How tall is Jared Padalecki - Page 4

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Average Guess (222 Votes)
6ft 4.15in (193.4cm)
Arrow said on 26/Nov/10
Rob, do you know how much taller Padalecki is than Tom Welling?

Editor Rob
well he could appear a couple of inches taller.

Jared is definitely a solid 6ft 4 height in person, but he didn't look as tall as guys like Tony Todd or Tom Noonan did to me.
Mr. R said on 25/Nov/10
Jensen is right, Jared is at LEAST 6-5.
jh said on 23/Nov/10
in house of wax on a commentary, he said he was 7'3"
jesse said on 22/Nov/10
He would be a perfect Superman for the reboot. Hes tall, dark, handsome and buff.
lou lou said on 22/Nov/10
Jensen is 6'1 and Jared towers over him
craig (architect) said on 8/Nov/10
to 6 foot 3 guy. just fyi a standard door height (residential) is 6 feet, 8 inches (80 inches). are you wearing 4 inch pumps, just kidding! standard commercial door height is 7 feet (84 inches)
Jenny said on 2/Nov/10
It's Funny seeing that Jared is 6'4 and When he was Dean In Gilmore Girls during Rory's Dance Episode in Season 1 He told One Rory's ClassMates that He was 6'2
Clay said on 21/Jun/09
Bambi, he is 6'4, 6'4.25 max. He often wears thick shoes on Supernatural that can make him look 6'5. Next to Derek Mears who is a legit 6'5 Jared looked 1 inch shorter.
Original said on 19/Jun/09
Jared is 6'5".
Anonymous said on 18/Jun/09
Jared looks like 6'4 Tom 6'2 Jensen 6'0 Chad 5'11
Bambi said on 18/Jun/09
He's at LEAST 6"5
Patrick said on 17/Jun/09
Josh either you need glasses or I do: Tom and Jared on this pci do not look exactly the same height, they just "are"! Admittedly Tom is 6'3, Jared can easilt be 6'4 at least.
Josh.J said on 12/Jun/09
Click Here

does look 6'4 with tom welling and jensen here. oh and welling looks more like 6'2.
xyzblast said on 10/Jun/09
just get a pic with him and do a supernatural sweep, hehe.
Da Man said on 10/Jun/09
I really think Jared is 194 cm (6'4.25"-6'4.5"). One of the tallest self-proclaimed 6'4" actors around.

Rob, were you saying he looked a solid 6'4"-6'5" guy or something else when you said, "I did see Jared finally and he did look a solid 6ft 4 6ft 4 guy."

Editor Rob
he looked a legit 6ft 4 guy. Seeing him on stage aswell standing beside other supernatural people I met that day confirmed it!
Clay said on 10/Jun/09
Big king, Jared has said on several occations that Mears is 1 inch taller than him. In your pic, Jared is closer to the camera so he looks taller.
Clay said on 10/Jun/09
Big king, Jared has said on several occations that Mears is 1 inch taller than him.
Big King said on 9/Jun/09
Padalecki looks at least a half inch taller than Derek Mears who is a strong 6'5". Click Here

Well, after seeing this pic with Jeff who got measured 6'5" several times, I don't think that Mears is anything under 6'5" so that would make Padalecki 6'5.5"-6'6".
Big King said on 9/Jun/09
He's a strong 6'4". He has about the same height as Derek Mears.
Yaspaa said on 3/Jun/09
Woh,woh,woh Rob,that is sweeeeeet news.
Clay said on 1/Jun/09
Chlawk, Jared is 6'4 now. Look at him next to 6'5 Derek Mears and Jared is barely 1 inch shorter even though both are wearing similar footwear. Also look at him next to 6'2.5 Tom Welling.
sid said on 1/Jun/09
Chlawk jared is 6'4..justin is more 6'2
lily said on 27/May/09
wow, i've been reading all of this and no one has come up with nonsense on any of the pages i've visited, as this sid dude has.
way to get a record for that... lol.

u need a life, sid!!!!
Yaspaa said on 26/May/09
Oh my god,that answers everything,it all makes sense now,sid's sister is also his mother!
Clay said on 26/May/09
Sid, you brought up your sister, not me. I said Jared would have zero interest in your sister since he can get much more attractive girls like models. So since you brought up your sister by your logic you are into incest. As was said, some girls like guys with big muscles, most do not. At least now you can admit that having big muscles means nothing in the real world. I am not talking about hot chicks that I have, I said Jared could get models because most girls find him very attractive. Stop over compensating, this page is about Jared, not you.
sid said on 25/May/09
Clay you keep bring up family memebers you have a thing with your sister.. incest. if your posting something about someone sister..most likley you are into your sister incest man.. I'm not sick like you..Clark generations changed, lots of broads like big musclar men like me and etc..Height is nothing in realife clay.. just cause you have height doesn't mean your all that..nither having big defintion muscles..too me he is shrimp cause I'm bigger, and I'm a shrimp to him cause he is taller..both doesn't really matter..your just wishful thinking to have hot chicks you never had. may say you had hot others there homely as a muddy fence..everyone has there own opinions..having the tallness and muscles is nothing as well then..Opinions man out there I'm allowed to have them.
Clay said on 23/May/09
"height doesnt matter it means nothing..just cause your tall it doesnt mean nothing.."

And huge muscles do matter ? Last I checked this is a site about people's heights not how much muscles they have. The fact that you are on here proves that height is important especially to you. Why so insecure ? Why do you feel the need to come on the internet to brag about how much muscle you have and how everyone is a shrimp to you ? What are you over compensating for ? Some girls do like huge body builders, most do not. Huge muscles means nothing. The point is to have smarts and a good personality.
Clay said on 23/May/09
Sid you keep saying height means nothing, guess what big muscles mean nothing. Nobody cares if you look like the incredible hulk, this is a site about height. Stay on topic. And by the way Jared got plenty of millions from Friday the 13th also. Stop tooting your own horn. Jared can get most girls, your sister not liking him means nothing.
Clay said on 23/May/09
Sid your sister is one girls. What i meant was Jared can easilly get most girls including hot models and has dated some models. Most girls go ccrazy for him, get over it

Editor Rob
I gave you a hint before, stick to one name. Trying to make up 5 different names doesn't go down to well with me.

stick with a bit of honesty! it will go a long way in life.
sid said on 23/May/09
Clay read between the lines...I said jared is a shrimp cause I am bigger.. I am a shirmp to him he is taller..Jared ain't 6'5 more like 6'4.
D When I saw Jared in person in new west..sure he's tall he didn't look nearly as big as he did on tv, tv adds 10 pounds or more..Just like Kane he may look bigger ans taller on tv.. he is shorter in doesnt look as big in person..clay jared can't get any women he wants.. my sister doesnt think he is all that..your stereo typing..My sister like her older men..she doesn't find boys like jared that amusing..Jared ain't rich for a tv actor.. few mill..Your wrong yaspaa times have changed..women love big muscles now..I get that all the time people i seen...and know...get hit on cause of the big muscles.. yes I can use pumping iron.. where arnold had a party with his body building friends.. they invited tons of girls over.. they didnt laugh..yaspaa...your just a joke.. height doesnt matter it means nothing..just cause your tall it doesnt mean nothing..
Anonymous said on 22/May/09
Lol. There is so much nonsense here.
When people see Jared in person, they usually react with "You've got to be kidding me." He is almost 6'5". Welling is 6'3" and almost always wears thin flip flops on set.
D said on 21/May/09
Wow Sid, We all cower in fear of your "big muscles"
It seems like you have more muscles on your fingers for typing than you do on your body.
Roger said on 20/May/09
Having muscles is great but the type of body Sid is talking about is seriously overdoing it, it's just too much. Jared's body is perfect for what a tall guy should llok like, more than that and it would look nasty. Too much muscle is not attractive.
Clay said on 20/May/09
Sid is obviously "special". Go easy on him people. Tall means nothing Sid ? Then why are you on here ? This isn't a place to talk about body building, this is a place to talk about how tall someone is. Stay on topic. Yeah Kane and Big Show would consider you a shrimp, because you are much shorter than them and have less muscle. Jared has less muscle than you but he is much taller. Even if you are have much more muscle mass than someone they cannot be a shrimp to you if they have a drastic height advantage. And why do you go on and on and on about muscles, who cares about muscles ? Get smarter, healthier, etc. Don't just obsess over msucles like some nut. Jared is a talented, wealthy, good looking successful young man, he could literally get any girl he wants- can't say the same for you. Why do you need to degrade him and turn this into a competiton between you and him ? And guys Sid is talking about the body builder Jay Cutler, not the football player.
Yaspaa said on 20/May/09
Ah sid I see your confusing and confounding people on this page too,I'm sure your friends at the special school think your great. I have to agree huge muscles are ug-ly it makes you walk like you have **** your pants. By the way sid,Lou Ferrigno says your a shrimp.
You didn't see people laughing at pumping iron?,thats the worst arguement ever. Grown men posing and blowing kisses to themselves in the mirror...haha.
sid said on 19/May/09
Wayne Jared isn't 6'0 nor 6'1 cause casio played by mischa is only 5'10. Jensen had o.5 inches on him..that was on last week finale of supernatural..jensen barley even looked taller then casio.. there my height jensen could be 5'10'5 to 5'11 max.. watch the finale of supernatural and you will see there the same height.
sid said on 19/May/09
Clay VJ Wayne Tall does mean nothing. doesn't mean your big..I got 6'3 friend is tall not big..I'm bigger then him and I call him a shrimp..he's only 180 pounds..Jared looks atleast a inch taller then my friend.. jared has more muscles then my friend. there a inch apart atleast..
VJ I'm 40 yes Jared is shrimp..people I see theres shrimps to me cause I am bigger..No not really vj body builders who get laughed at was in the 60's this isn't the 60's it's 00..I know plethora's of women who like Mass like myself..times have change.. do some research before you assume.. those are you words.. just cause my grammer ain't spiffy as your it doesn't mean I'm young..your stereo,. first of I'm not writing to barack Obama, nor primeminster Harper..I'm not writing a red letter day letter..I'm writing to people who peasants like me.. working to survive. people like me and you are nothing special. why should spice up my grammer for a nothing. stop stereo typing VJ..People need to think around the circle.. not inside..VJ I can tell you never been around women much I seen and been with many women who mass like me and batista. look at him he is mass with defintion like me.. women fall for him.. and adore him. so monkey see monkey do to me.. they love how big it is..get out of the 60's VJ cause it's nearing 2010 pal.. body builders get laughed at please.. theres women body builders with mass, if they didnt like it they wouldnt be body building you just made a fool out of yourself..Theres women, who goes to watch body building comptition..duh if they didnt like it they wouldnt go..I seen videos I been to them..theres lots of women now these days like the big mass...You don't know diddly about body building so don't assume.. cause theres women competing who are bigger and stronger then you...WOMEN CHICKS.. go to these body building competition.. look at Jay cutlers wife.. she married to him. and I don't see her laughing. she helps in train. ronnie colemans gf likes him and he is huge.. kevin levrone a pretty boy was once a body builder he has chicks lining up a mile away..Me I have chicks saying nice bod..Body building has changed since the 60's women now have changed to.. before they hated sports now they love it. football, hockey. rugby which they have huge women..i dont see them get laughed at..need I say more VJ.. you assuming stereo typing mook which isn't that bad of word mook..
Wayne I know lots of big mass like mines or batista culters etc.. times have changed women have changed they like the big mass..I'm in the body building martial arts world all the time. I go to these convention all over...I see tons of women loving big mass men such as myself..I even saw one at a club grinding agaist a body building.. say nice big arms nice chest. thats the way I l like it..Like I said I seen..Yes jared is a shrimp cause he isn't big..just cut.. anyone bigger gonna say that like kane he would call me a shrimp. big show would call me a shrimp there bigger etc..YOU GUYS DON'T DON'T KNOW DIDDLY SQUAT ABOUT BODY BUILDING. Look at Arnold schwarzenegger, if you seen Pumping iron...women adore him...he had party one time he had tons of chicks over to party with him and his body building friends this was in the 25th anni of pumping iron..i didnt see them laugh...You people need to stop stereo typing..times have changed as well as the women..My friend she is dating a body builder...Women hate big mass muscles cmon please you people are a joke..get with the program.. stereo typers..I go to the beach women asked me to feel my mucles saying can I touch wow its so big and cut..I get attention all the time, people men women ask me how much i can lift, how much you weigh..say nice chest arms thats coming from a women, men ask me how much can I lift what not.. my point is look around the circle people.. lots of things isnt impossible. you people make it sound like it is.
Clay said on 19/May/09
"Tall means nothing". Really ?? Last time I checked this is a site about height, while you are here stay on topic and talk about height. If you want to talk about muscle mass and all that go to a body builder forum.
Sarah said on 19/May/09
Sid, Tall means nothing ? Ok so what does huge mass muscles mean ? Girls at least like tall guys, they do not like guys who are too too muscular. In fact guys that are huge body builders often get lauged at.
VJ said on 19/May/09
So Sid according to you anyone who does not have as much thick muscle as you is a shrimp ? That means 97% of the world would be a shrimp to you. Your logic and grammer indicate that you are either very young and ignorant or not very smart. Perhaps you should spend more time reading and educating yourself in the ways of the world and less time building muscles. Being a huge hulking mass of muscle is not only unappealing to girls but is a sign that the guy has nothing else to offer- smarts, personality, etc.
Wayne said on 19/May/09
Alexa, it doesn't matter what they say, Jensen is absolutely not 6'1. He is at best 6 foot flat.

Sid, we get it, you think everyone is a shrimp. Time for a reality check, no one is arguing that Jared has huge mass, they are saying huge mass is not attractive. Jared's body is attractive. All the girls I know go crazy for the guy. As a male I can even admit he has a great body- tall, good muscles but not too thick or bulky. Someone who is muscular being less muscular doesn't make them a shrimp. A shrimp would be someone very small and skinny. By the way according to you you are 5'10 and now you say you are 250 plus pounhds, you are one round dude- that is not a good look.
Clay said on 19/May/09
Sid, did you even bother to read any of the posts ? Constantly ranting about how everyone is a shrimp to you and how you are much bigger makes you look very insecure and makes you look like you are obviously over compensating. Yeah you may be much more muscular than Jared. The point people are trying to make is huge body builder bodies are disgusting, they look like steroid freaks. Jared has a great athletic muscular body, he has the most muscle someone can have before they start to look sickening. Being bigger than someone means nothing.
AlexA said on 19/May/09
Click Here

Jensen is 6'1'', Jared is 6'5''
Anonymous said on 18/May/09
Jared has never looked like a shrimp. He has a naturally large frame anyway.
sid said on 18/May/09
VJ Theres tall that doesn't mean your big...he's shrimp cause he isn't bigger then me/ I'm a shrimp to him cause he is taller..tall is nothing..For the record your stereo typing I seen lots of body builders are agile, and flexable. I'm flexable, I do martial arts training.. and agile. I can do the semi splits I can kick high.. I seen a body builder do martial arts for his gig for body building competition he does the splits no problem.. he does high kicks..whole 9 yards..theres plethora's of body builders out there are agile and flexable. don't stereo type...I seen atleast 6 body buiders competing in martial arts tourment I didnt see any sign of stiff wearing out.. Theres me and others out there can do it. you sound like everything is impossible, then it isn't stereo typers..Jared big cmon.. thats called stereo typing when I'm bigger..mass thick with defintion.he is a shrimp to me..
sid said on 18/May/09
Da Man I have the Batista look.. he is bigger then me not by much.max batista is 270.. see these people don't know what big is..jared has the cut look..he isn't big..I got wwe body look.

VJ Tall is nothing.. I DWARF JARED IN MUSCLE..I'm wider bigger thicker.. so therefore he is a shrimp..He is just cut..VJ you just prooved my point to me he isnt like me but he is cut. see theres a diff...Jared is a shrimp to me cause he is smaller then me..thats what shrimp means..cut muscles doesn't mean big...look at vandamme he has the same type of muscles as jared he isn't big. samething..vandamme is shrimp to me. he isn't big.. just cut..
sid said on 18/May/09
Clay It's true I'm bigger I'm over 240..Jared isnt I got the body building look.. Clay you know nothing about body building.
Annie since your a women he may be big to you.. to me he is a shrimp. he doesnt have a body builder look as I do...I'm over 240 he isn't he just have the athletic look.. I have defintion with mass he doesn't he is like vandamm only bigger.. theres a big diff.Annie you don't know nothing about muscles.. or they work..or body building.. theres differnt kinds of muscles out there. mass defintion. or jared cut athletic. thats like van damme with no mass..You people need to get a reality check.. cause jared isn't big..not me..I been working out since 82 before he was born. I have more experience then any of you people on this know what I see..I'm over 240..I do have mass, which will out weigh jared..since I'm bigger he is a shrimp..he isn't no more then 220. I'm usually around 250 to 260 winter time, depends how much I EAT I'm around 244 today cutting down..for the summer..You guys don't assume **** when I know what I see. I seen jared cam adds 10 pounds..I SEEN HIM IN PERSON HE ISN'T NEARLY AS BIG AS HE IS ON TV, SURE HE IS RIPPED NOT BIG, THERES A DIFF
Clay said on 18/May/09
By the way muscles means nothing in a fight. I've seen a 5'6 guy knock out a huge muscled 6'2 guy because the little guy knew martial arts.
Clay said on 18/May/09
LOL Sid sounds so insecure with his constant "oh this guy is a shrimp, I'm bigger than him" rants. Obviously he's over compensating for something.
Annie said on 18/May/09
Sid, Jared's body is hot. He's got some athletic muscles, he is not a shrimp by any stretch of the imagination. On the other hand the type of body you are describing sounds quite disgusting, too bulky and big with the veins popping out, that sounds sickening. What girl would want a giant boulder on top of her ? And yeah having an incredible hulk body does make your pecker look small.
VJ said on 18/May/09
"Yaspaa To me Jared is a shrimp. I don't see Jared musclar..he's just tall.."

What a stupid thing to say, just because he isn;t as muscular as you doesn't mean he isn't muscular at all. Just look at pics and videos, he is ripped, not body builder muscular(thank God for that, body builder bodies are very unnatractive and make you look like a steroid user)but athletic football player muscular. Jared's body is the type of body girls love.
Da Man said on 18/May/09
I'm 6'2.5" 210, and Jared looks bigger "with a shirt" than I do. The guy always looks big on Supernatural, not just muscular. He doesn't look like a bodybuilder though, I agree with that Sid. He would look like a shrimp in the WWE, but pretty darn big out in the real world.
VJ said on 18/May/09
Jared would probably consider you a shrimp Sid, since he's proobably about 6 or 7 inches taller than you. Having a body builder body just means that you are not flexible or agile or well coordinated. And stop going around and saying this guys a shrimp to you and this guy is smaller than you, it makes you look like a tool.
Ricky said on 18/May/09
Jared doesn't need to flex for his muscles to look great, go watch Friday the 13th. As a straight man I can admit his body is great which is why girls go nuts for him. Lean muscles is the way to go. Roid rage bodies like yours are not appealing to anybody, they are just "ew".
Wayne said on 18/May/09
Sid you being more muscular than Jared doesn't mean he is a shrimp or he lanky. Those are two completely different things and neither applies to Jared. To most people Jared would be a big guy because most people are not steroid body builders such as yourself. Jared is Big, he is tall and muscular, that is big to the general population.
sid said on 18/May/09
Clay ricky wayne, da man, jimmyl When you flex your muscles look bigger, when he is relaxed...back to normal.. Me I wear t shirts don't need to flex.. it always bluges out..Look at franoo columbo.. his muscles bluges out without flexing and he's huge..arnold the same.. ronnie me, batista, cutler we dont need to flex to look big..Someone who is bigger like me would think jared is a shrimp. Body builders look is differnt from jared look, to me jared doesn't have a body builder look.. just a cut athetlic look..thats not big. You guys are funny assuming jared's big, that cause your probably smaller then I am.. I cant say all..Jared is big wow I NEVER THAT lmao
sid said on 18/May/09
Clay ricky wayne, da man, jimmy.. thats not big...You guys don't know what big is.. thats just cut..defintion.. Thats like vandamme style of muscles..only bigger.. cause he is taller. He isn't like me or lou ferrgino.. or jay cutler, or batista..we're big he isn't I don't see him have big cocount shape delts with wide lats that are thick, with 22 inches biceps, chest and a huge chest. too me he is a shrimp.. to you you guys are probably smaller then me of course your gonna say he is bigger. Someone like me who is bigger then Jared..he is a shrimp..I don't see nothing big about his muscles.. he's just toned.. cut, ripped..not big. don't let the height fool you..Jared is no where the zize of batista me, jay cutler.. we're big he isn't
sid said on 18/May/09
Clay Jared isn't that big.. he doesnt have the size as I do. he's just defined.. not big mass like me...I seen him around..he isnt big. but tall.. Big is body builders thats big. thats what I am same style frame as a body builder So I guess I'm a body builder..I don't compete...Jared is tall.. not big.. he's more like Justin hartly.. but little bigger. he isn't batista who is bigger then Jared..jared is a shrimp to me I am bigger then Jared..
Clay said on 17/May/09
I think Sid is just feeling insecure about himself, so to make himself feel better he says ludicrous thinks like Padalecki is a scrawny shrimp.
Da Man said on 17/May/09
Nah, Jared's a big s.o.b. these days.
Jimmy said on 17/May/09
Why was my post cut off ?

"The guys of Friday the 13 acting goofy. Jared has his shirt off".

What the hell are they doing ? And why is everyguy besides jared wearing the same T shirt ?
Jimmy said on 17/May/09
He doesn't look too shrimp in the SamRuby sex scene Click Here

The guys of Friday the 13 acting goofy. Jared has his shirt off.
Wayne said on 17/May/09
Here's another one for you Sid, scroll down.

Click Here

The guys of Friday the 13 acting goofy. Jared has his shirt off.
Wayne said on 17/May/09
Shrimp ? Here you go Sid- Click Here Scroll down. You consider that a shrimp ? Have you not seen Friday the 13th ? The guy who played Jason is a pro body builder and even said Jared was nearly just as muscular as him. By the way the camera adding 10 pounds is an old Hollywood joke for woman looking pudgy on camera, it's not true- ask anyone who works in showbiz.
Ricky said on 17/May/09

Is this a joke ? In Friday the 13th his shirt looked like it was going to tear into peices. He's very muscular now, he had to gain muscle for the movie and decided to keep it for Supernatural. I've met him and Jensen and both are well built guys. Calling either a shrimp is idiotic.
Clay said on 17/May/09
Sid, since last year Jared has put on 20 pounds of muscle. Go watch him in Friday the 13th. The dude is ripped now. Shrimp ? LOL. Not anymore. Hell just go watch Supernatural, in his shirtless scenes he clearly is now very muscular.
sid said on 16/May/09
Yaspaa To me Jared is a shrimp. I don't see Jared musclar..he's just tall..he's probably atleast 215 close to 220..he isnt big.. but tall....I seen him up close, camera adds 10 pounds, I saw him last year, he didnt look nearly big as he did on tv
Clay said on 20/Apr/09
The role of superman(the one that Routh eventually got)was first offered to Josh Hartnett.... just some trivia.
Yaspaa said on 20/Apr/09
Jared has not been lanky since he was a teenager but yeah...totally wrong for Superman,regardless 194.
Clay said on 20/Apr/09
Jared is not lanky anymore. He's put on 30 pounds of muscle. His shirt in Friday the 13th looked like it was about to rip.
sid said on 19/Apr/09
When chris reeves came they billed superman 6'4 ever since.. before he was like 6'2 6'3 more 6'3..Jared doesn't have the face future to look like superman..Tom welling..routh..and reeves all had it. reeves the most.. of course..people consider chris reeves.. superman more then anyone else.
sid said on 19/Apr/09
Nickie I agree Tom's only max 6'2'5.jared 6'4. Tom can look 6'2. when I saw him he didn't look 6'3 shay under. Jared looks 1'5 to 2 inches.. like i said tom can look 6'2.5 which is tall not tall tall.I live in Vancouver where both smallville and supernat is shot..smallville doesn't move around much..since they shoot in and out of the studio which is metroplois set. super natural is in new west older creek areas..not city places like smallville.
sid said on 19/Apr/09
Nick Jared isn't huge..he is just tall and lanky..Tom welling is bigger then him. jared is just tall.6'4 i give jared nothing more then that. jared said himself he was 6'4 why would he lie...if he were to lie he would say 6'6..which he isn't I seen jared. he is the same height as I guy I know who I work with..tall and lanky..well jared might be little bigger..jared was 6'3 in his other tv show when he was younger.. now he past his height limit. he stopped growing..Jared looks 2 inches on tom welling maybe 1'5 I seen them both
Da Man said on 17/Apr/09
Jared doesn't look anything like Superman.
Clay said on 17/Apr/09
Yoyo, Mears might be a bit more than 6'5 and he wears thickish shoes. Jared is a legit 6'4. Next to 6'2 and 6'3 guys he looks 6'4.
yoyo said on 17/Apr/09
i saw the clip that Derek Mears was 1.5in topped jared. jared is no way 6ft4. only a little hair up over 6ft4. i bet his 6ft3.5 only.
Nick said on 16/Apr/09
Why has Jared not been considered for Superman ? He's huge, bigger than both Routh and Welling.
Da Man said on 15/Apr/09
Patrick, I used to buy into that explanation. But enough evidence has surfaced (evidence where Jared isn't on an elevated surface) and the same height disparity exists. There are numerous examples.

I think that was a legit face-off in CBTD. Jared has 2" on Welling, or very close to it.
Da Man said on 15/Apr/09
Jensen does have footwear advantage, but most scenes in Supernatural are shot in such a way to minimize the height difference between them. Every once in a while a scene makes it in where there is no obvious trickery (such as the scene shot in a high school hallway scene this season) where it's obvious Jared has a bit over 4" on Jensen, I'd say 4.25" - 4.5". There's also the CW Premiere video where it's clear once again that Jared has over 4" on Jensen.
Patrick said on 15/Apr/09
Nickie, in CBTDozen, Jare is standing on either the sidewalk or a platform; for long analized right here! Even so, Jared is probably about 1 inch taller than Tom who is 6'3. Some say Tom is 6'2/5 and Jared 6'4/5, so, we always have the same difference!
Clay said on 14/Apr/09
The only time Jensen looks close to Jared's height is when he is wearing is 2 inch sole dark boots. In normal shoes he's several inches shorter. Jensen is 5'11 and 7/8, almost 6 foot and with those boots can look 6'2. Jared wears normal shoes and always looks 6'4, even in Friday the 13th with Nick Mennel(6'4) and Derek Mears(6'5) he look exactly their height.
Rock said on 14/Apr/09
6'2.5 for Jared is just plain idiotic. Look at him next to Jason(Derek Mears), there is not much of a difference and Mears is 6'5. The only reason 5'11.5 Jensen looks close to Jared's height sometimes is because he wears thick soled shows and they shoot at angles to make Jensen look taller. I've met jared and trust me he is 6'4, can look up to 6'5 with shoes. Watch some videos online of Jensen and Jared at events where they both have on formal footwear, Jared is a good 4 inches taller.
Nickie said on 14/Apr/09
Sorrt to burst your bubble kid but Tom Welling is a legit 6'2.5 guy and in Cheaper by the dozen he and Jared stand face to face and Jared is easily 2 inches taller.... they are both wearing similar footwear. Have you seen Friday the 13th ? The guy who plays Jason is a legit 6'5 and Jared is not even a full 1 inch shorter. I've met him at Eyecon and trust me he is every bit of 6'4.
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/09
6'4..don't think so as he is just a few cms' taller than jensen in Supernatural who i believe is 5'11 thus making Jared 6'2.5 at best, not 6'4
Patrick said on 8/Apr/09
If Jared stands up straight he gains a good inch but Yaspaa, you
Yaspaa said on 25/Mar/09
I'm anonymous by the way.
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/09
I never trust stuff like that but check out Jared's posture.
Shevs said on 24/Mar/09
We have these Supernatural caps, but of course they should probably be taken with a grain of salt, seeing as the producers could be manipulating these to match whatever heights they want the characters to be.

Click Here
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 16/Mar/09
The likelihood of the limitations and cancelations is limited to certain additions lol.
She said on 13/Mar/09
Hi Rob! Hope it works out. Since Jared was a late addition, instead of a late cancellation, it seems the likelihood of his not being there is limited.
She said on 12/Mar/09
Jared is scheduled to be in Birmingham in May. Perhaps Rob could swing by for a pic. Click Here

Editor Rob
I will go to supernatural con, but knowing he is now trying to do a film between supernatural seasons maybe I won't get hopes up he'll be there since he's already cancelled a few cons before...
Hugh said on 3/Mar/09
Derek wears shox, Jared high heel boots (high heel for a man).
Yaspaa said on 3/Mar/09
You learn something evry day.
She said on 2/Mar/09
Hi everyone. Jared looks taller, shorter and the same as Derek in some of those still! In the clip from the Australia con where he talks about his height he makes the "mistaken" conversion of 197 cm. But I wonder if that's actually closer to the truth.
Da Man said on 2/Mar/09
Jared does look shorter than Mears in that clip, but he also looks to be losing more from posture. Now THOSE are significant posture variations. It's really not the best video for comparison.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
She said on 2/Mar/09
Yaspaa - Means I've been lurking on this site for a while, now I'm "out."
Patrick said on 2/Mar/09
That definitely is impossible to use it as a measurement tool, even though real interesting.
Hugh said on 2/Mar/09
Yaspaa, delurk stands for de-lurk: she is posting a comment here where she has always been reading posts without commenting.
Yaspaa said on 2/Mar/09
If you pause play, pause play etc they are very similar,it's a tricky angle and it all depends on exactly how tall Derek is,it is a chunky running shoe also. If Derek is 6'5 that makes Jared 6'4 which I dont think he is. On derek's page he is pictured with a 6'5 guy and does look slightly taller.
What does delurks mean She?
Hugh said on 2/Mar/09
Hi, She, that's weird, Jared looks 3 cm shorter than Derek...
She said on 28/Feb/09

Please work your height estimation mojo on this video of Jared (in cowboy boots) and Derek (running shoes) on the same stage:
Click Here
Hugh said on 27/Feb/09
Tom somewhere around 6'2" / 6'2.5"(max), Jared 6'4" / 6'4.5" (maybe a shade taller?), Jensen... ... somewhere between 5'11" and 6'.
Da Man said on 26/Feb/09
Tom 6'2.5", Jared 6'4.5", Jensen 6'0".

Makes the most sense, though Jensen at a shade under 6'0" remains a possibility (in my mind) considering his penchant for height-enhancing footwear.

I'm at the point now where I can't take anyone seriously who pegs Jared below 6'4". The guy is plainly and clearly one of the tallest self-proclaimed 6'4" actors/celebs around.

I have $50 that says Padalecki would clearly edge out Adam Baldwin or Conan O'Brien. Jared at 6'4" would be his absolute, barest minimum height. The guy is huge.
Yaspaa said on 26/Feb/09
"plonker is an insult".........Thats hilarious Hugh,I couldn't make up this stuff. They aren't really insults just playful jibes,it's not like I called you a dxxxx fxxxxxx plonker now that would have been insulting. If thou hast however found distain in my written pokes I forward thee my humblest apologies and shall return from whenst I came,until tomorrow.
Hugh said on 26/Feb/09
That was insulting and not just exaggerating. Plonker is an insult, and it is not the only one you wrote. Keep this kind of ****ty thoughts inside your brain, that's the right place for them.
Yaspaa said on 26/Feb/09
I was exaggerating for effect,anyone over 10 would have got that.
Sid as usual I have no idea what you are talking about.....Jared isn't over 6'2....I never said that....Now we have a pair of nuggets. Jared is 6'4 and change,everything is pointing to that,not a flat 6'4.
Hugh said on 26/Feb/09
Yaspaa I think you're not really sane are you? Are you 10 yo?
I've never told Schneider 5'9, what are you talking about?
Yes my proof is not there, I thought I linked an image. Now I have to find it again.
sid said on 26/Feb/09
sid said on 26/Feb/09
Yaspaa you make no sense, Jared is 6'4, he has 2 inches on Tom, that would make tom 6'2 which is correct or 6'2'5 perhaps max.. tom isnt fact over that
Yaspaa said on 25/Feb/09
I think you mean't to say.... "Right,that's the proof he IS 5'9.5",Hugh,your proof that he isn't 5'9.5 is errrrr....not there,proof can stare you in the face and you still would not buy it and we can narrow that down to you being a complete and utter nugget! pick your brains up,put them back in and hope for the best. Tom is NOT at least 2.5" shorter than Jared! Jensen IS a weak 6'0! John schneider is NOT 5'9 as you would have us believe and you base all of this on a pic of Tom and his possibly 5'7 bird walking down the fxxxxxx street! and she is definitely 5'7 because you read it on other sites which are obviously far more reliable for giving accurate heights than a site dedicated TO heights you plonker.....O.K Hugh you are right ignore the overwelming evidence and base all your opinions on that one pic. Caveman mentality Hugh or is it ugh?
Hugh said on 25/Feb/09
Yaspaa says on 25/Feb/09
5'9.5 on this site.
Right, that's the proof he is not 5'9.5"
Yaspaa said on 25/Feb/09
5'9.5 on this site.
Hugh said on 24/Feb/09
Oh, come on Yaspaa you can do better than that. Geoffrey Lewis is everywhere listed 5'9" or less and i suspect it was his youth height peak.
Yaspaa said on 23/Feb/09
Hugh the screencaps are from season 6 of Dawsons Creek and are on the biggest site associated with him.
Yaspaa said on 23/Feb/09
Hugh go to go to screencaps and click Dawsons Creek.
Hugh said on 23/Feb/09
Oops.. False friend error: I wrote ankle, that was hip. Deeply sorry.
Hugh said on 23/Feb/09
I can't see that picture, Yaspaa.. The browser loads the page but there are no pics..
Yaspaa said on 23/Feb/09
Jensen pictured with 5'9.5 Geoffrey Lewis. He does look close to 6'0 and this only further confirms Tom at over 6'2 Click Here
Yaspaa said on 23/Feb/09
What about the Cheaper by the dozen shot,eye to eye and about 2" difference and the guys in the backgroud standing on steps to make them more imposing because jared and Tom are so tall. With the knowledge that Jared is most likely over 6'4 this only strengthens Tom's case of being over 6'2.
What about Jensen for Green Lantern.
Hugh said on 23/Feb/09
DaMan didn't you noticed their ankles? I think you are not really accurate this time. There are lots of things to look carefully there, neck, spine, ankle, knees, feet, shoes... And probably I forgot something ...
Da Man said on 22/Feb/09
Hugh, their postures are virtually identical in the 2nd pic. Jared is looking down a bit (which lowers his features, but not the top of his head), but their stance is VERY close.

The first pic, which you linked, both are standing tall but Tom has the wider stance. The third pic Jared does have a relaxed posture, but then again Tom isn't exactly stretched out either.

Their postures are roughly comparable in all pics, the differences are so minor that you can easily account for it.
hugh said on 21/Feb/09
i cannot agree with that sentence DaMan,their different posture is so evident that i can't believe you are telling this seriously.
erica said on 20/Feb/09
i agree with 6'4"
Jared's got good 4" over Jensen Ackles who's barely 6'
Take a look at any pic of Jensen and Jared from a CW green carpet event. 6'4" is definitely right.
Da Man said on 20/Feb/09
In most pics, their postures were roughly comparable.
Hugh said on 20/Feb/09
Da Man, every picture you linked from that video shows a slouching Jared and a straight Tom, with this Click Here exception.
I think the Jared-Tom difference is 2.5" at least.
Look at their dresses. I guess Tom has a little bit more heel than Jared.
Alex said on 19/Feb/09
Ed, he was a good Jason. I dont think there was any actor who did a bad job at Jason. I still liked Kane Hodder the most though 2 of films he played Jason in (Goes go Hell and Jason X) were 2 of worst movies of the series.
Patrick said on 19/Feb/09
Yes Yaspaa, I agree with you about Topher Grace (Venom in Spidey III) who
Da Man said on 17/Feb/09
DEREK MEARS: "I think they wanted to get like part two where
Ed(1) said on 16/Feb/09
Yeah it was pretty good wasn't Alex? Mears in my opinion knocked it out of the park! His version of Jason is now by far my favorite, and I didn't think that would happen after how good Brooker and White's versions were!

That's true it was pretty dark, and it was tough to make out exactly the difference! It sure didn't look like much though, and in the end fight they looked almost dead even.
Alex said on 15/Feb/09
Ed, I saw the movie tonight and it was very good. It was tough to get an estimate on how much the difference was between them. It was dark, etc.
Ed(1) said on 15/Feb/09
After just seeing the new Friday remake, it was interesting to compare Jared and Derek Mears(6ft5), the new Jason! To be honest, there was barely any real difference between them, granted an inch on screen isn't going to look like much, but at several times during the movie Padalecki edged out Mears. They both wore boots, Padalecki's were motorcycle style and Mears were more construction. More and more I'm thinking Padalecki could be 6ft4.5 if not 6ft5, he definitely looked huge on screen and dwarfed everyone in the cast except Mears!
Yaspaa said on 15/Feb/09
Derek Mears who was pictured with Padalecki (posted on Nov 4th) is on this site now at 6'5.
Yaspaa said on 14/Feb/09
I agree about Tobey Maguire Patrick in fact he almost ruined the film for me,he pulls the most vile faces,when he stops the train is a good example. Stop gurning Tobey. The guy who played Venom although a little too tall,facially would have been a better choice. I also think Kirsten Dunst was miscast. I'm not starting an argument here guys, it's just a gut feeling I have. The first two X-Men are probably my favourites just for the sheer variety.
As for thor's nose heh heh,it is Padalecki's. Toodles.
Patrick said on 11/Feb/09
Yaspaa and DaMan : yes ! He
Da Man said on 10/Feb/09
Jared and the Thor in that pic have the same nose.
Yaspaa said on 10/Feb/09
Who are you?
... said on 9/Feb/09
this guy is super tall, i mean in supernatural you can think jensen is a short guy but he's really tall too
Yaspaa said on 9/Feb/09
He does have that chiseled thing going on.
Da Man said on 7/Feb/09
Yaspaa, I think Jared would be a great choice for Thor. I've thought the same thing a time or two as well. Facially, he even looks quite a bit like some interpretations of Thor. Click Here

He clearly has the height, just a wig, contacts, and 20 lbs. of muscle or so away.
Yaspaa said on 6/Feb/09
If Jared bulks up some more he may work as Thor in the up and coming movie,what do you reckon?
Patrick as usual you are right,DM is very honest,no sugar coating there,that's we love him.

DM You are right Patrick
Patrick said on 6/Feb/09
On those pics DaMan I have to acknowledge you are absolutely right and, as for me, I don't need to see them to say you are one of the most honest men I have the rpivilege to write to in this site.
I think too that Jared could be over 6'4. I see him also as 6'4/5 and if I were told he's 6'5, I would say "why not"!
If those pics are exactly the reflection of reality, either tom is 6'2.5 what sounds reasonnable and Jared proves to be 6'4.5 or Jared is 6'4 and Tom only 6'2 what I never will assent to.
Da Man said on 2/Feb/09
Jared has close the 2" on Tom Welling w/o a doubt, in my honest opinion.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

I don't think 6'4.5" is out of the question for Jared at all. Huge guy...
Patrick said on 2/Feb/09
Maybe I am about to become famous since I am quoted so!
Thanks tiny but I agree with my friend Yaspaa about feeling something "from you" is missing. If only "I disagree or agree with" it! Unless what I wrote was so stupid, it is enough to just duplicate it to make everybody laugh!
Suz, that confirms my opinion regarding Jensen that just can
Yaspaa said on 31/Jan/09
Erm...something missing there tiny?
Suz said on 28/Jan/09
I'm 5'11'' dead in bare feet. When I met Jensen he had at least two inches on me, both of us wearing trainers. And it's not like I just saw him from afar, the guy was standing less than a foot away from me as we talked.
Patrick said on 15/Jan/09
Linebacker40 says on 5/Jan/09
Yaspaa said on 6/Jan/09
From previous pics 2" is about right.
Linebacker40 said on 5/Jan/09
Just wondering if this guy really has much over Welling. I'd say 1-2 inches tops.
Yaspaa said on 4/Jan/09
Me thinks Bertin tells porkies.
Ed(1) said on 22/Dec/08
So Bertin, how tall did you estimate him to be?
Yaspaa said on 20/Dec/08
What? under 6'0.
bertin osborne said on 20/Dec/08
in pics seems a huge man, but when I met him in Spain, he looks very short! I'm 6ft 5
sid said on 9/Dec/08
SupernaturalFan no way jared is 6'6, i saw jared from up close in new west here in b.c thats canada to u.. he looked 6'4. i got a 6'6 friend. jared didnt look 6'6, my friend is 6'7 in shoes. they def didnt look the same height.
sid said on 9/Dec/08
Lovin jensen isn't 6'1 he's barely taller then me I'm 5'10, he's 5'11, i saw him in new west here in b.c thats canada to u
Spence said on 6/Dec/08
Jensen is really 5ft11 by fact.. But no lower 180cm. Hes a big lift shoe fans. Jared Padalecki does wear lower shoe lift than him. Jared could look a little down 6ft4 most time hes wearing that 0.75in flats..
Da Man said on 4/Dec/08
Jared has Jensen by just over 4", and that's assuming Jensen isn't packing something in his shoes. Click Here
Ed(1) said on 21/Nov/08
There's no way Ackles is a legit 6ft1! The guy is pushing 6ft tops, and I'd be willing to bet he's more like 5ft11.25-5ft11.5. He's a big fan of large heeled boots(just check out Yaspaa's pics below for all the evidence you need) and that's how he gives off the impression of 6ft1, but it's definitely not a legit barefoot height for him.

Padalecki on the other hand is a legit 6ft4 and looks it! In the episode when they both took off their shoes and stood side by side he had Ackles by 4+ inches easy!
Da Man said on 20/Nov/08
Too bad Jared has Jensen by more than 3", eh?
Yaspaa said on 20/Nov/08
That means nothing.
Lovin said on 20/Nov/08
Jared is 6'4... Confirmed by him many times. Jensen is 6'1... confirmed by him aswell.
Yaspaa said on 18/Nov/08
BackStageJim, where did you read that?
Happy Ending said on 18/Nov/08
Like 2 meters....
BackStageJim said on 17/Nov/08
Jared noted he is more 6'5
Ed(1) said on 8/Nov/08
Nice work Yaspaa, that's the episode and the boots I was talking about!
Yaspaa said on 8/Nov/08
jensen's heel,it's a whopper. Click Here
Yaspaa said on 7/Nov/08
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 7/Nov/08
Here is Jensen's heel Click Here
Ed(1) said on 7/Nov/08
Patrick I agree with you regarding Ackles build, but two episodes ago on Supernatural both Padalecki and Ackles took their shoes off and stood side by side, and Jared absolutely dwarfed him! Ackles looked all of 5ft11-5ft11.5 tops in that epsiode, and Padalecki looked 6ft4 easy!
Also take note of Ackles footwear, he always has on big heeled logger style boots, to Padalecki's flatter soled/normal 1" heeled shoes.
Yaspaa said on 6/Nov/08
Good luck mate.
Yaspaa said on 5/Nov/08
6'6 seems a but much, that would put him over 6'7 in his boots. Is your friend 6'4 barefoot? I heard Jared's brother is 6'6-6'7 and was a basketball player or something. Anyway,I agree with Ed(1) exactly.
SupernaturalFan said on 4/Nov/08
Jared is very nearly 6'6 and I know this because my best friend is 6'4 and I am 5'8 and I have hugged them both flat footed...Jared is at least 6'5.5 but probably closer to 6'6 (I hugged Jared two months ago FYI)
Ed(1) said on 4/Nov/08
Good pic Yaspaa, that's the first time I've seen Padalecki and Mears side by side, and there looks to be barely any difference! I stil say he's 6ft4 easy if not 6ft4.5, and Mears might very well be the same, a weak 6ft5. Ackles still strikes me as a weak 6ft, 5ft11.5 or so.
3X said on 4/Nov/08
nice pic Yaspaa. Jared could most strongly be 6'4 though his long forehead makes him as tall as Derek. But I can see that Derek's eye level is higher by an inch. That ain't fair, Jared's got a massive head!!!
Yaspaa said on 4/Nov/08
Click Here
Da Man said on 4/Nov/08
Viper says on 4/Nov/08
"6-3 is his real height"

If Ackles is 5'11" and Welling is 6'1.5", then I agree. Otherwise, this guy is 6'4"-6'4.25"..
Yaspaa said on 4/Nov/08
Click Here Jared with 5'8 Amanda Righetti and 6'5 Derek Mears,6'3 my dimpled arse.
Yaspaa said on 4/Nov/08
It's been a while Viper,I cant believe you still think he's 6'3 though.
Viper said on 4/Nov/08
6-3 is his real height
Yaspaa said on 3/Nov/08
He's not 6'1 barefoot just look at the pic with Rob and Ackles,just because you fancy the pants off him doesn't make him taller. A weak 6'0 for Jensen and at least 6'4 for Jared.
monica said on 3/Nov/08
I've heard Jared say he's 6'3" a couple of times.. i met him and he certainly is reallyyyy tall but i don't know if 6'3" or 6'4" cause i've heard him say 6'3" but its the same... and jensen it's not short at all he's actually 6'1" just that next to jared he seems short but he's really tall too... he always says it's the first ppl tell him when they meet him...
Patrick said on 28/Oct/08
Yaspaa, I just can't rememeber Clint was smoking anything in any other movie he made. Jared seems getting more mature as he goes along the show; broader too. He never will get the Tom's thickness butwill be able to be more and more impressive with time. That reinforces his height in a way, contrary to many people.
Yaspaa said on 27/Oct/08
Jared looked very large in the new episode of Supernatural. A shot of Jensen's footwear was highly visible with a a very chunky heel. A close up of Jared's footwear was also shown and they appeared to be soft,like an imitation boot maybe.
Yaspaa said on 24/Oct/08
Sorry Patrick,Cuban is the only name I know and to your question,I think not. (What was he smoking in 'The Rookie'?)
Patrick said on 24/Oct/08
Yaspaa, as usual, very funny your comment! That was not a Cuban cigar in his mouth in Leone westerns but just "Italian crap cigarillos" Clint found on the premises!
Earnestly, do you see Jared or Clint doning "the" suit?
Yaspaa said on 22/Oct/08
Patrick I have to disagree,Clint Eastwood would be amazing as jump suit,dyed slick back hair,red cape,cuban cigar and a .44 Magnum.....unlucky punks!!!
Patrick said on 21/Oct/08
Thanks John for avoiding me to explain "once more" why Tom looks so short beside Jared.
About Jared being able to embody the red caped hero, I just would say that an great (late) actor as Charlton Heston, who used to play oversized heroes as Ben Hur or Moses, Taylor (planet of the apes) and so forth, did not have the superman physique.
John said on 16/Oct/08
MMM, this was discussed long ago. In those picks from Cheaper by the Dozen if you watch the commentary they point out Jared was standing on a curb and there isn't a 3 inch difference between Tom And jared. There is also a video from CW promoting both their shows and Jared had about an inch on Tom is all.
Ed(1) said on 16/Oct/08
Wow, it looks like there's almost 3 inches between Jared and Tom in those pics MMM! Now I'm wondering if Welling is only 6ft1-6ft1.5, or Jared is closer to 6ft5?

Yaspaa, the same goes here! Have you ever see pics of Jared though where his hair isn't all shaggy and down in his face? When he combs it back, he definitely looks more Superman-ish/Clark Kent-ish! Welling though does fit the look better, and Routh even moreso in my opinion! One thing is for sure Christopher Reeve will always be Superman to me, he just nailed it, and anyone since has paled in comparison!!
MMM said on 16/Oct/08
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 5/Oct/08
When Smallville kicked off Jared was only 18 and pretty slim. He has bulked up since then but he certainly doesn't have the look, ( I think Jared is fab by the way,loved him in Gilmore Girls and now in Supernatural,the new episode rocked ass) It's not about pulling off the role of Superman It's about being believable as Superman which jared however you feel about him could not.
Ed number 1,I appreciate your input regardless of my own feelings
Ed(1) said on 3/Oct/08
I don't know you guys, I think Jared could pull off Superman! Personally I think an older actor like John Hamm from Mad Men is better suited for the role, and he would bring a Christopher Reeve-like older/wiser Superman to the screen then was seen with Routh! Not to mention he has that classic 1930's-1950's look to him, which would so suit the character. But Jared too definitely has the size and look(albeit not as square jawed), and with a haircut more suited for the role I think he could do just fine.

On another note, Rob I'm surpirsed to see you have so many pics with the Supernatural cast but not one with Padalecki! Was he the only one not there at that convention?

Editor Rob
he's done ones in US, but not in UK yet...maybe after supernatural finishes he'll do one here.
Yaspaa said on 2/Oct/08
A full and concise comment Patrick which I have come to expect and enjoy and yes I did register your facetiousness.
The last DC comic I read was from the early eighties (83-84 maybe) and several 'baddies' were taking out the 'goodies'. 'The Atom' may have been subdued by 'a plant guy', poor info I know but if anyone recognises this,please let me know. I think from my youthful memories 6'3 feels better in my head correct or not.
Patrick said on 2/Oct/08
Yaspaa, I agree with you about Superman part not suiting Jared.
He definitely doesn
Da Man said on 1/Oct/08
That's the best way to judge height, palm size.
imperiterangel said on 30/Sep/08
Hello, my husband has a friend that is 6' 4" and one that is 6' 5" and if you look at the size of their hands they are huge. They guy that's 6' 5" wears a size 15 shoe. Looking at the size of Jared's hands in the pic from The Gilmore Girls where he is holding the girls hand, his hands are huge. I would say he is at least 6' 4" or closer to 6' 5". The palm of his hand is all most as big as her palm and fingers included. All I can say for really tall guys are is that I never met one that was bad tempered or unfriendly. The guys that are my husbands friends are all ways gentlemen. All though it was kind of weird the day I had to ride an elevator with the both of them (I'm only 5' 6"). I would think you could feel quite safe with the both of them around.
Da Man said on 30/Sep/08
Yaspaa, he was listed by DC at 6'3" until the Chris Reeve Superman movies and now he's usually listed at 6'4".
Yaspaa said on 30/Sep/08
Sorry Patrick that first comment regarding Jared's height is aimed at sid,yo sid.
Yaspaa said on 29/Sep/08
Was Superman not 6'3 in the comics,I cant remember.
Yaspaa said on 29/Sep/08
Patrick,that was just something I read,at the time Jared was much leaner and probably looked too tall I also think that Jared just doesn't have the right look for the part.
Da Man said on 28/Sep/08
I don't know, I really think Jared would edge out Christopher Reeves.
sid said on 25/Sep/08
Patrick said on 19/Sep/08
Ed, so I think! He's 6'4 and nothing less.
Ed(1) said on 14/Sep/08
Jared looks an easy 6ft4 to Jensen's 5ft11.5-6ft on Supernatural! At certain times depending on the camera angle they can make him look a bit shorter, but when the camera pans back there's no mistaking how tall he really his. Just look at the candid pics of him at conventions to see how much this guy towers over everybody!
Yaspaa said on 19/Aug/08
Always a pleasure Patrick.
Patrick said on 13/Aug/08
Dear Yaspaa, yes ; I like Tom very much as seemingly, many of us but I love Paul Newman too and that would never come to my mind to gauge him at if only
Yaspaa said on 12/Aug/08
Pat,you obviously love Tom and the Superman legend,but Tom is clearly 1.5-2" shorter than Jared. If Jared is relaxed and Tom is standing straight he will certainly look taller. Jared actually auditioned for the Superman role but was deemed too tall and not right for the part,which he isn't.
Yaspaa said on 11/Aug/08
Looks good.
Original said on 9/Aug/08
In My Opinion
Padalecki's, 6'4.5", 194cm
Welling, 6'2.75", 190cm
Jensen, 5'11.75", 182cm
Patrick said on 6/Aug/08
kal says on 27/Jul/08 :
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/08
I agree with all those who are in favour of Jensen being 6'0. Jared towers him in most pictures. In a selected few pix, Jared looks to have about 3 inches on Jensen only because of bad posture (most of the times, Jared is leaning real awkwardly towards Jensen). If he stands straight, he'll easily 4 inches on Jensen.

Jensen - 6'0
Jared - 6'4
Kasi said on 28/Jul/08
He's a strong 6'4", easily. Jensen's height is an even 6'0". In lots of Supernatural episodes, you can clearly see that Jared has a considerable 4-5" on Jensen, and he's often craning his neck when talking to Jared.
kal said on 27/Jul/08
yes he is much taller than tom welling look at youtube Click Here
xyzblast said on 27/Jul/08
Its a shame that this pic featuring Jared, Welling, Rausenbaum, and Ackles is so skewed. Click Here
Yaspaa said on 24/Jul/08
Lauren Graham in heels making her about 5'10.75. Line up where the top of her skull is and scroll along to Jared,she is under his nose about 7" making him 6'5.5 in footwear. The other guy is listed at 6'1 so say 6'0(6'1 in his shoes) Click Here
Yaspaa said on 22/Jul/08
Check this out, Click Here
Yaspaa said on 22/Jul/08
Hugh check the pic on 7th of July,it's a better shot and footwear can be seen.
xyzblast said on 21/Jul/08
Rob should do a clean sweep of Supernatural by getting a pic with Jared.

Editor Rob
he's never done a con here day he might.
Hugh said on 21/Jul/08
Looking at this picture(Click Here), i don't think Jared is 4 inches taller than Jensen... I guess 3 inches. But we can't see their shoes here... Again, here (Click Here) i guess same difference... 3 inches..
Yaspaa said on 19/Jul/08
Happy Birthday Jared.
Ross to Rocky said on 16/Jul/08
Hey Rocky, your comment actually scared me a bit.
I mean, you asked Ackles for an autograph and he got mad randomly and gave you the finger?
That's annoying. I'm afraid to talk to celebrities because it would suck if they were unpolite.
How did that annoying situation take place?
Jason said on 15/Jul/08
I just met Jared Pdalecki on June 8,2008 in Dallas. He was very sweet and I got his autograph and got to take my picture with him. He's very tall and from the waist up nothing but muscle. He's very strong. I felt how strong he was when we hugged! I'd hate to fight this guy. One punch and he'd knock me out! But again he's very sweet. I didn't get to meet Jensen Ackles he wasn't there!
Rocky said on 10/Jul/08
Jared looks 6'4 when I saw him, he looked 1'5 taller then tom wellings, if not 2 inches. Jensen ackes is my height or maybe a inch taller, i'm 5'10 he could be 5'11, i didnt see no diff in height. who knows can't judge myself
Jim said on 8/Jul/08
That picture by Yaspaa not only shows their footwear [dress shoes], but also the fact that Jensen is no more than 6'0 feet tops. However, I'd give him an exact 5'11.5" on average. Jared definately has the frame of a 6'4 dude.
Rocky said on 8/Jul/08
I do believe Jared P is taller then Tom welling I saw Tom welling with my friend who is 6'3, tom looked shorter, tom looked 6'2, jared looked more taller then Tom, I can believe that Jared is 6'4 I saw him and Jensen ackles who's a dick ok wouldnt take any autographs, I said it was for my gf which was, he gave me the middle finger. stupid gomer, there where shooting in new west I saw jared drinking a coffee up close I was like 2 feet away he looked tall, jensen looked to be around 5ft10 like me, he didnt look 6ft
Yaspaa said on 7/Jul/08
Again,looking large Click Here
Yaspaa said on 7/Jul/08
Pictured with almost 6'0 Michael Rosenbaum Click Here
Yaspaa said on 6/Jul/08
He gives a good reason for playing down height there. 197 lol.
6' said on 5/Jul/08
He says he is 6'4 right here, Click Here
AAAA said on 4/Jul/08
Yeah...that red haired woman on the town council asks him "How tall are you 6'1, 6'2?" He responds "6'2" she says "Thats a good height". In later episodes, when he is going to be married and working as a construction worker, Loralei says something to Rory along the lines of " well they better be maried before he gets so tall she can't kiss him." And he makes Ackles look small, who definitly isn't the 6'1 he claims but 5'11.5, 6 foot, which he looks near Rob. Plain and simple, HE is a tall man.
Yaspaa said on 4/Jul/08
Both Edward and Jared are mentioned several times during the show as being very tall,such a fuss wouldn't be made for a 6'2 guy especially when Lauren Graham is close to 6'0 in heels. I'm starting to wonder if he had a late growth spurt and was at full height when he was 18 and they played down his height initially,but who knows.
Yaspaa said on 4/Jul/08
I think thats why everyone thinks that he is 6'2 because he said it in an earlier episode of GG.
Good lad AAAA,your right there is definitely not much between them,in fact when he meets Edward Herrmann when Rory takes him to meet her grandparents for the first time he looks as tall if not taller and that was the beginning of season 2. They stood next to each other twice during the show both times in season 2. Here is a recap Click Here Click Here Click Here 6'3 Ha Ha Ha
patrick said on 4/Jul/08
Quite well posted AAAA!
AAAA said on 3/Jul/08
He was also 18 when he first started on gilmore girls and is now almost 26. He was 6'2 at the beginning of the show, and they alwasy made a hug deal about his height on the show and how he was getting taller and such. He has probably been 6'4 since he was 20
AAAA said on 3/Jul/08
In the episode where he gives Rory a car, he and Edward Herman stand next to each other at a gas station for a while. Edward herman actually says "How tall are you". Edward Herman is slouching and straighting up atlernativly, but he and Dean look each other in the eye and look atlernatively taller. I think Edward Herman is taller, but not a full inch.

Plus, He has said 6'4 constantly for the past like 6 years. He could be like 6'4.25, but honestly who says that. I'll take 6'4, he looks it to me
Yaspaa said on 2/Jul/08
Yeah your right mate,it's pointless as it's too difficult to judge.
patrick said on 1/Jul/08
John Wayne was just 11 whereas I am 10 EE at 5
Yaspaa said on 29/Jun/08
I think this guy wakes at 6'4.6
Yaspaa said on 28/Jun/08
I agree Akshay,he is somewhere in the middle.
Yaspaa said on 28/Jun/08
I take a UK 13 at 6'4 but I have no idea what Jared Takes,I would say at least a US 12.
Akshay said on 28/Jun/08
I'm sure that jared is a bit over 6'4" but definitely less than 6'5"
Zero Space said on 3/Jun/08
I've seen kids that have size 12 and they are 5'4, Jared doesn't seem to have giant feet you have the pic of him where he looks like a giant next to the girl who is 5'7..check it Click Here he looks like he could 10 - 12 idk
Yaspaa said on 2/Jun/08
I have no idea mate. We have been kind of discussing foot size on the Tom Welling page and they can really vary,Tom at 6'2.5 wears US 14 apparently.
Zero Space said on 1/Jun/08
Yaspaa how big do you think Jared's feet are? I'm thinking it could range from 10- 13 he doesn't seem to have clown feet. He's pretty proportional
Yaspaa said on 20/May/08
Jared putting his legs apart ey,that must be why his fiance' is always smiling lol. 23:24 is the time and the prediction is.....6'4.95" out of bed,6'6.25 in his boots out of erm..bed. This girl is on this site at 5'7.5,he's doing his usual limbo and still looks LARGE,he's really filled out since his Gilmore days Click Here
patrick said on 20/May/08
I agree Anonymous about Jared putting his legs apart. I already noticed that with Tom Welling with Justin Hartley. You just have to barely and almost invisibly tilt to appear smaller than a though shorter person.
Anonymous said on 17/May/08
Jared deliberately stands with his feet apart when next to Jensen Ackles in order not to make Jensen look too short in comparison and Jensen is 6.0' and he is still taller than Jensen doind that. If he stands up straight properly he is at least 5 - 6 inches on Jensen easy!
patrick said on 14/May/08
I see Jared taller, clearly, in each of the Yaspaa pics.
Btw, "I'm back" but my yesterday's comment on Tom's page has not been "printed"; I don't know why!
Happy to read you all again guys!
Yaspaa said on 14/May/08
Here is Edward with 5'8.75 Lauren Graham Click Here and Jared with 5'5.25 Alexis Bledel Click Here I see 11 inches there with the ducked head. Under 6'4 Nooooooooo!
Yaspaa said on 14/May/08
In one of those pics Jared is leaning on a car parked behind and his posture drops in another but in one of them he looks taller with Edward standing erect throughout. Pic 1265 is the one with sitting on the car slightly. Pic 1263 is the best one to go by . If you also look at the backgroud it looks as if they are standing on a slight incline in Edwards favour not to mention Edward being closer to the camera.
Da Man said on 13/May/08
I'd have to say he looks nothing over 6'4" in those photos if indeed Edward Herrmann is a flat 6'5". In FILE 1265/1563 he looks more 6'3.5", while in others he looks 6'4".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.