gattica28 said on 4/Aug/13
Well...I hope asking about Jayma Mays shoe size isn't too far off the mark? It is nice to know the combination of a female's height and shoe size to me, it makes for interesting trivia, don't you think? Soo...does anyone know Ms. May's shoe size?
Taylor said on 27/Dec/12
I love her on Glee and she definitely looks 5'4"
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/07
Wow, I never realized how tall he was. Yeah, 6'1" seems right.
willcall said on 4/Dec/07
Wow, I still picture the young man from the cover of Alices Resturant album that I get out every thanksgiving and play some vinyl. Having nothing to compare it to I thought he was a small guy but I was obviously wrong!
Anonymous said on 2/Oct/07
Arlo looks more like six foot than six-one. Glenn comes up to his eyebrows, which is usually a four-inch difference.
Original said on 23/Sep/07
yes he look 6'1
Danius said on 19/Sep/07
I would peg him at 186 exact
RW said on 17/Sep/07
maybe even 6'2
Dries said on 17/Sep/07
Didn't know he was that tall ...
Not very well-known in Europe, nice guy though.
Anthony said on 16/Sep/07
He looks like he could be as tall as 6'1.
RW said on 16/Sep/07
looks taller than 6 ft in this picture. looks 6'1 minimum to me
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
arlo is known for the song alices restaurant.
Anonymous said on 16/Sep/07
WOW! I always had the impression that this guy was short.
saga said on 16/Sep/07
He looks 6'1 in the pic and he's leaning too.
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
i had 20 more pics to scan last night,but the scanner was are we doing with pics rob?

Editor Rob
still a few.