5'7 and a fraction said on 17/Jan/23
@Rob Has she grown anymore? She's basically older than me but still 4'10 1/2? Is 5'0 possible today?

Editor Rob
Not looked at her for a while, but having a glance I can't see her as tall as 5ft, 4ft 11 is arguable.
Ethan Wolf said on 13/Sep/22
That said this is just a "maybe", I mean if 6'4" Swedish women exist then I don't know why 4'11" ones wouldn't
Ethan Wolf said on 12/Sep/22
I forgot to say, her grandparents or grand grand parents were probably very short aswell
Ethan Wolf said on 12/Sep/22
It's probably just genes, Sweden invaded Russia at one point, and before that, Russia inter breeded with the Mongol Empire after they got invaded (so did Sweden with the invaded Russian territories), so she could be one of those Swedes who carry minus traces of Asian blood that manifest themselves by stature
Comentarista said on 2/Aug/22
georgegershwin said on 19/Jul/22
@Jackie Lee I don't think they mean that it's abnormal to be short. It's abnormal to be THAT much shorter than both of your parents. Her mom is probably around 5'9 and her dad slightly taller. She should have ended up at not much under 5'6 or 5'7, and instead she's 4'10.5.
Jackie Lee said on 28/May/22
You tell em Leesheff85, some people think being short is abnormal but being tall is normal it's insane really.
Leesheff85 said on 20/May/22
no not every woman has to be average height many will be below it. that's just how tall she was meant to be
Duhon said on 9/May/22
The average Swedish woman is 5'5.5" any known health reason's Greta stopped growing at under 4'11"?
Alanna said on 9/May/22
Around 4’11”
Alanna said on 7/May/22
Rob do you think she might have grown since than? I’m not really sure about 5’0” but 4’11” is my guess for her.

Editor Rob
A chance she did add a little bit towards the end of 1/2 inch or so.
UltimateBoss said on 11/Apr/22
She's like a shetland pony, human form.
RickHavoc said on 28/Nov/21
A quick Google search tells me average adult swedish female is around 166cm. Greta's height and appearance seemingly haven't changed since age 14?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/21
I've just come across an interesting fact about Greta's family. We'd already established that she has a younger sister; her name is Beata and she turned 16 on the 2nd November. Beata is a Swedish singer, 5ft tall and 110 pounds.
So Greta has been outgrown by her kid sister!
I'm going to give Greta a little less than I did the last time: 4ft11. She has a very young face for a girl of 18. Greta turns 19 on the 3rd January.
Jackie Lee said on 29/Oct/21
In some parts of southeast Asia even a 4'6 woman isn't that uncommon. If Greta were to be in the Philippines she'd be average
Nik Ashton said on 16/Jan/21
@ rafael pereira oliveira rios - 2.5% is a lot!
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 16/Jan/21
1.5 metres exactly
Mario Antonio Crespo said on 14/Jan/21
I think she is more likely around 4’11 or 149.86 cm I’m myself shorter than average I’m 5’3 or 160.02 cm but she is perfect way she is
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/20
Nik said on 8/Apr/20
Her height is not out of the ordinary.
But for a 17 year old Swedish girl it is. The average is probably 5'5"-5'6".
Isabella said on 9/Nov/20
Flat 5’0
Linke said on 6/Oct/20
Her recurring health problems and lack of nutrition may have contributed towards her short height. My grandma was born in 1920 and didn't have the best nutrition growing up due to famine. She ended up being 4'8 tall and prior to her death in 2016, she had lost considerable height. She had 7 kids and my Dad was the tallest at 5'5.75 (my grandpa was 5'4). All female members from my paternal side have been surprisingly short. I have a niece who is 26 now and is 4'7".
6'3 Julian said on 3/Oct/20
She still growing?
rafael pereira oliveira rios said on 21/Jul/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell people that are very small look young,that is normal,taking in consideration she is is 17 pretty unlikely she has grown.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jun/20
@ Rafael - Greta simply doesn't have the face of a young lady who is fully grown, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's approaching 5ft now. Cheers, Sandy 😉👍
I'm putting 4ft11.5 for this dynamic and thoughtful girl.
rafael pereira oliveira rios said on 9/May/20
did she grow? an article on time claim she is 5 feet.
Peter175 said on 27/Apr/20
I think she's around 5ft or 4'11.25.
Shes smaller than I thought but its not anything completely out of the ordinary. shed be classified as very short though
rafael pereira oliveira rios said on 11/Apr/20
@Nik according to this site only 2.5% of women in england are that short:
Click Here
Nik said on 10/Apr/20
There are plenty of women in the UK no taller than Greta.
Nik said on 8/Apr/20
Her height is not out of the ordinary.
rafael pereira oliveira rios said on 7/Apr/20
@Peter175 her height is indeed out of ordinary.not even here in brazil where people are quite small i see women that short.
rafael pereira oliveira rios said on 7/Apr/20
@Peter175 her height is indeed out of ordinary.not even here in brazil where people are quite small i see women that short.
Peter175 said on 3/Apr/20
@The Horse of FUNK
Just saw this reply.
I agree about what you're saying about China and India being the worst offenders, but no, climate change by human actions isn't debatable, nor its extents, really. Its actually fairly clear and known, for a long long time actually. anyone who says its debatable to any great degree is muddying the water. Infact BM and other gas companies knew back in the 1980s the impact they were doing and they covered it up. The only reason people say it is, is because the America rightwing are some of the greatest propogandists of all time and have muddied the water on science half a century ago to appeal to evangelicals. Now that entire GOP base has a sour taste in their mouth on science. The impact is very large and there are examples all throughout the world and they'll only get more common. Not to mention the cooperate interest is heavily threatened
Don't you think there is far more at stake for the Fossil fuel industry who literally could pay billions to silence scientists and activists (Like they do for Lobbyists to protect their bottom line) I'm not sure why she should say anything of note to India or China, giving like you said, they are poor developing countries(same for Brazil for example) that's precisely the reason why climate change by definition is a first world problem or one at the very least should be. Akin to veganism/animal rights. There's no other person living in the west who should have gotten the prize and if you want to say otherwise I'd be welcome to agree. It would be stupid of her to attack India. Someone else's wealth (which they already have tons of) shouldn't come at the expense of the future of the planet.
Just because she's young doesn't mean what she's saying isn't valid. There's really no reason to bring up someone's age. Seems like a poor excuse to avoid substantive criticism of policy/ideas
@Robert007 great argument!
To get back to the topic of height she is quite small with Leonardo Dicaprio but I don't think her short height is anything completely out of the ordinary. Also like others have said,not all swedes are tall and infact only 2-3cm on young ethnic brits
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Apr/20
Youthful babyface makes her look like a 12 years old standing at 4'10 1/2. Her height is quite rare in sweden, most girls over there were like an average 5'5 when i visited.
rafael pereira oliveira rios said on 28/Mar/20
did she had any health problem that is absurd small for a sweden.
JamesCorden101 said on 13/Mar/20
I believe that 150 cm is reasonable.
mrfunnyguy said on 7/Mar/20
@Gladstone Screwer She actually turned 17 in January!
Nik Ashton said on 1/Mar/20
@ Sandy Cowell - I agree, she is such an inspiration and I give her my goodwill!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Feb/20
PS I wonder how many new fans she made? I think it's great that she's going about her travels, meeting people from all over the World. Greta is SUCH an inspiration!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Feb/20
I've heard that young Greta was going about her busy engagements yesterday in Bristol, England. It must have been a delight for those who saw, or even met the little bundle of enthusiasm! 😁
I will agree with Uma and give her 4ft11 this time round.
Gladstone Screwer said on 29/Feb/20
Looking at her, about 4'10". I don't know how old she is, but judging from looks,
I'm going with 10 or 11.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 29/Feb/20
No uma shes the listed height
uma to said on 26/Feb/20
She's Petite, a strong 4"11
Blake said on 15/Feb/20
Yh I think she didn’t eat at one point and lost a lot of weight it could have affected her growth. I wonder if she could still grow.

Editor Rob
Sometimes there is potential for catch-up growth, when a teenagers body has been deficient and then reaches a stage in which it has much better diet.
Blake said on 13/Feb/20
Rob, how tall is her father?

Editor Rob
I am not sure, but both parents aren't too far apart and many inches taller than greta.
berta said on 10/Feb/20
rob how tall is her mother ? ( she is famous swedish opera singer) i remember she claimed 176 couple years ago. and looks it. its strange that greta is this short with a mother that tall.

Editor Rob
Maybe in her youth 5ft 9 and under that now.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Feb/20
Greta is very short but there is no way that she is exceptionally short.
Joaban said on 3/Feb/20
Some other websites show its 5ft 4 .
I'm really confused.
Ian C. said on 21/Jan/20
Yes, Rob, Google claims to be balanced and uncensored, but is often heavily politicized. If you type in a simple declarative sentence that someone at Google might find offensive, the search options you get will all be the obverse of what you typed. I'd give you examples of this sort of thing, except that that would be a discussion well beyond the protocols of this site.
The top search you get on Google for Greta Thunberg's height claims that she is five foot four. That is the only site outside of Celebrity Heights that expressly addresses Greta's height. Ask Google how tall Danny DeVito is and you'll get hundreds of entries telling you that he's four foot ten. And none claiming that he's five foot four.

Editor Rob
They don't have an Infobox yet...personally I benefit when they don't, but at one point I'm sure they'll make one...
I am aware and agree that certain search suggestions are suppressed. I'm sure if you searched for many things in the past to do with some topics or famous people, you wouldn't be offered the true most searched terms in the suggestion bar.
With Thunberg, her height appears to me as one of the ten main suggestions.
Now Search Results themselves are not uniform.
Your own region, search history, what sites you visit etc play a role in what Google delivers you.
Here is a quick video showing an
Incognito/Inprivate search on her Height.
Ian C. said on 18/Jan/20
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Rob, you are one trusting guy. Greta Thunberg is only half an inch taller than the upper limit for dwarfism. It is just impossible that people wouldn't notice her height, so the reason it is not being discussed on the 'net is probably that that discussion is a violation of an iron protocol.
No one on this Earth is more politically divisive than Greta Thunberg. To Greta's admirers, anyone who criticizes her at all is not just ill-informed but malevolent. She's being shielded.
Here's a question that bubbles up in my (malevolent) brain, but can't be either asked or answered on the 'net: Has Greta Thunberg gone through puberty?

Editor Rob
I'm well aware of the type of stuff big Services like Google get up to.
It will be interesting if they put an info box and what height goes in it...
Ian C. said on 17/Jan/20
Ahah! I knew it. I knew she was less than five feet tall. Ask Mr. Google how tall Greta is, and he has no opinion on the matter whatsoever. Seriously. Ask Google, how tall is (just about any public figure) and he will immediately tall you. But not Greta Thunberg.
I suspect that Google is deliberately censoring the information about Greta's height. Google is highly supportive of the climate change catastrophe narrative, and also highly sympathetic to Greta herself, and I suspect that they are protecting her from any aspersions that she is a dwarf.

Editor Rob
maybe it's just no other site (that google likes to copy from) had a height listed for her yet...
Felipe Esteban said on 14/Jan/20
Less than 1.50 cms
How dare you?!
mrfunnyguy said on 14/Jan/20
@Rick1 I didn't say that she was food deprived as a kid, but what I meant was that being a tall person doesn't necessary (or actually at all) indicate that that person wasn't food deprived as a kid. A man who is 6'4 for example could have grown to 6'6 maybe if he had eaten properly as a child.
Rick1 said on 12/Jan/20
It is a little strange how some people assume someone who is short statured must of been deprived as a child - I’ve heard similar things being mentioned on other shorter than average folk on here. Interesting nevertheless , as 5ft Ronnie Corbett once said “I just happen to be a tinier person”
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jan/20
⭐ It would be of great interest to find out the height of Greta's parents - and her 14-year-old sister. That would help in enabling us to decipher whether her eating issues have had a diverse effect on her growth.
mrfunnyguy said on 11/Jan/20
@Rick1 This is something many people say, that if a person is tall, then he or she wasn't deprived from food when he or she was a child. But you know that a person who is only slightly tall, maybe has the genes to be super-tall but only grew to be kind off tall?
Nik Ashton said on 11/Jan/20
@ Iman Ahmad - I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G!
You say what you want!
@ Sandy Cowell - I like your soppy sausage!
This young lady is a great example of how diverse human height is!
Rick1 said on 10/Jan/20
I was thinking 4’11 - she may still grow however, I don’t think 4’11/ 5ft is all THAT rare. I see women that height regularly , sometimes it’s hard to tell as many wear heels. I don’t think anorexia played a massive role as there has been many celebrities (such as Chris Ecclestone) who have had it from a young age and is about 6ft.
Deep Purple said on 10/Jan/20
BiG Rob she is the younger time person of the history, you should change the description
Mickie said on 10/Jan/20
Listing her under 5 feet???
How dare you!
mrfunnyguy said on 10/Jan/20
Actually, the younger generation of swedish girls (that have stopped growing) seem to be shorter than women born in the 70s and 80s imo.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jan/20
@ MJKoP - You speak up for her! My brother is very keen in this subject and he really rates this girl!
Good to see you back! 🤗👌
Robert007 said on 10/Jan/20
@Peter175 shut up
Jim860 said on 10/Jan/20
I don't think that she is as popular with real people as the media would have everybody believe. Still I like to think of her tears as I'm enjoying my bacon butty!
The Horse of FUNK said on 10/Jan/20
"Peter175 said on 8/Jan/20
I like her. She gets far too much hate from right wing Americans who have a hard time accepting climate change. She does look quite childish which I think helps her popularity. Maybe
Equal, don't want to make this political but who else should have gotten the award? I don't think she's said anything incorrect."
No no no no. lol. Americans don't hate her because they cannot accept climate change. The whole notion of climate change is very debatable. Yes, we humans clearly can have an impact. But to what extent? That's where things get muddy.
The real reason Americans, and not just "right wing" Americans, dislike her is because she's barely old enough to understand how the world works, let alone buy a pack of cigarettes or a beer. Yet, she's thrusted onto the world stage as some virtuous hero who has had her childhood denied by evil, western capitalists. Meanwhile children in third world countries are literally toiling away in cobalt mines and sweat shops, and she laments about her childhood being stolen. Who is she to tell developing nations that they are not entitled to the same living standards she enjoys?
A terribly myopic view of the world and she has no valiant criticism towards the world's leading producers of pollution and waste, such as China and India. It's painfully obvious her youth and naivety are being taken advantage by activists. After all, who dare tell a pouting and emotional child they are wrong?
Anyway. Wow, I did not expect her to be this short, especially for a Swede. But, then again, people act like everyone in the Nordic countries are crazy tall, like every single dude is 6'0" and every woman is a 5'10" supermodel.
MJKoP said on 9/Jan/20
Equal said on 6/Jan/20
Of all the people Time chose lol, girl has no clue what’s she is talking about.
littlesue said on 9/Jan/20
Oh no!! same height as me! Imagine having something in common with this person! lol, very short for Swedish girl, wonder what are her parents heights?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jan/20
So Taylor Swift is taller than her, Iman Ahmad? Well, that's funny because I never would have guessed that! 😂😂😂
You soppy sausage!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jan/20
@ Andrea - This (😝) really hammers home the point, doesn't it, Andrea? It's one emoji which always, always cheers me up! BTW, how tall are you, if I could be so bold?
Peter175 said on 8/Jan/20
I like her. She gets far too much hate from right wing Americans who have a hard time accepting climate change. She does look quite childish which I think helps her popularity. Maybe
Equal, don't want to make this political but who else should have gotten the award? I don't think she's said anything incorrect.
World Citizen said on 8/Jan/20
Hey big Rob, would you think she will grow further because she doesn't have the features of a full grown woman? I personally think she didn't reach her adult height yet.

Editor Rob
Well I'm sure she won't be falling out of the limelight anytime soon, so I'll check back later this year to see if she looks taller or not.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jan/20
I just showed this picture to my brother, adding "Is this the little lady you've been talking to me about?"
He said, "Yes. She has a fourteen-year- old sister, who isn't in the public eye, and her parents, one an actor and the other an opera singer, have both simmered down their careers to make way for their famous daughter."
Then my brother mentioned that before she was anorexic and this has given her something to strive for; to put her energy into. Ironically, on seeing that she is only 4ft10.5, he said that she might well have stunted her own growth by not feeding herself properly. Well, being so young-faced, I think she might yet grow to 5ft. I don't think that Greta minds unduly, being the young activist that she is. What an incredible lady! It would be terrific if she could meet up with brain extraordinaire, Sir Tony Robinson. They'd have SO MUCH in common!
Let's raise a toast to Greta! 🥂
JesusIsKing44444 said on 8/Jan/20
Rob, do you think that she is past puberty at this point? It's not as uncommon for boys as it is for girls to still be in puberty at 17. I certainly was.

Editor Rob
She doesn't seem to have grown much through the last year, however it would be interesting if she had some delayed growth at 17...
Tall Sam said on 8/Jan/20
She is unusually short for a Swedish 17 year old for sure, didn't realize she was under 5 feet though. Sandy Cowell expressed my feelings on her as well.
Andrea said on 8/Jan/20
"Andrea, as a woman you should know that the average girl stops growing 2 years after they start menstruating. They are not like boys and continue to grow up until 18."
And you Danimal, as a long-time visitor, you should know that I'm not a woman... 😝
In any case, although I'm not sure it really works that way, I'm well aware that the vast majority of girls stop growing by 16 (similarly to 18 for boys). The only reason why I made that point was because she undoubtedly looks younger than she is.
Oz said on 8/Jan/20
She is exploted, i hope that she is happy
Duhon said on 7/Jan/20
4'10 1/2" for a 16 year old Swedish girl has to be on the extremely low-end growth percentage. I wonder if she did potentially stunt her growth when she became anorexic at that one point in her life?
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Jan/20
@Peter175 That is more like some case for very taller girls who stand over 5'10 and above still growing after 16 and stop before they reach 18, most average is between 14 to 15 they stopped growing taller. I have a female cousin who was 6'0 1/2 at 16 and gain an extra inch at over 17 and my shortest female cousin a 1/2 inch above Greta listing here stop growing at 14.
Emil said on 7/Jan/20
@Iman Ahmad
Taylor Swift is taller than most women on earth, so isn't that kinda obvious lol
FiveEightJake said on 7/Jan/20
Wow didn’t realise this girl was 17, I thought she was 11 or 12 that’s why I didn’t take her as seriously as I probably should, I thought oh here’s another 12 year old acting like a know it all.
Never seen her stand up, looks young in the face. Goes to show how if you’re short and look young in the face might be why people don’t take you as serious and that it’s not just height discrimination, well either that or I’m pig ignorant 😂
Greta ftw

Editor Rob
Danimal said on 7/Jan/20
Andrea said on 6/Jan/20
I was wondering when and if you were going to add her!
Do you think she has done growing? She certainly seems younger than her age, also because of her height...
I haven't seen enough to pinpoint exactly how tall she could be, but somewhere between 4'10 and 4'11 doesn't seem an unreasonable guess with Ellen: Click Here
Andrea, as a woman you should know that the average girl stops growing 2 years after they start menstruating. They are not like boys and continue to grow up until 18.
Andrea said on 6/Jan/20
I was wondering when and if you were going to add her!
Do you think she has done growing? She certainly seems younger than her age, also because of her height...
I haven't seen enough to pinpoint exactly how tall she could be, but somewhere between 4'10 and 4'11 doesn't seem an unreasonable guess with Ellen:
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think like most, would have said she appears a few years younger than her age. At 17 now, I think it's unlikely she will grow any taller.
Kristian Storvold Davidsen said on 6/Jan/20
@Iman Ahmad. Yeah obviously.
Equal said on 6/Jan/20
Of all the people Time chose lol, girl has no clue what’s she is talking about. Aside from that, she did seem rather small for her age, always figured she’d be a bit younger from my guess of 5’0, but boy she is tiny.
Peter175 said on 6/Jan/20
She only looks very young, she is probably not going to get any taller, let alone hit 5ft. Girls stop growing in almost all cases before 17-18
Nearly 180cm guy said on 6/Jan/20
Finally! It is absurd that some websites mention her as 162 cm or 5'4"! Although she is only 17, I wouldn't rule out a chance that in the future she might reach full 4'11". Thank you Rob, I think your list is ok for her at this moment.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jan/20
I think this is the young girl my brother's been talking about lately. What an ambitious and caring individual, concerned about matters well beyond her years.
4ft10.5 and growing. 😁👍💐
Tunman said on 6/Jan/20
Seems fine I thought no more than 150cm,particularly short for a swedish.Quite impressive that she has such a personality despite her height,I mean many tend to be shy when they're height conscious