Nile Song said on 22/Apr/23
I think Christian is spot on with his description of 5'7.
It's only considered significantly short often because people like disparaging shorter people or have poor perceptions of average height. But even though it is noticeably shorter than average, it's not enough that people would classify you as short automatically on sight. Not everything deviating from the average is short or tall... if 5'7 was short for a man being ~2 inches below average (guess the average is maybe 5'9 1/4 in US), wouldn't a 5'6 woman be considered tall too?
Jayk said on 29/Jan/22
on point height preception can be off. global averge is 5ft7.5 for guy the usa slightly taller. 5ft for Ian
Nik Ashton said on 1/Sep/21
@ Lee Parker - I agree!
ChaosControl said on 31/Aug/21
Canson said on 30/Aug/21
Man I miss Christian! He hasn’t posted in a long time
Yeah I liked him too. Rob told me on Amazon Eve’s page that he claimed to be American but never posted from there in 5 years and he just disappeared. The comments have since been deleted

Editor Rob
I'm giving him a chance to explain if he wants.
Canson said on 30/Aug/21
Man I miss Christian! He hasn’t posted in a long time
Lee Parker said on 30/Aug/21
Christian, I believe the start of short for men is 5ft 6 as 6 foot is considered the start of tall and to many men 6 foot is considered the most desired height. It's a good 8 inches taller than the average woman and even the average woman in heels would still be quite a bit shorter than a 6 footer. For woman the start of short is 5ft 1 and start of tall is 5ft 7. Just my opinion though
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Dec/20
I'd say borderline. Not quite legit short, but well below average. Same as how a 5'11" guy isn't legit tall but is close to it.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Dec/20
@ Christian - I know I've talked about this before, but the first time I saw a really small Policeman, a crowd had assembled and were laughing at him. I felt rather sorry for him, but he did look awkward among his far taller colleagues, and his uniform was tiny.
Of course it's going to be harder for someone built like that to restrain someone, I agree, but having said that, I've known the odd fellow who could outfight people as much as a foot plus taller than he was, which was 5ft2. However, he was an exception!
Have a great week, Christian! 😉👍 XX
vastlybetter566 said on 7/Dec/20
Just because Ian is extra short, doesn't mean 5"7 guys aren't short.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Dec/20
I think that a height reqirement for the police force is unnecessary, unless if a person's like a 3-4 foot dwarf or something, then I can understand. As long as you can pass the basic physicals, then you should be fine in my book. But then again, maybe the requirement was made because tackling/arresting people can be harder if you're short.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Dec/20
@ Christian - Oh, goodness no! Our Mum told us, but they kept the fairground going, and the Ferris wheel was so high you could see it throughout Hamburg and beyond.
Had I seen it, I doubt I'd have ever got over it.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Dec/20
@ Christian - That is rather unfair to turn a person down for a mere fraction, especially if a young fellow has had his heart set on that career since boyhood. I feel 6ft1 for a member of submarine personnel to be a bit low too, especially when they've scrubbed the lower limits for many careers.
Now that really is Heightist, but when it's for safety reasons, then so be it. The UK Police Force accepted a lady many years back, who at 5ft2.5, was 'the shortest Policewoman in the UK'. I believe those days you had to be 5ft4. Tragically, she was shot dead, and despite this atrocity, the Police still banished the minimum height requirement.
I guess everything was invented for good reason.
Take care, Christian, and here's wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy weekend.
Sandy XX 😁👍🎄🎅🎁
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Dec/20
Did you actually see the woman falling and dying, in person? If so, that's gotta be pretty traumatic, especially at that young of an age.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/20
@ Nik - When I was in Germany, there was a huge fairground, complete with an enormous great Ferris wheel. I was anything from 7-9 years old and I still remember that a woman leant out of the wheel and fell to her death. Let me tell you, that put me off fairgrounds for life. I even cringe when I watch that fairground scene from Quentin Tarantino's 'True Romance'; that shows a VERY fast ride! 😣
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Dec/20
There are max limits as well. For example, I'm not allowed to be a jet fighter pilot because the US limit is 77" I believe. (I'm 77 3/8", and probably would measure taller than that, because military physicials usually take place earlier in the day) Nor can I be a submarine personnel for the Navy, because their limit's 6'1".
Nik Ashton said on 2/Dec/20
@ Sandy Cowell - That’s true but there should be no unfair bias however if there is a genuine reason for a height requirement, a reason that does not involve discrimination, that is fine. No level of height is better than any other and it’s the person that counts, not their height. I don’t like the very fast fairground rides, if they are not too fast I don’t mind them.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/20
There can be on fairground rides, Nik, for a person's own safety. Fortunately, that wouldn't apply to either of us, but it might to Canson and Christian. 😉
Nik Ashton said on 29/Nov/20
No height requirements here or anywhere (all genders).
Nik Ashton said on 28/Nov/20
@ Sandy Cowell - 2 true!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Nov/20
It doesn't matter if you're short, Ian - you have a lovely little face! 👌😉
5ft0.5 😄👍