Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 3/Mar/23
He looked a solid 6ft in Death Becomes Her.
ChristianPerkins said on 13/Mar/22
@World Citizen and Bobby
I'm not seeing 5'11" at all, more like 5'11.5"-ish. Average guess is spot on.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 5/Oct/20
How much does the Adidas Samoas give in comparison to NIke AF1's?

Editor Rob
roughly 1/4
Rory said on 3/Aug/20
I read an interview with him where he described himself as being "only just six foot". He also bizarrely described Roger Moore as being six inches taller than him. Rob met him in his 60s and if he looked roughly six foot then you'd imagine in his 30s he had a chance of being a solid/strong six footer.
Nik Ashton said on 11/Aug/19
I trust Rob and Ian!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Aug/19
Ian looks incredibly good when you think just how far his films date back to.
Last night on the Horror Channel, they were showing 'Witchfinder General'. I turned it over for a few minutes and immediately heard that distinctive voice of Vincent Price. At 6ft4, he'll have made Ian look comparatively normal height, but much of the film centres round Ian doing his all to save his partner, so he does look considerably above average in the production.
It's a very sad film, and I have a copy upstairs any time I wish to study the details.
As there is only the one box, 6ft will go therein. Oh yes, and what about good old Simon Templar from 'Return of the Saint'? That's going back DECADES, just like 'Witchfinder General', which hails from 1968. 😇
World Citizen said on 13/Feb/18
Looks like a flat 5 ft 11
Bobby said on 18/Jan/18
Straightening up, Rob's eyes are level with the upper portion of his mouth area, he might be more 5'11 than 6ft. Not sure if he had a peak height yet but wouldn't be surprised if he was over 6ft when younger.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jun/17
Well Rob, if Ian was nearly 6ft on the day you met him, then he MUST have been a very strong 6ft in 1968, when 'Witchfinder General' was made! 👍
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jun/17
I am watching 'Witchfinder General', and have been waiting for the opportunity to compare Ian Ogilvy with Vincent Price!
The time hath cometh; I guessed him to be 6ft - and I'm right! I can't believe it! I must be getting better! 👏
The film was made in 1968, and
Banned for ages. It looks quite tame in comparison to some of today's offerings!
🔥🔥😨 🔥🔥😭

Editor Rob
it is relatively tame...but I suppose for late 60's was possibly 'shocking'.
Ogilvy that day was very close to 6ft, taller than Benedict Cumberbatch for instance in person...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Oct/14
Looks around 5ft11 range
Simon Templar said on 22/Jan/12
If there´s an actor with no doubts about his height and possible minimum height difference between what´s real and what´s supposed, this is him. No one has ever stated that Ian reaches 6´1"; no one has ever declared he´s 5´11". 5´11,5"/6´ is correct.
Big King said on 29/Oct/08
There aren't four inches difference too. That guy has only three inches on Rob.
Lozzer said on 28/Oct/08
What sneakers were you wearing Rob?

Editor Rob
I wear adidas samoa here.
Brad said on 28/Oct/08
God has he aged.
Anonymous3 said on 27/Oct/08
slouching, I see legit 6 feet. He;s git really loose posture. Dang Rob you look pretty tall yourself in that photo. He doesn't seem to have a significant amount on you. Maybe down grade to 5'11.75 Rob? Looks a weaker 6 feet maybe

Editor Rob
I actually loosened a bit after he stood loose. He looked about 6ft though, looked near an inch taller than michael rosenbaum for instance who I met 10 minutes later.
derek d said on 27/Oct/08
He's 5'11.5 in the picture but he's clearly slouching in the pic.... Looks like a legit 6 ft.
Marcelo C. said on 23/May/08
Dear boys, let
Seb said on 23/Feb/08
Frankly, I find hard to believe he lost the part of Bond because he is 5'10. According to Ogilvy he never got the part because the producers thought he was too similar to Roger Moore. Anyway, 5ft 11.5 is virtually 6 ft; that is a small difference to tell apart...
Marcelo C. said on 10/Nov/07
He used to be extremely handsome and British looked; He
Dmae said on 9/Jul/07
At any height he is a very talented actor and writer and incredibly handsome. He would have made a terrific Bond!
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
He failed to get the Bond role because he was 5.10.