Anonymous said on 19/Nov/08
are this the pictures?
Click Here
Curious said on 19/Nov/08
I read Ray and John's autobiographies, and they seemed to be convinced that Jim was around 6'0" or just under. Maybe they were wearing blinders or didn't notice his BOOTS. That's what is throwing this listing off so much, those BOOTS.
I seen some photos of Jim on the beach standing with the other Doors not wearing his boots, and he looked right around Robbie's height, which at the time was about 5'9". People get fooled too because of his thinness, because sometimes someone being thin can give an illusion of looking taller, not to mention his long hair. I would give Jim about 5'9.5" or maybe even 5'10", which I haven't heard Jim being too much on this site.
Steve said on 18/Nov/08
Even with Jim wearing boots, he still over 2 inches or so shorter then Ray who hardly wears boots!
John said on 18/Nov/08
In fact, Ray never said his height was 6-1, just 6-0 1/2, the top height he has given of himself.
Sam said on 17/Nov/08
Interesting comment below. I see yet another person agrees with me. Ray is 6 foot and 1/2 though. Sorry. :)
Steve said on 15/Nov/08
Interesting Anonymous.
Anonymous said on 14/Nov/08
5 foot 11. That is an abseloute joke. haha. First is first Morrison wore 3 inch cowboy boots. Secondly tight leather, big hair, ring aorund his neck- adds to the illusion of him being taller, plus he was thin in his early days. Plus he was known to tip toe a lot on a stage and lean over to the microphone. Veyr very insecure about his height. He was 5 foot 9 or 174 cm- 100% convinced. He appeared in his early days 6 foot. Look at some of the footage when he is on the beach or with pamela, he carries his boots with him, hes insecure about his height. and when he's not in his boots he is either sitting down or leaning against a tree. youtube it. I am 100% convinced he is a tad below 5 foot 9.
Think of this way...he was an iconic rockstar, sexy, glamerous, daring etc etc, a tall frame would add to his dominance and he was insecure he didnt have that, look at his short dad who is a famous navy ardmiral. Pamela is very short, and he looks only a few inches taller than her.
Ray- 6 foot 1
Morrison- 5 foot 9, maybe a bit below but every bit 5 foot 11 with his boots on
Robby- 5 foot 8
densmore- 5 foot 7
Morrison- insecure about his height, definitely not 5 foot 11, big cowboy boots he always carried aorund with him.
End of story
5 ft 9
Sam said on 18/Oct/08
What ever happened to the Al Graham video?
Steve said on 27/Sep/08
Let's not worry about Al anymore. He's getting more attention then Jim.
Tony said on 23/Sep/08
What happened to that "Al Graham video" .. I guess the liar was found out, LOL
RDM said on 19/Sep/08
Why does Cliff "Morrison" refuse to take a blood test to prove he is Jim's son. What does he have to hide. Oh, I know, could it be the fact that Cliff is scared he will be found out to be a liar? Oh yeah, and there is also the clown living in the Northwest claiming to be Jim Morrison; stating that he is still alive. Come on people. As Jim Morrison would say, "WAKE UP"... LOL
Curious said on 18/Sep/08
I'll admit, Cliff looks a lot like Jim, although I'm not saying whether he's related to him or anything. Cliff doesn't look that tall either.
Anonymous said on 16/Sep/08
Everything that Al Graham claims here is consitent with historical documentation (besides the Paris Coroner's false report). Al is the most credible source out there with regards to the Morrison family. And when he says that Cliff is Jim's son, believe him. Or you can check out the various Cliff interviews posted on Youtube. You can't fake his Jim-like mannerisms.
The Czar said on 16/Sep/08
Everything that Al Graham claims here is consitent with historical documentation (besides the Paris Coroner's false report). Al is the most credible source out there with regards to the Morrison family. And when he says that Cliff is Jim's son, believe him. Or you can check out the various Cliff interviews posted on Youtube. You can't fake his Jim-like mannerisms.
The Czar said on 16/Sep/08
All the claims that Al Graham makes here are true and consistent with historical documentation (besides the creditless Paris Coroner's report). Al would absolutely know. He has been family to the Morrisons for decades and remains to be. Also, if you doubt that Cliff is Jim's kid, you're in denial. Just check out his interviews on Youtube. He's not posturing or posing like an impersonator. You can't fake Cliff's Jim-like mannerisms.
Curious said on 15/Sep/08
Is that Raymond Daniel Manzarek? Come on really?!!!!!!!!!
RDM said on 14/Sep/08
So, according to Al Graham's Sept 3rd post, he stated that Jim was 5 ft 9 and 1/2. Sounds right to me man. I should know, we recorded music together in the 60's and early 70's. Jim Morrison was no 5 ft 11 in .. LOL
John said on 14/Sep/08
Put tony1 or tony2, so confused.
Tony said on 14/Sep/08
Well, it's a week later. Where's the Al Graham "proof" video. I am waiting. LOL
John said on 12/Sep/08
What Al Graham meant was Jim wasn't over 5-9 and 1/2, 176 cms if I recall correctly. That made his height over his sister and under his brother.
Tony said on 12/Sep/08
Sounds like "Double Talk" to me. You are right on Sam!! If Jim were alive, he would be laughing his ass off!! Jim knew he wasn't 5 ft 11 in, that's why he wore cowboy boots all the time. I am up to any challenge you want to make "Al Graham", if it fact that's who you really are. So, I guess if Ray is 6 ft 0.5 in and Jim was 5 ft 11 in, why is it that in every photo I have ever seen, and I have tons of doors photos, Ray looks three inches taller. Can you answer that question for me. I am waiting on your "video" Mr. Graham.
Sam said on 12/Sep/08
Al Graham, you listed on Aug. 28 here that Jim was 5'9" and Andy was 5'11". Then you say on Sep. 3 that Andy was 5'10" and Anne was 5'9", with Jim being taller then Anne. So now you're saying Jim was taller then 5'9" and Andy was only 5'10". I'm just wondering which one is right.
Curious said on 8/Sep/08
As Jim would say, get it on!!!!!!!!
Al Graham said on 7/Sep/08
I have a challenge for Tony, I will make a video showing who I am and if you will do the same and then we can see who is who. I think I can guarantee that you will not show your face because your name is not Tony. So do we have a bet , or are you afraid to show your face and instead hide behind a screen name. Here is your chance to put up or shut-up. I cannot wait to hear your excuse as to why you cannot show your face.
Tony said on 6/Sep/08
What does a "Gay Pride" parade have to do with Jim's height. Yeah, and Al seems to think Cliff Morrison is Jim's son. Get real man!! You are NOT Al Graham and Cliff Morrison is NOT Jim's son. WAKE UP !!!! This forum over Jim's height has turned into a three ring circus man! LOL
Ted said on 6/Sep/08
It would be nice to see a picture of Al Graham and/or Andy standing next to Jim or something.
Al Graham said on 6/Sep/08
View this link of Jim's brother Andy and my self having a laugh on Gay Pride Parade day in San Diego a couple of years ago. I think between the both of us we would know how tall Jim was. Salli-Skank made the ridiculous claim that she measured Jim, So only an idiot would believe what she says.
Jim wore boots most of the time so a You-Tube vidoe would prove nothing.
This argument will go on as long as there are liars ke the old hags from the Doors boards keep making up **** to prove they knew Jim, Salli met Jim once and then stalked his office to try to get to see him but failed. She turned her attention to Paul Rothschild in a further Jim. Rothschild had her thrown out and threatened to call the cops if she ever came back.
The biggest lie was that she claimed Jim asked her to take care of Danny while he was in Paris, and that he wanted her to teach Danny how to be a journalist like her(LOL) Jim fired Sugarman way before he left and no matter what as been written Sugarman was just the kid who answered the fan mail in the Doors office.
I have many Morrison family photos of Jim, Anna,and Andy growing up and over the years you can see the difference in their heights, Jim was not taller by inches like the claims made.
Al Graham
Click Here
Tony said on 5/Sep/08
I wish to GOD, that the Youtube video hadn't been deleted. That was BIG TIME proof, Jim was only 5 ft 9 to 5 ft 9 1/2 .. The people who did view it know what I am talking about. As soon as it resurfaces, I will post it.
Steve said on 5/Sep/08
I agree with Tony. How do we really know that is THE Al Graham? Besides, I heard he only met Jim 3 or 4 times.
John said on 5/Sep/08
Ray has never said he is 6-1, he only has said he is 6-0 and a half and 6-0 closed. That's the reason why Al Graham is right, because Ray always looks in pics and videos at least 2 inches (or more) taller than Jim. Some videos shows a difference of 3 inches.
Good to know that a person who knew Jim has a important testimony to share. Thanks to Al.
Tony said on 4/Sep/08
Jim was not 5 ft 11 in . How do you know that was the real Al Graham anyway. Anyone can put there name in the "Your name" field section. As the old "Wendy's" ad said in the 80's.. "Where's the beef" !!! Oh, yeah, and I am Jim Morrison. LOL ... WAKE UP !!!
Curious said on 4/Sep/08
I wouldn't ask Ray, you know why? I checked out his Light My Fire autobiography, and he said Jim was just under 6'0". The others Doors members from what I read all believed Jim was around 6'0" or just under, more like 5'11". But I never believed it. I always thought around 5'10" or maybe a little less. But I think it's cool that someone like Al Graham who knew Jim personally got on this site and says what Jim's height really was.
Tony said on 3/Sep/08
Jim was 5 ft 9 to 5 ft 9 1/2 . Photographic proof doesn't lie. Just ask Ray or Robby the next time you see them.
Al Graham said on 3/Sep/08
I lived with the Morrisons for more than twenty years, Andy wore my clothes often so I know how tall he was, as anyone else here knows how tall their own family members are. Jim wore high heeled boots and it gave hinm at least two inches. One of the stories in my book "The Japanese Resturant" I tell of Andy, Anna, Jim and myself, we had to take our shoes off at the door before being seated..Jim was shoter than andy who is 5'10" and taller than Anna who is 5'9". I am six feet tall, so that is how I know.
Salli Stevens started this whole discussion when I caught her out in a lie and this was her explanation for how she knew how tall Jim was.
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/08
I cant watch tony's video
Scott said on 2/Sep/08
To Al Graham: we know Jim was your brother-in-law, but how do you know for sure Jim was only 5'9"?
caca said on 2/Sep/08
what do you people care if he was 5'8 5'9 5'10 5'11 or 6'0?would arguing about his height change your life for better?would it really make a difference?
if you want to believe that jim was 5'9 or 5'11 ok good for you,you don't have to spend all your life arguing about it.
Obi said on 30/Aug/08
Tony, you do the math, sucker. One inch = 2.54 cm, one foot = 30,48 cm. Either learn these things or start using SI system units, this is silly. Agustin is right and so are you.
Joe said on 29/Aug/08
Is that really Al Graham? We need more proof Jim was 5'9".
Al Graham said on 28/Aug/08
Thanks Curious.
If you would like to see some videos of Jim's brother Andy and other family members visit:
Click Here and check out the Podcasts etc..
Brad said on 28/Aug/08
That Dick Clark video is great. I saw Clark walk right by me and he's only 5' 8.5". Robbie looked 5' 7.5" when I met him at NAMM. Morrison wore heeled boots.
Jamie said on 28/Aug/08
I have been watching this whole event ( SCAM ) FOR WELL OVER ONE YEAR NOW!! I almost was fooled into this and was stopped thank God ny Alan warning me. Even the best of us get fooled every now @ then. It truly absurd that people out there who have the understanding of the fruad still pursue this. Maybe one day the nonsense will stop. How more people have to lose there money ? Jamie
Curious said on 28/Aug/08
Al, Thank you very much. I'll have to check out the new Jim Morrison book and video.
Al Graham said on 28/Aug/08
Jim Morrison was 5'9", Andy Morrison is 5'11" Admiral Morrison is 5'8". Salli Stevenson is a fat ass old liar and she knows absolutely nothing about Jim Morrison. Any information she offers is either stolen from someone else or concocted by her other accomplices Mewsical or Janet from the Doors boards.
My name is Al Graham and Jim Morrison was my brother-in-law.
Click Here
Jim said on 27/Aug/08
The End, you seem to be obsessed with Salli Stevenson.
TheEnd said on 25/Aug/08
Would be hard to argue Tony. Now if you can only Prove that Salli, who is adamant that she measured Jim at 5'11.5", is Wrong. Actually that she is lying. She says she has no reason to inflate a Rock star's ego. Wonder what she has to say about that Dick Clark video too.
Curious said on 25/Aug/08
Rob, are you going to downgrade Jim's height? I don't think he was 5'11", and it seems most of these postings agree.
Tony said on 20/Aug/08
Sounds right Rider, although I think John Densmore is in the 5'7" range.
Rider said on 19/Aug/08
Jim: 5'9.5"-5'10"
Ray: 6'0.5"
John: 5'8"
Robbie: 5'8.5"-5'9"
flash_of_eden said on 18/Aug/08
I would also have to agree with Tony. Several photos in the Jim Morrison scrapbook also give more merit to 5'9-5'10.
Curious said on 14/Aug/08
I would have to agree with Tony.
Tony said on 13/Aug/08
Jim was 5 ft 9.5 barefoot. I am a bigger doors fan than you are and believe me, I do know what I am talking about. I have enough Jim Morrison and The doors photos to fill the White House. Ray is 6 ft 0.5 / Jim was a full 3 inches shorter than Ray. Jim was only about a inch to inch and 1/2 taller than Robby. Do the math. Ya nut. LOL
Agust said on 10/Aug/08
Morrison was 175-76 cm. top without his famous boots. That's he was 3 cm. over Krieger's height (check 1968 pics). Believe me. I'm a huge Doors fan and i' have all the bootlegs and tapes you've ever known (or not)
andy morrsion the sixth said on 9/Aug/08
no my relashon with jim and all the pixs and my family talking about it now on then i would have to say jim is with the boots he is 5'11 with out the boots he is 5'9
Bill said on 8/Aug/08
What would Jim have done or wore if it wasn't for the invention of boots?
John said on 7/Aug/08
In Las Vegas mugshot, he was listed at 5-11 wearing boots. He said on his elektra biography he was 5-11.
Curious said on 6/Aug/08
What's the difference if you find his New Haven mugshot/report? You know he was wearing those boots when they took his picture anyway.
D said on 1/Aug/08
And being insecure about your height doesn't make you short, I'm 5'11.5" and I can be insecure about it sometimes.
D said on 1/Aug/08
According to he was 5'11", 145 lbs.
Bernard Hartman said on 30/Jul/08
What is Jim Morrison's New Haven, Connecticut mug shot number
Anonymous said on 30/Jul/08
What is musician Jim Morrison
Tony said on 29/Jul/08
I rest my case.
John said on 19/Jul/08
On Dick Clark shot they look the same height if you make a line over their heads. Jim is bending his knees, that is correct, but he is on boots and Dick is not standing totally straight. I don't think Dick Clark is on boots. So in that video I'd list Jim just 1 inch over Dick. No more.
Tony said on 18/Jul/08
I am a huge doors fan and know ALOT regarding Jim Morrison. Jim was 5'9" people. Video and tons of photos don't lie. Jim was very insecure regarding his height. He wore cowboy boots all the time so the heels would give him an extra inch or two. As Jim would say, " WAKE UP !!!! "
Curious said on 17/Jul/08
You have to remember, if Jim was 5'11" or 5'11.5", he would be at least 6'1" or taller with his boots. You would see a much bigger difference in height with Dick Clark. Even with his knees bent, there isn't that much difference in height with Dick Clark. Personally, I think 5'10" is more realistic, but who knows, we could argue forever.
TheEnd said on 16/Jul/08
We have 3 pieces of major evidence now. #1 The French Coroners report-6'1". #2 Salli Stevenson measuring him-5'11.5" #3 This Dick Clark shot which I would have to agree 5'9" although Dick is standing in the forefront and Jim is bending his knees. Were only talking about 2 inches of difference here from 5'9 to 5'11 and it seems pretty difficult to get grasp given these different cases. I wish I could just believe Salli 100% but then again I dont know her personally so how would I know if she's stretching the truth (no pun intended).
Steve said on 14/Jul/08
Some people list Dick Clark as being more 5'9", but I don't know. If he is, and he is wearing regular dress shoes with his suit, that would only make him just over 5'9" in that video standing, facing Jim. Jim is a little slouched, but nothing major. He looks practically the same height as Dick, and that's with him wearing his boots! If he was wearing regular shoes like Dick in that video, I bet they would have been nearly the same size. Jim maybe an inch taller. 5'11" sounds too much for Jim.
miles smiles said on 14/Jul/08
This 5-ll talk is cra-zay. He was 5-11 in his Lizard King cuban heels, perhaps. In many photos he's barely, just barely taller than Robbie.
John said on 14/Jul/08
Maybe Ray is only 6-0 (as he says), and no more, because he says at his website about Brett Scallions: "He's going to be great! Big voice, commanding stage presence. Prowls like a cat. 6 feet tall, 165 lbs..."
If you see any pic of them together, you'll see they are the same height. And sometimes Brett can look 1 inch taller than him (maybe wearing boots). So Jim can't be taller than 5-11.
Curious said on 12/Jul/08
I watched the video Tony posted, and in all fairness, Jim wasn't standing straight. He looked like he was wearing his boots though.
John said on 10/Jul/08
There are people sayin' Jim was 6-1, that would make Ray 6-3, No way.
What Ray says about himself: 6-0, 6-0 1/2
What Jim said about himself: 5-11, maybe out of bed.
Mike said on 10/Jul/08
If Jim is 5'11" barefoot, then Ray is 6'2" barefoot. NO WAY!!!
maurison said on 7/Jul/08
Don posted a video where a young Harrison ford and jim Morrison are standing together,this site posted Ford as 5'11.75 and 6'1 peak height so ford was 6'1 back at the 60's and jim and ford look exactly the same height !
if jim was wearing boots in that video then I guess he must've been 5'11 barefoot
miles smiles said on 26/Jun/08
Jim was 5-9. Study the old photos. Subtract the cuban heels.
John said on 18/Jun/08
Salli said "Jim always sort of slouched when he walked". I have seen some videos of four doors walking, in some of them Jim had a brilliant posture, but not Ray, and even on that situation Ray have at least 2 inches over Jim.
Someone said in this website that Mick Jagger has a retractable spin. I think that is the situation with Jim.
Mike said on 18/Jun/08
If Jim was 5'11.5, then Ray must have been 6'2. Jim wearing boots, would have made him 6'2" or so. Still don't buy the 5'11.5. What does Salli do carry a tape measure around with her? Why doesn't she measure Ray's height, although by now I'm sure he shrunk some. It's also funny how she says nobody in the Doors knew how tall they were.
Curious said on 17/Jun/08
Salli, why does Ray say in his autobiography that he is 6.0"? Don't you think he would know his height by now? How do I know this is really who you say you are?
Soup said on 17/Jun/08
Somebody said measurement of dead ar inaccurate, like Tupac's measurement.
Maybe the 5'11.5 that Salli claims was Jim's top height on a day. Jim wasn't same height as Ray, that is a fact. And Ray also had a very bad posture, worse than Jim.
John said on 6/Jun/08
I forgot it. Did anybody see the big difference and incredible bad posture of 6-0 Ray in the Ford video? Even that incredible bad posture he has like 3 inches over Jim. And Jim looks only 1 inch taller than Robby.
Jim said on 4/Jun/08
I watched that video by Don and I thought that was pretty cool because we got to see Jim next to a celeb. Yeah, Ford was about 6'1". The problem is we can't see if he's wearing flat shoes or boots. If he's 6'1", and wearing flat shoes, then he's probably around 6'2" in that video, and like John said leaning a bit. Jim most likely was wearing his notorious boots, which I think make him around 6'0". So the footwear Jim's wearing, which is almost the same as lifts, is why they look so close. Think about it, if Ford is 6'1" and wears boots like Jim's, he would be up around 6'3" or close to that. So, with Ford leaning slightly, and not wearing those high boots, that explains why they're so close, at least that's my opinion.
John said on 3/Jun/08
If that is ford, he was 6-1 those days. But he is leaning a bit, like "I don't wanna disturb" :D. If he were straight he could get 1 inch more than Jim. Look also their shoulders: althought ford is leaning, they are over jim's shoulders ( wearing boots for sure).
Mike said on 3/Jun/08
Glen, after researching and reading sources, what do you really think Morrison's height really could be? Also, what do you think of this Salli measurement, true or not? Really, anyone can say he was this tall or that tall. But to me, if it really was Salli, don't you think it seems a bit much, 5'11.5"?
Curious said on 2/Jun/08
I watched the video, but it still doesn't give an accurate height for Jim. Besides, Jim's wearing his boots probably and we can't see Ford's footwear.
Don said on 1/Jun/08
I recently found this video from YouTube, showing Jim Morrison and Harrison Ford walking by one another in 1968.
Click Here
TheEnd said on 1/Jun/08
For the recored the French Coroners measurement was the equivalent of 6'1" ,not 6'0". I believe it is on the actual death certificate. Salli wrote for Circus magazine and interviews Jim on the CD -Jim Morrison:The Lost Interview Tapes Vol.2. Both Vol.1 and Vol.2 are terrific interviews with the discussions from a man who sounds about 5'11" and 1/2....
John said on 28/May/08
Causes of death are misterious, so I don't buy about 6-0 on his death (2pac was listed 6-0, and he was only 5-9). I think Salli measured Jim, and obviously jim's hair add him 1 inch or something (jim's hair on 1970 was pretty long and currly, just take a look on pics). I think he was a 5-11 in the morning (no hair included, and 5-10 at the end of the day, maybe less)
The only problem with Salli Stevenson measurement is that her 5-11,5 doesn't match with the others height's Doors.
Kevin said on 27/May/08
Ray says he's 6'0" in his autobiography. John says he's 5'8" in his autobiography. There's a picture of Robbie on this website standing next to Glen, who says he's 5'8", probably 5'9" when he was younger. As for Jim, when Robbie wears boots like Jim's, they look almost the same height, maybe Jim slightly taller. There is too much of a height difference between the 6'0"-6'0.5" Ray, even with Jim wearing his boots to say Jim was 5'11". Now it appears people are saying he was over 5'11"? As far as the doctor in Paris listing Jim as 6'0", that is really even harder to believe. How do you believe the doctor anyway when it seems like Jim did not die of natural causes like they said. Probably was a coverup of what really happened that night.
Curious said on 27/May/08
How did all of a sudden did "Salli" find this site and is defending Jim supposedly being that tall? Either someone is making this up or is just possessed with Jim being taller then he really was. I still don't buy it. 5'10" at the most.
John said on 26/May/08
if salli is right that makes ray 6-3, robby 5-10 and densmore 5-9.
TheEnd said on 25/May/08
I'm choosing to believe Salli for now. I'll re-check her height measurement when once I break on through to the other side. So 5'11" and change... it is. Dont say I didnt try to tell you.
Salli said on 24/May/08
(Curious says on 24/Apr/08
Why would this Salli Stevenson journalist want to measure Jim's height. Besides, you can't believe everything people say. She was just feeding Jim's ego. No way was he over 5'10".)
You don't buy it. I didn't either. I thought Jim was lying about his height, so I bet money on it. I lost. Jim was taller than 5'11". Btw, I never feed anyone's ego when my money's on the table, whether it's poker or some rock star's height. Most of the inflation in rock stars comes in the size of their egos, not their physical stature, so why make them any taller than they actually are. ;)
Salli said on 24/May/08
Jim was just over 5'11" in October 1970 without his boots on. Babe Hill and I had a bet as to how tall Jim really was, so Jim took off his boots and we measured him from his heels to the top of his head. Jim measured about 5'11 and a half inches. When he died in 1971 the doctor in Paris measured Jim's body length and it measured six feet tall. You can find it in centimeters on the death certificate.
miles smiles said on 23/May/08
Agreed, Kevin. Actually, all evidence points to Jim being around 5-9. In his thick cuban heels he still didn't come close to Ray's height.
John said on 23/May/08
I agree with you Curious, sometimes he doesn't look very comfortable on his boots.
TheEnd said on 23/May/08
I agree that if it is indeed Hero Worship then Ms.Stevenson would be the worst culprit of this HAVING KNOWN Jim and MEASURED him 'Barefoot' as she says at 5'11.5". I went back on site and found out that her and another woman who apparently knew Jim said He was 5'11" at 1967 but by 1971 when the French coroners measured him, He had grown to 6'1", as this is the Official French record for his death. This is their claim (2 women) and they absolutely swear to it that Jim grew taller during these 3 years or so as did Ray apparently. This all according to Ms.Stevenson and another woman. They seem quite truthful when they are discussing this & Ms.Stevenson is a journalist who interviewed Jim (it's on CD i believe). I'll just say that I'll never be sure after hearing all these claims. I cant settle on 5'9.5" after seeing that Ms.Stevenson claims to have measured him at 5'11.5" and then with the French death certificate being 6'1".
Kevin said on 23/May/08
I think if anyone goes through and takes the time to read all of these postings on Jim, you can easily see that around 75% or more agree Jim was no 5'11". Most agree between 5'9.5"-5'10" max. 5'11" is just hero-worship from people who are infatuated with him and don't want to accept reality.
Curious said on 22/May/08
I say 5'10" tops, 6'0" with thick heeled boots. So he couldn't be 5'11" because if he's 6'0" with his boots, that would only be one inch difference without his boots. I think really with Jim it's all about the boots. The heels on those things were huge. They also had to be pretty uncomfortable.
John said on 22/May/08
TheEnd, you have to think that Ray says HIMSELF is 6-0 or 6-0 1/2 (not 6-1) If you list him at 6-1(it's not great difference)Jim looks 1 inch 1/2 at least(you said that) shorter than him. That makes Jim 6-0 on boots, and maybe no more than 5-11 barefeet(which he mentioned about his height, and police officers in Las vegas also did). So 5-10, like Curious posted, sounds more realistic, and "maybe" top 5-11. Jim wasn't the same height as Ray.
Nobody says Ms. Stevenson is a liar, but maybe she forgot details. Doesn't sounds more reasonable a 5-10 3/4?, maybe she add 1 inch by mistake. It's comprehensible after 40 years.
Curious said on 21/May/08
I think the 5'10" range sounds realistic.
TheEnd said on 20/May/08
Unless you can somehow totally dis-credit Ms.Stevenson as being a liar in this case, then you will have to give her the benefit of doubt and think "perhaps she was not lying at all or if she was embellishing his height maybe it was no more than by 1 inch leaving Jim at 5'10.5" ?? Ray is definitely taller than 5'11" at 6'0.5". That is 1 and 1/2 inches so there is a difference and Ray wore boots with heels at times too. I havent seen one Photograph to convince me enough that Jim was significantly shorter than Ray to make him 5'9".- This is because we dont have any pics of them all or both standing perfectly straight like in a lineup. Jim was shorter than Ray between 1-2 inches which still leaves Jim in the 5'10-5-11.5 range.....
Curious said on 20/May/08
I don't know why people insist he was 5'11". Get over it, he was NOT that tall.
Pictures don't lie.
Ted said on 20/May/08
Wow, I guess Ray must have really been 6'3"! Give me a break.
John said on 19/May/08
If he was 5-11 3/4 like she says, he could perfectly said he was 6-0, but he said "5-11", not "5-11" 3/4.
Jim said on 19/May/08
I don't buy the Salli Stevenson measurement.
Tony said on 19/May/08
Steve, you are correct. I am also a HUGE doors fan and Jim was NOT 5'11" . He was 5'9" 1/2 . Jim said he was 5'11" because he wanted to make people think he was taller by wearing high heel cowboy boots. He may have even wore "Lifts" on top of that. I guess we will never know. It's the Truth.
TheEnd said on 18/May/08
Well..Salli Stevenson knew him and apparently measured him at 5'11.5" just read down....
Steve said on 17/May/08
I'm a big Jim Morrison fan. I've read practically all the biographies/books on the guy. I've seen tons of pictures of him as well. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he had a height complex. He always wore boots in public. He stretched himself when he was younger, and who knows maybe kept doing so. I don't think he was short. Definitely shorter then Ray, who rarely wore boots. If there was only an inch or inch and a half difference in height when Ray and Jim stood next to each other, the difference would have been made up with Jim's high heeled boots, make sense? So why was there still a couple inches height difference with Jim wearing boots and Ray (6'0.5") wearing his flat shoes/sandals? The answer I think would be that Jim was NOT 5'11", but perhaps 5'10" or maybe 5'9.5". We'll never know unless someone who REALLY knew Jim finds this website and gets on it. Good luck with that one.
John said on 16/May/08
if you are a six footer, police must to note that, and say "6-0" because is a standard height and they are checking heights all the time, maybe everyday. They usually add 1 inch, you have lots of examples about it. That's why I don't buy the 6-0 or 6-1 that some say about him (remember he said he was 5-11, no more than that)
Ron said on 16/May/08
That's still guessing. 6'0", obviously, with the boots minus a couple inches or so equals 5'10" or a little less, not 5'11". That would be only one inch.
TheEnd said on 15/May/08
If the guy was wearing boots with a 'significant' heel (2-3 inches), then you would think,they would subtract a those few inches as an intelligent person (at the police station) might estimate unless they actually had him remove the boots. Guy looks 5-11 ish and always has....
Curious said on 15/May/08
I found the report where it talks about Jim's Las Vegas arrest. It's on It says 5'11" and 145 pounds. It has his mug shot but I don't see the height chart behind him. Too bad you can't see the height charts on either mug shot photos from Vegas and Connecticut.
miles smiles said on 15/May/08
I stand by 5-9(ish) for Jim. He was much closer to Robby's height than Ray's.
John said on 14/May/08
The difference between the arrest on New Heaven and Las Vegas is less than a month. They Listed him on 6-0 on New Heaven and 5-11 Las Vegas, and looks like he was asummed 6-0 on boots on New Heaven (somebody who knew morrison said that he wasn't that height), so I think they did the same in Las Vegas. Let's say if they measure 5-11 with or without boots in Las Vegas, he wasn't taller than that.
In some pics he looks the same height of 5-8 Robby Krieger!! It's not easy to think he was 6-0.
Curious said on 14/May/08
Is that with or without boots? I don't think they make you take your shoes off when they measure your height at the police station. Maybe they just looked at his license. I don't know if 5'11" was what they assumed or what.
John said on 13/May/08
Sorry, he was listed at 5-11, 1 inch less than New Heaven. "Arrested near midnight, Morrison, The Doors' trouble-prone lead singer, was listed as 5-foot-11, 145 pounds, with brown hair, hazel eyes and "bad" complexion"
Can put link here? I don't know how to do it, but I paste the information, ;)
Click HereHope it works.
Curious said on 13/May/08
John, where did you find this 5'10" listing from Las Vegas?
Joe said on 13/May/08
Morrison was 1.76m. top without his boots. He was only 3 cm. over Krieger in so many 1968' pics with Jim wearing normal shoes (and Krieger too). Don't forget that Krieger ALWAYS had a very bad posture and he is very thin. Morrison had a different body size, that's why he seemed to be VERY bigger than Robby...
John said on 12/May/08
The police listed at 5-10 when he was arrested in Las Vegas.
Curious said on 12/May/08
I read somewhere when Jim got arrested in New Haven, Connecticut, and brought in, they said his height was 6'0". Now obviously he was wearing his boots, which gave him at least a couple added inches. If he was 5'11", he would have been over 6'0" with his boots on.
Kevin said on 9/May/08
Jim WISHED he was 5'11"!
John said on 6/May/08
There are some pics of jim not wearing boots, flat shoes. And he really looks like 5-10.
Joe said on 6/May/08
Maybe there is a picture out there with him not wearing those boots, which is the only realistic way of measuring his height.
glenn said on 6/May/08
josh- a 5-10 or 5-11 guy.
John said on 5/May/08
So Robby is 5-11? Ray is 6-4?
What about 5-11 in the morning, 5-10 at night. Seems to be more reasonable.
TheEnd said on 5/May/08
I still cant get past the Salli Stevenson account where she is saying that one day her, Jim, and Babe Hill (Morrison's best friend) were having a discussion about Height so she Measured him barefoot at 5'11.5" Now, I'm not one to easily call someone a liar so I'll just say We'll never know for sure because I was not there and I never saw Jim in person. I guess it would be interesting to know how credible a source/person Ms.Stevenson is.
Josh said on 5/May/08
Glen, you stated earlier that you thought he didn't look over 5'10". Now you say he looked 5'11".
Joe said on 2/May/08
TheEnd, I totally agree. He really does look 5'11 - 6'0 in a lot of pics and I was shocked when I first read 5'9 claims. Is it his proportions maybe???
miles smiles said on 2/May/08
Check out the promo pics for Morrison Hotel (short legs), or look at photos of him playing basketball in flat shoes in about 1970. He definitely looks around 5-9. With Ray in regular shoes, and Jim in chunky cowboy boots, he could still look a good 2.5 inches shorter than Ray. Jim looked tallest in 1967, when he was practically emaciated from a diet of acid...and more acid.
John said on 1/May/08
I Don't think he was 5-9, he looks more between 5-10 and 5-11. Maybe his slim frame, boots and hairstyle made him look taller than he really was. Don't you think that TheEnd? just take a look to the pic I posted on Apr-29, how much inches do you think that hairstyle can add to his height?
Jim wasn't a short guy, but maybe not tall like some people say.
BTW, 5-10 or 5-11 in EE.UU is a short height for a person? I Don't think so.
glenn said on 1/May/08
to me he looked a 5-11 guy.never taller.and looking 5-10 on occasion.
TheEnd said on 1/May/08
If he was actually 5'9" then I must say this- That is the Tallest Looking 5'9" man I have ever seen. Does anyone agree with this? Judging from all the pictures and videos you always get the impression that He is a pretty tall guy 5'11 to 6'. He sure fooled all these years...but that's what Jim did best.
glenn said on 1/May/08
you know your sht joe.
Joe said on 30/Apr/08
Thanks Glenn. That's a good point Sam. If he was 5'11 he should've been about as tall as Ray in the pics where Ray is wearing sandals. Another reason I don't think he was 5'11 is b/c the official Elektra bio lists him as that height. It just seems to me with him being the sex symbol he was back then, they would want to pass him off as being as tall as possible. It's always possible they just didn't care about his height but that's hard for me to believe.
glenn said on 30/Apr/08
i use to hate them in the 80s.90s thought they were i love them.yes,he can be with any band,their hits can kill it for me.its always the album tracks that are better.any group.come on,enter sandman? what the fuk is that?
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/08
As a Doors fan I think he must be at least 5ft 10, but then his weight as his most lean was 140lbs, that's very very skinny for someone who claims to be almost 6ft
sam said on 30/Apr/08
I think The Doors can actually be pretty boring at times. I was watching their dvds and I think Morrison can be very pretentious. I'm not saying they are not a good band, but they are no Led Zeppelin. If Ray is 6.05", and wears sandals or regular shoes, that would put him about 6'1.5" with shoes. If Jim is 5'11", and wears boots, that would put him right around Ray's height because of the obvious thick soles of his boots. NO WAY he's 5'11". There's too much of a height difference between him and Ray, even with him wearing boots. I would have to say that Jim was probably 5'9.5"-5'10" MAX.
glenn said on 30/Apr/08
wow im back to thinking 5-9.
Joe said on 30/Apr/08
In Jerry Hopkins's book 'The Lizard King' he talks about being on the set of 'The Doors' and made the comment that he'd forgotten Jim was so tall when he saw Val Kilmer. Stephen Davis also described Val Kilmer as a too tall Jim Morrison in his book 'Life, Death, Legend.' Davis also talks about Morrison's New Haven arrest and how the police listed him as 6' but that he was actually 5'9.
miles smiles said on 28/Apr/08
I may be in the minority, but I'm standing by 5-9 (tops) for Jim. In the early days, when he was super-thin, he could come across as taller in his tight leather and cuban heels, but there are tons of late-period photos where he looks 5-8.5 to 5-9. In his bearded and chunky final days in Paris, he seemed to have lost all interest in his appearance, and there are some pictures of him in normal shoes.
John said on 28/Apr/08
Other comment on the movie: Somebody said(sorry I don't remember who was it, but if you look for it, sure you're gonna find it),when he looks val impersonating jim, "I don't remember jim was so tall!"
Now you have two differents person who knew Jim and Val, and noted the detail.
Curious said on 28/Apr/08
Val was 6'0".
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
interesting john.thanks for sharing that.
John said on 26/Apr/08
I remember that somenbody who knew Jim said that Val Kilmer was 2 inches taller than him, while he was making the movie. I don't remeber who, but it's a fact.
glenn said on 26/Apr/08
thanks for the info the end and guys know your not a doors expert.only liked them more as i got older.i prefer or also love the doors albums without morrison.
Curious said on 25/Apr/08
Actually, it says in No One Here Gets Out Alive Jim was 5'8 3/4" and had been stretching himself and claimed to gain over an inch of height. So that's where people get about 5'10" from. Who knows, maybe he's under 5'10", we'll never know. Maybe I will try stretching myself. And I agree also that Jim's at least a couple inches shorter then Ray, even with Jim wearing his boots. I was watching Message to Love: The Isle of Wight DVD and Jim is standing right next to Robbie on stage and they look the same height. Robbie must have been wearing boots that night, and Robbie back then was probably 5'9" or 5'9 1/2".
glenn said on 25/Apr/08
i never thought jim looked more than 5-10.but why the 5-11.5 claim?
Tony said on 25/Apr/08
Jim was alway self-conscious about his height. That is why he wore cowboys boots. Most people know this, some do not. Ray, himself said he was 6 foot tall. If Jim is 5 foot 11, why does he look two to two and 1/2 inches shorter than Ray. It's not "Rocket Science" folks. lol. Jim was 5'9.5 FACT.
glenn said on 24/Apr/08
i agree,over 5-10 seems much to me.and didnt he do stretching methods to increase height? allegedly he was 5-9ish and obtained a inch and a half from the 5-9.5 to 5-11 is possible.but i dont know how true that is.
Curious said on 24/Apr/08
Why would this Salli Stevenson journalist want to measure Jim's height. Besides, you can't believe everything people say. She was just feeding Jim's ego. No way was he over 5'10".
glenn said on 24/Apr/08
not the greatest to me,but i heard alot of 5-9,5-9.5 rumors.but if the end says 6-1 coroner report then maybe he was closer to 5-11.5.then again tupac was 6ft on the autopsy table,when he was 5-9,5-10.more on the not a morrison expert.the end appears to be.
Curious said on 23/Apr/08
Put Robbie in boots in that picture from April 21, and Jim and Robbie are about the same size. Maybe Jim would have an inch or so. Why is it all the other Doors only sometimes wear boots and Jim ALWAYS wore them? Probably something to do with his height.
john said on 22/Apr/08
Jim doesn't look like a short man. But beside robby he looks betwen 5-10 or 5-11, if you put robby on 5-8 or 5-9. In the last pic posted, Jim is on boots and robby has flat shoes. And robby's posture is not good, like jim. So they are compensated.
Just take a look other pics of the same session.
TheEnd said on 22/Apr/08
That is not a good answer. Too many problems with that picture. Ray is standing in the forefront so of course that throws the perspective off. The shot is too far away. You cant really tell what shoes are being worn by who and who's have a higher lift (maybe Ray's do). Jim is tilting his head and he still appears a few inches taller than Robbie (who's supposedly 5'9"). This once again puts Jim at between 5'10" and 5'11". Everyone here should scroll down about 7 posts to where I put a link in my reply to the Doors Website. Salli Stevenson who was a journalist back from the 60s and who interviewd Jim several times says She measured and Him Barefoot and he was 5'11" and 1/2 inches. Read that and interpret it how you will. Remember the French coroners measured him as 6'1". Presumably this was mis-measurement but by how much? Could they have errored by more than 2" ?? This would leave him at 5'11". This evidence is strongly pointing to him being between 5'10.5" and 5'11.5" in my honest opinion. Bottom line to me is Jim wasn't a shorty like Bono, Roger Daltrey,Cobain,etc.. In fact back when VH1 had a show for GREATEST FRONTMAN -Jim Morrison was Voted #1 by critics and Fans( so his height didnt detract from this apparently, Bono was #2).
john said on 22/Apr/08
That is the same pic I posted time ago. Jim is on boots on that pic, but not Robbym, and they look the same height.
mojorisin said on 21/Apr/08
the answer to all youe questions:
Click Here
Lizard said on 4/Apr/08
Here is a guy who stretched himself in college and wore large heeled boots. When he left Virginia after high school, he was only 5'8 3/4" according to No One Here Gets Alive book. Apparently Jim said the stretching worked because he grew over an inch. That would put him around 5'10", if you believe him. This 5'11" height came from a questionare that Jim had to fill out, you know, like what's your favorite color and all that. He just wanted people to think he was taller then he really was. Think about it. If Ray is slightly over 6'0" and most of the time just wears regular shoes or sandals, not boots; you can still see a 2-3 inch height difference between the two. And that's with Jim wearing boots! So if Jim wore regular shoes or sandals like Ray did most of the time, there would be an even bigger height difference. The boots were really like lifts, but Jim was no 5'11". Even if he's 5'10", it's not like it's that much of a difference anyway. 5'10", possibly-but no more.
Curious said on 31/Mar/08
That article from March 27 makes it look like it was from Danny Sugerman. But obviously it was from a journalist. Just more hero worship. I believe 5'9.5"-5'10". Anything more then that, forget it.
John said on 30/Mar/08
right, but jim is decisively shorter than Ray 2 INCHES AT LEAST and that is what you can see with a bad posturing Ray. ( just look any pic of em). If you put ray on 6-1 ( He says he is 6-0 and a half) that makes Jim 5-11 max.
TheEnd said on 29/Mar/08
That is actually Salli Stevenson, a pretty well known journalist from the 60s. READ THE WHOLE THREAD-She is asked if measurement was BAREFOOT?? She says BAREFOOT. So you would have to believe that either she is lying or is trying to Maintain Morrisons Ego by adding to his actual height. I think you are welcome to go on the Doors message board and ask Her about this. In my opinion, Jim is Decisively Taller than Robbie. Ray is definitely taller than Jim but the problem as is always mentioned, is that a person has to be standing perfectly straight and the PERSON NEXT TO THEM has to be as well in order to make a VERY ACCURATE JUDGEMENT. JIM MORRISON ALWAYS LOOKED LIKE A PRETTY TALL GUY (5'11") AND AS RAY MENTIONED 6 foot tall (aprx.) AND THEN AS THE FRENCH FINALLY MEASURED HIM AS 6 FOOT 1 INCH. YES I HAVE THE BOOK NAMED "THE END" IN WHICH IS GIVES THE ACTUAL EUROPEAN MEASUREMENT EQUIVALENT TO 6'1". THAT IS AN OVERMEASUREMENT IN MY OPINION OR PERHAPS ANOTHER LIE TO ONCE AGAIN INFLATE THE MORRISON IMAGE, BUT IT'S NOT LIKE THEY MEASURED HIM AS 5'9".
Curious said on 28/Mar/08
I know that was suppose to be Danny Sugerman saying that. I don't believe 5'11.5" for a second. Pictures don't lie. Maybe he measured him with boots on.
He was to close to Robbie, who's about 5'9" or less, and they looked about the same size. Ray, who is slightly over 6'0", towered a few inches over Jim. If Jim was 5'11.5", that would make him only about an inch shorter then Ray, who was about 6'0.5". There was a lot more then an inch difference in height between Jim and Ray. Imagine if Jim did not wear boots. That seems to be the biggest discussion here. Jim knew he wasn't as tall as he said so he added height by wearing Frye or Cowboy boots, thinking he could fool people in thinking he was taller then he really was. The boot thing was big back in the 60s as well. 5"10" maybe.
TheEnd said on 27/Mar/08
Check THIS
Click HereHE WAS 5'11 1/2" THAT FINISHES IT!!
Pedro said on 11/Mar/08
Yeah, I think 5 ft 10 max...Those big cowboy boots made him look couple of inches taller. But he was really just slightly taller than Robby who is around 5 ft 8.
curious said on 11/Mar/08
There is a reason Morrison always wore boots. It's pretty obvious he was insecure about his height. His dad was supposedly short, so I don't think Jim was 5'11" like he says. It's easy to lie when your covering up by wearing boots with big heels.
John Morrison said on 4/Mar/08
Jim is NOT 5 foot 11 . 5'9" and 1/2 maybe. Photos don't lie and I have the proof to back it up.
John said on 27/Feb/08
Not a xtrem stretch, but it does count.
Don said on 27/Feb/08
Does it count if you stretch and measure your height?
Joe said on 26/Feb/08
What about John Densmore's height. He says in his book he's 5'8".
John said on 25/Feb/08
Ok. I'm not sayin your friend or Glenn are lying. It is just a matter of apreciattions. Not need to lie in this site, I guess that's not the idea.
About Ray's height, one important detail about him is his actual hairstyle and his very good posture by these days. In the sixties Ray usually had a bad posture and a different hairstyle. With his actual hairstyle and posture he can easily add 2 inches to his height. just take a look to his lately and early pics. I didn't have note those changes.
Ed said on 22/Feb/08
John, I don't either! But, I've met a lot of people who throw a number out there when asked what their height is, and in a lot of cases are really off. Not everyone is as obsessed about height as we all seem to be!LOL
Ray might very well be under 6ft1, but if that's the case the guy must wear some serious heeled boots out in public!
On another note I've had doctors give me different heights several times during physical exams. Some round up, some look at the height mark for a split second not caring about the 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 markings! I've been measured anywhere from 5ft11.25-6ft barefoot and these were all done at roughly midday appointments, not early morning and night.
I still say Ray is 6ft1 minimum! Glenn has no reason to lie and neither does my friend, who is a legit tall guy at 6ft1.5.
Curious said on 22/Feb/08
Obviously, it's pretty hard to meet someone famous, unless they make some kind of appearance or something in your town like an autograph signing or something. Anyone can claim that they seen this person or met that person. Ray's autobiography came out in 1998 and he was already in his late fifties. I think you would know your height by your late fifties, don't you think? Why would he lie about his own height. 6'1" or 6'2"? Obviously, I never met him. But I've seen lots of photos of The Doors, and 6'0"-6'0 1/2" looks right. Don't forget that book No One Here Gets Out Alive was written by Danny Sugerman, who lists Ray's height at 6'0 1/2", and he knew Ray personally for years.
Ed said on 21/Feb/08
I'm with you Glenn!
Metalchick, Ray doesn't have a page here and his height is relevant to Morrison's, that's why he's being discussed!
"Are u guys old or like teens?"
Ron, Glenn met him and my close friend met him...have you met him?
People mess up their own heights all the time! It's not unusual at all. I've known as many people that consistently downgrade their own heights,that inflate theirs. Yeah, it's strange but it happens.
glenn said on 21/Feb/08
metalchick-whenever i see ray he looks more than 6ft.sometimes people dont claim their right height.some people dont know they had a late growth,they claim and younger height,or they plain just dont know or the others here,never mind that i met ray a bunch of times and that the other that did backs me.that means nothing.thats the problem with people on this site.
Curious said on 21/Feb/08
In the book No One Here Gets Out Alive, it says Ray was a half inch over 6'0".
As for Jim, at least 2-3 inches shorter at maybe 5'9 1/2"-5'10".

Editor Rob
maybe it's time to add Ray, and I think 184cm is a fair figure...
Ron said on 20/Feb/08
If Ray said he is 6"0", I think I would beleive him over what someone else might say. Morrison is NOT 5'11" people. He's 5'9" AND 1/2 tops. How much more "Proof" do you need. LOL Gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
metalchick said on 20/Feb/08
this is the page for Jim Morrison's height right?
...then why are you guys arguing over Manzarek's height?
(are u guys old or like teens?)
metalchick said on 20/Feb/08
yo people. nobody adressed my comment. Do you guys know eachother or are just internet buddies. i want in on whatever it is... i like jim morrison too. uh...ok. i'll check this tomorrow and i want comments about my comments. thanks.
Ed said on 20/Feb/08
I asked my friend the other day again about meeting Manzarek, and once again he said he was huge, at least 2 inches taller than him and broad shouldered. Ray is 6ft1 minimum, more like 6ft1.5 I'd guess. You add cowboy boots and he'd be around 6ft3. Like I said my friend is a legit 6ft1.5(I measured his height once against mine, so I'm sure of this), and he said Ray was taller then him by a few inches. 6ft is BS, he's just another one of the many guys out there who could give a crap about the exact number of their height, and because they're tall they just throw out a number. There are those who lie about their height and give themseleves upgrades, and then there are those who consistently downgrade themselves. Ray is of the latter!
anonymous said on 20/Feb/08
I just don's believe Manzarek's over 6'0", no matter how many times people think he is.
John said on 20/Feb/08
Now this is the discussion about Ray's height! ahahahaah. But that's good, he is one of few references about Jim's height, and we only know that he was at least 2 inches taller than Jim. Well, I think Ray needs his "Ray Manzarek's height" on this site someday.
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
ed knows what he is talking about.its the people who never meet celebs that doubt.i saw him in casual shoes always.i wouldve intially said 6-2.but ill settle with 6-1.the man thought he stopped growing.he had a spurt after 20.i just saw this past summer.and he was taller than 6ft.
anonymous said on 19/Feb/08
If he looked 6'1" or 6'2", he must of been wearing boots or something. No way he was that tall. 6'0" he says in his book. He may appear taller because he is so skinny and sometimes that gives an illusion that he is taller.
Ed said on 19/Feb/08
No problem Glenn!
Yeah I don't get why he would state he's 6ft, but be seen consistently as taller? Maybe he's just one of those guys who just doesn't care about his height, and throws a number out there.
Like I said, my friend is a legit 6ft1.5 easy, maybe even a bit taller depending on the day. And with the flat Vans he was wearing, he would have been around 6ft2 on the day he met Manzarek. The first thing he told me after he met him, was that Ray was huge! I was kinda shocked, and asked him to explain it. His response was that Ray was big in his build(broad shouldered and rangy), and taller than him. Plus he said he had a huge head! 6ft seems completely out of the question, not to mention my friend has no need to lie to me at all!
anonomous said on 19/Feb/08
I'm sure if he was 6'1"-6'2" he was wearing boots or thick shoes. Why would he say he is 6'0" in his book if he was taller?
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
iteresting rob.i dont know why myself and others see him taller.
glenn said on 18/Feb/08
thank you ed for backing me.6-2 it is.6-1 min.6ft absurd.

Editor Rob
he did say in his book he reached 6ft at 14 or so and stopped growing.
Ed said on 17/Feb/08
My buddy(6ft1.5) met Ray Manzarek a few years ago, and he said Ray was huge(build wise) and taller than him, 6f2 at least. I suspect Jim was only about 5ft9-5ft10 tops, and with his cowboy boots scraped near the 6ft mark.
Ron said on 17/Feb/08
Jim was 5"9 and 1/2 .......5'11" with his Cowboy boots on.
Tim said on 17/Feb/08
Maurison, you are close but no cigar. Ray is 6'0" Jim was 5'9" and 1/2... Robby is 5'8" and John is the shortest at 5'7" ..... I knew them and met them. Case closed. Now you know the truth.
glenn said on 16/Feb/08
cause ray can look 6-1.ever meet him? i have.
maurison said on 15/Feb/08
this is what I think:
in every picture you see of the band together they look about this height .
anonymous said on 15/Feb/08
I don't understand why some people say Ray Manzarek was around 6'1". In his autobiography, he states several times he was 6'0". He said when he played basketball in High School, he was 6'0" and he never grew any taller then that.
AAAA said on 9/Feb/08
I could see 5'10 for morrison, 6'2 is beyond absurd, it isn't possible when he was shorter than Manzerk and Manzerk is just shy of 6'1 himself
john said on 8/Feb/08
there are some people sayin' he was 6-2 in his barefeets, may be possible?
anonymous said on 4/Feb/08
Check out page 32 on the book No One Here Gets Out Alive, Jim's biography. You will read about halfway down the page, that after Jim left Alexandria, Virginia, where he graduated from High School, he was 5'8 3/4". Jim was said to stand in his underwear in a small room and stretch himself. He was said to believe he grew more then an inch after he started this. I don't know if that is true, but if it is it would make him about 5'10". 5'11" seems a bit much.
zedrick said on 2/Feb/08
Jim was definately 5' 10" Check some of those early photos from his fansites.
anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
Jim's height will always remain a mystery because he always wore boots. The best way to measure him is when you see pics of him next to the other Doors members. Ray, who said he is 6'0", is at least a couple inches taller then Jim.
Now, Ray usually wears sandels, and is still taller. The closest to Jim's height I would say is Robbie, who was around 5'9'-5'9 1/2". I think this because there are pics of Robbie wearing boots and he is standing right next to Jim and they look the same height. Sometimes Robbie doesn't wear boots and that's why Jim looks a couple inches taller. I think Jim wore boots to make himself appear taller then he really was. I heard when he was younger, in college, he stretched himself to make himself taller. So he must have been pretty insecure about his height. I would say between 5'9"-5'10", maybe.
Joe said on 19/Jan/08
I was listening to that same interview recently and one thing I found interesting was when the interviewer commented on how Jim had gained weight. Jim then says he sees nothing wrong with being fat and talks about how in college he was the same height as he is at that time and how he had gotten up to 185 lbs, and felt like a 'tank.' If he were really 5'11 or 6'0 as some claim, then I don't think he would've felt like a tank at 185 lbs. More proof to me that he was 5'9 - 5'10.
john said on 19/Jan/08
in an interview of 1969, jim said he had the same height when he was on college. If danny sugarman said that jim was 5-8.75 ( too short to believe) in the beginning of the band, I'd put one inch to that height, 5-10.
miles smiles said on 9/Jan/08
When Jim was going through his Lizard King transformation in the beginning of the band, he used to stretch out on a bar every morning to try to gain height. In his memoir of Morrison Danny Sugarman stated that Jim was 5-8.75, as I recall. Seems too short to believe, I know, but shapeshifters with boots and charisma like Morrison could make one think he's inches taller.
nate said on 9/Jan/08
thanks for clearing that up sam
Sam said on 19/Dec/07
Jim was 5"9"1/2 Ray is 6"0" Robby is 5"7" 1/2 John is 5"6" So now you know the truth.
Voyeur said on 10/Dec/07
I saw him live, he was 5'8" at the most.
Nicole said on 9/Dec/07
Why isn't Brian Jones on this website? Jim wrote a poem for him after he died. Brian said he was 5'8" but I think he was maybe 5'6"
anonymous said on 8/Dec/07
Here's what I think, and I've read almost all the books on Jim and the Doors. Ray: states in his book he is 6'0".
John: states in his book he is 5'8".
Robbie: I have read is about 5'9", sometimes listed at 5'9 1/2".
Jim: Obviously put down he was 5'11", but if that's true, that would make Ray
much more then 6'0", cause you can clearly see he's at least a couple
inches taller then Jim. When Robbie wears boots and stands next to Jim,
look the same height. And everyone knows Jim practically wore his boots
all the time. To me, I would give Jim about 5'9 1/2"-5'10".
john said on 7/Dec/07
Jim is 1 inch taller than robby, that is a fact, you can see it in any picture of both together. How tall robby really is?
John said on 3/Dec/07
I have seen alot of doors photos in my life. Ray is 2 to 2 and 1/2 taller than Morrison. If Ray is 6"0", Jim Morrison is no 5"11". There is too much of a height difference, not even to mention Jim wearing his cowboy boots on top of that. No, Jim was NOT 5"11" 5"9" and 1/2 5"10 maybe.
S.P. said on 29/Nov/07
That quote from Ray Manzarek's book is overly. If anyone has read Ray's autobiography, you better wear rose colored glasses because of the way he describes some of his experiences like Jim and Pam made them Beautiful yellow eggs and so on for breakfast. Give me a break. Of course he is gonna say all these things about Jim to make him look so great. No, Jim's not 6'0".
#1 doors fan said on 28/Nov/07
Jim was 5"9" 1/2 bare foot. Maybe he was 5"11" with his cowboy boots on. Ray Manzarek is 6"0".. Jim was 2 1/2 inches shorter. FACT.
john said on 28/Nov/07
doesn't look it's too much to say he was 6 ft?, I mean i woudn't say he was 5-8 or 5-9. Patricia Morrison? are you sure he was barefeet? was jim the same height of ray manzarek? How tall is 6 ft in centimeters, maybe that would help...
poet in black leather said on 28/Nov/07
"Sitting on the beach thinking what I'm going to do with my life and who comes walking down the beach but the shaman himself. This transformation . . . Jim transformed himself. He went inside of a cocoon and came out absolutely gorgeous. He'd lost maybe thirty pounds. He was living on a friend's rooftop ingesting massive quantities of a certain psychedelic substance and didn't eat . . . was living off his baby fat and he was approximately 165, 170 pounds at U.C.L.A. and then went down to maybe 135. Six feet tall, lean, hard . . . his hair had grown. He looked like David, he looked like Michelangelo's David. I said, 'God, you look great man, what you been doing?' He said, 'Nothing, I haven't been eating' and he said, 'I've been writing some songs' . . . songs, aaahh." - Ray Manzarek
Source: Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 2:11:83. - The conference was chaired by Robin Denselow, at that time, presenter of BBC-2's "Eight Days A Week"
Anonymous said on 26/Nov/07
In regards to "Patricia Morrison", I read her book a couple years ago and she said she was 5'8". When she stood next to Jim she said he was 4 inches taller then her, but she said he was wearing his boots as well. NO WAY he's 6'0" without boots. Hero worship again.
Chris said on 26/Nov/07
Jim was 5'9'' barefeet, with his boots 5'11''. He was not over 5'10'', thats for sure.
Suzanne said on 26/Nov/07
Tammy, how can you vouch for a "bio" versus a real person who has known Jim? And yes, photos do lie.
Tammy said on 25/Nov/07
If Jim Morrison was 6'0 tall. What was Ray, 6'3". I don't buy it. Ray said it himself that he was 6'0" tall many times in his bio. Jim is 2 to 3 inches shorter than Ray. I would give Jim 5'9" 1/2 to 5'10" tops less the cowboy boots. Photos don't lie, not even to mention Jim 2 inch cowboys boots he wore all the time.
Jean said on 25/Nov/07
Good call on the correction Patricia ! You are so right about people's ability to measure themselves accurately. And in my most humble opinion you would most certainly know !
Patricia Morrison said on 25/Nov/07
As Jim's widow, I call shenanigans here in the altitude estimations. I'm 5'8" myself, and I had to reach a long way up (especially compared with my previous 5'10" boyfriend) to put my arms around Jim's neck. Plus I marked his height on my kitchen door, and he was absolutely 6'0 in his bare feet (and bare everything else). Manzarek was taller. (I don't see why people can't measure themselves accurately...)(And yes, it's really me.)
Pam said on 22/Nov/07
Ray is 6"0" Jim looks 5"9" I would say Jim is 2 1/2 to 3 inches shorter than Ray.
SP said on 19/Nov/07
I read Ray Manzarek's autobiography and he say more than once his height is 6'0. I don't know where 6'1" came from, but I don't think it's accurate. Jim does look a couple inches shorter than Ray. Another thing I noticed is when Robbie, who is listed about 5"9", wears boots and stands next to Jim, they look about the same height. I say Jim's between 5'9"-5'10" at the most.
delphonic said on 18/Nov/07
Hey The Doors - Stop kissing ass Rob's ass dude. Rob has not met and researched ALL the celebs heights. Many of them, like Morrison, he has obviously never met and he had. Like many of us, Rob was a small child at most when Morrison was alive, he wasn't accurately judging height then. He lists 5' 11" for Jim Morrison because that is his generic listing on most internet sites for Morrison...based on the fact that Morrison claimed this height. But this was Morrison's in-boots height. Just ask the people who have actually wrote books about Jim and done alot of research on him. They all say closer to 5' 9". Show me the picture where Ray and Jim are wearing the exact same type of shoes and there is a 2 inch difference...oh that's right, you can't cause it doesn't exist. Any more naive and ignorant comments are welcome Anonymous (posing as The doors)? ;-)
JDM said on 17/Nov/07
I guess I am still 5"11".. I hadn't measured myself in a long time. Maybe riding these horses at the rodeo and age has caught of with me. " WINK " ... I guess you all have been "Hood winked" LOL
Joe said on 16/Nov/07
Anonymous, no need to be defensive and patronizing. I didn't intend for my question to be an attack but when you state something as a fact I think it's reasonable to expect that people might want to know the source of the so-called 'facts'. Thank you for providing that.
The doors said on 16/Nov/07
Would you like to see the photos to back up Jim's height. If you are so confident Jim is 5"9"ish then why won't change his profile height. I think they would know more about Jim's true height than you Mr. delphonic. The only 5"9"ish member of the doors would be John Densmore. Get you vision checked good buddy, because when it comes to knowing someone's height, you wouldn't know you height from a hole in the ground. LOL ....Again for the record, Jim was 5"11" and Ray is 6"1"
delphonic said on 13/Nov/07
OK anonymous, Jim's "son" (Cliff) is some junkie who never even met Jim and can't even prove he is Jim's son...sounds like a realistic source for Jim's height?!? Miles Smiles 5-9ish range is actually based on facts and yes "beef". YouTube Cliff Morrison and you'll see he is as full of it as yourself anonymous ;-)
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/07
I am sure that would change their Offical listing for Jim's height "if" you were correct Mr. miles smiles, but I don't think that is going to happen. # 1 because you are WRONG again. As the old 1980's Wendys ad used to say," Where's the beef"
miles smiles said on 11/Nov/07
I'm sorry, but Morrison doesn't look close to 5-11 in any photo, especially taking into account his heels. There's a new photo book of him, and he seems to hover around the 5-9ish range. Ray is visibly 2.5 to 3 inches taller than Jim in every photo. Definite downgrade for the Lizard King, IMHO.
Anonymous said on 9/Nov/07
Let's see "Mr. Joe". I have met Ray, Robby and John. I ask them how tall they were and they gave me an honest answer. I am sure they would know for a fact how tall they were better than the rest of us. Oh and another thing, Jim's son Cliff, even said his dad was 5"11" also, so I guess there is your proof "Mr. Joe".
Joe said on 7/Nov/07
"Anonymous" how do you know for a fact Morrison and Manzarek are those heights?
Anonymous said on 6/Nov/07
If you noticed "AsharLynx" John Densmore is standing in the fore ground on the " Waiting for the Sun" 1968 Album. It makes John "look" taller but in fact, John is the shortest of the four. Morrison is 5"11" and Ray is 6"1" FACT.
Anonymous said on 3/Nov/07
jim was 182 cm, as densmore says in his book... none but the doors' members could better know jim's height... don't you think so?
AshnarLynx said on 12/Oct/07
That's funny, Densmore looked taller than Morrison on the cover of Waiting for the Sun, so I always thought he was tall. Then I found out he's just 5'9 and it was a big surprise to me.
miles smiles said on 4/Oct/07
Hey Austrian, in Austria perhaps 5-11 is average, but in the 1960's in the U.S, 5-9 was in the average range. Still is. Also anonymous, remember that John Densmore is pretty short, so his perception of Morrison being almost 6 feet is likely distorted. Morrison almost always wore very generous heels, too. And remember he was super-skinny during his Lizard King prime.
Austrian said on 1/Oct/07
"Morrison looks around 5-9 in lots of concert footage too. Even on Ed Sullivan he looks decidedly average."
5'11 is average? at least where i live...
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/07
jim morrison was about 182 cm tall (almost 6' foot)... I acknowledged this on john densmore's book "riders on the storm"
anonymous said on 29/Sep/07
Anyone who says he's 5'11" forget it. That is hero worship. He's not that tall. From the pics and most books which tells the truth, Jim's 5'9"-5'10", no more.
aaa said on 27/Sep/07
i read a book written by michael mcclure and he said that mossison was 5'10 without his boots,,so his boths made him 5'11.
miles smiles said on 27/Sep/07
Morrison looks around 5-9 in lots of concert footage too. Even on Ed Sullivan he looks decidedly average. He appears around 5-11 in his cuban heels. I could swear that several old bios said 5-8.5, but I'll have to find 'em. And Ray had real casual, even stooped posture much of the time.
john said on 26/Sep/07
Joe, you have to consider the bad posture of Ray. Even with that bad posture of Ray, Jim looks shorter than him. I have watched some pics and videos where Jim looks only a couple of inches taller than Robby, who didn't wore boots all the time.
Catsman said on 25/Sep/07
Joe - I know what you mean. I suspect Densmore was rounding up and Krieger was rounding down!
Joe said on 24/Sep/07
Another interesting thing about the heights in the 'Illustrated History' is that Densmore is listed at 5'9.5 and Krieger at 5'9, however Densmore was the shortest of the four. Catsman - I agree, Morrison was only slightly shorter than Ray when both were in boots so if Ray is really 6'0 then Jim couldn't be shorter than 5'10 unless Ray inflated his height.
john said on 20/Sep/07
Jim looks 2 inches shorter than Ray. If Ray is 6'0, Jim is not over 5' 10 and not shorter than 5' 9.
R C Cola said on 19/Sep/07
In a documentary I witnessed, Manzarek was quoted saying that Oliver Stone's movie was a awful depiction of Jim Morrison. And this information of Jim's actual height backs up that statement. Val Kilmer has to be at least 6-1 or 6-2. A new director needs to remake a movie either about The Doors and not Jim, and call it The Doors. Or about Jim (like Oliver Stone did) and call it Jim Morrison. The height of an actor in a new and more accurate movie should be as tall as Jim actually was, and look more like him for that matter.
Catsman said on 17/Sep/07
Joe - I see what you are saying, but I think most people are agreed that Manzarek was a good six foot if not a touch more. When Manzarek was in boots he was only a little taller than Jim in boots, and jim was taller than the other two when they were wearing boots. For that reason I think it's unlikely that he would have been under 5'10".
Chris said on 15/Sep/07
Yes, 5'9-5'10'' is a good estimate on Jim.
Joe said on 14/Sep/07
'The Doors Illustrated History' uses the height listing from the official Elektra Records bio. Here are my thoughts: if you are a legit 5'11 barefoot then why not claim at least 6'0 since you would be a little over that in shoes and probably at least 6'1 in cowboy boots. I think 5'11 may have been his height with cowboy boots on. The book 'Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend' claims he was only 5'9.
Catsman said on 13/Sep/07
Anonymous - you can see that they all have big-heeled boots on in the pictures I'm talking about. In the later years sandals and Converse style pumps were worn more often by Manzarek and the others but there aren't quite such good comparative shots from those days. Of course Jim might have had lifts in his cowboy boots!
Anonymous said on 12/Sep/07
Some of those pictures can be deceiving because you have to remember, Jim ALWAYS work boots, where the other Doors members sometimes wore boots. I really thought Jim's girlfried Pam was hot!
Catsman said on 12/Sep/07
I have a book here called ‘The illustrated history of the Doors.’ It has Morrison at 5’11”, Manzarek at 6’, Densmore at 5’9.5 and Krieger at 5’9. It is literally stacked with pictures of them walking and standing together, often on flat marble floors in public buildings. They all wore huge cowboy boots (as you can see from the images) so their heights are relative to each other and I’d say that the above differences are extremely accurate. There may be an inch and a half between Jim and Ray but no more. An inch sounds about right. The other two always look similar in height but somewhat shorter than Jim.
Muraya Jesus said on 29/Aug/07
Hey, what's the big deal with Jim's height?? Is that so important, i am 5.10 and i believe that you cannot measure the talent of a person trough his height! it's stupid and dumb! Come on... do something with your life...
miles smiles said on 20/Aug/07
I think it was in the bio No One Here Gets Out Alive where it's stated that Jim was 5-9.5 or so. In the early days he was rake thin, and he usually wore
Chelsea Boots or cowboy boots.
Anonymous said on 17/Aug/07
I'd have to say Jim was around 5'9, maybe 5'10, but definitely not 5'11. I'm a really big-borderline obssesive Doors fan and have wondered this before, since 5'11 is somewhat tall and I met Ray Manzarek in Hollywood last year-he is about 6'1, Jim had to be about 5'9.5 and maybe 5'11 with his trusty Frye cowboy boots and if you look at his legs they were not very long for a 5'11 person but look about right for a 5'9 person! And it doesn't help that his #1 girlfriend Pamela, was like 5'0(maybe shorter)...don't know guess we can never be sure!