American actor, best remembered for roles in Alien, Repo Man, Paris Texas, The Green Mile, Cool Hand Luke, Christine, Inland Empire, Cisco Pike, Straight Time, Escape from New York and Pretty in Pink. On TV he appeared in Big Love. In an edition of the New York Times, from 1996, Harry stated his height and weight:
"I'm 5-8, 150lbs".
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/22
“Walking the Mile, walking the Mile, walking the GREEN Mile….!” says Harry in his amusing trial run before a guy is executed the following day, one I recognized from the film Dances Witb Wolves.
What Harry says when he sits down in ‘Old Sparky’ is extremely comical, but a little too rude to relate on a family website!
Possibly topped 5ft8 in his prime. He wasn’t as tall as ‘the pretty girl’, Alexandra Paul, in Stephen King’s Christine.
I’m going with 5ft8.25. 🕯
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jul/19
Harry would have turned 93 years old today. He was the son of a tobacco farmer, and something tells me he smoked himself....😯🚬
Have a Heavenly Birthday Harry! Miss you! 😇👼
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/May/19
Wow! Thanks Rob - greatly appreciated! I love this guy, and his choice of films. It's such a shame that he's no longer with us. 😿
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/May/19
Hey, Rob! Could you please add 'Christine' and 'Inland Empire' to Harry's credits?
He's smashing in both of them!

Editor Rob
Last film I watched with Harry was repo man, which he still at 60 looked over 5ft 7. Very dependable actor, made acting look easy.
Littlelee168cm said on 21/Nov/18
How tall would his Christine co star Keith Gordon be Rob? There doesn't look much between them in that film but Alexandra paul looked quite a lot taller than him and not sure she wore heels in the film

Editor Rob
In 5ft 7-8 zone might be possible for Keith.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 30/Dec/17
Gone to the great big eternal tobacconist in the sky. RIP Harry, you were so good in so many roles. Yes, you were 5'8" as a young-un, under 5'7 when you inhaled that last drag at 91.
Rent said on 3/Oct/17
Now, he's definitely with the spirits, ghosts and eternity of Paris, Texas... :-) RIP Harry
Nik said on 28/Sep/17
R.I.P Harry Dean Stanton.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Sep/17
@ Jtm - Nice one! He'll have been proud of that. 🏆
Jtm said on 28/Sep/17
Rip to one of the best character actor ever.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/17
Just as I acquire another of his films, I find out that Harry has died - on September 15th at age 91.
Another of our precious actors departs this mortal coil.
See you in the next world, Big Man.
RIP Harry xxx
Jim said on 25/Sep/17
Might want to add Stanton to the "Classic Hollywood Actors" category
MJKoP said on 15/Sep/17
RIP, big fella....back to 5'8" you for eternity.
Sam said on 17/Jun/15
Rob, could you add Cool Hand Luke, Cisco Pike, Straight Time, Escape from New York, Pretty in Pink and TV in Big Love to his credits? Hard to pick since he has a talent to pop up in tiny roles to lend some character to some great big films.
jtm said on 3/Mar/15
probably 5'6 now.
Tr27 said on 1/Mar/15
I'm sure he was honest with 5'8", but that's likely his morning measurement. In other words, he's 5'7".
Tony Greene said on 1/May/13
Harry looks more 140 lbs. Too skinny. Being that he's 5'7" and very slim and very small framed. On a funny note, he kinda looked like Al Pacino in the face in his younger days.
Matt said on 17/Aug/12
Dustin Hoffman and him in Straight Time were a few inches off. I think Mr. Hoffman claims 5'6" even though he looks 5'5' ish but Mr. Stanton looked an 1-2 inches taller...Dunno if I buy this 5'8" thing...maybe 5'7 ish.
dol m said on 8/Apr/11
I always thought he was near 6 ft., or more, probably because he is so very thin, therefore looks taller - an optical illusion.
The Horse of FUNK said on 4/Oct/08
Surprised Frank2 hasn't added anything on this guy. I'm interested in what he thinks, assuming he met him. Personally, I always thought Stanton would've been shorter, like in the 5'6" range.

Editor Rob
I'm sure frank2 mentioned he saw him looking short, maybe on another thread.
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/07
He looked tall in Paris, Texas.
It's amazing how much taller a thin frame can make you look.