roberet said on 27/Nov/23
rob skip to 250. how tall would u say the guy with glasses standing baruchel is . he claims 180 cm but i think he is 175 to 176 cm
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Editor Rob
First thought was almost 5ft 10 there. Jay sometimes really can look 6ft, he has the build to look at least that...
Realist said on 5/Feb/23
I think he could have weighed 157 after binge eating but his normal weight is 145 to 150. This dude is just a skinny guy.
vvv2 said on 11/Jun/22
rob yes the blonde guy. would you say he is 179cm

Editor Rob
Not less than that height, at times I thought could seem 180cm.
vvv2 said on 10/Jun/22
skip to 2;22. how tall would u the actor next jay is. i say 179
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Editor Rob
The blonde haired guy? He looked reasonably close (like an inch), the other guy was a few inches shorter than Jay.
abdou. said on 31/Mar/21
so he is 182 cm he just 1cm taller than i always thought he was 6.1
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Sep/19
@179cm guy I think the few picture when he tipping a leg up could have gain 1/2 inch taller while Cage is a bit loose in posture so we can see difference it may look like Jay a fraction taller. But more chance Jay is a guy who measure in metric at 182cm and just go with claiming 5'11 1/2 (181.6cm) which i long suspected he isn't flat 5'11 1/2 guy. 5'11 3/4 would be the max for him.
179cm guy said on 23/Apr/19
Rob, is Jay wearing lifts in these pictures? How is he managing to look as tall or taller than Nicolas Cage? These pictures are from 2010 so there's no way that Cage could have lost any height by this point. (
Click Here ) (
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Editor Rob
In other photos he doesn't look as tall, but overall they both could be very close in height barefoot.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Jun/18
I don't see him 157 pounds in 2014 movies. The weighing machine need to be tested. Look more like 145 pounds at most.
PotatoMcCain said on 13/Feb/18
Yeah, the 188cm given by Google seemed pretty inaccurate...
Animus said on 21/Jan/18
He is at most 5'11½. 6'0
Charlie Hunnam visibly edges him out.
Don Julio said on 18/Jan/18
Solid 182 cm guy, seen him in Man Seeking Woman, looks tallish. He can look 183 at times, with hair and shoes he's like 187-188 maybe, but that is top of thick hair to bottom of thick sneaker
Animus said on 8/Dec/17
I think his weight is closer to 145lbs. At 157lbs, standing between 5'11 and 6'0, he would look slim but not outright skinny.
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/17
He is a legitimate 5'11. There is a scene in This is the end where he and Rogan walk into that convenience store. It has one of those height charts on the door. Minus his poofy hair you can see he is 5'11. With Seth Rogan about two inches shorter
Anonymous said on 31/Aug/17
Listed as 6'2 on Google lololol
Bruh said on 15/Aug/17
Wasn't he listed at 5'9 just a couple of months ago?

Editor Rob
not on here, maybe some other website.
Comedy Guy said on 15/Aug/17
I have watched all of Man Seeking Woman and co star Eric Andre is taller than him and he says that he is 6 feet tall, I see Andre a lot and sometimes he looks 6'1 range but Andre is for sure a solid 6ft. Baruchel touches 6 feet with his hair but not his head, 5' 11.75" is my guess. @Editor Rob, could you please Eric Andre, I currently see him a rising comedian and more people will get to know him through the years. Thanks
FANTA POWER said on 11/Jul/17
I'd say a kinda weak 6'.
Berto said on 7/Jul/17
Very weak 6'.
Hans Meiser said on 19/May/17
I have a very similar build and I'm also 182cm. I'm a bit lighter than him thought at 65kg.
Steve said on 27/Apr/17
lol, google has him at 6'2 - where do they get their numbers?? Comparing him to Nicolas Cage and Seann William Scott he looks about their height, sometimes taller, sometimes shorter than them. Just under 6ft seems a good compromise. Love him in Man Seeking Woman.
aknawkneemoose said on 16/Apr/17
wtf this guy looks 5'9 to me at most
S.J.H said on 19/Mar/17
No way he is 157 lbs. At most 147 lbs at 5'11
Secula said on 21/Aug/16
No way he is 6'2". We have perfect angle here:
Click Here
Mo said on 24/Jul/16
In this interview here, at the end, he says that he's 157 lbs.
Click Here
spainmen191cm said on 23/May/16
Rob, how much do you think he weighs? He looks so skinny

Editor Rob
he looks a guy in 150-60 zone
S.J.H said on 5/Mar/16
If nicolas cage is 6'0 then jay baruchel should be 6'0 as well. They don't seem to really edge out each other
eb7 said on 15/Nov/15
new guy, im only 5'7.5 but because i have a slim build that looks alot like jay baruchel's people say that I have the body of a man that is 6ft tall
Patty melt said on 21/Sep/15
He wears shoe lifts he looks 5'11 Max with lifts about 6 foot
Elias said on 19/Mar/15
He is a true 182 cm , he always look tallish and he is a bit taller than seth rogen and james franco, also he is very very close to 6ft nicolas cage.
my height is 194.6 said on 5/Feb/15
Wasn't he 179 before 2 months ago

Editor Rob
he's not been that low on here before, at the moment he's held this mark for a while.
Lonestar said on 31/Dec/14
He can look same height as 6feet nicolas cage with dress shoe even with a 0.75' looking sneakers. He had to be at least 6'0.25
new guy said on 13/Dec/14
Rob my build is sort of like his I look lanky and I'm the same height as him.why do people always say I look 6 foot or taller

Editor Rob
a 5ft 11 guy with slim appearance might fool a lot into thinking they are 6ft.
mike said on 5/Jun/14
Jay Baruchel's height is 5ft 11.75in (182 cm) can look anything between 5ft 11.5-6ft 0.
Freddy said on 15/Feb/14
baruchel 181cm, rogen 179cm
kinda ridiculous that some sites list jay as 6'2 rofl
k said on 13/Feb/14
Th guy is 6ft solid.
Jarrito96 said on 8/Feb/14
I swear that jay baruchel is atleast "6,0"-"6,1" solid,
dummy123 said on 17/Jan/14
He's about 6 feet
Jarrito96 said on 1/Jan/14
I kno for a fact that jay baruchel is in no way "6,2"
James said on 8/Oct/13
After watching This is the End, which is now one of my favourite films. Baruchel looks 182, he's clearly 2 cm taller than Rogan when he occasionally stands up straight. Based on this is the end i'd say:
Baruchel - 182cm
Robinson - 186cm
Rogen - 180cm
McBride -178cm
Franco - 177cm
Tempest said on 15/Jul/13
Looks taller than Nicolas Cage in The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
and3/4 said on 2/Jul/13
People are comparing him against
Charlie Hunnam, I assume from when they were in Undeclared together. Jay was only 17 when they shot that so it's fair to assume he could have grown since then.
Jacky said on 26/Jun/13
Just finished watching this is the end... I think jay looked consistently taller than Seth riven show listed as 5'11 on this site...
And by more than half an inch.. Jay was looking taller by maybe 1.5 inches?
I can buy 6"0.5 for him if he actually stood up with good posture- as tall as Robert pattinson i presume
5ft10guy said on 24/Jun/13
6ft for jay he was slightly taller then Seth
bodwaya said on 24/Jun/13
underaated acto saw saw this is the end this guy dossnet get enough credit hes more talented rogan and johna hill. Hes no james franco but still good
gsbr said on 29/Jan/13
Butler is 6'1" and a half. Hunnam is six feet and a half. Being two inches shorter than Butler and an inch shorter than Hunnam proves Baruchel is 5'11.5"
DiscoSTU said on 9/Jan/13
Hey Rob,
How much height do you lose with a posture where your shoulders roll forward and neck juts out kind of?

Editor Rob
between 1 and 2 inches is possible.
bodwaya said on 22/Nov/12
i wonder who weighs less barchel or topher grace those two got to be the most skinniest actors in Hollywood. I bet there were considerd for some of the same roles cause they usual play similar characters maybe one day they will be in a movie togather
The Horse of FUNK said on 21/Nov/12
He's probably 6' or a hair over out of bed and drops to 5'11.5" by night. While on the other hand, guys like Seth Rogan are probably 5'11" in the morning and 5'10"-ish by night. Thus giving the illusion of being a 6-footer when around other self-proclaimed 5'11"ers.
bodwaya said on 12/Nov/12
he had an inch on 5 foot 11 seth rogan in kncoked up
Hew said on 11/Nov/12
5´11ish and skinny
bodwaya said on 6/Oct/12
in undeclared charlie hunaman is 6 foot 1 and barchuel was only 1 inch shorter. 6 foot
bodwaya said on 1/Sep/12
when he guest stared in number he was 2 inches taller then 5 foot 10 rob morrow. Also is eye level to 6 foot judd hirsch. he is 6 foot. gerald butler is 6 foot 2 and he was 2 inches shorter. 6 foot nothing more
Hob said on 7/Aug/12
yeah he look 6'0 on screen because he is way stick thin.. probably in 5'10 range and nothing more.
larten said on 21/Nov/11
seems like 5-10/9ish to me ?
maybe b/c hes thin can "look" taller
Mai Rose said on 11/Aug/11
When he's standing by Nicholas cage he looks bout 3-5 inches taller but cage is 6'0 and cage is wearing hiddin lifts...
Alexandre said on 23/Jul/11
In "She's Out of Your League" he has a terrible posture. She looks like a strong 184cm too me. 182cm is too short. Way too short.
Cranberries (6 ft. 3.25 evening, 17 years) said on 17/May/11
Not to mention, TJ Miller is listed most places at 6'1"... Jay Baruchel looked significantly smaller in "She's Out of Your League", and does in the below group picture too.
Cranberries (6 ft. 3.25 evening) said on 15/May/11
I'm pretty sure he actually is about 5'11". Standing next to 6'1.25" listed Gerard Butler, in casual sneakers that probably give him a heel advantage (they look like they do, and he's ALWAYS wearing sneakers that look like they have a huge heel), Baruchel looks at least a couple inches shorter.
Click Here
Also, with 6' Nicolas Cage, he looks around 5'10":
Click Here
...although Nicolas Cage is wearing hidden lifts because in these pictures he looks almost as tall as 6'2" Alfred Molina:
Click Here
Nonetheless, there's at least an inch's disparity methinks.
He should be downgraded to 5'11" IMO.
fiveeleven said on 12/Mar/11
Looked so tall in "league"
JMS said on 21/Feb/11
He had terrible posture in She's Out of My League which made him look shorter than 5'11" But standing up straight he probably is in the 5'11" range and his skinny frame makes him look even taller.
5'7.37 said on 9/Jan/11
This guy seems way shorter than 6'1 Gerard Butler, maybe a 5'10 slouching, and he seems really short compared to 6'3 morgan Freeman in Million Dollar Baby, maybe 5'10 would be spot on.
dmeyer said on 17/Nov/10
near cahe 183cm and olina 188cm he looks easy 184cm this guy needs an upgreat to aleast 6 ft
Yelmer said on 30/Oct/10
I never thought he was this tall, he always looked so small. Good to know
j. said on 1/Mar/09
He looks slightly under 6 foot compared to everyone else on tropic thunder, so this seems just about right
Glen said on 21/Jan/09
Watch in Tropic Thunder - Him and 5'7 Ben Stiller are taking a leak beside another, and Stiller looks just as tall.
Jim said on 31/Dec/08
This dude gets listed at 6'2. Judging from his movies he's abiut 6 feet tall.
Bj25492008 said on 2/Aug/08
He's probably close to 6 foot. Seems taller, because he is very thin with long limbs.
Dennis said on 24/Jun/08
Yeah in the first episode of the show "Undeclared" he mentions his height as 6foot 1. He slouches a lot.
thekiddd said on 19/May/08
I heard somebody in another thread claimed that he said he was 6'1" on some tv show. Forgot the name
thekiddd said on 9/Apr/08
This guy was much shorter than Freeman in Million Dollar Baby. So I thought 5'11 1/2". 6ft just about could be right.
Anonymous said on 15/Jun/07
This guy is so slight that he doesn't give off a near-six foot impression. BTW, he's Canadian, so Canadian that he has a maple leaf tattooed over his heart.
xaoxio said on 14/Jun/07
and another thing: this guy slouches too much...that's why he can look as low as 5'11"-footer...
xaoxio said on 14/Jun/07
yes, I can buy it.
Anything from 5'11" to 6'0" for this guy is reasonable.
To be honest enough I've been thinking that this guy is more 5'11.5" but 5'11.75" looks more realistic.