Betty said on 27/May/07
He was on jimmy kimmell show who is 5`10, he was the same height as him. Rosie perez was also on the show that day. H is no taller than 5`11. more like 5`10.5 with boots he is 6 feet.
pgv said on 23/May/07
Hey Rob,
I'll email you.

Editor Rob
please do pgv. If you're from US I do remember talking to one lady (who said she was with a friend, her name started with M) on friday and remember another american in a queue for a photoshoot, I think...but don't quote me, I thought a girl from Ireland was from Canada, and a girl from Germany the US, so maybe I'm not as good as I thought with accents!
pgv said on 22/May/07
Nah, pgv are initials for something else. I'm a girl.
with all those women there weren't a huge amount of guys floating aboutTell me about it! I meet a grand total of three guys, one of whom was helping Wayne with the con.

Editor Rob
whit, I thought you were a guy. Sorry :), are you English/american/european, I've no idea who you could have been...I must have spoken to folk from about 10 different countries, I heard spanish,german,dutch,chinese,norwegian,american,irish and australian accents. I am shocked how far people came for that event.
pgv said on 22/May/07
I didn't see the incident but I made friends with some stewards so I heard an earful.*g* Now, that I'm thinking about it, I did meet a guy named Rob. Hmmmm..*evil grin*

Editor Rob
wasn't me, honest ;) well, maybe, I don't know, with all those women there weren't a huge amount of guys floating about...pgv does that stand for Paul something?
pgv said on 19/May/07
Rob, I have to disagree about Jensen's height. I was at the Asylum con too and that is not a mere 5'11.5. If that is the case, I would be 2 inches shorter. I truly believe he's in the 6'0.5-6'1 range. Did you take pictures with any of the guys?

Editor Rob
ah, you were there cool. I seen a lot of pics of him with others and honestly, no less than 182 I said but never looked over six foot, he had on solid shoe remember. Yes I got photos with jensen justin and alan and allison mack/alona, those two guys looked a good couple inches taller than justin in that ceremony. Lutz was a pretty funny guy.. Did you see that incident aswell?
xD said on 17/May/07
Holy crap..I'd hate to be one of the cast members of Supernatural...
Viper said on 13/May/07
Well, I cant see Ackles anything over 5-11 either.
Anonymous said on 13/May/07
I kind of think that he is 6-1 with shoes on, he does look 2 - 3 inches shorter then the supposed 6-2.5 Tom Welling so I'll say 6-1 with shoes, 6-0 - 6-0.5 without. He is bigger then he appears.
anonymous said on 11/May/07
I watched an interview where he said he was 6'1"
Viper said on 11/May/07
You cant go by builds always. And for his build it gives me a 5-10 impression actually, though I think hes more 5-11.
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
I'd probably say 6'0 to 6'1 is correct. I am a similar build to him and He does look taller then me, even when standing next to Jarred. I'm about 5'10-11ish btw, just under 6 foot or bit over depending on foot ware.
Elisabeth said on 9/May/07
The guy is cute and all.But,next to the other guy on Supernatural,he look's kind of short.No affense Jensen.
schnitzelferk said on 1/May/07
LOL, did anyone see the new supernatural where theyre put on them height boards?
They made jared 6'6 1/2" and ackles 6'3"
they bumped there heights up a good 2.5" through both of them at least by the looks of it haha.

Editor Rob
the boards were the correct height, the camera wasn't at the top of their heads
rochelle said on 30/Apr/07
i would say that jensen is that tall, but that must mean that jared is a lot taller which is easy to tell.
i am not a tall person myself so i would definately say that jensen is 6'0" if not taller.
samiami said on 28/Apr/07
ok guys final answer. i had the chance to meet jensen about a month ago. i am 5'10 and he was way taller than me at least 3 inches. he is deffinately not 5'1o or 5'11. hes about the same hieght as my friend whos 6'1.
AA said on 16/Apr/07
Compared to 6'4" Padalecki, does look 6'0"-6'0.5" without shoes. I'd say 6'0".
Metre said on 7/Apr/07
If you watch early season 4 Smallville when he is in the change room, he is the same height as the lockers which are standard 72" so he's 6ft with sneakers.
Ria said on 31/Mar/07
Well to be precise, Jared isn't exactly 6'5, because then he'd be towering over Jensen way more than what we've seen in their sci-fi thrillers "Supernatural". I'm not saying Jared isn't tall , probably a solid 6'3 according to measuring tape standards; and that would make Jensen a solid 6ft. Looking at his leg proportion and limbs, I'd say 6ft is dead on for Jensen.
Metre said on 13/Mar/07
I'd say he was 5'11 tops if you look at his interview with Megan Mullaly who is 5'4 (
Click Here) and Michelle Williams who was his costar in Dawsons Creek who is 5'4.
Lily said on 5/Mar/07
Oh, I didn't mean Michael Rosenbaum! I was talking about another Michael (from Dark Angel). :) But glad to know someone agrees about the height!
schnitzelferk said on 4/Mar/07
Click Hereackles is taller than a pretty much 6'0" michael, ackles is 6ft, 6ft 1/2" tops.
Thing is he slouches, and he is a pretty broad guy, if you watch supernatural or whatever he has big shoulders and theyre spread far out, his armspan is probably 6'6" or something lol.
This can lead to him looking small.
Lily said on 28/Feb/07
Jensen looks short because he keeps getting casted next to taller actors (Jared Padalecki, Tom Welling, Michael Weatherly). In contrast, when he was on DOOL and Dawson's Creek he looked his height--which is ABOVE 5'10''. I don't know why people continue to speculate when fans who have met him personally, including myself, state that he is not a short man. Granted, he's definitely not 6'2'', but he IS a solid 6'-6'1''. Tricia Hefer who is 5'10'' is guest starring in an episode of Supernatural and he's taller than she is.
Viper said on 22/Feb/07
Hes 5-10 1/2.
Chris said on 22/Feb/07
he could be 5'10/5'11 - why not? Some guys can look tall at this height. I am 5'11 and and sometimes considered's gotta do with the build which can make you look taller.
G-unit said on 22/Feb/07
He was a model back in the days, so I guess he must be at least 6'. In supernatural he looks 5'10 next to his brother, but that's because he's so tall
schnitzelferk said on 16/Feb/07
"It's funny when did the above average 6 foot guy get called short?"
When did only 1 inch less 5'11" get considered short?
I think a 6'4-5" guy has the right to call even 6'2" men short-as a joke, because compared to them, 6'2" is short.
The show likes to add little bits of humour to them.
From watching countless episodes of supernatural, ackles can look 5'9", and can look 6'2" sometimes 6'3" in one episode where hes ill-slouching, and still manages to only be a few inches off jared.
Jared himself can look quite short too, he can sometimes be quite a lot of inches off standard looking 6'6" doorframes.
But i recently heard you americans have 6'8" doorframes which might explain it.
The guy is no shorter than 6ft personally.
ok said on 15/Feb/07
i think your all right, i mean different shoes can add a good difference between a couple of centremeters. boots, runners whatever its all the same. he is probably just under 6 or smack bang on it. look at him when he is standing next to jared, there has got to be about 3 to 4 to 5 inches difference.
oh and also check out the length of his arm from his shoulder to his elbow. thats always a good indication of how tall some one is - the length of micha barton's arm shoulder to elbow is massive and when i met her in LA she was huge. im a tall guy and we were practically eye to eye.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/07
I remember in one episode this season where Jared calls Jensen's character, "Bossy, and short." It's funny when did the above average 6 foot guy get called short? I'm 5'9", so what does that make me? lol I know I would get towered over a guy like Jared, because he's 6'4' or 6'5" Anyway, I believe he is about 5'11"- 6ft, because he sometimes seems it. The reason why he can look shorter is, because of Jared and he does have broad shoulders. His build can make him look shorter.
sianna said on 26/Jan/07
yeh i think it was the ktla interview
Lillian said on 21/Jan/07
I met Jensen Ackles when he was on Dawson's Creek, and trust me, he's taller than he looks. I was actually kind of amazed. I'm 5'11'' with heels and he was most definately a good several inches taller than me. It may be the fact that he has very broad shoulders that makes him seem stocky. He once said in an interview that when he watches himself on screen with Jared, he looks like he's only 5'9''.
sianna said on 18/Jan/07
stop repeating the same thing over and over viper, we understand that you believe he is no more than 5'11 or whatever, but most of us know that he is taller. People who have met him have only continued to say that he is 6' or over, so why continue to argue? I thought for a while that he may be only 5'11, but on the first episode of the second season of Supernatural, Jensen is barefoot the whole time, whereas Jared is in shoes the whole time and if he is 6'4 he would be 6'5 in shoes, heres the pic (hopefully it works!)
Click Here you can see that Jensen would come up to his eyes. I was also watching this small interview where a model Yoanna House was talking to Jensen at a Launch Party for like the CW network. Yoanna is 5'11 and was still an inch shorter than Jensen, even though she was in heels.
Viper said on 16/Jan/07
Hes no taller than 5-11.
sianna said on 15/Jan/07
yeh i have to agree with schnitzelfrek....just because a shoe may look bulky doesnt mean that it'll give you a large height advantage....example, a 3 inch heeled shoe will NOT make you three inches taller, it'll make you 2 inches taller. so when people go on here & say how he wears like runners that'll give him 3 inches extra or wateva, it isnt true! there is NO WAY that Jensen is shorter than 5'11, if he was he's body would be like proportioned differently and you would be able to tell. x0x thanks!
Aguatin said on 5/Jan/07
sorry for my bad english, Im from Argentina. I have to say that jensen seems 6 or 6`1, no less. Jared its 1,93. So images show that 8 cm of diference. See the diference between JAred and other actors in "house of wax". You will see that hes taller than averyone. So its true hes like 1,93..because chad is 1,83 (And no one can say hes less than 1,83..just see he next to Hilarie Burton)
most girls use 4 or 5 cm shoes so that its another thing to think about.
I believe the height that they say. Perhaps some is that height with shoes on. But no less. Just see in YouTube the video about supernatural behind the scenes. Jensen is clear 1,85..1 cm more or doesnt matter..
schnitzelferk said on 26/Dec/06
yes the HEEL of the shoe outside can look bulky, but if you feel inside the shoe-its just for look, if you (painful i know but i have done this) get trainers, cut them down, the ACTUAL sole and everything is only 1/4-1/2", 3/4"-1" max on smart shoes.
Ive got a guy who can just skim a doorframes top in smart shoes, barefeet he escapes it by 1/2" inch, i measured.
The outside of the sole looks a crapload bigger than the actual size.
can you imagine 2" of hard material like that underneath your feet?
Itd hardly bend, you wouldnt be able to freaking move, theyd be like platforms.
Measure yourself fiarly when in trainers, i barely gain 1/4" in new trainers.
Ackles id say is a fair 5'11.5", no shorter.
tim said on 16/Oct/06
autumn that is a bit of a phib, jensen is in no way 6'1 barefoot nor is jared 6'5 i think your friends over estimate.. someone cannot be 6'1 if they are caught at 5'11 with shoes on, nor can someone be 6'5 when caught at 6'3 with shoes on..
Autumn said on 14/Oct/06
My friend met Jensen. She is 5'10" in heels, which she was wearing at the time. He had running shoes on and was a minimum of 4 inches taller than her. Another friend met Jared. That friend is 6'1. The friend that met Jared didn't say what shoes Jared was wearing, just that he felt short beside him. jared was 4-5 inches taller. So I believe the reports that Jensen is 6'1" and Jared os 6'5", but then, I'm not jealous of them.
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
Yes James, most actors are 1-2 inches shorter then their listed heights, as are most athletes. Anybody who reads this site shouldnt be shocked anymore. James I agree on all your heights that Jared is 6-2 1/2-6-3. Welling in the 6-1 range and Jenson 5-10 1/2. Thats what it certaintly looks like to me at least.
packers_fan said on 24/Sep/06
Click HereClick HereDude there is a link to some dress shoes and some casual sports shoes, if it doesnt work just search on google images neway, virtually any shoes nowdays give an inch, im a shortass at 5'9 but when i play basketball my
Nike Shox shoes put me to 5'11 my flip flops put me at 5'10 you can even just measure the heel of the shoes i guarantee youll be hard pressed to find some under 2cm
james said on 24/Sep/06
you get like 2cm in thin soled sandals man, remember an inch is only 2.8cm so some asics or nike trainers give about 3cm which is abit over an inch, and and at awards night or on occasions like that the dress shoes can give easy 1.5-2inches. Thats one of the reasons i dont put jared at 6'4 barefoot, because if he was you would get people claiming they see pictures of him at 6'6.
There is not a chance your shoes give a quarter of an inch, that like .7 of a cm seriously either you have had your shoes for about 10years and there is no sole on them or the bottom is made out of cardboard.
Schnitzerlferk said on 24/Sep/06
James, you wear some bigass shoes man, my height increases by 1/4" in trainers, and 1/2" in smart shoes, you must be talking about some heavy gear boots.
Jared has grown since acting remember, hes quite young.
In cheaper by the dozen he is AT LEAST 2 inches taller than tom welling, and tom being 6'3" in shoes james, that makes jared quite tall.
james said on 24/Sep/06
ema you have to understand the reason viper downgrades everyone is because everyone in hollywood either fudges their height or puts their height as it is with 1-2inch shoes on, now when you are in hollywood as everyone does it all the heights corellate with one another unless you catch them with a bare foot shot, now personally in my opinion jensen is 5'10.5, that means with normal shoes on he reach 6'0, jared is around 6'2.5 without shoes on he reaches around 6'4 just the same as alot of people bring tom welling into this topic he is just under 6'2 with shoes on he is over 6'3.. the reason jensen can in no way be 6'0 is because with jared at 6'2.5 without shoes that is 189cm 6'0 is 183 cm now 6cm that isnt all that much as he'd come half way up his forehead, however he doesnt reach jareds eyes. sesh!!

Editor Rob
ackles is 'standing tall' in many pics with jared who might not be as forceful with his posture.
Roadrunner said on 24/Sep/06
He is probably 5'11" barefoot, 6' with shoes
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
Jenson looks 5-10 1/2 next to Jared.
no one said on 18/Sep/06
i think jensen looks quite short compared to jared, also he has little legs!
Anonymous said on 15/Sep/06
Viper652 why do u downgrade everyone? Is there anypne you believe is the height they say they are? And why are u so rude?
Josh said on 28/Aug/06
Hahaha Jensen 6'1 and Jred 6'5 hahaha thats so funny .
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
Ema, do you beleive the earth is flat as well?
Ema said on 25/Aug/06
If Jensen said hes 6ft 1 then thats what i believe. And Jared's 6ft 5! Jensen said so in an interveiw. Sesh
Anonymous said on 24/Aug/06
Jensen was taller then Rosenbaum, yet both claim to be 6'.
My guess is Ackles is barely 6', and Rosenbaum 5'11".
Josh said on 24/Aug/06
Its not true he doesnt look an ich taller than chad they look about the same he looks like 1cm taller than Chad by that chad is like 180cm and Ankles 181cm.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
Hes not 5-9. Really does look 5-10 1/2 - 5-11. I think Jared looks 6-3 Max next to him.
darkavatar73 said on 17/Aug/06
I bet he is like 5'9! Scott Paterson(Luke) on Gilmore Girls is 6'! He looked short next to 6'4 Jared Padelecki but not as short as Jensen!
George said on 16/Aug/06
Michael Rosenbaum is about 1.5 taller than jensen, id say he is 5'10.5 barefeet.
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
I still only see Jensen at 5-11 Max.
AA said on 28/Jul/06
I'm pretty sure this guy is 6', he does look about 182-183 cm tall. Jared is 6' 4" (what a difference!)
sianna said on 22/Jul/06
yer but if he WAS to wear elevator shoes thye would make him Jared's height...
SH said on 7/Jul/06
In regards to people who think it is impossible to inflate their height by 3'' - 4''. I have to back Viper up. I am 6'1'' and I get short people coming up to me on ocassion saying "wow you are so tall, what are you 6'3'' or 6'4''" and that is in person. Taking this into account, it is easy for someone to do the say they are taller than they are, given a bit of good camera work. In addition, I meet people all the time who are like 5'10'' max and they claim to be 6' and that is in person not on camera.
I do however believe Jensen looks between 5'11.5'' to 6'0.5''
sianna said on 7/Jul/06
yer i have to agree with viper u gotta look through the pages...i searched through n i think its the 2006 appearance one with chad
Viper652 said on 6/Jul/06
Cant see the first picture and in the 2nd hes closer to the camera. Dont see 6-0
ginny said on 1/Jul/06
these are a few pics of him which i think prove he is 6' or even a tad over...
Click Here( he looks about an inch or more taller than 5'11 chad michael murry)
Click Here( looks about 2 and a half inches taller than 5'10.5 patricj dempsy)
so yer 6' seems right
sianna said on 25/Jun/06
if people have claimed that he is 6'2 and alot have said he is taller than what they thought than why isnt he listed as 6'1

Editor Rob
I watched an ep of this show recently and noticed padalocki wore thinner soles than ackles and in many of the shots they purposelly put jensen nearer the camera. I would have thought 6ft 1 if pad is 6ft 4 aswell, actually didn't look 4 inches...
TheJerk said on 13/Jun/06
I haven't seen too much of the guy, but a solid 5 foot 11 sounds good judging off of Jared.
sianna said on 22/May/06
i highly doubt that Jensen wears lifts in the show but...coz if he did hey would make him the same height as Jarrad
Glenn said on 15/May/06
Ive see shatner look 5-10 in the early 90s I guess in he looks 5-8.SLY still looks 6ft to me in public.I give him 5-9,5-10.
sianna said on 15/May/06
geez u really r a nasty one arent u viper! well i think the difference with those actors you mentioned is that people expect them to be that height simce they are so well known....
Viper652 said on 14/May/06
"no one in their right mind would lie about their height by 3 or 4 inches!"
In Hollywood they do. William Shatner still claims that he is 5-11, when hes really around 5-7, 5-8. Sylvestor Stallone claims hes 5-10, when its very debatable that hes around the 5-7, 5-8 range.
Viper652 said on 11/May/06
"5ft10 is ridiculous. You cannot claim to be 6ft1 being 5ft10."
Of course you can, especially If he is 5-11. Because that would go with the normal fudging of 2 inches to your height in hollywood anyway.
pgv said on 10/May/06
"Well, I think your friend is a terrible judge of height. Funny, I think Jared is exactly my height at just under 6-3, and I tower over most people as well."
You "think"? Have you actually seen him in person because if you haven't, you can keep your rude comments especially about my friend to yourself.
Boxing Fighter said on 9/May/06
5ft10 is ridiculous. You cannot claim to be 6ft1 being 5ft10. 6ft is ok to me. He looks a lot smaller than Jared, but not that much, and he doesn`t uses lifts on supernatural.
Viper652 said on 5/May/06
"I got a friend who visited the Supernatural set recently. She pegged Jensen at 6'1" and Jared at 6'4" or even 6'5". She said Jared towers over everyone."
Well, I think your friend is a terrible judge of height. Funny, I think Jared is exactly my height at just under 6-3, and I tower over most people as well.
paige said on 4/May/06
i cant believe how tall is jensen ackles is and even jared is the same they are both good looking i love to meet them
pgv said on 3/May/06
I got a friend who visited the Supernatural set recently. She pegged Jensen at 6'1" and Jared at 6'4" or even 6'5". She said Jared towers over everyone.
Kenshin said on 28/Apr/06
The guy who plays their dad seems to be an inch taller than dean so if any1 knows how tall he is than we can figure out jensens height.
sianna said on 27/Apr/06
i doubt that he wears lifts, coz he always look bout 2-3inches shorter than Jared, even when they r like @ events n stuff, n he wouldn't wear them EVEYTIME they r 2getha in this photo they are both standing straight and arent that far apart in height. i dont think he'd say he is 6'1 n really be 5'10...probably 6'.
Click Here
Josh said on 25/Apr/06
I agree with Viper hes no more than 5'11 ,saying hes 6'0 6'1 sounds crazy.

Editor Rob
this guy might actually wear lifts on that superghost show...hmm
sam said on 25/Apr/06
anyone who stands next to jared padelecki looks like they are hella short...
Jackie said on 24/Apr/06
I was being sarcastic when I said that Jessica Alba is 5'11'. As if to say that Jensen Ackles is nowhere near the height they are giving as 6'1". Like I said, I don't think he is anymore than 5'10". There is nothing wrong with that height. But for some reason they all stretch the truth. I know Jessica Alba is 5'6", I read it somewhere. And Jensen was not much taller than her in that show and most times she wasn't wearing heels.
sianna said on 24/Apr/06
watdo u mean oz bob... agree that they are both very tall....but wat was the last thing u said?
oz bob said on 23/Apr/06
Well every actor in supernatural must be really tall then as most are taller than both actors.
Viper652 said on 22/Apr/06
Jared is really around 6-2ish to 6-3 maybe. Jensen cant be any taller then 5-11 Max. Alba is also 5-6 Max.
J-Dog said on 21/Apr/06
Jackie Jessica Alba is more around the 5'6.5 to 5'7" mark I hear. Isn't that Jared guy from supernatual 6'4"?
Jackie said on 21/Apr/06
All guys want to be 6 foot and all girls want to be thin. If you were an actor would you say you were 5'10" (which is what I think Jensen Ackles height is) or would you say over 6 feet? Especially when you are working with a guy that is 6'3". On Dark Angel he wasn't that much taller than Jessica Alba. What is she 5'11"? Most actors lie about their height, I have seen a great many of them because I live in NY. Most of them are alot shorter in person. The actresses too. So I don't blame him for doing it, but I also don't believe the height he is giving.
sam said on 21/Apr/06
The difference between them looks pretty substantial to me. More like 2-3 inches. 6'0.5" compared to 6'3" looks right.
sianna said on 21/Apr/06
yer link i agree with you...Jared is always standing straight, whereas Jensen tends to lean or slouch alot. If you see on Supernatural, when they are both standing next to eachother, with straight postures, Jensen is only and inch or 2 shorter.
Link said on 18/Apr/06
whats this whole "he looks 4-5 inches smaller than jared"
at most he is 3 inches shorter, making him 6'1"
Il agree with this 6' 05" as he will lose 1/2 inch with general walking and posture negativities.
everyone measure themself when they go to bed and when they get up, theres a good 1 inch difference sometimes 2.
problem with comparing people is there stature and posture, in the episode where dean gets sick in supernatural he looks 1 inch shorter than jared yet ackles is SLOUCHING!
hes 6'1
you can play around with 6'0 but no less than 6
sianna said on 15/Apr/06
no one would lie about there height by 2-3inches. he's probably 6' or 6'.5 coz if he says he'z 6'1 he'd give himself an extra inch or half, but 2 say ur 6' and b 5'10 is too much of a difference and u would notice. Just coz there is a big difference between him and jared doesnt mean he's 510 and jared is 6'2. jared has said with Jensen one that he is 6'5, and Jensen sed that he looks 5'9 next 2 him. im 5'3.5 and next to my friend who is 5'6 i look 5'!!! so looks can b decieving...
Viper652 said on 15/Apr/06
There is no way Jenson is over 6-0. He looks like an honest 5-10 1/2 to 5-11. Jared looks 6-2 1/2 to 6-3. Jared says hes 6-3 anyway. And Ive always pegged Tom Welling around 6-1.
Anon said on 13/Apr/06
On Dark Angel, they gave his height on the show in an episode as 6'.
Link said on 12/Apr/06
jensen looks 6'1" ish in smallville if you get the right scenes where theyre both next to each other.
In cheaper by the dozen padalecki is a good 2-3 inches taller than tom, whoever said he stood on an apple box-no he didn't, trust me
My dad is 6'2 (tom wellings height) and my uncle is 6'7" (not quite youre 6'8" claim but ah well) and the difference in them two is amazing, padalecki only looked at MOST 4 inches taller than tom-and thats being very friendly, realistically it was only 2-3.
Id say hes a solid 6'4 and possibly a tad more in mornings.
jensen id say is 6'1", he looks about 3 inches shorter than padalecki in supernatural, sorry but i used to be 5'11, and i have a friend who's practically 6'4" and our differences were f***ing loads, no way is jensen 5'11, hes a solid 6'1"
Sydney said on 11/Apr/06
Hey!!!Anonymous I saw that you said that in "The Benders" Dean Winchester was stated as 6.4 when it was Samuel Winchester(Jared Padalecki) on that screen there it said 6.4 175lbs.Pay a little more atenttion you might have gotten confused but it wasn't Dean they were refering to it was Sam.
Josh said on 5/Apr/06
No way he`s 5-11 tops theres a huge difference between him and Jared in supernatural hes always looked 5-11 to me maybe 6-0 (183cm) with shoes on.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/06
When jensen ackels was on Dark Angel , he was fighting in a cage and the announcer called him at 6'0. He could be 6'1 but definitely no taller.
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/06
He's max. 183cm
Amie said on 11/Mar/06
i think that jensen ackles is about 6'0. but he looks reli small when he is nxt to jared p. maybe he is only 5'11 lol
sianna said on 8/Mar/06
hmm i see you hav added and extra half inch to Jensen's hight Rob lol.

Editor Rob
he's creeping up and down
sianna said on 24/Feb/06
i totally agree with u anonymous. y r people thinking Jensen is only about 5'10 or 5'11! the only reason he looks short is coz jared it soooo tall. he sed on KTLA that coz Jared is 6'5, and he is 6'1, he feels and looks 5'9 next to him.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/06
Jared Padelecki is at least 6ft 5in if not even slightly taller. Jared was at least 2 inches taller than John Schneider, who is about 6ft3, in a recent photo and Jensen was only a couple of inches shorter than Schneider in pictures taken within minutes of each other, standing literally right next to each other. So given that, Jensen Ackles is at least 6ft tall if not 6ft 1. 6ft 1in is not at all out of the question for his height.
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/06
In an interview i saw, Jensen said he's 6'1 and Jared's 6'5
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/06
In supernatural episode"The Benders" was this information: Dean Winchester(Jensen) 6'4 height 175lbs Brown hair Green eyes. Its so funny.:-)) Jensen 6'4 :-))
anna said on 14/Feb/06
Jensen said in KTLA he is 6'1 and that Jered is 6'5 that in some scenes he needed an apple box(LOL)
anonymous said on 9/Feb/06
i agree with sianna, he may only look shorter than 6' coz jared is so tall. Jared is wayyyy taller than just 6'3 or6'3. he looks 6'4. jensen is 6' mayb 6'1, i dont think he would lie about hez height by 2inches, mayb an inch, yes.
sianna said on 16/Jan/06
i just saw the 1st episode of Supernatural last night. diffentately 2-3inches shorter than Jared. at the most he could be 5'11, but no shorter. jared looks taller than 6'3 though, mayb 6'3.5??
Anonymous said on 10/Jan/06
Jensen in KTLA said that he is 6'.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/06
But first time when He said that he is 6'2 was after Supernatural began. He's 5'11 or 6' but more no.
annonymous said on 5/Jan/06
I saw an interview on the TV Guide channel, where Jensen Ackles said that he was 6'2" and that Jared was 6'4" (he was listing their common interest in eating, saying that they are both "big guys")
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/06
Look at this, this is most probably joke. Jensen 6'2. :-) :-)
SmallvilleFan said on 30/Dec/05
Based on many interveiws I'd say he's 6ft. And It is true that from TV people are taller in person.
Jer said on 5/Dec/05
definitely not a 6 footer...he is 4-5 inches shorter than john schineider who is supposedly 6'3. Prob looking at 5'10-5'11 range
daffodil said on 28/Oct/05
He looks a fair bit taller than Jessica Alba, and he held his own on Smallville, but on Supernatural, even in the promo shots where they could uses boses/angles/whatever, he looks tiny next to Jared P. No way that is a 3 inch difference!
Lex said on 27/Sep/05
Jensen looks 4 inches shorter than Tom Welling, for me he is a solid 5'10 bare foot, but in shoes he could be 6ft...
CelebHeights Editor said on 19/Aug/05
From Days of Our Lives forum: "FYI - saw Jenson Ackles this past weekend....Jenson appears taller in person"
Marv said on 11/Jun/05
Didn't look quite that tall in Smallville... I would say he was more in the 5'10 - 5'11 range, but obviously you can't take appearances from TV as the absolute truth.