How tall is Joanna Lumley

Joanna Lumley's Height

5ft 7 (170.2 cm)

Peak height was 5ft 8 (172.7 cm)
British Actress best known for playing Patsy Stone in TV series Absolutely Fabulous, Purdy in The New Avengers and Sapphire in Sapphire & Steel. In The Telegraph she mentioned her measurements: "I was 5ft 8in, 34-24-35, stringy and very impressionable at the time"

How tall is Joanna Lumley
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I honestly don't think I'm at all glamorous. I think it must be because I'm tall that people think I am...With me it's the height. I'm 5ft 8ins tall - if I was 5ft 3ins no-one would notice me.
-- Birmingham Evening Mail, 3rd Oct 1984

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Add a Comment20 comments

Average Guess (13 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 7.94in (172.6cm)
Current: 5ft 6.73in (169.5cm)
Gerald S said on 23/Mar/23
Rob, could Lumley please join the Bond actors tag?
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jan/23
Jim and I once had a conversation about our favourite celebrity voices, and Jim cited Joanna’s, to which I wholeheartedly agreed, and I mentioned Stephen Fry’s as my favourite male voice.

I remember how Joanna laughed when she found out that in some part of our world, cats are known as β€˜meows’!

Fantastic! πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

5ft8 peak and 5ft7 today. 🌹
Leesheff1985 said on 25/Apr/22
in a small 2 inch heel she was still 5 inches shorter than miranda hart in flats my guess is 5ft 6 now and 5ft 7 peak never struck me as being a tall 5ft 8 lady even when younger.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/19
πŸ’πŸŽ‚πŸˆ Happy Birthday Joanna! πŸˆπŸŽ‚πŸ’

I'd simply love to wish Joanna Lumley a Very Happy Birthday. She looks 20 years younger and her voice is like a lullaby! When she takes us on her travels, it's as if she's talking to a friend.

Have a felicitous, feline-filled Birthday! 😸😻😹

5ft8 peak, 5ft7 now.

Sandy Cowell said on 28/Mar/17
I thought Joanna was 5ft7 or 5ft8, it doesn't matter - she's great!
From the New Avengers and Sapphire and Steel to Ab Fab, she never lets us down, and she's a humanitarian as well, not forgetting to mention SHE LOVES CATS!
Well, I love her, her elegance, her accent and her enthusiasm for life!
She gets 5ft7 now and 5ft8 for her peak from me! 🐈🐈🐈
David said on 24/Jan/17
An actress whos height has always been overestimated. 5ft 6.
Piers said on 14/Dec/15
Pics of late of her with ZoeBall and Gwendoline Christie. A very weak 5'6''now. Head and shoulders shorter than Gwendoline C.
David said on 13/Mar/14
Recent pics show her at least five inches shorter than 5ft 9 Prince Charles.
Anjo said on 28/Oct/13
I saw her in sainsburys last week, 5"6 max x
NYCTheatreguy said on 8/Jan/13
Saw her in person and up close two years ago in the lobby of Broadway theatre--no more than 5'6" now.
Dmeyer said on 17/Dec/12
She must be 5'7 now at 66 how CAN she look similar to LΓ©o while she has 1-1.1 in more shoes
queenie said on 21/Nov/12
She's pretty much the same height as 5'11.5 Leonardo diCaprio in these shots wearing the tiniest of heels.

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Olly said on 26/Jul/12
There is no way she's as low as 5'4" or 5'5". She was easily 5'8" at her peak, maybe dropped half an inch now she's in her mid-sixties.
David said on 25/Jul/12
My friend Steve was on a cruise with Joanna about 3 years ago. The cruise was going on the Nile and it was filmed 3 years ago my friend Steve is 5 ft 8 and joanna was four inches shorter so 5 ft 4 is probably on the money.
Shaun said on 1/Aug/11
Looks about 6 foot in her best heels. Definitely tall for a woman.
NYCGuy said on 26/Dec/10
Saw Joanna up close and in person a few weeks ago in NYC (in the lobby after her performance in La Bete). Allowing for her heels, she was much shorter than my wife and I expected. WelshJohnny is correct-- she's about 5'5" to 5'6"
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/06
she did where heels in some of them, check out the outfit in the photographs story
Matt said on 2/Oct/06
In S&S Lumley often towered over McCallum, but then she probably wore heels in most of the 'assignments'.
jenny haritou said on 5/Feb/06
i though she was quite taller than 1,73! about 1,80 was my guess! would you know how much she weighs???
D said on 26/Nov/05
in sapphire and steel she looked roughly about the same height as david mccallum, so this height sounds about right

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.