she is 0 ft 0 inches. nice said on 27/Dec/16
his face looks 2D
Lee said on 23/Oct/15
He seemed a good few inches taller than 5ft 6in Simon Bird in an episode of Friday night dinner. At least 3 inches. But then again Simon always seems a fair bit shorter than legit 5ft 6 tamsin greig in flats so not sure how to explain that
MD said on 5/Feb/15
More like Charlie is adding three inches to his height. He's not even 5'8".
Freckles45 said on 20/Jan/15
I think that Jake Roche is an amazing artist I hope you come to Texas because I want to hear you sing.Love you❤️❤️
MD said on 26/Dec/14
My bad, I was looking at the picture, and sorted out the names incorrectly. The picture also seems to be focused as much on Charlie as Jake so I was further confused not knowing the group too well.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/14
Coleen's not short but her siblings are, probably got the shorter genes from her. Everything else is from his father :-)
MD said on 24/Dec/14
Isn't Bagnall the lead singer? Yeah, he looks very close in height to this guy. He might be slightly taller accounting for the various leans and bent knees in the picture, but basically the same height.

Editor Rob
Roche seems to be the singer. His parents are supposed to be 5ft 5 and near 6ft.
Tymmo said on 23/Dec/14
lol @ the guy who claims 5'10'' and looks the same as 5'7'' Jake
Arch Stanton said on 23/Dec/14
Thanks Rob, isn't his dad near 6 ft though? Seems short! Maybe Coleen's side are short I dunno. Other than the height it's ridiculous how much he looked like his dad!! I get the impression he'd be extremely annoying to be around. You can sort of tell he's a bit of plank can't you!