Keith 5'10 said on 9/Sep/20
Hey Rob, in this photos from Mary Mouser, Hannah looks taller than this listing or maybe Mary is shorter.
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Editor Rob
They can seem a couple of inches apart
Nik Ashton said on 15/Jul/20
@ Sandy Cowell - You are very welcome! I too like it that Hannah is honest about both her height and her weight, this is how everyone should be. If everyone was honest about both these things then nobody would have any misconceptions about what different heights and weights look like and if all people were honest about these things then everyone in society would know the reality of how many men and women are of each of the different levels of height and weight. Also if every person was truthful about their height and their weight then no one would see all the bias there is about with people of both genders claiming to be “favoured” levels of height and weight. People need to see the picture as it is and no one should be ashamed of how tall they are and how much they weigh, no one should be ashamed of themselves in any way and the more people that preach this the better because this will help everyone so much to rightly not be ashamed of themselves. Social pressures on people to favour being certain heights and weights should be challenged and removed. All the lying about height and weight distorts the picture and encourages others to aspire to be of an unhealthy weight for their height. That’s because too many people have the wrong agendas think it is acceptable to claim to be of an unhealthy weight or a weight that is bordering on being unhealthy and others then think this is the norm and an example to follow, the lying needs to stop.
People need educating about the thing that matters infinitely more than anything else, which is being a healthy weight for your height. The only favoured level of weight should be the healthy weight range for everyones individual level of height.
Everyone should be encouraged to be fully accepting and to treat people and think about people in the way they should think about them, whatever their height and weight. There should be no discrimination in any way. Anyone who has an unhealthy weight for their height should be given empathy, love, understanding, the best support, and encouragement, by as many people as possible (professionals, loved ones, friends, and everyone else).
They should be given full support and this support should be of the best possible standard, people should never let them down and people should never give up on them or discourage them. Everyone should always give them love and encouragement, and lots of understanding, at all times.
Also I like Hannah’s face in the thumbnail picture, Rob doesn’t half know how to select good pics for his site, she (autocorrect tried to change it to AHS!) is very beautiful like you said!
Nik Ashton said on 11/Jul/20
@ Sandy Cowell - 2 true hot air doesn’t half rise (r***!), our ozone layer must be full of all the farts from all of the animals who are on the ground, chairs, beds, or inside buses and other vehicles, etc! It must also be full of all the farts from all the flying animals (like 🦅s), and from aquatic animals like 🐋s!
I would have expected cow pat to reek something chronic too, you would always expect the 💩 from bigger animals to reek the most but there is often a funny logic to things in life! Hey, maybe the 🐄s make up for that with all the farting they do, they must be farting machines and I wouldn’t want to get my nose too close to one of their farts just in case they are in a different league to their pat in terms of smelliness! It’s best not to take any chances!
It’s not just little domestic house cats who have really smelly 💩, animals like the 🐩 have 💩 which is not to be sniffed at 2! Dogs are meat eaters just like cats and I know a tiny domestic house dog who enjoys kebabs, just like h** owner! Hey, you would want to keep well away from this dawg in the aftermath of h** 🐺ing (autocorrect tried to change ing to infinite!) a kebab down! You would not want your nose 2 near this dog’s *u* or this dog’s *oo *oo! Cats and dogs do eat some grass, but not an awful lot!
Finally I must say that we are all responsible for polluting the earths atmosphere, us earthlings!
Animus said on 10/Jul/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell
While I realize it might be a bit of an inconsequential, semantic quibble, I'm about to engage in, I think it still serves an instructive purpose. The quibble I have is with the notion that "muscle weighs more than fat". Strictly speaking, this is of course nonsensical. Somewhat coarsely, this notion is frequently rebutted through an illustrative question: What weighs more - one pound of feathers or one pound of steel? As children our intuition tells us unconsciously that because steel tends to be heavier than feathers, steel must be the right answer. We have correctly gauged the difference in density, which is a valuable observation to make. Of course we fail to recognize the distinction between mass and density, apart from our failure of attention to detail in our parsing of the question as the answer is stipulated rather explicitly herein.
So, just like one pound of steel is no heavier than one pound of feathers, one pound of muscle is no heavier than one pound of fat. You do make the apt observation, though, that for a given mass of muscle, it will fill a smaller volume than an equal amount of fat will. This we know to be due to the difference in density.
Anyways, I realize you know all of the above, but I thought I'd had a bit of fun with explicating this rather obvious point, which also gave me an opportunity to practice my English a bit. Cheers.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jul/20
Hannah is honest about her weight as well. Now I really like that! If she's honest about her weight, I see no reason why the same wouldn't apply to her height.
She has excellent muscle definition, and muscle weighs far more than fat, but takes up less space. A person, male or female, with more muscle tissue, can afford to eat more. Unlike fat, which doesn't need any calories to maintain itself, muscle does. Indeed Hannah is one healthy and beautiful young lady.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jul/20
Thanks Nik! 😁👍
Nik Ashton said on 5/Jul/20
@ Sandy Cowell - Too true, well said.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jul/20
Hannah could easily pass for taller because she keeps herself in such fantastic shape. 👌😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/20
This girl looks so perfect, it's amazing! I'm glad she's only 5ft3, because perfection can come in both tall and not-so-tall. Hannah is the proof!
She's in excellent shape as well and has gorgeous, thick, lush hair. 😁👍