OriginalAnon said on 12/Nov/22
Lost a lot of credibility over the last couple of years. Has always looked about 6' to me.
Daniel Lee said on 13/Dec/21
He looks 207 cm lol. Hilary is the older person in the photo
Nik Ashton said on 24/Sep/19
🗣 “6 foot!”!
MJKoP said on 24/Nov/17
Bobby said on 14/Nov/17
Is this person trans-gendered or is Hilary a unisex name?
Yes. The guy in the suit standing next to her is actually 6'10.75".
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/17
@ Nik - I am also one of the many million of people who are in awe of the fantastic work that doctors undertake in order to keep us all fit and well and to make us that way if we aren't!
Of course they come in absolutely every height, shape, nationality, hair colour and sexual orientation that there are because they are only human!
I don't know how tall Dr. Phil is but I have enjoyed his stints on Countdown. On Countdown, however, they tend to sit! If I HAD to hazard a guess, I'd say that he isn't too tall. It might be worth Googling him to check out the books he's written. If there's one thing I love to read it's health jargon!!
Cheers Nik!
Peter181cm said on 17/Nov/17
Yeah, I agree with 6'
- I don't why people claim to him 6'1
Maybe he is nowadays is 5'11.5 - 5'11.75
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/17
@ MJKoP - I couldn't agree more! 👍😄
MJKoP said on 16/Nov/17
You'd better tall if you're a man named "Hilary" living in the year 2017! :D
Nik said on 15/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
As I have said, I would love Phil Hammond to have a page, and I would be very curious about the height that Rob would quote for him! He has a good sense of humour too as can be seen when he makes a guest appearance on "Countdown". If I am not mistaken Phil has also written some books so I will look into that sometime to see if I can get any of them.
I don't know much about Hilary to be honest but he gives the impression of being very tall, at 6 foot he is certainly solid tall, but I bet many people have him down as being even taller than that! Maybe you are right in that some doctors would put on a couple of vanity inches, however we know that Hilary isn't one of them! The great thing about doctors from my experience is that they are diverse in many different ways, and this is a good thing, there are no stereotypes because I have come across doctors of all levels of height, of different nationalities, cultures, sexual orientations, etc. I know that you will join me in admiring the hard work they put in throughout their lives in terms of becoming and staying good doctors, it is an incredibly stressful and difficult job that is done by caring individuals who are in the profession to try and save lives and help people stay as healthy as possible. Doctors are just as diverse as the rest of us and I look up to them all because they are special people who put themselves out for others, and the amount of work they will have to put in, well!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/17
@ Nik - Too right! I would love to see Phil Hammond go up next! I'd have quite a lot to say about him!
I don't see any reason why a doctor wouldn't put on a couple of vanity inches to his height, especially a TV doctor! Honest!
Guess what my autocorrect just tried to put for Hilary? Yes! He thinks that the name as a guy's title is rather 'Hilarious'!
@ Rob - That's interesting to know that Hilary goes back a few centuries as a male name!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Nov/17
I'd have guessed 6ft3 at least going by that photo! That's a very tall looking 6ft man. You could argue 184cm though
Nik said on 14/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Well, we will have to hope that Rob puts on Philip Hammond next! Hilary certainly looks at least 6 foot and some people can giive the impression of being taller than what they are, and perhaps Hilary is one of them but I am convinced he is 6 foot and possibly half an inch more! It wouldn't be good if a doctor lied about his height, would it? Hilary doesn't strike me as like that but I doubt he is 6'1" or he would say.
Animus said on 14/Nov/17
He looks taller than 6'0 in that photo, but his proportions clearly accentuate his height.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/17
Good move to have a celebrity doctor on the site, Rob!
I have heard that he's tall, but I didn't know just how tall, so I will have to go along with the 6ft.
He doesn't look as much as 14 stone (196lbs) in the picture - no way!
(Excellent idea to be photographed with a much shorter woman BTW!)

Editor Rob
proportionally Hilary can look a tall man, even over six foot!
Bobby said on 14/Nov/17
Is this person trans-gendered or is Hilary a unisex name?

Editor Rob
there have been male hilary's stretching back hundreds of years.