us3r said on 8/Jun/12
She's 5 ft 4.5
theblacklab said on 8/Jun/12
Heightgirl, you're possibly right, I find it hard to believe that celebs can so blatantly lie about their height (by 2 or even 3 inches!) and get away with it, sadder still is how they feel the need to lie in order to be percieved positively by the media.
Heightgirl said on 8/Jun/12
theblacklab, I think Jessica Sanchez is more like 5f1 and Steven Tyler is listed on here as being 5f9 but I think he's more like 5f8 so I think that Jennifer is around 5f3.
theblacklab said on 7/Jun/12
On American Idol, Jennifer does not look as tall as 5'10" Steven Tyler, despite having a 4-5" heel advantage. In other images, she only looks slightly taller than 5'2" to 5'3" Jessica Sanchez, both wearing similar heels. I'd guess she is 5'4", at the most a genorous 164cm. Hispanics are comparitvely short to North Americans, so Jennifer is still quite tall compared to other women of her race.
Visal said on 2/Feb/12
I love all about jennifer appearences. She's so cute, tall, and slim. But one thing that i want her 2 be more better is that her hair make up. Sometimes her hair make up is not fit 2 her face. I wish her more beautiful. Thanks,
Debbie said on 8/Jul/09
Great picture Heighgirl especially the first one even though it appears Shakira is leaning a little you can clearly see they are around the same height. Jen saying she is 5'6 is a TOTAL joke!
Heightgirl said on 8/Jul/09
Debbie, you are right. I found shoe shots of Shakira, at the 7th annual latin awards, and she is not in ridiculous platforms shoes, like I had originally thought. Looks like she is in .5 inch platforms with a 4.5 inch heel. At that time Jennifer would never wear anything lower than that so she should have towered over 5f1 Shakira!
Click Here Click HereAnna, you are right about Kate and Vic. Jennifer should be the same height as Kate when in pics of Vic, but clearly she is not.
5f2 is more accurate for Jennifer.
Mathew said on 7/Jul/09
I'd say 5'4" for J-Lo.
Anna said on 6/Jul/09
Kate Beckinsale is 5f6 or 5f7 barefoot and next to Victoria it shows that Posh is max 5f3. Jennifer, who is supposed to be Kates height, is actually the same height as Vic in higher heels and bigger platforms. I agree with 5f3 or a bit lower
Click Here
Debbie said on 5/Jul/09
Look at this pic w/ Shakira no way Jen Lopez is 5'5 you can't see the footwear but Jen usually wears large heels so this really proves it and she should be downgraded
Click Here
Riley said on 5/Jul/09
she looks more like 5'3/5'4 to me.
Heightgirl said on 4/Jul/09
And Victoria was posing, by leaning back and sticking out her leg, so really she would be taller because of that too. I would deduct 1.5" from her stance alone. Jennifer's shoes also had a bigger platform and higher heel, as well, so that must have given Jen an inch more. Victoria is said to be only 5f3 barefoot but she claims 5f4ish. I doubt Jennifer is below 5f2, but I can't see her higher than 5f3.
Debbie said on 2/Jul/09
Click Here w/ Jen Lopez they appear the same height but Jen has on MAJOR platforms
littlesue said on 2/Jul/09
There is a pic of her in a British Mag this week standing next to Victoria Beckham, they have identical shoes and are exactly the same height
Heightgirl said on 1/Jul/09
She is obviously not being truthful about her height because if she was she would be taller than that 5f3.5" Rolls Royce car and even with her big platform flip flops on she is the same height as the car or 1" over. So if you do the math she is 5f2 or 5f3 at the most! I also found a shot of her with an apple box near by!
Click Here She only looks a bit tall in huge platforms with 6" heels next to short men lol
Click Here And she's shorter than tall women, or the same size of approx 5f6 women in flats while she is in huge platforms
Click Here
Anna said on 27/Jun/09
Hi everyone,
Jens height changes so much, but look.. We all know SHAKIRA is tiny, right? no way if Jen is 5-5 would ever look the same as SHakira, well they do!!
so impossible that Jen is 5'5.
I'm 5'2 and never look the same with girls who are 5'5 in height, unless they are wearing flats.
teddy89 said on 26/Jun/09
she lies about her height!! In"wedding planners" she's close to matthew mc conaughey (5'10,75) and justin chambers (5'11) several times and they tower over her even if she always wears 3 inches heels!!! When she dances with matthe(that wears 2 cm shoes), he's 4-5 inches taller than her (that wears heels). So jen with that shoes is about 5'6,75 and definitly 5'3,5 barefoot!!
Heightgirl said on 26/Jun/09
It is a Rolls Royce, which is in fact 5f3.5". Jen also gained at least 2" of height in those 3" flip flops with the 1" platform.
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Heightgirl said on 26/Jun/09
Pete, you are so far off it's not even funny! A van height is not even 6ft, it's only 5f9.5". The average height of a car today is around 4f9. That car featured in the picture with Jennifer looks to be a Rolls-Royce and the typical height of that is only 5f3.5!
Pete said on 25/Jun/09
Heightgal those vintage cars are about 6 feet high.
Heightgirl said on 23/Jun/09
Here's a better picture of her and the car
Click Here
Heightgirl said on 23/Jun/09
Picture of Jennifer in 3" flip flops with a 1" platform and she is behind a car that looks to be taller than her, even with those shoes
Click Here Maybe someone knows the height of that car. Not sure what make it is?
Pete said on 23/Jun/09
Jennifer Lopez TOWERING 5`5 Leanne Rimes by an inch-
Click Here
Kate said on 17/Jun/09
Rach had the same shoes that she wore with Jennifer today and they were not platforms and only 4inchers. You can see them clearly in near the beginning of the following clip. Near the end of the clip, at the 3:11 mark, she is standing next to 5f1, or shorter, little Gretta and she seems about the same height... maybe an inch taller.
Click Here
Kim said on 30/May/09
you know what's really funny ok! magazine claimed she was 5'8".
Pete said on 29/May/09
Shes the same height as jamie lee curtis.
Bob Smith said on 28/May/09
She must be lying quite often since she's got rather short legs ;)
theheigtguru said on 23/May/09
How can she be 5'6 and be shorter than Rumer Willis? She's lying about her height.
Debbie said on 23/May/09
Heightgirl you are right and that is that. Especially by that picture of her w/ her mother and sister it's obvious she is 5'3 at best. 5'6 LOL!! No way.
Heightgirl said on 22/May/09
ice, I totally believe Linda Lopez's claim of 5f6. There then that proves that Jennifer is around 5f2, because Linda is always much taller than her, even with Jen's mega heels and platforms on! Rob, what are you waiting for lol
ice said on 21/May/09
It's funny because Linda claims 5'6 as well, but she is always taller than Jen.
Deb said on 20/May/09
lol! Ya, real tall :p Her mom barely looks 5f1 and Jen is about the same height, but she looks to have lost an inch posing so she can be 5f2-5f3. Her sister Linda looks 5f6 and probably 5f9 with heels on!
Heightgirl said on 19/May/09
Oh yes Jennifer is so tall! Her and her mother are at least 6f tall with their heels on lol
Click Here
Pete said on 11/May/09
Learn to read heightgal i said that the platform was located on the sole!
Pete said on 11/May/09
Im sure Rob can confirm the 1 inch platform on the sole of Rachel shoes in this picture.
Click HereA full length picture with Jamie Lee Curtis (who is wearing a wig on top of her hair adding height) with Jennifer being the same height. P.S No leaning can be found either!
Click HereUpgrade shes 5`6 legit!
Heightgirl said on 11/May/09
A platform is not located at the heel, it's at the sole of the shoe and for the last time Rachael didn't have them on. Jamie Lee Curtis was leaning in with that shot of her and Jen and we can't see footwear. Rumor Willis is 5f5 or 5f6, she was at least 3" taller than Jennifer, even with Jennifer's platforms on and 5" heels, at the Golden Globes and same with Kate Winslet. Dream on if you think Jen is 5f9 in heels! She is barely 5f6 with 1" platforms and 5" heels - proof 2009 Golden Globes. If she really was 5f9 with heels, then she would have been the exact same height as Kate & Rumor with heels on!
Pete said on 11/May/09
You can see the platformed heel with Rachel and Jennifer from my picture i posted heightgirl - its that 1 inch black wedge you see on th esole of her shoes!
Pete said on 11/May/09
Well Assuming Jamies footwear is giving her a 3 inch height advantage (the bare minimum cos she was in heels - makes her 5`10. The lowest Jennifer looks there, in heels, is 5`9.
Now we know 5 inch platformed heels (assuming shes wearing them) never give 5 inches in height. Prbably about 4 max. Which goes ot show that Jennifer is not in the 5`3-5`4 range -nobody that height would ever come up that tall against someone whose 5`7.
Heightgirl said on 11/May/09
You are welcome, Bob. I also posted the video too.
Heightgirl said on 11/May/09
Pete, Jamie is leaning in and I can't see the footwear. My bet is that Jen is in platforms with at least 5" heels. Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't wear platforms or anything more than 4" heels. And what about my shot with 5f5 or 5f6 Rumor Willis. I have the Youtube video here too
Click Here And lastly, Rachael was not wearing platforms on her show when Jen appeared.
Pete said on 10/May/09
Jennifer with 5`7 Jamie Lee Curtis, same height - Jenifers head is tilted but the shoulder and head height are the same.
Click Here Upgrade.
Bob Smith said on 8/May/09
Thanks for the photo of Jen@the Golden Globes standing near Rumor Willis - 5'5 Rumor is at least 3 inches taller that J.Lo. Additionally, it has been proven that J.Lo was wearing platform heels that day - my estimate: 5'3 for J.Lo.
Pete said on 8/May/09
Heightgal-again you didnt comment on the picture with Rachel Ray.
Heightgirl said on 8/May/09
Let`s just agree to disagree, again. There is just no way that I`ll ever see Jen as anything but 5f3, or under, because there is too much proof consistent with that. She is always at least 2 - 3 inches shorter than people that are really 5f5 and 5f6 - Kate Moss-5f5, Beyonce-5f5, Kate Winslet-5f6, Rumor Willis-5f6, Susan Sarandon-5f5 and the list goes on. At the Golden Globes I felt kinda bad for Jennifer because even in 1
Pete said on 7/May/09
Heightgirl again like Lynn you are wasting peoples time. We have a picture that shows a direct comparison of Jen and Rachel standing next to each other,with footwear on show. Yet your commenting on a video of isla sitting down? Makes no sense.
Comment on the picture of Jen with rachel rather than another person who is sitting down and being interviewed. The picture i posted shows the platformed heels Rachel was wearing whereas jennifer was in standard 3 inchers. Shes 5` 5.5 at least. Upgrade!
Heightgirl said on 6/May/09
Pete, try to keep up. That video Lynn posted of Isla and Rachael sitting down was to show their footwear for that picture showing 5f2 Isla is the same height as Jennifer. Also, you can clearly see that Rachael wasn't wearing platforms, or huge honking platforms like Jen usually does, on the show with Jen and there is no way that Rachael could even reach 5f5 with those shoes on, so your height math is off.
Pete said on 6/May/09
Again lynn comment on the picture i posted of Rachel and Jennifer, which is a full length picture.
Rachel and Isla sitting down is so inaccurate lol.
mariela said on 5/May/09
actually in my opinion she is a great dancer and actress and although she is 5 ft 5 because i'm also 5 ft 5,she is a pretty woman
Pete said on 5/May/09
Yet you fail to comment on the picture i posted where Jennifer is 1 inch taller than Rachel, as well as Rachel having 2 inch extra heel height with platformed heels. Which is a full length picture with shoes. Not a shoddy video of barely visible footwear or a close up shot where the stance and footwear or level of the floor can be seen!
I think Jennifer is a solid 5`5er at least!
Lynn said on 5/May/09
Pete, you really are the only one seeing that Jennifer is 5f6 tall, when it's clear that she is under 5f3.
Rachael and 5f2 Isla on YouTube and you can see footwear. Isla has the same height of heels Jennfier had, while Rachael had on 4inchers:
Click Here
Pete said on 4/May/09
Lynn the pictures ou post are pointless, cant see footwear!
In the pics with Rachel, Jenifer has 1 inch height advantage, not to mention jennifer has 2 inch height disadvatage from footwear. Making jen 3 inches taller at least.
(btw in my picture you can see footwear, in the future stop wasting peoples time and post proper pictures where footwear can be seen!)
Lynn said on 3/May/09
Pete, 5f4ish Beyonce is clearly 2" taller than Jen. I also agree that Jennifer is not 5f6 and only around 5f2 barefoot. Other recent RR guests, who were 5f2 and under, were not towered by Rachael who was only wearing 4" heels without platforms. 5f2 Isla Fisher was a bit taller than Rachael also
Click Here Here she is with 5f nothing Hillary Duff
Click Here
Pete said on 3/May/09
Click HereJen with Rachel Ray.
Pete said on 2/May/09
Click HereRachel is in platformed heels, giving her a 2 inch advantage on footwear. If you take into account the extra inch in height between Jennifer and Rachel, plus the 2 inch height advantage Rachel has from the footwear. Jennifer is 3 inches taller than Rachel. Making her 5`5.5 -5`6.
Heightgirl said on 1/May/09
Even in big platforms she is so tiny
Click Here
Debbie said on 1/May/09
Sorry I forgot to add the link to the picture of Kate + Jen
Click Here
Anna said on 30/Apr/09
Sorry, Kim Kardashian is only 5f2! Wow!!! Perhaps Jennifer is only 5f2 because her and Kim looked to be the exact height and a bit taller than Rachael (1/2" - 1"). Kim & Jen 5f2 and Rachael 5f1.
Anna said on 30/Apr/09
5f3 Kim Kardashian was just on the Rachael Ray Show and they were about the same size. Kim actually looked identical in height to Jennifer. Kim and Rachael were not wearing platforms either, and their heels looked about the same. Rachael's heels were the same ones she wore with Jennifer but Jen's heels did look higher, though. I agree with downgrading Jennifer to 5f3.
Debbie said on 30/Apr/09
If Jennifer was truly 5'5 then she would appear the same height as Kate Moss. In this picture they are both wearing heels and you can clearly see Kate is 2-3 inches taller. Kate is 5'5 maybe a tad more. That would bring Jen to 5'2-3 MAX.
Heightgirl said on 29/Apr/09
I just wanted to add that Beyonce was the shortest in Destiny's Child. Kelly Rowland is said to be 5f7, but is at least 2" taller than Beyonce, who claims to be 5f6. Most people think that she is really around 5f4 - max 5f5. Anyways, even still Beyonce was more than 2" taller than Jennifer. During the Pepsi commercial, they had the same boots on, so you can see the difference. I found another shot of them promoting with Beckham and you can see that Jennifer was still the shortest, even with her shoe advantage. She obviously fibbed when she said that she was 5f6, unless she meant she is close with high heels on. And any celeb that is in photos with her and near her height is petite too. When I saw her next to Rachael it just proved to me that she is no more than 5f3.
Click HereClick HereClick Here Click Here
Heightgirl said on 27/Apr/09
Beyonce is not 5f6 lol She is max 5f4! She looks taller thanks to big hair and big heels. Plus, Jennifer was wearing platforms and 5" heels in that picture with Beyonce, while Beyonce was just in 4 inchers. Celebs even stand on soapboxes to this day to help fake out people. Don't be a sucker and look at the facts. If Jennifer was really that tall then she wouldn't be as SHORT as other SHORT celebs. At the Golden Globes next to 5f6 Kate Winslet, even in Platforms, Jennifer was 3" shorter. That's a fact. So now when Jennifer, who is in 5inchers, is next to 5f2ish Rachael who is in 4inchers, she is only an inch taller! I'm not fooled! The girl is 5f3 or less!
Pete said on 27/Apr/09
Explain this picture with beyonce? Beyonce is a solid 5`6er. Jennifer is almost her height, not to mention beyonce weaves gives her extra inch in height, whereas jennifer hair is slicked back.
Click Here
Deb said on 26/Apr/09
Pete, that was Heightgirl. BTW Rachael was not wearing platforms and if you watch a past episode from the weeks shows, you will notice that Rachael was wearing the same shoes. Proof: the stylist, Greta, who is only around 5f1 was on and next to Rachael was only a tiny bit shorter. If Rachael was in mega platforms then Rachael she would have TOWERED Greta. Just face it, Jennifer is petite and a bad liar.
Heightgirl said on 26/Apr/09
Pete, Rachael is NOT wearing platforms and she only wears 3 or 4" heels on the show because she has to stand a lot. I watch her regularly and know that for a fact. Question. Why is it that Jennifer, who is wearing 5inchers, only 1" taller than little Rachael Ray? Because she's only 5f3 and she should be downgraded.
Anna said on 25/Apr/09
I saw that show and I couldn't believe how short Jennifer was! She was the same height as Rachael Ray. Check out the following clip and you will see for yourself. Hit the 1:29 mark if you don't want to wait...
Click Here I would downgrade her to 5f3.
Pete said on 25/Apr/09
Click HereAs you can see from this picture Jennifer has an inch in height over Rachel. But look at the shoes, Jennifer is wearing shoes which give her no more than 3 inches in height whereas rachel is wearing 6 in platformed heels. Giving her an aditional 2 inches in height.
So if you had the 2 inches form the shoes and extra inch jennifer has on rachel in those shoes, thats 3 inches. So if rachels is 5`2.5, jennifer is 5`5.5. UPGRADE!
Nice job Deb
Heightgirl said on 24/Apr/09
Ok I just saw Jennifer on the Rachael Ray show in it's entirety and it showed that she is only 5f3! I'm surprised she only had 5inchers on, without a platform. Big mistake, or should I say little mistake lol She was the same height as little Rachael who always states how short she is! Rachael did not wear platforms either and only had on her usual 4inchers. Anyone else see or have the clip, it`s not on YouTube yet.
Heightgirl said on 23/Apr/09
Jennifer will be on the Rachael Ray show tomorrow and Rachael's site has a clip. Jennifer looks to be the same height as Rachael who said that she is "5f3 on a good day". I am going to try to check out the show tomorrow to see for sure. Here is the preview clip that I'm talking about:
Click Here
Debbie said on 23/Apr/09
What!! Jen did NOT tower Kelly on Kelly & Regis they were very similar in height. She also seemed to have on higher heels than Kelly. She is not 5'6 that's a joke lol.
Deb said on 23/Apr/09
Just so you can see what 5f2 looks like, here is a clip with an officially quoted 5f2 star, Sarah Michelle Gellar on Regis & Kelly
Click Here
Deb said on 23/Apr/09
Jennifer had on HUGE Platforms, with 6" heels (with lifts too?), while Kelly only had 3 or 4 inchers on that did not have a platform.
Click Here Here are Jennifer and Kelly in similar heels, in a past interview, and they are practically the same height before her platform days (Monster in Law interview - at the 18 second mark)
Click Here
Pete said on 23/Apr/09
Jennifer towered kelly on regis and kelly, by at least 4 inches.
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/09
I just watched the Wedding Planner today and noticed that Jen was really tiny and especially in the scene when she was drunk and barefoot. She was under Mathrew McConaughy's chin! Even when the cast was promoting the movie back in 2001 it was obvious because she was extremely shorter than everyone else that were all in the 5f10 range. The gig's up lol She's 5f2
Click Here
Jewls said on 6/Apr/09
I just checked Kate's page on here and Glen stated that she's small at 5f4. Jen had higher heels than Kate and was a bit shorter. I have to agree with the 5f3 for Jen.
Selena said on 6/Apr/09
I agree anon and Kate had 6 inchers on, Jen has 5 inch heels.
Heightgirl said on 5/Apr/09
Kate Moss is not 5f7 lol She is the shortest model of all time! Glen even said that she looked 5f4 and not 5f6. Jen also had higher heels on and with a platform too. Even so Kate was still an inch taller than her. Here is a straight shot of them:
Click Here
anon said on 3/Apr/09
she's not under.
Click HereKate is 5'7" and only look a little bit taller.
Not way is she under 5'5".
I'd say she was more 5'6"
Heightgirl said on 31/Mar/09
Cat, I agree. Jennifer is always much shorter than other stars that are 5f5 - 5f6! And Jen always wears higher heels and platforms.
Rob, Naomi is leaning over and Jen is standing near straight. You can see it better in this large shot
Click Here If Naomi is 5f4.5 and Jen is at least 2 inches shorter then you have to do the math because she can't be more than 5'2.5. Have you seen her in these latest shots. She has tiny legs and always wears monster elevator shoes. Next to a short man she about the same height, even with those huge platforms.
Click Here
Cat said on 29/Mar/09
There is something really odd about this site. Rob and Glenn you contradict yourselves. There is a photo of JLO and Naomi together a bit below on a post here that shows each lady's heel and a photo of them together. Naomi is wearing approx 3" heel and JLo 4", Naomi is CLEARLY still approx 2-3" taller! YET you have JLO listed at 5'5" and Naomi listed at 5'4.5". BS! You guys have really lost your credibility with me.

Editor Rob
there was a few shots from that show
Here, all with naomi camera favor...but it's pretty obvious jennifer's posture is rather poor when getting up close there...
leonari said on 27/Mar/09
5'5 is accurate
Michelle said on 27/Mar/09
J.Lo said in an interview about 5 years ago that she was about 5'4"-5'5". I do think that she is closer to 5'4".
Mr. R said on 26/Mar/09
People Mag have her at 5-6.
Ann said on 4/Mar/09
Jenn is shorter than Gwen in that recent shot even though her heels are way higher too. Gwen is said to be 5f5 and I buy it. Jen is not even close to Gwen's height unless she is wearing 4" heels!
Selena said on 3/Mar/09
Jennifer is not standing straight in those pictures. The shoulder height of both woman looks the same. Btw Gwen had the same heel size as jennifer, Jennifers maybe platformed but gwens heel is also 6 inches. There are some pics of gwens footwear same as Jens, Upgrade!
Heightgirl said on 2/Mar/09
Gwen was in flats and Jennifer was in high heels. There was a Vanity Fair shoot years ago and Jen was 3" shorter than Gwen in the same sized heels. There was a picture on here. Recently Jen and Gwen were together Jennifer was in 6" platforms and Gwen was in 4" heels but Jennifer was still a couple of inches shorter. Gwen was even leaning in too, rather Jen was pulling her in lol. See for yourself:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Selena said on 28/Feb/09
Jlo and Gwen stefani, forward to 1.45- Both the same height in the same heels. (if you look for the images from that event both are in 4 inchers) Upgrade!
Click Here
Ann said on 26/Feb/09
She does look the same height as Leah Remini and she is listed at 5'3 here so I wouldn't say she is more than that. Maybe less because I doubt Leah is really that tall.
Deb said on 25/Feb/09
Jennifer isn't 5f10 in 5/6" heels on! She's barely 5f7 with those monster platform high heeled shoes. If she is the practically the height as 5f1.5 Leah Remini, even with shoes on, well guess what. She's short! Marc is short too, he's barely 5f4! Face it Jennifer is 5f2, at the most.
Clark said on 24/Feb/09
Saw Jennifer at Beso while back. She towered Marc Antony by 3 inches. She had 5/6 inch heels on. So if marc is 5`7 with shoes she must have been 5`10 in those heels. Making her 5`5.
Heightgirl said on 23/Feb/09
Ice, I saw Jennifer listed at 5f4 too. I'm pretty sure she was adding an inch or two even back then because next to other celebs that SAY they are 5f3 she is the same height. Like in this recent picture next to Leah Remini who SAYS she is 5f3, but next to 5f3 on a good day Rachael Ray she is at least an inch shorter. Jennifer is tiny and even 5f4 for her is way too tall unless she is in 3" heels
Click Here
glenn said on 18/Feb/09
thank you pete.its not my fault marc acts like a major celeb with security blocking me from asking him for a photo.which major celebs usually dont have security.thats kind of a myth.
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/09
i think she was much taller when she first started up, maybe even 5'6 but i think 5'5 is accurate now
ice said on 18/Feb/09
What I want to know is why was she officially listed at 5'4 for years after she first came out, and then when she makes an album, she magically gets listed at 5'5, and everybody is believing that? She was already past the age of growing, so no, she didn't get some freakish growth spurt. This lady is 5'4. Even Rob, who's VERY generous with women unless he has a personal picture with them, says she's a maximum of 5'5.
Pete said on 17/Feb/09
Exactly Glenn, has no reason to lie about this and he has pics to prove his encounters. Linda stop hating.
glenn said on 17/Feb/09
thats right linda.i dont know what im talking about.i only have one chance encounters with celebrities.never mind repeated meetings spanning 20 marcs' case,a decade.
Pete said on 16/Feb/09
Linda, there are plenty of pictures with jennifer with others stars proving shes at least 5`5. Esp the ones with beyonce and david beckham, where we can see the full length and heels.
The ones with Kate and Jen at the GG are misleading with camera angles, because they are not standing still posing for picture and the heel comparison cant be seen. Yes jennifer wore platform heels but you should know platform heels come in 4 inches too.
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/09
Several years ago I saw Jennifer next to Susan Sarandon who claims to be 5f6 and she was noticeably shorter. Susan even seemed to have lost a bit of height with age too and I think she may be under 5f5 now.
Click Here
Linda said on 16/Feb/09
glenn, marc is just under 5f6 with his shoes on. Plus he is always slouching and looks to have bad posture. Your heights usually seem too high to me because you seem to neglect to factor in the shoes. 5f6 Kate Winslet towered over Jennifer so your height estimate is way off.
glenn said on 16/Feb/09
i saw marc again last night.he was 5-6.
leonari said on 15/Feb/09
Marc Anthony is max 5'6" . he could be shorter. Not by much but still.
Linda said on 15/Feb/09
If you read that section and notice the comments you would see that he is not really 5f6. People who have met Marc said he's really short, that they were taller than him and some were only 5f5.
Pete said on 15/Feb/09
Linda Marc Antony is listed as 5`6 on this site and everywhere else its a well documented fact... you neglected to mention that!
Linda said on 15/Feb/09
Pete, Marc is not 5f7 in shoes lol The man barely looks 5f5 in shoes! Face it, she's petite. If she wasn't then she would have been a bit taller than Kate Winslet who is listed at 5f6 and is really that tall! Remember, Jen was even in platforms and mega heels at the Golden Globes yet still 3" shorter than Kate... you neglected to mention that. What about the petite wax figure of hers based on her exact measurements? She's 5f3 or under.
Pete said on 14/Feb/09
Sam Hard, great picture of jen with Marc. She looks 5`9 (in heels )next to him. Since he is 5`7 there (in shoes). Those shoes probably give her a 3-4 inch actual height advantage (5 inch heels dont give 5 inches in height advantage- more like 3.10 inch).
The pic with Noami is misleading as its not full length, and we cant see the ground level.
mark said on 10/Feb/09
5f3 sounds right. my wife is 5f5 and looked much taller than jen when we saw her one evening on ocean dr. she has very short legs and matronly. looks older in person.
Sam Hard said on 10/Feb/09
Additionaly, it has to be mentioned that both ladies' heels' height was roughly the same.
Here's J.Lo's heel:
Click HereHere's Naomi's heel:
Click HereIn conclusion, Naomi is clearly taller than J.Lo, proven here once again:
Click Here
Sam Hard said on 10/Feb/09
check this out:
Click Here J.Lo is shorter than Naomi Watts by about 2 inches.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/09
Jennifer is even smaller than 5f3 because that clip with her next to 5f6 Kate Winslet at this years Golden Globes clearly shows that Jen was 3" shorter than Kate even though Jlow was wearing huge heels with platforms too. Check out time frame 3:25
Click Here
Ann said on 28/Jan/09
Maria, Madam Toussad's wax figures are done with the celebs exact measurements so I believe 5f3, or less, because the figure does have 4" heels on.
Pete said on 26/Jan/09
I met her at the "in the heights" Broadway show last week. Definitely 5`10 in her shoes.
Maria said on 23/Jan/09
Well I went to the madame toussad wax museum in Time Square and it has celebs there. My point is she is definitely 5' 3" max. She is not tall. Thinner people tend to look taler most of the time but she has a great bod.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/09
she's the same height as carrie underwood. look on getty images. 5'4" max.
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/09
I found another picture of the platforms she wore at the golden globes
Click Here
Deb said on 16/Jan/09
Susan, I can see the picture and Jennifer is in fact wearing platforms.
Susan said on 16/Jan/09
Your picture is not working. Nice try lisa.
gulcan said on 16/Jan/09
What she says in the Sunday Mirror does not make sense. I am 5'3'' and I weigh 128-130 pounds(size 4). At the Oscar photos, she definitely looks heavier than me. When I was 120 pounds few years ago I looked thinner than she has ever been(I was size 0-2). So either she is shorter or heavier or has very big bones!
Lisa said on 15/Jan/09
I just wanted to add that I found a picture of Jennifer at the 2009 Golden Globes and she was wearing 5" heels with a 1" platform so she really had the shoe advantage with at least 1.5" of extra height over Kate Winslet. Kate was wearing non platform black sandals with a 3" or 4" heel.
Click Here I think this is more than enough proof that she should be downgraded to at least 5f3.
Lisa said on 13/Jan/09
Susan, you are very incorrect about Kate`s footwear because she was wearing 4 inchers without any platforms. She is really 5f6 and doesn`t need to do that!
Click Here Jennifer was hiding her footwear, as usual, so she was most likely in her monster heels with a big platform. If she was then she is even smaller than 2.5 or 3 inches. If she wasn`t and was in similar heels then obviously she is still 2.5 or 3 inches shorter. Her dress opening was a couple inches off the ground at times and she must have been wearing dark platforms. Also, she was an inch taller than her tiny husband and she is only able to achieve that when she has those mega shoes on. Thank you Susan for pointing out the footwear because now I see she is even smaller than what she appeared originally. The original clip I posted is gone so go to the time frame 2:17
Click Here
Susan said on 13/Jan/09
Lisa, i agree Kate appeared taller, but if you look at the footwear, kate has a 2 inch advantage.
Lisa said on 12/Jan/09
Saw her on the 2009 Golden Globes last night and next to 5f6 Kate Winslet she was much shorter by at least 2.5 or 3 inches. Kate was bending down a bit too! Jen is definitely under 5f4 and there is no way she weighs 120 lbs either cause her back, butt and legs are too big. Check out the YouTube video and see the frame at the 17 second mark.
Click Here
Heightgal said on 8/Jan/09
5f4 still seems too high for her. When Jen filmed Boardertown with 5f8 Antonio Banderas, she was much, much smaller than him... especially when she was in those flat 1" running shoes. Here is a shot of Antonio next to 5f7 Mike Myers just to prove that he is 5f8
Click Here Here are shots of Jennifer without heels next to Antonio
Click Here Click Here And lastly a shot of her with 5" high heels with a .75" platform and still much shorter
Click Here I think she may even be smaller than 5f3!
Alex said on 2/Jan/09
I can buy J-Lo at 5'4. She looks it too.
ice said on 28/Dec/08
I'm taltally convinced that Jennifer is 162cm, which is 5'3.75. It fits perfectly with Mark Anthony, and the 165-166ish Beyonce. It also makes sense why all of her height listings from back in the day say 5'4. I didn't start seeing this 5'5" stuff until she came out with an album. Now, she's trying to push 5'6. Whatever, she is on the smaller side of average when you compare her to other people. Think about the true 5'5ers, such as Nicole Scherzinger, Alicia Silverstone, Neve Campbell, etc. She never looks anything like that, even when she had gotten really small.
Indigo said on 25/Dec/08
Lara, as you know shoes come in all different sizes. 3 inch heels gives approx 2.4" in height, to 6 inches giving 5.1" in additional height. Atelier couture clothing is always fitted around the clients precise measurements. 166cm is Jennifers height without shoes. The concessions made for the footwear are entirely a different task.
leonari said on 24/Dec/08
Exactly Lara. If Jennifer would be 166 barefoot she would be like 174 in her crazy heels. She never ever looks that tall. Even Robs listing is at least 1 cm too high.
Lara said on 23/Dec/08
When I am fitted for clothing I always have to wear my shoes so that 166cm must be her shoe height.
Indigo said on 22/Dec/08
I have worked as a assistant stylist and have also worked with people who work with Jennifer. She is approx 166cm for clothes.
C. said on 22/Dec/08
mimi says on 14/Dec/08
By the way, I don't think it's Jennifer that needs an upgrade to 5'6" (I personally believe she's around 5'3"-5'4"...I think it's Angelina that needs a downgrade to 5'5.5" to 5'6".
I agree completely, for both Jen and Angelina. But many users insist that these women are taller than that. In heels, yes. But barefoot-- no.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/08
I think some people are confusing her shoe height with her actual. She looks no more than 5'3 barefoot and 5'5 with 4inch heels.
Selena Gomez said on 18/Dec/08
No way does she look shorter than angie in that video. Look the same height.
Deb said on 16/Dec/08
Jennifer looks to be 2" shorter than Angelina in that video. Jen is still closer to the camera so it may be more.
Mimi said on 15/Dec/08
Pete, in the video you just posted, it is obvious that Angelina is taller by about an inch at the very least (footwear/floor/posture being equal). Stop the video at the 1:15 mark and you can see for yourself. I think Jennifer is about 5'6"-5'7" in high heels btw, never 5'3" or 5'4" with heels on (but probably is her barefoot height range).
Heightgal said on 15/Dec/08
Pete, the only thing that I noticed from that clip was that Jen is at least 3 inches shorter than Angelina. Mimi, I also checked WireImage and noticed that Jlo's shoes did have a at least a 1/2" platform to them and the smallest heel she wears is 5 inches.
Pete said on 14/Dec/08
Here is a video of the 2 exchanging a kiss, the look the same height. If Jennifer was 5`3-5`4 in sandles she sould never come up that high compared to Jolie.
Click HerePlus in my pic, Angelinas eye line is straight, she not looking down at Jennifer.
mimi said on 14/Dec/08
By the way, I don't think it's Jennifer that needs an upgrade to 5'6" (I personally believe she's around 5'3"-5'4"...I think it's Angelina that needs a downgrade to 5'5.5" to 5'6".
mimi said on 14/Dec/08
I saw pics of both Angelina and Jennifer's shoes that night - go to gettyimages and you'll find them. Their shoes are very similar in height, so neither lady has a big advantage shoe-wise over the other. The pic of them together is not a good one, but taking into account that Jennifer is closer to the camera, there is probably 1.5 to 2 in. difference in height
Heightgal said on 13/Dec/08
I just don't buy it. Jennifer is so close to the camera so that makes her appear much taller than she really is. I can't even see the footwear they have on either. Angelina often wears only 3 or 4inchers and she does not wear platforms or anything else that increases her height artificially, for that matter. I tried looking for those other pictures of Jen and Angelina, and guess what, nada. The fact is she can't be 5f6 barefoot because she is shorter than 5f3.5 Kelly Clarkson in similar heels. Remember Jen wears really high heels with platforms, while other legit 5f6 stars don't, add in those camera angels in her favor too and that's why she can get away with it from a glance. I still don't buy it though because I'm really good with heights. Plus when she wears flats she is tiny and at least 3" smaller than her small hubby. Most Latin men are short and under 5f5 barefoot and he doesn't seem over 5f5 barefoot. 5f6 for her just doesn't make any sense. By her claim of weighing only 120 lbs alone tells me that she is giving her bogus celeb numbers.
ice said on 11/Dec/08
Pete: that is an awful picture. Jennifer is closer to the camera, the angle is off, and there are no feet.
Pete said on 10/Dec/08
Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie- She needs an upgrade to 5`6 at least. There are a few more pics of them too.
Click Here
Heightgal said on 8/Dec/08
5f2 Gillian Anderson next to 5f10 (claims 6ft) David Duchovny
Click Here now take a look at David next to Jlo
Click Here They look very similar in height to me.
Lynn said on 4/Dec/08
Leah is 5f1 and Jlo only seems an inch taller but she is closer to the camera. I can't see Leah's heels but I am assuming they are really high like Jennifers. I still think she is 5f3 like Victoria Beckham or a bit less.
JO said on 1/Dec/08
Ash -3-4 inch height difference is not a similar height! LOL
Jennifer is a good 5`6er
Ash said on 30/Nov/08
That pictures shows Jennifer to be very similar in height as Leah who is under 5f2 herself.
Pete said on 30/Nov/08
Click HereJlo and Leah Remini both in platform heels. Jennifer has 3 inches on her. She is at least 5`6
Laura said on 21/Nov/08
LilLee, her official website listed her at 5f5 so she can't be 5f6. Celebs usually give an extra inch or two and I can see her doing that.
LilLee said on 19/Nov/08
She is 5 foot 6 you always downgrade poeple. She's 5'6 as is Elijah Wood, Drew Lachey and Lil Wayne as you seem to downgrade everyone
Alex said on 12/Nov/08
Heightgal, yea she doesn't look close to 5'6. Probably lucky to be 5'4. But her weight even when she was leaner back then I wouldn't have said was as low as 120lbs with her lower body.
Heightgal said on 11/Nov/08
I don't hate at all but I really don't admire people that aren't truthful. Celebs shouldn't fudge anything because it really misleads, especially the young kids today and it even may give them a bad body image as a result. Anyways, the bottom line is that Jen is not even close to 5f6 and 120 lbs. Why lie about something so obvious.
Peter said on 10/Nov/08
You seem to hold a grudge heiggtgal, dont be a hater!
Heightgal said on 9/Nov/08
There were tons of other shots for that magazine photoshoot and Jen was still 2 inches shorter than 5f5 Gwen in all of them so that tells me that she's not the height that she is claiming. Gwen had 4inchers as well btw.
Jen was wearing HUGE 2" platform wedges with a 6" heel at that event. She is not 5f9 with shoes on... even with her honking elevator shoes and whatever else she uses. Throughout her pregnancy she was wearing those kinds of height building shoes too. Alicia does not wear platforms or extremely high heels.
She can't be 5f6 or even 5f5. She was shorter than 5f3.5 Kelly Clarkson. If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck...
Peter said on 7/Nov/08
In that photoshoot everyone was wearing different heels etc. Not to mention photoshop.
Best way to see her heights accuracy is at events. At this even she is 3 inches taller than marc in heels and the same height as Alicia. And no she is not in 6 inch heels here as she is heavily pregnanat about 8 months pregnant.
She is 5`6
Click HereBut since eveyone in hollywood is stick thin she can look shorter as she is meatier.
Heightgal said on 6/Nov/08
Between 5f5 Gwen Stefani and 5f3 Sherly Crow
Click Here Seriously Jen is not even close to 5f6! She is more than 3" shorter than that!! Alex, I agree with your statement LOL
Alex said on 4/Nov/08
If she is as short as 5'3 which I can see likely then shes crazy claiming 5'6. 5'6 in heels probably she is claiming, LOL.
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/08
Jennifer next to 1" taller 5f3.5 Kelly Clarkson
Click Here Looks like there is a downgrade coming
Heightgal said on 30/Oct/08
Ryan is not a good example because he is not tall at all, he is max 5f7 with shoes on and whatever else he uses. Ryan was not even an inch taller than 5f4 or 5f5 Teri Hatcher with shoes on and Terri was in flats. When Jen appeared with Ryan she was wearing 5 inch heeled boots with a hidden platform and maybe lifts as well.. who knows?
Click Here With all of that she still wasn't taller than Ryan because they were the same height. I also saw those pictures of her next to Marc when they were both in flats and she was at least 3" shorter. She is no more than 5f3.
Selena said on 29/Oct/08
I agree phillies, ryan is 5`9 with his shoe lifts on. She had about 1-2 inches on him. Plus she was performing i dont thing she was wearing high heels on stage.
Phillies Fan said on 28/Oct/08
Saw a clip of her on American Idol. Either Seacrest is really short or her heels were really high. Cause she was a little taller than him. And she made it noticable by putting her arm around his shoulders standing next to him.
Anonymous said on 26/Oct/08
saw her next to 5'2 prince (most say 4f11) at the night of the stars event last night and she didn't look much taller, she was in 5 inchers and it looks like they did have at least .5 inch platform too
Rita said on 23/Oct/08
Maria Shriver is not 5f11.5!! Arnold is said to be 6f1.5 on here and he is older now so he might be even smaller. If you go to his section you will see him with Glen and Maria and she is smaller than 5f7 Glen. Anyways if she was 5f11.5 she would only 2 shorter than him and if she was wearing heels she would be even taller
Click Here Maria looks tiny to me and we don't see the footwear that she is wearing, she is not one to wear really high heels and she seems to be bending in that shot with Jennifer. Plus, if she was almost 6f wouldn't she be as tall as Geena Davis minis 1/2 an inch? Jen with 6f Geena Davis
Click Here
Jo said on 22/Oct/08
jennfier with 5`111 mania shriver
Click Here
Rita said on 22/Oct/08
Jennifer is about 2" shorter than Beyonce even with higher heels
Click Here Click Here Here is a close up of her 5" heels with platforms
Click Here Beyonce was only wearing 3.5" heels without platforms at that same event. I still think that Jennifer can't be more than 5f3 and maybe that's even a bit too high.
Deb said on 22/Oct/08
Beyonce is said to only be 5f4 barefoot and 5f6 with heels on. Plus at that event Jennifer had on higher heels with a .75" platform and who knows if she was wearing lifts too? Hollywood is so fake! Those pictures Rita posted clearly show her being much shorter than her "tiny" husband Marc Anthony!
Jo said on 22/Oct/08
If jlo is 5`3" How is she able to look about 1 inche shorter than beyonce here?
Click Here
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/08
I doubt highly doubt she's 5'5, and I agree with the former two comments! 5'3" 1/2 is max for her
Rita said on 21/Oct/08
I agree, Jennifer is 5f3, or a bit less. Pictures of her below next to 5f6 Marc, both in flats and she is 3" shorter.
Click Here Click Here
andrea said on 11/Oct/08
Jennifer lopez is 5'3 -5'3" 1/2 .... NO MORE! I have seen her on two occasions in Miami and have been close up to her. I am 5'4" and she is shorter than me. She really is not very tall people. She was wearing flip flops at Starbucks and at the beach she was barefoot.
Anna said on 9/Oct/08
Lynn, Leah does in fact only seem to be 5f1. I don't even think Jenny McCarthy is as tall as 5f6 either because I found a shot of her on here standing next to a ruler and it looks like she is only 5f6 in really high heels with a platform. She is posing so she may have lost an inch.. she can't be more than 5f4 barefoot.
Click Here
Lynn said on 8/Oct/08
Sorry the video clip is under Leah's section and not Rachaels. Here it is regardless
Click Here
Lynn said on 8/Oct/08
Leah is over an inch shorter than " 5'3" on a good day " Rachael Ray and there is a video that clearly shows this in RR's section here. Plus, Jenny is listed at 5f6.5, but she is said to be smaller. Jen is standing straight and her neck is extended too. Your picture does not have Jen a head taller than Leah because Leah is arching her back and again it's an angled shot.
Mstina said on 8/Oct/08
Lynn, Leah is 5`3 as listed on this site and Jenny is almost 5`7. The picture you posted shows jennifer lopez not standing straight and jenny being closer to the camera. Hence angles are at play.
My picture clearly shows -lamost head on jennifer lopez towering leah. Making her 5`6
Lynn said on 7/Oct/08
hmmm I found another shot of Jen with 5'1" Leah at the exact event but without an angle taken from the front and they look the same height. Not surprising that that 5f6" Jenny McCarthy is towering over them both!
Click Here
Mstina said on 7/Oct/08
Click Here5`6 with leah remini same heels
Deb said on 29/Sep/08
Peter, there is a picture link that Lara posted which clearly shows Jen is in one inch platforms, while Victoria wasn't. I noticed the picture Anna posted of her barefoot at the beach and she looked really small. I saw footage of her barefoot and she was in fact very tiny at all times
Click Here
Peter said on 26/Sep/08
Deb, Jennifer was in NORMAL heels. Both ladies were wearing Jimmy choos 2008 Fall
Deb said on 24/Sep/08
Olivia, Jennifer is wearing 5" heels with 1" platforms in that shot with Victoria Beckham. Plus, Victoria is only 5f3, as per, Vogue and Harper`s Bizarre.
Olivia said on 24/Sep/08
Since I see this pic with Victoria, I think there is no doubt that Jennifer is 5 ft 5, there is exactly 1 inch of difference between these 2 women. (Vic is 5 ft 4)
Christine said on 21/Sep/08
Jen is also very similar in height to a lot of petite stars who actually have admitted their real height like: Leah Remini (5f3), Kelly Ripa (5f2.5), Naomi Watts (5f4), Victoria Beckham (5f3), and Kelly Clarkson (5f4) so I don't buy her being anything but petite. I really question Beyonce's height claim too, she seems 5f4 to me. It's not the first time that a female celeb has fudged her on height. A lot of stars that are 5 foot and under always claim to be 5f2 when they are so clearly not but a lot of people fall for it and think that those women are being truthful. Woman that are 5f2 barefoot are really not that short and are very nice height with heels on so that's why they claim to be taller themselves. The ones that are honest about their height always seem taller to me. Also, I disagree with people who think that women can't gauge height. They are actually better at sizing up people because they themselves are well aware of all the little tricks to gain false height.
Jo said on 19/Sep/08
Beyonce is a good 5`6, If you take away beyonces extra inch and a half due to her weave she is just a tad taller than JLO.
Click HereShes no less than 5`5.5"
Anna said on 18/Sep/08
Leonari, Marc isn't wearing boots at all and they are on leveled ground. He has flat shoes on so that wouldn't make much of a difference at all, maybe an inch max so it seems to me that there are 3" difference she is shorter by.
leonari said on 18/Sep/08
oh my god stop posting this pic!!!
leonari said on 18/Sep/08
yeah sure he is Anna. Nice work. He has BOOTS on for christ sake! He is on higher ground and she is barefoot!!!! But I guess in your mind Marc Anthony is a strong 5'9" guy and Jennifer a good 5'5". Well Jennifer aint a full 5'5" and mark is lucky if he it's a full 5'6" anytime durning the day.
The older I get the more I realize that Glenn was right: Women can't gauge height. It's shocking.Most of them are really bad at it. Terrible. like parking. Has to do with different parts of the brain that are developed differently in men and women. 4 inches...I can only laugh. Quite often I hear women that I know say that a true 5'10" guy is rather short. And that coming from tiny chicks who are 5'2 or 5'3 who can't hit 5'10 in the biggest hooker platforms...Incredible how distorted some folks reality is. Amazing...
Anna said on 17/Sep/08
I just found a picture of Jen barefoot next to Marc and he is about 4" taller than her
Click Here
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/08
I recently saw a picture of her barefoot next to Marc and he is towering over her
Click Here I agree with the others that said she is not even 5'3.
Anna said on 10/Sep/08
Harper's Bazzar has Victoria Beckham listed at 5'3, so there you go! Jen is max 5f3 or less because she was wearing platforms when Victoria wasn't. I knew she was a shorty lol Her platforms never fooled me! Oh and she ain't no 120 lbs either! The girl is minimum 135!
Pete said on 10/Sep/08
I saw her at Dian Von Fustenbergs show, she is 5`6 legit. Huge hips though.
Lara said on 9/Sep/08
She is the same height as Victoria Beckham. Actually, she may be a tiny bit shorter -- if you scroll down and look at these pics you can see that her platform heels are even higher than Posh's.
Click Here
Kate said on 9/Sep/08
Jen was with Victoria Beckham the other day and they were about the same height... Victoria was bending to her side a bit and she wasn't in platforms either. Victoria was at another even prior and she was the same height as 5f3 Dita Von Teese. I think this is enough proof that shows Jennifer is 5f3 or under, there is no way she is 5f6 or even 5f5.
Alex said on 7/Sep/08
She might be as tall as 5'5 but I wouldn't go past that. I mean she has the body type that could make her appear a bit shorter than she really is. So she could be 5'5 but could look 5'3-5'4 sometimes.
Daii said on 2/Sep/08
one of my teachers seen her in central park recently, hes about 6'2 and he said she was short about 5'4 ish
Sue said on 29/Aug/08
Great find, she doesnt even seem to be standing straight. As well as Alba being a good 5`6 and dawson being a good 5`7 she needs an upgrade.
Paul said on 29/Aug/08
She is at least 5`6 with Rosario Dawson and Jessica Alba, all wearing sandals with no extra lift.
Click Here
Brad said on 21/Aug/08
5' 4". Katie Holmes just owned her by 5". Glenn's 5' 5" figure was again in a long list of ridiculous that becomes the celebrated above height.
Jo said on 13/Aug/08
Seven lol you have proven yourself as a LIAR!
Jennifer has been in LA for the past few weeks. Check out her images of he rin LA on wireimage!
Ann said on 13/Aug/08
Kate Hudson is listed here at 5f6 and most think she is 5f5. Plus she looks at least 3" taller than Jennifer Lopez. Kate was wearing non platform 4" heels and Jennifer was most likely in her standard platforms and 5" heels. Jen really should be downgraded to 5f3.
Click Here Click Here
Alex said on 10/Aug/08
J-Lo was never skinny. She was kinda lean in her upper body at times but her lower body as always been thick. J-Lo I considered to be thick/medium because she wasn't entirely one of those types all over.
annonymous said on 6/Aug/08
j lo looks short because she has a huge ass . but sometimes she loses weight ive noticed it and she looks scary skinny! so id say 5'6'' and 115 when shes really skinny which is almost all the time
brapp said on 2/Aug/08
Downgrade to 5'4"!!!
Oooh I love thinking about celebs that are shorter than me. There's doesn't seem to be many tall ones!
Seven said on 20/Jul/08
I saw her shopping at Scoop in Greenvale, LI, NY last week, Jennifer is not tall! I am 5'8+" in flats, which I was wearing, she is clearly no more than 5'5" and not a long limbed 5'5" at that. Very mediocre looking woman. She should be making daily offerings to the Cosmetic Gods.
Jo said on 14/Jul/08
In monster in law, the scene where Jane buys jennifer the vintage dress at the party. Before she tries on the dress, bot jane and jennifer are in flip flops. Th long shot clearly shows they are the same height. Jennifer is more meatier thna most actresses thus looking shorter.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
In the movie "Enough" she says her character is about 5'5" tall. There is no reason why this would be different from her actual height. She is probably 5'4" with no shoes on.
Chelsea said on 12/Jul/08
I'd say 5"3 to 5"3 1/2 max! Look at the pictures with tom cruise and katie holems in the picture with jlo and her husband!
Click Here
Asta said on 9/Jul/08
so do everyone say their morning height or what?
Steve said on 9/Jul/08
Alex, she looks to be over 145 lbs today and she's clearly petite at no more than 5'3.
Alex said on 4/Jul/08
In the past she may have been only 120-125lbs but today I'd say 130lbs or so.
ice said on 20/Jun/08
@Alex: Nope, I'd say 5'4, and 130 before pregnancy.
Alex said on 17/Jun/08
J-Lo claims 120lbs. Back then too I think she said that where she looked heavier. She's mostly all lower body because if you look at her upper body its leanish. 5'4 120-125lbs for her sounds right.
John said on 16/Jun/08
Jane doesn't wear heels either, unlike Jen.
Andi [Ger] said on 12/Jun/08
@Anna: Don
Anna said on 6/Jun/08
Jane Fonda listed at 5f7 here and she is at least 4" taller than Jennifer in this picture
Click Here
Anonymous said on 30/May/08
Ya Glen, she is 5f5... with 4" heels on, of course. J.Lee David Letterman was about the same size as Stallone when next to him (under 5f10).
glenn said on 29/May/08
rob has this right.and could be a hair under.
Lisa said on 29/May/08
Seems the tables have turned... Leah Remini is wearing platforms in this picture and much taller than Jennifer who is wearing non platform heels. Shows me she can't be more than 5'3"
Click Here
J.Lee said on 28/May/08
if you look at paris hilton on letterman on you tube, j.lo appears taller with letterman than compared to hilton
J.Lee said on 28/May/08
ok, the title is jennifer lopez david letterman interview 2002. I remember seeing tyra and heidi wearing similar heels and there height difference is the same as jennifer and david letterman. Also, if you watch the katherine zeta jones and letterman interview, she is about the same as jennifer when you compare to letterman. Glenn, and rob, do you agree with me that according to my specualations that jennifer is an arguably 5 foot 7 or 8?
J.Lee said on 28/May/08
Ok. yes she did say that in that movie rose. i remember. however, david letterman is about 6 foot 2. go on you tube and type in david letterman jennifer lopez. So letterman is 6 foot 3 in shoes. She is about 4 inches shorter than him, up to his eyes, making her 5 foot 11 in heels. A 4 inch shoe should make you 2.5 inches taller so that would make her 5 foot 8.5. Glenn, do you agree with me that on that video she is about 4 inches shorter making her 5 foot 8 or 9?
mel said on 25/May/08
Pretty lady, but not taller than 5'4".
crazybazy said on 14/May/08
Said five five in her movie fear I think, something like "We have to find a woman like her, abou 5'5'' and..." I don`t think all celebrity lie, why would they all lie?
Louise said on 12/May/08
Got her autograph = she was wearing about three inch heels at least - and she was about an inch smaller then me when I was wearing flats - I'm five feet six inches. Shes amazingly proportioned, but is only about 5 feet 2-3 inches tall!xxx
rose said on 8/May/08
i think 5'5" is about right, if the wax works are to scale, she is definetely taller then me and im 5'4.5" say about 5'5.5" possibly....she is taller then i thought she would be, she looks tiny in pictures, but the wax model of her at madam tussads is pretty regular really...
Thetruth said on 2/May/08
Different weights can look different on different people! Just because you weigh 120 and you look really thin doesn't mean the next person will.
Some people can look a lot less or MORE than what they weigh. A 5'5 120 lb girl can look like a ball of fat if she carries her weight in her tummy. It's all about how that weight looks on one person. I look anorexic if I weigh 110, but my friend looks perfectly healthy when she's the same height as me.
Danielle said on 17/Apr/08
120 pounds is thin.
sweetchari said on 28/Mar/08
She is barely 5'5", in her ad with Beyonce, B clearly towered her and B is only 5'6'' or possibly 5'6.5" herself so idk...they both had really high heels yet it was obvious that Beyonce appeared to be taller.
Anna said on 11/Mar/08
I agree with C, she doesn't look 3" taller than Fergie and she does wear platforms a lot. I say she's closer to 5f3.
C. said on 11/Mar/08
She does not look like she has 3" on Fergie. I'm going with 5'4" tops. (I could even believe 5'3".) I don't think I've ever seen this woman without platform heels. Most women of average height do not wear platform heels, just normal ones. Usually you see celebs like Christina Aguilera sporting them because they are incredibly petite.
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/08
Leo, those pictures are not from the same event, but at each event Jennifer was wearing platforms. Look closer at the shot of just her in the really long brown dress, she's wearing beigh ones. She always wears at least a 5" heel with huge platform to create the illusion that she's 5f6.
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/08
Leo, those pictures are not from the same event, but at each event Jen was wearing high platforms. Look closer at the shot of just her in the really long brown dress, she's wearing beigh platforms. One is sticking out from the bottom. She always wears at least 5" heel with huge platform to create the illusion that she's 5f5.
Anna said on 10/Mar/08
Stephen Dorff is only 5f7.25, but some say he's closer to 5f6.
lizzz said on 4/Mar/08
in heels she was two inches shorter than stephen dorff (he was barefoot). or it was a camera trick. hmmm... 5'4.75
Leo said on 3/Mar/08
The pics you posted with her getting out of the car arenot form the same event!
The pics with tom cruise are when she was 2 weeks from giving birth.She had standard 3 inchers on. Its the same event where she is the same height, i not taller than alicia keys in the video posted below.
Leo said on 3/Mar/08
Anon, jlo looks about 3 inches taller than fergie. Which is about right since on this site fergie is 5`2.5. Making jlo closer to 5`6.
America ferrera is 5 feet, thats what 5 feet looks like fergies is at least 2 inches taller than her.
Anonymous said on 2/Mar/08
Here's another shot of Jen and 5f2 Fergie. Fergie seems under 5f1 but even still Jen is not even an inch taller.
Click Here
Anon said on 2/Mar/08
Leo, I know they're supposed to look like that, that's why I used quotes for the word hidden! I was just trying to make the point that she always puts effort into gaining extra height whenever she can in order to perpetuate the myth that she's 5'5" when she's actually nothing of the sort.
Anonymous said on 29/Feb/08
Being pregnant didn't stop her from wearing really high heels with 2" platforms. She's not even taller than 5f6 Tom Cruise with those huge suckers on either. She's not 5f or under like Eva Longoria or anything, but there's no way she's 5f5! She is probably 5f3 or under and 138 lbs (before kids). She may seem average but remember she's always wearing high heels with a platform.
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Leo said on 27/Feb/08
Anon, thats how those shoes are supposed to look like, they are marc jacobs!
The clip with alicia keyes looks as though shes 5`6. Shes only wearing standard 3 inchers due to the pregnancy.
Anon said on 22/Feb/08
Look at this photo of Jen. Notice the 'hidden' heel of her shoe?
Click Here
Anonymous said on 11/Feb/08
Alicia seems under 5f4 and what about when Jennifer was beside 5f6 Kate Hudson? Jen was at least 2" shorter than her. Plus Kate was wearing 4" heels without a platform, but Jen was wearing 5" heels with a 2"platform. 5f2 Fergie was there too wearing 4" heels as well, but her head was a bit down. Regardless she wasn't that much shorter than Jen.
Click Here
ButerrflyLamb said on 9/Feb/08
Jennifer lopez meets alicia with marc. Jennifer is in 4 inchers as is alicia.
Both the same height, she needs an upgrade. both tower marc btw.
Click Here
leonari said on 2/Feb/08
Glenn: Thanks man. Rob I think it would be accurate to slice half inch of Jennifer.
glenn said on 1/Feb/08
leonari is correct.i see her all the time.5-5 is even suspect.she isnt short.but average.
leonari said on 1/Feb/08
Mr King: You are sooo off .It literally hurts my eyes to read posts like yours. Crap.
Mr king said on 31/Jan/08
She looks way taler than 5'6" she is atleast 5'7" or 8"
leonari said on 31/Jan/08
5'6" is a no no for J-LO. Even 5'5" looks fishy to me. A tad below fits her perfect. 164 cm.
clooby said on 30/Jan/08
I think if Jen is 5'6" she has to at least weigh 140lbs. pre-pregnant. With those curves there is no way she can be less than 120. And if she is then she is 5'2". She has those pretty little feet too.
Ana said on 20/Jan/08
jennifer Lopez, first of all, is one of the few celebrities who is actually very pretty w/o make-up. I live in miami and have seen her a number of times. i actually approached her once to get her autograph and i was able to see her up close. no make-up and flip flops. i say she is 5'4 and weighs 130 lbs (of course prepregnancy).
her body however definately looks better on camera. i suspect lots of photoshopping. but nonetheless, very pretty face.
Sara said on 13/Jan/08
Jen didn't take her shoes off in those pictures with Tony because if she did she would have had them in hand for one. And the other thing is that she was smaller next to all the other celbs too so don't even try to tell me that she had them off for the entire event! She was the smallest celeb there and that was with shoes on too!!
Jewls said on 10/Jan/08
No way she took her shoes off at a big event. She was probably only wearing non platform shoes.
Jessica said on 10/Jan/08
In the pic with Tony Bennet Jen may have taken her shoes off to allow Tony to appear taller...or he's wearing lifts which is a real possibility. I reckon Jennifer is about 5'5 or 5'4.5 not under 5'4 anyway.
kiki said on 7/Jan/08
whatever u say can`t change the truth: she really is 5'5''! Just accept it! It`s obvious that beyonce is about 1 inch taller than her (just watch pepsi comercial) and beyonce is 5'6''+ (u can`t say she`s less!) Why u people always say celebs r so tiny? Just accept that she is average and cute! :P:P:P
anonymous said on 2/Jan/08
i've just watched enough and in one scene she was barefoot and looked TINYY, max 5'4'', most probably 5'3.5''