Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/22
I’m watching Jessica in the film ‘Abattoir’ and very nasty it is too.
I recognised her dark-haired beauty from the film ‘The Prince’, and I definitely prefer her as a brunette. She has a classic 40s film star style of beauty which is quite breathtaking.
Jessica is getting 5ft3.5, but looks at least 5ft4+.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Oct/21
I've seen all the above films, and remember that she mentioned 110 pounds in 'Altitude'. I've bought the others and added to my films of hers because she really impressed me in yesterday's Horror Channel showing of 'The Prince'.
Jason Patric is trying to track down his daughter, but finds her friend instead, offering her a princely sum of 500 dollars to accompany him on a journey. I was waiting for her to make a play for him when she realised how infallible he was and sure enough, it happened after she'd let her guard down after a swift trip to the lavatory to powder her nose in the literal sense.
She looked very attractive, with stunning eyes, but Patric didn't have any ulterior motive. He just wanted his daughter back.
I saw around 6" between Jessica and Jason Patric, so I'm agreeing with the 5ft3.5. 💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Nov/20
💐🎈🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Jess! 🎁🎂🎈💐
Wishing Jessica Lowndes a great 32nd Birthday today.
5ft3.5 🌹😁👌💝
JessieKay said on 12/Aug/18
Rob can you estimate height of this guy next to her
Click Here
He’s 188 cm according to google

Editor Rob
he can seem close to his claim.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Feb/17
I thought Jessica was incredibly plucky in 'Autopsy', fighting against the warped Robert Patrick character! I did pick up on the fact that she was rather small as well! Now I know how small! 5ft3.5 - that's how small! It's the sort of height I would have guessed for her as well!
I also picked up on the 110lbs weight said for her and her friend in the film 'Altitude'!
Hypado said on 19/Dec/14
Jessica Lowndes is 161/162cm
glenn said on 8/May/08
he was a very sweet and patient man.
Shawn said on 7/May/08
5'11" looks about right
what was Jones like glenn? i heard from people that he's a very cool guy
glenn said on 7/May/08
roy was a legit 5-11,5-11.5 when i saw him.
DMario Bradford said on 14/Apr/08
on fight night round 3 he is 5'9.5 or 5'10 but not 5'11
Nelson Heights said on 4/Apr/08
The 5'11.5 measurement was with his shoes on!
Danny said on 7/Mar/08
Miko:I would say 5"11.25 morning and 5"10.75 night
if u say 5' 11.25" in morning than he should be about 5' 10.5" in night
glenn said on 25/Feb/08
sounds good miko.
miko said on 25/Feb/08
I would say 5"11.25 morning and 5"10.75 night for him.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
thanks for backing me derek.i saw 5-11.25.thats close.
derek said on 24/Feb/08
hbo boxing measured him before a fight and he was a solid 5' 11.5. on a similar note, mike tyson is often listed as 5'11 as well. hbo also measured him on "tale of the tape" before the fight and measured tyson to stand at 5' 10.5. so tyson rounds up, while jones rounds down.
Anonymous said on 22/Feb/08
Mark Barto, I seem to remeber reading that Hearns was 6'2'' and a bit but his trainer Emmanuel Steward knocked down his height to 6'1'' in the stats as no one fancied fighting a 6'2'' welterweight.
Mark Barto said on 20/Feb/08
He is not close to the height of another boxing legend Thomas Hearns. Hearns is 6-1 1/2.. Although most people say he was 6-2 which they later revised. Why don't you get the real height of Thomas Hearns.
Danimal said on 17/Feb/08
I still say 5'10" and change. He's rounding up his height.
S4M said on 16/Feb/08
5'11 in the morning. 5'10.25" thereafter.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/08
He's def. 5'11". I live in Pensacola, as does Roy Jones Jr., and I see him at Albertsons all the time. I've been right next to him before and he is taller than me by a bit. I'm 5'10" btw.
TNTinCA said on 13/Feb/08
I gotta agree that he looks 5'10-ish.

Editor Rob
he looks taller on the left! 5ft 11 on the right because glenn has smaller eye-skull because of little positive tilt there.
H-G-H said on 13/Feb/08
Yeah, looks solid 5'11" to me, his morning height might even be more
glenn said on 12/Feb/08
i do it for you guys,atoadaso.
Danimal said on 11/Feb/08
Looking 5'10"ish.
glenn said on 11/Feb/08
he would sometimes look 5-11.25.but i thought that was my imagination.
Charliemoto said on 10/Feb/08
in the LEFT image he looks 181cm and if stood straight would look 6'0 flat, in the right one he looks 179cm and if straight would look 181cm.
unless there was floor advantage for him in the LEFT image or floor advantage to Glenn in the RIGHT image, we can safely say he's no more than 179cm.
CoolJ said on 10/Feb/08
Rumored to be 5'10ish... but looking close to 5'11 here, assuming footwear is comparable.
leonari said on 10/Feb/08
5'11".Nothing below.
glenn said on 10/Feb/08
seemed 5-11.very nice.or usually nice.i thought he would be a dick.
Brah said on 10/Feb/08
Looks 5'10.5"-5'11". Nice "Air" apparel too.
Alex said on 10/Feb/08
derek said on 10/Feb/08
He looks pretty much 5'11.... 5'10.5 - 5'10.75 is a possibility too, but nothing under.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/08
He looks around 5-10 barefoot, 5-11 in shoes
Derek said on 10/Feb/08
I'm thinking more 5'10"-5'10 1/2".
miko said on 10/Feb/08
Looks 5"10.5 here, 5"11 is possible though, he is slouching, and Glenn is closer.