Comentarista said on 29/Aug/22
Jackie Lee said on 16/Jan/22
I would say she is 4'11" tall. Can't see her being near 5'0"
Denzel said on 2/Jan/22
Short moms make short sons. Sorry jaden!
Natalie said on 6/Jun/21
Good listing. I would argue 5'0 in her prime, but I highly doubt she is that tall now. She's totally dwarfed by her husband.
Realist said on 19/Nov/20
She is really like 4'10
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Sep/20
Jada Pinkett Smith does, in fact, turn 49 THIS year, not last. Many apologies for that, Jada.
ππππ Happy Birthday Jada! ππππ
Have a terrific family Birthday!
4ft11.5 πππΉ
berta said on 18/Sep/20
very honest about here height
Littlelee5ft6 said on 3/May/20
His dad is tall though vga98 he ended up 7 inches taller than her and 6 inches shorter than his will
Vga98 said on 1/May/20
No wonder,Jaden Smith is short.His mom is short.
Yang (5 footer 8, 173) said on 24/Oct/19
She looks so tiny next to her husband Will Smith....
Mister lennon said on 19/Sep/19
She is 48 now .
And 4'11 tall.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Sep/19
πππ―οΈπ Happy Birthday Jada! ππ―οΈππ
The first time I took in Jada's tiny height was in the film 'Reign Over Me', which is a real weepy, about the consequences of 9/11.
On a brighter note, it's Jada's Birthday today and she's turning 49. Doesn't she look good on it?
4ft11.5. ππ
KS said on 23/Aug/19
In her recent WIRED Autocomplete interview she stated she was 5'2 in heels but around 5'0ββmaybe 4'11 without.
Click Here
Nik said on 4/Dec/18
@ Phil - That is simply not true, not that there is anything wrong with any level of height. All heights are cool and should be celebrated equally!
I like it that Jada called herself "5ft nothing"!
Bobby (5'10) said on 28/Sep/18
She looks around that 5ft zone. It's incredible that I am almost a foot taller than her.
Nancy said on 16/Apr/18
She is okay..... I guess Willow will Take after her dad Will.....Real petite!
Slim 186 said on 11/Dec/17
looked short in gotham, around 150cm is a fine listing
Xavier said on 25/Oct/17
4 foot 11. She is very short. Even in high heels.
Reminds me of Charlie and the chocolate factory. Oompa loompa.
Colonel Sanders said on 26/Jul/17
i would have said more or less exactly 5 foot really crazy since her husband is tall
Dan said on 23/Jul/17
150 no more
Arch Stanton said on 23/Mar/17
Richkid123 said on 15/Aug/14
Her son Jaden wont be anywhere near as tall as his father. My dad is 6'1" mom is 5' and I am 5'7" looks like my brother might be slightly taller than myself wen grown
I know a guy who is 6 ft 7 with a 6 ft 5 father and 5 ft 1 mother. Generally you're right though, Jaden might make average but chances are he'd never be tall like his father
Phil said on 28/Dec/16
at least she is 1 and a half inch taller than a dwarf.
Ben said on 30/Nov/16
4ft 11, shes really petite
Phil said on 31/Mar/16
Wow she isn't over 5 foot. lol That's just too short for a woman. Even Big Glenn ( the living legend created by celebheights) is a giant compared to her.
Mat said on 18/Dec/15
I think you should add Madgascar too admin as a voicework
Brad said on 2/Jul/15
They have her on a ladder in publicity shots this week, shades of Christina with Justin....bring out the boxes or ladders.
Richkid123 said on 15/Aug/14
Her son Jaden wont be anywhere near as tall as his father. My dad is 6'1" mom is 5' and I am 5'7" looks like my brother might be slightly taller than myself wen grown
JeanE said on 17/Apr/14
I am 5'1", my husband is 6'2". We are white, both born in USA. My 2 adult sons are: 1st born: 5'10; my 2nd born is a solid 6' tall. Neither is as tall as their dad. Perhaps if I was 5'6" or taller, they would have been taller than their dad. Since so many kids do seem taller than their parents, my height definitely played a genetic role in their full height growth. However, neither of my sons would be considered short. So, they are OK being shorter than their dad.
nrubsol said on 23/Mar/14
The mother more often than than not determines the height of the child. When there is a great difference in height all bets are off. My Dad is 6ft, my mom 5ft 1 or 2. I'm 5'7" the next son is 5'10-11", next is 6ft, next is 5'10", next 5'5". So 3 are average to tallish, 2 are short. Her sister is 5'5-6" and her two sons are 6'-6'1".
Quest said on 24/Jan/14
I agre with This Guy below plirade can you make Γ height page for him as well
megamind said on 15/Jul/13
Rob,it's is impossible that her son will be taller than 175cm.I bet!
even he has best food and exercise.Those are meaningless,gene is decisive factor.
wait and see!

Editor Rob
sometimes the mix of 'height genes' from the parents can result in a son getting taller/shorter than expected.
rose said on 23/Jun/13
so what? many actress are tiny,i do have the same height as vanessa hudgnes and hayden panettiere, and i don't have shame of it
truth178cm said on 8/Jun/13
could be a full 5ft
Cocoa said on 8/Apr/13
I am exactly the same height, I have a few pounds on Mrs. Pinkett-Smith, I am so delighted that I have someone to look up to, it is about so much more than being a dynamic presence in height, but to be so real with that people don't care! Work it Jada!
little sue said on 16/Oct/12
I had a mate who was under 5ft and she married a bloke just over 6ft. She had two kids, a boy and a girl, the girl ended up about 5ft 10 and the lad about 5ft 4, more 'ideal' if had been the other way round.
Gush said on 14/Oct/12
Rob what do you think of the height of her son Jayden. With a mon being that short i don't think he is going to be tall even with a 6ft 1,5 father

Editor Rob
it will be interesting to see final height in years, he's certainly got access to best food and exercise etc, so reaching his genetic potential is likely.
Danny said on 12/Jan/12
I think at most she's 4'10".
Click HereShe's wearing 'tall' high heels in this picture and she's still short.
Karolina said on 6/Nov/11
**** ! Really?! i thought she was much taller ... gosh so Will is just GIANT to her cuz he's like 6'1.5''...stunning...
LAN Jiao said on 4/Nov/11
she was once bizarrely listed as low as 4'10. i believe shes at least 150-151cm
Phil said on 16/Oct/11
I guess Will Smith has a dwarf fetish. Will Smith ex- wife Sheree Zampino is 4 foot 11.5 and Jada Pinkett Smith is 4 foot 11.5 Will is a giant compared to them.
Brenyder: said on 2/Oct/11
Handle it Jada. This is Deena" 4 ft aint Got nothig to do with Will high, as long as Will and your family is happy, a couple of in. of a hansome 6 foot man can go a long way.
Deena said on 2/Oct/11
Wow!way to go woman of power handle it Jada Smith. Keep it real no matter what the world say. She may be short but she is handling Wil Smith ass. Good thing comes in small packages. Dont let Jada smallnest fool you. Go Jada! go! go! As long as you see love, there's nothing weather who is tall or short can't take it away, because you got each other's Back. Now that's power and not lies.
Sean said on 27/Aug/11
She would be much nicer if she were at least 5'5". She has a beautiful face, but is way too short.
Julia said on 17/Aug/11
I Heard That She Was 4'11. Since Thats How Tall I Am. :( In A Way I Like It But In Another Way I Dont. But Thats What I Heard. So Yeah :) Thanks
greek guy said on 20/Jun/11
@Anonymous 1.50 is too tall for a women,i think the 1.30-1.35 range is the best
jason x said on 22/Feb/11
@Anonymous what about my 1.79 girlfriend???ha ha so many people so many different tastes...but cmon 1.50???
Monica said on 13/Feb/11
I believe she's around 5'0 feet but, who cares, she's gorgeous! Height doesn't matter if you got talent(for cinema, etc), great personality and you're pretty (everyone is pretty, anyway).
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/11
In china and in russia they make surgery for height. So everything is possible when you have the money. I am 173cm and i thing the shorter the women the better.150cm-160cm is the best for a woman.My opinion.I prefer 150-155cm.
5'7.37 said on 17/Jan/11
She is 4'11.5 alright, 5'9 Jamie Foxx is taller by more than a head.
anonymous said on 3/Dec/10
edddwkj i would date you.i am 6 4 guy(17yrs old).if you are good looking(not a lot)i would easily date you.just dont try to make others feel good,try to make yourself feel good.the most girls i ve liked they were around your heigh(ok little shorter-5 11)i dont think you win something by saing that your height just cant change it.hasnt anyone toled you that??if yes,why dont you hear him,and if not,make friends thah make you fell is normal that 15 years old childs would be freaked out by your height but they will grow.and girls stop growing at 15.just find a secure guy and secure friends.a 14 year old 4 10 kid will be surprised with your height but what about an older friend.the older i get,the less surprising i find a girl to be around 6 feet.IF you are a little pretty,height doesnt matter,you will find someone TRUST me.would you be more healthy if you were 4 11???
brooks said on 20/Nov/10
4'11 or 5even? she's it jada
Calob Adams said on 13/Nov/10
She's 5'0'' foot exactly.
Kelis said on 12/Nov/10
i really dont know what jada pinkett smith height is i maybe thought that she was quite tall xx
Andrea R said on 6/Jul/09
Big things come in small packages...I'm 31 and 4'9'' so i agree your height doesnt define who you really are. However it does get annoying to hear how tall are you? My response is im not tall at all,do you mean how short am i? People dont ask to be short,tall,thin,fat,black,white you are the way you once you accept it everyone else will. Nobody is better then anyone else! Short or Tall...and to make a statment like...It's nice to look down on the world, you should try it some time,,,i doubt its because u have to its because u want to,,,thats just my opinon!
Sara said on 1/Jul/09
36 inch inseam, chill out. everyone adds a frickin 1/2 inch, tall or short friends.
ofcourse short guys have a thing for tall women...they are insecure. whereas, u find so many examples of tall men with short women. women always make fun of my petiteness but guys don't. i think only insecure guys abt height won't approach me but who cares, i get all the ones that everyone, inc the tall girls, are craving attention for. =) not that they like me bc i'm short... or i doubt they would like me bc i'm taller. its bc of the whole picture.
36 inch inseam said on 30/Jun/09
Hey, I think it's hyserical that the shorter you are the more hairsplittingly you need to add that 1/2 an inch. Like it's really going to make a difference. I get alot of "God your tall, how tall are you?" One of these days I am going to answer,
God your FAT! how much do you weigh!" I am a 6'1" woman with LOOOOONG legs. Outside of having to pay extra for pants I wouldn't have it any other way. Men turn into blithering idiots if I walk by in a pair of shorts. That really is the bottom line, everybody needs to be noticed. Most of my guy friends/husband are all 6'4 and above.It's nice to look down on the world, you should try it some time. The short guys ALL have a thing for tall women. Never dated anyone who could breastfeed while dancing. I find it quite amusing, and I give them credit for trying, in reality----never going to happen in this lifetime. Proud to be "above average".
Alisa D. said on 26/Jun/09
I'm 24 and stand 4'10 1/2. I'm a single mother of 2 boys. My height doesn't define the type of person I am. I agree that being asked how short I am is quite annoying.
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/09
I also just read some of the older posts... being short does not mean you can shop in the kids section. Kids clothes are not cut properly for a mature women!
And I also think Jada is very proud of her height! Why wouldnt she be? Look at people in other professions like gymnists.
Anonymous said on 23/Jun/09
I just started watching Hawthorne, Jada Pinkette's new show. They made a comment about her hieght so I decided to look it up. I new she was tiny but I had no idea she was almost as small as I.
I am 25 years old and 4' 10.5 inches. Yes that .5 counts!! Although the grass can be greener on the other side at times, I am proud of my body and height! I have dated tall and short men a like and have never been turned down due to height. Would I like to be a few inches taller? Sure, but only because it would make shopping easier and peoople would quite asking how short I am. (FYI to all tall peoplle,unless your a close friend, dont ask how tall I am. After a while it becomes similar to asking how much somebody weighs... which people dont do! lol) And for the record, short does not mean stubby legs. Thumbelina, little, itty bitty, and adobie (short for adorable) are of few nicknames that I have come to love and cherish!
Go Jean!
Alice should Chill.
Martine said on 16/Jun/09
I think you can be cute wathever your height is. I'm 5'8 and I have always wanted to be 5'4. I do not wear high heels because I would be to tall. But please, stop saying that short girl are nicer than the tall one. It all about what you are and how confident you are, that's all! But one thing is sure, tall man are really good looking, you can find good looking man under 5'7, but you will rarely hear a woman saying that she prefer short man. However, some guys prefer short girl and some guys prefer tall girl!
Ryon said on 23/May/09
@Kay...that's quite a blanket statement, but thanks for telling us guys what we like! I personally like short and tall women...doesn't matter that much to me. Don't sleep on the short ladies though. I've seen some sexy short, stubby legs!
Kay said on 19/May/09
Jean, why would you think short is better? I'm 5"6 and i've been told i'm quite short but now i see that i'm pretty much the perfect height for a 17 yo girl. Guys want long legs not short stubby ones...
Anonymous said on 17/May/09
short girls are hot, tall girls can be "beautiful" "stunning" "regal" "handsome" but seldom hot. I found this blog intriguing because my wife just today mentioned she wished she were taller similar to some of the comments here. I have never heard a guy utter the words "she's too short" and I know of no guys that use it as a criterion for determining whether they'll date a girl. I can't leave my wife alone at a club because she gets swarmed by guys interested in her. I find her extremely attractive and do not even notice her height (except when she asks me to get something down from a shelf) Jada Pinkett Smith is hot. Her height not an issue whatsoever and the people that point out that you're short are just making conversation because it's a talking point. If you have ever had a guy say to you that you were too short to date please let me know. I'd be surprised.
Anonymous 2 said on 25/Apr/09
She is small, which is what I was expecting. In the Matrix films guys like Laurence Fishburne, David Roberts and Harry Lennix TOWERED over her. Not saying that's necessarily bad, just stating a fact.
And Charlotte, I'm a 13 year old guy and close to 5'0"-and still the shortest person in most of my classes. I think if you want to be taller excersize, but if you don't you can always ignore everything.
Charlotte said on 21/Apr/09
Omg its ironic that Will Smith is very tall! But go Jada, i get loads of stick at school bout being small; im 14 and 5'0. I don't think thats really short (for my age) but its coz all my friends are so tall. It gets so annoying when people say stuff to me about it and its sad coz they dont say anything to the taller kids. Jada is lovely AND small so it just proves it!
jean said on 17/Apr/09
Alice: don't be too concerned about my falling from ladders or chairs. I have been practicing Tai Chi, 108 moves, for several years now and if you know about Tai Chi, you know it gives you excellent balance. To Sara: You are right about the blonde hair. Blonde hair just fits my coloring better than dark. The person I consider to be the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world today is the gorgeous brunette at 5' 1" Salma Hayek. Added note: I have been reading on blogs that Bono is being criticized for his short stature, 5' 6". He is a giant among musicians and for his civic work around the world. In my mind he is the tallest man among men today. The pop culture is trying to shove down our throats that you must be tall to be smart and successful. That's nonsense. Don't buy into that false advertising. Tall is great. My husband is 6'2". Shorter is also great. What's important is to maintain your good health and your good friendships. Love Yourself.
Sara said on 10/Apr/09
Why is everyone mad at Jean? Jealous much? I don't think she meant to say blonds are better than brunettes (I'm a brunette)...but let's face it, certain things have been selected for: "height", "blonde hair", skinniness, toneness, etc. So, what the hell? Chill out tall women.
Alice said on 30/Mar/09
Well Jean, I guess that all the times you have to climb on a ladder or a chair to grab something on a high shelf your 'longest life expectancy' drastically reduces... ok, love yourself, but don't love yourself being arrogant to people... grow up, and I don't mean in height...
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/09
hey jean, I think you're an incredibly self centered and vain person. It's clear that you don't actually care about shortness being a beauty standard, you just think that what you look is what every woman should look like...I'm sure that you would also argue that blonde hair is the most attractive hair color.
Maria said on 27/Feb/09
It's so cool to hear everybody talk about this! I'm not short, but I'm not tall, I'm exactly 5'4 and it was funny for me because I hit 5'4 in 6th grade and I was taller than all the guys which was actually fun! and I enjoyed it as funny as that sounds. A few years later though, all the guys were suddenly taller than me again, and I liked taller guys.
But as I am now only 17 and my mother hit a growth spurt in college I am hoping to get another inch and be 5'5 since that was always my goal.
anonymous said on 23/Feb/09
In response to naz: Tall or short you should be happy with who you are!! But fyi, I was average height all the way through high school and didn't fully grow until I was about 20 when I finally finished around 5'10", so don't worry, you're just 15 still growing! And jean: your compensate for your insecurities by being arrogant, and that's more unattractive than anything.
Jean said on 3/Jan/09
In response to Kaylie, "Yes, I am saying that short is better." But everyone should be proud of who they are. We must be very careful not to buy into the pop culture's flavor of the day. I work out three hours most days of the week, and at 5'1", 116 lbs. I look amazing. I have blonde hair, mid-way down my back, and when I get dressed up, heads turn. Kaylie sounds like she is venting her frustration on me. Kaylie, why would you kill to be tall? I have never been without a gorgeous guy. Love yourself.
Kaylie said on 31/Dec/08
Eum Jean, it looks like you're saying that short is better. I don't want to be rude, but height isn't really important and I would not say that short is better than tall.Your just being really mean to those tall people. Tall women should be proud of their height. I am 5 feet 2 and I would kill to be tall. I think you're just really frustrated.
Jean said on 28/Dec/08
I am 5'1" and very happy with my height. My husband is 6'2" and he loves me and tells me "You are the most beautiful woman in the world. It is only recently that "tall and leggy" are considered to be beautiful. The tall gals used to be compared to "Olive Oil" in the cartoons. Liz Taylor, once the most beautiful woman in the world is 5'2". My most favorite gorgeous woman is Salma Hyack at 5'1". Quentin Tarrentino said that Salma had the best body in Hollywood. I feel the same way as one of the other writers wrote that on airplanes I am comfortable. Also I feel that I don't use of as many of the earth's resources such as food with my better size. Also more than 1/2 the world's population is considered "short" by American standards. Also short people have the longest life expectancy...hence, the people considered to be short are really the ideal size --- pop culture and Victoria Secret catalog models notwithstanding. Go and love yourself everyone male and female who are not giants.
Jean said on 28/Dec/08
I am 5'1" and very happy with my height. My husband is 6'2" and he loves me and tells me "You are the most beautiful woman in the world. It is only recently that "tall and leggy" are considered to be beautiful. The tall gals used to be compared to "Olive Oil" in the cartoons. Liz Taylor, once the most beautiful woman in the world is 5'2". My most favorite gorgeous woman is Salma Hyack at 5'1". Quenton Tarrentina said that Salma had the best body in Hollywood. I feel the same way as one of the other writers that on airplanes I am comfortable and I feel that I don't use of as many of the earth's resources such as food with my better size. Also more than 1/2 the world's population is considered "short" by American standards. Also short people has the longest life expectancy...hence, the people considered to be short are really the ideal size --- pop culture and Victoria Secret catalog models notwithstanding. Go and love yourself everyone male and female who are not giants.
Tina said on 21/Dec/08
And BTW? It's not all about height. It's about your body shape/proportions, too. That's why these short, but gorgeous, actresses can look a lot taller than they really are in movies (or esp when they are photographed alone). It's all about having the right proportions.
Tina said on 21/Dec/08
JM, I totally agree with you! It makes me so mad sometimes when people say stupid things like, "Oh, you're so short," and then they turn around and say that certain short stars like Eva Longoria or Hayden Panatiere is so hot. I agree with them! BUT then it just makes me mad b/c these gorgeous stars are around my height! Does that make sense? And yes, Jada does look very petite in all her pictures...but good for her! She's with Will Smith, so who cares, right? Apparantly, HE likes small women. =)
anonymous said on 20/Nov/08
for extreme heights i will say get growth hormone. i made it as 4'10'' in this society but times are more materialistic and if we can help balance this height thing out...then why not.
its getting annoying that people are so arrogant and cruel about it.
having said that, women do make it bc it really isn't like beauty and such. hence, why we see VERY petite women like jada smith and eva longoria. and in some instances and to an extent (though MUCH rarer) men.
Sarma said on 17/Nov/08
I'd have to say that I don't think it really matters how tall you are. Everybody is different in their own ways. And no matter how you look there is always someone out there worse off. So you should just try to be happy with yourself. There is no such thing as perfect anyways. I'm 17 and I'm only 5'2", and yes there have been times that I wished I was taller, but I can't change it and I just have to deal with it. There are other things to be worried about than your size.
Liz said on 9/Nov/08
My sister had the same problem and she went on growth hormone..she's like 5'4 now and a lot happier. I think you need to ask her what she wants. Good luck.
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/08
My daughter is 13 & only 4 feet 4 inches, she tskes an age 9-10 clothes, she use to be fine with it, but just lately gets teased a lot in school, I try to help by telling her about people like Kylie minogue & jada pinkett who are tine but beautiful but it doesnt halp, any advice? she is under the hospital at the moment has been checked for various things, one being turner syndrome, test came back negative, they are now talking about growth hormone but I really dont want her to have this!
naz said on 25/Oct/08
i have read many of these comments and it has made me slightly confident about my height. i mean i have got teased so much in life and i hated every minute of it and i still do get teased. i"m 15 years old nd i am going to b 16 on november 4th i jus want to grow 2-3 inched. do you think i can still grow.please let me knw
FiveOne said on 13/Oct/08
Jada may be petite, but I've noticed that she also has muscles! She must be working out a lot. Has anyone else noticed this about her?
Sara said on 4/Oct/08
I love checking this page and some other short female celebrity pages. Every year, height becomes more and more non-existent. The comments have in no way decreased but I just lighten the power given to the negative connotations of short. It's like how ppl embrace their identity as nerds and by that, give less power to that word.
the truth is, being short actually helped me. it made me the best i can be and its wonderful bc the guy i totally fell for said that my height was one of his major attractions to me. and speaking of guys, after I became skinnier and followed dressing styles more suited for short girls, i think I get looked at more than some tall girls. it really doesn't matter what ur born with but what you make of it! so smile and poke fun of yourself, and take away the power it has on you! NOTHING can take away your power then! =D
Deb said on 24/Sep/08
She`s gorgeous even though she is under 5f.
Jennifer said on 23/Sep/08
Totally stoked to fine out Jada Pinkett Smith is around the same height as me. I've always wanted to act more seriously but it does suck that I've sometimes lost roles because my height doesn't fit the character..and I have actually been told that. I'm 19 and I'm about 5ft. People can just be so inconsiderate about height, no one has even been cruel to me but you'd think that people would learn to hold back stupid comments as they got more mature...but not matter what age they are they're always just like, "sh*t you're really short!" or "you're not very tall are you?" response I'm always just say, "well yeah I think I've figured that out already."
But yeah I agree, it's really cool reading about all you guys who think it's all good to be short. I try not to feel insecure about it but it's hard with people making comments all the's one of the reasons I hate meeting new people because you always have to go through the same tiring conversation *sigh* I guess I should just be happy that I've got a wonderful man who loves me. Go Jada Pinkett Smith and all the other shorties out there!! :)
LilBit said on 8/Sep/08
I'm between 4'11-5" and 2 b honest sometimes i really dont like it and the teasing doesnt make it any better. I would always wish that I could be just a couple inches taller but i guess the sun doesnt rise and sets on me. I like being short and then I dont. I wanna b happy about being short all the time not just occassionally.But reading all of you guys comments made me feel better about being short. I know that im not alone. thank you :)
Miss Petitite said on 8/Aug/08
I'm short and this is the first time I don't care. In the Pakistani culture its a big deal and my aunt would always rub in how everyone in her family is super tall.
Well frankly, it didn't matter.
Girls, its all about doing your best and being who you want to be. There will be people who love tall...but there are just as many people who love small. Infact, average-tall guys are usually the ones who approach me.
Eleana said on 30/Jul/08
Im 19years old n 4'10 n a half and actually enjoy being short especially when it comes to the dating scene because of the freedom i have 2 wear heels. Even though sometimes i gotta ask for help in the store bc things are to high i wouldnt want 2 b taller. N being a short women makes me stand out n a crowd which isnt a bad thing.
runt said on 28/Jul/08
One of the few 4-11 celebs who admits it. She could prolly get away with saying 5-1. Devito used to say 5' when he's really 4-9.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
I stopped growing when I was 14. I am 5'4", my brother is 5'6", my younger brother is 5'8", my dad is 5'5", my mom is 5'3". In some countries we would be considered short, in others average, and in others tall. It's really not an issue. I am happy to be of average height in America though. I noticed that men like girls my height or shorter. That kinda makes sense when you compare Jada Pinkett with Will Smith.
Lin said on 30/May/08
I'm 4'11 and am happy with who I am. My whole family is on the "shorter" side, except my sister, but we're all human. I am capable of everything life has to offer. Another advantage, I am able to be comfortable on planes and in cars where I hear people complain all the time that they're uncomfortable. I was able to make a bed out of two seats on a coach bus instead of having to sleep on a nasty floor. :) I was a dancer as a child, and am a musician. My mother is 5'0 and is a Lawyer. We're all human, and I don't make fun of God's creations. I love everybody of every background. Just because someone may look "Down on me" literally, doesn't mean that I am any more or less important. People who think otherwise are ignorant. "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they are to be called the Children of God." ~Jesus.
dmeyer said on 29/May/08
i mesured my mom at 4 ft 11.1 150 cm she said she was 153 peak like 5 ft 0.25 in so she lost 1.2 in at 64 years old but she is overweight and she never exercise
skool u said on 24/May/08
Leyla and Rachel confirmed my thoughts of when I see a tall man with a much shorter's a security thing! Most women (short or tall) like to feel secure, whether it be physically, financially, emotionally, etc. Not only did Rachel want us to know that her man was tall, but that he is a NAVY SEAL. I guess that adds to the security. I'm sure she wouldn't have mentioned his occupation if he was a banker or something... It's all about security. I know this to be true because I'm 5'7 and I don't like men under 6'0!
runt said on 19/May/08
You tell 'em leyla. I recently watched a marathon of "America's Next Great Model" with Tyra Banks, where a panel of women and gay men decide what woman is ideal, I disagreed with all of their choices. With a panel of straight men, I bet you would beat them all leyla.
leyla said on 12/Mar/08
Everyone's comments here have been so on point... petite is beautiful, feminine, sexy and usually comes paired with a big personality. I am 4'8" believe it or not and I wear it well with my stilettos and sophisticated (not raunchy) outfits... when I leave the house primped and sassy they fall over themselves brushing right past the tall girls. I think loving yourself and giving a good presentation is key. Seeing these grogeous petite celebs like Jada and Eva help me see that petite is so sexy! I've dated men ranging from 5'10" to 6'2" and I am told that petite women bring out that natural instinct to want to protect and care for their woman. I couldn't agree more ;)... not that I can't take care of myself but it's nice to have a big strong man put his arms around you at night ;)
john said on 1/Mar/08
As for what Anonymous says on 28/Dec/07,
I think your intentions were good, but what you said came out sounding a bit mean. Yes, you do have to learn to accept your flaws, but your height, whether that be average, short, or tall, is CERTAINLY NOT a flaw. (I rhymed) Is it a flaw that someone is born with longer legs or feet than normal? Is it a flaw if those legs were long, but the feet were small?
The answer is NO. Things that occur so commonly in civilization can not be considered a flaw. They can only be considered an attribute; a characteristic.
another anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
anonymous before me, out of curiousity, what are you talking about? you totally got me curious!
anoynmous said on 1/Jan/08
most of the time children take after the mother's side of the family
there are the exceptions of course
and i think the person who said something about people having a problem with women who have a big attitude
well she's so right it's so sad but she's so right
diana said on 1/Jan/08
another thing
will smith has to be 6'2
on the episodes with tyra banks (who was wearing sneakers or flats)
he was well taller than her at least 3 or 4 inches
Anonymous said on 28/Dec/07
Accept it Ren and make something out of it. There are enough short people in the world who make it, and make it big. There are enough tall people who don't. It shows you that life is up to you and how you accept your flaws.
Ren said on 19/Dec/07
I'm 17 years old turning 18 in jan. and about 5 ft... my mom is 5 ft and my dad is about 5 ft 6... i know that i'm not going to get any taller and it does bother me a lot, it sucks when all everyone does is think that your a lot younger than what you really are, the worst i got was 15 years old, i hate it very much, i try to make myself look my age. it's so annoying when people that are 5 ft 2 complain, there are SO many people that would kill to be that tall, trust me. I'm just going to have to learn how to accept myself, like how my mom did.
Aaliyah said on 17/Dec/07
I can't stand people who are so negative about peoples' height..why can't you just leave it! I'm 20, 4'11" and just got married. My husband is 6'2" and we are not concerned about the difference in our height and as a matter of fact hasn't really come up as anything to be worried about. The only thing I really care about is what he is like on the inside. As a teenager I was also teased because I was so short. My sister is 4 years younger than me but about 3" taller and I get teased for that too! My husband is really the only person that makes me feel like my height doesn't matter and since then I've stopped caring about what other people think and really do not give a ****! I really wish that people would stop making fun out of what people look like on the outside but to consider what's on the inside! For all you short people out there, stand up and be proud and for all you tall people, stop making us feel like we're inferior to you!
Zephyr Chan said on 9/Dec/07
I second that, meta. I'm 18 and about 5 feet 0.5 inches, and am perfectly all right with it. I used to be terribly self-conscious about my height, but now, I know I don't have to worry or be self-conscious. I have role models like Jada Pinkett Smith, Kristen Chenowith (of Wicked and The West Wing fame), and Christina Ricci. :P
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! And a Joyous New Year!
meta said on 5/Dec/07
Rachel LOL i am sooo with you on that. it's pathetic. i come here to this site 'cause it's interesting to know some possible truth about the way these people on tv actually look like regarding height; you can't always tell on tv. but most people who come here are literally
Obsessed With Height. i mean, what's this **** about jada being insecure? wtf? there are far more women at the 5'6 range and above who feel insecure about being too tall. there is way too much crap and normative statements on "short" and "tall" with "short" connoting something inferior. this is a completely slanted view; i would like everyone--"tall" and "short"--to acknowledge that fact. you will all be happier. One more thing: Happy Holidays :D
Rachel said on 23/Nov/07
LOL...I'm reading some of these comments and laughing. I'm 4'9, my navy seal boyfriend is 6'1. He doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks and neither do I. My grandma is 4'7 and my grandpa was 6'2. My great-grandma was 4'7 and my great-grandpa was 6'. I find it comical that people even discuss this. Is it really any of your concern. The only person it should concern are the 2 people that are together. Why are people so cruel?
Sara said on 28/Sep/07
i really don't know why my comments don't go through...i hope they aren't mean. =( shorter, not really. abnormally kathryn. bc her height is perfectly in the short range group that you can name many in. lil kim and tequila are 4'10''. eva longoria is 4'11''-5'. shakira is abt that range. kylie minogue. lucy liu(horrible spelling). the point is... its not abnormally short bc there are so many she can meet eye to eye with. true, they aren't the norm. but then again, 4'11 is NEVER the norm in ''normal society '' either. and as for extremes not being favoured...consider genetics. if a tall man mates with a short woman, thier children are more likely to be avg. Likewise, avg-short, will lead to a slightly short child not near 4'11''.
Hope your life and your personality takes you far Kathryin...I bet your more than height!
Kathryn said on 26/Sep/07
oh, to nyasha: i'm 5'7''. and i think u all didn't understand me. i didn't say all this stupid things. i just said that Jada MAYBE doesn't like it so much. but i didn't tell these other things u thought i wanted to tell. no one should be teased because of their height. but, believe it or not, there are many people out there who arren't proud of their height or their weight. donΓt u read the news? so many model, e.g., died because of anorexia last year. and like this, many people think, they're too tall, small or anything else. but they don't have to think that. they just should accept the way they were born. hope now u got, what i told...
leonari said on 13/Sep/07
never 5'3" girl
Jadyn said on 13/Sep/07
I've stood next to her as she walked through the crowd at the million woman march in Phili with her security towards the stage to speak after Sistah Souljah, she's 5 foot 3 and she looked like she barely weighed 105. pounds. I'm 5'0 and was surprised she's taller than me.
nyasha said on 31/Aug/07
Kathryn, may i know how tall are you. Im not short,but i think height has nothing to do with a person's happiness. So if you were short, you would be the most miserable person on earth. Would you?
meagan said on 23/Aug/07
I think a short woman and tall man are cute together. It just looks better in my opinion. Plus i think it looks weird when a girl has to hutch down just to look shorter then a guy. Thank god i don't have to do that im only 4'11 1/4 and i get teased big time about but im ok with it some people think its cute. So i support Jada and Will all the way.
Dr. Genevieve said on 18/Aug/07
Kathryn, you sound rather ignorant with some of your statements. Sounds like you have your own insecurities and you welcome being taller than other women to hide the black hole within. How can you say that Jada shops in the kids department? How many kids' departments are you aware of that sell sexy clothes like Jada wears? How can you say that she isn't proud of her height? Do you personally know her and has she confessed this to you? What the hell are your accomplishments and are they related to your height? Height has little to do with it. I know a heap of short women under 5 feet who have more charisma than you and who would block you in a crowd. Grow up ... and not in the literal way in which you might understand this. Think before you write. Dr. G
Kay said on 31/Jul/07
I'm also 4'11". I admire Jada soooo much and she's a wonderful role model! Tiny people can still make a big impact! Being the smallest person in my family I use to wish that I was taller. My little sister is only 13Β½ and she's already 5'5"!!! My mom's 5'4" and dad's 5'11" there's no reason for me being this short. LOL Must be because I hate to exercise...that word just isn't in my vocabulary! =D LOL
TJ said on 31/Jul/07
Jada Pinkett Smith's height is irrelevant to what she has accomplished as an actress in Hollywood--especially an African-American actress in a cut throat industry not even as sweet to many non-Black actresses. She came to Hollywood from Baltimore on the bus accompanied by a "pipe dream," I read. She was successful in her own right before she married Will (and before his success increased). Regardless of her height, she's gorgeous. Her height also makes her a rare commodity in Hollywood. How many other actresses are that pretty, talented, and that short? Probably zero, zip, nada, none. I think that her height makes her special. My former fiance, with whom I am still friends, is 6'3.5. I am 5'3.5. A relationship or marriage works or it doesn't, regardles of your height. Go Jada!
Natasya said on 15/Jul/07
Thanks a lot Steve!!!Actually,all ur advices encourage me to achieve my goal...thanks anyway!!!
Stephen said on 14/Jul/07
No problem! I didn't want to discourage you from doing any sports, though. I mean, sitting around on your butt all day is probably no better for height growth than doing physical activities. In other words, you should still try to be as active as ever. And eat right. I know a handful of girls that are 5' and shorter, so it's not uncommon at all. And even though girls usually get done growing before guys do, you're still only 14. You have plenty of time to keep growing!
Natasya said on 13/Jul/07
okay,thanks stephen!!
Natasya said on 13/Jul/07
Im only 5' and Im 14,I still wanna grow taller....So please tell me wat is d best sport for increasing my height?
Stephen said on 13/Jul/07
I don't think there are any sports that can increase height. I would think that any physical activities that involve running and stuff would never contribute to height gain. I say this because the impact on the joints would not make them expand at all. But I do believe that there are exercises that can help gain height, though. Don't expect them to work miracles, though; you're probably better off just not worrying about it.
Natasya said on 13/Jul/07
whats the best sport for increasing height?
Stephen said on 8/Jul/07
Hey Victoria, never let it bother you. There are many guys out there who would prefer a 4'11" girl over, erm... under, um... you know what I mean, a 5'11" girl. (I sure would, and I am not a short guy!) She is married to 6'2" Will Smith, so there's one example. Lee (down VthereV) has got it spot-on. Plus, at 17, there is a slight chance you might have some growing left to do.
Victoria said on 5/Jul/07
I admire Jada so much! I'm 17 and I'm 4'11" also. I've always been teased because of my height and it bothered me for the longest time. And you'd think that as you get older the teasing stops, but it doesn't. Now I think of Jada every time something height-related bothers me and I feel so much better about myself.
Kathryn said on 13/May/07
i didnt say anything like that. but i dont think sheΒ΄s soooo happy about it either. she always will have problems with her small height. i mean, all the people have to look down on her outside. do u think, she is really proud of her height? no, i dont think so.
lee said on 7/May/07
Jada is beautiful and wonderful and all that good stuff. She is one of the reasons that I fell in love with small women. It's too bad that small women sometimes are over defensive because of how some people treated them in the past by mocking their size. I find women that are short have the most sexiest bodies and the prettiest faces. Some are real perky and sweet, that's what I like the most about women in general. I give her two thumbs up for being under 5 feet tall. I just got married to a beautiful woman who is only 4'9. I feel like the luckiest man alive. I have a cuddle bunny for myself. All you small women out there be proud and know you are not by any means inferior to any tall woman.
Kathryn said on 22/Apr/07
yes....thatΒ΄s really complicated. i mean....she doesnΒ΄t wear high heels every day and not at all at home. so in a few years when their kids grow up and become teenagers then she will be smaller than them, ;).
hello said on 21/Apr/07
You kind of wonder how she can function with her husband being 6'2 while she's less than 5 feet.
Kathryn said on 11/Apr/07
even in Scream 2 she had heels on when they went into the theater but the camera always sank down to her. and all the people were taller than her. my god...but itΒ΄s kinda cool to be that short, too, i think. because she is able to buy her clothes in the KidΒ΄s Store ,too. so she doesnΒ΄t need to pay so much money, hihi.
Kathryn said on 8/Apr/07
BRAD : sheΒ΄s not abnormally short? oh my godness. this height is so short! i mean...when she walks down the street all the people have to look down on her. even on all the events sheΒ΄s the one who has to look up, i saw her with high heels and she still had to look up to speak into the microphone. so think about it again. and hey....can u tell me 5 celebs who are shorter than this? i dont think so...
Vince said on 21/Feb/07
I knew she was short, but I didn't know she was this short. I wonder how tall her and Will's kid will get. I read somewhere that a short women will have short sons, while a tall man will have tall daughters. However, this doesn't seem to be the case for many people I know.
mandy said on 15/Feb/07
yea 4'11-5'0 is about 5'2 and i thought i was the shortest person in the world but it seems like im average height compared to celeb women
Brad said on 14/Dec/06
4' 11" is really hard to get a role with a 5' 9" actor. That 6" gap after heel is a lot.
Anonymous said on 8/Dec/06
She lost roles for being too short? But she's not 'abnormally' short and could have worn heels.
J. said on 1/Dec/06
Ah, that explains why she lost a pivotal role on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air to Nia Long (who's tiny herself but over 5 feet). But it wasn't all bad for Jada though, she met Will on the set during the failed audition.
Brad said on 1/Dec/06
4' 11". She has lost lots of roles for being that comes across poorly with 6'+ actors on screen.
sharon said on 13/Sep/06
Will Smith is not 6'2". I have a friend who has met him in person when he was filming the Ali movie. He is about 5'11".
Lisa said on 2/Aug/06
Jada Pinkett Smith does not look 4'11". I think she looks 5' minimum.
Lisa said on 2/Aug/06
Jada Pinkett Smith looks taller than 4'11". I think she's 5 ft. at the very shortest.
Soumitra said on 4/May/06
I think Will Smith is as tall as he looks..which is 6'2". The last time (around march 2006)when he had come to India, i had an apportunity to catch a glimpse of him, and what a nice man he is!.. truely..MR. NICEGUY.
Emmelle said on 12/Apr/06
I am about five feet at age fifteen and am still growing but it is sometimes very hard to find role models who are short in the media, and I mean really short because I'm not going to be any taller than 5"1. But Jada Pinkett Smith is amazing and I find her clean up act incredibly inspiring. I absolutely love her and I totally want her husband.
I've never met her, but I bet she gives off a tall appearance.
reqy said on 5/Mar/06
Jada and I are the same height. She has a great attitude and is a strong role-model. I love Jada and if she says she's 4'11" then she's 4'11". What an amazing woman with a great husband to boot.
hitch said on 9/Nov/05
i think that will smith is not tall as he looks because last year i saw him come out of rove live and i asked him for a signature even that his a good guy stuuff but hes not tall as people think and when he was talking to me he was looking at my eyes straight not taller tham me and im 6'1" what makes him look taller is that his build and nice shape.
me said on 25/Sep/05
She is short but is she really under 5 ft.?
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/05
I think Jada may be the 4'11" she said herself. I'm noticing in untouched photos of she and Will that Will pulls a Ali Landry/Nicole Kidman and SLOUCHES in an attempt to make her seem less munchkin-like. Man, she's so little!
J. said on 5/Mar/05
A qoute from Jada:
"Iβm about four-foot-eleven, and I would never want to be any taller than I am. It helps me get away with a lot of things. When youβre smaller, itβs easier to have a bigger attitude. If youβre a big woman with a big attitude, it can be intimidating. Itβs already intimidating for a woman to have a big attitude. I think my courageous attitude fits so well in this compact frame -- people can handle it more easily."
Babydoll said on 21/Feb/05
about 2 years ago I read a magazine article all about her. She claimed to be 4'11". I doubt she would round down!