American actor, best known for roles in ReaNimator, The Frighteners and TV series The 4400 and DS9. He told TrekWeb on an episode of Voyager where 'The Rock' appeared,
"I was dwarfed next to him. I'm only 5'8". In the double shot with Jenny, I was wearing
Converse thin, whilst Jeffrey was in a boot giving him a footwear advantage of about 0.75 inches more than us. At that photoshoot - for most of the dozen or so people in front of me - he was going up a little on his toes, one of the few actors I've seen do that.
5ft 8 Jenny, Jeffrey, 5ft 8 Rob
Nik said on 29/Jul/18
Easily 5'7", not on tiptoes!
Bobby said on 1/Jan/18
5'7 is spot on for this guy.
josh b said on 8/Jul/17
Click Here
Here he was going up and down on his tiptoes rather randomly so i'm unsure if he went up with me, similar footwear.

Editor Rob
I've seen taller guys do it too, the actor 'Ray Fisher' who is a tall guy himself, well the guy in front of me was over 6ft 4 and Fisher didn't like it, so went up on tip toes for the photo...
Jeffrey didn't look over 5ft 7 this day you got him too.
qbert said on 26/Nov/16
so 1.3 inch boots in both shots?

Editor Rob
in that double shot a solid boot, whilst I have thin style converse in 0.5-0.6 range.
NBAer said on 21/Mar/16
170 seems abit generous,since he's on tiptoes and has 0.7inch more footwear than RoB...169 is closer imo,similar to Big G.
5ft 9.25 said on 14/Mar/16
In your opinion what is more ridiculous wearing lifts or going a bit on tip toes?

Editor Rob
tip toes are good for the calf muscles.
I don't really think less of someone if they wear lifts. They want to look taller and if it helps their confidence and in probably quite a few cases their mental well-being, then good.
guyfrommars said on 9/Jun/09
I would give him 5ft7.5. His hair made him look taller as Weyoun.
Anonymous said on 29/May/09
He looks 5'8 standing next to Rob.
Lenad said on 28/May/09
Going by that photo, he is what he claims!!
guyfrommars said on 9/Apr/09
As Weyoun he looked quite short next to 5ft9 Louise Fletcher and 5ft7.5 plus 3-inch heels Nana Visitor (not to mention his male co-stars).
Shock of Electric said on 13/Mar/09
He was Liquidator Brunt (Ferengi) and Weyoun (Vorta) on DS9, and he played Shran (Andorian) on Enterprise, plus 1 or 2 other 1 time roles here and there. I always enjoyed his acting and almost started watching the 4400 for him alone but since I don't get to watch much TV...5'7" looks good.
guyfrommars said on 5/Mar/09
He also played Grunt, a Ferengi on DS9. Ferengi are usually played by actors ranging from 5ft to 5ft6. Grunt was tall by his race's standards.
TNTinCA said on 8/Jan/09
Correct me if I am wrong, but he also played 'Shran' the Andorian on Enterprise, right?

Editor Rob
yeah ds9 and enterprise alien with funny antenna.
Lego said on 7/Jan/09
at last this has been confirmed, he is 170-171cm max, excellent picture.
i would like to say that his one of my favorite actors of all time, his acting ability is simply outstanding, just watch Reanimator or The Frighteners, epic. ;)
TNTinCA said on 7/Jan/09
I would say 5'7.5". He is shorter than Rob, but not by much.
Great actor by the way. One of my favorites from the Trek series DS9 and Enterprise.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
i see close to 5-8 like alex.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/09
I agree with alex, I would say .25"-.5" inch difference.
Ras said on 5/Jan/09
Yeah, 5ft7.
Alex said on 5/Jan/09
He looks more closer to 5'8 with Rob. I dont see a full inch difference. 1/2 inch difference I'd say unless someone has a footwear advantage.
Ian said on 5/Jan/09
What hair Rob? the 3 strands he has? That guy has a big forehead. That photo is of a slightly smaller head and finally you are 5ft8.25-5ft8.5

Editor Rob
I thought the photo was quite accurate, to show how much extra hair he has. I mean he has a receding hairline...
Ian said on 4/Jan/09
I bet he is 5ft8ish out of bed. Possibly his claim like Glenn.
Mr. T said on 9/Dec/07
He does look rather short in Reanimator.
Adam Brennon said on 27/Oct/07
It's a pitty there isnt much dialogue between Combs and Keatin; it would have been an interesting comparison.
Franco said on 17/Sep/07
Glenn says on 25/Oct/06
Im an 80s "child".
grow up (or down) HAHAHAHA j/k :-D
Jeffrey is definetely 170cm no doubt.
Glenn said on 25/Oct/06
Im an 80s child.
Franco said on 23/Oct/06
really? hmm....maybe he lost an inch or half inch, he isn't young anymore.
Jeffrey is my favorite actor of all time.
Franco said on 20/Sep/06
Click Here
heres more.

Editor Rob
actually, that horan guy is beside a few other folk I've met and this combs might be closer to 5ft 7...
Franco said on 20/Sep/06
Click Herehe's pretty good, 1.73 cm is right.