Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 24/Sep/23
sususu, really? Jim in pics of the number 23 premiere, Jim looks like he's the same if not a hair shorter than Danny Huston and if anything, looks the same height as Barack Obama. 6'0 is too low for Jim I'm sorry. But looking at him in those pictures with guys like Huston, Obama, Gordon Ramsay, and Jeff Daniels, I will admit, he must be always have been closer to 6'1 than 2. His bad posture has given a 6'0 impression, but I can't see him being that low when he stands properly.
sususu said on 14/Sep/23
Jim IS tall and lanky, which gives him the impression of being even taller than he really is.
but in my opinion he can't be 6ft1, because he's constantly looking shorter than other 6ft1 guys.
yesterday I've watched "The Number 23" (excellent movie) - Jim was wearing boots and yet he was shorter than two 6ft1 actors: Danny Huston (who is the same height as Jim on this website, yet was noticeably taller than Jim in every scene) and Mark Pellegrino (whom you even have a few mm's shorter than Jim).
others have provided links of Jim being shorter than yet another two 6ft1 guys: Barack Obama and Tyler the Creator.
the excellent Jim Carrey gets an even 6ft barefoot from me.
Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 5/Jun/23
Arch I think a solid 186cm for jim and solid 189cm is believable at peaks.
Arch Stanton said on 30/May/23
Been a while since I saw Dumb and Dumber but I know there was a noticeable difference between Jim and Jeff. A weak 6 ft 3 peak for Daniels is reasonable.
Arch Stanton said on 30/May/23
Odd comment from NY Magazine "He is tall. Unlike most actors, he appears far taller in person than he does in movies." I always thought he looked at least this in his films too, I could believe 6 ft 2 in the 90s.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/May/23
6ft1¾ is a figure you could argue peak.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 24/May/23
I agree JD. I believe carrey has always been more in the 6'1 range but not under that mark. Hell, that 6'2 claim was probably from measuring 6'1 3/4 out of bed and he rounded that up.
JD said on 19/May/23
He always looks at least moderately tall to me when he's at an event or in a movie with extras visible for perspective. I think his peak was either 6'2 or near enough that rounding up is far from being deceptive. Some people thinking he's lying about it, I can't see that. Maybe he measured at 6'1 and 3/4 in his youth and since people generally don't speak in 3/4 speak for their height, being informal, he just says 6'2. I agree, he's probably more like 6'1.5 in the listing here. But at his age, his peak was likely 6'2 or within hairs of it. Jim, Keenan, Damon, David Alan Grier, Marlon, Kim, these are largely taller-side people Jim came to prominence around too, when I first saw him.
Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 8/May/23
In the 90's he was definitley similar in height to David Letterman.
Jtm said on 4/May/23
he's closer to the camera in that video with letterman.
QM6'1.75"QM said on 2/May/23
Never stood straight at his tallest, he was noticeably taller than Letterman at Christmas 2000 and David is a 6'1" guy back then.
Suddenly a bit shorter than ~6'1" Obama, but still good 3cms taller than solid 6ft Cage ... It's all about posture, in my eyes Carrey is 186cms strong.
Time 9:10:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/23
Editor Rob: A lot of actors his age will lose a 1/4 to 3/8ths. I reckon once it's into 1/2 to 3/4 it's then best considering peak/current.
Agreed. Not sure he's quite there
Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 24/Apr/23
looked 1.25-1.5 inches shorter than Jeff Daniels. I'm almost positive he's a strong 6'1 flat.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Apr/23
Has he lost as much as half an inch though is the question?
187-187.5cm zone prime could be on point, could pass for 6ft2 in the 90's-early 2000's when he stood tall which was rarely. I place reasonable odds on him still clearing 6ft1 today and maybe still scraping the listed figure.
Not enough to give a peak and current though...

Editor Rob
A lot of actors his age will lose a 1/4 to 3/8ths. I reckon once it's into 1/2 to 3/4 it's then best considering peak/current.
Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 14/Mar/23
5'7 and a fraction, if anything, I think he was a solid 186cm younger and more a weak 186 or even just scraping 186cm now?
5'7 and a fraction said on 11/Mar/23
Legit 6'1 1/2 guy. Don't think he's really lost anything in height.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 12/Jan/23
Jolapizza I think he's always been closer to 6'1 than the 6'2 he's been been listed at. I don't think he was ever under 6'1 though.
Jolapizza 6'0 1/2 said on 8/Jan/23
186 cm peak height and 184 cm today.
Jolapizza 6'0 1/2 said on 8/Jan/23
Lenad 5ft9.75
I think that he could still be around 6'1. But definetly not 6'2
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 1/Jan/23
He was never a legit 6'2, but not under the 6'1 mark. Theres more than enough evidence of him being a strong 6'1. Just look at that pic with zoey who is in heels and probably up to the 5'8 mark.
Dylan Smith said on 16/Oct/22
You guys are still arguing about Jim Carrey's height? He was 6' in The Mask and 6' in Batman Forever. He slouches but also wears lifts or boots most of the time. He does it for "comedic effect". He looks more gangly that way. He definitely is not below 6', but he's not 6'2". He's 6'.05" and uses lifts to appear taller than his stated height. He's a solid 6'.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Oct/22
Jim looks a little bit like Michael Biehn in the top piccie!
berta said on 27/Sep/22
187 cm peak. Today his bad posture have probabnly made him loose almost 1 cm. Still legit 186 i guess.
Jim carrey 187,2 ish peak
Arnold 186,2 ish peak
Will smith 186,8 ish peak
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 28/Aug/22
In Batman Forever he looked 6ft0, give or take a quarter in that scene with val kilmer and ed begley but he had a slouch, thats part of the reason I'm betting Jim is in the 6 ft 1 range, but not under that mark, and not a full 6 ft 2.
Tallerornot said on 15/Jul/22
Rob Jim Carrey is about an inch shorter than President Obama. Obama is the golden standard for 6'1 like Cristiano Ronaldo.
Yet you have Jim Carrey at a higher height than Obama??
Jim Carrey is 6'0. He was more than an inch shorter in the movie with old Morgan Freeman who was 6'2 peak and in that movie maybe 6'1.5.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 11/Jul/22
Im betting that 6'2 claim was from an early morning measurement or even rounding up. I doubt he's ever been a legit 6'2 but I wouldn't put him under the 6'1 mark.
Robin Karan said on 15/Jun/22
Jim carrey's height peak: 187 cm current: 186 cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/May/22
Solid 187cm guy prime, today still 186cm zone
I think he’d edge Will
Progking184 said on 11/Apr/22
Hes quite tall though in some movies he looks closer to 6'0 . I think 6'1.5 is right and about 6'2 in the morning.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 26/Mar/22
Jim’s footwear during the event:
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 26/Mar/22
He did seem taller than John C. Reilly who was given the same listing:
Click Here
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 24/Mar/22
185-186cm is his range today. He looks the same height as barack obama, give or take a quarter of an inch. 186-187cm range younger.
Jtm said on 15/Mar/22
I know majority will go with Carrey because that’s the cool thing to do but I pick Smith.
ChristianPerkins said on 12/Mar/22
Jim Carrey IMO (at least peak wise)
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 12/Mar/22
“ Username455 said on 12/Mar/22
Who do you think is taller Jim Carrey or will smith?”
Probably Will Smith.
Username455 said on 12/Mar/22
Who do you think is taller Jim Carrey or will smith?
berta said on 8/Mar/22
never under 186 peak. There is zeeeeeero chanse of that. He always loses alteaslt half inch in posture and still always look 185-86,5 most of the time. If he woould walk ike stallone then i really think he was 187. Very legit maybe 187,3 ish. I tihnk carrey could edge out will smith 25 years ago. Will is maybe 186,7 ish. And Arnold was never more than 186.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 5/Mar/22
Rodrigo Santoro did edge Jim out in I Love you Philip Morris, and Rodrigo is a weak 6’2”. Jim even needed to have a footwear advantage to match him at times.
Leesheff85 said on 5/Feb/22
Zooey Is probably 5ft 7 1/2 in those shoes and looks about 7 inches shorter than Jim making him about 6ft 2 1/2 in shoes. 6ft 1.5 is a pretty accurate guess
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Feb/22
nacity, he could look it at times and he claims it but I’m not sure I’d give it to him. Definitely a solid 187cm peak is debatable though
nacity said on 30/Jan/22
he is 60 now, so i think he was 100% sure he was 6'2 in his prime and just a bit under in Liar Liar (like 6'1 3/40) i agree now that he is 60 he is 6'1 1/2
Darksol64 said on 29/Jan/22
Showcases what a great height 6'1 range is. Looks like a full size man, great proportions, not huge.
Just based on the picture shown I can easily buy 6'1.5 Unlikely to be under 6'1 (If so, by very little and only before bed) and very likely not hitting the 6'2 mark before bed.
I think Rob hit another home run here. 6'1.5
kevinself said on 15/Jan/22
He is exactly the same height of Will Smith
Click Here
Daniel Hammad said on 29/Dec/21
Hey rob how tall did Jim look in the mask?

Editor Rob
Been a long while since I seen the film.
John moss said on 29/Dec/21
Well On the internet Jim Carrey is 6'2 but to me he seems somewhere between 6'0-6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Dec/21
Solid tall
At least 6ft1½ peak
Rhys 6'1" said on 5/Dec/21
6'1.5" seems about right. Does not look tall at all in movies but looks around 6'2" next to other actors
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 24/Nov/21
Around 6'1.5. He oddly doesn't look that tall in movies though but compared with others he must be close to that mark.
RP said on 10/Nov/21
Peak height in “shoes” was right at 6’2”…which he used to claim in his younger days.
Peak barefoot: 6’0.75”
Current barefoot: 6’0.25”
Dan Marino had him by a STRONG 3” inches during both their Peaks in 1992-1993. Jim was only 1.5” taller than Brad Pitt in photos with close to equal footwear. And a few years ago, he was only 1.75” taller than 5’10.5” Devon Hester. 100% needs slightly down graded, with a peak & current now that he’s well into his 50’s.
Jtm said on 30/Oct/21
viper said on 24/Sep/21
Pitt is 5-10 like he wrote down
we don't know that for sure but that's clearly the most he is. btw i wonder what CDS's opinion on Carrey's height. i suspect he has him 6'1 or taller since he usually sticks with the consensus but Carrey struggles to look as tall as Obama and Obama is 6'0 according to CDS!
Slim 6'1.75 said on 29/Sep/21
186.5 peak
186 current
Slim 6'1.75 said on 26/Sep/21
Flat 5’10 is too low for Pitt
He’s lied about his age claimed to be 2 years younger than he actually is not sure why…
viper said on 24/Sep/21
Pitt is 5-10 like he wrote down
Jtm said on 23/Sep/21
Why do people suddenly believe pitt’s height is legit?
Slim 6'1.75 said on 23/Sep/21
The photos next to Pitt prove Pitt is underlisted or carrey is over listed
Carrey is 186 max so this could mean Pitt is 181cm
Tall Sam said on 22/Sep/21
Interesting that you can’t see Pitt’s footwear but it’s almost certainly a fair bit bigger than Carrey’s there.
Slim 6'1.75 said on 21/Sep/21
Jim taller and bigger than Brad Pitt here:
Click Here
Slim 6'1.75 said on 20/Sep/21
6’1.25 or 6’1.5
Pretty tall but not too tall
He’s got Brad Pitt by a few inches
Jtm said on 14/Sep/21
Slim 6'1.5" said on 31/Aug/21
Andrea, we can’t see their footwear so it doesn’t mean much
doesn't matter. he still looks under 6'1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/21
Slim, peak 187cm range is arguable
recapa said on 10/Sep/21
186-186.5 peak,185-185.5 today.
Slim 6'1.5" said on 31/Aug/21
Andrea, we can’t see their footwear so it doesn’t mean much
Slim 6'1.5" said on 31/Aug/21
186-186.5 not 187 but not the flat 6’1” either
Andrea said on 23/Aug/21
6'1.5, 6'1.25 or even 6'1, he certainly looks nowhere near those marks with that NFL guy though!

Editor Rob
yeah he could look no more than 184 with him
Andrea said on 20/Aug/21
"Editor Rob
Another shot in which Jim looks near 6ft 1, but not quite over it!"
And that's usually when he doesn't look shorter. Look at him with a 5'10 5/8 MEASURED guy (
Click Here ):
Click Here

Editor Rob
Jim at most was 6ft 1.5, but there is an argument for 186cm I feel.
Iamfrench said on 19/Aug/21
Not a full 6'2 but yes, certainly 187cm
Tall Sam said on 14/Aug/21
He could be more feasibly listed at 6’1.25” but can at times look the listing when standing well.
Andrea said on 13/Aug/21
What do you make of this pic of Jim with Obama, Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Another shot in which Jim looks near 6ft 1, but not quite over it!
QM6'1.5"QM said on 29/May/21
He's anywhere from 186.25 to 187.5 cms.
The comedian. The man. The legend.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 5/Feb/21
Liar Liar (in which his character said 'Around Six Two’)
I have a feeling the name of the movie correlates with this claim
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jan/21
Spooner, I think he had a shot at that
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/21
🎁🎂🎈🍻 Happy Birthday Jim! 🍻🎈🎂🎁
Many Happy Returns to Jim Carrey, who celebrates his 59th Birthday today.
6ft1.5 😁👍
Mimi said on 17/Jan/21
A happy 59th birthday to Jim Carrey! 🎂🥳 Funny enough,he also shares the same birthday with Zooey Deschanel whom is pictured above.
slim 6'1 said on 2/Jan/21
186 range
MaskDeMasque said on 20/Dec/20
I think 6'1.5 is spot on. He often looks shorter on screen than he is though. Bad sloucher?
Pat m said on 5/Dec/20
Little under 6ft2 prime, down to 6ft1.5 today
Slim 6'1@ said on 22/Nov/20
Rock solid 186cm
He’s lost at least an eighth of an inch now perhaps even a quarter
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Nov/20
Rob, who do you think would measure tallest peak out of Jim Carrey, Will Smith and David Letterman?
I personally think you could argue up to 6ft1¾ peak for the three of them...

Editor Rob
all of them I think fall shy of 6ft 2...but over 6ft 1.
I still go with the middle value for them, but there can be arguments plus or minus a fraction on all three.
I list people at a certain height, but the door isn't closed completely on those figures. Sometimes I end up thinking another figure could be closer than a previous one...and even if I don't change something, I'm not exactly ruling out the chance they could measure a bit taller or shorter either.
Slim 6'1" said on 17/Nov/20
186 range at his low, great height 👍
Slim 6'1" said on 2/Nov/20
TheDon1528 said on 24/Sep/20
just under 6'1.5"
Tray rego said on 20/Sep/20
6'1" or a very strong 6'0.5"
Lenad 5ft9.75in stud said on 5/Sep/20
Watch, batman forever he looked pretty much the same height as 6'0 (at most?) Val kilmer and looked at least close to 4 inches shorter than ed begley jr but Jim was bending like hell. I would say Jim is a strong 6'1, but not quite 6'2.
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
the listing is on point, no need for a change
Slim 6'1" said on 4/Aug/20
186.9cm low
Alex1.1 said on 4/Jul/20
Look at his heels in that picture about 2 inches worth! He is 6 or 6.1ft no more or less.
QM6'1QM said on 29/Jun/20
Jam Cherry said on 26/Jun/20
True 100%!
Always looked like solid tall guy, sometimes towered the most men around him. From 186,7 cm to 188 cm, but definitely over 6'2+ in the morning.
berta said on 15/Jun/20
Agreed :)
Jam Cherry said on 26/Jun/20
He always looked closer to 6’2” in all his films I would say he’s anywhere in the 187-187.5 cm range at 6’1.75”
berta said on 15/Jun/20
i think average guess is spot on he always looked like a 187 guy when he stood tall. with bad posture he can look 184-185 alot
6'1Adam said on 10/Jun/20
Rob do you think if he puts on weight for the sonic the hedgehog movie sequel he’ll give the impression of being shorter at around 6’1 like the real eggman?

Editor Rob
He might, but a costume can also accentuate height both positively and negatively.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 22/May/20
I just watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. In the scenes where he stood next to Tom Wilkinson, he did seem to have an edge on Tom who I've always read was 6ft1.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 22/May/20
I don't think he was ever a legit 6ft2, but still never under 6 ft 1 in his prime. I could see him as a weak 6 ft 1 today, but I suspect he's still a strong 6ft1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Apr/20
Rob, any chance of adding Charles?
I think he deserves a page.

Editor Rob
He is worth one and even I'm not as sure on him, but will add him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/20
May well he sitting on 6ft1¼ today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/20
Rob, how tall do you think Charles Rocket was?
Click Here
Click Here
I asked about him on the height request page a few days ago but my comment hasn't appeared. I'm gonna guess 6ft4 range (he's been described from 6ft2 up to 6ft5½)

Editor Rob
Might be near 6ft 4, I think in the Dumber film with Carrey, he could have looked over 6ft 3.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/20
@Celebheights 6’1.5”: I wouldn’t list him here at 6ft2 but I don’t think he was actually too far from it. The current mark is the lowest I’d go for him peak and a fraction more wouldn’t hurt.
I think in Dead Pool beside an older Eastwood he pulled off 6ft2 quite well.
Keith 5'10 said on 23/Mar/20
Maybe a 187cm peak? He can look in the 186-7cm range with Frank Langella on Kidding.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 21/Mar/20
After meeting him in person several years back, I have issues buying that he was a full 6’2” in his peak. To me, Jeff Daniels was closer to 6’2 1/2” in the 1990s since he just barely edged out
Ben Affleck. Will Ferrell, who was almost certainly a solid 6’3” a couple of decades ago, would destroy the plausibility of his claim. Jim Carrey was at least an inch shorter than him.
Morgan Freeman, who was likely a fraction over 6’2” in his prime, had at least 1-2 CM on him in Bruce Almighty.
To me, Jim Carrey was more like a textbook example of a man would measure up somewhere in between 6’1 1/4”-6’1 1/2” by lunchtime in his peak years.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Mar/20
Not sure if Jim lost some height but he only look 1/2 shorter than Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber To also sometimes look the same height.
serena said on 17/Mar/20
been rewatching all his movies the past couple weeks, I think he was 6'1.75"-6'2" in his prime and is maybe slightly shorter than that now, 6'1.5" but definitely no shorter than 6'1". he's always looked like a tall guy to me
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 16/Mar/20
I just rewatched I love you Philipp Morris, and he essentially looked to be shorter than Jim.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 16/Mar/20
He looked 186-187 CM by Will Ferrell.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Mar/20
Worst case 186cm today. But if he were to give him that, I really think he should get 187-188cm range peak. That’s how he looked in the 80’s-90’s
Paddy said on 14/Feb/20
@jtm You sound like you need to unplug, go take a nap.
Nearly 180cm guy said on 2/Feb/20
Please Rob, add him to the comedians category. Also, do you think that today, when Carrey is 58, could he have shrunk a little?

Editor Rob
He's now reaching that age in which a fraction could be lost.
Jkiller said on 29/Jan/20
A perfect 187cm.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/20
🎁🎂🎈😆 Happy Birthday Jim! 😆🎈🎂🎁
Many Happy Returns to actor Jim Carrey, who is today celebrating his 58th Birthday. How ironic to see that he is pictured above with Zooey Deschanel, who has her Birthday on the very same day. Yup, Jim turned 18 on the day she was born! 🗝️1️⃣8️⃣
Have a fun-filled Birthday, Jimmy, reflective of all the fun you've given to so many during your lifetime. XX
6ft1.5. 😁👍
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Nov/19
I think he still looks to be hovering around this mark now. Certainly over 6ft1 flat anyway. He’s held up well over the years. 20 years ago he may have been nearer 6ft2, Rob?
Jtm said on 2/Nov/19
Does Paddy own this site now? If not then he shouldn't tell people what to do.
miko said on 18/Oct/19
He's at the age range where he might start to lose a fraction. But he's held up very well for a man not that far off 60. He's still a bit over 6'1.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Aug/19
@Yang I'm canadian and i have met Ryan Reynolds in real from some distance away and there is a big inch between Jim Carrey and Reynolds if put to compare. Jim is at least 6'1 1/4 now and 6'1 1/2 peak if he lost anything.
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 16/Aug/19
Nothing less than 6ft 1 185cm for sure!!!! Very similar range with Canadian Handsome sexy actor named Ryan Reynolds from Green Lantern!!!!! 6ft 1 half is the best guess for him!!!!
Paddy said on 1/Aug/19
I am astounded by people assuming this guy is 6'0"....He was a legitimate 6'2" in his youth, now I'd say 6'1" 1/2...He hasn't lost much. Just stop commenting if you think he's not a strong 6'1".
Terry said on 2/Jun/19
Certainly looks a tall fella.
berta said on 3/May/19
I think B peak and c today. But at the same time he may not have lost anything yet, just little worse posture
Vitas223 said on 15/Apr/19
Maybe 185 см
billionaireslayer said on 19/Mar/19
strong 6ft close to 6'1
berta said on 9/Jan/19
Yeah rampage i believe trump peak could have been 0,5 inch taller than Carrey. I think trumop was 1/8 over 6 foot 2 and Carrey the listed height ore 187,0, in that range
Vitas223 said on 6/Jan/19
Peak - 186 см
Today - 184-185 см
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 3/Jan/19
Perfect Listing nothing less than 6ft 1 for sure.....
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Dec/18
A peak Trump would be a little taller than Carrey I imagine
Monkey knees said on 27/Oct/18
6ft 2in peak in mid 90s. 6ft 1 1/2in now. Perfect listing.
Johncbs said on 2/Oct/18
Would he and a younger Donald Trump be at the same eye level?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Oct/18
I'd be surprised if hes lost more than a centimetre. Really doesn't look much different compared to 20 years ago
viper said on 7/Sep/18
6-1.5 most I can buy
Jtm said on 6/Sep/18
i think freeman was more 6'2 than 6'2.5 but let's assume freeman was really 6'2.5. if you look at the last picture he's at least 1 inch shorter than freeman and he looks like he has better posture and maybe a little footwear advantage.
Gracian said on 4/Sep/18
I really doubts that Carrey would only have 6'1", flat 6'1" looks too low for him! He's often holding a bad posture, and Carrey did not look much shorter than Morgan Freeman:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
For me, Carrey looked like a good guy, 187 cm tall. I think the peak height from Morgan Freeman was 6'2.5" while Carrey was probably 6'1.75" or at least 6'1" and 5/8 inch, but today Carrey can only have 6'1.25". Rob, I hope you've seen my previous comment about Carrey and the photos I sent back then. What's your opinion of Carrey now?
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 20/Aug/18
I wouldn't rule out a solid 187cm for a younger Jim Carrey. But I wouldn't go over that. Maybe 186.8cm measured by a doctor. Weak 186cm now.
Mister lennon said on 15/Aug/18
I would say 187-188 peak. Minimun 187 peak. Now, maybe 186-187 range.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 14/Aug/18
Looked 186-187cm easily in Yes man.
berta said on 5/Aug/18
i agree rampage that is a very goodlisting for carrey. I cant see him under 187 peak when standing at his tallest. of course with his posture ( lika a 80 year old lady :P ) he can look 185 but standing for a measurement i believe 187 ore even couple mm over peak. today maybe 186,5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/18
Maybe 6ft1⅝ peak?
Seems reasonable if Daniels was a weak 6ft3. There was never 2in between them, more like 1in or a little over. Nowadays I think Jim still clears the 6ft1 mark
Gracian said on 21/Jun/18
Rob, I understand why you would not like to go over 6'1.5" with Schwarzenegger and Will Smith, but I think you should not completely exclude the 6'1.75" list for Carrey. Here are some proofs:
With Nicolas Cage:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
With Cage and Samuel L Jackson:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
With Ewan McGregor and Rodrigo Santoro:
Click Here
With Jeff Daniels:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Carrey sometimes holds a bad posture, which at times he may look shorter. I think he defeated Schwarzenegger and Smith who looked in the range of 6'1-1.5". I'm sure Carrey was more like Colin Firth, which is anywhere from 6'1.25" to 6'1.75" range. Rob, what's now your opinion?
QM6'1QM said on 25/May/18
To be honest, I really respect this man, his charisma, talent, energy, thoughts ... Of course, his films had a huge influence on me. I must say, it looks exactly like me (body structure, shoulders, legs, weight, etc.). Perhaps, I agree, Jim Carrey is 6'1.25-.5" (186-187 cm).
berta said on 13/May/18
i think will smith and im carrey was the same height in the 90s if i hade to guess who was taller then i think carrey could have been couple mm taller.will smith maybe could go down to 186,5 after a day and carrey could be very close to 187
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Apr/18
In Truman Show Jim Carrey look 6'2 next to 6'3 listed Noah Emmerich. But i've see enough of Emmerich look more like a legitmate 6'2.5" guy watching him in Pride and Glory with Edward Norton and Colin Farrell. Jim listing here look accurate although at first i give 6'1 3/4 perhaps a wrong perspective.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 29/Mar/18
Rob, who do you think is taller between Jim Carrey or Will Smith?

Editor Rob
Both I think could be argued anywhere in 6ft 1-1.5 range, but I wouldn't go above for either.
berta said on 28/Mar/18
i thinkhis extremely bad posture have mad him to loose 1 cm by now. have gone from 187 cmto 186 by now. But really hard to tell with carrey. his posture can make him look 2 cm shorter than he is sometimes. He stand like a 85 year old person :P
Terry Marvin said on 15/Mar/18
Jim Carrey is 6'2" and weights about 180 pounds or less.
Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)
Terry Marvin said on 15/Mar/18
Jim Carrey is 6'2" and weights about 180 pounds or less.
Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)
JordanG said on 16/Feb/18
Hey Rob and everyone, so I was digging deep into Jim's old stuff, here are a few pictures I found.
Back in 1991, Jim was in a movie with his buddy Steve Oedekerk called High Strung, which also starred Thomas F. Wilson.
Here's a picture of Jim beside Steve:
Click Here
Here's a picture of Steve beside Ed McMahon and Dave Coulier:
Click Here
And then here's a picture with Jim, Steve and Thomas all together:
Click Here
The heights seem really off, right? Do you think Steve and Thomas were wearing lifts? The last picture, Thomas could be standing on something but Steve looks to be around the same height had he been standing up straight. Perhaps Jim was kind crouching down in order for the guy behind him to be seen? But then how does explain the very first picture? It's weird, because Fred Willard is in the movie too; but he appears taller than Steve!
Here's a link to the full movie:
Click Here
Any thoughts? :P
Hendoooo said on 24/Jan/18
Hey rob 1 last question. Would out of Carrey and Jackman would you say comes out on top in peak and current height

Editor Rob
I think Hugh had a greater chance of being a full 6ft 2 than Carrey did...
Del Mar said on 21/Jan/18
I always thought he looked 6'2" to even 6'2.5".He has the tall look
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 16/Jan/18
Editorob, I am 90% sure Carrey has lost a quarter inch.
Hendoooo said on 13/Jan/18
Rob would you say Carrey would edge out Ray Romano?

Editor Rob
They can look within same range...although I'm starting to think Carrey is looking a bit shorter the last few years. I wonder if he has now reached a stage he's lost a fraction or maybe even 1cm.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 13/Jan/18
Proportion wise, he appears identical to Paul walker. They both need 187 listings.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 4/Jan/18
5'9" is an injustice and dishonour.
JJStyles said on 3/Jan/18
I Thought he was 6'3 but i guess he shrunk to 6'1
Bobby said on 28/Dec/17
He's a lot taller than I thought he was. Always thought he was average height, like 5'9 or something.
Mister lennon said on 26/Dec/17
Strong 6'1 peak. Weak 6'2 out of bed or close.
Now he is about a solid 6'1. 186-187.
Jalen C Gilmer said on 24/Dec/17
6'2 peak height, 6'1.5 current height.
rajesh mumbaikar said on 21/Dec/17
height of jim carrey is nothing for me.......he is absolutely jenious..... the living legend.......in his performances the nature really flows..... I think that performances height is more than anybody else.He help me in depressive situation...thanks jim....God bless you.
Bego said on 20/Dec/17
Perhaps about 187-188 when he was younger, now at 55 he's no more than 186-185.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/17
186cm at worst today but he may not have lost anything. He's in fairly good shape for his age. Jeff Daniels did look taller years ago...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Dec/17
He does look 188cm w/h Ferrell
Slim 185 said on 15/Nov/17
Needs to be added to “comedians” category and a peak and current quarter inch height loss.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/17
I think he could have been a strong 187cm in his prime
Lenad 5ft9.75in knows best said on 12/Nov/17
I'm watching bruce almighty atm. If morgan freeman was a weak 189cm then, I'll give Carrey solid 186cm like this listing.
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/17
Today, Jim Carrey is no longer young, he is 55 years old. I'm inclined to think that his height at the peak was 6'1.75 "/ 187 cm, and today 6'1.25" / 186 cm. It is worth noting that he always had a terrible posture.
berta said on 28/Oct/17
tallest possible 188 and shortest possible 186. Bad posture makes him look 186 alot of the time but standing tall he is a legit 187 guy. thats my belief. I believe there is 90 procent chanse that jim carrey was taller than arnold 30 years ago
Junior said on 20/Oct/17
He still look around 180 pounds and look a full 187cm to me. Maybe an upgrade for Jim at 6'1.75".
True Height said on 7/Oct/17
That's bull **** because if you're going around just being lazy and not looking into height you can't call morgan freeman 6'1 when he is 6'2 or higher if this is how tall jim is look at Bruce almighty movie and see how Morgan Freeman is "noticeably taller" at minimum an inch taller so if jim is this tall go correct yourself on morgan freeman will smith might not be 6'2 but close to 6'2 however morgan freeman is 6'2 for sure everything about him screams 6'2 (metaphorically speaking),
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 3/Oct/17
There are a few photos of him with Will Smith:
Click Here
mister_lennon said on 1/Oct/17
i dont think that he is taller tan will Smith. they looked the same heigth.
JordanG said on 1/Oct/17
Click Here
Here's Jim with Spike Jonze, apparently 5'7
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Sep/17
I think 185lbs. Not as skinny as he looks
Kane said on 20/Sep/17
I met Morgan Freeman at the airport here in Tuscaloosa Alabama. He's from Mississippi. He's a solid 6'3. Jim slouched baaaad in his films. He slouched constantly next to Freeman and still looked only 1" shorter.
JordanG said on 17/Sep/17
Hey Rob, I know this is a height forum; but what do you think Jim's weight has been for some of his movies. Some roles he looks very thin; but in others, he's looking a bit more muscular.
Liar Liar - About 180 lbs
Man on the Moon - About 190 lbs
I love you Philip Morris - I believe it was about 140 lbs

Editor Rob
couldn't really offer anything as it's so long since I watched these movies.
Slim said on 11/Sep/17
Definitely taller than Will Smith.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/17
Unanimous, I think that's spot on. A solid 6ft1½ guy in the 90's if not 6ft1¾. Looked near 6ft2 on the rare occasions that he stood tall. Nowadays probably still clears 6ft1 by a fair amount.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 31/Aug/17
While 180-185 pounds is a bit skinny for somebody who is in between 6'1" and 6'2", it's interesting that he gets characterized for being very skinny at that weight. I'd expect it if a man weighed in at under 170 pounds at that height.
Unanimous said on 26/Aug/17
6'1.5-6'1.75 Peak
6'1.25-6'1.5 Now
Both with below average posture
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 23/Aug/17
I still can't put my finger on how he appears to edge out Rodrigo Santoro in some photos, even if Jim is wearing slightly bigger shoes. He literally has both of his legs bent here, and still edges Rodrigo out:
Click Here
He looks 6'2"+ by him.
Slim183 said on 15/Aug/17
I actually think Jim could pull off 187 cms,
6'1.75 peak
6'1.5 today
5'11.25 at noon. said on 10/Aug/17
Remember this guy is a sloucher like Will smith if he's leaned against a wall with his back straight to the wall I'd say he wouldn't measure less than 6'1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Aug/17
I think in the 90's he looked more 187-188cm than 186-187cm...really wouldn't have doubted the 6ft2 reports. His posture has just never been good. Roughly 1in shorter than Daniels.
Peterson188cm said on 7/Aug/17
Jeff Daniels (peak): 6ft2.75 189.8cm
Jim Carrey (peak): 6ft1.5 186.7cm
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 7/Aug/17
In his peak:
Out of bed: 6'2 1/4"-6'2 1/2"
Before bed: 6'1 1/4"-6'2 1/2"
Out of bed: 6'2"-6'2 1/4"
Before bed: 6'1"-6'1 1/4"
RichardSpain said on 2/Aug/17
six two with footwear.
Barefeet is 186cm.
Kristi Kat said on 26/Jul/17
I just watched Dumb and Dumber and they were implying that Lloyd (Jim Carrey) was shorter than Sea Bass (Cam Neely) but I didn't see a difference and when I looked it up the Internet said Cam Neely is 6"1 and Jim Carrey is 6"2. So either Jim Carrey grew or Cam Neely shrunk or they just fudged it or something idk...
Shredder said on 14/Jun/17
I just re watched Bruce Almighty after many years , If Morgan was a flat 6'2 doing filming than no way is Jim over 6'1.25 , that is the max he seemed with him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jun/17
Neely looks a solid 6ft1 guy
Lenad the 5ft9.75in stud said on 27/May/17
I'd give Jim a weak 186cm
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 6/Apr/17
I meant that Jeff Daniel's posture was worse.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 6/Apr/17
Despite the fact that Jim Carrey is known for his slouching, his posture was worse than Jeff Daniel's was in Dumb and Dumber. When both were in even posture, there appeared to be at least an inch between the two, and sometimes even more. There could even be 4 full CM between the two of them.
S.J.H said on 1/Apr/17
Carrey look near 3.25 shorter than peak jeff goldblum
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 29/Mar/17
Cam Neely was described as being 6'4" in Dumb and Dumber in the deleted scenes. He looked the same or just barely shorter than Jim Carrey did in Me, Myself and Irene though.
Shredder said on 27/Mar/17
Rob , if he really was 180 lbs in Lair Lair than what would you guess him in earlier flicks like Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber , batman forver?
Shredder said on 23/Mar/17
Rob , how tall is Cam Neely? He was a hockey player that played Seabass in Dumb and Dumber!

Editor Rob
in 1998 I seen him described as "6-foot-1, 218-pounds"
berta said on 17/Mar/17
a guy that with bad psoture looks in the stron g186 range but if he stands tall is more like a strong 187 guy. morgan freeman was 2 cm taller with good posture and carrey bad psoture.
mister_lennon said on 7/Mar/17
187-188. Maybe 188 out of bed. Now, maybe he has los some fraction.
HonestSlovene said on 7/Mar/17
Also Cage is about 182-183 cm maximum. Probably lost a bit of height and is no more than 182 cm flat as of today.
Charlie said on 6/Mar/17
Seriously Jim looks more like 5 ft 9. I saw a photo of Jim Carry standing beside matthew Broderick who is about 5 ft 5 and then i saw a photo of 5 ft 9 dennis Leary standing beside Matthew Broderick and Jim and Dennis had the same height next to Broerick. Jim Carry is more likely to be 5 ft 9
HonestSlovene said on 5/Mar/17
@berta I agree. 185-187 cm is his range, 186 cm probably spot on as he never looked 6'2" but definately at least 6'1" and mostly 6'1.5".
berta said on 6/Feb/17
yeah jim carrey had 2 inches on cage. that would make him 188. i dont think he was really that tall but not under 187. when standing tall he looks tall. cage as you say could have been couple mm over 183 but 183 is safe
S.J.H said on 17/Jan/17
No obligation but nicolas cage 6 feet tall was laughable if jim carrey is 6'1.5 because there is always 2" between them
headman said on 4/Jan/17
Jim Carrey once said that he had a small head in comparison with Jeff Daniels. What do you think his head length is, Rob?
I think he's 6'2.

Editor Rob
headman, probably a bit over 9, but big Jeff could have a 10-inch long head, it certainly isn't small.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 1/Jan/17
looked pretty tall, in yes man, 187cm is believable, but I'm more convinced he's 186cm though.
HonestSlovene said on 1/Jan/17
He has always looked about 185-186 cm, 187 cm is on the upper end of what I would guess him at.
abcd said on 27/Dec/16
185 for sure maybe 186 max 187
Arch Stanton said on 26/Dec/16
Rob can you add In the film Liar Liar, his character describes himself as "around 6'2 and 180 pounds".
ngb said on 24/Dec/16
I'd say 6'1.5 is about right.
Dejavu said on 15/Sep/16
There are pictures of Jim Carrey next to Clint Eastwood over 10 years ago. He is looking over 6'1 next to Clint who was probably around 6'2 during that time.
Justin said on 5/Sep/16
In Bruce Almighty with Morgan Freeman he looks only half a inch shorter than Freeman who's 6ft2.5 roughly so the 6ft2 for Carrey in my opinion is plausible. He's about a inch shorter than Jeff Daniels in dumb and dumber who was 6ft3. Also he's got half a inch on Colin Firth in photos I've seen and he's 6ft1.5.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Aug/16
His legs are spread apart so he's not actually standing his tallest while Zooey is gaining more height by standing on one foot nevermind those heels.
He could pass for 6ft2 in the 90's
S.J.H said on 8/Aug/16
Jim carrey is 6'1.25 and nicholas cage would be 5'11.25
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 22/Jul/16
On closer look, yeah he looks more 186 in that pic
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 19/Jul/16
rob, do you reckon carrey looks like a solid 187cm guy in the top pic, assuming Deschanel is 5'5 of course

Editor Rob
nah not really much more than 6ft 1
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 14/Jul/16
Atm, I think he's a solid 186cm guy. More 187 when younger.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/16
Rob, could you add Me & Irene, Living Color and The Deadpool to that list?

Editor Rob
I have to be careful with the length of description, it is more beneficial if I can find a quote or some tidbit about height, rather than listing a few more movies.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/16
Rob, is a fraction loss possible at 54 or so you think he's held up pretty well over the years?

Editor Rob
a small loss that might make him a 186 guy yes
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 17/Jun/16
186-187cm when standing straight
jtm said on 11/Jun/16
deschanel is the one that is losing more height and she looks 5'4 to me.
berta said on 8/Jun/16
this guy has the worst posture you can have and still looks 185-187 I dont Think he is shorter than 187 when he stand up straight
Andrea said on 5/Jun/16
187-188 is a big joke for Jim...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/16
I think he was 187/188cm range in the 90's.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 3/Jun/16
If he stood up straight in the top pic, I can see 187-188cm actually. I can easily buy 187cm for Carrey now
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 3/Jun/16
Could somebody please explain to me why Jim Carrey appears to edge out Rodrigo Santoro here with worse posture (who is listed as 6'2", despite the fact that I think that a downgrade for him to 6'1 1/2" is in order as he seriously appears to be no taller than Will Smith or Gerard Butler who are both 187 CM)?
Click Here
He looked similar with him in the movie as well.
Mark said on 30/May/16
I don't see more than 1 or 2 inches between Jim and Ferrell
berta said on 25/May/16
In photos with guys like Hugh Jackman and Nicolas Cage you can really see he was very Close to 6 foot 2. He never stands tall and even with that posture he never looks shorter than 185.
60% 187
30% 186
10% 185 ore 188
Mark said on 22/May/16
He has that lanky look. Definitely above the 6'1" range and could look near 6'2" with better posture.
Berta said on 22/May/16
he have extremely poor posture. I think he was 187,5 when he was young if he stood up straight ( maybe still is) He never look shorter than 185-86 and thats when he is hunched all the time
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 6/May/16
I agree rampage clover he can look that range at times. I personally wouldn't put him below 6'1, except maybe at night.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/May/16
Looked 187-188cm range in the 90's.
James B said on 2/May/16
According to my brother he will be reprising his role as the riddler in the future.
That guy said on 27/Apr/16
i think this listing is spot on
Click Here
in this pic his height is close to will ferrell's which is 6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/16
Rob, which of these is most suitable for Carrey at peak?
A) 190cm/188cm
B) 189.5cm/187.5cm
C) 189cm/187cm
D) 188.5cm/186.5cm
E) 188cm/186cm
S.J.H said on 8/Apr/16
Alright.. I think someone met jim carrey at 6'2 with shoes here. Probably 185ish barefoot not 6'0-6'0.5
berta said on 5/Apr/16
he looks anywhere from 185-87 but his posture cant be worse so he is probably this height. One of the best comedians ever
Andrea said on 1/Apr/16
So his claim is basically 6'2, Rob? He's a tricky guy, sometimes he can look just 6'-6'1 other times near enough the 6'1 mark...
Considering you yourself said that anywhere in 6'1-6'1.5 range is arguable for Jim, why don't you give him the mark in the middle, 6'1.25?
I personally don't think he'd measure much over 185...

Editor Rob
that's what he claimed yes. 186cm is always an arguable figure, as I say, I think you could argue anywhere over 6ft 1-1.5...I wouldn't go under 6ft 1 as an estimate.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/16
Rob, how probable is 6ft1 flat or lower for Carrey?

Editor Rob
there is a decent chance I think
Kourosh said on 23/Jan/16
@Charlie 5'10 inches for Jim is insane dont be ridiculous. No less than 6'1 for Jim.
Stan said on 21/Jan/16
Jim is a big guy always clear 6feet. In fact 6'1.5 sounds a little too much. 6'1 might be cleared
Tempest said on 18/Jan/16
About 6' flat and always been about 6' flat.
JordanG said on 3/Jan/16
Hey Rob, what do you think about the photo I posted from November? I know the angle might be a bit misleading; but what do you think about everyone's heights here?

Editor Rob
in a fair few photos he is a guy who can look just 6ft 1
charlie said on 31/Dec/15
i saw him on in living color opposite a black actor listed as 5 foot 6 inches and he looked 3 inches taller if that and he looked the same height as a black actress in a nurses outfit and high heels. Most women are 5 foo2 or 5 foot 4 and in heels they would be 5 foot 8 inches. that leaves Jim Carry at 5 foot 10 inches
charlie said on 31/Dec/15
my guess he is 5 foot 10 or 5 foot 10.5 here. he's over 50 now so it is most likely he may of shrunk a lot since then.
Dejavu said on 22/Dec/15
Probably near 6'2 peak. He had 2 inches on Nicholas cage and similar to Samuel l Jackson
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 20/Nov/15
I'd list him as 185cm or maybe 186
JordanG said on 10/Nov/15
Click Here
Here's one of Jim near Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm sure that the angle of the photo is tampering with the heights; but still a decent picture.
JordanG said on 10/Nov/15
Yeah Sam, I guess maybe Cusack's hair AND how his hat is placed on his head makes him look much taller than Jim.
Here's another one.
Click Here
Sam said on 5/Nov/15
Interesting shot, I most often think Carrey would be better listed at 6'1.25" and he certainly looks no more than 6'1" range with 6'2" John Cusack.
Dejavu said on 20/Oct/15
Carrey can look 6'2 in his peak.
Rey said on 21/Sep/15
@Shamrock said on 20/Mar/15 in your group photo. Keanu Reeves looks 2 and 1/4 inches taller than Denzel Washington.
Rey said on 21/Sep/15
A weak 6' 1" or 6' 3/4 "
jamie179cm said on 15/Jul/15
jim was wearing heeled shoes in that pic above
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 7/Jul/15
You should add this quote from Liar Liar (where he claimed to be his height). 'About 6'2", 180 pounds, big teeth, kinda gangly'.
Sam said on 10/Jun/15
I'd suspect Pitt is wearing a small lift there with Carrey, or big cowboy boots against Carrey in converse or something...I doubt Eric Bana is much taller than Carrey and in shots with Pitt, Bana can look at least 2 inches taller than a presumably lift-less Pitt.