avi said on 11/Apr/23
Some on here keeps saying average loss at 80 is 2 inches this isn't necessary true
Some men only lose 0.5 by 60-65
And then another 0.5 my late 70s
My grandfather is in his late 80s and he only lost about an inch and is it really "lost" it's just ppl aren't standing or can't stand up like they used to
Not always spinal compression/degenerate loss.
Danimal said on 11/Jun/22
Reynolds said on 4/May/18
Gerardo Rivera at an interview with John & Yoko back in the 70's look about 2 inches taller than John Lennon, Gerardo looks 5'11 back than, but now he's about 5'9, we shrink as well age.
Exactly. Many people don't realize that or don't realize exactly how much we shrink. As I already typed out in my previous post, the average male will have lost 2" by 80 years old, which is almost Geraldo's age (he's turning 79). Whatever height he is today, add almost 2" to that for his PEAK height.
Danimal said on 11/Jun/22
He's almost 80 years old. He's lost almost 2" since his younger years, which is the average height loss for an 80 year old male.
TylerH said on 17/Dec/20
I am 6’0” and stood next to him in an elevator in Baghdad
where he was wearing normal shoes. He was noticeably short. At least 6 inches shorter than me.
Joe Gwiazdowski said on 28/Apr/20
Saw him on Contadora Island, Panama during the treaty negotiations in 1977 stating next to my 5'0" wife. Np way he is 5'8".
MJKoP said on 28/May/18
Editor Rob
maybe in the 90's he would have got a page, but now I don't think Cochrane would be given one.
"If he's stopped existing, he gets no listing"
Reynolds said on 4/May/18
Gerardo Rivera at an interview with John & Yoko back in the 70's look about 2 inches taller than John Lennon, Gerardo looks 5'11 back than, but now he's about 5'9, we shrink as well age.
Reynolds said on 4/May/18
Gerardo Rivera at an interview with John & Yoko back in the 70's look about 2 inches taller than John Lennon, Gerardo looks 5'11 back than, but now he's about 5'9, we shrink as well age.
CDS said on 23/Apr/18
Recently on "real time with Bill Maher" he looked about dead even with bill who I would guess is no more than 5'7" tops. Was surprised, actually thought Maher would be shorter.
Greg99 said on 1/Apr/18
Is the 5ft 8 ½ listed his height now or peak? In the interview on Youtube he did with William Shatner in 1975 he's noticeably taller than Shatner who was wearing the biggest heels I've ever seen on boots. I would go with Frank2 - Rivera was probably at least 5'10".

Editor Rob
That's surprising to see he could look taller than Shatner...maybe he wasn't so economical with the truth about height.
MJKoP said on 21/Mar/18
Rob: That quote from Cochran lends itself pretty well to a 5'8.75" listing, no(if he actually got his facts straight this time)?

Editor Rob
maybe in the 90's he would have got a page, but now I don't think Cochrane would be given one.
CDS said on 26/Jan/18
Can anyone explain why/how Geraldo looked the same height as 5'11" Bruce Willis in the film, "The Bonfire of the Vanities"?? Again, had no idea he was this short...
Mr. R said on 7/Jan/18
During his show he ALWAYS wore cowboy boots, and was VERY sensitive about his height and not looking short. I remember a show when he stated that he was just about 6 feet, when someone from the audience yelled out "in cowboy boots" and he sheepishly admitted it. There was also a show when his little brother Craig was on and referred to Geraldo as "so short". Even today, he wears these ugly shoes with a thick heel.
Sonny Black said on 20/Dec/17
What are you kidding me? Geraldo’s tiny, he wishes that he was a big guy but he’s not even average. I’ll say 5’7 but even I feel like that’s being generous, especially today.
Broomer said on 28/Jul/17
Geraldo is approximately 5' 4". He probably wears elevator shoes. He was on Outnumbered on Fox on 7/28/17 and was clearly shorter than any of the women on the show. When he sits on the couch, his leg from the knee down comfortably fits to the floor in a vertical position, whereas the women must turn their legs on a diagonal, and even then, their knees are at a higher position compared to Geraldo. There is no way he is any more than 5' 4".
dona said on 30/Apr/17
He has a huge head and small frame....
Bill said on 28/Apr/17
On Fox ad Friends he looks like a child. I give him 5-5
Sonny Black said on 30/Mar/17
Wow way taller than I thought. Figured he was around 5'6 - 5'7.
Connie said on 22/Feb/17
I met Geraldo about 23 years ago. I am 5'8" and he was much shorter then, maybe 5'5". Small man with a huge Napoleonic complex.
Mike said on 11/Feb/17
Geraldo Rivera couldn't be over 5'6".
Mike Briggs said on 11/Feb/17
Geraldo Rivera couldn't be over 5'6".
John Q. Majors said on 15/Jan/17
When he was interviewing the troops in Iraq during the gulf war, he often stood on a box, or was closest to the camera which gave him a taller perspective. Movies do that often when filming a leading actress against a taller leading actor. You can tell when standing next to one of the soldiers, his waist was about mid-torso on the soldier he was interviewing. It just looked odd.
When I've seen video of him on the streets of New York, he looks tiny, platform shoes or not.
If I'd venture a guess, and use some educated reasoning, I would say in stocking feet, he's probably around 5'2" - 5'4". I pulled a tape ruler out and measured it against myself, and 5'5"? Sorry but I don't think he's that tall.
jim ellzey said on 8/Jan/17
looks like a "little person"
Bonami said on 20/Oct/16
Height of Geraldo Rivera = 5'4"
Carl said on 10/Aug/16
Watched him on the Five fox show , sitting down on the couch along with the gals he looks tiny compared to them.
Juan said on 31/Mar/16
Passed him yesterday at the airport in Newark NJ. He was 5 ft 7inch max in some thick soles.
I'm 5 9 in sneaks.
Steve said on 30/Mar/15
In this photo he looks to be around seven inches shorter than 6'4" Bill O'Reilly so I think he's in the neighborhood of 5'9".
Click Here
WATCHER said on 29/Mar/15
saw Geraldo standing next to Danny DeVito. Geraldo was about 3 inches taller. I'd say he is 5'2" to 5'3" MAX.
CDS said on 23/Feb/15
Is he a known lift-wearer?? He stated on a "Geraldo" episode in the late '80s/early '90s that he was a little over 6 foot. In the movie "Bonfire of the Vanities", he looked just about the same height as Bruce Willis, so I thought that was pretty close. Now I see this 5'9" listing, and the comments below that he may not even be that tall-?? WTF?? LOL I did see him a few years ago on a show with all the big talk show hosts over the years, and Phil Donahue looked about a half head taller, standing right next to him. I always thought Donahue was around 6'-??
pmh724 said on 16/Feb/15
I agree...there is no way he's 5'9". He has to be 5'4" or less
Robby D said on 15/Feb/15
I just cannot believe Geraldo Rivera's height listing on here. I know he is listed as 5'9.5" everywhere else but usually Rob's listings are more realistic. Seeing him on Celebrity Apprentice he looks no more than 5'6" my wife even thought he might be 5'2"!.

Editor Rob
it's probably optimistic, today he might have lost a possible inch.
mojo said on 29/Jul/14
he is shorter than anyone he stands next to.
runandjum said on 3/Jun/13
I'm 5-9 and was next to him --hes 5-9 maybe 5-8 3/4
al ryer said on 28/Oct/11
he appears a lot smaller and you never see him standing up next to anyone.
David said on 30/May/11
Not even... Probably 5'5" tops.
Edd said on 6/Dec/08
He is 65 years old. Im sure he was 5'10 in his prime and might have shrunk to 5'9.5
Mr. R said on 7/May/06
Geraldo has always been listed at 5-10, letting a 5-11 sneak in every now and then. He is probably a little less than that now.
Glenn said on 6/May/06
Yeah,I thought he was 5-8.
Frank2 said on 5/May/06
Agreed. I've met him and I was surprised that he was only about an inch shorter than me. He always looked like a little guy on TV.
Glenn said on 5/May/06
I read 5-10,and he was.