ChiasmataX said on 30/Nov/11
Challenger 10: 168cm
Daniel 6'0 said on 30/Nov/11
166 for the girl
J.J. said on 30/Nov/11
167.005cm is her height because she looks 2.5" shorter than Rob
Physics Enemy said on 30/Nov/11
Rob, thank you for being fair with the new challenge.
Alex said on 30/Nov/11
Challenge # 11 my estimate is 5'5 1/8
Alex said on 30/Nov/11
Guys remember Rob is like 5'8 1/8 at his low so Mamun being shorter could still put Mamun at 5'8 flat.
Physics, gotta ask Mamun to post the pics again.
Matt (184 - 186)cm said on 30/Nov/11
5ft 5 7/8th
taiwan is NO.1 said on 30/Nov/11
chellange#11 is 166.6cm
the shredder said on 30/Nov/11
5'5.25 for her
Beastman said on 30/Nov/11
Happy person, hair makes it difficult though. I say 162 cm.
Triplescrew said on 30/Nov/11
oh noes her hair makes this one tough. I'll think on this one...
Triplescrew said on 29/Nov/11
Physics Enemy says on 28/Nov/11
I haven't seen those pics Alex, are the three of you in one pic together?
Yeah I remember the pics, Mamun looked like a true 5'8" in them next to Alex.
Physics Enemy said on 29/Nov/11
I'd like to see those pics Alex.
Physics Enemy said on 29/Nov/11
I don't wish to offend Mamun, I like him and think he's a good guy, but I think he's 5' 7.75". He's a bit shorter than Rob, as Alex confirms. I think by a solid 1cm, which puts Mamun at 5' 7.75".

Editor Rob
if Mamun measured 5ft 8.75 out of bed, I think that's a good call for being a 5ft 8er!
Alex said on 28/Nov/11
Physics, yea there were plenty of pics Mamun had of us. A few of me/Frank, Frank/Mamun, me/Mamun and 1 of us together
Nils said on 28/Nov/11
Actually i'm surprised more people didn't guess #10 taller
If i had to choose between 6'0 and 6'1 i would go with 6'1
There isnt that much difference between #8 and #10
Only that rob goes abit under his eyes and that he's muscular can give that illusion ;=) which is why it wont always favor you to compare the previous challenges.
Physics Enemy said on 28/Nov/11
I haven't seen those pics Alex, are the three of you in one pic together?
Mamun said on 28/Nov/11
Mamun said on 28/Nov/11
Thanks Big Brother Alex for coming to my rescue ! I mean what are Big Brothers for ?
Physics Enemy said on 27/Nov/11
Rob, you need to take a pic with #8 and #10 stood together. We're skeptical. ;-)

Editor Rob
it was hard enough getting #10 to do it, let alone try to get both :)
both are the heights measured after being told to stand tall again for the measurement.
nobody is going to go on celebheights being undermeasured ;) Well apart from G of course.
Alex said on 27/Nov/11
Physics, not sure if you seen the pics of me Mamun and Frank? Mamun did look 5'8 in person and his pics with us though 5'7.75 to 5'8 would be hard to tell anyway. I felt he was a smidge shorter than Rob though.
Thanx I feel I am pretty good at estimating height on here but this last challenge fell in favor of me though :) Maybe next challenger will be in the 5'9.5-5'10 range for you?
Alex said on 27/Nov/11
Gaga, yea then you're a couple MM more than me at your low. My high is in the 185cm range though I haven't checked it in a couple years at least
Physics Enemy said on 27/Nov/11
It was the G T-shirt, guys. Anyone wearing a G T-shirt always grows at least an inch. Rob's '5' 9.5", pushing 5' 10"' these days, thanks to the G T-shirt.
Gaga-183.2cm-185.1cm said on 27/Nov/11
The heights you see in my username.
SAK said on 27/Nov/11
I am still confused by no.8, he looks too tall for his measurement. If no.8 and no.10 stood next to each other, how would the difference look, I'm guessing more than 1" which is the actual difference. Still baffled by no.8.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 27/Nov/11
184? wow that's surprising, he looks a bit shorter than that.
ChiasmataX said on 26/Nov/11
@ Alex, no man if you tilt your head a bit you won't lose much height as the back of your skull come up a bit to even things up. You probably look shorter to someone of similar height if they compare height using eye-levels but the top of the head should stay constant in height when one tilts his/her head.
Physics Enemy said on 26/Nov/11
Physics: "Yoooo, how you doing Rob. Look, mmmm, I was thinking about height estimating again. I've been thinking, I think we can go one better this time."
Rob: "What's a matter with you, Physics, ehh? You shook the hell out of the leaderboard. You should be happy with that. You've got the heart Physics, but you ain't got the tools no more. See challenge #10? Miles out. Forget it."
Physics: "Is that right? Hey, maybe it's you who ain't got the tools no more. How about that. Bieber at 5' 5"? Pitt at 5' 11"?"
Rob: "SMACK. Challenge #8. Miles out. Forget it, kid. If a height veteran like me just glancing at volunteer #8 got closer than you did, what do you think the champ will do to you? He'll beat you to the mm, Physics. The mm."
Alex said on 26/Nov/11
Gaga, whats your morning out of bed height and your evening/low?
Physics Enemy said on 26/Nov/11
johno - I'm not convinced, Rob's head is just under his eyebrow. That's 0.5"-0.6" from the middle of the eye. If he had a 4.5" eye-level, then one may well expect less than 4 inch between Rob and #10. I thought the cam may be adding 1-2 mm, so I went for 182.7. #8 looks WAY taller than #10.
Also, Rob showed #10's eye-level was 12.1 cm. That's 4.764" (still quite high).
Physics Enemy said on 26/Nov/11
Gaga you're a great height expert, I was saying it in jest. Alex is great too. I really let myself down this challenge, it's really affected my confidence. I need to bounce back before it's too late.
Alex - Thing is, Mamun always stands bolt upright. I think he's 5' 7.75.

Editor Rob
there's 5 challenges to go.
Alex said on 26/Nov/11
Sometimes tilting your head slightly can make you look a bit shorter I think
tony t. said on 26/Nov/11
If this kid was a celebrity would you list him as 6'0.25 or 6'0.5 Rob?

Editor Rob
I'd probably go with 6ft 0.5 as he looks taller in person than 6ft, but not as tall as 6ft 1.
Gaga-183.2cm-185.1cm said on 26/Nov/11
Actually i am lying, i wasnt in the top in 2 of them if i remember, and dint participate in the girl in heels And other i cant remember. I think i was first in 3 of them.
Gaga-183.2cm-185.1cm said on 26/Nov/11
@physics, i think i didt participate in 3 of them and i wasnt in the top in just one
johno said on 25/Nov/11
Robs skull is within 0.2 inches of his and the eyeline to the top head, within 0.2 inches as well ie typical 4.5 compared to 4.6-4'7
johno said on 25/Nov/11
As i said before, this guy could not possibly be guessed below 6'0. Rob has drawn that line right on top of his hair, and it cuts the guys eyebrows but some still some appear over the line. If rob were to slightly lower the line, the difference between his eyeline ie middle of his eyes and the line would not be over 0.5 inches ie this guys forehead is around 4.6-7 inches, very normal - Slightly larger then alex's
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
I meant to say my eye level is more in the 5'7.75 range, not 5'8.75 typo
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
Physics, Rob is right my head is slightly titled up making my forehead not look as long as his but his forehead is still slightly longer, that or its just his lower eye level because my eye level is more 5'8.75 range

Editor Rob
if you tilt your head up a little, your eyelevel would be near 5ft 8.
Imagine you had a true 5 inch eyelevel, you probably wouldn't feel as tall compared to near 4.5.
the shredder said on 25/Nov/11
Same here , 5mm out , I guess i'm a bad height judge LOL .
Physics Enemy said on 25/Nov/11
Very annoying, if I participated in Challenge #2 I'd have got 2nd, he looks 186.2 to me. I'd have been top. Ironically, Gaga got 1st in that one. Alex could be top too if he got into it earlier too. We may live to rue it!
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
I've met Mamun and he did look 5'8 flat. He looked about Rob's height but I think Rob would edge him out by 1/8-1/4 inch
SAK said on 25/Nov/11
Stiffelio says on 24/Nov/11
Wow, I was way off this time. I'm still puzzled as to why the guy Challenge #8 is only 1.1 inches taller than the one in Ch #10, yet he looks to a lot taller. Maybe the relative head sizes of each guy play a part in the overall height impression.
Yeah I feel the same. The difference between the participant no.8 & 10 seems bigger then the actual measurement suggests. This shows size/proportions can really influence how tall or short a person looks.
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
If I were to to face with face with this guy I'd be looking down slightly at him despite him being a hair taller.
Physics Enemy said on 25/Nov/11
Rob I was only going by your diagram (how it looks). Top of your head runs over his eyebrow. So 0.8" from eyebrow to mid-eye, so 0.8 + 4.25 = 5.05". I know Alex is tilting, but I was only looking at the left pic to gauge it.
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
The person should be standing tall for their measurement as long as their head isn't too tilted up or they're stretching to gain height.
If that guys eye level is 4.7 from his head than I doubt mine even reaches 4.5 inches. Probably more like 4.25 inches is all
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
Physics, yea most would have thought this challenger was 6'0 flat because Rob came to his eyebrow which would not even a 4 inch difference but his longer forehead threw it off a bit but because he was VERY similar height as me and I noticed his forehead was above average length so I guess I had an advantage :)
A said on 25/Nov/11
5mm out, aaargh!
177cmmm said on 24/Nov/11
I was only .5 of a cm off....somewhat proud of myself :)
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
So #10's eye-level is over 5" then, since eyebrow to middle of eye is about 0.8". 0.8 + 4.25 = 5.05". That's amazing; so I was actually bang on then, based on my (incorrect) assumption of him having a relatively normal eye-level.
This may be why Billy Zane is way taller than he looks, due to a huge forehead. His eye-level makes him look a weak 5' 11" (though he's still overlisted IMO!).

Editor Rob
not sure where you get this 'big forehead' thing, Alex is slightly tilted up reducing his own.
I took the shot of #10 being measured using portrait mode, so the camera is on it's side and the flash is on the same level as the lense, so
In the photo you can see the flash (and thus lense) is in the 170-171 range which was very near his pupil, which is about 172cm.
that's pretty much what it looked to me, his eyelevel in the 4.7 inch range.
And his head is pretty typically 9.5 inches aswell.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
Wrong johno, top of Rob's head goes along #10's eyebrow; see Rob's pic with Alex compared with #10. He has a massively long forehead giving 184 cm. His eye-level is lower than Alex's who was 183.3 cm (stadiometer). He 'looks' barely 6ft.
ChiasmataX said on 24/Nov/11
lol, something is clearly wrong here, the dude from height challenge # 8 is more than just a mere 2.8cm taller than this dude here (he was a good 4-5cm taller than this dude base on pictures alone). Maybe because it is Rob's posture and the way the pictures was taken.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
So if Alex met challenger #10, Alex would be looking slightly down at him, yet he's actually shorter than challenger #10. That's insane lol. So we must have looked down at people thinking we're taller, when infact we're shorter. Mental.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
As Rob's comparison pic with Alex shows, the top of Rob's head runs past challenger #10's eyebrow. That's one huge forehead on him. His eye-level is well under Alex's, who is well under 184 cm himself. You'd think this guy was 183 cm MAX, likely below. It's all about that massive forehead boosting him.
You're so sneaky Rob!
Alex said on 24/Nov/11
Going by the comparison this guy's head looks longer than mine.

Editor Rob
when I do the measurement of people I try to get them to level their heads as many raise their eyes up for measuring.
I believe his is pretty much what the result photo shows, about 172cm eyelevel.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
I hope there's a short person next Rob, you know I'm better with short people and this was pretty much a gift for Alex. Bring on the shorties/women!
Tman said on 24/Nov/11
wish I could be there when Rob has to tell the height challenge participant "well you might have measured 179cm but in reality you are 178,8cm because this stadiometer has a 2 mm error..."f*ck you you crazy Scotman,Im 6'1 my friends as well as everyone who's met me tell me that all the f*cking time,I knew taking part in this height challenge or whatever the f*ck it called was a bad Idea" lol

Editor Rob
actually the 2mm error is never mentioned, and I tell people roughly.
like #2 'you're almost 6ft 1.5', number 5 'nearly 6ft 2.5' etc...most like to know in feet/inches. Forget telling people to the mm, that is for the challenge itself ;)
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
I've had another look and I definitely undercut him. This might sound odd, but I think the inflated listings on celeb pages has made me a bit cynical and almost 'trying' to see this tall kid as lower. 184 is still a stretch though.
I'll be back, I'll be top of the board at the end. Whatever it takes.

Editor Rob
2mm error and you've got a good example of a 6ft 3/8ths guy.
and I said to him 'Stand at your tallest' for the photos and he said 'I am'.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
Mamun is 0.5" shorter than Rob, that I am certain of, I've seen enough pics of them (even next to the same celeb) and Rob is usually taller. Mamun always stands bolt upright though. On Mamun's height proof pic he's under the 5' 8" mark and the camera is adding a small fraction too. He's a weak 5' 7.75.

Editor Rob
I think that is unfair, I wouldn't go with the shop photo as the 'proof' but look at him/alex/frank and you have a big 5ft 8 guy.
and he's measured in the past a good 5ft 8 range!
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
Alex, perhaps it's because his posture is worse? You're standing straighter than him it seems. He may have stood taller under the stadiometer. He has a G T-shirt on, must have learnt all the height tricks from G. Sal must have carried him on a stretcher for the morning height measure, rather than facing the under 6ft reality. Maybe Sal did the same with you Alex? You're 5' 11", I knew it! ;-)
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
That comparison pic with Alex is interesting, he's taller than Alex, yes. That's one deceptively long forehead (and an odd head shape it seems). Alex has a fairly high eye level, though he is raising it a bit too.
I wish I had that pic with Alex beforehand, though it would have killed the height challenge. Alex did have an unfair advantage in this challenge. :-(
dmeyer said on 24/Nov/11
i said 6 ft 0.25-6ft 0.5 in you didnt even list me in the result i was good

Editor Rob
dmeyer I took your first guess "Rob this Guy could be similar height to mine i give him 5'11.75".
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
Sorry Rob I said that passively, I realised he's bang on 184, the low camera angle makes it look a bit above it of course. You've totally mind boggled me with this volunteer, I can't believe he's 184. :-|
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
I agree Shaun, draw a line across the top of Rob's head, it's around the volunteer's eyebrow. The camera shot is quite low so I knocked off 2-3 mm for that too. Amazing he's over 183. Challenger 8 destroys him at 186.8 cm. Very strange. This has thrown me right off. I logically see how all the volunteers measured what they did, but not #8 or #10.
f.k said on 24/Nov/11
how tall is a person with an eyelevel of 170cm?

Editor Rob
likely in 182 range, but you could be 183 or even 181 if you had a high eyelevel.
Alex said on 24/Nov/11
Shaun, he looks over 6'0 flat in the picture with Rob but not 184cm. Rob's head comes up VERY similar to him as he did with me.
Alex said on 24/Nov/11
Rob, can you post a comparison of me/you compared to you/challenger # 10?

Editor Rob
I thought I'd done it, but see my post didn't work.
This comparison is based on the heads of me at the same size.
But both photos are with different lenses and at different distance, so it looks like maybe a couple extra mm more than it should, in reality the difference is 0.3 inch.
LankyWeasel said on 24/Nov/11
johno said on 24/Nov/11
SORRY !!! that was mamun with zane and quinto but still the same..
johno said on 24/Nov/11
Rob, if you were to do a seperate height challenger page with comparisons with celebrities, that would prove most useful
johno said on 24/Nov/11
Rob, your head is perfectly level with his eyes, close to 4.5 inches taller then you. Nothing out of pattern and as someone said earlier, miles taller then any other 6'0 - 6'0.5 listed on here eg billy zane and the 6'1 zachary quinto, you come to thier eyebrows and above. This fella seems taller and oh, I GOT THE SAME T-SHIRT :)

Editor Rob
he was just about 4.25 inches taller.
Stiffelio said on 24/Nov/11
Wow, I was way off this time. I'm still puzzled as to why the guy Challenge #8 is only 1.1 inches taller than the one in Ch #10, yet he looks to a lot taller. Maybe the relative head sizes of each guy play a part in the overall height impression.
Ikbob said on 24/Nov/11
Wow sucks to only be 1mm from top 5 :( Rob do you think im a decent height guesser when I most of the time manage to guess within 1cm of the person's height?

Editor Rob
yes, if you can get within 1cm above or below the mark for these challenges it is good. Within 5mm is very good.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
It's must have been that G T-shirt that did it for him. Glennster's revenge.
Shaun said on 24/Nov/11
Strange thing is that he's just over 4 inches taller than Rob and Rob is above his eye level in the middle of his forehead.
Shaun said on 24/Nov/11
Nup, looking at the photo again, still can't see him over a flat 6 foot!!
Theman said on 24/Nov/11
Last time i was too tall this time too short arghh!!!!!!!
Tman said on 24/Nov/11
if number 10 was a celeb most people on here would be saying he should be listed at 6'1
Shaun said on 24/Nov/11
Physics Enemy says on 24/Nov/11
It's amazing that this guy is just over 184 and yet #8 was 186.8. Crazy.
Completely agree. #8 looked like almost two inches taller than this kid.

Editor Rob
Physics, the red line was 100% not above the 184 mark, trust me :)
these 2 images to understand why. The bar in both photos hasn't been touched. Photo on the right you can see the shot is taken dead on and the red mark is right on the 184cm mark.
The left shot is 5 inches below the bar and because of the angle the red line 'looks' between 184-184.1 when it's bang on 184.
Tman said on 24/Nov/11
this guy is probably taller than 90% of all cellebs listed at 1,83-4m on the web
J.J. said on 24/Nov/11
Rob how tall are his parents?

Editor Rob
his Dad's side is over 6 foot, his Mum I'm not sure, I might use her in a future challenge so can't say ;)
Alex said on 24/Nov/11
Rob, can you put the comparison with a good photo of me and you compared to the guy and you from challenge # 10. I am curious to see how close that lines are. Thanx. He has a good 1/4 inch on me. And also was this an afternoon or evening photo and does this kid claim 6'0.5 as his height?
Alex said on 24/Nov/11
I knew this guy edged me out a bit but I didn't think he was that close to 6'0.5. With the 1-2mm error he would be 6'0 3/8 or a MM above
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
I'll be back, mark my words. It ain't over till it's over. You lot wrote me off with that ginger woman and the plumber guy. Write me off at your peril!
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
It's amazing that this guy is just over 184 and yet #8 was 186.8. Crazy.
Physics Enemy said on 24/Nov/11
Ohhh my god. I'm shocked! Aaaargh.
Nils said on 24/Nov/11
Rob you should show how many challenges everyone on the leaderboard participated in ;) my score would have been higher for example.

Editor Rob
my spreadsheet is overflowing as it is, to be able to track that.
Dave said on 24/Nov/11
he's gotta be at least 183 cm.
i'll say 184.75, strong 6 footer.
A said on 24/Nov/11
My guess for height challenge number 10 is 6'0.25"
Rudy said on 23/Nov/11
... I give his height at 6'.25"
jasperwazap said on 23/Nov/11
182.5cm max
Maximus Meridius said on 23/Nov/11
I reckon he is either 6ft 0.25in or 5ft 11.75in.
Maximus Meridius said on 23/Nov/11
Rob is there a chance that you have a 5ft 7in guy on height challenge maybe even a 5ft 6in and a 5ft 5in guy and possibly a 5ft 4in guy.

Editor Rob
I don't know
Nils said on 23/Nov/11
Maybe 183.8
Shaun said on 23/Nov/11
If I was gonna look at this normally I'd say he is about 6'.
Shaun said on 23/Nov/11
Robs head level is actually level with the centre of his forehead, hence I doubt he is 4 inches or more taller.
Shaun said on 23/Nov/11
Like Physics I can't see him over 6' but looks extremely close to 6' flat. He looks like a high 182cm. I'm going with 182.8cm.
SAK said on 23/Nov/11
If this guy is only 17, then i think he could reach 6ft1/6ft1.5( if not higher)when fully grown. Yet, some ppl do stop growing around 17 if not even earlier.
Physics Enemy said on 23/Nov/11
Alex, his actual eye isn't that close to the top of Rob's head, but his pupil is at the top part of his eye making his eye level appear 2mm more. Also, I think the low position of the camera makes the difference seem 2-3 mm more than it is. 182.7 is 5' 11.93".
Rob - I think you should let the winner change at least one listing on the site. If they're the 'Height Master', why not decide one of the listings?
Tim said on 23/Nov/11
The guy is 183.4 cm imo.
Physics Enemy said on 23/Nov/11
Does the winner get to change the height of 1/more celebs, Rob?

Editor Rob
the winner gets the honour of being called Height Master, isn't that enough ;)
I do have a spare G t-shirt I could give the winner
Alex said on 23/Nov/11
Physics, but also Rob's head comes barely above his eye level of assuming 4.5 inches. My eye level was about 4.5 inches too but this guys forehead seems slightly longer than mine. He has no less than 4 inches on Rob at least it appears that way.
Alex said on 23/Nov/11
This kid is just 17. Not suprised but I would have guessed in the 16-18 range anyway for him. So he was 5'8 range at 14. I was actually about 5'7 range at turning 14 and 5'11 1/2 at 17
Alex said on 23/Nov/11
Physics, this is the first challenge where the person is right in my height range so it should be easier for me, plus I was comparing the picture with me and Rob's picture and it does appear he edges me out but barely. I feel my 6'0 3/8 guess was good but really could be anywhere from 6'0 to 6'0.5 max. We'll just have to wait and see! 182.7cm would be what 5'11 7/8?
alan said on 23/Nov/11
185.3cm - height challenge 10
alan said on 23/Nov/11
challenge 10
McLaggen said on 22/Nov/11
My guess for challenge # 10 is 6 ft .154 in or 183.27 cm
Kristen said on 22/Nov/11
6' and an eighth inch (sticking with my losing formula?)
Physics Enemy said on 22/Nov/11
Ohh Triplescrew did post his guess. Wow, quite high then, like Alex's. Looks like I might be in trouble! Most people think he's clearly over 6 foot.
Physics Enemy said on 22/Nov/11
Surprised you think he's that tall Alex. I think he's 182.7 cm on the stadiometer. I'm not confident because you're of similar height so you may be able to discern the difference better. I'm interested to see Triplescrew's estimate, though I know it won't be revealed till the final day.
Physics Enemy said on 22/Nov/11
I'm not as confident on this one as some of the others, the number of 183+ guesses makes me think I may have undercut him. Hopefully I've got this one right though!
Physics Enemy said on 22/Nov/11
Surprised at the number of 183+ guesses. I'm going with 182.7 cm.
Dom said on 22/Nov/11
My guess is 5'11,7"
Stiffelio said on 22/Nov/11
My guess is 182.25 cm
Theman said on 22/Nov/11
This guy is just about 6 feet in this pic i am ganna go 183.1 cm.
Alex said on 22/Nov/11
Dmeyer, this guy is very close to my height but he edges me out. I had Rob by 3 7/8 inches. This guy has him by slightly over 4 inches I think because his forehead is slightly longer than me
Matt (184 - 186)cm said on 22/Nov/11
6ft 3/8th. (183.83cm)
SamC3197 said on 22/Nov/11
6ft 0.15in
B said on 22/Nov/11
My guess is 184.15 cm
SAK said on 22/Nov/11
184.3cm for this guy.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 22/Nov/11
Challenge 10:
Jack said on 22/Nov/11
183.6 cm...
Beastman said on 22/Nov/11
184.7 cm,
xyz.reg(186cms-187cms) said on 22/Nov/11
183cms..I don't think he is taller than this..!!
Mathew said on 21/Nov/11
Challenge 10: 184.3 cm
ChiasmataX said on 21/Nov/11
Challenge 10: 181.8cm
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 21/Nov/11
6 ft 0.45 in
Mamun said on 21/Nov/11
6 ft or 182.88 !
bob said on 21/Nov/11
I would say 185cm 6'1
Triplescrew said on 21/Nov/11
I'll go with 6'0.35" for this guy.
Alex said on 21/Nov/11
I wish I had one of the pics with me and Rob. If you compare them to this guy its pretty close but this guy edges me out by a slight margin. Around 1/4 to 3/8 inch
JimBob said on 21/Nov/11
5'11 5/8ths
Parker said on 21/Nov/11
Challenge 10
Bang on 6 foot.
miko said on 21/Nov/11
6'0.65 Rob.
Ikbob said on 21/Nov/11
6ft 1/4inch
Gaga-183.2cm-185.1cm said on 21/Nov/11
Looks to be a lil shorter than me, but his head looks over average, my guess is
linke said on 21/Nov/11
5'11.35 is my guess.
Dmeyer said on 21/Nov/11
Nearer 184cm close to Alex height about 4 in taller than Rob 6'0.25-6'0.5in
Frankie said on 21/Nov/11
I'd say this guy is 183 cm.
Taiwan said on 21/Nov/11
challenge#10 is 182.4cm
Walter 5'11.75 said on 21/Nov/11
Challenge number 10......I go with 184.5 cm for the big guy near you Rob.
oregon said on 21/Nov/11
he is 184,8 m tall
Osman Vaserman said on 21/Nov/11
Guy is 183.2cm
Dmeyer said on 21/Nov/11
Rob this Guy could be similar height to mine i give him 5'11.75
Alex said on 21/Nov/11
For challenge # 10 my guess is 6'0 3/8. I think this guy edges me out slightly comparing the picture with him to the one I had with Rob.
Shaun said on 21/Nov/11
The buzz cut pretty popular in Scotland eh Rob? I wanna see a guy with Kelly Jones type hair where you can't see his scalp!!
Physics Enemy said on 21/Nov/11
Hahaha, I just realised ... look at the guy´s T-Shirt! Endorsed by the G man himself! :-D

Editor Rob
he's not happy though, told him G was shorter than me...
Physics Enemy said on 21/Nov/11
Heights the pics were taken Rob? Thanks.

Editor Rob
Jenny is in sneakers about 7-8 foot away and was standing normal, so probably 5ft 5 camera.
Kristen said on 20/Nov/11
@Alex: That's why many short girls overestimate the height of other people. A 4'11 girl, who thinks that she's 5'2, will guess a 5'6 guy as 5'9. That's one of the reasons why so many girls think that 5'9 guys are short.
Physics Enemy said on 19/Nov/11
I wonder who Rob thinks will win! I can already here the Abba music in the background, "The winner takes it all ... ".

Editor Rob
considering that to get in the top 5 usually you need to only be 1-5mm out, I think it will be tight at the end.
Physics Enemy said on 19/Nov/11
15 Challenges sounds like a good number Rob. Maybe just run it till the end of the year, that'll be about 15-16 anyway. Then crown the Height Challenge Champion of 2011. I hope there's a good prize. :-)

Editor Rob
the winner can have HE after their name, a true Height Expert. I might think of a prize.
actually I counted and I have 6 more I can definitely put up.
Alex said on 19/Nov/11
Kristen, and its common for many girls in the 4'11-5'1 range to claim 5'2. I seen a lot of girls 5'0 to 5'1 max claim 5'2. Its usually easy for me to tell that range because 5'2.5-5'2.75 is at the bottom of my chin (9.5 inch head).
177cmmm said on 19/Nov/11
SAK your my pick to win this thing..

Editor Rob
I might do it till 15 challenges, I'm not sure how much life this can have.
Mathew said on 18/Nov/11
Alex says on 16/Nov/11
Physics, that sounds fair to maybe change the height of any celeb of their choice and who would you pick anyway to change?
That sounds pretty interesting. I think how I would do that if I was Rob would be you have an inch worth of liberty to change heights. You could up/down-grade 1 celeb an inch, up/down-grade 2 celebs both .5" or .25" and .75", up/down-grade 3 celebs 1 @ .5" and 2 @ .25" up/down-grade 4 celebs .25" etc. Just a thought, I've only participated in 3 of the height challenges, I had pretty good guesses but it's not like I'm in the running. If I had such power in my hands (sound thunder) off the top of my head some people that I'd consider would be Clooney, Dicaprio, and Cruise.
Kristen said on 18/Nov/11
Like Alex said, many girls think that they're taller than they really are. I learned that when I worked at a doctor's office. Some girls, who thought they were around 5'2, were shocked when I measured them at around the same height as the volunteer in this week's contest.
Alex said on 18/Nov/11
Physics, even if you took away my inch of height and added it to your height I'd still be a bit taller :)
Tman said on 18/Nov/11
I really dont see this "people are influenced by the other guesses" BS
Physics Enemy said on 17/Nov/11
Yes Rob I agree with Triplescrew, you should only reveal the guesses on the day the results are published. Otherwise people are influenced by the other guesses.
Physics Enemy said on 17/Nov/11
Tough one Alex. If Rob opened the Glenn page, I'd list him 5' 6.5" (169 cm). Otherwise a coin-toss between Stallone and Pitt. Stallone at 5' 7.25" peak/5' 6.75" today may be more interesting. Bieber's not 5' 5" (he's 5' 3"), but I'm less fussed. I could also downgrade you to 5' 11". ;-)
Alex said on 17/Nov/11
Physics, funny LOL. Actually I been hanging out lately with this girl who is 5'0ish more like 5'0 at most and could be 4'11 and change range. She claims that she was 5'1.5 then also called herself a "5 footer" too. I have an easy foot on her at least so no more than 5'0 she is.
Triplescrew said on 16/Nov/11
Ha Rob maybe you should program something where everyone sends you their guesses directly instead of posting them publicly. That way people aren't influenced by other peoples guesses and we have a broader range of answers instead of everything being within the nearest millimeter.

Editor Rob
I could not show guesses till the last day, I think people like to see the guesses.
it would be fair if nobody looked at other guesses and just entered what they think from the photo.
Physics Enemy said on 16/Nov/11
She'd make a good girlfriend for Glenn. Help him validate his 5' 9" claim.
Alex said on 16/Nov/11
Physics, that sounds fair to maybe change the height of any celeb of their choice and who would you pick anyway to change?
Physics Enemy said on 16/Nov/11
The overall winner at the end i.e.) whenever Rob decides to end this, should be allowed to change the height of any one celeb of his/her choice. It's only fair, since they've proved they're a height expert. They should also get another perk e.g.) have their username in coloured font and a little crown next to it. :-)
LAN JIAO said on 16/Nov/11
i made it!! ^.^ thanks rob!
littlesue said on 16/Nov/11
I thought she was a fraction under 5ft as I'm about 4ft.10.75 and my son 5ft 8.5 and we stood in the mirror and we had a little bit more gap than Rob and the Height challenge lady, sadly I never posted my guess!!
Jack said on 15/Nov/11
Well, I won the first one and haven't even been in the top 5 since. Embarrassing.

Editor Rob
go back over the height challenges and look at the results and maybe you will up your game and win again ;)
Rav 5ft 9 said on 15/Nov/11
Dang! Now i wil use two digits after decimal:-)
@physics enemy
lol...have fun @ d top
Alex said on 15/Nov/11
Rob, what time of the day was this taken and was she up for a long time?

Editor Rob
just after 2pm, this was probably a 6-hour sales shift she was on, although I am not certain, but she definitely was eating lunch when I arrived so might have already been on work 4 hours or so.
Nils said on 15/Nov/11
Tobad i didn't participate in all the challenges :p
ANDREA[ITA] said on 15/Nov/11
what the hell, Rob? I had to put my guess yesterday but as alway the site didnt work! and its not due to my connection or device because from different places and devices, most of the time this site is not reachable! anyway i would have said 152.5... -.-

Editor Rob
I rebooted the server and checked if there are spam blocks, I will look again and see if I can fix it.
Physics Enemy said on 15/Nov/11
Rob you must admit you're a bit generous with estimating heights, you always estimate a little higher than they are. Just look at all your estimates for the 9 volunteers, it's always a bit higher than the real height. This likely means your estimates for celebs are a bit high, which is majority opinion on those pages.

Editor Rob
I think 'about 5ft' for an in person estimate of the girl is pretty close. I think in 1/4 inches and ranges.
You can think in mm's using photos of course, but nobody can guess every person they meet to the 1/4 inch, although if you ask Jenny, for the people I've measured she is surprised how good I can guess.
Some of these challenges I've not mentioned what I actually thought they were and about 10 of the heights people have told me from doing these challenges I've disagreed on and been within the 1/4 inch guess ;)
Dom said on 15/Nov/11
How can I participate in those height challenges? Everythime I come here there is the answer to the last one.

Editor Rob
it only lasts for about 4 days, usually I post on general height page when a new one is up.
Shaun said on 15/Nov/11
Perhaps as a reward Rob will downgrade Biebs to 5'3!!!
Physics Enemy said on 15/Nov/11
Thanks Shaun! If I stay in 1st place I'm going to put this on my CV. Hopefully Rob would be happy to write references for me. ;-)

Editor Rob
it's tough at the top, the pressure might get to you ;)
A said on 15/Nov/11
Rob, could you please put people's guesses next to their name's on the Top 5 list?

Editor Rob
next time I can do that, I'll need to remind myself to do it.
A said on 15/Nov/11
Dang it! I was 7mm off. My guess was 151.3 cm. I'm always within 1 cm but never close enough to make top 5.
Alex said on 15/Nov/11
Rob, nevermind my last post. I was looking at the user average and thought that was her height. I was about to say 4'11.92 is above 4'11 7/8. Disregard my last post haha
Physics Enemy said on 15/Nov/11
Top of the leaderboard! Get in there! Thanks Rob for not rounding it down, it's about time the rounding went my way for a change!
Rav 5ft 9 - Don't mess with the KING! I'm 1st and I'll stay there. :-)
Alex said on 15/Nov/11
Rob, close one but how is 4'11.92 under 4'11 7/8?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure what you mean, the average guess was 2mm more than the actual.
Shaun said on 15/Nov/11
Well done Physics!!
Rav 5ft 9 said on 15/Nov/11
Rob my 151.7 shub b awarded 5th place too...a mm differnce seperating winners is understood, but half mm???
151.7~4'11.75 which got alex 5th place

Editor Rob
Unfortunately for Tim/Rav/Tman you just missed because of half mm differences. I took the alex/triple/b as 151.77cm.
the shredder said on 15/Nov/11
Rob , would you say that somebody is a fair guesser if they estimate within an inch ?

Editor Rob
Within an inch is ok. Anybody getting top 5 does very well, but there is a little bit of luck to getting within a few mm.
Physics Enemy said on 14/Nov/11
This means everything to me. I really hope I'm in the Top 3!
B said on 14/Nov/11
My guess is 151.77 cm
Phil said on 13/Nov/11
Challenge 9:
5'0 3/4
Kristen said on 13/Nov/11
She reminds me of girls who are in the 4'11 to 5'0.5 range so I will guess that she's 5' and an eighth inch.
De l'eau said on 13/Nov/11
She looks about 4'10-4'11". Probably the shortest in the height challenges so far.
Ras said on 13/Nov/11
Challenge 9:
Mamun said on 13/Nov/11
She is 5 ft or 152.4 cm !
A said on 13/Nov/11
My guess for challenge #9 is 151.3 cm
Roman said on 13/Nov/11
can be 153 cm
Tim said on 13/Nov/11
Challenge 9:
Little under 5 feet
4'11.95" is my guess
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 13/Nov/11
Challenge 9:
A lot shorter than the 4th one (who is 159.1cm), my estimate is 149.8cm.
miko said on 13/Nov/11
5'0.45 Rob.
Matt (184 - 186)cm said on 13/Nov/11
4ft 11 7/8 (152.1cm)
FiveNine said on 13/Nov/11
They don't come much cuter than her at 4'11.9
Josh B said on 13/Nov/11
5 foot dead
Parker said on 13/Nov/11
For challenge 9 I would say she is 5'0.25 inch (153)
Rav 5ft 9 said on 13/Nov/11
I wil wait for physics enemy guess and then copy his ;) :p :)
xyz.reg(6 ft 1.5 in) said on 13/Nov/11
5ft 0.25in..i would be surprised if she is taller than this..;)!!!!
somedude123 said on 13/Nov/11
i guess around 5'2.5
the shredder said on 13/Nov/11
She is cute btw
the shredder said on 13/Nov/11
5'0.25 is mt guess
McLaggen said on 12/Nov/11
My guess for challenge #9 is 153.23 cm or 5ft 0.32 inches.
Reality said on 12/Nov/11
I'd put another estimating at first but now I think she's 151cm.
Theman said on 12/Nov/11
Long time since ive posted here great idea this is. This is diffcult i am ganna guess the girl is 5 foot tall and is about 153.5cm to be exact.
Osman Vaserman said on 12/Nov/11
She is 152.5cm
Taiwan said on 12/Nov/11
challenge#9 153.25cm is my guess
rob , she looks tired
Physics Enemy said on 12/Nov/11
1) How high was the pic taken Rob?
2) What was her posture like on the stadiometer?

Editor Rob
I say stand tall for the photo and the measurement, Jenny was taking the shot in her sneakers, but maybe losing an inch of posture from memory.
Shaun said on 12/Nov/11
Very tough to assess it to the nearest mm when the height difference is this much but my estimate for #9 is 153cm. She looks like she'd be a tad above 5'0.
Alex said on 12/Nov/11
Ahh this is the shortest person to be on Rob's challenge yet. It looks to be a bit tough. Rob's head I think he said was 9.5 inches long so going by that I am going to say this girl is 4'11.75
177cmmm said on 12/Nov/11
From a glance would say
148.7cms probably way off.
Alex said on 11/Nov/11
Physics, yea I think for anyone it can happen to dip slightly below their usual low. 1/8-1/4 range. If you're on you're feet 6 plus hrs straight doing physical type stuff it can def happen.
Physics Enemy said on 11/Nov/11
Agreed Alex.
Wow said on 11/Nov/11
Challenge 1 girl looks shorter! Something like 5'4,5" (163 cm) In challenge 8 big guy looks much taller in another picture than in the big picture! Weird..
Tim said on 11/Nov/11
Alex, how tall do you think the naked cowboy is? You probably see him often.
Alex said on 10/Nov/11
Yea thats true. So say his usua low is 6'1.75 and the day he got measured he was below his usual low so I can def see about 6'2 flat midday and a solid 6'2.5 out of bed
Alex said on 10/Nov/11
Physics, yea true. I have a physical job too and I am sure on some longer days I can dip slightly below my usual low
Physics Enemy said on 10/Nov/11
He's a plumber Alex, he's going to lose more height (and faster) than Rob or yourself. Get this guy to sleep 10 hours on his back and I promise you he'll be 6' 2.5" MIN out of bed. So 6' 2" midday with low/moderate activity is possible. If Rob was a plumber and toiled for 9/10 hours he would dip below his usual low. I wouldn't call it true height, but that's what would happen.
Rob said himself he sees this guy 6' 1.75" - 6' 2" range usually.
Alex said on 10/Nov/11
Physics, usually 1/4 inch tops midday than evening but you think this guy could have been 1/2 inch taller midday than evening. Usually by midday you lose almost all your height anyway
Alex said on 10/Nov/11
Larc, yea but you put down 6'1.75 on your username so I guess you feel 6'1.75 is more your legit height. Also some people dont take their lowest height
Physics Enemy said on 9/Nov/11
It's unlikely but not impossible Tman. Just depends on his activity level and quality/duration of sleep the night before. Wouldn't surprise me if he was 6' 2" midday. I reckon he wakes up at 6' 2.5". So 6' 2" midday is possible.
Tman said on 9/Nov/11
let me say this it is 'imposible' that number 8 would measure over 1,88m during midday.
Physics Enemy said on 8/Nov/11
Not really Alex, this guy toiled for 9 hours plumbing all day and then got measured. Rob said he usually sees him when he's in the 6' 1.75" - 6' 2" range.

Editor Rob
actually I remember a smaller builder guy saying 'he's some size of lad, 6ft 4' or something when challenger 8's name came up once.
Alex said on 8/Nov/11
Larc, actually wouldn't you be a hair taller than this guy?
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 8/Nov/11
That's how I should look next to Rob...the 8th challenge guy is exactly my height but still I couldn't guess his height correctly...ahah
LAN Jiao said on 6/Nov/11
heres the 6footer champion Alex ^.^ my 190cm estimate burns away.. LOL
Stiffelio said on 6/Nov/11
Rob, could you please leave the challenge comparative pictures as visual data reference for future challenges?
Stiffelio said on 6/Nov/11
I am surprised at how far off I was and that I overestimated his height. You mentioned you measured him at 6 pm. I wonder how tall you were at that time, because my guess was estimated based on you're known height.

Editor Rob
here is a crop from the folder
I was 173.3cm on the stadiometer at 6.24pm, his was taken a few minutes before.
Alex said on 6/Nov/11
Larc, actually Rob said it adds 1-2MM error which is very minimimal but still. I guessed 6'1.5 but he def could have looked 6'2 but I went with 6'1.5 because I had a feeling he would measure a bit shorter than he looked. So with the 2mm error he was still a MM over 6'1.5

Editor Rob
with the 2mm error he would be 186.6 or a tiny bit under 6ft 1.5.
Physics Enemy said on 6/Nov/11
You do usually get quite close Rob, agreed, but it's always an overestimate. That's my point. So you do upgrade a bit. :-)
Physics Enemy said on 6/Nov/11
From now on I'm going to ask Rob the height the pics were taken, since it clearly makes a difference. Though if you have a good eye, it should be obvious whether it was taken low, medium or high.
Rob - Higher cam positions reduce perceived height differences, lower cam positions exaggerate perceived height differences. Is that correct?
Legend - If I didn't miss the first two challenges I'd be in 1st place. Soon I will be. I will be the greatest height expert of all time. :-)

Editor Rob
I think in challenge 8 the vertical shot added at least half an inch to his perceived height. The end of his nose is more 5ft 7.5 range rather than 8.25 range.
A said on 6/Nov/11
Congrats Alex! I've noticed that with each challenge you've been getting closer and closer. I predict you'll be taking 1st place on the leaderboards soon if you keep this up!
Shaun says on 5/Nov/11
Rob I've been very close , we're talking mm out with most of the challenges so far and I still don't have 10 points.
Same here, The most I've been out is 1.5cm on one challenge and within 1cm, so we're talking mm's out on the rest of the challenges and I've never made top 5. For these challenges it seems that if you aren't within 5mm, you won't even make top 5.
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 6/Nov/11
Well, that's very surprising, but he's even shorter than that in truth, like 186.5-186.6, since the stadiometer adds 2-3mm of height as Rob sayed.
He can for sure pass as a strong 6'2 guy however!
jake, 1.82 m said on 6/Nov/11
Wow, the photo was a tad decieving.
A said on 6/Nov/11
I thought he looked 5.5" inches taller than Rob and was going to guess him at 6'1.5" but I factored in Rob's .25" of an inch over 5'8" so I guessed this guy at 6'1.75"/187.3cm and was off .25"/5mm.
Rav 5ft 9 said on 6/Nov/11
@physics enemy
If people copy other's guess that wud b so lame n pathetic...challenger 2 n 8 easily looked 187+ cm but they turned out m at the very bottam of leaderboard...apart from good guessing i think luck also plays a part in this contest...i had been out by mere 2 mm in two challenges but still was 3rd in both of them
Triplescrew said on 5/Nov/11
Wow the height of the camera really changed the result. I lined up challenge 2, 5, and 8 in Photoshop and number 8 looked nearly as tall as 5 and considerably taller than 2 when lining up the Rob heads. Bravo Rob this was a good one.

Editor Rob
no 5 was probably the most accurate looking because Jenny was on a stool and the camera was very near the top of my head.
but the vertical shot for this one, she actually lowered the camera I believe to try to get our feet in, the horizontal ones she stood about 5ft 11 or so.
jaypee said on 5/Nov/11
man I was soooo wrong! hahahha
oregon said on 5/Nov/11
3rd place!!! yeahhh!
Alex said on 5/Nov/11
Rob, yea though I guessed 6'1.5 this guy did look more 6'2-6'2.25 in 2 of the pics
Legend said on 5/Nov/11
@Physics Enemy
I would never copy anyone's guess, and no offense, but you wouldn't be the one I would copy if I did...
Physics Enemy said on 5/Nov/11
I'd be 1st if I didn't miss the first two challenges!
Physics Enemy said on 5/Nov/11
This guy is 6' 2" really, it's just that a hard day's graft and lifting can knock your height down considerably. If Rob did that I reckon he could measure under 5' 8" at a push. Not true height though by any means.
Just to check Rob - Those pics were taken all at the same time and just before/after the stadiometer measurement, right?

Editor Rob
they always are, I take the photos and straight after do the measurement.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 5/Nov/11
186.8? this is one of the biggest surprise i had! I thought he looked no less than 189, rob! how the hell is he so "short"? anyway if this is his lowest height he's a legit 6'1.75 man!
Physics Enemy said on 5/Nov/11
I'm shocked! Can't believe he was this height.
Rob, so far you've upgraded virtually every single volunteer in the challenges thus far! Don't you think you should bare this in mind with the heights of celebrities? People have been telling you that you've overlisted them. Based on the evidence of your guesses, that would seem correct, don't you think?
Rav - The 188.2 type guesses came flooding in AFTER I put that, not before. Only 2 people put that before I stated it. If people copied Triplescrew, then I would state that as well. Maybe some did, that wouldn't surprise me.
But yes, Rob. You do upgrade people, so it's highly likely you've upgraded Pitt, Stallone, Clooney and countless others as well. The vast majority on those pages believe they are lower than you've listed them.
Alex, well done! You've overtaken me. :-( For now. ;-)

Editor Rob
I think my own guesses are very close, I've done 2 more men Jenny would attest I got them pretty close ;)
with challenger 8, maybe my guess was formed on seeing him numerous times at the 6ft 1.75-2 range. Challenger 5 does night shift so I see his height vary a bit more.
Mamun said on 5/Nov/11
WOW ! I got first place for the first time !
Nils said on 5/Nov/11
Rob ask him if he had worked out that day too:o you can lose even more then, wow i really thought he was 6'2 or over

Editor Rob
since he's a plumber and it was after 6pm on his way home from work I think it pretty much was a low measurement.
A said on 5/Nov/11
WOW! I was 5mm off and still didn't make top 5? LMAO!
The most I've been off was 1.5cm on one of the challeges. Every other challenge I've been within 1cm, so mm's off, and still never made the leader board! So disappointing!!! XDDD