American political activist, author and founder of Project Veritas. He once said "I’m Irish American, I’m 6’ I look like the little guy on the Lucky Charms box?". In a book he also claimed "I am six feet, two inches tall."
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 31/Mar/21
Trump probably paid him to look smaller
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Mar/21
Slouching there...he'd easily edge present Trump
I think a solid 6ft1 is good...6ft2 out of bed maybe
Eric W Tam said on 18/Dec/20
Wait James claimed 6'2 in his book? Huh if he really is the honest man he claims to be he must be closer to 6'1 than he his to 6'0 then..... btw Rob, you actually read one of his books? Huh didn't know you were this intrigued by political whistleblowers/leakers Rob.

Editor Rob
Sometimes I do a big 'fishing spree' and catch a lot of quotes.
I haven't read O'Keefe's "Breakthrough" book, but did spot the quote and added it.
Yharnamman said on 19/Nov/20
For someone with Trump's ego, hes gonna be wearing lifts. He has the trophy wife, a multi-billionare, president of the U.S, do you think hes not gonna be wearing lifts? So just take this picture with a grain of salt. Also consider their arm length and hand size is around the same.
Eric W Tam said on 18/Nov/20
@Lamont Cranston, well James is above 5'10 according to a photo of him next to Gavin McInnes. But yeah, he looks 5'11 in this photo at FIRST HAND. Thing is I can give James anywhere between 182 cm to 185 cm throughout the day after taking several more things into consideration in this photo: Trump's possible footwear advantage and the fact James is leaning and standing behind Trump by a bit. Hmmmmm James does have a small head at least compared to Trump.
Lamont Cranston said on 2/Nov/20
Trump with lifts is around 6 feet at best.
This picture suggests 5’10 or 5’11” tops.
And again, Rob you have to open the parameters wider for the ‘guess’ part of ones’ post. I wanted to enter 5’10”
Perspective said on 1/Nov/20
Tall Sam you're clearly unhinged and upset that he has exposed lies from the MSM and election fraud. He looks to be 6'1.
Nik said on 29/Oct/20
@ Christian 6'5 3/8" - I've been known to claim both!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Oct/20
Do you claim 5'7" around people, or 5'7.5", being that you're 5'7.25"?
MD said on 26/Oct/20
That's not 6'1".
Eric W Tam said on 26/Oct/20
Everybody: YOU ARE WELCOME!Hmmm, On Julian Assange's page, I pegged this guy as high as 6'2 in the morning and a strong 6'1 (186 cm) at night cause he does look like a tall fellow in his vids. He also once absolutely towered over one o fhis guests, I imagined that guest (some guy who exposed Google) was say, just a couple inches of the average height, in that case I would have thought James would be as tall as 6'4! I didn't know at the time, then I found a video of him saying he was 6'1, and I thought eh that would do! Hmmmm but yeah when James slouches he looks way shorter than what he claims. I have seen pictures where he's shorter than a guy who is listed as 184 cm on Google because he was leaning. With all of this taken into consideration, I can give O'Keefe anywhere between 182 cm (not even 6'0 lol) to 185 cm now, perhaps I was wrong about O'Keefe ever being 6'2. Update: Rob do you have Gavin McInnes on this page? (Xd, I'm just the request man of the week now), If so James does look 6'0-6'1 next to him in one of his videos, given McInnes is actually the 5'10 he is listed on Google. Funny, I thought McInnes would be a much taller fellow considering he has the built and FACE even of my writing composition teacher in high school who was taller than 6'3.
Tall Sam said on 26/Oct/20
If he's bending his knees and twisting his spine slightly, he still doesn't look like a guy who will stand 6'1" upright but then I'm not willing to give him a Google search.
Nik Ashton said on 26/Oct/20
@ Sandy Cowell - He absolutely should and maybe (autocorrect tried to change it to masthead!) I should claim to be 5’10” if I ever met Trump, I wouldn’t though! However I would proudly claim to 🐝 5’7”! 🗣 “5 7”!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Oct/20
@ Nik - He should do! 😂🤣😂
slothee said on 25/Oct/20
Looks 6’0” there
J2Frenzy said on 25/Oct/20
James’s body is tilted. He’s definitely losing height there. Plus Trump way we’ll be wearing lifts
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Oct/20
Overlisted based on the Trump pic.
Nik Ashton said on 24/Oct/20
It would be interesting if he claimed to be 6’1” in front of Trump!
Tall Sam said on 24/Oct/20
This fake news-propagating "activist" (hope he doesn't kiss his Goebbels poster every night) in no way looks 6'1" near Trump. I mean Trump, who seems barely over six foot these days, still looks perceptibly taller so what does that make Obama who was a bit taller than Trump? 6'3"?

Editor Rob
James could be giving Trump a bit of a boost by losing height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Oct/20
I don't know how he can be legit 6'1" when he looks shorter than Trump, who isn't even 6'1" himself. Granted though, we can't see footwear.