American Singer, remembered for songs like "Great Balls of Fire". In 1a 958 IronWood Globe: "Jerry is a 22 year old, 6 feet, 160 Ib. Louisiana boy".
Gerald S said on 25/Sep/24
Actually Rob, he was only mid-forties in that episode! Shatner was 4.5 years older too!
Some pics below with Little Richard (both around same height)
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Gerald S said on 24/Sep/24
Rob, I think we need to at least get him down to 5'10".
See 15:38 with 5'9" William Shatner
Click Here

Editor Rob
Was struggling to look 5ft 10 there! And he's near 50 there so unlikely to have lost a lot of height!
Ian Vector said on 8/Jun/22
Great singer. 5' 11/5"
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/21
Tom Jones looked like he was having great fun with Jerry anyway and smiling at him in the video I saw. Chet Atkins struck me as a no nonsense kind of guy and also seemed to enjoy his company so maybe he wasn't the totally intolerable type nobody would work with but you can detect he was the SOB, difficult type. When stood up Jerry was looking around 6'0.5 with Tom but had on Cowboy boots and Jones normal shoes so about an inch advantage I'd say. I can see an argument for 5'11.5.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Dec/21
Definitely over average anyway, I haven't see him with Elvis but I'd have thought not far off. Great rock n roll star but what an arrogant asshole though, see his demeanour and mannerisms here, he even describes himself as "mean as hell" at 1:54
Click Here
Richard said on 24/Jun/16
I'm 5'10 barefoot and met him wearing boots about 10 yrs ago, I'm 71 & have not lost any height, but Jerry was tiny. TINY. I was so excited to see him, but he looked no taller than 5'6 with his white gloves on. However, you all say you lose height with age so he could have been my height, but I seriously doubt it. Love him, though. LOVE HIS MUSIC!
Sam said on 24/Jul/13
In the picture I posted on Cash's page with Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash & Carl Perkins, he does look close to 5'11" as does Orbison. Cash has close to 3 inches over Lewis, Perkins around 2.
Rory said on 8/Dec/11
I say 6 foot, why would IronWood Globe lie?
MHouillon said on 28/May/09
Look at the pic with Ringo... They almost have the same belt-line, wich means, that Ringo wears (as most the time) lifts and big heels. Jerry seemed a 184-guy (6'0.5") in his younger days, today definitely a stocky 180cm-181cm-guy.
Rusty said on 30/Mar/09
He cleary looks more than 160 pounds in this picture.
bop said on 24/Mar/09
jerry lee lewis looks short.. i think the tallest rockabilly singer is johnny cash ..then carl perkins and chuck berry then elvis then bill haley eddie cochran is short gene vincent too
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
he is pretty short anyway you slice it.
Anthony said on 2/Apr/07
I also thought Nils Lofgren on the end looked shorter than 5'3. Could just be his posture, though.
glenn said on 2/Apr/07
yeah that pic was crazy.
Anthony said on 2/Apr/07
That's what I think. That pic with Ringo is scary, though. Ringo is about 5'5 these days, and Jerry deosn't een have a full inch on him. Ringo could be in boots, though.
glenn said on 31/Mar/07
maybe he has a clint eastwood loss of height.
Anthony said on 30/Mar/07
Glad to know I'm not the only one who initially thought he was only 5'9 in his younger days.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
weird thing is he is wearing cowboy boots here.i thought he was 5-8 now,5-9 peak.apparantly im wrong.he obviously shrunk.
Anthony said on 29/Mar/07
Glenn, what was your estimate for The Killer. He looks shorter than you, slouching accoutned for on both sides.
jll fan said on 16/Mar/07
looked 6' in his youth but nowadays looks only 5'11" in his 70's!
mcfan said on 3/Mar/07
Jerry Lee was taller than Tom Jones by an inch back on Tom's show in the 60s. I would say 6ft was his height back then, but he looks to have shrunk a lot.
Chris said on 26/Feb/07
I think this guy is like Ray Charles. Stick him behind a piano and he comes alive. Loses 50 years...
Anthony said on 26/Feb/07
Ah, thanks. Now that I recall, he did look tall back in his 1950s' peak days. But if he's hunching and he's wearing heels, he's losyt a great deal of height, ptobably close to the amount Clint Eastwood has lost.
misha said on 25/Feb/07
Anthony, I'm a classical pianist and I'm certain you know your pop musicians far better than I do, but I saw a photo of JLL with a shrimpy record producer, guy probably wasn't over 5'6", but the point is, Jerry Lee towered over him by half a foot. By the way, I think the poor man is hunching with Glenn because he has to. He looks awful, even for 76, like the blood's been sucked out of him and his limbs are rubber - almost looks like someone with a walker you'd see struggling through the corridors of a convalescent home.
glenn said on 25/Feb/07
ringo is 5-5 now.yes,misha,jerry has clint syndrome.
Anthony said on 25/Feb/07
I never thought of him as more than 5'9, even at his peak. He's hunching with Glenn, but The Killer looks no more than an inch if he were to stand straight.
misha said on 25/Feb/07
Just passed through here by chance, Glenn, and I think we're looking at everything we've speculated about for Clint Eastwood: cartilage deterioration,
disc problems with possible fusion surgery, dowager's hump, natural curvature
of the spine out of line, the works. He looked about Rickie Nelson's height (5'11") in the 1960s.
Brah said on 25/Feb/07
Ringo Starr and Jerry. If Ringo is 5'6", Jerry's height has certainly experienced the ravages of time...
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Editor Rob
this guy with jerry and also cliff back in his peak might suggest not 6ft, as this other guy (who has good collection of musicians)
here has pic with jerry in 1965...hmm
Brah said on 25/Feb/07
Glenn, think you're being possessed...This guy must be slouching big time if he's 6 feet?

Editor Rob
I ain't gave a current, he's lost height for sure, but how much is only question, or whether in the 60's he really was 6ft...or 5ft 11 or simply 6ft in heels! I will try to look at 60's pics and see.
goldfinger said on 25/Feb/07
Looks like a woman.
glenn said on 25/Feb/07
6ft? wow.he had heels on too.