrison, who is listed as 5'8" but looks taller than that on three's company. when she wears heels on the show, she's noticeably taller than ritter - and that shouldn't be possible if he's a legit 5'11" barefoot, even if she's wearing 3 inch heels.
my conclusion is that ritter was more like 5'10" or 5'10.25" barefoot. that explains why he could look close to 6" at times and why he could also get towered over by legit 6'0"+ guest stars.
Legend said on 9/Nov/10
I like him so much, he was special and no one was ever like him. 5'11.25 peak probably.
Hugh 190cm said on 27/May/09
In Problem Child he looked 5ft11-6ft.
Hugh 190cm said on 23/Mar/09
One of the most underated performers out there. I was shocked that he was over 50 by the time of his death. I thought he was younger. Still he died way too young.
Mr. R. said on 1/Feb/09
As I mentioned, I saw him a few months before he died and he was at least an inch and a half shorter than me. By his death, he was 5-10.
arnie said on 30/Jan/09
I made a post here earlier and stated John looked like a solid 5'10 I have changed my mind and agree with the 5'11 listing here , recently I came across a tv movie from 1990 called the dreamer of oz where john plays the wizard of oz creator and as I was wathing he does look near 6', in threes company he does seem shorter mabey the haircut the slouching and the tight 70s clothing makes him appear 5'10 but after seeing the dreamer of oz I say 5'11
Jay said on 5/Dec/08
I've seen many Three's Company episodes. Ritter is an even 6-footer. Some people comment that he's 5'10" or 5'11", but that's because he slouches a bit.
trueheight said on 3/Nov/08
Just under six foot. I'm a huge fan of his, seen all of his movies and most of all his TV appearances dating back to the early 70s. Wonderful actor.
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/08
I met him. Worked with him on a short-lived series he did at Fox. He seemed to be close to my height or 5'11", maybe a tad shorter. He also smoked like a fiend which is why I think he died so young. Nice man. Extremely nice man. Such a tragedy.
Mr. R said on 8/Aug/08
I stand by my 5-10 sighting about 5 months before his death.
thekiddd said on 19/Jun/08
He was never anything close to 6'1" in his life and near his death as well. All though I do remember in the Movie "Problem Child 2" A woman read his idea and she said "6 feet tall".
John Jay said on 16/May/08
My man Jack Tripper, he was a very funny guy and was an excellent comedic acrobat, Id say Mr Tripper looked about 5'11 with shoes when he was on threes company and as he got older and heavier more like 5'10 and a half.
glenn said on 14/May/08
towards the end he was 5-10ish.5-11 in his prime.
Arnie said on 14/May/08
He never was even close to 6'1, mabey not even 5'11 I would say, he just does not look that tall, and you can tell from threes company he is not even 6 feet, and I have heard of multiple sources stating John was 5'11, but he really does look more like a strong 5'10 in my estimation.
Socom said on 7/Dec/07
I have always assumed 5'10.75, 5'11 maybe. But he is no 6'1
phil said on 18/Nov/07
5'11'', never lost any height.
repoob said on 28/Aug/07
I met Mr. Ritter a year before his death. He was an even six feet.
Anthony said on 21/Aug/07
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Ritter was a legit 6'1.
glenn said on 21/Aug/07
he was 5-10.
Viper said on 20/Aug/07
I thought he looked 6-1 as well.
derek said on 20/Aug/07
Wow this is crazy I always thought he was a legit 6'1.... I mean he stated that for his height countless times on Threes Company and I thought he always looked it.
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/07
rob frank2 mentioned here that duchovny is just under 6'1 like 6'0.5 o 60.75 you should upgreat him 0.25 in aleast i met the guy 6'0.25 is too low 6'0.5 is possible
stewy said on 17/Aug/07
I recently saw an old episode of "Three's Company" where John Larroquette guest starred as a cop. Ritter was approximately 4 inches shorter than Larroquette. So I'd say 6 feet in the 70s, shorter later.
Mr. N said on 23/Jul/07
He said he was 6'1" on Three's Company and he didn't lie by much. When he was young he could've been 6'1" but at least 6 feet even. He probably did shrink quite a bit later in life but I find it hard to believe he was ever shorter than 5'10".
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/07
I saw John at an Actor's Fund Benefit in LA. We spoke for a few minutes. He was barely 5-10. He had definitely lost some height from his Three's Company Days.
me said on 20/Jun/07
I dont see how he would be shorter than 5-10. I'd say that 5-11 is good and he would be 6-0 with shoes. He may have been shorter just before his death but that doesnt really matter.
Mr. R said on 10/Jun/07
He was just about 5-10 when I saw him just before his death.
Anonymous said on 7/Jun/07
Katey Segal in heels was clearly shorter than him. He can't be sub 5-11 unlease she's sub 5-9
supes78 said on 21/Apr/07
I've been a fan of John Ritter for years and he's never struck me as being more than 5'10" tall. In this pic, if David Duchovny is only around 6ft, then Ritter can't be 5'11" tall.
Click Here
Glenn said on 3/Dec/06
Always seemed 5-10 to me whenever I saw him.
Paul said on 3/Dec/06
Did look 5-11 beside 6-1 Zach Braff in Scrubs. When he was younger he always seemed this tall.
Amit Mehta said on 20/Nov/06
I think john was just about five nine....compare him with Jeffery Tumbor who is six foot ....look how shorter he looks standing next to him !!!!!!!! and even Mr. Angelino ...
muta said on 6/May/06
John Ritter was 5'11" or 6'0". He appeared to be slightly taller than James Belushi in Real Men. I usually see him listed as 6'1" but I never heard him say how tall he was other than him saying he was 6'1" in Three's Company and that doesn't mean anything, it's televison.

Editor Rob
I think it might be possible he lost some height...
a 6ft listing can also be found in 1979 book tvss: 6ft and 180lbs
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/06
I saw him shortly before his death. He was not quite 5-10.
Frank2 said on 18/Apr/06
Ritter was just a tick shorter than me and I'm 5'11". Duchovney is over six feet, probably close to 6'1". I've worked with both men, stood and talked with them. Had Ritter stopped smoking way back, he'd still be alive today.
Stanley said on 17/Apr/06
Are you guys jealous of people taller than you?
I believe John Ritter could have been 5'11 in stocking feet, but I'm not buying the 5'9.5 crap! Common sense can show you he was taller than that!
Don Knotts was 5'8, I guess you're gonna say Don shrunk to 5'0 right!
phil said on 17/Mar/06
When Jenilee Harrison played Cindy Snow on Three's Company, you could clearly see that she was not more than an inch shorter than John Ritter and she almost always wore flats. In the few scenes where she did have heels on, she was taller than Ritter. 5'11" for Ritter seems right.
Frank2 said on 8/Mar/06
Yet he was about 5'10 1/2 at the most. I worked as a exec when he worked on several TV series at 20th Century Fox Television and I stood next to him and he was slightly shorter than me. But what the hell do I know?
guyfrommars said on 7/Mar/06
In the movie "Stay Tuned" when Ritter is playing Clint Eastwood's character in a spoof of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" the coffin-maker measures him and says: "6-feet, maybe 6'1".
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
Nonsense. Ritter was slightly over 5-10. And yes, believe it or not, I worked with him too!
Anonymous said on 28/Dec/05
John Ritter was 6'2.
C said on 8/Oct/05
I distinctly remember a Three's Company episode where Jack Tripper says that he's 6'1''. I always thought this was slight exaggeration to fit the character's playboy image. I think that Ritter was an even 6 feet in his Three's Company years but I think that he had dropped to about 5'10'' at the time of his death.
mcfan said on 19/Sep/05
John Ritter clearly shrunk from his earlier days. He was very close to 6ft at one time. He looked 1-1.5 inches shorter in his later years.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/05
John's son, Jason, is also 5'9" so he took after his late old man in height.
Mr. R said on 12/Mar/05
I met John Ritter two years ago at the Actor's Fund benefit. I was at least two inches taller than him. At the time of his death, he was not above 5'9.5"