Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Oct/24
@kaziman: Both are very strong contenders for that height. I'd probably bump O'Connell up there first though.
kaziman said on 28/Sep/24
Rob time for upgrade for him and O’Connell? 6’2.25?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/24
This guy always looks strikingly tall - 6ft2 and change looks probable.....
eshakir said on 11/Apr/23
Def not 6’3”, Def not 6’1. 6’2” is a good listing. 6'1.5" at worst. I’d say anywhere between 6'2 1/5-6'2 1/2" is good
Asid said on 13/Aug/22
Tallest 6’2”
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 2/Aug/22
This guy is TALL. Easily could be over 6ft 2
Asid said on 30/Jul/22
Rob what bout 6ft 2.25 or 6ft 2.5 for Jerry. Seems tall like guys like Ashton.

Editor Rob
That could be possible
Yanis Gabriel said on 30/Jun/22
I think he clears 189cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/22
I notice he claims 6ft3...would get away with it
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/22
Daniel Lee said on 21/Jun/22
@Robinson Paul what about 6'1.75"?
I' give him 6ft2¼ over that
Daniel Lee said on 21/Jun/22
@Robinson Paul what about 6'1.75"?

Editor Rob
I don't think I'd go under 6ft 2 for Jerry.
Khan Asid said on 17/Jun/22
Def strong 6’2” at worst 6’1.5 if it is bad day or slouching
Kenny Monroe said on 5/May/22
shristi said on 23/Apr/22
Rob which would you argue 6'2.25 or 6'2.5"

Editor Rob
You could make a case for a bit more than 6ft 2
kjuster said on 21/Apr/22
Under 6' 2 joke
Over 6' 3" Joke
Solid 6'2"
6'2.25" is good shout
Rob you think 6'2.25" is good call?

Editor Rob
It is a possibility to give him that mark.
kazi said on 10/Apr/22
Tallest 6'2 I have seen in my life
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jun/21
Rob, maybe a strong 6ft2?
He looks quite tall on iCarly...oddly resembles another 6ft2 Jerry (O'Connell)!

Editor Rob
most would agree he has a better chance of solid 6ft 2 than weak 6ft 2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/21
Yeah this guy could be a little over this
JohnLerry50 said on 28/Nov/20
Rob, how tall do you reckon the guy and lady left of Trainor be in the pic?

Editor Rob
it's Nathan Kress (under 5ft 7) and Jennette McCurdy (listed 5ft 1 here though claimed 5ft 3)
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Jul/20
Jerry look very strong 6'2 with Michelle Obama who have footwear advantage over Jerry. 6'2 1/2 is possible.
Jaiden said on 26/Jun/20
Well I'm 6'4 and he look like he can be 6ft2 maybe 6'2.5
Faraz Shahzad said on 26/Jun/20
I think he is solid 6’2 or maybe even 6’1.5. In that pic, I believe he is wearing dress shoes which naturally add on height which makes him like 6’3-6’4. Jeannette is 5’2 max and Nathan is only like 1 or 2 inches taller. Jerry looks about 10 inches taller which makes like 6’2
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Jun/20
Over 6'3 or under 6'2 is
trolling for Jerry.
manofwar said on 31/Mar/20
@Nik Ashton I have a friend who's been 6'3 since age 14 but he only claims 6'2 even though he's been measured as 6'3 1/4
Nik Ashton said on 20/Mar/20
It’s unlikely he would have claimed to be 6’2” if he was taller!
Soren said on 18/Mar/20
I'm 6'3.75, and he looked considerably close to me in height. I say 6'3.6, there's no way he's under 6'3. He also always looked 6'4 on iCarly
Soren said on 18/Mar/20
In this picture it looks like Jerry's the dad, Natham's the son and Jennette is the wife or daughter
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 16/Dec/19
That photo was taken a few weeks before Noah Munck turned 16, and he was still growing when that photo was taken. He wasn’t 6’0” at that time.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Nov/19
Maybe he was a flat 189cm guy almost dip into 6'2 1/4. But i have see him enough to tell he isn't weak 6'2 or only 6'2. 1/4 upgrade at least to be needed.
Nik Ashton said on 11/Aug/19
@ Junior Hernandez 1990 - To be fair the average guess of 6’2.37” (15 votes!) is half way between what Rob says (6’2”!) and what you originally said (6’2.75”!)! Maybe he should have an upgrade to 6 foot 2 3/8! He currently has 30 comments!
KaziSh said on 10/Aug/19
Click Here
Noah Munch is 6'0 and Jerry looks 6'3 Jerry deserves an upgrade to 6'3
tkazi04 said on 31/Jul/19
I think Jerry is more 6-3 bcuz my cousin meet him in LA at some restaurant (I forgot the name of the restaurant) but my cousin took a pic with him and said Jerry was 2" taller than him and my cousin is 6'1"
MalcomStreet said on 18/Jul/19
Next to Dan Scheider who is 6' 0" Jerry looks 6'2-6'3" I think 6'2.5" is a good listing for him
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/Jun/19
Maybe not as high as 6'2 3/4-6'3 but he will get on a measurement at 6'2 1/2 but really not a flat or weak 6'2 guy. To me he should at least get a 6'2.25" upgrade.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jun/19
@Nik I bet you don't even look at his work much. The absolutely worst lowest is 6'2 1/2 and at times he look 6'3 not 6'2 although he claims it but he def downplay it.
Nik said on 25/May/19
This is what 6'2" looks like!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/May/19
As i say it on March that Jerry is not flat 6'2 or even 6'2.5" not enough. Now people starting to come up one by one and claim he is 6'2.75-6'3.5". I certainly see him max 6'3 but more like solid 6'2.75" like Mhasset03 said. I'm daring to say he is the same height as
Chris Hemsworth.
Mhasset03 said on 12/May/19
Looking at pictures with him and 6'0" Noah Munck, Jerry always has 2.5" to 3" inches on him. So I would argue you he is between 6'2.5"-6'3". What is my final Verdict on Jerry’s height: 6'2.75". He’s not quite 6'3" but really close.
Takazi04 said on 10/May/19
Rob the average vote for Jerry is 6ft 2.36in (188.9) I feel like he deserves an upgrade to 6'2 1/4". So are you going to upgrade his listing to 6'2 1/4" I feel like he often looks it heck he can be 6'2 1/2". So in all honesty I feel like he should be upgraded to 6'2.25". Rob please upgrade him to 6'2.25" (188.6 cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Apr/19
Looks a strong 6ft2 in all honesty
MSmith7 said on 17/Apr/19
I'm 6'3" and I meet Jerry at a Convention Center for celebrities all over the world 2 years ago, we took a picture picture and he seemed to be my height or .5" taller than me so I'd say Jerry is between 6'3"-6'3.5"

Editor Rob
I edited your username as it was your email ;)
JenniferBrook said on 15/Apr/19
My son is 6'2" and he took a picture with him and Jerry had an inch in him. Final Verdict: 6'3"
Nik Ashton said on 25/Mar/19
He looks one tall dude!
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 23/Mar/19
@Issa I agree with that, despite how I initially thought that Jerry was 6’4” myself with how gigantic they managed to make his characters appear on set, and with how overlisted some Josh Peck and Drake Bell were heightwise back when they were filming Drake and Josh, considering how Josh had sources listing him at 5’11”-6’0” back when he was barely over 5’8” in season 1. I’d say that Josh Peck nowadays is 5’11 1/2”, which puts Jerry at around 6’1 1/2”.
Honestly, I’m quite surprised to see that I’m not the only one who doesn’t think that he’s anything over 6’2”. I’ve been researching discussions to see what everyone else pegs him at throughout the web, and almost everyone has said that he can’t be under 6’3”.
issa said on 19/Mar/19
bosslinegame said on 17/Mar/19
In Icarly he always looked 6'3-6'4". To me closer he is 6'4"
The only reason he appears that tall is all iCarly kid cast were short. Jennette is 5'1 at best, Miranda is only 5'4-5'4.5 at max. Those two hardly grew throught the show's course. Nathan is 5'6 but grew every season of the show considering how much shorter he was than Miranda in earlier seasons. Noah grew a well amount throught the show ending up at 5'11 or so. Jerry is no taller than 6'2, he could even be 6'1.5. Jerry in Drake and Josh was only 2 inches taller than Josh Peck who's 5'11-6' thus making Jerry 6'1.5-6'2 at absolute max.
bosslinegame said on 17/Mar/19
In Icarly he always looked 6'3-6'4". To me closer he is 6'4"
Tkazi said on 16/Mar/19
with 5'6" to 5'7" Nathan Kress he looks 10" inches taller, which means he must be 6'4" or 6'5"
aryyasahoo said on 9/Mar/19
Looks 6'3" in that picture
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 7/Mar/19
The above photo was taken back when Nathan Kress was 18 years of age, and he was likely still growing at that age, based off of how young he looks in the above photo. A good reference for that is that the lady who he is standing next to, Jennette McCurdy in the above photo, is at best 5’1”, while having a slight footwear advantage; and in my opinion, he appears to be 5’5” by her at that very instance. Here’s a more recent photo of the iCarly cast:
Click Here
Noah Munck is listed at 6’0” within most sources; however, he looks to be 5’11”-5’11 1/2” in this shot. Jerry Trainor, is of course slouching, but I wouldn’t guess that he’s much above 6’2” in this shot, let alone near 6’3”. The fact that he was always painted on set as being staggering in presence is certainly noteworthy, yet it’s bound to happen when most shots are taken with the angle being tilted upwards as he’s standing by a bunch of kids who are under 16 on set. To me, he didn’t appear to be any taller than 6’2” in comparison to Josh Peck throughout the filming of Drake and Josh, who was still in the shoes of a prepubescent older teen, growing and evolving out of Teddy Bear body. I can’t find any photos where the angle doesn’t show a biased tilt to make one look taller though.
Final verdict: 6’2”
Canson said on 6/Mar/19
@Junior: Reynolds is under 6’2. Hes only got Denzel by 2”.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Mar/19
I don't think he is only 6'2. He look alot like pushing 6'3 taller than many others 6'2 actors. Like Ryan Reynolds hiddenly stand close to 6'3 downplay 6'2.
Tomwash3r3 said on 6/Mar/19
@George Kaufman He looks 6'2 in the picture to me. I mean, Jennette is 5'1 so in high heels she should be around 5'5, and a guy that's 6'2 would be around a full head taller than someone who's 5'5 anyway, so 6'2ish makes perfect sense to me.
Ggamers said on 5/Mar/19
Rob how tall do you think he can be in the morning?
A: 6'3.25"/191.1 CM
B:)6'3"/190.5 CM
C:)6'2.75"/189.9 CM
D:)6'2.5"/189.2 CM
E:)6'2.25"/188.6 CM

Editor Rob
Could be in B-C range.
Ggamers said on 5/Mar/19
Rob how tall do you think he can be in the morning?
A: 6'3.25"/191.1 CM
B:)6'3"/190.5 CM
C:)6'2.75"/189.9 CM
D:)6'2.5"/189.2 CM
E:)6'2.25"/188.6 CM
Gamers said on 4/Mar/19
Always looked 6'3" to me
George Kaufman said on 4/Mar/19
He looks really tall in the above photo, like 6'4.
tkazi04 said on 4/Mar/19
always looked 6'2.5" to 6'3"
tkazi04 said on 4/Mar/19
looks 6'3" to me
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Mar/19
Wow those two must be tiny for him to just loom over them like that...goes to show how tall a real 6ft2 individual is though
And he’s slouching