zephyr said on 24/Sep/08
Still in that pic Ryan Seacrest would barely reach the bottom of her ear. I think that counts for towering. Isn't Jordin Sparks like 5'10" anyway? That would be taller than Mrs. Klum :)
Jlee said on 23/Sep/08
It looks like one of those guys is Ryan Seacrest who is ALWAYS towered by girls. If heidi is 5 foot 9, she should tower over Ryan the way Jordan sparks does. Not to mention you can't tell what kind of shoes heidi is wearing. She could be wearing 6 inch heels, she always does.
zephyr said on 23/Sep/08
5'9" is right here she is at the 2008 Emmy's taller than all the guys:
Click Here
Jlee said on 22/Sep/08
Editor Rob, the height can not be that much of a difference even if she has a right hip drop. Does anyone agree with me? atleast list heidi as five foot 8 and a half or five eight. If this is only 1 inch taller, than I wonder how big 2 inches look. Everyone see what i mean here
Click Here
sophie said on 20/Sep/08
she doesn't look 5'9" to me, more 5'7"... I'm 5'8", is that tall for a girl?
Anonymous3434 said on 18/Sep/08
totally agree with J.Lee She is 5'7.5 and that's even pushing it! I would have to say 5'7.25 if you wanna be EXACT lol.
Jessie said on 30/Aug/08
Because her face is so incredibly semtrical, and the proportions on her body are basically perfect that right there is why she is a top model despite being a couple inches shorter then most models. You know, it's kinda funny how kate moss is the posterchild for short model because many models like Heidi, Kate, Latitia Casta, Selitia Ebanks etc. are also smaller.
J.lee said on 4/Aug/08
I don't mean to cause kaos but anyone in there right minds can tell that tyra is more than an inch taller in that video. A bare minimum of 2.5 inches which would make heidi 5 foot 7.5 if lucky
J.lee said on 4/Aug/08
well all i can say is you have to watch the you tube video with tyra banks. tyra is way way way taller then heidi, not just an inch. they wear the same heels. someone please watch and give feedback. scroll down to the lucy comment and click the video. the video speaks for itself. there is no way the camera or whatever can fluctuate 4 inches. just look at it. Rob, whats your opinion on the video? either tyra is really taller than her listed height or heidi is not taller than five seven.
joe said on 30/Jul/08
I agree that she is about 5 feet 7....do you think she is compensating for something by wearing 5-6 inch heels on every TV appearance she makes (she eveb told Regis that she was wearing 5 inch heels that are very hard to walk in)
Maria said on 22/Jul/08
i have seen heidi listed as 1.71!!!!!!! and no way she is above that!
anonymous said on 24/Jun/08
i think hedi klum is 5'8 or 5'8 1/2 because i have compared her nexto to other mdels like with alessandra and adriana and she is a couple inches shorter than they are.and selita ebanks is not 5'8 she is short she is only 5'6-5'7 she is so petite. i have compared her to other models in in pictures and at vicotria's secret fashion show i compaerd her with karolina kurkova and julia stegner they are both 5'11 and i saw that selita is alittle bit over there shoulders.miranda kerr,izabel goulart,inguna butane,and andi muise are like 5'9.the rest like adriana,giselle,alessandra,and natasha poly are 5'10-5'10 1/2.caroline trentini isn't 5'11 she looks about 5'10 to me.some models are above or at six feet like tiiu kuik,hana soukupova,ana beatriz barros,elle mcpherson,and oluchi onweagba
Steve said on 7/Jun/08
I am sick of this....she is standing next to Germany's top model winner and they are both in heels (look at superiorpics or getty) and Heidi comes up to the models mouth/bottom of nose). And the top models height.....5 feet 9.5.
glenn said on 29/May/08
i havnt seen any video,nor can i at the moment.i have met both plenty of times.hard to say who is taller.i wouldve said klum,but i guess i could be wrong.
J.Lee said on 28/May/08
glenn, what is your opinion on what i said about tyra being way taller than heidi
J.Lee said on 25/May/08
Infact in that video, heidi's eyes are not even really up to tyra's mouth, and tyra's head is alot bigger. Tyra actually makes her look like a child. To me, tyra can pass 4 inches taller. How can she be five nine? glenn have you seen the video lucy posted? can you explain this? heidi looks 5 foot 7. i am not convinced she is an inch shorter than tyra. and how can she claim she is five nine and half? when will ferrel made that basketball movie, i saw her is 5 inch shoes still way shorter than him. i think heidi just gets the benefit of the doubt.
J.Lee said on 25/May/08
Look at that video that lucy showed with tyra! tyra is five foot ten and heidi would be a bare minimum of 2.5 inches shorter than tyra making her 5 foot 7 and half. Tyra is noticeably taller. How can this be glen? How can heidi be five foot nine when tyra is five ten and more than 1 inch taller and they have the same heels? See these are the things that really get me.
C. said on 10/May/08
anonymous1 says on 21/Mar/08
Why is desired range for models is 5'9"-10"? Not taller?
Because that height fits best with the designer clothes. When you start pushing 6', you're also going to have slightly larger dimensions which is only natural, given that an inch in most cases add about 4 lbs. of weight (at least according to the normal weight/height scale). I mean, you could see a 5'9" model at 120 lbs. which would be skinny, but a 6' woman at the same weight? Extremely skinny. Especially given that the clothes have certain B-W-H measurements to fit neatly in their clothes. But of course there's no problems with 6' or close to it, since you also see models at that height. The same goes with male models, as you usually don't see too many over 6'2" just because the desired range is from 5'11" - 6'1".
But Heidi...I'm still going with a shade under 5'9". But I don't think she's any shorter than that honestly.
rare said on 7/May/08
Click Herei prefer metric system because its more precise.. otherwise there is lot of rounding up and stuff like that
Steve said on 25/Apr/08
If you go to Bellazon.com, the last page for Heidi Klum there is an interview. Heidi is asked the difference between her and Nadja Auermann. heidi says that she is short and is a lot shorter than other models. There is no way she is 5 feet 9.
Charliemoto said on 6/Apr/08
she's 5'9 exactly because she kissed the italian host Alessia Marcuzzi who is 5'9.5 and alessia was about 2cm taller.
anonymous1 said on 21/Mar/08
Why is desired range for models is 5'9"-10"? Not taller?
leonari said on 10/Mar/08
I agree. She looks a tad under 5'9"
C. said on 9/Mar/08
ohnny Boy says on 19/Feb/08
That doesn't make sense, female models range from 5'7 to 5'10.5 they are the parameters according to Vogue and Calvin Klein. I would say Heidi fits in easily, and her body and looks more than make up for her height. Anything above 5'11 for a girl is way too tall, and anything below 5'6 is kind of petite, the mid range is where you will find most models these days (but the obvious exception is Marilyn Monroe, probably one of the hottest women in history.)
In the model world, 5'11" is not too tall. 6' is also not too tall (hello-- Kimora Lee Simmons?). Usually when you start pushing over 6' then perhaps, but there are always exceptions. In other words, you can never be too tall, ever. 5'8" is usually the minimum, not 5'7". However, there are exceptions. And models are NEVER usually in the mid-range of female height-- if that was the case, you'd see a lot more 5'5" young models when that clearly isn't the case.
The most desired range is 5'9"-10" usually. I clearly remember being rejected for being a shade under 5'8" as they said I was too short (and too young) at the time. As for Heidi, she looks a bit over 5'8". Perhaps 5'8" 1/2 and not quite 5'9".
Laura said on 1/Mar/08
Models lie about their height.Look at this pic!
Caroline Trentini says that she is 5'11/180cm,Lindsay Ellingson says that she is 5'10/178cm.But there are more inches then one between their height....
I think Heidi is 5'8-5'9
Click Here
Mike77 said on 23/Feb/08
Prefer girls around 6' my self !
BTW Same thing about Vendela Kirsebom, she is 5'8" or less.
Before she became famous, they claimed a height at 5,9" +
Johnny Boy said on 19/Feb/08
That doesn't make sense, female models range from 5'7 to 5'10.5 they are the parameters according to Vogue and Calvin Klein. I would say Heidi fits in easily, and her body and looks more than make up for her height. Anything above 5'11 for a girl is way too tall, and anything below 5'6 is kind of petite, the mid range is where you will find most models these days (but the obvious exception is Marilyn Monroe, probably one of the hottest women in history.)
to listen said on 23/Jan/08
since a girl shorter than 5-9 can't be a model, you've found the reason why she's been lying
it's her career on the line
em said on 15/Jan/08
in the gettyimagages link given below, u can see tht miranda, heidi, and selita are all the same height, all wearing the same heels, and selita is 5'8" so tht means both miranda and heidi are 5'8" also...and its true that ppl add extra height to their actual height. i say im 5'8" but im really 5'7 1/2"...but in my case its not tht big of a change
glenn said on 10/Jan/08
ill try lucy.i have to dig them up.
Emilie said on 10/Jan/08
well she is still smaller than the other models... in this picture they're all wearing heels - i guess they are pretty much the same size as they are in the victorias secret show.. it looks like they're all bending a bit, but still heidi seems 2 inches - 5 cm smaller than the others..
Click Here
lucy said on 9/Jan/08
glenn could you maybe post some of your pictures with her?
glenn said on 1/Jan/08
i see klum all the time and have a few photos with.
lucy said on 31/Dec/07
hmmm yes but many people who have met miranda says she is really tiny and could be shorter than 5'8......i have a friend whose 5'8 and she met miranda and in their photo she way taller than miranda?? could this mean heidi could even be as short as 5'7??
who here has met heidi or seen her in real life??
Tegan said on 30/Dec/07
@ Lucy, you're right. Miranda is 5'9" and so I'd say this is right in saying Heidi's 5'9".
Anon said on 11/Dec/07
Ideal female supermodel height is 5-10. Ideal male model height is 6-2.
anonymous1 said on 10/Dec/07
Is it true that an ideal model height is 5'9"-5'11"???
Anonymous said on 8/Dec/07
lucy: That's where I saw her... I remember one of those blonde girls was bigger than her bodyguards lolz, maybe like 6'4 in heels. Poor bodyguards, I bet their egos died.
lucy said on 7/Dec/07
she is the same height as miranda kerr who is at most 5'9 probaly even shorter 5'8
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FLiPPeR said on 30/Nov/07
I saw her in Hollywood about 3 weeks ago, she was wearing heels and was about my height if not shorter, I'm almost 5'11.
shawn said on 11/Nov/07
Heidi Klum is 5 feet 8 MAX....she might even be shorter. Ever notice that she nalwasy wears 4-5 inch heels for every public event. If she was 5 feet 9, she would be almost as tall as her husband in her 5 inch heels and she is always noticably shorther.
Eva said on 12/Oct/07
well she can't be model-tall.. because i've heard or read that she's not the highest paying model at all.. gisele bundchen and all the other models are much more popular inside the "modelworld". Shes is though very famouse because she has attended in many reality-shows and so on, but she's still not as used inside modeling as you would think - because shes not high enough, like Gisele, adriana lima, alessandra ambriosio... etc...
lucy said on 6/Oct/07
gwen and heidi arent the same height....heidi is a fair bit taller...those pictures of them both are not legit as gwen is wearing heels and heidi is in flats.
random said on 19/Sep/07
i think 5'9" is correct. i notice on their pics & videos for victoria's secret she's an inch shorter than alessandra ambrosio and she's 5'10".
d83 said on 19/Aug/07
marc is very right...5 inch heels do not make you 5 inches taller...about 2 inches or so
MarkMark said on 2/Aug/07
Just saw her on Leno. She was wearing at least 3in heels, and was about tall as 5'11 Leno. Definitely 5'8" range.
Anonymous said on 28/Jul/07
I'd have to agree that heidi is in the 5'8" range. On project runway when all of the models line up, klum is always in heels and she's about the same height as the barefoot models.. Who are probably a true 5'10-11"
ani said on 25/Jul/07
How tall is Adriana Lima?She says that she is 178,but i think she is about 180...
IMGmodL said on 12/May/07
she's only 5'8''.....she says 5'9.5'' because if you add the half an inch, it sounds believable. For example, I'm only a tad over 5'11'', but if i was to go on a casting call and they asked for my height, i would probably say 6'0.25'' because then it sounds believable instead of saying...oh i'm about 6'..then you might actually get measured and they will realize you were lying!
Randy said on 6/May/07
Click on gettyimages.com and search for Heidi Klum. She stands next to Karolina Kurkova and Heidi looks like 4 inches smaller than Karolina, both wearing heels. Is Karolina 6'1? I think Heidi is 5'7 maybe 5'8 but no taller.
lucy said on 17/Apr/07
heidi looks about 5'8"...look at this vid of her and tyra, tyra's way taller
Click Here
Kathryn said on 15/Apr/07
am....ANONYMOUS: on this card, there it says : 5'9''. =)
Kathryn said on 10/Apr/07
she´s 5'9'' maybe a LITTLE smaller but that seems definately right.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/07
Well Tyra is alot taller thna her both bin flats and in heels. I read some of her early modeling cards she was 5'8. She's not 5'9 or 5'91/2
She's 5'81/4
Click Here
Alex said on 14/Jan/07
She is def a tall girl. 5'9 seems right.
Ben said on 16/Dec/06
She is always wearing shoes that lift her a lot. Everytime you see her on TV or in
a magazine you can see that these shoes lift her about 10-12cm/4-5inches.
Her true height lies in between 5-7.5 and 5-9.
Shell said on 8/Nov/06
In the photo with Gwen she is standing farther back. You guys arent taking into consideration the perspective in photos! You also cant see how high Cheryl or Heidi's heels are in that photo; Cheryl's heels could be much higher. Also, 3 inch heels really dont make you 3 inches taller cuz heels are slanted. I would say that in 3 inch heels you end up maybe 2 inches taller at most, depending on how slanted they are.
Heidi seems about 5'8 to me.
Anonymous said on 1/Nov/06
She towers over Michael J Fox in Spin City. 5'6 1/2 is ridiculous.
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/06
Seriously, what does the Stefani forum say 'cause she is the exact same height as Klum. Either Stefani's 5'8" or Klum's 5'6". What ya'll think?
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/06
No way. The pics with stefani are too good and there are so many of them with so many angles that it is pretty clear she is a maximum 5'7". I think 5'6.5" .
Marc said on 18/Oct/06
Oh, ok. I think Teigs is about 5'11", she probably just appears a lot taller. I really think she's 5'9". And hot.
Marc said on 15/Oct/06
If Teigs is 5'11, she could easily be 6'3" in those heels. Klumm reaches only about 6'0" in heels on average.
Mike said on 13/Oct/06
Then Tiegs is 6 foot 3...which I don't think so.
Come on said on 13/Oct/06
The woman is 5'9 she has to be in order to be a model...duh... why would she lie?
mike said on 9/Oct/06
It looks legit...Heidi is standing pretty straight and Tiegs is slouching and still dwarfs her. Tiegs is 6 feet and Klum is no where near 5 feet 9.
Lance said on 16/Sep/06
Take a look at this image of Heidi and Cheryl Tiegs. They are both in heels and Tiegs (listed at 5 foot 11 or 6 feet) is much taller than Heodi and she is slouching. If Tiegs was standing up straight Heidi would come up to her mouth. No way in hell she is taller than 5 foot 6 or 5 foot 7.
Click Here
Marc said on 13/Sep/06
How tall is the Bush guy (stefani's husband)? He and Seal (6' 3.5") look the same hieght in this one:
Click Here
kiki said on 10/Sep/06
Her height needs to be adjusted. If she was 5'9, why does she look the same height as Gwen Stefani? They are both wearing flats. No way she is 5'9.
Marc said on 5/Sep/06
James: Most people assume when you stand on your "tippy-toes" that you become 5 inches taller; however, you only extend yourself by about 2.5 inches. I'm 5'11, but If I stand on my toes, I hit about 6'1 (a little over). Try it now and see the results. I can't guarantee this though; everyone has a different foot).

Editor Rob
yes, you are doing extraordinarly well if on tip-toes you can measure anything over 3 inches. If your a ballerina, no problem though, just stand on toes!
james said on 3/Sep/06
Marc: I don't understand how wearing 3 inch heels only makes you an inch taller. It doesn't make any sense.
Marc said on 30/Aug/06
James: I'm not too sure, but those heels are about 3 inches, Heidi would be only about 1 inch taller ( my girlfriend is 5'8", but in 3 inch heels she's just over 5'9.) In this clip of her with Conan (6'4"), she looks to be about 6' in the heels she is wearing.
Click Here
IMGmodL said on 16/Aug/06
On project runway, Heidi wears 3 inch heels next to a bunch of barefoot models in which about half of them are taller than her barefoot! The tallest model on Project Runway season 3 is 5'11 and is taller than Heidi barefoot, that seriously makes Heidi Klum 5'7 or 5'8 at the most! To me, that is sort of hard to believe considering on the runway i never see girls shorter than 5'8
james said on 7/Aug/06
here is proof that Heidi is no taller than 5 feet 7 (Gisele is 5 feet 10 and barefoot in this picture)....
Click Here
mouldy said on 3/Aug/06
Yeah, but in the pic with Gwen Stefani you're forgetting one thing: although I can't gfuarantee you it's that way here, you gotta bear in mind that Gwen usually wears outrageously big heels on red carpet events, like 5-6 inches.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Not true listen.Kate Moss is 5-4.
listen said on 31/Jul/06
you cant be a runway model unless you are 5'9" so she must be at least that!
codeface said on 27/Jul/06
can't believe this is not more popular. she's hot as all hell. its fun just to come here and look at pics and not argue about height. :O
lani said on 5/Jul/06
I have to say between 5'7 to 5'8 compared to tyra banks she was between 2 to 3 inches smaller tyra is 5'10
ds said on 8/Jun/06
I've heard a statement that Oluchi is 189 by a girl in a forum. Could this be possible?
stan said on 30/Apr/06
Look at this picture. Heidi is in high heels (so is Oluchi) and she comes up to Oluchi's chin. If Heidi is 5 feet 9 than Oluchi is 6 foot 6. Heidi is no taller than 5 feet 7 MAX
Click Here
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
Here is something interesting: Gwen is 5'6" and Heidi is ???
Click Here
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/06
I stood behind her while she was interviewed at the Vanity Fair party on Sunday. She is about 5'7" to 5'8" max. She really wasn't very tall but probably the most perfect looking person I've ever seen in person, wearing an ice blue shimmering gown and amazing earrings. Up close, her skin is flawless albeit a bit over-bronzed, but I guess you have to do that to look good on camera. Anyway, about 5'7".
anonymous said on 28/Feb/06
She is indeed very short on Project Runway. With 4 inch heels she's the same height as the 5'9-5'11 models, so she's about 5'6 or 5'7.
Liz said on 12/Feb/06
lol @ her adding 1/2 inch. I dont know if she's that tall?
ds said on 30/Jan/06
OMG I met her and she's lying.I'm 172 cm and she was my height maybe a bit taller 173-174 max. Adrian is 176 or 177 too...
Alex said on 30/Jan/06
Everysite I go to with Klum's height, its 5'9 or 5'9.5. She probably is just 5'9 and says 5'9.5 like she says adding 1/2 inch to her height. Or she could maybe be 5'8.5 at the very least but 5'9 seems more accurate.
zephyr said on 24/Dec/05
I'd say 5'9" is the right height for her. If she were smaller then the other models the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (Karolina Kurkova 5'11", Tyra Banks 5'10", Gisele Bundchen 5'10", and Adriana Lima 5'10") would look a lot taller but they don't as you can see in this pic:
Also here she is next to her husband Seal during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show who is 6'3.5", according to this website. She's in heels which should put her at 6'0" and he's in shoes which would put him at like 6'4.5". So the height difference should be 4.5 inches but he doesn't look that much taller:
Britpop said on 15/Dec/05
I love watching on Project Runway how much shorter she is than the runway girls. She is always in heels and they are always barefoot. She must be 4" shorter than the average runway model. I would not confidently believe she is over 5'8.5.
CHLOEE said on 17/Nov/05
In a recent magazeen Heidi was photographd with her 6'3 bf Seal. She was wearing 4' heels and he only had on normal mens shoes. Probz a 1 or 1.5 ' heel and she look dwarfed by him! I do believe she is more 5'8.5! You neevr see her looking any taller ! I think she is only just 6' in her heels. Jussst.
ds said on 12/Nov/05
SHe's not even 5'9" 5.8-5.8.5
Anonymous said on 1/Oct/05
From a nancy o'dell message board: "I am 5 feet 8 in shoes and Heidi Klum, who is listed at 5 feet 9 1/2 and was wearing heels, was only an inch or two taller than me. Same for Naomi Campbell. However, Elle Macpherson was wearing boots and I didn't even come up to her shoulder. She is maybe the tallest women I have ever seen"
Tiff said on 7/Jun/05
5'9 ? She looks relatively short to her husband Seal, unless he's just plain super tall.