Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/23
All that stooping over the piano could have taken its toll! I thought he was supposed to be 6 ft 2!
5'7 and a fraction said on 12/Feb/23
There's not a chance he's already loosing height. man is only 55 for goodness sake.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Sep/18
Harry was never 6'1. 6'0 1/2 peak and 6'0 now look a big 2" shorter than a strong 6'2 Justin Hartley.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Jun/18
He could have lost half inch was 6'0 now with 6'2 1/4 Justin Hartley
Click Here: blur picture but could still manage to spot a bit over 2" shorter than Hartley who lean over.
CDS said on 20/Apr/18
On jimmy Kimmel, harry was a guest alongside 6'1"(I actually estimate 6'0.5") Kevin Costner, and Kevin looked about a half to 3/4" taller. I would say the gentleman's estimate below is right, anywhere from 5'11.75" to 6'0.5" but definitely not a full 6'1". Also on an episode of "cheers" he looked anywhere from 2.5 to 3" taller than 5'9.5" woody harrelson, which would also put him at that height.

Editor Rob
KH said on 6/Sep/17
6'1 seems about right to me. Not under 6'0 for sure.
berta said on 8/Aug/17
i think he can be a 184-185 guy this is the absolute top of my estimate. 1/4 under this could be better
S.J.H said on 18/Jul/17
LOL 6'3 is way inflating. He is lucky if hold 6'1 on a good day. I did say he is always 6'0.25-0.5" range. Some say he is 5'11 that is too low.
Realist said on 12/Jul/17
He looks so tall on TV like 6'3 is he wears lifts maybe??
S.J.H said on 23/Jun/17
Anyone who say met him he is 6'1 to 6'2 is complete BS. He is def between 5'11.75 to 6'0.5 max and will smith is more like a 6'1.25 guy during Independence day and look about an inch taller
Lewis said on 27/Jan/17
I will go with 5"11" at best.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/May/15
Similar to Gerard Butler in P.S. I Love You...
Tim said on 20/Mar/15
Contrary to previous comments, I believe he is 6'1". Definitely not a short guy
james said on 25/Jun/14
Hahahaha gimme a break 6'1 .in independence day he was clearly shorter than 6'1 will smith .
MD said on 31/Mar/14
6'1" does seem too high for him. BTW, how old is this page, Rob? I don't remember seeing it, but maybe it was here for a long time and recently pruned.

Editor Rob
it's been here for a good while, but any comments up to a certain date at one time were pruned because of database issues, although now it's on a different webhost so it's not as much of a problem.
sean73 said on 24/Oct/11
Real good singer and musician.But an even better guy who really cares about NOLA.6-1 flat for this fella.
thebad7 said on 2/Aug/11
Rob, I think you've got it pegged at 6'1". I remember in EXCESS BAGGAGE that he looked about an inch shorter than 6'2" Benicio Del Toro. 6'1" is right.
SAK said on 26/Mar/11
He looks around 187cm/6ft1.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Dec/10
186-187cm might be nearer
Hugh 190cm said on 12/Apr/09
Baldwin is a typical lift wearer. No wonder Glenn has been seeing Alec at 6ft1.
Mark D. said on 13/Feb/09
I'd say 6'1" based on a few things. Glenn met him and thinks so. It looks like
that in the picture (his eyes are about 5 inches above Glenns if you draw the
line). Finally, he was about an inch or so shorter than the 6'2" Will Smith,
in Independence Day. He's also taller than his wife...who was a supermodel.
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
i told you guys alec baldwins been looking 6-1 to me lately in the street.nobody seems to believe me.i think alec is 6ft flat.i use to think under.
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
i couldve sworn this guy was closer to my height in 1990.its interesting people speculate his height.seems 6-1 above.
Lmeister said on 23/Jan/09
I think he looks 6ft1 eventhough seems shorter in the pics that MD sent. He seems also rather built.
MD said on 21/Jan/09
Either Alec Baldwin (5'11ish") is in some lifts, here, or Harry's not a full 6'1":
Click HereClick HereWith 6'0"ish Taylor Howard:
Click HereClick Here(to show the shoes-the lean of the photo is horrible)
Click HereFurthermore, here he is with Gerard Butler who's given 6'1.25", here:
Click HereHe's not even 6'1".
rifka said on 20/Jan/09
met him in FL after a concert - sadly he is NOT 6' anything (as i thougth he might be)
He might be 5' 10"
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/08
I recently saw him in atlantic city I was 5 rows away from him and he did not appear to be that tall he looks much smaller and thinner in person than he did on will and grace
guy said on 10/Jan/08
Part of the problem with this pic is the darkness. Its hard to see where the top of Glenns head is. To factor that in Connick looks no more than 6'1" neither much less. The photo contrast creates bad comparison.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
.you know what i mean.these anonymous ones.there should be a rule here to leave names.even if its made up.anonymous postings are spineless.
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
"get a life.connick was never ever 6ft"
Well woudnt he have had to have been 6 ft if he is 6'1" now? So yes he no doubt was 6ft at one point.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
i know him as the muderer in copycat.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
get a life.connick was never ever 6ft.
D. Ray Morton said on 8/Jan/08
He and the woman look like cardboard cutouts. "Step right up! Getta pitcha wit Harry an da broad! Fi' dollas!" I always thought he was like 5'9", 5'10", but he is very clearly 6'1", maybe more. Big fan. Have been ever since When Harry Met Sally.
glenn said on 8/Jan/08
18 years asking this guy to pose.very difficult.his wife in the pic is a victoria secret model.
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/08
Looks exactly 6'1
msn87 said on 8/Jan/08
looked near 6'3 on the frontpage, then i clicked and saw 6'1! I'd say 1'86 is spot on. A weak 6'2 is possible too.
glenn said on 15/Nov/07
6-2 is very possible.he can look 6-3! or is it an illusion?
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/07
i never thought he was over 6' but then just saw his new New Orleans commercial and he looked tall. My guess...6'. 1/4"
glenn said on 4/Jun/07
first time i saw him in 1990,he seemed short.1992 onwards he has been a 6-1 or more giant.i guess it isnt just me with my eyes being decieved.saw him 4 months ago.still a dick.
Holly said on 4/Jun/07
Just came from a show where I had backstage access. Oddly enough my first reaction was "he's short!"... but I think it's his body build. He's got a bigger upper body, and it sort of suggests a different size. I just looked at the picture I have with him, and I'm 5'7" and then 4" heels. He's definitely still a few inches taller in the photo. I was so surprised, I had to look it up - which brought me here :)
Heather B. fron Cincy said on 3/Jun/07
6'2" hubby is 6'3" and has stood right next to him. There is very little difference in their height. This would be four times within the past five years after concerts. :) ~Heather B. from Cincy~ (fan since 1989)
Drew said on 2/May/07
Looks two inches taller than 5'11" Sean Hayes in Will and Grace.
jj said on 28/Feb/07
met him 5yrs ago and again 2weeks ago. Both times, He appears 6'2".
Glenn said on 31/Jul/06
Theres is no explation.he appeared no taller that 5-10.more my height.obviously my biggest hallucination.street levels,slouch? was I standing on a step? does he have a double or lookalike brother?we will never know.unless I ask him.he is going to look at me like Im nuts.or maybe 10% chance he will say that was my shorter brother.I was 18 then.Im 34 now.LONG time ago.
Anonymous said on 30/Jul/06
Glenn, ok with Woods it was posture/shoes, but how do you explain Connick's growth?
Glenn said on 29/Jul/06
At least 6-1.big guy.another hallucinating experience as with a few of these height chameleons,I first met Harry in 1990,and he was my height(5-8)!.then saw him 2 years later looking 6-2 or more! that and James Woods also,possibly the same day appeared my height.then 4 years Woods later appeared 6ft! that one can be explained better.he is possibly 5-10,slouching giving me a 5-8 appereance,and was wearing lifts the 2nd time to look 6ft.
Anonymous said on 28/Jul/06
He is the same height as Will Smith in "Independence Day".
MD said on 12/Jun/06
6'1" seems right, maybe even 6'1.5". Here he is with 6'1" Terrence Howard (though for some reason many think he's much shorter, go figure):
Click Here2.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
He sure looks an inch taller than Benicio Del Toro
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/06
if you see will & grace he has a solid two inch over erick mcormack, (listed as 5´10 here) so 6´1 seems sure, 6´2 maybe not so sure
sean hart said on 23/Dec/05
Just shot a commercial with him. I buy 6'2.
Mr. R said on 2/Jun/05
He has certainly been claiming 6-2 for years! If he is lying, he has certainly been a consistent liar!