Blake said on 5/Mar/17
He has gotten height claims from actors quite a bit from what I have seen of his interrogations of actors on his shows. Rob, do you think his dad at his peak would have matched Howard at 6 ft 5 range?

Editor Rob
I really haven't looked/thought about his parents height before.
Canson said on 3/Mar/17
Well said S.J.H! You're the man and mad props! Everything s spot on too. Yes a 6'5 guy could easily drop to 6'4.75 at night too esp Howard today. That difference wouldn't even be detected especially with people focused on upgrading him to 6'5.5. I personally with Rob if I listed stern would say he's 6'5 flat at his lowest or lost him 6'5 maybe 6'5.25-.5 was his peak but doubt he was ever over maybe 6'5 3/8 lowest height
Canson said on 26/Feb/17
He was likely a bigger 6'5" prime like Peyton manning 6'6 out of bed 6'5.25 or maybe 3/8 at his lowest. Today maybe he's only 6'5 or 196
Wiles189 said on 11/Feb/17
He was very insecure about it, it wasn't easy for him as a young man
S.J.H said on 3/Feb/17
I'm daring to bet on Howard Stern is half inch taller than Peyton Manning and a peak Howard Stern is about full inch taller than Manning. Manning might just measure 6'5.5 with shoes and doesn't look taller than 194cm kobe bryant at most the same height
Giorgi said on 25/Jan/17
He has mentioned his height many times but I still don't understand whether he's satisfied with it or feels insecure.
Canson said on 24/Jan/17
Today he's still good 6'5 195-196. It's hard to tell exactly how much height he has lost
Canson said on 28/Dec/16
Sorry that comment was intended for Tim robbins page not this one
Canson said on 27/Dec/16
That is not 3" between stern and freeman more like 2.5-3. And rob has freeman as 6'1.75
Click Here
Canson said on 23/Nov/16
Nope. He's a legit 6'5 guy 197-198 out of bed 195-196 at his lowest.
Prime was maybe 198-198.5 out of bed and 196-196.5 at his lowest
Animus said on 17/Oct/16
I once heard Stern say that it's fair to be an inch off when giving one's height. While I don't think he was 6ft6, I think ~6ft5½ is probably closer than a flat 6ft5.
shiva 181 cms said on 13/Sep/16
Howard stern's peak height was (6'53/8) at his lowest and today he may well drop to 6'5 many guess him about 6'7 but he's not
Canson said on 12/Aug/16
Out of bed 198 (prime)
Before bed 196.2 (prime)
Out of bed (today) 197.5
Before bed (today) 195.5
Canson said on 18/Jul/16
First of all Pucko I said he's 6'3. That's 191. I don't believe he is under that. And Downgrading everyone Pucko? Did I downgrade Stern? No I didn't I said he's 6'5. Conan is the only one I did At least In this conversation.i think fair to say that most ppl deserve a downgrade across this site. So many claims that people take seriously and people here exaggerate downgrading. Downgrading would be if Conan were truly 6'4 and I said he's 6'1 or 6'2. 1-2 cm doesn't constitute downgrading. And with height varying throughout the day it's possible. I think the real issue here to be honest, Pucko, is people always feel that downgrading someone is insulting and instead they inflate other people's heights to make the math work. I get sick of that crap as it happens on the street and it is frustrating and stupid And that is where I have the real problem because it is just as insulting saying someone is downplaying themselves. The other issue is when so and so claims 6'4 like Conan then when Stern claims 6'5. Why do we take Conan's word over Stern's? And yes 90% of this site does that. Ok I will give you this 6'5.25-.5 for Stern for prime yes likey but 6'4 for Conan no way. Maybe he was 192 in the AM and rounded up but far more likely that he was that in shoes. Esp when he has said he's 6'4-6'4.5 (that is Neesun's height) and Neesun is clearly taller than Conan is. That'd make Liam 6'5 at least and he wasn't.he was prob 194 prime Conan was at least 2cm maybe 3 shorter. That's common sense esp with the bee line of 6'4 guys who have edged him out on his own show and even him calling Klitschko 6'6 or 6'7. Now a legit 6'4 wouldn't call someone 196 range 6'6 or 6'7. That is the trend with him he is always an inch off. The reality Pucko is that most of the heights here are shoe heights. And then the other reality is that when someone is forced with a decision to make as far as believing Stern being 6'5 or Conan 6'4. It's easier (even when we have proof with Magic Johnson and Stern etc) to upgrade Stern to make the math work. So no I am not a hater but I honestly based on common sense believe Conan is 6'3. He has long hair and legs which make him appear taller. I mean Kobe and Barkley both have 1.5-2" on him. Both guys are 6'4 range close to 6'5. But not 6'5" and that is on record from ppl who have played with them not like Conan where we have no official height record just his claims which are diminished when someone close in size steps on stage
Pucko said on 17/Jul/16
Do you honestly belive that Conan is 190?? I'm 190cm myself and i can tell that Conan is taller, i'm not blind.. Atleast take a closer look before downgrading everyone..
How do you explain this 0:37
Click Here ?
Jeff Goldbum is still taller then solid 191cm Liam Hemsworth.. So why would Goldblum (192.5cm) look 2cm shorter then Conan?
Conan O'Brien's Height 6'3.75 (192.5cm)
I wouldn't go lower then that, and he was easily 1cm taller in his youth
6'6 peak for Stern is actually believable. You are very tall Canson, but you would be shocked if you saw Stern in his youth
Canson said on 16/Jul/16
The problem with Conan's height is that his proportions throw it off. Not to mention his shoe claim. I bet if Conan had claimed his true barefoot height all along nobody would question him being 6'3 and on the same token if Stern claimed 6'6 nobody would question it because the math would work with the other liars who claim their shoe heights.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/16
Conan could look 193/194cm in the 90's
Canson said on 12/Jul/16
@Pucko: meant to say you seem honest my bad autocorrect struck again
Canson said on 11/Jul/16
@Pucko: I'm not undermining how tall you are. And I believe your claim. I seem honest. I'm saying You can't always look at someone in a pic and tell whether they are as tall, taller or shorter. People have diff proportions. Conan has extremely long legs. His legs may be longer than mine (I'm 36 inseam). However his torso is short so he looks disproportionately tall. But with the other 6'4" guys who have come on his show he never looked that tall in my honest opinion. And legit 6'5s edge him by a couple inches. I also see how much he has called someone a height an inch taller than they claim. You may see it differently. I can see him maybe prime waking up to 6'4 or almost but being a strong 6'3 guy then who likely got a morning measurement. He's likely only flat 6'3 these days judging from pics. Or possible he claims his shoes like many other celebs. But I will agree with you it is possible for Stern that he was maybe 6'5.25-.5 peak but doubt he was closer to 6'6 than 6'5. That would imply that he was around 3/4.
Pucko said on 11/Jul/16
Then maybe i'm 6'1 or something? Because i can't see myself being close to these guys at all, ever..
Canson said on 9/Jul/16
@Pucko: and I too am 6'4.5 (194.3 cm) and even get to 6'4 3/8. I don't see Conan being near my height. I can see Neesum in his prime but Conan looking at him looks an inch or so shorter to me. Remember, this is all subjective. And I don't know but you seem delusional and asanine. You have upgraded everyone here just as you said I've downgraded them. Look at Kobe. You say he's 6'5-6'5.25. he's 6'4.75 (out of his own mouth he's said both 6'4.5 and 6'4.75). I think I'll take his word along with Rob's over yours. And Barkley he is in the 6'4 range. I think I'll listen to the insiders and his teammates and coaches as well as other players who actually played with him. Not some schmuck who likes to upgrade people to make them "fit" his criteria. And lastly, Conan is not a legit 6'4" never has been. I've seen enough 6'4 guys on his show with him to know. That's exactly what I'm talking about. When someone else appears taller than Conan (even after they have claimed a height and I think that they would know how tall they actually are) people always want to upgrade them to make Conan or whoever else 6'4. Funny how Conan (with Neesum Mangianello Lundgren Barkley Kobe Haysbert the list goes on) always makes people an inch taller to make himself 6'4. So much for "trusting" Rob's estimates because everyone listed below (by your standards) is taller than Rob has them. Hmm! Who is delusional now
Pucko said on 8/Jul/16
You can believe whatever you want to, but i think that you'r delusional.. 190-192cm for Conan?? I'm 189-190cm myself, and i can tell you that Conan would easily have 4cm's on me. Don't downgrade legit 6'4 guys like Conan to 190cm.. And since you trust Rob's estimates why not ask him?
Peak Heights:
Conan 6'4-6'4.25
Kobe 6'5-6'5.25
Barkley 6'5.5
Stern 6'5.5
Canson said on 6/Jul/16
Lol So I guess first hand encounters where someone (half inch shorter average) is no good and we have to go off what someone thinks. Guess there is no point in debating then because it appears that everything on this site is about making the next person taller just because Conan (insert the name) is such and such. Oh well.
Canson said on 6/Jul/16
@Rob: I actually agree he would be 6'6 out of bed in his prime and a 6'5.25 guy at night then. But now can't see him over a flat 6'5. I think most people inflate him because of the misconception Conan is really 6'4. Conan has been edged out by every other "legit" 6'4 on his show
Canson said on 6/Jul/16
@Pucko: that's the issue Conan was never 193-194. He's a legit 6'3. If you look at him with "true" 6'4"s he never is as tall. I mean Haysbert, neesun, Mangianello who is 6'4.5, Barkley Kobe. He also asked Wlad "what are you 6'6/6'7?" A true 6'4 wouldn't see someone an inch or inch and a half taller as 2-3" taller. Peak maybe 192 and rounded. He never looked a legit 6'4". Like Rob said he may have been a "fraction" above 6'5" but that said more like a guy who measured 6'5.25 at night/ 6'6 out of bed. But now likely no more than a flat 6'5 at his lowest.
I respect Rampage's opinion but he just like everyone else isn't perfect. He's good I agree! But nobody is perfect.
charlie said on 6/Jul/16
Ok i saw the Howard Stern Show with 6 ft tall Gary Busy. At the end of the show Gary busy attacks Howard physically in which he says he was just joking. Anyways he tackles Howard and they are both on the floor and then he does the same to robin.Anyways Gary looked the same height as Howard. So i will assume Howard is 6 ft tall unless Gary Busy is lying about being 6 ft tall.
Pucko said on 6/Jul/16
Click Here
Conan O'brien was around 193-194cm in 06. And Howard Stern had probably already lost 0.5-1cm of height by then..
As always (almost) Rampage known what he's talking about. About 196cm for Howard now, and around 197.5cm at his peak
Canson said on 5/Jul/16
Stern has always claimed 6'5 yet everyone wants to make him taller lol. I don't get it.

Editor Rob
I think in Stern's case the majority have thought he looks taller than a flat 6ft 5 and he may well have measured a fraction over and just never bothered saying the fraction.
Canson said on 5/Jul/16
@Pucko: have you met him? Bobby3342 has many times and said he's 6'5. Also in the 90s was when the pics with magic were taken. Magic had a good 2" back then on him. I agree in the 90s maybe he was a strong 6'5 like 6'5.25 at his lowest (6'6 out of bed) but these days looks a plain 6'5 at most
Pucko said on 4/Jul/16
Both Tim Robbins and and Vince Vaughn would clear 197cm in the morning.. As for Stern, he would easily be closer to 6'6 then to 6'5 in his youth
Canson said on 2/Jul/16
This goes to show how tall a legit 195.5-196 really is when people guess him as 6'6-6'7 all the time. He's one of the "few" true 6'5s here like Bobby said. Not a Vince Vaughn or a Tim Robbins or a Usain Bolt. He'd even edge out the "weak azz 6'5s lol" like Jordan Kobe and Barkley
johemoth the dog said on 26/Jun/16
Think Artie is 5'9-5'9.75, cant really tell for sure, sometimes he looks taller then that, sometimes shorter. He claimed 5'10 in the weight loss challenge thing, Gary claimed 5'8 1/2 in it also, and Artie looks a bit taller then him, but not sure about 5'10, even some of the people in the studio didnt believe he was that tall, someone exclaimed their distrust of his claim, dont remember who, its on youtube though. Howard always talks about how he hates being tall, so i wouldnt be surprised if he rounds down a bit. Might of been close to 6'6 at peak. I would be surprised if he hasnt lost height by now at his age.
Canson said on 23/Jun/16
@Rampage: I can def see it. I will say I can almost see him at one point being 6'5.25 at his absolute lowest and 6'6 out of bed. And prob a solid 6'5 now at absolute worst maybe drops a hair below like 6'4 7/8 at night
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/16
6ft5½ range peak and still a solid 6ft5 today.
Canson said on 21/Jun/16
@MatthewRobinson190: he's def 195-196 I agree with you. Prob still could pull off 6'5.25 two hrs out of bed or so and drop to 6'5 maybe 6'4 7/8 only due to age but I wouldn't put it past if he were a strong 6'5 in his prime like maybe never falling below that 6'5 1/4 you mentioned kinda like Klitschko. But he never saw 6'6 past maybe out of bed
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 21/Jun/16
Probably closer to 6'5" than 6'6", but nothing under the full 6'5" either. 6'5.25" makes the most sense.
Canson said on 5/Jun/16
@Bobby: well said classic 6'5 like Johno said
berta said on 3/Jun/16
He is listed as my height and i must say he looks taller than me. He could be this height all thwe way upp to 198 but super skinny so i go with 196-97
Canson said on 28/May/16
I'd say he's 197 out of bed and 195 at night. Don't see him dropping below maybe 6'4.75 at night minimum. May have been a strong 6'5 in his prime (6'5.25 at his lowest back then) but this 6'5.5 or 6'6 at his lowest is nonsense. It's because people don't want to admit that the other celebs aren't as listed and because they don't want to do something as "difficult" and "drastic" as downgrade. Then of course you have people that automatically add 2" to each celeb for some unknown reason and those whose perspective is skewed from all the people on the street who lie up
Canson said on 22/Apr/16
@Johno: very well said! "Classical 6'5"! When people actually measured 6'5 and looked it!
Johno said on 29/Mar/16
This is how classical 6'5 looks in my book and people are shocked.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Mar/16
Legit 6ft5-6 range
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/16
A centimetre loss today is fair.
197cm peak, 196cm today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/16
John said on 4/Jan/16
Rob will not list people's heights as an 8th of an inch.
I know...that's just me trying to look cool
Canson said on 6/Jan/16
In the America's got talent pic, Ryan Anderson (6'8.5- morning height so 6'8 flat or weak) isn't standing straight and can tell does not have 6" on Gordon in the pic. He would if he straightened most likely. Eric Gordon is probably legit 6'2" per KROC (and before they began doing morning measurements). From this we can tell that Howard is still able to achieve at least a weak 6'5". He looks closer to Anderson's height (due to Anderson's posture) but Stern is wearing more slightly more footwear (probably a half inch) than either of the two basketball players. Not to say he wasn't taller at one point (possibly 6'5.5) but he really doesn't look much smaller than he did in his prime. I believe, at least in my opinion, that he would have never have measured 198cm at his lowest (possibly out of bed but that's it). today Looks like he would be almost right in between the two if level playing field for all 3.
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 5/Jan/16
@John said on 4/Jan/16
Just Kareem Abdul Jabbar who is 7ft 1.875 and Amazon Eve 6ft 7.39
John said on 4/Jan/16
Rob will not list people's heights as an 8th of an inch.
jtm said on 3/Jan/16
if he has constantly claimed 6'5 then maybe that's his real height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jan/16
"Peak height was 6ft 5⅝in (196.97cm)"
"Howard Stern's height is 6ft 5⅛in (195.96cm)"
John said on 1/Jan/16
Howard at a flat 6'4 is laughable, especially when 99% of people here estimates his height to be at least 6'5.25"
Chad said on 7/Dec/15
6'4 barefoot. With 2 inch heels boots/shoes 6'6
Canson said on 22/Nov/15
He is 6'5 range which means he shouldn't claim 6'6. Granted he doesn't want to be taller but he also doesn't have a reason to lie either, just to be charitable to other "liars"!! I am so happy that this site does exist because Rob gives it straight as to how height should be measured!!!!!! Very straightforward and there is no fudging.
I don't get some of the comments that people make when they say that he is "closer" to 6'6 even if he were actually 6'5.5. there is "no law" that says he "has to" round up from where he is as long as he is in the 6'5 range which matters more.
Sam said on 20/Nov/15
Yeah could be a 6'5.5", not quite a full 6'6" though. IMO on that picture with James Taylor is that Taylor is probably more like 6'2" at his age.
Canson said on 26/Oct/15
To be fair, I agree with rob and wouldnt rule out 6'5 flat at his lowest esp next to someone like Magic Johnson who is prob 6'7 at his lowest. He is just one of the more honest celebs because he doesn't want to be any taller. Strange because he appears to wear a higher sole shoe that would add even more height.
He is
Being very lanky, having a longer than average face, and long hair like he does, Not to mention, more likely a bigger 6'5 out of bed where he would otherwise be classified a weak 6'6 if he measured that way at night add to it. That all said, A guy who is normally his size with these features will appear closer to 6'7 (as magic does 6'9) esp since most people now measure in shoes and appear to think that they are now part of your body, LOL! But he is for all intents and purposes 6'5".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Sep/15
Looks 197-198cm range in Private Parts.
Darren510 said on 12/Sep/15
He is probably an even 6'5, especially nowadays. I could buy 6'5.5 in his youth. 6'6 is pushing it. People can't underestimate how tall legit 6'5 is
Alex said on 8/Sep/15
He's at least 6'5 and a half
Arch Stanton said on 3/Sep/15
He looks a legit 197cm to me. 6'5.5-6'5.75 range.
WAF said on 19/Aug/15
How in the world is Slash 5'10", if Stern is 6'5.25"?
Click Here
Something must be wrong with the picture, because the difference looks huge.
Click Here
Even on this picture the difference looks somewhat bigger than 7".
Howard Stern's wife is supposed to be 5'9.25", but the difference looks larger, considering her heel advantage. However, Stern is wearing boots, which reduces the heel advantage to maybe 2". That would make Stern about 6'6".
I think there is too much evidence to suggest that Stern is closer to 6'6" than 6'5". May I remind you that the purpose of the site is not only to document the claims of celebrities, but also to estimate their actual height. If we want to stay true to that purpose, I think you need to upgrade Stern or present compelling evidence running counter to the claim that he is closer to 6'6". (Incidentally, I have heard him say that it's alright to be an inch off in giving one's height:
Click Here )
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/15
He just looks way too tall to be under 6ft5...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Aug/15
Weird angle w/h Conan but Stern definitely has at least 1in.
Conan could be struggling with 6ft4 today though.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 15/Jul/15
Towering Arnie with bad posture
Click Here
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 23/Jun/15
With Conan
Click Here
Isn't the best picture with the way they're standing, but I'd wager Stern has more than 1" on 6'4 Conan
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 18/Jun/15
I think Stern claims his height from a measurement where he just stands normally and doesn't force his posture like people usually do when being measured. He has said he doesn't like being so tall. He's 6'6.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jun/15
@Watson Google image James Taylor Elton John David Furnish, I think James Taylor really looks an honest 6 ft 3 too. I think he's one of those rare guys who downgrade his height.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 16/Jun/15
Wow, he looks 6'7 with James Taylor.
Fern194cm-192cm said on 12/Jun/15
Great upgrade Rob!
heightwise said on 24/May/15
Think 6'6 is closer to the truth, as peak height especially.
wooley85 said on 12/May/15
Howard Stern is at least 6'6". He RARELY stands up straight. always stands "stoop shouldered. This posterDuhon says on 11/Dec/12
I think it's a common secret stern is at least 6'6". He's not comfortable in his height and 6'6" probably sounds too freaky to him. Duhon has it right. Watching Lettermen tonight and Stern "towers" over Lettermen who is at least 6" likely 6.1 Stern is always hunched. Easy 6'6"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/May/15
Looked 6ft6 in Private Parts.
Bishop said on 22/Apr/15
Nice! This is definitely a good upgrade. I would have personally gone with 6'5.5" but this is still good because he's obviously taller than a flat 6'5".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Apr/15
This is good.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Apr/15
Yes a good comparison with Klitchko, both looking nearer 6'6 a lot but claiming 6'5. This is at least better. Both would probably come in similar to Challenger 15 on the stadio.
Danimal said on 21/Apr/15
EzioAuditore711 says on 8/Nov/14
How tall is Artie? I think 5'10'' is impossible.
5'9"-5'10" from his own mouth.
Danimal said on 19/Apr/15
Howard was easily 6'5.5", if not more up until the late 90's. In recent years he has shrunk. His upper back and neck have been curving for some time and he's developed a hump. You can see that his neck used to be long and straight, but is shorter and curves forward now due to his horrible posture. He's also in his 60's now. Could be under 6'5" today.
Bishop said on 19/Apr/15
Rob, all evidence points to 6'5.5" (At least in peak). Time for an upgrade?

Editor Rob
well I can put him a little over 6ft 5 as that is probably more likely than flat 6ft 5.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/15
6'5.5 is my guess too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Apr/15
"Howard Stern height: 6ft 5½in (197cm)"
Peak at least. Can still look it now even...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/15
Rob, maybe a peak height?
Bishop said on 17/Mar/15
Rob, who do you think would measure taller, Wladimir Klitchsko or Howard? Both claim 6'5", but consistently look taller.

Editor Rob
it is quite possible he dropped a fraction.
Watson said on 1/Mar/15
6'5 Howard standing next to 6'4 Conan O'Brien.
IronFist said on 11/Feb/15
6'4? Laughable. Look how long his legs are:
Click Here
And pause at 0:40 in this video as they finally stand up straight and Conan is turning to face him:
Click Here He's wearing yellow soled sneakers (not boots) and Conan always does interviews wearing dress shoes with a noticeable heel. Conan has said recently on his TBS show that he is 6'4.5 and just about everyone on celebheights pegs him as a strong 6'4. Howard is clearly at least an inch taller.
Also note that when Howard has interviewed tall guests (namely Magic Johnson, Jesse Ventura and Dennis Rodman), they have each said they thought he was 6'7. I am 6'5 myself and I am telling you Howard is AT LEAST 6'5.5, probably closer to 6'6.
shorty said on 9/Feb/15
remember Howard wears boots I believe he is 6'4" no more
IronFist said on 17/Jan/15
Proof positive Howard
lies about his height: posing for a photograph with legit 6'4 Roland Kickinger.
Click Here
Howard is not standing fully erect, is further away from the camera by a foot or so and is still clearly taller than Roland by more than an inch. Now, Roland is in costume as a lifeguard, so it's possible he is barefoot but still, most shoes give you around 1 inch tops and Howard at least 2.5 inches taller than Roland, even though they are not equidistant from the camera.
longrobnc said on 22/Dec/14
Howard does look taller than 6'5''. I think that he's a bit taller and rounds down a bit.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Dec/14
Rob, do you think you maybe move him up a fraction?
He seems like someone who'd downplay it...probably because he's insecure.
mike said on 11/Nov/14
Rob, can you add America's Got Talent? He's hosting that.
EzioAuditore711 said on 8/Nov/14
How tall is Artie? I think 5'10'' is impossible.
IR said on 5/Oct/14
Howard Stern peak height: 6 ft 5.5 in ( 197 cm )
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Sep/14
Rob is a peak of 6ft5.5 possible for Stern?

Editor Rob
it's not impossible he dropped a half inch from his claim.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 24/Sep/14
Click Here
Here with Ralph Macchio Artie looks the 5'9 he's billed at around the internet.
Artie is definitely taller than High pitch mike by 1.5ish inches, who is taller than JD.
Click Here
Stuttering John quite a bit shorter than 5'10ish Leno. Gary is a similar height to John.
Sam said on 18/Sep/14
Not the best comparison picture but here's Stern standing near Tim Robbins. Although Robbins is standing with better posture and is closer to the camera, it still looks like Stern has him by a hair. I'd guess Stern is 0.5"-0.75" taller, so 6'5.25"-6'5.5" range.
Click Here
EzioAuditore711 said on 12/Sep/14
So Gary could actually be 5'7''? How tall is Fred then? Is he really 6'2''? And what about Bigfoot? Is he 6'4''?
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 12/Sep/14
I think Gary has claimed 5'8
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 9/Sep/14
Click Here
Says here he's 200lbs at 6'5
EzioAuditore711 said on 26/Aug/14
How tall is Gary Dell'Abate? I don't buy 5'9''.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Aug/14
He can look a legit 6'5.5" to me.
Bishop said on 12/Aug/14
@Watson, Eric Gordon is 6'2":
Click Here
KROC said on 1/Jul/14
I can shed some light on that picture with the NBA players. I met Eric Gordon a couple of years ago-he's 6'2 so that would make Howard Stern 6'5-6'5.5. Personally I think its the latter.
Hue said on 20/Jun/14
Had some inches on The Rock who is 6'3 but does at times look 6'2.75
Sal said on 9/Jun/14
I think 6'5" or a tad more seems accurate. magic was listed as 6'7" on the site and he looked 1 or 2" taller than howard. Larry Bird has at least 2" on magic so I think all the heights look pretty good.
Bard said on 29/May/14
If we assume Howard's a strong 6'5 without the hair, Ryan looks more like 6'8 and Eric 6'3, the NBA typically adds 1-2 inches to their players' listings.
Watson said on 22/May/14
Here's a photo of Howard with NBA players Ryan Anderson (listed 6-10) and Eric Gordon (listed 6'4). Howard has a few inches on Eric Gordon and looks only slightly shorter than 6-10 Ryan Anderson. Someone is lying!
Click Here
Joe257 said on 25/Apr/14
Rob, I take back my previous comment about Howard Stern closing in on 6'4"! I guess Rob Lowe's hair fooled me. Stern just massively towers over Tracy Morgan (5ft 8.5in) on the image from the link. Rob, How many inches does Howard have on Tracy, like 10"!? Shouldn't Howard Stern be listed around 6'6" then!?

Editor Rob
he can look near 10 inches taller in the photo
person said on 25/Apr/14
6'5.5 at least an 1.25" taller than bill o'reilly who seems slightly over 6'4
Sam said on 22/Apr/14
Rob, isn't 196 cm technically 6'5.25" and 195 cm equal to 6'5" even?

Editor Rob
196 is like a good 1/8th or so above the 6ft 5 mark, 195 is nearly a 1/4 inch under 6ft 5 mark.
Joe257 said on 17/Apr/14
Rob, How tall does Howard Stern look standing next to Rob Lowe (5'10" on this website but has claimed being close to 6')? Is it me or is Howard Stern losing height (he just turned 60)!? Could Stern be getting close to 6'4" flat!?

Editor Rob
I think Lowe has a fair chunk of hair, I can see 6ft 5 still, or near enough it
Sam said on 21/Mar/14
I think it's entirely possible that Stern actually rounds down to 6'5", he might be a true 6'5.5". It would have been interesting to see how Stern and the similar-looking Joey Ramone would have compared had they stood next to each other but I know of no photos as such despite Joey having come on Stern's show a few times.
John said on 1/Feb/14
I agree he is at least 6-5. But, how on the hell is his wife 5-10. She is in heels at his 60th and barely comes up to his chin. She is not nearly as tall as she says she is
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jan/14
He turned 60 today. I think 197cm peak is possible and 195-196cm range now.
He's a guy who doesn't like his height. I'd be more than happy to switch with him.
Marcus Hickman said on 11/Jan/14
When he interviewed Bill O'Reilly, he guessed that Bill was 6' 5" and Howard is taller than Bill O'Reilly, so I wouldn't rule out 6' 5 1/2" for Howard Stern. Bill has mentioned he can recognize Howard when they were college classmates because Howard was the only one taller than Bill.
Marcus Hickman said on 11/Jan/14
Howard Stern 6' 5 1/2" then, 6' 5" now, by the way he turns 60 on Sunday.
Happy Birthday king of all media!
Goose said on 29/Dec/13
To 'height's' point, 6'4 or 6'5 people don't wish they were 6'2. That's reserved for 6'6 and above.
Goose said on 29/Dec/13
When I saw him in Central Park those times he looked at least 6'6. I have friends who are 6'4 & 6'5 and he was at least an inch taller than my 6'5 1/2 buddy. Jake, was he slouching when you saw him because he has poor posture?
height said on 20/Oct/13
As a fan of the show, I know that he has met both Magic Johnson and Shaq, and both estimated him at 6'7". But he has always claimed 6'5". He's admitted to being insecure about his height and wishes he was 6'2". So it's very possible he lies about it. However, now that he's pushing 60, I'm sure he's lost some height. Maybe he is 6'5" now, down from 6'6". Who knows. By the way, about that picture of The Game below. I heard the interview and The Game said he was 6'5". So either he's lying, or Howard's lying, or most likely, both are lying, because Howard looks a few inches taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Sep/13
Highly doubt 6ft7. Might brush it with his curly mop. Did look near 6ft6 in the 80s and 90s, though. A peak of 197cm is plausible enough. Still looks a legit 6ft5. Pretty good for a guy pushing 60.
He's self-conscious about a lot of things other than height. Particularly his Jewish upbringing. He had a huge meltdown after hearing Andy Dick's anti-semetic rant. I love his show.
Goose said on 10/Sep/13
Highplains is right! I saw Howard jogging in Central Park in the late 90's on a few occasions and he was definitely 6'6 and probably 6'7. If you follow the show you know he is very self-conscience about his height and tries to downplay it. 6'7 at peak minimum.....
avi said on 30/Aug/13
@Jo says on 10/Dec/12
Games head is tilted looking 6'5 though obviously he may be 6'5 and change.
highplainsdrifter said on 9/Jul/13
i would say he is really about 6'7" at least! tall people always lie about how tall they really are because they really want to be a normal height.! i mean howard is freakishly tall and he probably really hates it!! i,m 6'2" and i have always wished i was shorter!! but short people always wish they were taller,,weird world isnt it??
highplainsdrifter said on 9/Jul/13
i would say he is really about 6'7" at least! tall people always lie about how tall they really are because they really want to be a norma height.! i mean howard is freakishly tall and he probably really hates it!! i,m 6'2" and i have always wished i was shorter!! but short people always wish they were taller,,weird world isnt it??
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/13
Claimed 6"5.5" aswell, Rob
teej said on 27/Jun/13
Legit 6ft5 hes even taller than sacha baron cohen whos also very tall
Ian McGrinty said on 7/Jun/13
"Carl says on 31/Jan/12
Howard is the only person I've heard complaining about being too tall. He said once on air that he couldn't wait until he was old and was shorter and lost some of his height. For a guy that was easily 6'5" at his peak he had maybe the worst basketball skills I've ever seen for someone above six feet in height."
Most celebrities manage to blend into thanks to lack of/disguise make up etc, Howard will always stand out because of his height. Therefore always been noticeable.
Ice said on 1/Jun/13
He slouches all the time but hes definatly not under 6'5 , he appears to be taller than Joe Mangellio who is also listed as 6'5
Benjamin said on 19/May/13
looks like my dad, although my dad has a real Jew height of 5'6....guess Stern obviously takes after his european genes....
Alex said on 7/Feb/13
I think he never falls below 6'5'', he might even be 6'5.5'' but that's it. He lean build and hair make him appear taller. Although his peak height could be closer to 6'6''. What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
I'm just going to leave him at what he claims
Arch Stanton said on 6/Feb/13
Do you think though Rob that in that photo below he looks taller than this? To me he looks 6'6"-6'7" in that photo, would you agree? Either way I think he's a strong 6'5".

Editor Rob
alone in a photo he can look 6ft 6 yeah
Arch Stanton said on 5/Feb/13
Rob do you think he might be a bit more than this? Look at him in that photo, look at his proportions.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Feb/13
Click Here
I'd believe 6 ft 6 too, in this picture proportionally he actually looks 6 ft 7 at least.

Editor Rob
could be a 6ft 5 and change guy who doesn't worry about a fraction
Arch Stanton said on 5/Feb/13
He does look a legit 6'5" range guy. Looks a pretty nasty piece of work too, don't know him. but he looks a mean p***k.
Duhon said on 11/Dec/12
I think it's a common secret stern is at least 6'6". He's not comfortable in his height and 6'6" probably sounds too freaky to him.
Jo said on 10/Dec/12
6'5" maybe even 6'6"? Here he is next to The Game (6'3")
Click Here
Tim said on 26/Sep/12
Howard Stern looks a lot taller than he is because he has a really skinny, lanky build, he also always wears black which makes you look even more slim and taller. He also has this big afro-like curly hair which adds height. When I saw him on AGT standing next to Nick Cannon, he's definitely at least 6'5.5" maybe even 6'6".
stern12 said on 9/Jun/12
in the video clip Howard Stern- WNBC , he looks 6' 6" next to David Letterman who's 6' 2".
Danimal said on 5/Jun/12
nybruin says on 20/Sep/11
Stern is a good 6'5"... saw him at that terrible Beer League premier in NYC. I'm 6'3.5" and he's a bit taller than me. Yes, Magic is 6'7"... walked next to him on the UCLA campus. I was shocked how short he is.
6'7" is short? Are you for real?
Danimal said on 5/Jun/12
Listened to an episode of Howard Stern from the 1990's and he stated he was 6'5.5". So, 6'5"-6'5.5" is accurate for Stern. Very tall guy.
Silent d said on 1/Feb/12
I remember on letterman he looked close to 2m. 6 foot 5. He just has that lanky build. Controversial but he says it as it is.
Carl said on 31/Jan/12
Howard is the only person I've heard complaining about being too tall. He said once on air that he couldn't wait until he was old and was shorter and lost some of his height. For a guy that was easily 6'5" at his peak he had maybe the worst basketball skills I've ever seen for someone above six feet in height.
nybruin said on 20/Sep/11
Stern is a good 6'5"... saw him at that terrible Beer League premier in NYC. I'm 6'3.5" and he's a bit taller than me. Yes, Magic is 6'7"... walked next to him on the UCLA campus. I was shocked how short he is.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/11
paul says on 16/Mar/11
how much does he weigh?
He's claimed 200 pounds.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/11
To think a leaning Joey Ramone at the very end of his life was still taller than Howard Stern by a couple of inches.
lan jiao said on 7/Sep/11
magic johnson weak 6ft7. he was only a weak 2 inch taller than 195cm kobe bryant. lastly stern 6ft4.75-6ft5. he was never bigger than 6ft5.
Truthman said on 25/Jul/11
CJ says on 15/May/11
Wow yea definitely downgrades himself. He looked an inch taller shaking hands with 6'5 listed Michael Strahan.
And Michael Strahan same height as 6'3.5 Boris Kodjoe.
avi said on 21/Jun/11
not EVEN 2 inches on magic Johnson. Howard Stern is a strong 6'5 so magic Johnson is yes 6'7 and change maybe but 6'7 is more believable.
CJ said on 15/May/11
Wow yea definitely downgrades himself. He looked an inch taller shaking hands with 6'5 listed Michael Strahan.
Jake T. said on 1/May/11
Howard makes most of people look short because he is skinny he seems even taller than this but I guess 6'5 is ok.
Viper said on 15/Apr/11
Magic is 6-7
paul said on 16/Mar/11
how much does he weigh?
E.J. said on 8/Mar/11
I would have guessed more than 6'5"! My Dad is 6'4", and he seems at least 2" taller than my dad! I'd have said 6'7"?
Mr Hoop said on 1/Mar/11
Magic Johnson was 6' 8"+ @ MSU taller than starting center Greg Kelser @ 6'7"
Johno said on 18/Jan/11
- Look 6'5 to me. A very tall individual. Begs the question, how tall are the individuals who claim to be 6'5 but are shorter then howard in pictures...
Matt said on 17/Dec/10
Theres no way Magic is 6' 5'', theres a pic of him back in the day towering over Dolph Lundgren who claimed that same height
Mr. R said on 27/Nov/10
Anon, who are you that you have been on Stern's show so much?
anon said on 25/Nov/10
i was a guest on his show 17 times. I believe he is 6' 5". He towered over everyone.
anon said on 17/Nov/10
Shaq told Howard he had to be 6'7" when they met. Shaq is the only person I've ever seen that stood next to Howard and was taller -- but Howard still looked really tall standing next to him! You'd think Howard would look like a dwarf, but no, he looked huge. Howard has said that he can't wait until he gets older and starts shrinking. He says if he shrinks to 6'2" it'll be perfect. Not too many people actually want to shrink. Howard's a neurotic and insecure guy and just doesn't like towering over people.
Drewthejew said on 7/Jul/09
Just saw Youtube clips of Howard on "The Magic Hour." He looked only an inch or two shorter than Magic Johnson, listed at 6'9" (probably closer to 6'8"). I think Howard can easily pass for 6'6" to 6'7".
Big King said on 5/Jul/09
He has a 6'4" appearance on the one hand and sometimes 6'7" on the other hand.
Alex5 said on 30/Jun/09
I think the man needs an upgrade. EASILY 6'6", forget this 6'5" nonsense.
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/09
Looks more like 6'6" or 6'7". Anytime he's on a talk show he looks freakish, he has these HUGE hands and when he's sitting down his legs look so long.
Steve said on 11/Jun/09
Okay, for Conan, if you look at an interview he had with Dr. Phil on his show, Dr. Phil, a 6'4" man at least in his prime, is about half an inch, if not more, taller than Conan.
MIKESOWELL said on 17/Feb/09
If a guy himself over a course of 25 years has stated he's 6 Ft 5 In Tall, how can anyone dispute that?
junior assunacao said on 3/Jan/09
For some reason I figured he was even taller.
Joe257 said on 16/Oct/08
Looks 6'6" easy. Towers over his 5'10" girlfriend/wife even when she has heels.
shane said on 8/Oct/07
glenn, how tall are other stern show members like sal the stockbroker or richard christy?
RICHARD said on 4/Aug/07
Stern looks the legit 6'5 he says he is. I can definetly see him being 6'6 as well
patrick said on 28/Jul/07
pics form vegas below conan looks only a 190cm beside 193cm(6ft4)Hasselhoff to most plp.. hardly judge it..
Viper said on 3/Apr/07
Yes, I do admit that he did look at least 6-5 bare minimum, especially in those premiere pictures.
Anthony said on 3/Apr/07
Yeah, but didn't you say he looked 6'6 with Sandler in "Click".
Viper said on 3/Apr/07
Hoff wore boots on Knight Rider.
Anthony said on 2/Apr/07
Viper, wasn't speculation on The Hoff's page that he wears lifts despite already being 6'4?
glenn said on 2/Apr/07
conan is 6-4.hasselhoff is 6-4.5,6-5.
Viper said on 2/Apr/07
So you're saying Hasselhoff is 6-5?
Danimal said on 2/Apr/07
Conan has been the exact same height as that guy from Third Rock from the Sun who's 6'4". He's been the same height as Kevin Nealon (at least 6'4"). He's been taller than Goerge Foreman (at least 6'3"). He's been the same height as Jeff Goldblum (at least 6'4"). He's been 2" taller than John Goodman (at least 6'2"). This is itself speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Danimal said on 2/Apr/07
Why do I agree with you Vegas. Hate to admit it, but I can accept 6'3"-6'3.5" for Conan today. He has claimed 6'4.5" and 6'5" as well at times.
Vegas said on 2/Apr/07
Conan is just short of 6'4 Hasselhoff, barely
Click Here Conan looks at between 6'3 and 6'3.5" to me.
Viper said on 2/Apr/07
Hasselhoff is taller than Conan.
Danimal said on 1/Apr/07
I meant to type Conan, not Hogan. I was just finishing off writing on Hogan's page (that's why the mix-up).
Danimal said on 1/Apr/07
No Viper. Conan is a 6'4" man. He has been the same height as too many legite 6'4" men and if he was only 6'2", then Andy was only 6'0" and that's just not true. Hogan had 2" on John Goodman and the list goes on and on...
Viper said on 1/Apr/07
Stern isnt 6-6. Its just that Conan is struggling with 6-3 in reality. I could see Conan as short as 6-2 1/2.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/07
Anyone know Beetlejuice? Glenn, have you met the dwarf?
Skydome said on 31/Mar/07
I just watched Stern plug his TV show on Conan. Both were standing and he was clearly taller then a 6'4" O'Brien. I would put Stern at 6'6" at least.
Ade said on 6/Jan/07
Hmm. Could be near 6'6" if he fully straightened up.
RobertJ said on 4/Jan/07
Haha yeah I remember that on his E show. 6'5'' sounds right.
Glenn said on 12/Nov/06
6-5.and he has complained about a small d**k.
Glenn said on 12/Nov/06
Melendez is more a little under 5-7.
sf said on 11/Nov/06
I've read 6'5" and 6'6". Heard him say 6'6" once when they were measuring the size of his thingy and he seemed embarrased by it cause it was only 6 inches. I guess he thought at 6'6", it should be bigger. So, that could be his height in shoes, who knows? Also heard John Melendez say 5'7".
Spence said on 11/Nov/06
He looks more like 6'6 to me. I think he is a very solid 6'5.
Derek said on 23/Oct/06
The hair makes him look taller but he's without a doubt 6'5".
JRS said on 23/Jun/06
Anyone know how tall some of the other people on the show are?
Artie Lange, Richard Christy, Sal, etc.?
djb said on 22/Jun/06
i saw Penn and Teller live twice beofre and during one intermission Penn Gilette was out in the lobby talking to folks and someone mentioned Howard Stern to him and he shot back...."but i'm taller than Howard" and he's listed at 6'6"
TNTinCA said on 3/Mar/06
Howard has pretty consistently stated that he is 6'5". I believe him and I doubt he would enhance or undercut his height. There would be little point being a shock jock.
Noname said on 1/Mar/06
6'5" sound a little low. I thought he was 6'6' or 6'7" but the hair might make him look a few inches taller
UNK said on 2/Feb/06
Gary has said he is 5'8.5" many times on the show. Studder John said he is 5'7.5".
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/06
Does anyone know how tall Gary "BabaBooey" Dell'Abate is? My guess would be 5'8 or so.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 29/Jan/06
He sure does look it all skinny and lanky, I figured he was 6'4 or 6'5.
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Aug/05
'Stuttering' John Melendez said "I'm 5ft 7 and a half" on one of his shows.
mjd said on 1/May/05
i read that he said hes 6'7...