Halflifecrab said on 19/May/23
Canson said on 30/Jan/22
Rampage could be right depending on whether Ali maintained 6’2.5 or whether he fell to say 6’2.25”. Brown looked about 1/2” or so shorter so 6’1.75 was possible. 6’2 also is based on everything else
jerry goldfarb said on 23/Jan/18
I am a Clevelander who saw Brown's first home game in 1957 and his last game at Lambeau in the 1965 Title game (went to UW and lucked into 2 seats on 50 for $12.50 each)-Brown sat out the 2nd half of a game against the Giants sometime between 1959 and 1962-Browns were up big at half and Brown had taken a hit to the head-there was no "concussion protocol" back then-I have no doubt that had the game been close he would have played-that is why so many players of that era got CTE etc.-hit is sad to see him walk with a cane but at least he has all his faculties-he took very litttle head blows (except in pileups) because of his devastating stiff arm-I remember him as a 6'2 to 6' 2 1/2 228 to 232 lb. RB-no doubt that with today's conditioning and nutritional regimens he would have played at 245-250 without losing anything-why do I say that? It is in response to knuckleheads, none of him saw him play, alleging he was great because he was as big o
r bigger than opposing LB's and would be an average RB in today's game
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/17
Rob, is it possible he's closer to 6ft today?

Editor Rob
he probably is around that today.
Ian C said on 15/May/17
If Brown must now use a cane, mrbob, it is due to advanced age, but not football injuries. Brown retired at twenty-nine, after a season when he won the League's Most Valuable Player award. The only injuries he sustained in his career were to his hands. He missed only one quarter of football in his entire professional career (he got hit in the head by Chuck Bednarik), and he tried (unsuccessfully) to beat Franco Harris in the 100 yard dash when he was fifty. If his hips or legs or back had been damaged during his football career, he couldn't have run 100 yards, let alone had the confidence to challenge Harris.
Everybody, no matter how strong, gets old.
MrTBlack said on 19/Mar/17
Looked 6'2" with Ali and in Running man.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jan/17
Peak was 6ft1½-6ft1¾ and maybe got measured 6ft2 mid-morning. Not a 6ft1 flat guy though
Flint said on 3/Jan/17
Just watched The Dirty Dozen again. Donald Sutherland looks about two inches taller in most comparable shots. Clint Walker looks a couple of inches taller than Donald.
mrbobh5344 said on 13/Dec/16
No longer tall looking. Looks 6' even at best... and walking with a cane. He's 80 (b.1936) and the football years appear to have caught up with him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Aug/16
I think in his playing days he was 6ft2 for sure or very close to it. These guys all get measured. But now I'd say he's down a good 1in or so from that
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/16
Also was in Any Given Sunday
Animus said on 22/Jun/16
He was just in the public eye delivering the NBA championship trophy to LeBron James and did not look 6'2". You should give him a current height.
movieguy said on 13/May/16
Big guy with a big ego I'd say. Looks similar to Ali. The story is he challenged Ali to a sort of spar when out running together. A totally lunatic thing to do, given Ali was probably the best heavyweight in history and Brown while big and strong came from a different sport. Ali reluctantly agreed and vey quickly put Brown in his place. A brilliant foot player though and a pretty good action star.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/15
Doesn't look it today
Gonzalo said on 17/Dec/14
The dirty dozen should be mentioned above. Arguably the best film he´s ever appeared in.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/14
Actually Rob he barely had any lines to speak, so probably not worth adding!
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/14
Rob can you add a photo and mention US footballer and actor, and add Ice Station Zebra? Honestly a legit 6 ft 2 looks a little suspect in Ice Station, Rock Hudson looks a 4 inches taller when stood straight.
Ignatz said on 4/Sep/14
Jim Brown was never six foot two, but he was over six. Which, for his build, was well tall.
Ian C. said on 29/Jun/13
Jim Brown, who is among the most athletically gifted Americans of the twentieth century, was tall, but had the proportions of a short man. This may have been why he was so formidable a football player; he was in effect a giant version of an Olympic gymnast. He had that extraordinary power and muscular control, but at a tall man's height. The movie to see him at his physical best is Rio Conchos, which he made while he was still an active football player. He looks, as he say, like a champion gymnast who has been magically enlarged.
Mr. R said on 2/Jun/13
I met him years ago at Wilt Chamberlain's funeral. He sat in front of me. On level ground I measured him, he is now 6-1.
jack said on 31/May/13
solid 6'2 with ali
Click Here
thebad7 said on 6/Mar/11
I always liked him as an actor. He did a trio of Spaghetti Westerns in the 1970s with Western stalwart Lee Van Cleef. He looked to be roughly the same height as Van Cleef, with Van Cleef having a hair of height on him. 6'2" for Brown at peak sounds right.
thekiddd said on 23/May/09
He could have been 6'1.5" at his peak and 6' today.
Mark P said on 23/Feb/09
I saw Jim at a driving range last Saturday (2/21/09)in Studio City. He looked taller than me and I am 6' 2".
Ed T. said on 25/Jul/08
Although I agree that Jim Brown may not have been a full 6'2", he most likely was not below 6'1.5" at his peak. He didn't appear to be that much shorter than Donald Sutherland in the Dirty Dozen, maybe 1.5 inches at most.
talker said on 1/May/08
Jim Brown was never 6'2".He was about 6'1" in his prime.I just saw him in a 1968 movie called"the split" with well known actors like E.Borgnine,Warren Oates,Jack Klugman,G.Hackman,D.Sutherland and others,he looks very clearly about a little over 6',i'd say about 6'1",maybe he wasnt the full 6'1"either.He looks about 2" taller than Borgnine,they stand next to each other,,there's a scene where he is face to face with Oates and looks less than an inch taller.Oates was about 6'.
David said on 22/Jun/06
I used to see Jim Brown in my neighborhood all the time when I lived in Los Angeles. I am 6ft 1.5in and I can tell you that Jim was either my height or a little shorter (which surprised me).
Mr. R said on 20/Feb/06
In old pics, Jim Brown definitely looks close to 6-2 as he stands next to teammates. When I saw him at Wilt's funeral in 1999, he was about 6-1. When I saw him the other night at The Pan African Film Festival, he is just over 6 foot. He is definitely getting smaller.
Jason said on 22/Jan/06
lmao ... welcome to 1999, Danimal.
Mr. R said on 20/Jan/06
Danimal, Wilt died in October of 1999, just before I moved to LA.
Viper652 said on 15/Jan/06
Was he ever 6-2 to begin with??
Danimal said on 14/Jan/06
Wilt died???!!! When was this?
Mr. R said on 14/Jan/06
Jim Brown was sitting in front of me at Wilt Chamberlain's funeral. At this point, he is no taller than 6'1".