Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/22
Ah! He looked so tiny as a little boy in ‘Jingle All The Way’ next to Big Arnie!
He was probably playing younger, as is the case with so many child stars, as he grew to only 5ft5.
Jackie Lee said on 23/Jan/22
How tall does the girl next to Jake look? I assume it's his girlfriend
Click Here

Editor Rob
Looks relatively average height there, although knowing he is near 5ft 5 range, she looks 4ft 11 at best there.
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
About 5’ 5” I feel really bad for this guy cause as a kid he’s been through a lot and for basically no reason either or at least it wasn’t his fault
Zach Catselbow said on 29/Jul/21
@mande2013 and @CD - Yeah, my uncle kinda fell into the same situation as you guys. At their primes, his parents were 158 cm, and 169 cm, and he ended up hitting about 163 cm range. I have to agree it is a little strange that this happened because the mid parental height between them was 170 cm. Maybe our family had a recessive gene that we didn’t know about as well that only runs on his side of the family. Plus, I think his daughter/my cousin is around the 150 cm range which could further explain that theory.
Zach Catselbow said on 29/Jul/21
@mande2013 and @CD - Yeah, my uncle kinda fell into the same situation as you guys. At their primes, his parents were 158 cm, and 169 cm, and he ended up hitting about 163 cm range. I have to agree it is a little strange that this happened because the mid parental height between them was 170 cm. Maybe our family had a recessive gene that we didn’t know about as well that only runs on his side of the family. Plus, I think his daughter/my cousin is around the 150 cm range which could further explain that theory.
Vincent Caleb said on 8/Mar/21
A lot of agencies tend to pick kids that are much older than they look so that they are more functional and easier to work with than younger kids who are of average height.
Duhon said on 12/Jan/21
A lot of former child stars seem to oddly be below height as adults. I wonder if it's the early work/lack of healthy food on movie sets?
CD said on 6/Dec/20
After looking at this photo with Rob again I think he’s a weak 5’5, his eyes don’t quite reach Robs mouth and if anything the camera looks to be in his favour.
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 23/May/20
This guy is actually 5f 5 165 cm range as I can see it next you... The average guess really JUSTIFIES its listing here!!!! Imagine him standing next to Dan Radcliffe, they might be looking like twin height brother like..... He is same age as mine from 1989 born peeps... But H was born month earlier than mine aka April 11th as his bday is on March 5th...
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Feb/20
@ Alex 5'10" - That's amazing to hear about a girl outgrowing her brother to that degree - WOW!
Jake Lloyd can have 5ft5. 😉👍
Alex 5'10" said on 12/Jan/20
@Importer I mean, I have a female friend whose dad was 203 cm and her mom was 164 cm. She's 201 cm at 23 and her brother is 176 cm at 17. Genes are crazy.
Importer said on 12/Oct/19
@Allie Turned out my 6’05” measurement was false. It was done by a 3rd person so an error on their part. I’m not 184cm most of the day more like 182.6cm during the day and 182.3cm before bed. I still want to reach that target though lol
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 11/Aug/19
5 ft 5 is definitely good listing for him!!!! He is definitely shorter than me for sure!!!!
But similar height range with my ex-girlfriend at least!!!!!
Nik said on 19/Apr/19
5'5" is fine for him!
K.A 188 said on 10/Apr/19
WTF ?? Why is everyone talking about malnutrition and genetics on this guys page? ! Stop that...
Personally i think the child star acting of a thing comes from the fact that the child actor was already short in first place so he could pull of younger roles, Maculay Culkin is a good example.
Rick1 said on 6/Dec/18
Hit the nail on the head their Allie , I’d say genetics are 90% maybe even more , I’ve spoke to guys who ate nothing but chips and other crap and are 6’4 (and have average height parents) but then it takes it from the grandparents as well and he had a grandad who was 6’6 or something like that - it’s all very interesting. One of the reasons why the Netherlands are so tall for instance is that the taller men stastically have more children & once you have a parent or grandparent over 6ft then it’s quite easy for future generations to reach that height as height is quite a heritable trait.
Allie said on 26/Aug/18
@Annoymous - Those men who grow to be 6'4 plus and even women who grow to be super tall with average height parents isn't really surprising if you look at relatives.
I know many people who have average height parents but end up being super Tall. Then I ask them how tall their grandparents or other relatives and all the time they mention a relative (that they're related to by blood not marriage) being 6'4 or an aunt being 5'10 or a grandparent being over 6 feet or whatever. And the question is easily andwered. I also met several people who ended up shorter but from a tall family and just like them, I find out that while their parents were like 5'10 and 6'2, they have several relatives who are 5'6 or 5'9 and bam. There's where the shorter genes came from.
Allie said on 26/Aug/18
To that "Imposter" user, It's been almost 2 years but I assume you have tall relatives. My friend is 6'5-6'6 but his parents are 5'7. His moms uncles thoughh were close to his height and one of his grandparents was 6 Footish. As for that 6'3 (191) goal.. Unless you're a super late bloomer I doubt you'll grow that much (almost 3 inches) considering how I assume you were 18 going on 19 when you wrote that comment. Or it was typo? 186 is around 6'1 and a bit And you say you're 6'0.5.
DRK said on 15/Mar/18
I feel sorry for the hate this guy has gotten just for having the role in a film people didn't like. They drove him out of his career; it's pretty sad.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/17
It amazes me the amount of men who grow up to be 6.4 in height with average height parents.Then there r loads of us who r 5.7 to 5.9
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/17
He didn't even grow up to be 5.7 at least.He is like the harry potter man in that respect.
World Citizen said on 23/May/17
I think he looks more 5 ft 5.75 here, because the top of his head is almost coming to your hairlevel.
Jeremy said on 17/May/17
@Importer I'm 176 both parents 174, but i'm 19. I should be your height or more...
Ian said on 31/Mar/17
Feel bad for him. He had a rough life all because he was Darth Vader........
Shredder said on 28/Mar/17
I can see 5'4.5
sam said on 1/Nov/16
164 cm for sure
Adamz said on 10/Sep/16
look like a dwarf next to BIG ROB
Jasper said on 31/May/16
Mr. Rob you should start a website on how to prevent height shortness as we all age.
That seems to be the topic in the comments on the periphery.

Editor Rob
if I ever get a spare amount of time it is something I might do longer-term.
flagsy said on 17/May/16
@mande2013: that's interesting but I think you're in the minority. From your own observations would you say most people end up taller or shorter than what would be expected based on their parents' heights? I think most people end up around their expected mid-parental height or a bit above it (like 1-3 inches), unless there's a big height disparity between the father and the mother where it can go either way. However out of those that deviate significantly from it (4+ inches) it's usually towards the taller end.
mande2013 said on 4/May/16
@flagsy: It depends. My parents are weak average for their respective genders, and I only wound up a 5'5/5'6 range male. My mother's like 2 inches shorter than me, and my father's like Rob's height, although he's in his sixties now, and his posture has worsened a bit in recent years, so I occasionally get the impression he's much closer to my height than he actually is. However, my paternal grandfather was allegedly never taller than 5'4, so the 'short' genes are obviously there, even if they didn't necessarily show up in either of my parents.
flagsy said on 29/Mar/16
Why are people discussing malnutrition and how some people end up much shorter than their parents on this guy's page? Were his parents tall?
From my observations as a height-aware person (5'5" male born to 5'6" dad and 4'11.5" mom) I know MANY tall/above average people who were born to below average/short parents. I also know a few short people who were born to one tall parent and one short parent (mostly short mum tall dad). But I don't think I even know one short person who was born into parents who were both at least average, not even one. Seems to me whenever people deviate from their parents height the deviation is almost always towards the taller rather than the shorter end of the spectrum.
mande2013 said on 21/Mar/16
Just as an example, regarding the undernourishment issue, I'm fairly certain based on his parents' respective heights that Emilio Estevez's "genetic potential" was a bit more than 5'4, and being born into showbiz it's highly unlikely he suffered from any form of severe malnutrition as a child, so how does one expain that, or
Kiefer Sutherland? Are some people just born a little on the short side? What's your take on that Rob?
mande2013 said on 21/Mar/16
Also, I think people underestimate how severely malnourished one needs to be for it to have a significant impact on someone's final height. It's not like, "oh, I should have had two apples instead of just one that one morning when I was thirteen." It doesn't work that way. We're talking severe starvation.
Usuario said on 10/Jan/16
Nutrition and life style make a difference but only about 3%
I mean if a man were meant to be 200 cm tall but had the worst possible conditions he would be 194 cm instead.
Key said on 7/Sep/15
lol. So the real Anakin Skywalker is 5 foot 5 XD
CD said on 21/Aug/15
I'm in a similar situation to you because I am only 164cm, while my dad is 173 and my mum 160-161. And my sister is 159-160. I think my "recessive short gene" comes from my dad's side. While he managed to grow to 5ft 8 range, his dad was only 5ft 5, although his mum (my grandma) was 5ft 2.5 but his two sisters are only 4ft 11 and 5ft.
mande2013 said on 19/Aug/15
Anyhow, 98% accuracy is predicting a child's full height at 5 months doesn't allow for as precise a forecast as you might think, since it still entails a margin of error of well over an inch in either direction. The difference between 5'6 and 5'8 may seem like a lot given the social connotations that have been set up over the years around specific height measurements, so on paper a 2-inch difference may seem significant for social reasons, but statistically speaking it's really not a big difference. 66/68=.9705......
mande2013 said on 19/Aug/15
I understand the point about recessive genes, but a tall couple having a 5'4 son is pretty extreme I think. That probably happens far less often than once in 10 generations. I probably had a recessive gene, as my parents are both weak average for their respective genders. I'm 5'5. Mom's 160-162 range, not sure exactly, while my dad's 5'7.5-5'8 range, although he claims 5'9. Never in my life have I encountered another guy with a recessive short gene. It's gotta be extremely rare. Every other short dude I know, say 5'4 5'5 5'6 or '7 even has at least one parent who is a stand out short for their gender. I'm friends with a pair of brothers where one is like 5'5.5-5'6 and other one is 6'2. LOL Anyhow, their father's solid average height, but the mother might be less than 5'0, so there's an explainable reason that one of their kids might end up short. I don't have a single male blood relative on either side who's anything less than weak average.
mande2013 said on 19/Aug/15
Fwiw regarding dwarfism, while 5'7 and under may be considered 'short' for a man from a social standpoint, you're only considered clinically short in most Western countries if you under 5'4 or so.
TJE said on 19/May/15
Rob, was he pleasant when you met him? I heard he's not fond of people bringing up his role in The Phantom Menace.

Editor Rob
I never got his autograph, and really only greeted him at this photo area. I would say he was reserved, he may well have had bad experiences with people over his perceived association with the prequels being 'not so good'. I think they had good and bad points about them personally.
Jared said on 3/Nov/14
by the way, when they say we have become taller due to better health and nutrition, they mean we have become better at giving birth to taller people. What you do during your childhood won't change your height at all, but what your parents did during conception did. Still, in the western world, it's all about genes, parents never goes through what someone living on an african village does.
Jared said on 2/Nov/14
@James Crowley Meridius
there's nothing pathological with his height, growth hormones can't do anything unless you have the genes to be taller and for all we know, Jake's growth hormones levels at young age might have been above average. Growth hormones deficiencies would cause dwarfism and 5'5 is not dwarfism. Genes are like a lottery. Take my cousins: father and mother are olive-skinned 5'10 and 6'1 with dark brown hair and eyes. One son is olive-skinned, 6'1 and have dark eyes and hair. His brother is 5'7, light blond and blue eyed. It turn out a great-great-great grandfather had blue eyes and blond hair a recessive genes and it seems to come out every 10 generations. The same with short height in tall people. Recessive genes are known to be taken by the womb every 5 to 10 generations. That's how a very tall couple might have a 5'4 son. It's all about genes, nothing to do with GH since those people look extremely healthy and fit, not the case with someone who grew with a GH deficiency.
There's not even one evidence that nutrition or lifestyle makes any difference in one's height as long as they're not deadly sick since a study on anorexic growing patients show them they grew to their expected height even after 2 years of bad nutrition and underweight. In fact the majority of researches show that height is determined at birth, at 5 months after conception they can already guess with a 98% accuracy the height range the child will be, without even knowing the height of the parents, they just need to look at his spine bones and leg bones.
Danimal said on 14/Oct/14
I see Justin Bieber at the same height.
James Crowley Meridius said on 17/Nov/13
Rob i never thought he was 5ft 5in i always thought he was taller at least 5ft 11in do you think he should have taken growth hormones when he was younger he would have been tallish in star wars episode one instead of short and he would have been tallish today instead of short if he had taken growth hormomes when he was in star wars episode one.

Editor Rob
he might have gained a bit more height, but more 1-3 inches rather than big amounts.
richkid123 said on 27/Oct/13
yah he is a bit small. 5'5"
Emil said on 30/Sep/13
He looks very confident. Seems like a cool guy
Tom said on 5/Aug/13
Rob, is there any chance that he's in the 5.5.5 range? It seems to me that he might be slouching a little bit in the pic.

Editor Rob
never looked over 5ft 5 to me
lelman said on 13/Jun/13
lol, poor Anakin. Couldn't be anymore unlike Hayden Christensen.
Emil said on 30/Sep/12
Michael says on 25/Nov/11
I always thought this guy was quite small, but this is just EXTREME lol. They should have got a tall, muscular boy to play Anakin, instead of this guy who is tiny.
I am 13 now and 5 ft 7.25 inches, I hope to be tall.
Thanks for today's laugh Michael. You seem quite insecure.
haha said on 16/Aug/12
hey michael thats messed up man, give the kid a break, he did good, well did you know that many times when choosing child actors they would choose short older kids because its easier for older kids to act
SAK said on 24/Dec/11
I didn't realise he was known as the 'kid who ruined star wars'. And hes short. Not the best luck.
the real truth said on 23/Dec/11
I was I think only 5ft1 at 12, then now about 5ft10 at 19, doctor says I could grow to 5ft11 at 20 and thats about it.
Michael said on 25/Nov/11
I always thought this guy was quite small, but this is just EXTREME lol. They should have got a tall, muscular boy to play Anakin, instead of this guy who is tiny.
I am 13 now and 5 ft 7.25 inches, I hope to be tall.
lorne said on 7/Oct/11
Victor says on 18/Aug/11
@Aaron I'm not surprised that you're 6'5 now. 5'4 is very tall for a 12-year old! I was 5 foot tall at that age and ended up being 6'1. I'm 24 now :P
Wow, I was a full 5ft3 at age 12, yet as an adult, I only hit the 5ft9 mark first thing out of bed!!!!!!!!!!!
linke said on 5/Oct/11
yea,david is right.Remember hannah montana,they made a 30 year old to play a 14 year old.
runt said on 11/Sep/11
It ain't the case with Jake. Jake Lloyd was 9 years when filming as a 9 year old character in the Phantom Menace. They should've picked a tallish kid to grow up to be freaking Darth Vader!
Johan Cruyff said on 29/Aug/11
ANAKIN is with one N! Not "Annakin"!
David said on 21/Aug/11
Due to strict labor laws and a preference for maximum acting experience, casting directors often seek child actors of below-average height (which enables them to convincingly portray characters younger than their actual ages). It isn't surprising that many grow up to be adults of below-average height.
Victor said on 18/Aug/11
I'm not surprised that you're 6'5 now. 5'4 is very tall for a 12-year old!
I was 5 foot tall at that age and ended up being 6'1.
I'm 24 now :P
Maximus Meridius said on 10/Aug/11
Rob how come child actors always end up short is there any child actors that ended up below average height average height and tall.

Editor Rob
of course certain child actors are short because they might have been picked for roles because they were older (and shorter) and could play a 7 year old when they're 9 etc.
Maximus Meridius said on 7/Jul/11
Rob how come child actors always end up short is there any child actors that ended up below average height and average height and tall.
5'8.18758596 said on 2/Jul/11
Christian Bale is 6'.
And Nicholas Hoult, that little kid from "About a Boy", grew up to be the 6'3 guy from the original UK season 1 Skins, Clash of the Titans and X-Men First Class.
runt said on 21/Jun/11
taller than the biebermeister
Aaron said on 7/May/11
To Cobain: I was talking about Jaden Smith (another child actor).
Cobain said on 1/May/11
To Aaron.
I doubt that as he is 22 years of age.
Aaron said on 3/Apr/11
It is strange how child actors are almost never big when they grow older. I've always noticed this.
And MsKitty, I'm certain Jaden is a late bloomer; I'm 6'5", almost 18, and still growing, but I was 5'4" when I was 12 and built very small, but now I'm 'uge. It's not easy to stunt a growth spurt either; I had eating issues. Looking at Jaden's head alone, he's got tons of growth ahead of him. His skull is the size of a fist. I was the same way; tiny head, tiny bones before my big growth spurts. My guess is he'll be daddy's size by the time he's 20.
ACG said on 29/Mar/11
Observant says on 7/Jan/11
MrConan says on 8/Jul/10
have you noticed that when child actors grow up, they're not very tall people? Jake Lloyd, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Macaulay Culkin. Are there any child actors who grew up to be tall people?
lol amusing comment consider that zachary ty bryan and noah taran smith are close to 6 feeet tall
It's Taran Noah Smith. And he's actually well over 6' tall. He grew considerably since Home Improvement ended.
And since we're talking about short former-child actors, I may as well throw Frankie Muniz on the table...
MsKitty said on 2/Mar/11
Chances are Jaden Snith will be average, but right now for a kid his age he is very tiny. My father was 6'1 in his prime and my mother would like to think she was 5'1 but I'd say its a stretch...either way, I have 1 brother who is 6'2, 2 brothers 5'10, 1 sister who is 5'7+ and myself, I am 5'5.25 since I was 15. So who really knows?? Lol
K4 said on 1/Mar/11
Moke says on 26/Jan/11
@Observant .
but the chance for a child actor to grow not very tall is rather big. Of course: there's no rule without exception. Speaking of child actors: I'm curious how tall Jaden Smith is going to be. Tiny mother, tall father
Jaden will probably be about average.
Depor said on 27/Feb/11
@ Observant - OK, you found some exceptions but a large number of them end up being not very tall.
@ Moke - I'm guessing he'll be pretty tall.
Moke said on 26/Jan/11
@Observant .
but the chance for a child actor to grow not very tall is rather big. Of course: there's no rule without exception. Speaking of child actors: I'm curious how tall Jaden Smith is going to be. Tiny mother, tall father
Observant said on 7/Jan/11
MrConan says on 8/Jul/10
have you noticed that when child actors grow up, they're not very tall people? Jake Lloyd, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Macaulay Culkin. Are there any child actors who grew up to be tall people?
lol amusing comment consider that zachary ty bryan and noah taran smith are close to 6 feeet tall
Josh said on 2/Dec/06
On the Howard Stern show a few years ago, she said that she was 5'11.