Rubbishposter said on 23/Apr/24
Average guess is on to something. George Harrison is definitely around the 178cm mark, but I reckon 177cm is perhaps fairer if we’re being super specific. John Lennon (178cm) and Paul McCartney (179cm) both seem to have a minuscule edge on him in most photos.
Christian said on 29/Mar/23
@ Sandy Cowell - I miss you too:) Yes, meeting Patti Boyd whos stands 5.7 and seeing her phographs with George, I can tell for certain that George was around 5.10. The same goes for John. When looking at Paul I think he was just a tad taller, but he was the tallest. Ringo was around 5.7 but I wouldn't go any higher than that.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Mar/23
@ Christian - I miss you! I’d love to meet Patti Boyd, who was Eric Clapton’s inspiration for Eric Clapton’s Layla.
I would also have have liked to have met George Harrison. I’m singing away to his songs right now and I kinda feel his presence. It’s a happy one!
His songs are so meaningful…… 😢
Christian said on 11/Oct/22
@ Sandy Cowell, Yes, she was very nice and estimating Georges height was a bit easier standing next to her. Looking at photographs with her and George I can see that George was around the five teen mark.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/22
@ Christian - What an interesting experience for you to meet Pattie Boyd! It’s always nice to find out that celebrities can be as down to Earth as the rest of us, and why not? All the Beatles struck me as such as well! 😄👍🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/22
I felt like playing some George Harrison after playing Yes all morning. The song that’s playing is ‘All Things Must Pass’, and it’s sadly relevant in George’s case, though little did he know he wouldn’t live terribly long when he wrote this beautiful song.
But my God, what a legacy he left us…..! 🕯🎼🎶🎤🎸
promich said on 19/Jul/22
I did a proportions measurement of George, holding a Les Paul guitar (40in length), while not exacting, it puts Harrison closer to 5'9'' and no more. I measured from the top of the heel, and gave GH slightly more height due to the fact he was holding thus behind the guitar. Still, I would guess 5'9-5'9.5 and no more.
Christian said on 28/Jun/22
Today I met and talked to Pattie Boyd at an event where she talked about some of her photographs. She was very nice and down to earth. She looked five foot seven. That would put George at 5'10'' but I wouldn't go over that mark for him.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/22
Another good CD I pulled out with my prodding of stick a couple of days ago was the George Harrison CD Let It Roll, which I am happily listening to now.
Of all the Beatles’ solo stuff, and I have efforts by John and Paul too, I favour George, but they’re all excellent!
5ft10. 🎸😢
Starky said on 29/Mar/22
Looks a couple of inches smaller than Michael Palinn in pictures, who is 5ft 10.
mannev said on 12/Mar/22
I saw a photo of George and Paul in the studio, close to each other, during the Abbey Road recordings. Very close in height. George in very flat sandals and Paul barefoot.
promich said on 25/Feb/22
There's a photo online of Paul and George standing next to each other, in the studio I think. George has shoes on and Paul is barefoot, Paul is still an inch to half-inch taller.
mannev said on 13/Feb/22
Hong...good pic of the 2 George's. Harrison is well known for his slumping posture. It looks like a 4 inch difference compared to Martin. GH was 5 foot 10 inches.
Hong said on 4/Jan/22
Click Here George Martin is listed online as 6ft2 in this pic it looks too me that Harrison is looking in the 5ft9 range compared to Martin.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/21
George recorded a song called 'The Bluest Blues' with Ten Years After singer, Alvin Lee - a lovely hit which made the charts.
I just found that Alvin was only 5ft2. He died aged 68 of complications after a routine medical procedure. Al was born on the 19th December, 1944 and passed on on the 6th March, 2013. Fellow band member, Leo Lyons, said of him upon his death that he was more like a brother to him. 🤗
I got into the music of Ten Years After in my mid teens. They performed at the infamous Woodstock rock festival.
Alvin was a successful artist, earning most of his income from his artwork. 🎨
RIP Alvin and, of course, George.
XX 🕯️ XX 🕯️ 🎶
George gets 5ft10.
Lava said on 27/May/21
178-179 cm.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/May/21
Listening to George, I always find so very uplifting.
5ft10. 😉👍🎶📀😁🎸😢Mi
MaskDeMasque said on 6/May/21
He was a bit shorter than Paul and John who were 5'10. 5'9.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Apr/21
I saw a charming little video today of George singing and playing guitar with Paul Simon. They were both sitting on same sized stools, but you could certainly notice that George was many inches taller than Paul.
Judging by the length of George's hair, the video looked like it was made in the 70s.
5ft10. 🎶😁👍🎸
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/21
George Harrison was born 78 years ago today.
I love all the Beatles' separate stuff and, of course, the Beatles' own music, but with regards to my favourite of their solo music, I generally favour George's. All four Beatles were incredibly talented musicians, and I have many of their albums, both from the Beatles' era and when they went their separate ways. UnBEATLEable! 🐞 (Sorry! 😩)
George gets 5ft10.
RIP George 🕯️ XXX
25th February 1943 - 29th November 2001
JB said on 6/Jun/20
@Anna Smith Never seen that one before. George isn't looking very tall there, he looks maybe 1-2 inches taller than Ringo there. And they are both wearing flat shoes and are pretty close so I don't think it can be the angle of the photo. Very interesting.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/May/20
@ Anna Smith - That's a nice picture you sent along for our perusal - thanks very much for taking the trouble!
Model Pattie Boyd was married to George Harrison AND Eric Clapton, two of the best rock stars ever. She had a single line in the Beatles' film 'A Hard Day's Night', and that is how she met George Harrison, whom she was married to from 1966-1977.
By the way, I found 5ft6 for her, and was quite surprised after looking at your photo!
Nice to meet you Anna! 😁👍🌹 XX
George gets 5ft10. 🎶🎸😉🎵
Anna Smith said on 10/May/20
Here is George with Pattie. She is wearing slight heel and she is almost his height. She's definitely a tall woman.I think 5'6.5 at least. What do you think Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
She could have been
Que lo Que said on 18/Apr/20
Even though he was slouched 5'10 seems right
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/20
It was on a Thursday in 2001, the 29th November, to be precise. I had just walked into Bromley to do some Christmas shopping when I saw posters saying "Beatle George dead at 58".
I was dumbfounded. I had no idea he was ill with cancer. 58 is no age to die. It's not the middle ages anymore.
Needless to say, I didn't get much shopping done.
Today would have been his 77th Birthday.
RIP George XXX 🕯️
Anna Smith said on 16/Dec/19
Rob, how tall do you think his first wife Pattie was in her youth? She has said in magazines 5'7 and 5'7.5 in her book.

Editor Rob
I'm still not sure because I've seen a magazine file once in which she had written down a figure in 5ft 5 range, amongst other stats.
Nowhere Man said on 9/Oct/19
Okay, Ringo and John's listed heights are correct at 5'6" and 5'10" respectively, but Paul's and George's are wrong. At their prime, Paul was 5'11" and George was 6'0" even.
MisterMustard said on 26/Aug/19
I went to an exhibition on the sixties at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London a few years back. One displays featured George's Sgt. Pepper uniform and alongside it was his passport which clearly stated 5' 10.5". This seems right to me so perhaps his height should be adjusted.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jul/19
I've just been listening to George's 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps', from the Beatles' White Album. The three - John, Paul and George - don't half have similar voices, as well as heights! You have to know what to look for. I have solo albums by all three, and don't forget, Ringo had hits in his own right too, i.e. 'Photograph', and he sounds very Beatley too! 😉 He's rather shorter though, but so what? He's a bloody good drummer and so is his son!
Beatle George gets 5ft10.
Ally N said on 17/Mar/19
He may have been the tallest Beatle, when standing straight. He did slouch quite often.
DomP said on 25/Feb/19
Christian, You should also note that in the 1992 rehearsal for Bob Dylan, Roger McGuinn is stated as tall as 6'1". G Harrison only looks 1 to 1.5 inch, shorter. They are right next to each other at times. That would make G Harrison as tall as 5' 11" with whatever footwear he is wearing. Basically normal shoes it appears.
Christian said on 20/Feb/19
This video is interesting with GH and friends rehearsing back in 1992. If you look at the end of the video at 14.24, you can see Bob Dylan and George Harrison talking to each other. Dylan has boots on and George flat shoes. They both have quite poor postures but it seems to be 1-1.5 inch them apart. If Bob Dylan is 5.6.5 + a 2 inch boot, he would stand about 5.8.5. That means George would be 5.9.5 -5.10 with shoes on. Maybe it is hard to judge from the video but seeing GH with the others in the video, I don't think he looks 5.10. But again, he posture was not the best.
Click Here
Dom P said on 13/Jan/19
I agree his Cloud Nine CD quite good. His last CD, " Brainwashed " may actually be better. GH a master of the slide guitar. Anyway he looked a solid 5 '10" standing straight.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/19
I'm listening to this guy right now. How inspiring is he? That album I bought just over 2 years ago - magic!
(Cloud Nine. I first became familiar with it round my Dad's!)
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 12/Dec/18
Paul was the tallest Beatle, with George and John being slightly shorter, and with Ringo being the shortest one of the group. George definitely looked 5'10" to me, 5'10" it is for him.
Dom P said on 16/Nov/18
greg lehmann as I remember on G Harrison passing it was played up a lot. It was on all the news channels and national broadcast and VH1. When J Lennon was shot it seemed less covered, because Cable was less at that time. Anyway they both looked 5' 10".
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Nov/18
Well said Greg! I think likewise!
😁👍 🎼🎶💿
I have solo stuff by George, John and Paul. All are first rate, but for me, I think George must come out as my favourite. I remember the day he died. I read the news on a billboard. I was numbed by the news, utterly mortified. I'd had no idea he was suffering from cancer.
I reckon his peak height was 5ft10.
RIP George xx
greg lehmann said on 30/Oct/18
The lead Beatles drummer around my 5'10" height. But I've always wondered: when Harrison died on Dec.1,2001 at the age of 62,why wasn't his death played up the way we saw on John Lennon's assassaination? Harrison didn't provoke the controversy Lennon did and unlike Lennon he succumbed to stomach cancer. But the Beatles will live FOREVER with me!
Just a 5'9 Guy said on 8/Oct/18
I'm just curious. Rob is it possible that George was shorter in the early years of the Beatles since he was only 17. He seems clearly shorter than Paul and John in earlier pictures.

Editor Rob
He might have been in final growth phase.
Dries said on 3/Aug/18
George 1.74m, John 1.75-76m, Paul 1.77-78m, Ringo 1.68m
Reynolds said on 4/May/18
In 1964 George Harrison looked taller by an inch than John and Paul, in 67 Paul look taller than John and George by 1.5 in, In 1960 through 1963, John look taller than Paul and George.
Dom P said on 1/May/18
Sam P, you are probably correct. I just saw a classic picture of the Traveling Wilburys lined up with their guitars, all wearing "sneakers" standing straight. G Harrison and Jeff Lynn look the same exact height. J Lynn is 5 '10" or 5'10.5". So Harrison and Lynn look at least one and half inches taller than 5'9" T Petty. Roy Orbison looks the tallest at a stated 5'11" and a fraction. B Dylan is a bit closer to the camera & leaning on 1 leg. Looks close to T Petty height.
SamP said on 26/Apr/18
Since G Harrison was a very honest and precise person, his passport stating 5'10" would be very accurate. As for the others with their ego's, I kinda of doubt it.
Dom P said on 5/Feb/18
I was watching the old Concert for Bangladesh. George Harrison looked taller than Eric Clapton. I think Clapton is 5' 10". Harrison looked 5' 11".
Bwk said on 9/Jan/18
More like 5'9.75"
Ally N said on 5/Jan/18
GH is a solid 5'10" or more. The Wilburys photos prove this, period.
Ron said on 31/Dec/17
I used to work with a guy who worked as a "parking valet" at a fancy restaurant in Los Angeles (many years ago). This guy said that he once stood next to George Harrison as George emerged from an exotic sports car. Being that George was my favorite Beatle, I asked my co-worker some questions. He said that George "wasn't very tall". "Maybe 5' 9" or 5' 10". Keep in mind that this came from someone who stood right next to Harrison. He also said that George was very slender (he used the word "skinny").
Anonymous said on 26/Dec/17
I was curious myself on The Mother Should Know clip. So I Stop Action pause a few times on the salute they gave on the step toward the end. It is quite unique, they all look the same exact height (except Ringo Starr) as far as I can see. It is a clear video clip on Youtube.
Ally N said on 22/Dec/17
Editor Rob, On the October 25th video just mentioned, George is bending his knees with bad posture throughout. But when they do the salute on the step, near the end they all appear to be standing straight. I noticed the step over their heads as a guide. John was very slightly taller than George and Paul. Also the Hey Jude cover photo showing Paul and George pretty much the same height.(John wearing a hat). Paul has on very thick heals compared to John and George. This reveals George to be taller, if Paul had the same shoes as George. Wondering what you thought ,thanks.
macfan said on 20/Dec/17
Many thanks! I was curious about your conclusion of the video posted below on Oct 25th with all of them wearing the same footwear.
Ally N said on 20/Dec/17
I basically agree with Editor Rob. George was 5'10" and as low as 5'9 1/2" slouching, as he often did. On the Nov. 20th photo, I took a ruler across my screen over their heads and George was very slightly taller than the other 2. John very slightly over Paul. Slightly means 1/8 to 1/4 in. It's safe to say, none of them even John was any taller than 5'10 1/2" in their primes. It should be noted, as it has been mentioned already George and Paul same exact height on the Hey Jude cover. Paul clearly had the larger heals (back cover reveals this).That makes Paul a bit shorter than George. I wonder what Rob thinks of that Hey Jude cover photo.
macfan said on 19/Dec/17
Rob, if you look down to the Nov 20th photo I posted below what is your analysis of the heights of the three Beatles?

Editor Rob
they all still seem quite close, but then I thought the camera might be between John/George, so it's possibly Paul has lost some height being slightly further away.
I can see at times George seems 5ft 10, then he doesn't...the 5ft 9.75 seems arguable.
Ally N said on 19/Dec/17
Yeah, macfan not kidding. If you take a ruler across the screen over the top of their heads, George H is a bit taller than John. John is a bit taller than Paul.
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/17
macfan, you must be joking, George is very slightly over John and John is very slightly over Paul. Ringo obvious. That's why they are lined up that way in that photo shoot.You should remember something as well. Paul gets his stature mostly from his legs, John from his long neck and George from his large head &(a bit from his neck). Also Paul with those massive shoe heels in the last photo shoot (Hey Jude cover). But John probably on average over the years is a bit taller than the other two.
macfan said on 16/Dec/17
Ally, you're kidding about the hands on the shoulder photo showing George to be the tallest of the three, right? He's clearly the shortest.
Ally N said on 16/Dec/17
Anonymous, I agree with you about the step over their heads in Mother Should Know with the salute, is the best photo shot. I had noticed it first back in November. But, ok. John is a bit taller than Paul and George in that moment.
Ally N said on 12/Dec/17
George did not reach his full height until mid 1964. He is 3 years younger than John. He was Ringo's height when he met John & Paul at school. He eventually reached their height in 1964/65. Many photos reflect this.
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/17
macfan, there are many beach pictures and Paul looks the shortest in most of them and John the tallest with George in between. The salute in Mother Should Know clearly shows George and Paul the same height. John slightly taller. Check the step over their heads.
Ally N said on 11/Dec/17
macfan, your photo posted here with their hands on the shoulders, shows George a hair taller than John and Paul.
Ally N said on 10/Dec/17
Remember, George (John too sometimes) almost always has bad posture. Bad posture causes a slight shorting of the spine and neck but comes back with practice. I myself have bad posture. My niece is 2 inches shorter than me. We have a pic of us at the beach. She and I look the same height at the beach. Beach pictures are the worst judge of height. The sand alone, plays tricks. LOL. Rob has it correct 5'10' for George H.
Cameron said on 10/Dec/17
@ Ally N .... Yeah because nobody ever lies about their height on a passport. If I got a Passport and claimed my height was 6'2", technically they'd have to put it down, even if it's way off.
ally N said on 7/Dec/17
I will stick with 5'10" for GH.
ally N said on 7/Dec/17
Went to Paul's web page, did not find anything on his height or George or John. But lets be honest. Paul a great lad, has a big ego at times, including his height compared to John and George. He once said Ringo is a great "little drummer". He is very aware of all this, for the fun of it.
macfan said on 7/Dec/17
I think you could argue about the three Beatles' heights as they're all within a half-inch...but I while I can't decide if John or Paul was the tallest, it is clear to me George is not quite as tall. Hey Jude is nowhere near as good as the last photo I posted or the "Your Mother Should Know" video. The barefoot video taken at the beach in 1963 is good too and John and Paul look the tallest and about the same.
Beatle Faul said on 7/Dec/17
ally N,
claiming 5' 10" on a passport isn't that outrageous if you're 5' 9.5" at your low.
Anonymous said on 7/Dec/17
You guys comments are interesting. Paul once said George was this small guy on the school bus with his guitar. Paul one and half years older. John 3 years older. Paul said, George got up to his height a few years later. Whats the odds that these 3 would meet..... well, the rest is history.
ally N said on 7/Dec/17
Tom Petty was 5'8 1/2". George was at least 1 1/2 inches taller than Tom at the Billboards Awards in 1992. They were right next to each other.
ally N said on 7/Dec/17
George's passport clearly stated he was 5'10". Come on now, lol.
Beatle Faul said on 5/Dec/17
5' 9.5" (177 cm) for George.
Check out Paul's page. I've gone into a lot more detail about all their heights.
Ally N said on 20/Nov/17
You can not judge Harrison in this video. He is constantly bending his knees and/or bad posture through out the video. Except when they are saluting on the steps. Rob will see this as well, I believe.
Ally N said on 20/Nov/17
macfan, your video shot (the salute) clearly shows Paul and George the same exact height. Check the step just over their heads. John does look very slightly taller than the other two. Which is interesting because John a lot of the time looks a bit shorter than the other two over the years before and after. On average, over all years the 3 virtually the same height. This is well known among fans. Even their press agent said the 3 are the same height. He would know. Hope that helps.
macfan said on 19/Nov/17
Ally N,
I'm not seeing what you're seeing here. I have this video in fairly clear quality and I cannot find a single frame where George looks as tall as the other two. John in most frames looks the tallest, but I have a lot of frames where Paul matches him, but George does not.
I think Rob would be able to shed light on this video which is clearly the best thing we have for the Beatles with all of the same shoes which cannot be found anywhere else and this is over a 2 min video.
Ally N said on 19/Nov/17
Macfan your paused video shot shows them exactly the same height. Johns hair is maybe the hair difference you see, lol. George's hair very flat. John's hair more puffed up. Don't forget also they are moving as they salute. So it depends when you freeze it. George is taller a moment before or after. In fact your freeze frame shows Paul and George exactly the same height. Really bad video quality, lol. It's not your fault.
macfan said on 17/Nov/17
Glad you pointed out the salute here:
Click Here
John is clearly taller than George in this shot. Even when I paused that video which was from a far distance, it made virtually no difference.
AllyN said on 17/Nov/17
Mcfan, I took a closer look at the Mother Should Know video again. When they line up on the stairs and "saluting". George is taller than John, slightly. Pause it and you will see. You have to be quick. George standing without slouch for a moment. So, Paul gets his stature from his long legs, George from his long neck and John is in proportion. The funny thing is the Stones are all totally different heights. I would guess Ringo and Bill Wyman close in height.
AllyN said on 16/Nov/17
I have to agree with Anonymous because the white shoes may look the same on all 4 but may not be same heels. Poor video too. Lets be fair. But Paul is wearing a chunky heel on Hey Jude cover like u said. John & George not so much. George & Paul exactly the same Height lined up on Hey Jude cover. But Paul has bigger heel. That would make George slightly taller. Its logic, sorry. Johns head looks fine. He has the funny hat which helps height.
macfan said on 13/Nov/17
The Hey Jude cover shows John in a style of boot with virtually no heel. Paul appears to be wearing clogs with a heel advantage. When they're lying on the grass you see clearly Paul's heel is pretty chunky. Because of the fact we have different shoes and John's head is slumped forward this is not anywhere near as good as "Your Mother Should Know" video which has the same shoes and there are enough frames in that video proving that George simply cannot be as tall as the other two.
Anonymous said on 12/Nov/17
Macfan if you check closely George never really stands straight. The mystery tour footage is also crude image and angles. Check the Hey Jude cover picture, they are all lined up. Paul and George exactly the same height and Paul has the bigger heals. It shows on the back cover. Its fairly obvious. John looks a bit shorter than the other two and he is wearing a hat. Again his posture.
macfan said on 2/Nov/17
AllyN - as soon as they get to the foot of the steps, George is clearly not as tall as the other two who seem pretty much identical in height. George...especially John had bad posture, but here they are all standing straight at the foot of the steps. I call this video irrefutable proof Paul was not the tallest Beatle, but George was not as tall as the other two.
macfan said on 25/Oct/17
While Paul looks about the same as John here, George does not look as tall as the other two and they're all wearing the same shoes and are standing up straight:
Click Here
John said on 7/Sep/17
Paul said in a rolling stone interview that he, Paul, as 5'10."
Sing Sing said on 15/Aug/17
George would have been 5'10" peak and 5'9".50 or less towards the end of his life.
AllyN said on 27/Jul/17
It seems people are fooled by photos including myself. Angles and George had poor posture, its clear in most pics. John , Paul & George very close height for sure. Probably 5 ft. 10 in. for the 3 of them. American Hey Jude album proves this.
Marc said on 24/Jul/17
I always thought he was a tad shorter than John who I believe is 5ft10
Ronaldo said on 21/Jun/17
Morning: 179 cm
Afternoon: 178 cm
jpgr said on 14/May/17
Peak heights:
John: 5'9.75"
Paul: 5'10.5"
George: 5'9"
Ringo: 5'6"
Kate said on 5/May/17
I looked at a picture of him with the Beatles and Ken Dodd and then checked various heights on internet. I would say he was about 5'8 as is Ken Dodd if compared with the other two who seem to be - as stated - 5'10 ... Ringo Starr is about 5'5 ... I'd say.
Ian C said on 24/Apr/17
I was eleven years old when the Beatles hit in North America (I am Canadian) and there has never been a comparable pop cultural phenomenon in my lifetime, except perhaps Elvis Presley (whom I was too young to appreciate when he first became famous.) And it was all talent. You could buy a Beatles LP and love every song on it. Also they were such sharp, funny, friendly men.
It was hard to get a fix on their heights because Ringo's height threw everybody off. Ringo was quite a bit shorter than his bandmates, which had us believing that John, Paul and George were taller, and also that they were all the same height. Also the haircuts (which were genuinely strange at that time) produced the impression that they were all alike physically. And they wore identical suits when they performed. Grown-ups claimed to be unable to tell them apart.
Ally N said on 19/Mar/17
George and John always had poor posture. Paul has good posture.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/16
This is about the height I was expecting George Harrison to be - just above average. What I find to be way, way above average, however, is George Harrison's solo work. His is my favourite of John's, Paul's and George's. I have CD's by the three of them and they are all sensational, but George's music just has that extra edge for me!
matthew544 said on 28/Oct/16
i just can't see him taller then 5'8.5-5'9, in my honest opinion
i love the new voting system, you're doing such a great job, bro. congrats!
Michael said on 2/Aug/16
5ft9.25 seems ideal. Any chances of a downgrade? BTW, I love your site! <3
Alexandra said on 1/Aug/16
Dang you guys are arguing over half a point. George Harrison was 5'10; 5'11 with his shoes; on nuff said!
Alxr37 said on 31/Jul/16
I think he's around 5'9 maybe 5'9.5
Vic said on 17/Jul/16
No more than 175-176cm
John said on 8/Jul/16
what's the lowest you'd argue for Harrison?

Editor Rob
5ft 9 and change I think you could make a case for.
blackdog said on 20/Jun/16
rob, I think he deserves a downgrade to 5ft9
truth said on 18/Jun/16
Always looked like a 5'9 ranger. Possibly 176-177 cm in his youth. 178 cm is a slight stretch imho.
Richard said on 1/Jun/16
Rob, look this pictures with 5ft9.5 Eric Clapton
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
in both photos Clapton might be a bit nearer the camera, looking taller than he is...they could well be similar range, maybe even Clapton was nearer 5ft 10.
Nick said on 1/Jun/16
I think he was just 5'9, or maybe 5'9.5
Sam said on 13/Nov/15
Hmm, I think when they're standing upright, Paul generally looks about a half inch taller than George.
Click Here
Sam said on 5/Nov/15
Rob, could you take a look at George now? I think he generally looked a smidge shorter than John and Paul. Harrison getting 5'9.5" makes sense since there's photos out there where he looks two inches max over guys who would strain to be 5'7" at their best like Bob Dylan or Bob Marley, also similar very similar height to 5'9.5" listed frenemy Eric Clapton.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
johemoth the dog said on 29/Sep/15
Didnt look 5'10 even to me. 5'9.5 ish.
Plus if what the person said down in the comments is true about him saying "im only 5'9-5'10" I think its safe to say he was somewhere between there.
havetosay said on 19/May/15
I think George was about 175-177cm tall, John was about 176-178cm, Paul about the same and Ringo about 170cm.
ziggy said on 23/Jan/15
all the bios of the beatles in the 1960's say John ,Paul and George are all 5ft 11 inches
AnaS said on 21/Jan/15
Only? I think that's a really good height for an English guy born in the early 40's. Actually, still today he would be a little above average! He wasn't short, only thin with a small frame.
Jen said on 11/Aug/14
I read a fan's account of meeting George at his home in 1978. She said he was shorter in person than she expected him to be. She told him, "You're so small, I thought you'd be taller." He laughed and said, "I'm only 5 foot 9 or 5 foot 10." She also said he was so thin.
MD said on 13/Feb/14
Oh, but he wasn't.
apple jack said on 11/Feb/14
I met George Harrison. I've been to his Friar Park home. He was nearly or right at 6ft.
RV said on 5/Oct/13
He looks just Paul's height in almost every picture of the beatles, 5'10" seems fair.
5'7" said on 24/Jun/13
Bob Marley was NOT 5'4". Bob Marley was just a hair under 5'8", so if the footwear is similar in those pictures, George Harrison would be 5'8"-5'9".
Brad said on 30/Apr/13
Gee, he's got Marley by an inch....I guess he's 5' 5". George sandals, Marley Jamaican Army combat boots with big heel.GH as listed, Marley 5' 4". Summer of '75 Harrison barely survived, very bad health.
Randy said on 29/Apr/13
Check out this shot with Bob Marley and GH meeting.
Bob is listed as 5'4 by his friends, band members, etc and if you watch the new documentary called Marley you can see he was a tiny guy.
Click Here
Randy said on 23/Apr/13
Patti Harrison is listed as 170cm. Check out the shots of her and George standing on the beach without shoes together.
Click Here
If this be an accurate height for Patti then clearly George was no taller than 174cm or 5'8".
man said on 11/Jan/12
Sellers was probably wearing lifts because he was only an inch taller than Ringo in the Magic Christain. George looked at least four inches taller than Ringo.
Beatlefan said on 6/Jan/12
I've seen hundreds of photo's of the Beatles at different angles with them all wearing various footwear including higher heels sometimes. I'm pretty sure that John, Paul and George were all very close in height judging by the photo's. Yoko Ono apparantly measured John Lennon at 5'10", which would almost certainly make Paul and George about the same. At least when the band was still together anyway.
Martyr said on 26/Dec/11
His passeports stated 5'10 and 5'10.5, but I always thought he was closer to 5'9.5... He looked less than an inch taller than Peter Sellers.
joker said on 10/Dec/11
5.5 was tall for a women at that time.
mcfan said on 3/Dec/11
George was much taller than Patti. She was only like 5'5.
Bijou said on 20/Nov/11
In a 1960's magazine interview Pattie Boyd said she was 5'7" and in some pictures of her standing next to George appears to be almost the same height as him (with the allowance of heels), so I would put George at 5'10"
joker said on 19/Nov/11
Those cards shows their height in their beatle boots.
Claire said on 17/Nov/11
I read on this picture of some Beatle fact cards that George, John and Paul were all 5'11" and Ringo was 5'8" this was about.... 1963 ? Maybe 64.
joker said on 6/Nov/11
Also, they were at the beach where the surface is not exactly flat.
Linda said on 4/Nov/11
And may I add that I'm 5'6 1/2 also and a person that is 5'10 is close to my eye level, so it is easy to think they are shorter than they really are.
Linda said on 4/Nov/11
George had to be at least 5 10", on a video of him standing next to Lyndon B. Johnson (former president) who is 6' 3" (at least), George appeared only to be a bout 4 or 5 inches shorter than him.
joker said on 2/Nov/11
George towers over 5.35 Madonna and 5.6 Sean Penn --- I truly believe 5.825 is too much for Penn on the web site. I've seen him in person and he was short.
Click Here
Kent said on 25/Oct/11
I don't know when you bumped into him, but he may have lost a bit of height with age, and being weak with cancer may have also given him the appearance of being slightly smaller. Perhaps you were wearing thick heels that day and he was in flip-flops? But there's no way George was 5'7 in his prime. AT LEAST 5'9, maybe up to 5'10.
mike said on 6/Jul/11
George's frame suggests at least 5.9.
Click Here
mike said on 6/Jul/11
You don't know it's him. He's not very tall. About average height. If you look at the Traveling Wilburys video, you'll see he's taller than Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and Roy Orbison. 5.6.5 is too low for him.
Nicc said on 30/Jun/11
@mike, thank you very much! Now I saw that George is leaning! It all makes sense now ;)
mcfan said on 29/Jun/11
George Harrison was 5'9.5 with a slouch...not as bad as Lennon's but not good either.
WH said on 29/Jun/11
My ex-husband and I went to Maui once and we drove over to the other side of the island to Hana. We stopped at a rather isolated road side stand to get a cold drink. A small group of people were waiting there also. There was an attractive middle-aged woman in a kind of fur bikini, and next to her, standing a foot away from me was a middle-aged man with longish dark, graying hair and beard and mustach. His eyes contained an expression that is hard to describe, like a combination of world weariness, spirituality and wisdom. He seemed close to my height, thin and small boned (I am only 5'6-1/2"). I smiled at him and was shocked to realize that this was indeed George Harrison! It was hard to believe that there he was standing about a foot away. I sensed that it would be better to respect his privacy and treat him as I would a regular person and not a famous person. I found out many years later that he and his wife were living on that island on their estate, where he spent most of his final years before he passed away. I later read and learned also that during that time he really was seeking peace in his life away from the limelight and fans. I am very glad I chose to just let him be and not say anything. I was slightly surprised to realized he really wasn't very tall, although I had never thought about how tall any of the band was, they just seemed taller for some reason.
mike said on 28/Jun/11
George is also not standing straight. He was leaning on the wall as mcfan stated.
mike said on 28/Jun/11
Can't really tell because Marley could be on platform shoes.
mcfan said on 26/Jun/11
I think George might be sitting on something perhaps a radiator or is leaned against the wall in that Bob Marley photo.
Nicc said on 10/Jun/11
Can somebody tell me something about this picutre ?
Click Here ? Why does Bob looks taller than Georgi Harrison? I've seen Bob being listed from 5'4'' to 5'7'' but never above ? Can somebody explain it ?
Christian said on 18/Feb/11
I don´t understand how people can think George were the tallest. He was roughly 5'10'', John 5'10.25 and Paul 5'10½''.
anon said on 14/Feb/11
Based on various photos I think George was the tallest Beatle by a tiny fraction. I happened upon this site because I noticed in the iTunes posters that are EVERYWHERE they moved George down closer to Paul, and in doing so made him look much shorter than Paul. In reality he was either the same height or a fraction of an inch taller.
Linda said on 29/Jan/11
I met George in 1964. He was 180-181 cm tall.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/11
He was 180-181 cm, when I saw him in 1964. That was his peak height, maybe he grew a little after 21.
Stephen said on 8/Jan/11
George was the tallest Beatle by one cm. That's what it said in or on (fail to remember) a pack of "The Beatles Bubble Gum" in the 1960's.
me said on 4/Jan/11
George is taller than Tom Petty (5.8.5)
TikTok said on 3/Jan/11
There's a lot of delusional commenting on this board. Having stood next to GH, suffice it to say that GH, is not tall at all. 5'8"-ish.
The wish to make your celebrities heroes in your own mind is always good for adding an extra 3-4 inches to any of them.
krazy krippled! said on 1/Jan/11
No wy George was shorter than "5'10" Paul McCartney, I saw a photo where George is noticeably taller than Paul.
me said on 20/Dec/10
George was shorter than both John and Paul. He only looked taller because he was very skinny.
me said on 19/Dec/10
I think John and Paul are about the same height. They sometimes looks taller than the other, but only marginally. I watched Magical Mystery Tour and John was the tallest in that. They were the same height in "Your Mother Should Know" with George .5 inch shorter than the other 2 and Ringo was 3 inches shorter. John only looks shorter because he had a big head and a long neck.
Russ said on 13/Dec/10
Paul: Paul was the tallest. Haven't you noticed that already?? Millions of his fans have.
Victor66 said on 26/Nov/10
George Harrison by various persons who knew and met him in different occasions
was really 177 cm. (the same that Paul and John. All of them, a bit more that 175, and less that 180.)
less than 180.)
Anonymous said on 6/Nov/10
any one with eyes can tell paul and john were about the same,with thr nod going to paul and george is a little shorter
AD said on 4/Nov/10
Paul was most definately 177cm in youth, maybe 176cm by now ...he hasn't lost much height. Was exactly 5'9.5" when I met him aged 43, George always looked practically the same height but I'd say about a centimeter less
Click Here
I'd say the most accurate height to have given George would be 5'9.5" (176cm)
me said on 21/Oct/10
@Dill Pickle
McCsrtney himself stated him and John were 5.10.5. They were prolly 5.9.5 though.
mcfan said on 11/Jun/09
Yes, Rickenbacker. I think John and George only look 5'9.5 in "Help" and Paul looks 5'10. However, Lennon is terribly slouched in "Help" all the way through to "Sgt Pepper." If you gaze at all of Lennon's photos, you'll notice this terrible posture. The only time I could extract photos of him standing completely straight were the late 1967 Magical Mystery Tour and early 1968 Apple photos. (Maybe someone told him to get his posture in order) But I agree with you that Harrison is only about a half-inch shorter than Paul.
Izi said on 9/Jun/09
Seemed to me that George was a bit shorter than Macca (who we've gathered was deffo the tallest) and a bit taller than Lennon.
It's all a bit silly really, and there must only be half an inch or so in it, if you put Paul at 5'11'', and John at 5'10'', George would be somewhere between them. Most pictures of the Beatles together show them all to be at a very similar height.
Rickenbacker said on 3/May/09
george 1.77 in 1965 during HELP movie??
mcfan said on 30/Apr/09
The more I see of George in films, the more I think he definitely was only 5'9.5 at his peak and 5'9 in later years. I always had the impression he was a great musician, but according to the Beatles' engineer, he wasn't.
Jay said on 29/Apr/09
i though he was like 5'11" seems taller than the average 5'10"
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/09
None of the beatles has ever been 6 feet. Paul was the tallest and he was 5'11 at most. John and George were both about 5'10. And Ringo was 5'6.5, I think.
mcfan said on 15/Mar/09
Joeee, 183 cm is 6'0.5. Paul in '84' was only Johnny Carson's height -- 5'10. Well, Steve Martin looked over 1.5 inches taller than Paul and Steve is listed as 5'11.5 (181 cm)on this site and that show goes back to the 90s when Paul was 54. In the making of the Spies Like Us video Paul (age 43) looked at least 3.0 inches shorter than 6'1 Dan Aykroyd. Given that, Paul was only 5'10 then shrunk slightly to 5'9.5.
Jooeee said on 15/Mar/09
They were never ever under 1.80 m (except Ringo) .. I think they were ca. 183 cm !
glenn said on 14/Mar/09
i thought marley was closer to 5-5?
glenn said on 14/Mar/09
mcfan-didnt see your post.sorry.yes,i have one with him and linda.but im behind them,on my tip i ruined thought harrison was 5-9 when i saw friends pics,he looked 5-10 next to them.saw paul again recently.didnt ask for the pic on time.i was trying to get his attention to sign.
mcfan said on 14/Mar/09
Yeah, I was slightly surprised with George. I thought he would have been 5'9.5, but when I saw him with Tommy Smothers and next to Lorne Michael's, I wasn't so sure. Perhaps if John was 5'9.5 as May Pang claimed then maybe George was barely over 5'9...maybe 5'9.25-.5 I still think John was 5'9.5-.75 and Paul 5'10, but George was obviously the shortest of the three. However, they were all within a half-inch of one another as the evidence shows.
Christian said on 13/Mar/09
Great pics mcfan, George looks 5'9''.
mcfan said on 3/Feb/09
Glenn, do you have a better photo with him? It's hard to tell. He doesn't look that much taller than you in it. I see a guy with good posture and high shoulders no more than 2 inches taller than you. You said you had one with him and Linda, right?
glenn said on 3/Feb/09
interesting how mcfan has not commented once on my mccartney pic.
mcfan said on 2/Feb/09
I just watched the Ed Sullivan videos. Watching them, I only see a half-inch between McCartney and Harrison. Lennon looked 1/4 taller than Harrison. Lennon was either the same height as Macca or 1/4 shorter. Perhaps Harrison was 5'9.5, Lennon 5'9.75, and Macca 5'10 at their peak.
chris said on 30/Dec/08
mccartney was the tallest. then lennon but not by much both 6 ft. then harrison. ringo at the bottom at 5'8"
ralf said on 12/Dec/08
people usually dont consider John the 2nd shortest because he was the leader of the group. he is thought to be taller even than Paul. but I have seen that he was really the 2nd shortest he is like exactly 177 cms (5'9.75"), while George is a bit over 178 cms and McCartney is 5'11"
Russ said on 12/Nov/08
I'm not sure why some of you feel that Harrison was the 3rd shortest. I have Beatle books full of candid photos of the group and George seldom looks shorter than John. In fact, in most photos that I've seen over the years, George is clearly slightly taller than John, yet slightly shorter than Paul. This is all petty stuff when you think about it. But, I had to get my 2 cents in.
And to repeat a true story that I've told previously: I know a guy who stood right next to George in a Los Angeles restaurant parking lot. He (the guy I know) said that George (quote) "wasn't every tall". "Maybe 5'9..... 5' 9 and a half" (Unquote).
george said on 8/Sep/08
do you think dhani is 5'6.5 in shoes or barefoot?
raxo said on 7/Aug/08
Paul - 5-11
George - 5-10
John - 5-9
Ringo - 5-6
Kent said on 26/Jun/08
Paul, I disagree. In that photo they are wearing different footwear and Lennon is wearing a hat. I'd say a better opportunity would be to compare their heights during the Beatlemania era, when they all wore the exact same outfits and Beatle boots. In those photo shoots, Lennon appears a tad taller than McCartney. Harrison appears to be about one inch shorter, and then Ringo about 2 inches shorter than Harrison.
Paul, Liverpool said on 3/Jun/08
George and Paul were roughly the same height, give or take 0.5inch, at around 5ft 9/10inch. John was 5ft8inch and Ringo, by far the smallest Beatle is 5ft 6 (all those years crouched at the drums, seemed bigger with Rory Storm's group). Met McCartney in Town a week or so ago (well followed him into lewis')and he was a bit smaller than me and i'm 5ft11. Tiny Details really. Check on of their last pics (for Hey Jude single), outside Ringo's house infront of the door. The line up. It's the best possible indication.
mcfan said on 29/May/08
Right. Harrison was the shortest of the three. I'm saying he was only about a half-inch shorter than Lennon/McCartney. I think he was only 5'9.5 barefoot as you said. But McCartney with an inch and a half on would see much more of a difference than we see from the photographs. Keep in mind George and especially John had bad posture. Paul seems to always stand straight and be closest to the camera...especially in concert footage since the cameras were usually on him. I just saw Paul on Johnny Carson (1984 - 41 years old). He was the same height as Johnny and I know Johnny was only 5'10. Keep in mind Johnny was 60 y/o during the interview.
rated said on 22/May/08
that's impossible! because harrison was considerated the shorter of the beatles
mcfan said on 6/May/08
No way. I would say about a half-inch separated the three.
Viper said on 6/May/08
Maybe their heights were:
George - 5-9 1/2
Lennon - 5-10 1/2
Macca - 5-11
Ringo - 5-6
Kent said on 5/May/08
I need to go check all my photos of The Beatles now, but I could swear that Lennon always appeared (to me) a tad taller than McCartney when they were standing together. Someone earlier said Lennon liked to wear prominently heeled shoes or boots. This could be the only explanation that I can think of, otherwise I would bet Lennon had a half inch on Macca.
Chris said on 3/Apr/08
George and Dylan, hard to say height but in the end of the clip maybe George was 6-7 cm taller, he didn
Clint said on 8/Mar/08
I met Paul and Linda in New Orleans in 1979.I'm 5'10".I stood toe to toe with McCartney,both of us in sneakers,and he was maybe a half inch taller than me.George was obviously a tad shorter.So,I'd say in their younger days McCartney was 5.10.75,maybe 5'11"? This would put George about 5'10",with Lennon just a bit taller than George,yet,a fraction shorter than Paul.
Mark said on 28/Feb/08
Harrison was definately the 3rd shortest Beatle. There was a photo of him and Lennon wearing similar attire and standing back to back with Lennon clearly being the taller. I think Harrison was more like 5'9.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/08
no way Bryan, if you have seen "A Hard Day's Night" then you would know that Harrison is shorter than Lennon and McCartney but taller than Starr.
mcfan said on 22/Jan/08
Right on, Anonymous, with the sequences but that's probably about a half-inch too much for all four of the Beatles. Wasn't Giuliani taller than McCartney when he visited NYC? I think he's about 5'10 at the most and that might be stretching it a bit.
Viper said on 21/Dec/07
Isnt there a photo where George looks the tallest? Its the one where they are pictured in front of that castle, when Lennon was looking like Jesus.
Anonymous said on 20/Dec/07
In the "Your Mother Should Know" part of the Magical Mystery Tour video, all of the Beatles are in line wearing the same footwear.
Lennon- 5'11"
McCartney- 5'11"
Harrison- 5'10.5"
Starr- 5'7"
glenn said on 28/Sep/07
5-9 was my initial height for george harrison.however in the couple of rare pics he posed for with people i know,he looked at least 5-10.and no way is mccartney smaller than 5-11 and was clearly the tallest in the band.
Russ said on 27/Sep/07
I work with a guy who used to work as a "parking lot valet" in Los Angeles back in the 80's. He once opened the car door for George. He said that Harrison was around 5'9" or maybe 5 feet 9 1/2 at the most. He stood right next to George (who was wearing tennis shoes/loafers). At that time, George Harrison was probably in his early 40's.
glenn said on 21/Sep/07
sure patty.dont you have better things to do than to post here?
pattie said on 19/Sep/07
don't you all have better things to do than discuss my ex-husband's height?
mcfan said on 4/Sep/07
There's a great book out with photos of the three I had never seen before. There's a very clear picture of Lennon and Harrison side by side on the street taken in late '67. It gives the same appearance as "Your Mother Should Know" video does of Harrison being shorter than Lennon by a half-inch. One thing for sure, Paul's shoulders were higher than the other two but had a shorter neck and that can give the appearance of someone taller. It's interesting that some people put the Beatles at 5'11 while some say they were 5'9. Lennon was the biggest (160lbs) of the fab four in the early days but he was in normal shape while Paul and George were only 140lbs. That's pretty scrawny for guys at 5'9.5 and 5'10.
glenn said on 19/Aug/07
lennon was 5-10.paul is was 5-10,5-9 later on .and ringo was 5-5.
Dries said on 18/Aug/07
Bryan is completely right. Lennon 5'9", Harrison 5'10, Macca 5'11".
guy said on 11/Jul/07
I think the three non-drumming Beatles were about 5-11. Of them Macca may have been the only legit through a doctors measurement. The other two at least 5-10.5 to 5-11. The difference being so imperceptable that at certain times they could all appear the same height or one could appear taller in shuffling order. Lennon always seemed the biggest in the beginning. All in all the differences amount to less than an inch and probably less than .5 inches.
Bryan said on 8/Jul/07
I've looked at countless pics and videos through the years of The Beatles from '64-'66 and what I've concluded is that McCartney was about 3/4 of an inch taller than Lennon and Harrison was somehwere in between them, taller than Lennon but shorter than McCartney.
Jennifer said on 21/Feb/07
A female fan described (on a Beatles forum) having met John, Paul and George in the mid-60's. She said she was 5 foot 8 at the time (and 14 years old), and she remembers all three of them being taller than her. She didn't say how much taller, but they were above 5 foot 8.
rick mendonça said on 16/Jan/07
i´m think that he´s 176cm, maybe 177cm in his youth
mcfan said on 21/Dec/06
jd, I say Lennon and Harrison were the same height...Lennon was probably 1/4 inch taller so, yes, virtually the same height. All three Beatles were roughly the same height. Macca had a half-inch on Harrison. There's a photo with George and Paul like the one below where George is just taller than Paul, but he's wearing cuban heels and Paul isn't.
jd said on 16/Dec/06
McFan says that harrison doesnt look like lennons height, know why?. Because John is wearing 1"1/2 shoes. But it appears that george is wearing normal shoes.
Dries said on 11/Nov/06
Saw him on a 1975 pic with Mick Jagger. He was slightly taller, wearing sneakers!!
Monteray Jack said on 26/Sep/06
It is pretty startling, though 5'11 ia by no means "tall", that the beatles are as tall as they are. Proportionally, their heads make them look short.
A Teenaged Beatlemaniac said on 23/Sep/06
Once and for all I do not think ANY of the Beatles were six feet...unless they were wearing heeled boots. George was about the same height as John and Paul (about 5'11") if not shorter.
CelebHeights Editor said on 10/Apr/06
Patti Boyd (Harrison and Clapton wife) said in 1965 she was "5ft 7".
mcfan said on 9/Apr/06
Here with Julian and Ringo:
Click Here
mcfan said on 25/Mar/06
With Roger McGuinn:
Click Here
mcfan said on 19/Mar/06
I looked at that photo again I submitted March 17. It looks like the reason Lennon is at least an inch taller than Harrison is because of his heels. Harrison is only wearing normal shoes it looks like. I think they were within .25 of each other, not an inch apart.
MHouillon said on 18/Mar/06
Harrison was 5'10 in his prime, but 5'9.5 then.
mcfan said on 17/Mar/06
Here Harrison doesn't look quite Lennon's height:
Click Here
Chris said on 7/Mar/06
He is hard to pin down. I´d say he was about 5'11'' in his prime and then maybe 5'10½''.
Rut said on 6/Mar/06
Maybe 179..?