How tall is Helen Worth

Helen Worth's Height

5ft 1 ½ (156.2 cm)

English actress, best known for playing Gail Platt on TV soap Coronation Street. Listed by wholly unofficial sources as being 5ft 5, she herself - in a 1975 Spotlight directory - had her height down as: "5 feet 1 ½ inches", which 30 years later she was still Officially listing herself as.

How tall is Helen Worth
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Average Guess (18 Votes)
5ft 1.06in (155.1cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jan/23
After the unpleasantness of yesterday’s Classic Coronation Street, in which Richard barks at little David for losing data from his computer, he’s apologised today AND ASKED GAIL TO MARRY HIM!

She’s accepted; I think that some women can be TOO romantic for their own good, seeing love through rose tinted spectacles.

Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jan/23
I’ve never seen Helen looking even remotely plump! She doesn’t look as though she’s dwindled in height either, so she must be eating an excellent, ideal diet.

⭐️ Usually people associate malnutrition with being extremely thin, but this simply isn’t so. Being massively overweight is also a very dire form of malnutrition, the word itself meaning, quite simply, ‘bad nutrition’.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/22
How can you be so ignorant about your own Mum, Gail? You
know her rather better than Stephen does, yet you’re believing his hideous word that your Mum’s an alcoholic! This isn’t right, so pull your socks up and smell the coffee before it’s too late!

5ft1.5. 🧦🧦
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/22
I could have thrown up when Gail took Hillman upstairs for a bit of the other! Little does she know what she’s getting herself into, not to mention her kids.

Capron’s 5ft9 looks positively tall next to Helen’s Gail.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Sep/22
With the terribly sad passing of Alma Halliwell on the cards in Classic Coronation Street, the show will soon be introducing the nasty piece of work, Richard Hillman, who attends the funeral, being her cousin - if I remember rightly. He is played by Brian Capron, 5ft9, who played a teacher in ‘Grange Hill’ and has had various film parts. Brian has even been in Dictionary Corner with Susie Dent!

He stayed in Coronation Street for nearly two years, and terrorises Gail and her young family, and kills and attempts to kill residents of the normally civilised street. I’m sure that he contributed to David’s problematic behaviour while in his adolescence.

Helen Worth - Gail - gets 5ft1.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Feb/22
Gail is heartbroken to find out that her 13-year-old daughter is pregnant, thinking that people will think she's a bad parent. That shouldn't be the case at all. It's usually the innocents who fall pregnant, after an unplanned 'one off'.

Cheer up Gail! She has a beautiful little daughter who grows into a bright young lady, AND Sarah is a good Mum. 🤰

5ft1.5. 👱‍♀️💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/21
Gail's marriage to Platt is already hitting the rocks, and it won't be long before he meets the nasty, murderous Richard Hillman, played by Brian Capron, who was also in Grange Hill.

I found two instances of 5ft9 for him and one of 5ft8. Next to Helen Worth, he looked tall, of course.

Brian guested in Countdown's Dictionary Corner, and was really rather nice!

Helen gets 5ft1.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/21
"It's what anybody would have done..." said her darling little grandson, Sam, about saving Gail from a heart attack. Which 10-year-old would recognise the symptoms of something like that?

I know it's only fictitious, but it's so touching. I do hope Gail doesn't take that trip to Thailand after all, and watches the next precious year of Sam's growing up.

5ft1.5. 💕😁💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/20
The other day in 'Classic Coronation Street', Helen's character, Gail, her husband and her kids looked over the fence to find Mavis's husband, Derek, talking to his garden gnomes! It was the result of wanting the kids' ball back, but they got more than they bargained for, and found it all very, very funny!

When the little girl asked Derek their names, I didn't think they were silly at all: Arthur and Guinevere. There's nothing quite like keeping some 6th Century AD historical tributes in one's garden!

Helen gets 5ft1.25. Her then husband called her titch from time to time, and he wasn't THAT tall at all!
Nik Ashton said on 3/Nov/19
Helen Worth is very honest!
Nik said on 6/Jan/19
@ Sandy Cowell - It was so good of you to shoot out in front of the car to stop Tripper from being knocked down, you and Tripper were both OK so this is all that mattered.

It's a shame that Christopher Quinten wore lifts, ideally people should be accepting of their own height because height is merely a part of our description. It is very interesting that Nick ended up being around 5'10" with a 5'7" Dad and a 5'1.5" Mum! I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G!
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/19
⭐️ The guy who played Nick's and Sarah Louise's Dad was played by Christopher Quinten, who was reputed to be no more than 5ft7 at most. He was a well-known lift and heel wearer. He was a handsome fellow, dating attractive women in real life, ie Page Three girls, so his slightly below-average height was more than made up for with an abundance of self-confidence. He said about Helen that she was a lovely person and friend to him.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/19
I would say, "Almost certainly, yes!"

Tripper was quite a sturdy little dog, so I'd say she was. She once followed me to the shops. I said, "No Tripper! Go home!" (It was about four to five minutes away).

When I entered the Co-op, someone said to me, "Is that your dog?"

I immediately put my shopping down and took her out. She had no lead and she crossed the road a few seconds too soon. I shot out and put my arms up at the car that would otherwise have run her over. I heard, "You stupid girl, you could have been killed!"

I said nothing. I just carried the weeping dog home to safety!
Nik said on 4/Jan/19
@ Sandy Cowell - That is very interesting to know, thanks! It is also fascinating that some pure/part poodles are bigger than some pure/part alsations! Was Tripper bigger than Jasmin?
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/19
@ Nik - Tripper didn't just look like a small Alsatian, she was coloured like one too! There was definitely Alsatian in her.

@ Me - But they were the right conclusions after all!
Nik said on 2/Jan/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Wasn't it just? Thanks for telling me more about Tripper, can you also tell me what colour she was please?

Unfortunately Lewis (played by Nigel Havers.*) died during yesterday's episode of "Coronation Street", also we got to learn that Lewis was genuine and that he did genuinely love Audrey, and he would have proved it if he had had the opportunity to do so.

Apart from Nick Gail's children are appropriately-heighted bearing in Mind how tall Gail is, I wonder how tall Nick's Dad is? It is incredible that Audrey is so much taller than her daughter, nowadays I think Audrey is 5'6" - 5'7" range, but near the top of that range!

* I posted on the page of Nigel Havers yesterday evening, it was fascinating to find out both his current height and his peak height!


Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jan/19
Gail paid £17 for a glass of champagne - and had three of them in order to spy on Lewis Archer!

Has anyone noticed how silly she behaves when she's had a few? Well, they do say the smaller you are, the more drink hits you! However, lately she's been behaving like she's had a few all the time, and now she's in disgrace with her Mum for jumping to the wrong conclusions!

Blimey, I'm glad it's just a Soap! 😏
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/18
@ Nik - That's a mighty long time ago!

Tripper looked like a small Alsatian. I can't tell you anymore than that, other than she was a lovely and affectionate dog. If I ever introduced a dog into my household, I'd choose one like her!

Anyway, Helen's character on 'Coronation Street' is a huge half-foot or so smaller than her Mum! Her children, apart from Nick, are far more appropriately-heighted for a woman whose peak height can't have been more than 5ft2. I think Audrey, her Mum, played by Sue Nicholls, is idiotic for not taking Gail more seriously when she's trying to warn her that her sneaky, false boyfriend, played by 5ft10 (peak) Nigel Havers, is still only after her for her money! Would she take Gail (Helen) more seriously if she happened to be taller? Who knows, but if she listened to her daughter for once in her life, she'd save herself a fortune!

Helen gets 5ft1.5
Anonymous said on 9/Oct/17
Knew she wasn't 5'5" always seemed a good deal shorter than jack p Shepard and he's 5'6" but maybe she's lost a fraction and has dipped to a flat 5'1" Now?
Nik said on 8/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hey!

My Mum and I are enjoying Jasmin staying with us so much that it will be a wrench tomorrow when she goes back home, we took her for a walk yesterday afternoon, but it took us ages to get her harness on! I remember that you once lived with a dog called Tripper and that he stole your cats food! What type of dog was Blitzen and what colour was he?

I agree with you about the importance of earning money in a moral way, to be quite honest I think being sat at a desk twiddling your thumbs all day is more productive than spending time doing thinks that are damaging to people. Like you said the vast majority of people would refuse to do a job that must rank on the negative scale in terms of job satisfaction and all too often it is some (but still a minority) of the people in the most influential jobs who are doing the most damaging things to society through the decisions they make in their work. It is a shame that we do not live in a society where everyone refuses to do certain immoral roles that exist within some jobs, if that was the case the world would be a better place.

I don't know whether an exercise bike would be an option for you at the moment Sandy, the good thing is that they can be used whilst you are sat down and at a pace that is most convenient to you.

Cheers Sandy! Enjoy your day, on and off celebheights!
Nik said on 5/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

Yes, it does sound funny congratulating someone on making their own bed, but with your back problems it must have taken a lot of courage to do something that is awkward and tricky for people without these terrible problems. I hope your tablets take away as much of the pain as possible and that you get a quick resolution to your problems.
I too would have been booted out of the legal profession for refusing to take part in certain cases, I would simply refuse to act in an unethical way under any circumstances and I would have told my seniors in no uncertain terms what they could do with their job if they required me to do so. I would happily foresake all the riches that would go with a job in such a profession if I was required to act immorally, I would rather have my pride intact than be wealthy and it is great that you hear about people who have walked out on jobs because they don't agree with how things are done.
It is easy for a 1.5 inch height difference between people to appear next to nothing or indeed unnoticeable, even a two and a half inch difference can be easily lost, so I would say that Helen can often look about the same height as Bethany as well as looking very close to average height for a woman at times too. I have a little bit of catching up to do on Coronation Street this week so I might go onto the sky planner tomorrow and see what I have been missing.
We have really enjoyed having Jasmin and my Mum and I took her for a walk today!

Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Oct/17
@ Nik - Hi! That sounds a bit funny congratulating someone on making her own bed, but it really did feel good, and thank you very much! I can hear the bone that needs work done and re-setting moving loudly as I walk! Loud and conspicuous, I can be heard where ever I go!

There was really no need to have a woman defend a preying sex pervert on Coronation Street the other day. It make me feel that this legal business is a very ruthless one and I'm glad I didn't study to become one, or I'd long have been kicked out of the profession for refusing to take on certain cases!
I saw Bethany standing with her Mum yesterday and I thought that 1 and a half inches isn't very much at all! Well it isn't really, and a tiny bit of shoe heel will soon banish a difference like that!

Keep enjoying having Jasmin this week! I am sure you will!
Cheers for now! 🙌 🐩 🐈
Sandy XX!
Nik said on 3/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

And isn't changing beds awkward at the best of times but with your back causing you so much pain I know that it will have been very difficult for you, but now that you have changed it you will feel very good for having done so thus having a clean bed. My Mum is just like you, she doesn't like asking for help all the time either, and she perseveres through the pain barrier just like you do. It's so good to hear about people being Independant wherever possible and I take my hat off to people who put up with pain in order to achieve something.
It's great to hear your good news concerning your payments of inheritance tax to the tax office, it just shows that being honest and leaving no stone unturned in proving that you deserve something can reap dividends, this news must have been a great boost for you
I know that you, me, and the vast majority of people in the country would be appalled by this solicitor, I couldn't sleep at night if I had stuck up for such a person, and I know that you and just about everybody would say the same. She shouldn't be in a job like this to be honest, it is simply disgraceful.
That's news to me about Bethany being 5'2.5", I thought she was a little bit smaller, but I must have been wrong! It's not always easy to tell who is the tallest when there is just half an inch difference in height between people, but if we watch them enough we should be able to tell! I mentioned about Nick being on the tall side, maybe he got his height from his Grandma Audrey, or maybe his Dad!

Cheers, my friend!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Oct/17
@ Nik - Hi! I have had a brilliantly productive day today. I changed my bed all on my own which was painful but SO worth it! I hate sleeping in a dirty bed, but I am not fond of asking for help all the time. With cats sleeping on there, it gets dirty quickly! Then I received a letter from the tax office accepting my offer for £100 a month because for the past nine years, I have been paying around £1,200 a year in inheritance tax and this year, because of my inability to get about, I have had additional expenses, thus saving that amount wasn't possible. I wrote to explain the lot to them - I left out nothing - as to why I couldn't rake the money together, and they accepted the offer, thank Heavens!
Tonight when I watched the soaps, I didn't take in Gail's height as, apart from bursting with relief about today's news, I was concentrating on Gail's poor young grand daughter, Bethany, who was really pulled apart by that horrible solicitor of Nathan's. I was furious - AND she was a woman! I wonder how many other women out there watching the Street tonight felt equally angry that a woman should stand up for a rapist and a bunch of perverts against a victimised young girl?
Bethany is 5ft2.5 and her Mum, Gail's daughter, Sarah Louise, is 5ft1. I think the best bet for comparing the heights of these actresses is to see whether the half-inch is noticeable between Gail and Sarah, which I do think is the case, but if it isn't, we know Gail has shrunk down to the same 5ft1 as her daughter. As they spend a lot of their time indoors, with unclad feet, it shouldn't be too hard!


Enjoy the week ahead Nik! 😉
littlesue said on 2/Oct/17
They cast mainly short actors as the Platt family except for Nic and also Gails Mom, the actress Sue Nicholls who is a tall lady at 5ft 8.
Nik said on 2/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

I could see Helen being 5'1.25" but I don't think she is any smaller, nor do I think she is taller than 5'1.5". When I first came onto this page I was going to say that I thought she was 5'1" or a tad smaller but after reading your comment and reflecting on the fact that she is not massively smaller than son David as well all as looking as tall as the other female members of the Platt family then I came to the conclusion that she is not sub 5'1" and instead probably 5'1" and a certain amount of change! Yes, comparing smaller people to mega tall people can cloud your judgment on how tall the smaller person is, and sometimes our opinion on the height of certain people is formed on this basis and those opinions can last for some time! iIf we see somebody in the company of a group of people who are mostly taller than that person then we often automatically think that they are small, but it may just be that by chance the group of people they are seen with is on average quite tall compared to the general population!
The producers have collected together some small actors to represent the Platt family, that is one thing that I have noticed about the Platt's before, although Nick isn't small, he is quite tall in fact, but you often find that in small families there are a minority of family members who are at least average in height! Well Coronation Street is on tonight so we will be able to compare Gail's height to that of the other characters!

Cheers Sandy!
littlesue said on 1/Oct/17
I would say 5ft 1.5 in her younger days, probably around 5ft 1 now
CD said on 1/Oct/17
By age 66 she could have lost a bit of height, but doesn't really look much shorter than this on the show.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Oct/17
@ Nik - Hi there! I have been thinking since I wrote that comment yesterday that I have let myself be influenced too greatly by other people over the years as to how tall Helen really looks! I knew a huge bloke, with a tough-guy reputation, who reckoned she was tiny! Indeed, in comparison to him, 5ft1.5 is very tiny indeed, but it did colour the way I thought of her size. Then there was the female opinion of one of my relatives, who called her bird-like in not the most flattering of ways, but that also contributed to my thinking that Helen was ultra-small.
However, I can certainly see where you are coming from thinking she was taller. She stands with her kids, Sarah, who is 5ft1 and David, about 5ft6, and Sarah has not out grown her Mum! In fact, the producers have collected together some small actors for the Platt family and, whereas Gail will have looked a lot smaller in her earlier years when compared to her fellow stars, she looks quite average now. That was from when the opinions I used to colour my view of her height were based! Moreover, Nik, I do think your argument for thinking she looks that bit taller is stronger than mine!
Nik said on 1/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

It was terribly sad to hear about the passing of Elizabeth Dawn and she will be sadly missed by everyone. I know you will agree with me in saying that Helen is a thoroughly nice lady who deserves her page on this website. In terms of her height I sometimes think that she looks smaller but through comparing her with other people I get the impression that she is around the 5'1.5".mark.

My autocorrect tried to change everything!

Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/17
Funnily enough, I caught sight of a very young Helen yesterday while I was watching a 'farewell Vera' programme, which was showing as a tribute to Elizabeth Dawn, who sadly passed away early this week. Although Helen was sitting down, you could still take in that she was extremely petite, though more in face and build, and if I'm going to be perfectly honest, I was more than a little surprised that she didn't only just top 5ft! For many a year, I considered her to be 'bird-like', influenced by the opinions of others more than anything, so I must have expected her height to follow suit. Having said that though, common sense tells me that she has to be this tall because Lynn Perrie, who played her Mother in Law in the 70's and beyond, was the smallest cast member back then and she was 4ft11! Helen was noticeably more, so there is the evidence that she has to be that 5ft1.5 she declares!
Nik said on 30/Sep/17
Look who's here Sandy! She looks slightly taller than this in the photograph above but after seeing her a lot on Coronation Street I would say 5'1.5" is the most she can be.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.