Elene said on 10/Aug/21
174 cm,average guess is too low
TheBat said on 22/Nov/19
Dang he must be insecure not by only wearing lifts but also standing on one foot to look taller. He's a legit 5'8" without them.
Nik said on 11/Aug/19
It's interesting that he went up on one foot for more height!
Tunman said on 11/Jul/19
Haha,he managed to look about 5'10 but actually he would be barely taller than you when standing on one foot.I wouldn't even rule out 5'7.5"if the one foot stand gives him 2cm
Ultimately he could have tried
Busting a Gut for a further fraction,lol
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Jan/19
If James isn't height insecure, no one is. The guy not only wears elevators at 5'8", but he stands on one foot to look taller than he is.
Mimi said on 3/Jun/18
He seems to be a height conscious guy.
JJJ said on 27/Feb/18
@Bobby: Of course you would say that lol.
Bobby said on 10/Feb/18
Well, wearing elevators at 5'8 isn't insecure, 5'8 ain't all that tall looking, it's not until a man gets into that 5'10 territory, that he would start looking more tall than short.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 26/May/17
Wearing elevators is one thing, but standing on his tip toes or standing on one foot while in a photo, erases any doubt that he's an insecure guy who wants to be taller.

Editor Rob
the elevators served the purpose for him at a convention, to leave an impression or image of being taller than he is, more like a 5ft 10 range guy....99% wouldn't even realise he was in elevators, and now he has a few hundred fan photos out there looking above average.
RisingForce said on 12/May/17
5'8" looks right. Those are some major elevators, though as you can really see from where his ankle is. How much do they add over barefoot? About 2.7"?

Editor Rob
between 2.5-3 inches range of height...he did have a 'lift walk' which is a bit clunky and unnatural.
You can walk fine in 2 inch heels, but pushing near 3 inch becomes harder to hide.
hey rob said on 22/May/15
insecurities brings out the tallest of us
Sam said on 21/Sep/14
I've played basketball with him, both of us in standard Nikes. He looked about 3-3.5" shorter than me (6'). He's really well built at his height, bigger arms than me.
lelman said on 9/Sep/14
Heh, in those pics he looks legit 5'10+. He would've gotten away with it to if it weren't for those meddling kids. I'd like to see a pic with you and Sly, to see if he'd do similar stuff.
TJE said on 23/Jul/14
Rob, did he try to pull off any shenanigans in the single shot too?

Editor Rob
he has a natural go up on one foot pose in most photos...funnily, this is now what Milo has started doing with people! By going on one foot you gain a little, but just a little bit of tip toe and suddenly you can look an inch taller. Both Heroes alumni...
Crash said on 6/Mar/14
avi, what the heck is wrong with you?
He is definitely insecure. Otherwise he wouldn't be using all these "tricks" to look taller. But good job for getting the truth out and busting him Rob, well done.
MD said on 28/Feb/14
Here is with Josh Hutcherson one level ground and similar footwear:
Click Here
This is just a reference shot, since you can't really tell what height he is. On the same token, what it also shows is what he's not.
fsd said on 27/Feb/14
it's obvious he's wearin elevator shoes or lifts , many SK actors are insecure about thier heights eventhough 5'8 is above avg or avg in SK ,LEE might be anywere from 5.7-5'8 ft its hard to tell when he's wearin lifts
MD said on 19/Dec/13
There you go
trolling, again.
avi said on 16/Dec/13
@Lorne says on 28/Jul/13
Its not that funny . It sucks being under 6'1-6'2 and even more so being under 5'9 so I don't blame him for wearing lifts. Either way he's probably 5'8 barefoot and 5'10.8 in his special shoes making him a 5'10 guy
Matt 184.7-186.7cm said on 9/Oct/13
@ Rob
Yeah he does... do you think hes insecure about his height?

Editor Rob
going up on tip toes and wearing elevator boots seems like a personality who wants to look taller in public.
Matt 184.7-186.7cm said on 2/Oct/13
Is there any chance at all theyre not elevators?

Editor Rob
the fact he could appear about 5ft 10 was a dead giveaway they were elevators. He has a habit of
going on his toes, which he also done at this event with us!
1.85 m, 83 kg said on 5/Sep/13
Is it really worth wearing shoes that look that bad for an extra inch of height?
Lorne said on 28/Jul/13
You should put the picture of his shoes on Brad's page. THAT is what a celeb wearing elevators looks like! And still struggles with 5'10 haha.
Balrog said on 2/Feb/13
Elevator, went up on one foot and spike hair. This guy is clearly trying to make himself taller.
Johnnyfive said on 25/Nov/12
Talk about insecurity issues with this guy. On both occassions he tried to pull off 5'10 by wearing elevators and even going as far as standing on one foot for the picture. Why don't he just embrace his God given 171 frame? Rob is an inch taller than him.
runt said on 21/Nov/12
why is he trying to be tall?
Shaun said on 16/Sep/12
They look like massive customs, they probably give him around 3 inches. Stallone I think has managed 3.5 on occasions but I don't think you can get a 4 inch plus lift unless you are wearing platforms like Downey often does as they are only raised at the back not at the front. But if he was on his toes here/on one legs yeah 5'8" tops.
Shaun said on 16/Sep/12
Haha, he must buy his shoes from Kim Jong Il's custom shoe maker. Those shoes look like disco platforms. His hair in the right pic too deceives you into thinking he is near 5 ft 11!
marla singer said on 28/Aug/12
I'd say possibly 5'8.5"
Dmeyer said on 14/Jan/12
Rob this are a 100 percent elevators and they for sí»re give over 2 in 2.4-2.7 in type but hé has to be 5'7.5-8 in
Original said on 7/Jan/12
Looks 5'10.5 in pics.
Robby D. said on 4/Jan/12
You can tell those are elevator shoes which would increase his height by around 2.5".
andy said on 1/Jan/12
Kudos Rob for absolutely busting this guy. Perhaps he knows of this site and maybe he recognised your face and tried to do everything he could so that youd give him the 5'10" hes clearly gunning for. If so i would have loved to have seen his face after youve rightly burst his bubble. But even then your still bein kind. In the shot with Gordon Ramsey his eyeline is a couple of inches below Gordons chin makin the height difference about 8 inches. This guy really could be 5'6" if the soccer aid shot is anythin to go by.

Editor Rob
well he achieved his goal of looking 5ft 10 range in a photo.
of course that doesn't mean he is...if I wore elevator boots and went on one foot a bit I could look 5ft 11 in such a photo.
maio said on 28/Dec/11
5 ft 8.25 in/174 cm with shoes off
ChiasmataX said on 21/Nov/11
170-171cm barefeet. 173-177cm in shoes with lifts, elevator, etc.
Adamz said on 16/Nov/11
This guy is 5-8 flat in the morning, on a good day. Rob is taller than James Kyson.
Physics Enemy said on 7/Nov/11
He's 5' 7" flat next to Larsson. Rob's being kind. It's the Stallone effect; even when people use lifts/elevators, not all of the added height gets knocked off and they still get estimated with a bit of boosted height. Same thing with women wearing heels. Jenny the 5' 10.5" actress.
Physics Enemy said on 3/Nov/11
Except Gordon Ramsey was 6ft 1 3/8ths in footwear, not barefoot. Kyson is 5' 7.5" or possibly even 5' 7" flat. Rob is easily taller than this guy. He's wearing elevators AND tiptoeing. That's some serious height complex.
Rob is being kind by listing him at 5' 8" to be honest. Doesn't deserve it!
Physics Enemy said on 29/Oct/11
He probably is 5' 7.5" though, looks it next to 177 Larsson. He's doing everything possible to appear taller. Glenn needs to take notes lol.
Physics Enemy said on 29/Oct/11
LOL, I looked at these pics and thought 'why is he listed at 5' 8"?!'. It was a good chuckle reading your comments Rob. I agree with the poster who talked about him probably wanting to improve Asian stereotypes. You could have been really mean and asked him to remove his elevators and stop tip-toeing lol.
LAN Jiao said on 18/Oct/11
I agree with legend. 5'7.5
Legend said on 5/Oct/11
Yeah and he still doesn't look that much taller than you even with the big advantage. That's why I suggested 5'7.5...
Legend said on 26/Sep/11
He looks 5'7.5 counting the footwear advantage in the second photo. Downgrade Rob?

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 8 is ok, but to anybody just looking at a picture he has them fooled.
LMAO! said on 26/Sep/11
LUCOSO said on 15/Sep/11
this second picture is fun.you tryung to force his feet to the ground right rob
Darren said on 28/Mar/11
his shoes were definitely lifts! RDJ/Cruise style!
5'8" MAX for him.
Dean said on 7/Feb/11
Next to 177cm Henerik Larrson he looks at least a solid 2inch if not a bit more! No way is he over 172. Id guess 170-171 about 5'7.25 he looked awfully short in soccer aid!
K4 said on 6/Feb/11
I thought he was shorter than this. I guess it's because of his stocky build.
Derek d said on 29/Jan/11
AKK says on 22/Jan/11
He was slightly tip-toe-ing(possibly even leaning forward to appear bigger to the camera) in the first photo(presumably so he could put his hands comfortably on your shoulders). In the second photo, his slightly bigger forehead, coupled with the up-do give an illusion of 1-1.5 inches of height advantage.
He can do all the leaning he wants in the first picture, he's still behind Rob who has the slight advantage. Which makes me believe he must be wearing elevator shoes, I mean they look definitely look like them to me.
Have you ever suspected other celebrities to be wearing lifts, Rob?

Editor Rob
I've seen people appear taller but then looking at their footwear it's mostly cases of cowboy type boots or thick boots rather than suspecting lifts, although I'm sure one or two have worn a lift
Chad said on 25/Nov/10
yeah i guess your right, hes probably your height, didnt see the pic with you in elevators lol
how many inches does the average elevator shoe give?

Editor Rob
the ones I wore in that other photo give 2.5 inches of height, that's pretty typical. Anywhere from 2-3 inches, or 3-3.5 if you have a boot is also possible.
Matt said on 9/Nov/10
yes those are definately elevators.. good find and I would even give him more like 5ft 7 ish due to those comparisons when he isnt cheating..
Pink Rock said on 30/Jun/09
He's looks short on the award shows and in his video. 5'10.5" is average height.
Mathew said on 27/Jun/09
That's pretty hilarious that he was going tip toes in the photo shoots.
Ed said on 5/Jun/09
Everything factored in 5'8.75'' looks right. He could very well be 5'8.5'' as mentioned by skll43.
Seems like a nice guy, but the fact that he pretty much tries everything (boots, lifts, tip-toeing, that goofy Dragonball Z hair) to look taller indicates deep, deep insecurity.
yoyo said on 29/Apr/09
his peak was 5ft10. i watch Heroes notice his frame looks 5ft8 to me. his 5ft10 with shoes i mean, he use to wore lift often.
Dave said on 17/Jan/09
He used to say he was 6.0.what a liar.
DMEYER said on 1/Dec/08
looks a good two in over rob or three inches and he has 6 cm taller than 174 jenny so 180 cm but he has elevators thoes shoes give aleast 2.3 over barefeet
bruce_willis said on 23/Nov/08
5'11 or lifts
Andy said on 22/Nov/08
Maybe he reads this site so wanted to appear as tall as possible
Taylor said on 21/Nov/08
the pic of the shoe isn't working
skll43 said on 20/Nov/08
Rob, ask him about his tattoos next time you see him. lol
skll43 said on 20/Nov/08
I know this guy personally and he is around 5'8"ish. 5'8.5" tops if giving it to him. he often wears boots which give him a height advantage. he also has the habit of wearing buttoned shirts that are only buttoned at the bottom so his chest is exposed with the bottom of the shirt tied behind. Rob, you probably noticed that he has a weird gait, sort of like rickets or very bow-legged when he walks.

Editor Rob
yes, actually more of a not putting his heel down walk.
he asked me about my Celtic top, he liked it.
Jlee said on 20/Nov/08
wait a minute rob. it says on this site that tip toe makes you at most 2.6 inches taller. but when you tip toed Jenny is up to your eye. Explain this.

Editor Rob
tip toe about 3 inches, but my head is slightly closer.
Dural said on 19/Nov/08
I think he looks 5'10.5" in the top photo, and if you consider he is tip toeing and has thicker footwear on, Rob's listing is correct.
RW said on 18/Nov/08
This guy looks 5'11 unless he is for sure wearing lifts?
Dural said on 18/Nov/08
CHUKCHI SEA = not tip toeing
CHUKCHI = tip toeing
Antron said on 18/Nov/08
I would have thought shorter than this. He's clearly not under 5'8.5 though, even in big shoes.
derek d said on 17/Nov/08
Wow only 5'8.75? He looks 5'9 ish in the bottom pictures an a solid 5'11 in the top one... I guess tip toeing gave him the extra inches? Lol
Ade said on 17/Nov/08
I think those boots do look similar to Elevators.
nick said on 17/Nov/08
5'9, i mean rob your a strong 5'8 and jenny is even a stronger 5'8 and he has jenny by 2 inches, eh i guess 5'8.75 you can put but these pictures make me think when he looks 5'11 in the photos

Editor Rob
as I say in the blurb he has shoe advantage and is doing a little tip toe...the only celeb I've seen try such a thing with me :)
dmeyer said on 20/Oct/08
looks max 1.25 in over oka who is about 169 and 0.5 to 0.75 in under milo so 5 ft 7.75 is mush closer to the truth
DMEYER said on 19/Oct/08
he looked a bit smaller than milo on the show
Hiro said on 10/Jan/08
On his myspace he's listing himself 5'10".
BigT said on 19/Aug/07
seems right on heroes
Ander said on 10/Sep/06
Was always great to know that there was always a guy like him somewhere in the world that the earth's magnificient creatures'd have a better chance.Love ur overwhelming passion and enthusiasm Steve!You'd definitely be missed..
Glenn said on 7/Sep/06
I think I let him walk past me a couple of times many years ago.5-11 seems high.I could be wrong.
Tom said on 7/Sep/06
D. Ray Morton has the link to the picture with Russell Crow, Steve Irwin and Jay Leno...and Steve is the shortest one, despite Jay being listed as 5'11'' and Russell being tabbed at 5'10.5" Steve being 5'11" seems to be stretch.
RIP Crocodile Hunter.
Regus said on 4/Sep/06
Amazing. Yeah I was kinda thinking he looked like John Denver on Roids, you know? Sad. I liked him alot. 5-11 seems about right.
Anthony said on 4/Sep/06
R.I.P. You died doing what you loved. My heart goes out to your family.
thelasttiger said on 4/Sep/06
I don't think he is quite 6ft. I think 5'11 1/2 is the tallest he is.
Chris said on 4/Sep/06
Yes he was truely great. Rest in peace Steveo.
Leuca Radu said on 4/Sep/06
RIP Steve Irvin.You were great mate!
D. Ray Morton said on 4/Sep/06
Irwin with Crowe, Leno, and friend:
Click HereHe was truly one-of-a-kind.
D. Ray Morton said on 4/Sep/06
Steve was really 5'11"? Always thought he was shorter.
Anway, what a terrible loss. R.I.P. Mr. Irwin.
hannah said on 4/Sep/06
He was and still my hero and he died doing what he loves best being with animals and i feel sorry for the people who love him so much rest in peace mate
ForensicNYC said on 4/Sep/06
Tragic loss today, Monday Sept.4, 2006 of a great outdoors man and conservationist. He looked bigger than 5'11" because he had these massive legs that looked like tree trunks and he always wore shorts...his legs were too big for pants. An Australian icon.
Click Here