Jordan87 said on 16/Apr/18
@ Dream ( 5'9.5")
Why in the blue hell would someone make a claim about a Celebrities height and cite and picture and not post it? It makes Zero Sense, hence the last comment.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 12/Apr/18
@Jordan87 okay dude. I respect your guesses—truly I do—please hold off on the last comment.
He can post a picture or he doesn’t have to post it. Everyone’s going to have their own opinion (even when some of us (like me) are going to argue passionately about celebrity heights).
We cannot judge whether he’s right or wrong. To say someone is full of ‘crapola’ by automatic assumption is silly.
I’ve made the same mistake many times, and it isn’t fair to assume he’s lying. I like to believe he’s telling the truth, but let him say or post what he says.
Jordan87 said on 9/Apr/18
Post the picture then? We are supposed to take your word for it? Post the picture and lets see. If you do not, then now we all know you are full of crapola.
RegularTallGuy said on 8/Apr/18
Just took a picture with him today at Fan Expo in Dallas. I am 6'2" (absolutely certain on that, no guessing involved) and Momoa is definitely at least 2 inches taller. Yes, he was wearing boots, but not platforms. I was wearing boots as well, which add an inch to my height. Even slouching he could put his arm over my shoulders pretty easily. Not sure why there's this much controversy over his height here, he is legitimately a big dude.
Jenuin said on 5/Apr/18
Legit 6'4 guy
Razor said on 2/Apr/18
He looks like a solid 6ft3 and nothing more, assuming equal footwear. Rob, do you still recall his footwear? I always get the impression that he walks around in boots.

Editor Rob
he certainly never had more...although with Jenny I believe he might have had 1/4 to 1/3rd more, but I don't think he's standing as tall as he can because on the convention floor I seen him up close and thought he looked much like a 6ft 4 guy should.
Peter175 said on 3/Mar/18
6ft3 and a half.
Jordan87 said on 28/Feb/18
Dream ( 5'9.5),
I'd say the best case for Momoa being over 6'3 would be his picture with Routh that I posted a little while back. Routh has a picture onsite here as you know, he is a pretty solid 6'2.25" in it. Momoa is clearly more than an inch taller to be honest. Problem is Momoa doesn't look over 6'3 really with Jenny so I think we have certainly 2 conflicting sources.
I'd say He looks 6'3 with Jenny, and 6'3.5 with Routh, possibly a tad taller. Right now Maybe I could call him 6'3.25", but I think more pictures are needed.
Why he doesn't look over 6'3 with Jenny and he doesn't with ROuth is a mystery at this current point to me.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 26/Feb/18
In the second picture, Monoa is leaning more and Hemsworth is nearer the camera. Oh, Momoa is still at least half-an-inch taller than Hemsworth.
If Momoa is 6’3” then Hemsworth is no more than 6’2” At best. Dear god,
Gwendoline Christie would be 6’2.25” at best.
I’d argue 6’3” 7/8ths for Momoa, but no lower than 6’3.75”.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/18
@ KillerFrame - What an interesting and reasoned new addition to the site you are! You express yourself so well! I will be looking out for your comments... 😉
KillerFrame said on 23/Feb/18
I thought the same. I can understand a guy who is 5'8 claiming 5'10. I can understand a guy who is 5'11 claiming 6'1. But if you're over 6'3, there really is no point in frauding your height.
Actually, I noticed that tall people are more self-aware of their heights. They are used to being taller than everybody and height is one of their biggest traits. Unlike avg sized men, who see taller and shorter people around them, tall men are used to be the tallest.
Here are some reasons, why he may fraud his height:
1) He may be insecure, because he wants to play big guys, so he tries to be bigger. His first claim, that I've seen on TV was in 2011, in Conan O'Brien show. Conan didn't even ask his height, and he claimed it anyway. If you google movie that he was promoting (Conan The Barbarian 2011), he was playing alongside taller guys. Even his sidekick was taller than him. That may sparkle some insecurity in him.
Usually btw heroes in movies are average, and in that particular movie he played hero, not big bad guy.
2) He may not know his real height. He was measured in high school at 6'3, and then stood next to guys who claimed 6'3 and was taller than them, so he assumed that he is 6'4~6'5 (now, as he says).
3) Maybe it's just his official Hollywood claim to get him more roles. Most actors inflate their heights by 2 inches, so he does the same.
Jordan87 said on 22/Feb/18
@ KillerFrame,
6'4 and 6'2 are both Unlikely. He is cleary taller than Brandon Routh, who is a very SOlid 6'2 guy here. Most of the Time he has Ray FIsher ( 6'2) by around an inch. He is most certainly 100 Percent taller than 6'2.
I will say that him claiming 6'5 is a bit on the stupid side. Look at him with Jenny. He gets 6'3 with Her there no more. Not sure why a guy with his height and build needs to inflate himself, doesn't make much sense. I guess everyone is a bit insecure, but for a tall guy to be insecure that his isn't tall enough is beyond me.
KillerFrame said on 21/Feb/18
@ Dream(5'9.5"),
We can't see his footwear. He is wearing thick soled boots most of the time, even with suits. In the first pic he is closer to the camera, and in the second there is 0.5in difference max. I don't see 2 inch difference, do you?
Agree with you, 6'2 is a bit too low for Jason, but he is def no more than 6'3. I think
Chris Hemsworth is a little bit shorter than Liam, so Jason can be the same height as Liam. But again, we can't see his footwear.
I will just say, that 6'4 listing for this guy is highly unlikely.
Jordan87 said on 21/Feb/18
If you compare his bottom pic with Jenny ( The New One) with Rob next to Brandon ROuths pic ( with a Height chart), Jason Passes the 6'3 mark. Let's put the 6'2 nonsense to bed now. 6'4 is not possible however if we look at the bottom pic. ( For some reason he looks shorter in the bottom picture with good posture than he does in the top picture with a lean). Weird.
Also See Jason with 6'2.25 Minimum brandon Routh ( Pictured on this site with Rob). Jason has Brandon by 1.25 Min and Brandon himself is over 6'2.
I think Jason Momoa is 6'3.25 to 6'3.5, especially compared to Routh , a proven 6'2+ guy.
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 20/Feb/18
Also, he’s taller than
Chris Hemsworth.
Click Here
Click Here
And here’s Chris with armie Hammer
Click Here
Yeah, 6’2” is such a great listing that Hemsworth should be 6’0.5”-6’1” max. *sarcasm*
TallBadass said on 18/Feb/18
@ Adnan,
The guy is mostly walking around in logger type of boots.
Look at his footwear:
Click Here
He plays big bad guys, so of course he tries to appear bigger. He has average parents, wears boots most of the time. I think he is anything from 6'2 1/2 - 6'3. There is no way in the world he is 6'5 and he is 6'4 in boots.
Jordan87 said on 15/Feb/18
@ Adnan,
6'2" ? He has a 5'11-1/2 eyelevel and you think he is 6'2" ?, Ok lol
Put some effort in, Ray Fisher who has page here is 6'1.75 and Momoa is more than an Inch taller than Him in all the pics they have together. CHrist.
I agree most of the Celebs on the site are Overlisted, but 6'2" for this guy is a ridiculous estimate.
Jordan87 said on 30/Jan/18
Yeah 255-260 Was what most of the Lineman were then no doubt. Mean Joe Greene, Deacon Jones, guys were 250-270. NFL Offensive lineman now are average over 300 pounds.
As Far as His league, I asked Again, yes there was a weight limit as they had to weigh under 200 pounds at the start of the season. That was the only time they were weighed however so many of the lineman gained weight after. His running back was 195 lbs.
I notice teens now, specifically football players in high school are as heavy as Pro Lineman back in the 70's.
Also mind you this was a poor area of Brooklyn where he played, plus the kids back then did not eat like the kids do now.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 29/Jan/18
You sure the limit was only 200lbs in high school in the 70's? The average NFL lineman back then was 255.
Click Here And most high school linemen aren't that much smaller than college/pro players.
Jordan87 said on 29/Jan/18
@ CHristian- 65 3/8",
Yes It is rare, although now it makes more sense since he is 5'11.25" at age 62 around 11:30 am. He still says 5'11. As a teen in Brooklyn he was actually one of the taller players on his football team ( age 15-17 ) back in the 70's at 5'11.75". Funny enough the weight limit was 200 pounds back then, nowadays you see high school lineman who are 6'4 and 310 on many teams ( Most are not great athlete , just big and fat).
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 28/Jan/18
It's extremely rare for someone who's 5'11.75" and round down to 5'11" like that, especially being that the 6'0" mark is a desirable height.
Jordan87 said on 23/Jan/18
Yes seems like the 1.5" Inflation is very common thats why I asked. Again, My Father and Old Timer, was measured by the Doctors at age 19 at 5'11 3/4 And nowadays is around 5'11.25 to 5'11 depending on the time of day and he claims 5'11. Matter in fact he said he always claimed 5'11 even though as a young buck he was , again, measured at 5'11 3/4. Alot of younger guys may inflate b/c they are still trying to woo the woman? Old times more secure, not sure but its weird my friend.
Canson said on 21/Jan/18
@Jordan87: I see two inch inflations or at least 1.5 very often. I’ve once seen a friend (who is honest about it at least) claim 6’0” and his license had 6’1”. I laughed hard and he said he’s 5’11 and change then told someone else that is friends with us he’s 5’10/5’11 right in front of me and he’s “almost 6’0” in shoes. I even saw a 6’1-6’2” guy claim 6’4. This guy was a tool and I even walked up to him and said he’s full of ****. And he tried hard to convince me I was taller until he saw another friend at 6’3 stand next to him and was taller. He changed the subject.
Canson said on 16/Jan/18
Looks 6’3.5 more than 6’4. Prob a guy who’s 6’4.5 or so in shoes
Dream(5'9.5 said on 15/Jan/18
Rob, how would a 6'3.5" or 191.8 guy compare to Jason Momoa?

Editor Rob
He should look very close in height, barely much in a photo at all.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 14/Jan/18
Solid 191 or 192, needs a tad downgrade.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Jan/18
Must be an error by Google. They used to list him as 6'4" for the longest.
Big Rob's Long Lost Son 6'2.5 said on 13/Jan/18
What the hell? Google has him at 6'7 now? We have to do something.
They've had him at 6'4 for the longest time.
houss said on 13/Jan/18
he's listed 2m on google
Thereel said on 13/Jan/18
LOL nice touch Rob with the picture reply
Tarinator 6'1.75 said on 12/Jan/18
Why does Google say he is 6’7? He is no where near that. More like 6’4”. Or a quarter inch more.

Editor Rob
Jordan87 said on 3/Jan/18
CHristian, Jason,
I was going to say 5'11.25 eye level, but could be more 5'11 it seems.
FYI Recently I have been Comparing Affleck to Fisher alot, and Ben seems more 6'1.5. Momoa is taller than Ben and Momoa I do feel is most certainly over 6'3. Maybe in the AM he can scrap the 6'3-3/4" mark something like that, but for most of the Day 6'3.5 is what I would think he walks around at.
Redwing said on 3/Jan/18
Hey rob could you do a comparison pic with momoa and gatiss please?
Canson said on 1/Jan/18
Overlisted by about half inch. 192 cm range guy 6’4.5-.75 in sneaks
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 30/Dec/17
I agree with Jason, Momoa has a 5'11" eyelevel not 5'11.5"
Alex 6'3 said on 29/Dec/17
Anything from 190.5 to 192 cm is possible for him.
Jason said on 29/Dec/17
@Bobby it looks more 5'11 to me. A guy with a 5'11 eye level would typically be around 6'3.5 or maybe 192cm.
Joshua said on 23/Dec/17
2 inches taller than
Ben Affleck
Jordan87 said on 22/Dec/17
Ray Fisher is no more than 6'2 ( This is easily proven on this site) and Affleck looks shorter than him in most pictures. Affleck is not as low as 6'1 but he is certainly under 6'2.
Dejavu said on 20/Dec/17
Ben Affleck is really 6’1 range like many says he is, we should downgrade Jason Momoa to 6’3 and Brandon Routh to 6’1 range.
Jordan87 said on 19/Dec/17
He is shy of 6'4", not by much. But his hat barely makes it. Than again he was noticibly taller than min 6'2" Brandon Routh , def more than an inch so Jason must be certainly over 6'3" . He also has looked more than an inch taller than 6'2 Ray fisher . I'd say Jason is 6'3.5 in the am hrs at least.
Canson said on 19/Dec/17
@Bobby: looks 6’3.5 with Rob. The hat on his head came off It would be easier to see it
Bobby said on 17/Dec/17
His eye level looks to be 5'11.5, so 6'4 sounds right for him.
Canson said on 16/Dec/17
It’s funny you actually see guys say they’re 6’5 that are his size when in reality they’re 6’3.5 barefoot and 6’4.5 or 6’4.75 in shoes or 6’3.75 barefoot up to 6’5 shoes. But rarely do you see the guys an inch taller claim 6’6 and even more rare a 197 guy claim 6’7” unless maybe an athlete on some level. I mean people have to know where the cutoff is for where it turns bad and realize that they will be outed if they try to lie and inflate someone else. Not everyone buys the “taller is better mantra” some are just content with who and what they are
Canson said on 15/Dec/17
@Junior: he can look like that. But in a video posture plays a key and they’re only in front of one another for a few seconds. Yea SJH a poster said looked similar to his dad who is 5’10.5 but said he could be shorter. It’s possible kobe had a minor advantage but minor means 0.25” no more than that as you’re right not visible at all. I am curious as to why Kimmel fibs that much
Jason said on 15/Dec/17
Not 6'4, but I can't see him as low as 191cm either.
Junior said on 13/Dec/17
Honestly if Kobe still stick on 6'4.75" listing that would make Kimmel look 5'10 on the video when Kobe standing straight look at his lower nose tip came right above Kimmel head not include a hair that was not under 6.7" precisely. I don't really think Kobe had more footwear and if Kimmel is only 5'10 that makes Momoa 6'3 max not over. Metta and Kobe look very close in height like Rick Foxx and Kobe comparison. Metta i believe at least 6'5.25" maybe measure 6'5.5" early in the day. Strange someone seem Kimmel at 5'10.5" that had to be a morning height for Kimmel.
Canson said on 9/Dec/17
More like 6’3.5 weak 6’4”. Hes 6’4 out of bed
Marvin said on 7/Dec/17
This guys a giant. Legit 6'4"
Canson said on 6/Dec/17
@Junior: Kimmel is over listed for sure. A poster here SJH said he’s 5’10.5ish in person like 179cm. That does put Momoa 5” taller than him as Momoa looks 192cm. Kobe may have had a slight footwear advantage on Kimmel not more than 1/4” maybe. He’s about 6.5” taller In the video so 5’10.5 and 6’4.75 add up. Metta looks taller with Kimmel than Kobe. That looks closer to 7” imho. Metta admits to only be 6’5 1/2 in the 2nd link and looks max 1/2”-2cm lower if Kobe is 6’4.75. So could just be honest 6’5.25 even
Click Here
Click Here
Junior said on 4/Dec/17
It's kinda weir. Momoa listed 6'4 but look almost 5" taller than 5'11.25" Jimmy Kimmel on show and Kobe Bryant look 7" taller than Jimmy Kimmel. Check out both individual links below
Click Here Momoa on the Kimmel show
Click Here Kobe on the Kimmel show
Jordan87 said on 1/Dec/17
True about the Body Fat Thing. Dave Prowse ( Man who donned the body of Darth Vader in the Original Trilogy) was 266 pounds (at
I believe 6'4 though he was listed at 6'7) but looks much lighter b/c if you look at him in his powerlifting Days the guy was a Genetic Freak, All muscle and no roids. Truly Impressive. See Below.
Click Here
Kurtz said on 30/Nov/17
plus in Conan Momoa had a pretty much higher bodyfat than in aquaman where is fitter than his Conan
Kurtz said on 30/Nov/17
@ jordan 87
yep, but the point is that 234 pounds sounds pretty similar to dwayne johnson in s. andreas(250-260 in fast8).
And momoa is not as big as the rock, by no means.
Momoa has a much more natty look(not overdeveloped traps, not freak lats and not upper arms monster muscles) so i would buy something in @ close 220 pounds or even less.
Remember that if you have less than 11% of body fat you'll look like a beast even without monster weights.
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
I think he was 235 pounds when He did Conan. His current bios list him as 234 pounds. He looked pretty built in JL. Ray Fisher was 223 pounds during Filming, I'd Say Momoa was a bit thicker than fisher.. 234 sounds right, 220 sounds a little light for a dude over 6'3 built like this.
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
No way to find this out but if you had to GUESS on Average how much the typical dude inflates his height by, would it be by an inch?
B/c to me I find alot of men usually inflate their height by more than an Inch. 5'10.5 guys claiming 6'0 I see alot. Also 5'11.5" saying 6'1.
My father is 5'11.25 and says he is 5'11.
Kurtz said on 26/Nov/17
191 cm.
@ Rob, I think for aquaman he is under 220 pounds. Anynting btwn 210 and 215. So pretty quite natty.
What do you think?
Canson said on 25/Nov/17
6’3.5-.75 he’s not a legit 6’4 but def a decentb192cm
Redwing said on 24/Nov/17
Oh rob, hey look what I said was I was looking 1-1.5 inch above the moustache yet I had a little more footwear; how tall would I be barefoot?
Redwing said on 24/Nov/17
Hey rob, could answer my question below pls?

Editor Rob
if you were only looking below moustache and a bit more footwear, you would have been within 4 inches.
normally you'd expect 3 inches difference if you were looking at a 6ft 4 guy's mouth range, but some folk raise eyelevels and the taller guy lowers theirs, and suddenly a 5 inch difference feels 3 to people...
Anonymous said on 23/Nov/17
I think more 6’3 and change is more suitable he just doesn’t look this big next to Affleck and fisher
Redwing said on 23/Nov/17
I had under an inch footwear rob yet my eyes were looking an inch above the moustache area of a 193 cm man (he had a little less footwear than me) if we were barefoot how tall would I be?
Canson said on 22/Nov/17
@Grizz: i don’t hear many 6’3-6’4 guys say that. Or 6’5. A strong 6’5” friend Christian’s size would say he wishes he were my height or 6’4 or 6’3 sometimes but not 6’2”. Out of all of my taller friends he’s the only one who doesn’t complain whereas the 6’6 and 6’7” both do. Even have two other former teammates I’ve heard say that before that are even taller one 6’8” other a bit higher. Don’t talk to them much but they mentioned it to others and us. It’s the ones 6’6+ but understandably because they have more issues. At around 200cm even in shoes that’s problematic. I’ve put on a pair of work boots that i own first thing in the morning when I’m 6’5” out of bed and am near 6’7 (slightly above a light fixture that is 6’6.5). But at afternoon height I’m not as near it when I’m down slightly under 194cm. About 1/2” difference or cm. Aside from the issues it’s the comments etc that you would hear along with the inflation of someone really is 6’7” as S.J.H said before. He was told he was 6’8” or 6’9” often. That can get old as i hate the 6’5/6’6 i get esp after i claim 6’4. It’s more annoying when you tell someone and they still try to inflate or discredit you due to ignorance poor perception or their own lying. Not knowing is one thing but when you tell them and they still challenge is ridiculous. That doesn’t happen quite as often with shorter hair and not in high footwear but still does sometimes esp in a nightclub or bar setting. It’s funny tho because some of those same ones I’m sure would lie all the way up then once they see the inconveniences they face they would realize it I’m sure.
Canson said on 22/Nov/17
@Jordan87: that’s just said to have to add 3.5” kinda like what Jimmy Kimmel being insecure having to add to himself then exposing himself when he’s next to a measured athlete like JJ. That’s about 2.5” he lies up but still the same. When someone gives or is asked their height they are being asked how tall they are not how tall their shoes make them. While we can’t stop someone from lying if they make it a point to lie and then stand next to someone else to compare themselves then assess them a height in correlation with their lie is when i have the problem. That is probably one of my biggest if not my single biggest per peeve and the worst type of lie imho unless it comes to trying to steal or embezzle or nursed. It’s like don’t bring someone else into your insecurity and the fact that they feel inaqeuate with themselves. And you would think with height that it’s concrete or cut and dry but it’s not. You hear all types of excuses when someone doesn’t measure what they claim. It’s well in shoes I’m this or you’re probably really taller than what you claim or they weren’t measured correctly or their doctor or someone told them they were this. Or something else outrageous. I also believe that if enough people were to tell me i don’t look a certain height then i would probably go and measure myself accurately probably a few times in order to determine for myself. Like in my case i can see a 6’5” guess for me in certain cases if the person is close in height with me. If someone has a similar shoe and “looks slightly below a certain amount like 6’4” or looks 6’3 and change then they may have received a bad measurement on top of it likely being a morning height. But even then i don’t even bring that up because i don’t even consider Morning height as a valid argument because it’s quick to disappear. Majority of the day you’re at your lowest. It’s even easier to spot a liar when they have a footwear advantage and you have casual shoes and they still look less than the claim. Shoes and posture are the first things i look at honestly. I have very good posture so i wait to see if the other person straightens up or tries to. I’ve heard some say well i don’t stand straight then you watch and they still don’t. At that stage i can usually tell if they’re lying. I’ve just come to the conclusion that’s just how it is and the doctors and nurses don’t help the situation encouraging shoe measurements and being so lazy they don’t ask them to remove them. But even if someone pleads ignorance and doesn’t think about it that’s no better. Any of us even being height connoisseurs would wonder even if the shoe measurement took place what our real height is and sometimes nurses won’t even tell you other times they make poor judgments.
grizz said on 21/Nov/17
@EM, I don't know about 6feet, but I do hear from the ones who are unsatisfied with their height(6'3-6'5) wish to be 6'1. I have never heard an unsatisfied 6'2 guy,though.
Jordan87 said on 21/Nov/17
Canson and Christian,
Funny you mention the Timberland stuff. My Cousin is a great guy, but he is guilty of reporting his height in TIms. Great guy all around but in that Regard , yes I abuse him for that.
The worst case of Height inflation I have ever seen was the Guy who worked at the front Desk in NYC at my Old job off of Water Street.
Guy was 5'10-1/2, (How do I know b/c my 5'11.25 measured Father looked down on him when they spoke) and Claimed 6'2. Seriously he did.
EM said on 18/Nov/17
@kurtz - I don't know a single person who is 6'2", 6'3", or 6'4" who would call 6'0" ideal height.
Canson said on 18/Nov/17
@Kurtz: let me reiterate what i said. I said “ideal for me” because I’ve been tall my entire life and have been 6’4” or slightly over for close to 20 years. So I’ve grown accustomed to it. If you also look at my last statement i clearly said it varies from a person to me. You’re making it sound as if nobody wants to be 6’4 or that it’s bad height for everyone. Yet when you see someone like the Rock at 6’2” claiming 6’5 that should tell you something that sometimes being just tall is not enough for some people. At least for me i stick to what i measure accurately at my low and don’t look to be taller and i can honestly say that if i were to have stopped growing at 6’2 then that is what my claim would be 6’2 even if it were 6’0” i would claim 6’0 then but because i don’t see a value in lying about how tall you are. You can meet 10 people and claim 6’2” as a 6 footer to all 10. 3 out of 10 May buy that, 3 or 4 out of 10 will likely not respond back because they either don’t know how tall you actually are or they suspect or know you are lying and just don’t want to bother with questioning someone or the potential confrontation, and the other 3, all 3 or 2 of the three will likely call you out for lying or insinuate that you may be wrong. But with desired height, There is no one size fits all argument. Now me personally i don’t want to be anything more than i am either but again that differs from a former college teammate of mine who is 197cm (6’5 1/2-3/4 a very weak 6’6) and claims 6’7 his listed height which is an anomaly as most guys that size would just say they’re 6’5/6’6, about 6’6 or 6’5 and a half 6’5 and change.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 18/Nov/17
Please show us some pics of him looking like he wears lifts.
HeightMan said on 17/Nov/17
I think he is "just" 190cm. He is close to falling out of his lifts in most photos. Also, in Baywatch he was quite shorter than 6'4'' Hasselhoff.
Kurtz said on 16/Nov/17
@ EM
I don't know any single person that is btwn 5 10 and 6 3 that will tell or think that 6 4 is ideal.
To say is ideal and to say is not too tall at 6 4 are two very different things.
Still I think that ideal height si 6'0" for about a bilion of reasons. But i wouldn't call too tall a 6 4 or too short a 5 11.
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Christian: LMFAO!! That’s as funny as this one guy who is 5’11 but claimed 6’1” “as measured by a doctor” and who told me I’m 6’5/6’6 once. I was in sneaks (a regular Nike that would add an inch) and told him he was lying as did my wife. It then became “well I’m 6’1” in Church shoes” !!!!!!! I looked at him and said so you’re 5’11 (he was at most 3-4” taller than my wife) maybe 5’11.5. Finally he admitted he was lol
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 15/Nov/17
I've actually seen one guy claim "6'2" in my Timberlands". I chuckled inside when I heard that. And even then I don't think he was being fully honest because he looked 187cm in his Timbs while I was about 199cm in my dress shoes and had about 12cm on him. I thought him to be 6'0" max barefoot because Timbs I believe add like 1.5" or 1.75" or something. IMO claiming a boot height like he did is even worse than claiming a regular shoe height because it gives an excuse to inflate even more. If he was in regular shoes then he probably would've claimed 6'1"
EM said on 14/Nov/17
@kurtz - It seems like only people who are well below 6'4" will tell you it's "too" tall. It is I think around the 99th percentile, but that still means 1 in 100 will be taller (think of crowded sports stadiums which seat thousands, you could see plenty taller.) Take it from Stephen Merchant, he is above 6'4" and said that 6'4" for the ideal height. I think different people will have different perspectives, but some people just like to be really tall.
Canson said on 14/Nov/17
@Kurtz: disagree on both of your points. I doubt Momoa is under 192cm and 6’4” for me is ideal. It may not be for you. But that varies from person to person. It is for me because I’m used to being tall and 6’4” barefoot while very tall is very manageable. If that isn’t ideal for guys why do you think you see 6’3 guys claiming 6’5? Or 6’2 guys claiming 6’4? And i am actually above a flat 6’4” and round down. I’m between 6’4 1/4-3/8 at night but said that if i had to choose a height from where I am now it would be to come down about a cm to half inch as I’d be a legit 6’4” still since i would still fall to between 6’3.75-6’4 and still look legit. I say that over growing as i don’t wanna be any taller. But the word ideal varies from person to person. Yours may be 6’0. Honestly 6’5” isn’t that bad barefoot. Out of bed I’m 6’5-6’5 1/8 for a few minutes and it’s not horrible but i am happy that I’m 193.7-194 at night. But You can still wear most shoes and be around the 6’6” mark which also isn’t terrible if it’s only in shoes and as long as it’s not over. But i do agree that much above 6’5 at night can be a problem. I think that cutoff is when you’re right around 197 mark. Once over about 196.5 or 197 at night you have to limit footwear selectiOn or you will end up around 200cm. That is problematic on lower doorways etc. but if you’re even talking where Christian is that is still ok at 6’5.25. You can wear casual shoes regularly and get by at his height and not be over 6’6”.
Junior said on 14/Nov/17
Absolute low at least 192cm not under if under then
Ben Affleck is 186cm, Ray Fisher 186.7-187.2cm, Gal Gadot 175cm.
kurtz said on 13/Nov/17
6'3'' 191 cm. is his height.
@ canson there is no place in the world where 6 4 is ideal.... unless you are basketball star.
SD-5'8(172CM) said on 13/Nov/17
Click Here On the Graham Norton Show from 3:31 to 3:54 It's the first thing that Graham Norton talks about,and he kinda looks it cause he had just come from filming Aquaman...but 6'4 SOLID!!!
Canson said on 12/Nov/17
@Bard: see in my case I don’t see the need to lie honestly. I think 6’4” is an ideal height so I stick with it. 6’5 out of bed easy but don’t see the benefit to claiming that vs 6’4” esp when I’m closer to that. I tend to be a bit more honest tho than the average person as well because I’ve claimed it all along I will be perceived as a liar if I change it. I even here some say I’m “this in shoes” . To me that’s not even used properly. Momoa for example saying he’s 6’4” in shoes is adequate imho because he’s likely 6’3 1/2 or 3/4. That’s how a former coworker (who is taller the one mentioned) did it. He was half inch shorter than me 6’3 3/4 and admitted it and would of course say he’s 6’4” but he even said “I’m 6’4” in shoes”. That’s the proper way to say your this in shoes is if you’re rounding up your height. People gave Kobe grief or said he’s downplaying his height but that’s the correct statement saying he’s 6’5 in shoes although he can be 6’6” in some but others not quite. I looked at my coworker and said you’re honest! He had to have been near 6’3.75 at his lowest yet insanely precise. But the ones who are 6’3.75 or 6’4 saying they’re 6’5 in shoes? To me at least I’m like well just say you’re 6’4”. I don’t see the difference between someone saying theyre 6’4” vs saying they’re 6’5 in shoes. It almost sounds to me like they are trying to embellish or inflate or sound more impressive when in reality they almost sound stupid because everyone else who is claiming their actual height also wears shoes and don’t claim them. They aren’t part of your body
Junior said on 12/Nov/17
I think 192.5cm is a figure to argue for Momoa. 6'5 w shoe on.
grizz said on 11/Nov/17
He claimed 6'5 on Graham Norton show yesterday
Johno said on 9/Nov/17
Well he easily looks to have 2-inches on Routh in that picture Rob but can't see footwear.
Taking that picture as it is, Mamoa seems to have ~7.5-inches on Rob.
Tweak Rob's posture a little and adjust Mamoa so that he firmly balanced on both feet as opposed to the one foot feet lean he is doing and i reckon the difference between Rob and Momoa could be 7-inches; so this 6'4 listing is probably the tallest he can measure, fair but i'll keep him at 6'3.5.
He seems to dwarf the likes of Cavil, a typical strong 6'3-range guy who probably can hit 6'4.
ibracadabra said on 9/Nov/17
Maybe you’re right Rob but I would bet that Lee Pace is taller than him ;)
Ibracadabra said on 9/Nov/17
I can’t see Momoa taller than Lee Pace seriously. What do you think Rob ?

Editor Rob
they are arguably both 6ft 4
Canson said on 8/Nov/17
@Rob: in the height chart he isn’t looking 6’4 with you

Editor Rob
he typically looks near 6ft 4 up close. Last time I seen Momoa was at an event last year and this is pretty much how he looked
With Brandon Routh that weekend...
Junior said on 8/Nov/17
I bet Jason Segel would look the same side by side with Momoa. Maybe Rob should downgrade Momoa by 1/4. Hasselhoff is more likely to be legit 6'4 even at age 65. Momoa look to be 192-192.5cm espcially with a highly doubt 186.7cm
Ben Affleck.
Bard said on 7/Nov/17
@Canson: Agreed. The problem is so many people claim their in-shoes height that it reinforces others to do the same. That's why I'm saying I can't fault Momoa that much for his claim since he must have dealt with people who claim 6'4 or even 6'5 that are shorter than him. It's not honest, but it's definitely not Jimmy Kimmel levels of dishonest.
I'm hardly tall, but short people sometimes still ask me how tall I am. My min is now 182 cm, so I say basically 6', but even when it was 181 cm and I said I was 5'11, most of them would try to praise me for being modest and say I was easily 6'1. Granted I'm 184 cm in the morning so I can look over 186 cm in shoes, but they should know better.
Canson said on 6/Nov/17
@Rampage: I wouldn’t put him over 192-192.5 but doubt under it either
Canson said on 6/Nov/17
Agreed Rampage.
Canson said on 6/Nov/17
@Bard: I’ve seen a lot of guys that size lie. I have a coworker who is probably even shorter than that (a full inch shorter than me) and claims 6’5”. He’s 191cm more than likely and prob not even a full 6’3.5 tbh. It’s hilarious when he gets called out for lying too because I’ve called him on it because he likes to inflate people as well. When someone asked me how tall I was once I told him 6’4” and he chimes in and said I was taller than that and was 6’6”. Then it’s well maybe 6’5/6’6 and that he was “almost 6’5”. It wasn’t until I got tired of it and said well the nurse is downstairs we can go and verify it if you’d like. Low and behold I’m 6’4 3/8 by the nurse at around lunchtime or so. This was maybe a year or so ago then I moved to a diff building and he came over last week and was talking height to one of my employees and called himself 6’4/6’5 to when my employee fired back you’re not as tall as he (me) is and he’s 6’4 and change. That’s the worst thing is when they do that because then they’re bringing someone else into the lie as well and forcing them to lie. Those are the most annoying of them all when someone is knowingly lying and claiming their shoes etc and still trying to get you to lie along with them. But I agree with Christian if the guy claimed 6’4” it’s one thing because he could easily be that out of bed but 6’3.25 at his lowest is the most likely evening that can be attributed to not knowing any better
Bard said on 6/Nov/17
I'm not saying it's honest, but it's not a ridiculous exaggeration is all. He probably measured 6'5 in shoes at a checkup and just went with that.
But yeah, him claiming 6'4 would be more than reasonable. Some people just have to have that extra inch.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 6/Nov/17
A 192cm person should not being claiming 6'5", regardless of footwear. Shoes aren't part of the human body. If Jason was 194cm lowest and claiming 6'5", I can kind of condone because then he will reach 6'5"+ out of bed.

Editor Rob
6ft 3.5 is probably the lowest I'd ever try to argue for Jason, but a few times I seen him recently, he always seemed much closer to 6ft 4.
Bard said on 5/Nov/17
192 cm is a good estimate. I'm seeing 6'3.5-3.75. He can be 6'5 in non-absurd footwear, so I can't fault him too much for his claim.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Nov/17
192cm minimum more like.
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
Using the height chart he doesn’t hit 6’4” without the hat. Best case 6’3.5 or 192cm max
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 3/Nov/17
I don't really see Jason's head being much bigger than Rob's. Jason's just looks longer because of his long beard, but I think it's roughly 9.75" for both Jason. and Rob.
Bard said on 2/Nov/17
The difference in eye levels is at least 7.5 inches, and Jason's head is probably bigger, so he must be close to 6'4.
Nik said on 1/Nov/17
Weak 6'4"!
Alex 6'3 said on 1/Nov/17
Next to Affleck and Fisher he's just a little bit taller than them.I think 190-191 cm is a better guess for him.
John said on 1/Nov/17
It's hard for me to see him as a solid 6'4, much less 6'5. In the picture, he seems to be in the 6'2.5 area, but I know he's taller than that. He has the proportions of a 6'4 man, at least. I guess 6'3.5
Jason said on 1/Nov/17
My height or a fraction shorter. He could dip down to 192cm at night.
Canson said on 1/Nov/17
6’3.5-6’3.75 his head with a hat is the only way he touches 6’4
John said on 31/Oct/17
This guy's 6'4 and when he wears boots he's 6'5 range. Big dude.
slothee said on 31/Oct/17
6'3 1/2" imo
Guanzo said on 30/Oct/17
Junior said on 30/Oct/17
I think min 6'3.75" maybe not solid 6'4.
Slim 6' said on 30/Oct/17
His listing is fine, but you could argue 6’3.75”.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Oct/17
I could see 192cm for him but maybe not the full solid 6'4"
Jackson said on 23/Oct/17
Legit 6’4.
travis said on 22/Oct/17
why would he say that he was short in college he was probably 6'4 thought out his entire life and he haven't grow since so he tall
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 22/Oct/17
His hat makes guessing a bit harder, but his eyeline's about 5'10.75" so that would mean he's about 6'3.5"
Ben said on 20/Oct/17
This is basically what I look like next to my 5'3" friends. So I would say Jason is around 6'3.75".
Slim 6' said on 5/Oct/17
As listed.
Nik said on 25/Sep/17
@ Slim
Thanks for that, I really appreciate it!
Slim said on 22/Sep/17
Bullocks to the hat, I wish wind blew it off or something like that.
Proportion wise he appears close to robs listing.
Slim said on 22/Sep/17
Nik said on 7/Aug/17
@ Mimi
Rob or Jason Momoa?
You're a really cool guy. Nik.
Nik said on 10/Sep/17
@ Mimi
Thanks for that, I really appreciate it!
Mimi said on 9/Sep/17
I did. You are one of those commenters that light up the section.
ee said on 9/Sep/17
Rob, your picture shows him at 6'2, the hat makes it 6'4
Jordan87 said on 8/Sep/17
Really dont see him passing over 6'3 by much. He def is not 6'4".
Nik said on 30/Aug/17
@ Mimi
Each to his or her own! I thought it was fun to make the comment, and Christian agreed, as I am sure you do!
Mimi said on 23/Aug/17
@Nik of course I was referring to Momoa. I like Native American looking guys.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 15/Aug/17
6'4" is fine for this guy.
Valhalla said on 10/Aug/17
Hey rob, sorry man what I meant was if someone's eyes were looking at the nose of a 194 cm how tall would he be?

Editor Rob
189-90 zone is likely.
Nik said on 9/Aug/17
@ Christian-6'5 3/8
That's good to hear!
Valhalla said on 8/Aug/17
Hey rob if a guys eyes were a touch over 1 inch the moustache area of a 194 cm guy? How tall is he?

Editor Rob
could be near 5ft 9
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 7/Aug/17
Nik said on 7/Aug/17
@ Mimi
Rob or Jason Momoa?
Mimi said on 5/Aug/17
He's hot. I don't know why but he's like really oozing with sex appeal.
Canson said on 2/Aug/17
Doubt 6'2 range could be only 6'3" range possibly as opposed to 6'4 nobody knows
Monkey knees said on 2/Aug/17
6'4 dead on.
Heightster said on 30/Jul/17
6' 2 1/2" barefoot. Up to 6' 4" with shoes, hair, hat ...
John Cena said on 21/Jul/17
How many inch did Jasom Momoa get advantage with his hat.

Editor Rob
that kind of hat ain't too bad, certainly sits on top of hair, so at least 1/2 maybe up to 3/4 inch. He's worn hats in photo ops that were like Huckelberry Fin style.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jul/17
The word 'buff' sums this guy up like no others can, Arch Stanton - you nailed it there, and I know I am sounding rather like Simon Cowell in saying that, but it is the ideal descriptive word for him, the most apt adjective!
I grew up with the impression that 'Jason' was a tall, or interestingly, a buff man's name! I think that has a great deal to do with our Primary school Headmaster reading my class the exciting 'Jason and the Argonauts' tale.
I imagined Jason to look very much like Jason Momoa!
When I read Momoa's list of Film credits, he has chosen to star in loads of superhero films, so he is certainly one Jason who is living up to 'big and buff', exactly the way Jasons were conditioned into my psyche to be, at 10 years of age!
This Jason would have played such a cool Jason, battling away with his Argonauts, and so triggering a life-long curiosity in Greek Mythology for me to this day!
Today, Jason can have a superhero-style 6ft4!
Mark(5'9.5") said on 14/Jul/17
Momoa did beat out Ray Fisher. I wouldn't go lower than 6'3.75".
S.J.H said on 12/Jul/17
I did say Momoa is 192-192.5cm when i think of a young David Hasselhoff. 6'3.75 for Momoa and an aging Hoff
Mark(5'9.5") said on 8/Jul/17
This guy is a legit 6'4".
The shredder said on 3/Jul/17
Tinyrock , I'm from Louisiana.
Tinyrocket said on 3/Jul/17
You ever been to Louisiana. AND my ex was 6'5 me 5'3 Talk about tip toe for a kiss.
Andy said on 2/Jul/17
Saw him yesterday at comic con can say he is a solid 6ft 4 who doesnt dip below at any point in the day.
Slim 181 cm said on 27/Jun/17
Legit 6'4, what a great height to stand at!
S.J.H said on 19/Jun/17
He can always look 6'3 and other time near 6'4
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/17
I know Polynesians are usually big buff fellas but if you see Baywatch Hawaii he was naturally pretty slender build, athletic but not muscular. He's now 40-50 pounds heavier than he was in the Baywatch days and mostly that's muscle increase, from years of heavy lifting. Currently about 240 pounds I think, yes.
Pierre said on 12/Jun/17
6"3'.Imagine his forehead if he was 6"4' by the scale!
insomniak said on 7/Jun/17
Rob was there any discrepancy between the footwear?

Editor Rob
quite close that weekend
Canson said on 6/Jun/17
@Berta: I agree with Christian. He likely just claims what he was measured or maybe early in the day and likely was 194-195 and simply rounded himself up to the nearest. In truth he's probably more honest or claiming more honestly than the average person his size who may claim 6'6" instead. He really has no need to claim any taller truthfully. I don't see what it does for anyone to claim anything more than measured anyway. Sure some don't know it varies but those who do it's of no value to measure in the morning and claim it or even worse shoes height Morning. You lose it later in the day anyway. lol it's like someone telling their superiors that they are available to work from 6am to 8am only. Bet that would go very far lol
World Citizen said on 25/May/17
A legit 6 ft 4 guy.
Dejavu said on 22/Apr/17
He could look only 6'3.5 or a bit above 6'3 with
Ben Affleck.
Christian-196.8cm (6ft5.5)Noon said on 17/Apr/17
berta said on 17/Mar/17
to me its strange that a guy this tall cliam 1inch ore more than his real height. to me he looks like 193 and can looks shorter with bad psoture but what if he really is 6 foot 4 1/4 and almost 6 foot 5 in the morning? again looks 193 but can he be little taller because of that claim?.
There's no rule that says if you want to exaggerate your height you must only claim your morning height. That's silly.
shiva 181 cms said on 16/Apr/17
@deja vu ,none of the photos have a Good comparison b/w those guys
In this photo he's 1.5-2" taller
Click Here
I'd argue 6'2 for Ben 6'3.75 for Jason
shiva 181 cms said on 16/Apr/17
@deja vu none of the photos have a Good comparison b/w those guys
Dejavu said on 15/Apr/17
He only looked 3cm taller than
Ben Affleck.
shiva 181 cms said on 9/Apr/17
I believe 240lbs would be right for him
Mon said on 6/Apr/17
Over 6'3'', but not the full 6' 4'', at that height with his amount of muscle he'd be about a stone over his claimed weight.
shiva 181 cms said on 3/Apr/17
Jason momoa's height is
6'4.75 (195cms) out of bed
6'3.75(192cms) before bed
The avg guess is exact
He could have measured 6'5 in shoes
S.J.H said on 23/Mar/17
More like half inch between them. Conan o'brien is legit 191cm guy.
berta said on 17/Mar/17
to me its strange that a guy this tall cliam 1inch ore more than his real height. to me he looks like 193 and can looks shorter with bad psoture but what if he really is 6 foot 4 1/4 and almost 6 foot 5 in the morning? again looks 193 but can he be little taller because of that claim?.
HSom said on 11/Mar/17
In one of his first visits at Conan O'Brien, they hugged and he seemed around inch taller than Conan. (Pretty similar footwear)
And they both have quite good posture as well.
Sadly the video is removed from youtube.
S.J.H said on 8/Mar/17
Momoa is 2.5 taller than ben affleck not 1.75" on real comparison
jay said on 4/Mar/17
no way he is 6'4" or 6'5" he was the same height as Henry cavill at comic con and Cavill is 6'2"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Mar/17
194.5-195cm zone out of bed
joe### said on 1/Mar/17
agre with you
S.J.H said on 24/Feb/17
He claiminng 6'5 and yes he look a big 192 guy so 6'3.75 like victor webster another 192cm claim 6'5 unlike brad henke who look a big 6'4
Mark(5'9.25") said on 22/Feb/17
Not in the 6'4" range, but 6'4" flat is fine. I wouldn't go lower than 6'3.75".
Pierre said on 21/Feb/17
Rob has a relaxed posture and Jason gain height because he's on a leg, he's over Rob,and he has a cap imo.Look at somes pictures in web of Jason Momoa and somes pictures of listed 6"4'David Hasselhoff,imo Jason is certainly not 6"4' range(this is just my opinion)
joe### said on 21/Feb/17
jason looks 6´3.75 but 6´4 is not impossible, but 6´4.5 is liar
maybe in morning 6´4.5-75
berta said on 21/Feb/17
rob what is your opinion if you had to shose woud you give him little over this listing or a bit under? its a hard on i think he look like a 193 guy. like he would be that height on the millimeter.but his 6 foot 5 laims make me wonder if he really have been measured that height in the morning. but it sounde to mutch to me. i think he is 6 fot 4 and a half in the morning and on a bad day he might dip littel under 193? what do you think about that?

Editor Rob
I'd say he always looks close to 6ft 4, but not enough to say 6ft 4.5 or 6ft 3.5, so roughly 6ft 4.
S.J.H said on 20/Feb/17
Since Momoa still daring to claim 6'5 in twitter and instagram i believe he is at least 192cm by evening/night and 6'4 only in the morning and must have fit in a 2.5cm/3cm range footwear to get measure 6'5
joe### said on 18/Feb/17
You called james and carson Lunatics, you look a kid
probably Some deep web dangerous sites you would take risks
joe### said on 17/Feb/17
George Hertzberg is visible taller
Jordan87 said on 16/Feb/17
Wiles 189,
May be a good idea to look at the Picture he has With Rob. If you see 6'4.5" than there is a problem.
S.J.H said on 16/Feb/17
Click Here look 6'2 tilt down head with 5'8 mamun. 6'3-6'3.5 if he stand straight how can he be 6'4.5 lol

Editor Rob
sjh, remember tilting his eyes down elongates his eyelevel length.
If you compare the actual difference
Click Here...the amount of height Jason has on Momoa is exactly the measurement from top of Mamun's head to his lips, which will be close to 7.5 inches.
If he lost an inch in posture then he'd be 6ft 4.5 there...unless from top of mamun's head to mouth is just 7 inches, then 6ft 4 makes sense.
Wiles189 said on 11/Feb/17
He is 6'4-6'4.5, he have claimed 6'5 a thousand times at this point and deserves an upgrade
S.J.H said on 10/Feb/17
I'm pretty sure it's a little odd angle favor jason momoa above with rob to look 6'4, something with the ground or camera angle. I bet Matty Cardarople would be taller than momoa and victor webster. I wouldn't go over 192cm for jason momoa and victore webster both and i"ll pull out more realistic 6'4 like Brad Henke, jared padalecki and Matty Cardarople
Mark(5'9.25") said on 6/Feb/17
Momoa is taller than
Ben Affleck, Brandon Routh,
Chris Hemsworth, and Ray Fischer.
This listing is legit. Orton could be a 6'4.5" person and Jared would be 6'4.25"
Balrog said on 2/Feb/17
6'3.75'' min, I could buy the full 6'4'' for Momoa.
berta said on 31/Jan/17
to me he is shorter than randy orton and jared padalecki. 193 ore 0,5 cm under. whilde jared i think could be 193 ore small fraction over and orton i think is the tallest at 193,6.
The Scorpion said on 29/Jan/17
Dude is a mountain. Check out his appearance on Jimmy Kimmell. He's every bit of 6'4".
6'7'' said on 20/Jan/17
6'4'' is a good listing bcoz he looks really tall next to Emilia in GOT
S.J.H said on 15/Jan/17
Mark(5'9.25") said on 14/Nov/16
Momoa could be someone falls in a fraction under 6'4 and routh was suggested a guy near 6'2.75 tom welling. There is nothing much between routh and momoa not over 3cm
184guy said on 11/Jan/17
Rob,who do you think have a bigger chance to measure 6'4.25
Orton or Padalecki ?

Editor Rob
184, both have a chance, although I think both do fall to 6ft 4.
Catch them at 12 rather than say 3 and you might find both could tend towards a little over 6ft 4.
Chris said on 9/Jan/17
Looks 6"4 to me pretty much 8 inches
5'10'' Indian said on 9/Jan/17
He look huge in the Game of Thrones next to da 6'3.75" would be fair
Ren said on 7/Jan/17
Rob, Who can pull off least 194 range. Jason Momoa, Jason Segel, Victor Webster, Nicholas Rowe, Lee Pace, Snoop Dogg, Conan O'Brien, or Randy Orton. I really wanna know. Rob at least be honest.

Editor Rob
Randy Orton had the best chance I feel, the rest I wouldn't have said over 6ft 4, but most roughly near 6ft 4.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 24/Dec/16
Those scenes with Affleck and Momoa are likely due to distortion that they look the same height.
Also, Momoa is taller than Affleck.
Click Here
Momoa did appear taller than Brandon's Routh in several pictures; this listing is fine and legit.
Importer said on 20/Dec/16
@Sammy Derrick
Yea I saw that one too, also probably why the film makers had to make him look the same height as Aflek in the justice league trailer. Is this an example of the only guy that had to be shrunk for his film roles ? Lmao
Mark(5'9.25 said on 12/Dec/16
@Sammy Aquaman in the comics has been listed as 6'1", so it's not that bad. However, with a guy like Jason Momoa, it's really weird for the DC Extended Universe
@Peter175 Momoa has always been very tall well over 6'3" and is a legit 6'4". Guys like Randy Orton are likely 6'4" and near 6'5". Momoa does appear taller than Brandon Routh. This listing is legit and I wouldn't consider a downgrade even if 6'3.75" is the absolute worse.
Peter175 said on 4/Dec/16
I had no idea Momoa was such a tall guy. I always thought of him as a 5ft11-6fter like maybe 180-182, VERY shocked to see that he looks near 6ft4.5 in this picture with Rob.
Doesn't look nearly this tall in Game of Thrones, looks just "above average range" not "very tall range" to me. But looking at him with Ben and Henry he's at least 3.5" taller than cavill and about 2 inches taller than affleck
It's insane how the camera can add or subtract so many inches!
Donald Trump said on 24/Nov/16
Rob, how many advantage does Jason Momoa got with a hat
Mark(5'9.25 said on 23/Nov/16
I'm starting to think that Jason Momoa would give a slightly taller impression than Adam Baldwin.
This is just how I view where your eye level is between the two of them. Baldwin did look like he was standing with a military posture with you. While Momoa didn't have that kind of posture, your eyelevel appeared a fraction lower with Momoa than with Baldwin.
Rob, you're still the judge. You did meet both of them in person. I can't say who gives a slightly taller impression.

Editor Rob
Mark, I've stood beside Baldwin and thought this guy isn't much over 6ft 3...but he really can stand tall and become 6ft 4, at least used to.
In his 50's now, I expect Baldwin might soon lose a fraction.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 23/Nov/16
If the footwear is only shy of 1 inch, then this listing is fine. The worst I give Momoa is 6'3.75", but I wouldn't go lower than that.
Like you said Rob, the lowest would be 6'3.75". 6'4" is fine for Momoa.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 18/Nov/16
Rob, how would Jason Momoa compare to most 6'4" people? Do you remember what footwear he had when you met him?

Editor Rob
we both had a bit shy of 1 inch...the day Jenny met him he had a boot, but I seen him about 5 events, at worst I'd say 6ft 3.75.
Moke said on 15/Nov/16
He looks a bit above 6'3 in this picture, no more.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 14/Nov/16
Also, he is taller than Ray Fisher as well.
Click Here
Mark(5'9.25") said on 14/Nov/16
I saw some pictures with Jason Momoa and Brandon Routh. Momoa did appear taller than Routh, so at worse 6'3.75". 6'4" is fine.
S.J.H said on 14/Nov/16
Maybe he was another victor webster claiming 6'5 w regular shoes and was close to 6'4 but more like 6'3.75 barefoot
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Nov/16
Falls into the 192/193cm zone at worst. Similar range to Lee Pace and Jason Segel...
Mark said on 12/Nov/16
Momoa at least over an inch taller than Brandon Routh.
Click Here
Giorgi said on 8/Nov/16
How much he could possibly add on since college? I suppose when he says "short" he means about 6 ft 1.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Nov/16
Cavill has put on some serious bulk he looks even bulkier than Momoa there!
Arch Stanton said on 7/Nov/16
For all those people who think he's just 6'3,
Click Here Looks pretty much the full 6'4 with Affleck.
Mark said on 5/Nov/16
Rob, do you know where I can meet Momoa? He seems pretty cool and I'm sure he can clear 6'4" in the morning.

Editor Rob
he seems to do various conventions through the year, but you'd need to look into any cons near your area and keep an eye on them regularly.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/16
Rob, maybe 192cm is closer?
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 30/Oct/16
"Jason Momoa's Height is 6ft 3.75in (192.4 cm)"
JEREMY said on 26/Oct/16
his legs looks that long
JEREMY said on 26/Oct/16
how long you reckon his inseam ?

Editor Rob
maybe in 34-35 range.
Mark said on 10/Oct/16
I notice that Momoa has a short neck which is why he looks shorter than 6'4".
Again, he has an edge on
Chris Hemsworth. Maybe 6'3.75" would be he lowest, but that's the worst I give him. 6'4" is fine and like I've said, rob mentioned to me in the comment section that Monoa had no footwear advantage.
BSD said on 5/Oct/16
very tall guy, think he edges
Chris Hemsworth by half an inch or so, could be weak 6 4 strong 6 3 range. Think I agree with the consensus that he probably wouldn't hit the full 193cm mark barefoot in the afternoon though.
Mark said on 5/Oct/16
Rob, I don't think you should have the voters decide for Momoa's height because you met Jason in person. You mentioned that Momoa had no footwear advantage, so 6'4" is fine.
Rob, I think Henry Cavill can be upgraded to 6'0.75", 6'0.8" or 185 cm. Not a full 6'1", but so close to it that he easily can pass for near 6'1". He always look tall even with 6'4" Jason Momoa and 6'4.5" Armie Hammer. He even gave a 6'2" impression with 6'3.5" Michael Shannon.

Editor Rob
People have always been guessing, for 12 years :) It is a way of accumulating guesses and displaying an overall User Average.
I think it's interesting to be able to see an average guess from visitors for these stars.
joe### said on 4/Oct/16
6'0.75 agree to Cavill is good listing
Mark said on 30/Sep/16
Momoa tends to drop height a lot. Cavill tends to look 6'1" a lot of times with a lot of people including Armie Hammer,
Ben Affleck, Will Smith, Kellan Lutz, and even Michael Shannon. I think Cavill can be considered a legit 6'0.75"or even 6'1" with impeccable posture.
Momoa did have an inch on
Chris Hemsworth.
Click Here
Momoa did kinda of tower Will Smith here.
Click Here
Also, Momoa looks almost identical to Jared Paladecki if he adjust his neck posture here.
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 29/Sep/16
Jason Momoa doesn't look a full 6'4" with Will Smith and Henry Cavill.
Jordan87 said on 29/Sep/16
The Picture with Rob Suggest 6'3 more then 6'4. Top of his little hat is 6'4. Still a large individual. I See Jason as 6'3 ( Above Pic) this Makes Hemsworth 6'2.
Mark said on 26/Sep/16
Yeah, Cavill can look a full 6'1" with Momoa or 6'0.8" there.
Mark said on 26/Sep/16
Rob, could you explain this because Cavill looks like he's probably wearing some lifts here with Momoa.
Click Here
And Momoa is probably slouching. What are your thoughts Rob?

Editor Rob
I don't know footwear, but I did see a clip and Cavill could pull off near 6ft 1 range with Momoa there.
S.J.H said on 21/Sep/16
I think i have long suspect this picture was uneven the right angle favour momoa more than rob. It's the deal with the photographer , i have a 5'11 friend have a picture with his 5'4 sister they both have same converse shoe and standing pretty well but the picture turn out my 5'11 friend mid of mouth leavel reach the top of his sister head and in person his sister top of head atually reach right below his nose which is strange. I maybe wrong but i'm not assuming momoa is 190cm fool by rob at 6'4 but if i'm right then momoa should be at least 6'3
Johan said on 16/Sep/16
He does look 6'4" there next to Hemsworth. Thats an inch there guys so at worst 6'3.75" if we go with the 190 cm listing from Hemsworth's agency.
Mark said on 15/Sep/16
Momoa usually drops height alot. When he stands tall, he really stands at 6'4". Rob also mentioned that Momoa DID NOT have the footwear advantage when he met Rob, so at least 6'4" is fine for Momoa.

Editor Rob
he varies in height in photoshoots, I actually think I got him standing reasonably well, it's roughly how I think he appeared, comfortably over 6ft 3 near 6ft 4
joe### said on 14/Sep/16
stop writing nonsense tomboy
Mark said on 6/Sep/16
Josh jeffords, keep in mind that Momoa did NOT have a footwear advantage with Rob who is a legit 5'8.8". Keep in mind, Jason has a slight loose posture here.
At first I thought 6'3.75" was possible, but now I see it, I don't doubt 6'4" or 6'4.25" for Momoa.
Mark said on 5/Sep/16
Jason didn't have a footwear advantage here, so at least 6'4" or slightly more would be fine.
Josh Jeffords said on 31/Aug/16
Very tall equally goofy looks an average of 6 3 maybe 4 or 5 in shoes.
He is often with short and inflated stars he does look tall next to super boy but that's not saying much.
Mark said on 29/Aug/16
Did momoa have the footwear advantage when you met him, Rob?

Editor Rob
no advantage
Dejavu said on 27/Aug/16
He doesn't really look 2 inches above
Ben Affleck. At most it is 1.5 inches max.
Mark said on 25/Aug/16
Rob, who would measure a little taller, Jason Momoa or Adam Baldwin?

Editor Rob
tough to call that one.
I watched Baldwin a few times at 2 events and I can understand him looking under 6ft 4, I stood beside him one point and thought 6ft 3.5 was possible, but he stretched up and looked 6ft 4, similarly Momoa I think if not 6ft 4 is at worst a fraction under.
Jordan87 said on 10/Aug/16
6'3 Tops if we are going by the Pic With Rob. The Top of the hat is 6'4 people.
The Man said on 3/Aug/16
He's not a solid 6'4"
Phil said on 3/Aug/16
Jason is a legit 6'4" guy. I've seen him in person and he is definitely a comfortable 6'4".
Canson said on 3/Aug/16
He looks like if he cleaned up his stance that he'd look 6'4 or almost that with Rob
Mark said on 30/Jul/16
Here's a better picture of Cavill and Momoa
Click Here
Mark said on 30/Jul/16
nyc you do realize that Cavill was slouching a lot there and he even has his back bend. Jason I agree is a legit 6'4".
nyc said on 25/Jul/16
People who can say they can tell height in a zoomed in picture that doesn't capture footwear, the ground, and has him leaning are ridiculous. Everyone wants to downgrade people, maybe to make themselves feel better.
Click Here
I was watching the comic con panel for Justice League and was curious about the heights. Can't account for footwear but the relationship of their heights look spot on. Ray Fisher, Affleck both billed at 6'3", Momoa at 6'4". Cavill looks smaller than his billed 6'1" and Ezra Miller looks tiny at a mere 5'11" among the bunch.
Crane said on 24/Jul/16
He's a bit above 191 but definitely not 193. 6'3.5 is the real deal for this dude.
184guy said on 23/Jul/16
Rob,who looked phisically more imponent in your perspective : Momoa or Manganiello ?
Johan said on 22/Jul/16
Somewhere between 6ft 3.5 and 6ft 4. This listing is the max for Jason he isn't a big 6'4" like Hasselhoff once was. 192-193cm
Canson said on 20/Jul/16
I don't know Rob he's leaning. If a straighter stance maybe he could measure 193. He looks at least 6'3 in my opinion
Pucko said on 19/Jul/16
Click Here
You people try your best to downgrade Jason, but you're not doing such a great job at it, especially without pictures..
Jason Momoa's Height is 6'4 (193cm)
Tyler said on 12/Jul/16
Check these photos out Rob. Jason and Jared padalecki standing by each other. Now be cautious of camera angles and stuff but they look the same to me.
Click Here

Editor Rob
unfortunately there's no great posed photo of them.
Leo said on 6/Jul/16
Clearly, he is under 6'4... 6'3.5 for him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/16
Rob, is he really taller then Gwendoline in person?

Editor Rob
the last time I seen Momoa I watched him a bit to see how he looked with others.
But Gwendoline up close can look a solid 6ft 3 (I could have met her and photographed at a time in the day she was 6ft 3.5 if her claim of losing well over an inch is true), Momoa up certainly can look nearer 6ft 4 than 3.
Alex said on 2/Jul/16
If Momoa is 6'4 barefoot, I am Barack Obama, no offense, but knowing Padalecki's real height, I laugh reading that Momoa is listed 6'4.
AlexMahone said on 30/Jun/16
Again Alex. Please. Rob has shoes as well so your estimates is wrong. Momoa is 6'4" in barefoot.
Alex said on 28/Jun/16
He is 192 cm in this photo. So, not over 190 cm barefoot.
Alex said on 27/Jun/16
Around 192 cm in the photo. 190 barefoot.
Peter 179cm said on 21/Jun/16
He looks an 192cm guy to me.In imperial i'd say you could argue both 6'3.5 and 6'3 3/4 like others have said here...His 6'5 claim is probably the standard 1-2inch rule most people still use lol or a shoe height.
shiva 181 cms said on 9/Jun/16
He,s very much 6'3.5-75 inches i would have given him 192 cms rather than 193 if i was rob and for padalecki 194 cms mark
Crane said on 26/May/16
@Rob Who will edge who if they stand side by side, Mamoa or Pace ?

Editor Rob
there is a good chance they are quite similar.
Andrea said on 17/May/16
I'm not talking about mms or fractions, in some pictures Jared can look near 2 inches taller but of course they aren't ideal photos and you can't see their footwear! I think 6'3.5 or 6'3.75 is possible for Jason, over 6'3 but not quite 6'4! Still can't explain why Jared looks so much taller when in reality you said they would be very similar, if measured!

Editor Rob
in person I really couldn't say with certainty Jared had a good half inch on him, although the odds are strong that he is more of a stronger 6ft 4 than Momoa of course.