LC said on 1/Feb/09
i saw jason in switzerland, verbier, in a restaurant on the mountain, he was with his 5 bodygaurds , he looked a bit smaller then 175 cm, i would say 173 cm
Mark said on 28/Jan/09
how is this possible??
the 6'2" gerard butler and 5'9" jason statham are the same height??
Click Here
MD said on 25/Jan/09
Please, he's nothing more than 5'9" and everyone else seems to know that but you.
Marines said on 25/Jan/09
176-178 and nothing below
Jim said on 24/Jan/09
Another 5'9 dude who gets listed at 5'11
Anonymous3 said on 23/Jan/09
5'8-5'9 max. He usually looks average or a bit below.
italian boy said on 18/Jan/09
5.5 is impossible for jason or stallone..they both are in the 5.9 -5.10 range
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/09
AETHER... for jason statham to be 5ft 4 that would mean stephen graham who he works alongside with in snatch would have to be 5 ft or under which is verrrrry unlikely, well It's impossible... haha what an idiot!
TNTinCA said on 16/Jan/09
And clearly Statham's female co-star certainly wouldn't have been wearing heels at a premiere, right?
Get over YOURSELF pal and stop trying to compensate for your own inadequacies by deriding others. It's lame and childish.
aether said on 15/Jan/09
Stallone is a dwarf (5'4" - 5'5") and so is Statham. If you disbelieve, check out this link, standing next to his female "Transporter 3" co-star at a premier:
Click HereGrow up people. Check your fantasies. Almost all Hollywood actors are short. Get over it.
bam said on 15/Jan/09
rising, you make excellent points but you give to much credence to pictures. Angles can do crazy things. If you didn't come across that pic, then you suddenly would say 5'9? Your estimate has to be cumulative, taking into account most pics, and sightings etc...
Rance777 said on 13/Jan/09
having seen many of his movies it has 2b said that in the transporters hes often set against much bigger than average guys, needless 2 say js isnt that big a guy ne way, hes very cut and athletic but id seriously put him at 5ft 9, - 5ft 10 in shoes
Neon Genesis said on 11/Jan/09
Charlize Theron is 5' 9
o said on 11/Jan/09
hello jason statham 5 ft 9 true or 5 ft 10?
Mr.Fixit said on 9/Jan/09
Shred, the chart was a flat six. Just wanna point out. Though he did hunch over alot durring his early films because of a stunt accident. just wanna point out.
the shredder said on 9/Jan/09
LOL guys , I saw the funniest thing ! I saw that Racing movie he just did , and when he goes to jail next to a height chart HE WAS CLEARLY 5'11 , and he was BAREFOOT ! They even show him BAREFOOT in a full shot ! He is 5'11 , are the height chart is a JOKE !
Lmeister said on 8/Jan/09
Hmm just take a look at the other pics of Jason with Saffron Burrows. In that pic that RisingForce sent the angle favours Jason so much that you cannot really say much abou the height difference.
Puge Henis said on 8/Jan/09
I felt the same way after seing him next to Saffron. That's why I was saying that he has got to be AT LEAST 5'9" but maybe even a little taller. But like Renaldo said, they are rich and famous so height for them shouldn't really matter. I just find it interesting for some reason.
RisingForce said on 7/Jan/09
After seeing the barefoot picture of Jason and Saffron Burrows I doubt Jason is 5-9 flat. I'd say atleast 5-9.5, very possibly 5-10.
I thought he was 5-9 before that picture though but that's not a 3 inch difference between the 2.
Renaldo said on 6/Jan/09
I really dont know whats the big deal with the heights goin on here, just face it, tall or short celebrities... they are rich and famous... still better than us.
AG said on 1/Jan/09
I watched Crank yesterday. In some scenes i saw that Jason Statham towered over Amy by 4 inches. If Amy Smart is 5'5.5(166 cm) can Jason Statham be 5'9.5(177 cm) or even 5'10(178 cm) ? There is a possibility that he can be between 5'9 - 5'10 range.
RisingForce said on 1/Jan/09
She isn't 3.5" taller than him. After seeing that picture I'd say he's taller than a flat 5-9.
anonymous said on 1/Jan/09
Saffron burrows towered over statham in the bank job but she was wearing heels. He's a strong 5 foot 9. He has a similar build to vin diesel. He's one of the best action movie actors in the 21st century.

Editor Rob
she did wear a low heel in a few scenes.
jack said on 30/Dec/08
RisingForce, that is Saffron Burrows, who is 6' tall. She was in the bank job. All the women who are around Jason in his movies are tall. Joan Allen from Death race is 5'10 (she is in heels the entire movie). Amber Valletta and Kate Nauta are both 5'9 from Transporter 2. Even Amy Smart from Crank is 5'6, which is still above average height for a female.
If I had to guess Jason's height I'd say he is 5'8.5 barefoot. He's got a stocky build which I think gives him the appearance of being shorter, like
Matt Damon. Anyhow they need to get him some shorter female costars.
RisingForce said on 30/Dec/08
Exactly leonari, too many women come up with crazy height claims. That picture of the claimed 5-4 woman looking 7 inches shorter than Sly and claiming Sly is only 2 inches taller than her.
Likely she's rounding up a bit for Sly and he's in the 5-10 range.
As far as lifts in that picture?
Click HereNormal sneakers with a normal ankle position. Most women simply can't judge height and "4.5" elevator shoes" shoes don't actually give 4.5", they give about 3". The 4.5" part is made up to simply sell more shoes. That's well known, same thing with 4.5" heels, they give 3.15". Read Rob's articles if you want to know about elevator shoes and heels.
Jason Statham is about 5-9 by the way and not anything under that.
Mark Wahlberg wore lifts in The Italian job, Mark always looked shorter than Jason at premieres.
By the way, how tall is this woman with Jason?
Click HereBoth of them are barefoot and she is a hair taller, maybe half an inch.
leonari said on 28/Dec/08
Dr. Goodchild: This is the most laughable post ever. 5'5 for Stallone. hahaha. Incredible. And it's not sexist to say women are bad at height gauging. Sure it has to do with heels but also with perception. You think it's coincedence that women have more problems parking a car? No it's not!! Evolution had a reason for giving women certain tasks they are better nowadays then man( multi tasking etc). You are a fool and you know it. You like writing? Write a book or an interesting essay. Don't come here polluting space with ridiculous height claims that are off by 5 inches.
DaRealTransporter said on 27/Dec/08
Hey guys, something is not making any sense here. If
Mark Wahlberg is 173 according to this site, and Jason Statham is 175. In the movie The Italian Job, Jason Statham is not taller than
Mark Wahlberg at all! In fact, Jason is even a bit shorter than Mark from the movie. Wow, any comments on this discover then? lol
DaRealTransporter said on 27/Dec/08
I am a big fan of Jason Statham! I watched almost all of his movies, and I think he is around 5 fee 8 (173 or 174) or MAX 5 feet 9 (175). In the movie The Italian Job, for some reason I think he is about 1 inch shorter or the same as
Mark Wahlberg. Also, in the movie Death Race, there is no way he is 6 feet, I think the producer did that to emphasize the characteristics of Frankstein, thus not an attempt to show Jason's true height or anything.
Dr Goodchild said on 27/Dec/08
You people never look at their feet. they wear different shoes. The custom shoe maker that makes Stallone's shoes has already come forward and admitted to making him 4-inch lifts. Regardless of what he says, He's abviously self conscious about this. He has been recorded at 5'5" to 5'6" inches tall. From Statham's build a put him at about the same maybe an inch taller. No one cares if you met him, I meet a lot of people and never look at their shoes. I have also heard some sexist remarks about women being unable to judge height accurately. This maybe true only due to the fact that women often wear high heels and forget they're wearing them. I forget that when I wear my boots I'm 6'1" Yet in my runners I'm only a smidge over 6'. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, when you have 6-inch heels on, don't even try to guess someone's height. On a final note. WHO CARE HOW TALL THESE GUYS ARE?! Get a life, I just like writing.
leonari said on 27/Dec/08
He is a good 5'9"-5'9.5. Plain average guy. Don't forget that he is almost bold so the end of his scalp is visible. Mickey Rourke praised him highly, saying he is a great actor!! And I agree. Best action hero of his age( who is in his late 30ies). Very intense.

Editor Rob
was good in The Bank Job.
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
leonari says on 18/Dec/08
Oyamabb1: Sorry but you only prove my point. Women are bad at height estimates and tall women even (like you) even worse.
Exactly! I am 5-7 3/4 and I have a cousin who claims 5-8. She asked me how tall I was and I replied 5-8 and she says "You can't be 5-8, I'm 5-8", but in reality she's atleast 5-9. She thought I was 5-6 and she had met Arnold Schwarzenegger and told me that he is no taller than I am. She said he was 5-6, maybe 5-8 at most.
There was an article that quotes 2 or 3 women claiming Arnie to be 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6. Too many women come up with crazy estimates.
This woman claimed to be 5-4 and she claimed Sly Stallone to be just 5-6.
Click HereNow is that delusional or what? She thinks there was only 2 inches between them? If she's 5-4 then he's an easy 5-11 there but in reality she's probably under 5-4 and he's for sure under 5-11, 5-10 3/4 max.
anonymous said on 27/Dec/08
In death race when he was up against the wall in prison he was measured as 6 foot. That is not true because in the movie Tyrese is taller than him by 2 inches and he is 5 foot 10-11. I would say he's 5 foot 9 max. Intense actor. He looks pretty ripped in all his movies.
Source said on 23/Dec/08
Mens Health got this guy listed at 5'11(180cm). I like Jason Statham and i think he's a great actor, but he ain't 5'11 (180cm). I would say he's a 5'9
Lmeister said on 23/Dec/08
He is clearly shorter than Ray Winstone(5ft10ish) and Mickey Rourke(5ft11ish)
Click Here He is obviously tiptoeing in 2 of the pics...
sssc said on 22/Dec/08
I just met Jason and I have some pictures with him. I'm just over 5ft7 and he has me by an inch or less in the pictures... I'd say he's 5ft8 on a good day
Lmeister said on 19/Dec/08
Hmm Robert Knepper is listed 5ft9 here and in the Transporter 3 he is taller than Jason eventhough they have made some camera angle tricks in the movie. Just take a look at the scene were Knepper talks to him about the mission and U can see what I am talking about...
leonari said on 18/Dec/08
Oyamabb1: Sorry but you only prove my point. Women are bad at height estimates and tall women even (like you) even worse.
Oyamabb1 said on 17/Dec/08
I met Stallone in a night club in the 90s and he was shorter than me with heels on. I'm exactly 5'9".
Neon Genesis said on 11/Dec/08
Charlize Theron is 5' 9
Neon Genesis said on 11/Dec/08
RisingForce, Statham can't be more than 5' 9" (1.75 m) because he is clearly shorter than Charlize Theron who is 5' 9
RisingForce said on 10/Dec/08
I agree with Leonari and DMeyer's comments on this page. A very solid 5'9". Maybe 5'9.25", 5'9.5".
cyber said on 9/Dec/08
this guy looks really short next to all oponents in his movies, i doubt that he goes over 5'8'' barefoot
Explodius said on 9/Dec/08
In death race do you think that they built a custom height chart or just gave him lifts?
Source said on 8/Dec/08
Kakashi Namikaze, it's beacause Sly wears lifts (he always does). I'd say they are both 5'9.
Neon Genesis said on 8/Dec/08
They promote him as 5' 10" (1.78 m) or even 5' 11" (1.80 m), which is ridiculous. I can't see him being more than 5' 9" (1.75 m). In The Italian Job, there is a scene where he talks face-to-face with Charlize Theron, who is 5' 9
Brah said on 8/Dec/08
In Transporter 3, Statham and Robert Knepper are the exact same height, looking eye to eye. So, if one is 5'9", so is the other.
Chris said on 5/Dec/08
In "Death Race" he is 6 feet standing next to a heightchart. No way he is that tall. Jason is between 172-175 cm. I would say 5'9'' is max, but he is not a liftwearer so maybe 5'9'' it is?
Lmeister said on 4/Dec/08
Here Jason is with Clifton Collins jr.(5ft8)who is wearing boots and Jason is wearin flat sneakers. The angle is not the best, but they seem to be really close in height.
Click HereHere again with Clifton
Click Here
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
great pic kakashi.
TELLEM said on 2/Dec/08
Kakashi Namikaze says on 2/Dec/08
Here's a picture of Jason Statham with 5'9" Sylvester Stallone. I think Editor Rob need to upgrade Sly because he's taller than Jason in this picture.
Click Here
Jason Statham is a legit 5'9" while Stallone is 5'10".
sly is n lifts. theres several pics of him and sly in full body shots looking close to height/sly looking smaller
Kakashi Namikaze said on 2/Dec/08
Here's a picture of Jason Statham with 5'9" Sylvester Stallone. I think Editor Rob need to upgrade Sly because he's taller than Jason in this picture.
Click HereJason Statham is a legit 5'9" while Stallone is 5'10".
leonari said on 1/Dec/08
ROB: Are you convinced that Jason was not born in 1972? I think he looks like a guy in his early 40'ies rather than mid 30 ies... But there is no info on the net except one or two biographies that state he was born in 1966... But when I think about it would make sense that after his early success his manager made him a few years younger in order to put together a product they can sell in hollywood. What do you say??

Editor Rob
it's not without possibility he was 16 and in the diving squad back in 88. I don't know his real age.
Lera said on 1/Dec/08
He is 5'10
abudgiesayswhat said on 27/Nov/08
176cm max. Never looks tall in his movies but nearly always taller than female actresses he stars with. Possibly 174cm though, slouches a bit. Bring back the balding action hero!!
Anonymous said on 23/Nov/08
5 ft 9 is an avarge height for a man.
Belinda Heaton said on 19/Nov/08
I think its the way the camera and light is angled, lloks though he lost a bit of weight hence looks shorter,, i really dont care he can race my motor any height
anonymous said on 16/Nov/08
In death race he was between 5 foot 6 and 7 standing against the wall. I will give him 5 foot 8 at the most. He looks short in bank job and the transporter.
BerryRed said on 4/Nov/08
The site is called "Celebheights" for a reason. This is a place where people can discuss all aspects of an actor's height. Noone's forcing you to read or post here.
Source said on 3/Nov/08
I'd say he's 5'9
BerryRed said on 1/Nov/08
No taller than 5'8.5:
Click HereThe 5'10/5'11 claims are hilarious.
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/08
He is billed, not only on da height chart, but on the convict record 6'0" in Death Race
Anonymous3 said on 25/Oct/08
Jason looks like a short man just by looking at his movie WAR he is only a fraction taller than Jet Li. Can anyone explain that? This will make Jason max 5'7.5 which is accurate to within half an inch.
Bosnian said on 18/Oct/08
i met jason statham when i worked for a tv station, and i went to uk to make an interview with him and ask him all spicy things and bla bla.
i am 172 cm, translated to ur measures it's like 5.8, right? he was exactly the same height, i was realy surprised. i thought he is 6 feet, but he just has great bone structure, very proportional and slim guy. also very good and interesting speaker, my girlfriend wants me to develop crispy macho voice like he has. -.-
Anonymous3 said on 18/Oct/08
Reality Check says on 20/Apr/08
The ones who think he's small need to get some glasses and a brain, because at 5'9" he's of average height if not above it. Yes the average height is not as high as you may think, most people add 1 or 2 sometimes even 3 inches to their real height because they wanna be taller, because they don't know that there's 2.54cm in 1inch or because they don't mesure themselves properly. Personally I'm 5'10" barefoot and I don't go around saying I'm 5'11" or 6 foot even if people sometimes think I am around 6 ft tall 'cuz they keep lying about their own height or they are wrong about their own height so they have to make it believable and upgrade everyone else's height. Anyway as a 5'10" guy, I don't often see someone taller than me.
P.S. I live in Canada, know a lot of people who lie about their height, etc. and I travel a lot so I know what I'm talking about.
Have a nice day guys.
100% agreed buddy, LEGIT 5'9,5'10 barefoot or up, for those of you who are fortunately enough to be that IS NOT SHORT!!!!! I have a best friend at frickin 5'10-5'10.5ish gets guessed at 6' all the friggin time even though there is a friggin height scale in the store and he stands just under the 6' mark.... SHOWS HOW PEOPLE ARE CLUELESS
MD said on 12/Oct/08
Sorry, that simply isn't the case, and you don't even try and back it up with pictures or documentation.
Anonymous3 said on 11/Oct/08
I agree with 1990boy on his take of people lying about heights and making 5'10 sound short....I'm 6' possibly more not sure, and when people ask me my height I say 5'10, and they're like wow! you're a tall for 5', stupid people and their cluelessness
Lebensdorf said on 11/Oct/08
He looks like a short man (about 5'7'' seems accurate just by looking at him). Saffron Burrows, who is supposedly six feet (although I think more like 5'11'') was taller than him in "The Bank Job" by about two or three inches (and I think they had her in normal shoes, not heels, perhaps even in flats). Anyway, I cannot possibly see this guy at 5'9''; he does not have the verticality you would expect in a man who is only three inches shy of six feet.
This other actor in "The Bank Job," Richard Lintern, can we find out how tall he is? It may help for a comparison.
john said on 4/Oct/08
Jet li is 5'6 and when he was beside Jason in The One, he looked only about an inch and a half taller, so i would says he's 5'7 1/2
Ben said on 2/Oct/08
Anyone know how much he weighs? i know he recently lost 17lbs.
Looks a tall 5'9 to me, awesome in death race!
tod said on 27/Sep/08
i personally think that 5ft7in and lower is short, because I'm 5ft 8in, and I think theres and even tie between taller, and shorter people. (of course im only 15 in high school) :)
leonari said on 17/Sep/08
Nick: he is 5'9" get over it.
Nick said on 16/Sep/08
he looks way shorter than 5'9 he looks about Tom cruises height. Even in a suit and dress shoes he looks short as hell (transporter)
Alex said on 16/Sep/08
A legit 5'9 barefoot isn't short. Its certainly not tall either. You'll get guys no more than 5'8 who will claim 5'10 making 5'10 seem short and 5'11-6'0 seem average. In my opinion under 5'8 is truly short.
theenforcer said on 11/Sep/08
I'm 5ft 9in but wouldn't say I'm average height for a male, would say I'm below average. I'd say there are a lot more men who are taller than me than are shorter than me.
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/08
that's because alessandro gassman (the bad guy) is almost 6'4'' tall!
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/08
well he looks pretty short in transporter 2. i mean, the bad guys seem to be taller than him.
Killing Joke said on 27/Aug/08
yeah i looked into it. It's fake the height chart cuts off.
laredo said on 24/Aug/08
When I read he was 5' 11" on a fansite I was like "no way." He looks very much like a person who is about 5'8" and I am a really good judge of height. I had Marlon Brando pegged at 5'9" during the first movie I ever saw of him and then later read that he was 5'8 3/4" I'd be amazed to find out he was even 5'9.
Anonymous said on 24/Aug/08
Killing Joke, that doesn't matter. a) its a movie and he be exactly as tall as they want him to be and b) you can't even see his legs, he could be standing on a stool or have lifts or perhaps the chart is doctored.
J.J.F said on 17/Aug/08
"Its all the shorter guys that say they are 5'10" that give "5'10" a shorter reputation."
LOL Jasno, good point.
I've lost count of the number of douche-bags who are slightly shorter than me that go "uh, yeah, I'm like six-one.." when they are no more 'six-one' at their five eleven than I am at 6 foot even.
People are CRAP at judging height, especially (most) girls. No offense meant, ladies...
Killing Joke said on 14/Aug/08
Click Herepause at 8-10 seconds. Statham is on a height chart and is 6 feet!
trekkie said on 9/Aug/08
gotta agree with u man. i'm like 5'8'' and people say im atleast 5'9''. hilarious. one guy even 'convinced' me i was 5'11''! lmao
1990boy said on 3/Aug/08
People lie about their heights.5'9" is the average height for an American guy.5'9" is 69 inches.So if you measure yourself it should say 69 inches if you're 5'9".People lie about their height too many times.I'm 6'2" at 17.People think I'm like 6'4" or something.I believe they do this to make themselves feel better.I'm exactly 74 inches which is 6'2".I've seen these myspace pages and these are guys I know.They claim to be 6'4" when they're shorter than me.I ask myself "How can this guy be 6'4" if I'm like 2 inches taller than him and I'm 6'2"?"People love telling stories about their height.People claim they don't have a problem with their height.But people love adding 2 or 3 inches to their height.If Jason is 5'9" that's not short.That's average.I'm not saying that he's really 5'9".But he seems to be an average height.Some people will even add about 4 inches which is extreme.
Jasno said on 26/Jul/08
I agree with Reality Check 100% Someone who is TRUELY 5'9" and up barefoot isnt short. Its all the shorter guys that say they are 5'10" that give "5'10" a shorter reputation. I've told girls over the phone Im 5'10" and they go "oh, youre kinda short" Then when they see me they say I look 6'0"..girls are dumb like that.
ed said on 18/Jul/08
i like this guy....but he was not born in 1972... there is an interview for the Bank Job which is based on a real heist from 1971 and they ask Jason what he remembered from the original heist and he said "not much since I was barely on the earth at that point..." so he was born before his reported 1972...
Lmeister said on 14/Jul/08
Click Here Here you can see Jason with guys like Chester Bennington and Jose Pablo Cantillo who is closer to 5ft9 than 5ft7. This pics make Jason look like 5ft8 - 5ft9...
Anonymous said on 10/Jul/08
He was one of the shortest actors in Crank, only Amy Smart (5'5.5) Efren Ramirez (5'5) Jose Pablo Cantillo (5'7) and Francis Capra (5'5.5) were shorter, and not by very much. No more than 5'9 but no less than 5'8 suits Statham.
GSP said on 6/Jul/08
looked 1 inch shorter than Walberg in Italian Job. 5'9 tops. Walbgerg must have had lifts in that film.
Lego said on 5/Jul/08
Statham can look 173 to 178 at times, he's mostly 174-175cm imo
little one said on 20/Jun/08
jason is around 5'9. i was an extra on the bank job. he took a pee next to me in the toilet. i was considering asking him for an autograph but decided he might not have appreciated that.
Lmeister said on 13/Jun/08
Jason next to Natalie Martinez listed 5ft6 by her agency
Click Here I really have hard time seeing him taller than 5ft9. That is really maximum. You can also compare Jason standing next to Dexter Fletcher(5ft6) in Lock, Stock...kand Dexter stading next to Max Beesley (5ft10) in Hotel Babylon.
jay said on 11/Jun/08
5'9" seems about right... maybe 5'10" in shoes. he's a shortie ;)
great actor though
denvy said on 26/Apr/08
i met this guy in london not so long ago, and he can appear to look about 5'10 in shoes, and so do i, without doubt im 5'9 and so is statham.
afterlife said on 24/Apr/08
well I am 176 cm and I always thought that the average height its about 178-180cm
anon said on 23/Apr/08
i think he's closer to 5'8,look at him in snatch,he doesn't look more than 5'8.
Xander said on 20/Apr/08
I think he might be like 5ft8.5 to 5ft9 max!In the bank job he's the shortest actor in the set..
Reality Check said on 20/Apr/08
Well I'm 178.5cm which is a bit more than 5'10".
Reality Check said on 20/Apr/08
The ones who think he's small need to get some glasses and a brain, because at 5'9" he's of average height if not above it. Yes the average height is not as high as you may think, most people add 1 or 2 sometimes even 3 inches to their real height because they wanna be taller, because they don't know that there's 2.54cm in 1inch or because they don't mesure themselves properly. Personally I'm 5'10" barefoot and I don't go around saying I'm 5'11" or 6 foot even if people sometimes think I am around 6 ft tall 'cuz they keep lying about their own height or they are wrong about their own height so they have to make it believable and upgrade everyone else's height. Anyway as a 5'10" guy, I don't often see someone taller than me.
P.S. I live in Canada, know a lot of people who lie about their height, etc. and I travel a lot so I know what I'm talking about.
Have a nice day guys.
MD said on 19/Apr/08
How much do you guys think he weighed in his most recent movie "The Bank Job"? He looked to have been as thin as he's ever been.
rome said on 19/Apr/08
he look like 176m and 180 lb.
ed said on 11/Apr/08
a couple inches shorter than 6 foot Saffron Bellows in the Bank Job...great caper movie btw...go see it
afterlife said on 1/Apr/08
wow i always thought that this guy was like a 5'10
stoo said on 22/Mar/08
lol. just saw that scene now. a very funny and obvious platform he's standing on. meaning that scene is not a good judge if jasons height
jason said on 12/Mar/08
daniel saw that movie.remember the scene jet li was on a small platform, you can see it when strathom opens the shutters to the warehouse, the camera is behind him looking at li.bad editing.
bobo said on 11/Mar/08
Which pic?
Thats Justin Timberlake with Madonna........
TJ Caino said on 5/Mar/08
Click Here He looks short in the above pic.
I saw another website that said 5'8.5"
Click Here
Daniel said on 4/Mar/08
In the movie War or also known as Rogue Jason Stratham only looks few centimetres taller than Jet li? If you watched the scene where he was walking around Jet Li, I don't know either Jet Li was wearing lifts in that scene or Jason shrunk, but from what I see in that movie he looks 173-4cm max, if you don't beleive me go watch the movie yourself.
leonari said on 27/Feb/08
gurliy: Then you have no clue how a 5'.7.5 guy looks barefoot. On google there are pics from the period when he was a more or less professional swimmer. Looks at least 5'9", if not almost 5'10"!! Very good proportions.
gurliy said on 26/Feb/08
he does look like 5'7 1/2 to me
leonari said on 20/Feb/08
I am totally on your side Dmeyer. 176 cm for this guy... It's a good height to be if you have the right body.
TNT said on 20/Feb/08
its hard to tell his heigh cuz he has kinda big slouch
and yeb he looks around 5"9.
leonari said on 19/Feb/08
Rico: I agree.
dmeyer said on 19/Feb/08
he is the proof that 5 ft 9 with the right built isnt short he looks a descent height in pics but he is more 176 cm to me
Leung said on 19/Feb/08
Is it just me or is Stratham look the same in every movie he does? You know suited up hitman style.
Rico said on 19/Feb/08
There's nothing wrong with 5'9", it makes him appear more realistic.
Leonari said on 19/Feb/08
Richie : you are wrong. The man is muscular and stocky. Taller than Wahlberg. At least 5'9, possibly 5'9.5". Great posture, amazing proportions. Cool actor .
zedrick said on 19/Feb/08
5' 9" really?! I would have guessed Jason to be more around the 5' 10.75" - 5' 11" range, he must have excellent posture.
leonari said on 17/Feb/08
Russel: Every word you post is bull. No honestly. I especially like the part where you go:"Jason has a quick cameo at the beginning and looks taller than Jason. Nice...
Russell said on 16/Feb/08
Look at the movie COLLATERAL starring Tom Cruise, Jason has a quick cameo at the beginning and looks taller than Jason. Additionally I just saw a picutre of Cruise and Holmes from THE NEW YORK OBSERVER (Madonna's lawn Party). This site lists Katie at 5'09". Cruise looks 3-4 inches shorter and Cruise is either the same height or slightly taller than Jason ergo he's about 5'05". End of story.
GSP said on 15/Feb/08
"In see Statham as a very very soldi 5'9er. 176 fits him best...Possibly even 5'9.5" on a good day, after 10 hours of sleep. Good action star"
Leonari...just because someone hits 5'9.5 after 10 hours of sleep I would not consider them a "very solid" 5'9er. I personally can hit 5'9.5 right out of bed after a good long sleep yet I consider myself a weak 5'9er.
Why? Because im usually below 5'9 at bed..anywhere from 5'8.9-5'8.4
I would consider a strong 5'9er someone who NEVER drops below the 5'9 mark no matter what...jmo
dmeyer said on 15/Feb/08

Editor Rob
was that full body shot of them?
leonari said on 15/Feb/08
In see Statham as a very very soldi 5'9er. 176 fits him best...Possibly even 5'9.5" on a good day, after 10 hours of sleep. Good action star
dmeyer said on 14/Feb/08
i think he is solid 5'9er to me he could be 5'9.25
leonari said on 13/Feb/08
strong 176 guy...
Lmeister said on 23/Jan/08
In this screen cap Jason looks taller, but taking account Amber Vallettas posture and Jasons flip-flops he might actually be a bit shorter.
Click Here
Gago said on 14/Jan/08
I was watching Transporter 2, and the scene where he's walking with Amber Valetta and then they talk for like 30 seconds, you could see there both are in flip flops and shockingly Jason looks shorter, so I think Amber is possibly her self claimed 5'9, what do you think Rob?
the unknown said on 27/Dec/07
I always used to think he was 5'11 !!! but now that i watch his movies, 5'9 does seem right, even though in some scenes he looks as short as 5'7 and as tall as 5'10
dmeyer said on 27/Dec/07
thanks gago 176 is very possible for him but no les than 175
Gago said on 26/Dec/07
Agree DMeyer, i met him and played soccer with him in LA, he's 176cm or 5'9.25.
dmeyer said on 25/Dec/07
i met statham he is between 5'9 to 5'9.5 not as tall as 5'10 not as short as 5'8
Socom said on 25/Dec/07
looks 5'8 sometimes, but I give him 5'9.
Lmeister said on 25/Dec/07
I've said this quite a few times, but before his Hollywood success he looked 5ft8 - 5ft9. In Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels he never looked the same height as Nick Moran(5ft10). In all of the earlier pics he looks short. There is a lot of pics of him next to his mate Vinnie Jones(6ft2) and he does look short everytime.
AshnarLynx said on 19/Dec/07
He was estimated as 6 feet at first, then downgraded to 5'11 and now he's been even further downgraded...that IS confusing. But to me he looks like 5'10, 177-178 cm solid.
Lmeister said on 22/Nov/07
He is really confusing guy I mean Glenn says that Chester Bennington of Linkin Park is 5ft8 and Jason looks the same height or even shorter than Chester
Click HereNot the best pic to judge heights, but look at the shoulder levels. In Crank Chester appeared in one scene and he looked shorter than Jason, but he was slouching big time.
peli said on 20/Nov/07
he was on a french tv show called "la methode cauet" whose host is a solid 180cms and he looked a genuine 178cms with both wearing flat soles.
Nathan said on 22/Oct/07
He should be the one on the Hitman movie. A lot better and fits the character.
dmeyer said on 17/Oct/07
is 5'9.25 possible for him rob he looked a good 5'9 to me in person
Lmeister said on 17/Oct/07
Based on all of the movies and the pics that I've seen of Jason I'd give him a bit over 5'9'' maybe 5'9.5'' like HeightMaster said. I used to think that he is 5'8''ish, but it is his hunch which makes him look shorter.
HeightMaster said on 15/Oct/07
He definitely doesn't look short at all on screen. He's got a good build and good height, I'd say around 5'9.5"
Viper said on 1/Oct/07
Correct Lmeister. Hell 5-9 can actually look tallish from a distance with the right build.
leonari said on 1/Oct/07
Rob: you dongraded Statham? Good Job. Average guy who tends to look short on occasion. Typical 5'9".
Lmeister said on 1/Oct/07
a legit 5'9'' is over 5'10''- 5'11'' in normal shoes. That is the reason why he doesn't look short. There is a lot of guys who measure their height in shoes thats why ppl tend to overestimate quite often. He is average height.
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/07
to me 175 cm to 178 cm is normal men not not tall some will over 5'10 is a descent height 5'11 to 6'1 tall over 6'1 is literaly tall
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/07
i was driving my bike to work and i saw jason get into his car in the starbocks parking on la ciniega he wasnt close enaugh so i can judge height but i met him 3 years ago and he was about 2 in smaler than me ithaught he was 177 considering mysef 182 at the times so 175 no less
Gago said on 19/Jul/07
He plays soccer in santa monica in a Hollywood United F.C., and about 2 weeks ago my team played against his, i wish i had a camera so i could proove u that this guy is 178 cm, he just doesn't stand straight.
Die Hard said on 13/Jul/07
Rob, i heared that Statham was born in 1966 is it true or not ?

Editor Rob
Statham was a diver, he participated in the 1990 commonwealth games in auckland. If he was born 1972 he'd be barely 18 going into them...
Statham said Vinnie Jones was the same age as himself when he started getting into acting.
In other words...Statham is no 35 year old ;)
KillingJOK3 said on 12/Jun/07
Saw Crank, wicked movie. In the movie he looked like around 5'8-5'8.5 cause he was with Amy Smart and shes suppossedly 5'5 and she had like 2-3' heels on and they were basically the same he could be said height.
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
i met this guy he is strong 175 like 177 morning
Lmeister said on 24/May/07
He isn't even 4 inches taller than Qi Shu. They both are barefoot in this scene.
Click Here
MD said on 21/May/07
A telling picture, as Jason is even up-deck of her, too, and still shorter.
Lmeister said on 21/May/07
Great picture Lance. Jason is clearly 3 inches shorter than Saffron Burrows (6'0''). I think 5'10''- 5'11'' are really out of question...
lance said on 21/May/07
Saffron Burrows and Jason Statham promote The Bank Job; what height is she?
Link to BBC Radio 1;
Click Here
MD said on 18/May/07
Tybor, Qi Shu is listed at 5'5", here.
Tybor said on 18/May/07
He certainly didn't have more than an inch or two over Qi Shu in Transporter 1. She's listed at 5'6.
Lmeister said on 18/May/07
He is athletic build bulked up for the Transporter 2 nowadays maybe 170 lb...
Leung said on 17/May/07
Statham at 5’9” and his athletic build I would estimate him to be approximately 165-170lb.
mitch said on 17/May/07
Good build, wonder what he weighs in at? I reckon he is about 5'8" if you look at him against Kelly Brook, both walking in flip flops.
moi said on 14/May/07
I think that he is very strong and stocky, and that makes his shorter. 175cm looks good for me, not more.
Bobbe said on 9/May/07
He lookes 175 - 178 cm. He is quite average. I have talked to him many times.
Gago said on 24/Apr/07
I saw him yesterday at the coffee bean, he surprisingly looked 178 even, he just doesn't walk straight, may be that's why he looks shorter, or unless he wearing lifts in his Nike sneakers
Lmeister said on 23/Apr/07
Here with Kelly Brook. He looks like a really weak 5'9'' or a strong 5'8'', but now I'm really convinced that he isn't even close to 5'11''...
Click Here
Click Here
Lmeister said on 23/Apr/07
In the Pink Panther he looks clearly taller than Beyoncé maybe 5'10''- 5'11'' range. On the other hand in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Collateral he looks average around 5'8''- 5'9'' range.
dmeyer said on 22/Apr/07
in person i met hin he looked solid 5'9er like 175 176 cm not short just not tall
brazilian guy said on 21/Mar/07
looks 177 compared with ryan philippe in caos, who looks 172-173
he is not shorty, has a large body, but dosen´t look any shorty
horacle said on 8/Mar/07
He looked a solid 5'9(176 cm) with regular shoes beside the tv host Cauet (5'11) on french tv tonight.
anon said on 7/Mar/07
wow i always thought he looked 5''11, lookign at the kelly brook pics 5''8 to 5''9
Lmeister said on 7/Mar/07
He clearly is only 2 inches taller than Kelly Brook(5'6''). Jason falls into 5'8.5'' category. 5'8.5'' guys look average on screen, but shortish in real life...
Lmeister said on 6/Mar/07
The more I see pics of him the shorter he looks. Especially in the old pics. Nowadays I think he is more 5'8''ish compared to his mate Vinnie Jones(6'2'') he looks rather short. Could be partly because he huntches a lot.
Dan said on 24/Feb/07
Seriously though, 5'11 is a pretty tall height, and nobody can bs me about this guy being 5'11.
Doesnt matter if you dont have anything to compare him with, he simply doesnt look anyway near 5'11. Maybee with lifts he scratches 5'11. but bare feet - No Chance!!
dmeyer said on 26/Jan/07
he is a evening 5'9 he was about 2 inches shorter than me maybe 1.75 to me he didnt look under 175 176 range similar height with farrell and foxx
Lmeister said on 25/Jan/07
Don't know about the ground leves, but he is looking shorter than
Mark Wahlberg
Click Here
Lmeister said on 25/Jan/07
Jason looking 6'0''-6'1'' next to Vinnie Jones. Jason is clearly standing on a box
Click Here
Lmeister said on 25/Jan/07
Jason standing next to 5'10'' and 6'1'' guy without lifts. He looks rather shortish. No matter, if the angle is favouring the other guys...
Click Here
Scott said on 1/Dec/06
Statham is not 5'9! I'm 6'1 and my brother is 5'8, we work doors - Statham was over filming and we met him and spent a whole a night at the same party adn chatted with him - bloody nice guy - I would say he was 5'6 or just over to be honest but from a distance he has prescence and appears taller.
Lmeister said on 3/Oct/06
In late 90s he didn't wear lifts, but maybe he realized that in Hollywood a lot of guys wear them, 'cause Jason looks shorter in pics from 90s than in recent photos...
MD said on 2/Oct/06
Yeah, he definitely wears lifts at premieres, I've noticed.
Lmeister said on 2/Oct/06
Could be that U are right MD...Weird thing is that Jason looks at least 3 inches taller than Kelly in premier/galapics eventhough Kelly is always wearing heels and in candid pics while both wearing sneakers Jason looks only 5'8''ish...
MD said on 1/Oct/06
I'm thinking he's somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9" but closer to the 5'8" end of things. Look at the pics of him with 5'5.5" Kelly Brook.
Lmeister said on 29/Sep/06
Here he is with Mark W. at Tribeca Filmfestival:
Click HereHe looks a tad shorter than Mark, but we gotta remember Marks dodgy shoes...He clearly is 5'8''-5'9'' range...not 5'6'' and def. not 5'11''
Lmeister said on 29/Sep/06
I wathched both of the Transporter movies yesterday. I noticed that in first one Jason looks taller than in the second. In the Transporter 2 he looks really short in some scenes maybe due to the fact that the other actors are rather tall. One scene was pretty interesting: he is walking barefooted in his front lawn and he appears at least 2 inches shorter than Amber(5'8.5'')Valletta who is wearing high heels. Ok Valletta is wearing heels and Jason without shoes, but the ground is sloping to Jasons favour. There is no way that he'd be 5'10''. He might even be 5'8.5'', but 5'9'' is really accurate...
martin said on 21/Sep/06
I've seen him, he's a right shortarse, 5 foot 6 at the best
Drew said on 16/Sep/06
No way is he only 5'9". In "The Transporter" he appeared to be 3 inches (at the very most - probably 2.5 inches) shorter than Matt Schulze, who is 6'1". That would make him 5'10", which I think it his correct height.
TNTinCA said on 14/Sep/06
I agree with this height. Jason always struck me as someone around the 5'9" range. Definately not 5'10" and most certainly not 5'11". He does appear to have roughly a half inch on Marky Mark in The Italian Job. Hard to say though since he also seemed taller than Mos Def in that movie. But it could be footwear. In general though, from the Transporter movies and such, he looked right around 5'9".
Leung said on 13/Sep/06
I agree with 5
MD said on 13/Sep/06
Thanks for the correction, Anonymous. My mind wasn't working, because I knew that was Ice-T. lol
Rob2 said on 13/Sep/06
He was on Carson Daly's talk show last night and he looked like the top of his head was eye level Daly. Daly's supoosed to be around 6'1, so take 2.5-3 inches off, and we have 5'9-5'10. As well, he was on Jimmy Kimmel's (reported 6') a couple of night before, and he was considerably shorter.
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/06
MD. That would 5'11 Ice-T with Jason, not ice Cube
MD said on 13/Sep/06
One more photo post, and probably the more telling. Here he is with former girlfriend Kelly Brook, who's 5'5.5":
Click Here2.
Click Here
Russell said on 29/Aug/06
I agree with "CelebHeights Editor says on 22/Mar/05". Watch the beginning of COLLATERAL. Jason is the same height as Cruise or less. I am a big fan of his and if you watch THE TRANSPORTER it is obvious he is inches smaller than everyone else. I believe that camera angles are use extensively to cover this fact. We may not like it but end of story.
dmeyer said on 9/Aug/06
5 ft 9.25 might be closer i met him he did look almost 2 inches taller than philipe
Lmeister said on 31/Jul/06 about this one = ) 5'9'' no doubt
Click Here
Lmeister said on 31/Jul/06
...and here is some more proof that Jason truly is 5'9''
Click Here
Glenn said on 28/Jul/06
Good work lmeister.
Roadrunner said on 28/Jul/06
When i noticed he was 5'11" ant watched transporter too i started to think 5'11" must be short and most of those people in the movie most of been giants, but now i know.
Lmeister said on 28/Jul/06
Hey guys just take a look at the pics I've sent like million years ago + that one Ice Cube pic. He is 2-3 inches shorter than Brad Pitt in Snatch, but actually looks already a lot taller than in Lock, stock...In Lock, Stock ...he is only 2-3 inches taller than Dexter Fletcher(5'6'').5'6''+ 3''= 5'9''
Glenn said on 27/Jul/06
Funny,I couldve sworn he was the same height as Brad Pitt in Snatch.
dmeyer said on 27/Jul/06
there is a barefeet scene were he apears taller than philipe in shoes
dmeyer said on 27/Jul/06
i met him he looked more 176-7 range
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
In The Transporter 2 model / actress Kate Nauta towers over Statham. She is listed as 5'9.5 and does wear big heels in that movie.
Lmeister said on 25/Jul/06
Finally Rob = )
Zen Yieh said on 21/Jul/06
I saw him at San-Diego Comic Con today and stood right next to him. I am 5'11 and I was much taller than him. If I had to guess 5'8", 5'9 tops.
Marcus said on 12/Jul/06
I've seen a couple of his films recently and he really looks like a 5'10'' guy...although he's slouching quite often, but still appears to be under 5'11''
PS. Wahlberg wears lifts obviously!
Anonymous said on 9/Jul/06
he has to be around 5'11.. i know he doesnt look 5'11,but he was a model.. and hes not that good looking so... he had to atleast have the height

Editor Rob
he's been struggling to hold this 5ft 9.5 for a year, so 5ft 11 has never been in the equation.
Gotxo said on 8/Jul/06
Ahem! 5'8" sounds too small to me, 5'11" too high, but he might be closer to 5'9" than to his listed height. If you watch the Transporter 1, Matt Schulze looks near 4" taller than him, i was surprised when i read "only" 6'1" for him as i was expecting him being near 6'3" if Jason was true 5'11".
BTW that's my height and my 6'1" friends don't tower over me as Matt did over Jason.
MD said on 6/Jul/06
I'm completely baffled, by why'd you think that Jason is anything over 5'9", Rob.
Here he is with
Mark Wahlberg, who is 5'8". I really don't think he's taller than Mark, or if so, by half and inch. Jason is 5'8.5" tops, not 5'9.5"
Click Here2.
Click Here3.
Click HereNow, he can look nearly 5'10" in thickly heeled shoes, of course, and from other premieres he looks to wear them.
Bruce Lee said on 5/Jul/06
I have just seen the film "the one". Statham with Jet Li. He was standing next to jet li and was a couple of inches taller than him about. Jet Li is 5ft 6inches. So i would say Jason is about 5 ft 8 inches maybe.
vienna said on 30/Jun/06
I met Jason at a party, and I stand 5'9" with shoes and he was my height if he was lucky. I'd say at most he's 5'9", I wouldn't be surprised if he was 5'8" though.
TNTinCA said on 31/May/06
Interesting pictures. I am beginning to wonder about footwear in the various photographs.
I really don't think Jason is shorter than 5'9" but he clearly is not 5'11". Maybe 5'10" with shoes, 5'9-ish flat footed.
jon said on 17/Apr/06
i know his stunt double, who has to be matched in looks, build and height. He is no taller than 5 foot 8, slightly shorter.He then says that Jason is slightly shorter than him So that should put 5foot 11 out of the picture for him
MD said on 9/Apr/06
I think Stratham may be shorter than what he's given at the moment. Not the best pictures, but they may help:
With Guy Ritchie (how tall is he?) Ray Liotta (5'11.5"), and Andre "3000" Benjamin (5'10"):
Click Here2.
Click Here3.
Click HereShoes (regular from the looks of it). I think Ray Liotta may be listed too high, too:
Click HereWith 5'8"
Mark Wahlberg5.
Click HereJason really is more in the 5'8" range than the 5'9" range.
Glenn said on 8/Apr/06
Hmm. Interesting.
Jesse said on 8/Apr/06
My buddy was on set with him and he is actually about 5'7"-5'8".
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
Yeah,jason can look shorter than 5-11.
TNTinCA said on 7/Mar/06
He was taller than Mos Def and
Mark Wahlberg in The Italian Job. But not by much. Although celebheights has Mos Def and 5'9.5", I actually think he is closer to 5'9". Add a little extra for the height difference and I think 5'9.5 is feasible for Jason.
John R said on 6/Mar/06
Way shorter than Pitt in Snatch.
Lisa said on 5/Feb/06
I want to thank you all for clearing this up for me. I just met Jason in Miami and I'l 6'0" and I was so shocked to find myself looknng down on him. I was in shocked to find myself tower over him as I shoock his hand. He was in regular flat shows and stood 5'9" for sure. Maybe 5'8" but he's no where near 5.11. Not even close.
dmeyer said on 19/Jan/06
i met him he was wearing normal shoes 1" heels he looked close to 5'10 for sure 177 cm
Soph said on 9/Jan/06
He's definitely not 5'11"... I saw Ghosts of Mars last night and he was always, always, always shorter than Natasha Henstridge (5'10" and not in heels).

Editor Rob
at least someone else notices this!
175cm16andgrowing said on 1/Jan/06
No, I don't think so... has anyone read something else than 180/185lbs about this guy? He's more skinny in THE TRANSPORTER so I can't believe he's just 177cm... I'd really give him 5'11'' because he's listed as 5'11'' everywhere else...
Anonymous said on 27/Sep/05
everyone in hollywood claims to be huuge, but 5'9" or alittle more looks about right, specially when he is about the same as mos def in the italian job
Lmeister said on 17/Sep/05
Rob take a look at the pic I sent earlier. We can see that Jason isn't that much taller than Dexter 5'6'' Dexter. Mr. Statham is clearly in 5'8''-5'9'' range. BTW I watched Lock, Stock...for the millionth time and Jason is around 2-3 inches taller than Dexter not more...
stevie said on 29/May/05
yo i met jason about 6 years ago he was about 1 inch smaller than me and i am 5"10. and then i met him in 2004 and he was about 2 inchs taller than me
hhmmm ????????.
dmeyer said on 23/Mar/05
i saw him at urth cafe he was 177 cm
Lmeister said on 22/Mar/05
Yeah he was barely taller than Tom, but when Tom was standing next to Jamie 5'9.5'' Fox U could see the height difference. My conclusion is that Jason is not the same height as Jamie Foxx, but bit shorter...
Jason said on 9/Mar/05
Here is a link to the pic I mentioned in my previous message.
Click Here
Jason said on 7/Mar/05
Nick Moran from Lock, Stock and Two smoking barrels is around 178 cm, cause when he is standing next to Mackenzie Crook (176 cm ) U can see a small difference and on the other hand he is a little bit shorter than Ioan Gruffudd (180 cm). So my guess for Morans height is 178 cm. Take a look at a pic a Image #50905337 titled Tom, Eddie & Bacon and U will see that standing next to Jason Flemyng (185 cm), Nick (178 cm) Jason seems to be around 175 cm maybe even a bit shorter.
Jas said on 4/Mar/05
I always thought that Jason is a tall guy, but take a look at the pics at Kelly Brook And Jason Statham in sandals he is barely taller than Kelly Brook...
Jason Statham said on 24/Feb/05
I dont think he is 5'10 inches. i think he is more around 5'8 at most 5'9. the reason for this is because if you watch the movie the cellular with him in it. You will see one of the Charactors who jason statham kid napps who is the husband of the lady they kidnapped who his wife in the movie describes as being 6' feet. this character who is supose to be 6 feet is taller then Jason stathem by at least a good 2-3 inches. IN the movie jason stathem wears boots that look like they add a good 2-3 inches to his hieght and he is still another good 2-3 inches shorter then someone at 6'feet who is wearing running shoes that may add the most add an inch to his hieght. so in my mind jason stathem there is no way in hell he is 5'10 i would give him around 5'8 inches.