Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 30/Jul/22
Look how happy Erin is to be with a taller guy lol
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/22
Rob, is a fraction over 6ft4 possible?
Could pass for 6ft5 at times
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Jan/21
Legit 6'4. 1/4 more could be argue.
James B 172cm said on 28/Dec/20
Yes he genuinely looks minimum 6ft4
OriginalAnon said on 18/Apr/20
He could be 192cm. Not sure what people are getting at with over 6'4''. Definitely not.
woodn said on 24/Feb/17
Not sure on Glen comment that no one Faucks with you at 6'5 because that is not true, I'm 6'5.75 and get picked on all the time and I am also 20.5 stone in weight but like to round down if possible as easier with people.
Just thought I would add that it is not easy in life for guys over say 6'2 onwards....
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Feb/17
Rob, could we give this guy a wee boost?
I think he rounds down.
Thereel said on 22/Feb/17
This guy was obviously no less than 6'4 1/2" in his prime not sure on a full 6'5" but it was a possibility, too all the people who saw him on live and kicking and those days when he was in the limelight you would agree, if he was still semi-famous I would push Rob for 194-195cm (especially since he has claimed 6'5" in recent years now) but since he is out of the public eye I will let this one slide I think, @Rampage I'm guessing you didn't see this guy in the 90's- mid 2000's because he always looked BARE MINIMUM six-four
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/15
"Jamie Theakston's height is 6ft 4¼in (194cm)"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Oct/14
Rob, who do you think would be taller Theakston or Vernon Kay?

Editor Rob
theakston at times might look a stronger ft 4 than vernon
swimbo said on 29/Aug/13
Saw Jamie at the Peligoni Club on the Greek Island of Zakynthos. He is tall. 6' 4" is about right.
Shaun said on 3/Jul/11
Well for sure he aint a hair under 6'4". Always looked an easy 6'5" in shoes to me so 194cm is a possibility.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/May/11
Rob maybe he's a little over 6ff4?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Apr/11
Strong 6"4 guy
shinderuko said on 12/Dec/10
I'm 5'7 and I wish all the shorter girls would stop stealing all the tall guys! I'd like to be able to wear a killer pair of heels, which would make me look 6ft basically and still be shorter than the guy I'm with. My tallest boyfriend was 6ft and I couldn't wear heels when we went out for fear of us looking like an 'odd couple'. I'd love to find a man over 6'3!
Doug said on 12/Feb/09
Mikey, I don't know what planet you are on but a legit 6'2" IS TALL whereever in the world you are today. It might not be exceptionally tall or particularly out of place especially in places like Holland or Croatia but it is considerably above average height even in the US and UK and if you are "just" a legit 6'2" you will walk down a street feeling pretty tall compared to most around you. I know from experience. My doctor measured me around 5pm at 6'1.75" (187.5 cm) barefoot. My doctor who is around average height, says he is 5'8.5" said to me "Yup you're a tall guy, taller than 95% of the population. Sure I often see guys who are in the 6'4"-6'7" range, (funnily enough most of those are geeky looking with glasses!!) and they make me look average in comparison but I'd rather be 6'2" and well built than taller and lanky looking anyday.
Doug said on 12/Feb/09
Theakston looks at least 6'4" but he has a lanky build which can make him look taller. We forget sometimes though how tall a legit 6'4" barefoot it. Mike: 33 leg at 6'4"? I'm a shade under 6'2" mid-day height and wear 34 leg jeans and XL clothes and I have a much larger torso and shorter legs in comparison. I agree 6'0"-6'2.5"" for a guy is a very desirable height. In my view 6'4" is too tall. When it comes to height though I guarantee a lot of women would think 6 ft flat a perfect height for a man and most women would consider even that tall.
J.J. said on 10/Feb/09
Every1 there was a survey carried out & apparently most girls prefer the 6'1" to 6'2" range by 89%
JT Junior said on 21/Apr/08
Jamie Theakston is taller than 6ft 4", I am 6 ft 4", and have met the man, and he is taller than I am by a good inch or so!
MikeyMoon said on 30/Jan/08
good for you viper that you have a longer inseem than me,but it looks better to have a bigger torso,lucky for me.
Viper said on 23/Jan/08
Well, Ive got a longer inseam than you at 6-3.
glenn said on 23/Jan/08
rob-get rid of this mikeymoon guy.ive dealt with genius for years like him on other topics.they love to assume,put words in my mouth,and make up their own rules.
MikeyMoon said on 23/Jan/08
i hate to break it to you but 6'2 isnt that tall anymore,have you seen the teens today? most pof them are 5-11+ so 6'2 isnt anything special but still a good height to be.
i agree with anderrew up to a point 6'4 is a good height for a man but there is alot more involved 'looks'build etc...
@Glenn: Do you have the small height syndrome because your agressive and self ego boosting not to mention your always putting taller guy's down,not a good quality to have in a person Glenn,Viper also.
Viper said on 30/Nov/07
"but even tiny girls want me because they like a good tall man,6'2 isnt that tall anymore"
So Andreww thinks that a height of 6-2 that is taller than 90-95 percent of the population isnt tall anymore, LOL.
charlie said on 29/Nov/07
Anderrew sounds clueless to me. Note to editor Rob: hafta agree with Glenn, don't need people like that in here. Also for the record I'm a good looking average height male (5'10.5" barefoot). Sure I'de like to be a bit taller, but it's not keeping me up at night, nor has it kept me from dating (and marrying) very attractive women. I believe success with women is based much more on other things-height would come about last for any woman of character. Go inflate your ego somewhere else, it's not welcome here.
Take care
amazing grace said on 29/Nov/07
I am with Glenn anything over 6'3 I can guarantee that you will shopping at High and Mighty or Long Tall Sally.
Anderrew must hang out with the Dutch Volleyball Team or no one
Anderrew said on 27/Sep/07
viper,6'4 is good for girls alot of men would love to be 6'4.
Jason said on 23/Sep/07
I think Andrew probably also thinks, that if you're say 5'9'', you have to make $150 725.36 per year to attract women....
Viper said on 23/Sep/07
I dont know If Andreww is being serious here, or If hes this clueless. Most chicks find 6-4-6-5 as being too tall. Even 6-3 as being too tall. Most girls prefer 6-0-6-2 for a tall guy.
lillo thomas said on 22/Sep/07
anderew i weight 215
Anderrew said on 22/Sep/07
jamie theakston 6'4 and he gets any girl he wants,vince vaugn 6'5 he had rachael from friends,the hoff 6'4 -enough said!
that guy from the fly,the roock is 6'3,clint eastwood.
@glenn... why do u think famus small people ware lifts? people of your height [tom crusie],[al pacino] both 5'8 and would love to be taller so they could look normal.
Anderrew said on 22/Sep/07
sorry but your wrong,6'4 isnt freaky height and im really good looking aswell,but even tiny girls want me because they like a good tall man,6'2 isnt that tall anymore 6'3-64 is perfect.
lilo im guessing your skinny or fat? work out in the gym and let your height do the rest for you,6'5 is still a good height trust me on that.
glenn... you will never get a good loking model girl at your height unless your famous.
lillo thomas said on 22/Sep/07
6-5 is too tall to most chicks . most will be scared of that height. being really tall 6-4 and over isnt a free ticket to get girls trust me.iam that height and most ofr my friends are way shorter than me about 5-9 to 5-10 and get many chicks . iam average looking yet to me is hard to get girls often.
to get girls is better to be above average height 5-11to 6-2 not being really tall.
being really tall or short usually ia a disadvantage . being average height or above average is better . most girls want guys to be taller than them but without a monster difference like a foot . iam a about a foor taller than most girls.
Anderrew said on 22/Sep/07
6'5 is a very good height for getting chicks and if you work out you can look really good.
@glenn,who would want to be 5'8 these days?
6'3-6'4 is an ideal height though to get the chicks.
Mr D said on 17/Jan/07
In a recent interview in a weekend magazine recently he stated that he was 6'5 - has he had the worlds latest growth spurt?
dave33 said on 7/Jan/07
all the girls love men to be 6'4 tall,thats why everyone wants to be taller.
perfect heighht for a man is 6-3-6'4 most girls would say that.
dave33 said on 6/Jan/07
imagine all the girls he must get for being 6'4,he must get all the girls
Gotxo said on 21/Jul/06
You must fly on royal dutch airlines, because even my 6'2" friend complains of flights
J. said on 21/Jul/06
I'm in the 'really tall' faction of height (seems just like yesterday I was in the 5'11" range) and I have no problems with planes, people, women ...
Larry said on 21/Jul/06
Planes are a problem. I tend to sit in the face-to-face coach seats at the front. They have a bit more room. Backseats of most cars are NOT comfortable for me! I have to sort of sit sideways.
Viper652 said on 20/Jul/06
I cant imagine being on a plane in the coach section at 6-5. The last time I was on a plane I was 6-1 and it bothered me big time. Now at about 6-3 it would be even worse for me.
Glenn said on 20/Jul/06
Good point guys.Id rather be 6-5 than 5-6 too.BUT, Id rather be 5-8 than 6-5.though its tempting,cause no one f*cks with you at 6-5!
J. said on 20/Jul/06
There's three factions of tall guys in my opinion: 6'0" to 6'4" is 'merely tall'; 6'5" to 6'7" is REALLY tall; and then 6'8" and up ...Giants-ville.
Larry said on 20/Jul/06
The term "freak" meant something VERY different when I was young. :-) Being 6'5" (and NOT an athlete) is good for: 1) seeing in crowds 2) reaching high shelves 3) not getting mugged, probably, but weight has a LOT to do with that! :-) 4) NOT being seen AS EASILY as a meal by predators 5) getting ripped off on the price of clothing.
D. Ray Morton said on 19/Jul/06
Gotxo - actually neither of those. I'm in the same club as Glenn and Rob (5'8"). And yeah, anything thing over 6'5"? No thanks.
Glenn - 5'10" - 6' is my preferred range, too. But given the choice between 6'5" and 5'6"...? I'm pretty sure I'd take the former. It seems that the shorter you are, the more impressive you have to be.
Gotxo said on 19/Jul/06
Well, i was talking on frontier heights, over 6'5" things are too complicated, clothes and cars & such, my 6'5" friend drives a Grand Cherooke Jeep,and
it's fine for him, if he goes in smaller cars uses the front seat next to the diver allways. That's true too for my friends who are in the 6'2" range, otherwise they go grumpy.
I'd rather choose to be between 6'1" to 6'3".
Glenn said on 19/Jul/06
I wouldnt want to be more than 6-3.6-4 is freakish to me.in fact,for me 5-10 to 6ft would be perfect.
Gotxo said on 19/Jul/06
D. Ray Morton
Wich is your height?
I think 6'5" is quite a good height and if you do not weight too much and are only a bit strong, it will make of you an athlete.
Though i wouldn't like to be a single inch over that.
D. Ray Morton said on 19/Jul/06
Freaky or not, being 6'5" is a s***load better than being 5'6".
Gotxo said on 19/Jul/06
I've a 6'5" friend and he doesn't look as a freak at all.
I fact he tends to bow a lot so when is talking to you he kepts the ilusion he's only 3" taller than you (me 5'11"). He's a normal man and has nothing odd in him.
Besides we share a common friend who is a little taller than him and most of girls tend to regard him as attractive. In same way all of his friend recognize he's successful with girls. So if you're freak and get taller the freaksly powers will augment for sure :D . But if you're somewhat handsome, positive qualities will be seen as increased the taller you get (to an extent, of course)
Viper652 said on 18/Jul/06
6-5 looks freakish to chicks. I agree that actual freak height is 6-7 and up. You dont see to many of those people. 6-5 is a very average height in basketball though.
D. Ray Morton said on 18/Jul/06
If 6'5" is a freak height, then I sure wouldn't mind being a freak.
My feeling is that freak height begins around 6'7"-6'8" (though you'd need to wearing bell-bottoms and platform shoes and actually doing The Freak to really qualify).
Larry said on 18/Jul/06
6'5" is "freak height"? :-) J-Dog, you're making me feel bad! :-) Just kidding. I follow grizzlies & cougars for a living, so I guess I AM a freak! :-)
Alan said on 24/Feb/06
Wait. He looks more than 1.5 inches taller than David Walliams in that episode of Little Britain. Maybe taller?
Bleemo said on 9/Dec/05
Yeah this guy is very big i had the misfortune of watching one of those shows he did where he got a celeb to get their friends to help them complete some work for a charity like renovate a football club etc. Anyway Vinny Jones was on one of those shows and Theakston was noticabley taller to the tune of maybe 3 inches.
J-Dog said on 8/Dec/05
He definitely looks it. That's also pretty true it seems 6'5" is where freak height begins, lol.