Nik said on 20/Jan/20
@ EH - How tall are you?
EH said on 18/Jan/20
In the game that is life — height really is a trivial matter. People get dealt all sorts of hands from deformities to straight up pain most of their waking hours. Some even have it all and check out do to some freak accident.
Look - stop obsessing about height and man up. If you’re a person that can’t overcome something like being 2, 3, 5 - whatever inches under average height than you are weak. You aren’t weak because of those inches you don’t have; you’re weak because even the slightest “obstacle” in life trips you up and causes you to get fixated.
There are plenty of confident men under average height. They may still get called short (or Napoleon complex) even if there is nothing abnormal about their height...that usually comes from weak people who feel bad about themselves and need to tear others down to feel better about SOMETHING in their life. I mean just look at some of the comments a lot of successful/creative/unique “average range” (5’6-5’8ish) men get on here.
Tom Cruise has it all.....but at least I’m taller than him!!!! Well here’s a cookie princess.
Hell, even old G that used to be here shouldn’t feel bad at all about being 5’7” - a perfectly acceptable height for a ~40+ year old man.

Editor Rob
Ill move this to the Sookie Den page, as it wasn't a height request.
Nik said on 16/Oct/19
It's great to know her height!
hope said on 18/Jul/17
I thought she was at least 5'6" barefoot, and taller still with the heels she wears. I'm gobsmacked! The "guess" height drop-down only goes to 5'5" or I'd have guessed 5'6.5" minimum.
Just said on 21/Dec/16
Shocked! In tv she looks 5'8 or 5'9. She's always way taller than the mums and dads!
big tom said on 14/Jun/09
im a genuine 6ft 6.5 guy and i feel that everything on tv is maximised, for example lady gaga is 5ft 1 and i thought she was 5ft 4, so this is probobaly right.
J. said on 12/Feb/07
Why are Leo Fitzpatrick's comments on Frost's page?

Editor Rob
computer gremlins...nastly little buggers.
person said on 11/Feb/07
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my god, Ithought she was way taller than that:0
John Doe said on 25/Jul/06
He looked two inches taller then Michael Pitt in Bully and Pitt is 5'11". He also looked about 2 inches shorter then Daniel Franzese who is 6'3". Id say 6'1" for Leo definitely.
trueheight said on 13/Mar/06
Towered of justin pierce in Kids, who claims 5'6 but is more like 5'4. This guy is no doubt taller than Nick Stahl, has a slight build for a six footer, hence the 5'10 estimate
Michael said on 10/Feb/06
He may have been that height in Kids, but was still just a "kid" himself when that film was shot and clearly hadn't finished growing. In Bully (the follow-up movie to Kids), he was in his early 20s, and seemed to tower over his co-stars. He looks no less than six-foot even to me.