Viper said on 10/Jun/07
Yeah, I peg Clooney at 5-9 1/2 - 5-9 3/4 exactly. Might be 5-10 out of bed.
Mr. R said on 10/Jun/07
Since I have not posted in so long, and since there are a lot of new people, I will repeat some of my earlier reports. I met George at a screening of "Good Night and Good Luck" a few years ago. This was after his surgery. We were standing on stage together, and he was not quite 5'10". Perhaps he lost a little height, but I stand by my eyewitness account.
Viper said on 9/Jun/07
He looked the same height as Jay right?
Drew said on 9/Jun/07
He was on Leno recently. Still looked 5'11". I used to think he lost height since surgery, but no.
wasa said on 5/Jun/07
There seems to be a correlation between heart risk and shrinking at older age. My father (and grandfather) are heart patients, and my father lost around 2cm i reckon so far, he's in his early 50's now. Guess I'm screwed, and I'm already just 5'8 ;)
Melvin said on 4/Jun/07
My dad lost 2 inches in height. I reckon it is from eating a fried food and high sodium diet and not enough quality protein and minerals.
RP said on 3/Jun/07
I got a part as an extra football player in Clooney's new movie be released in December '07. Back in Feb. '07 we were all getting fitted for our 1920's styled football uniforms. Well...long story short, I'm 5-11 barefooted, and for about 4 to 5 minutes I was standing right beside of George while he was also getting his uniform altered. We were both barefooted at the time...and he is right at 5-10.5(barefooted)!! at the time he was also 182-lbs. However, during our 8-weeks of filming very grueling football scenes, he said that he had droped 15-lbs, and was down to 167-lbs around mid May '07. And don't forget... that about a year and half ago,he had neck surgery...which easly can take a 0.5 inch of your old height.
glenn said on 3/Jun/07
he is wearing cowboy boots here.he is 5-11 either way.
Aaron said on 3/Jun/07
Robert, Glenn said clooney was wearing cowboy boots in that picture so that's why he seems taller than the 5'10.5 that I believe he is. Anonymous, WHAT IS YOUR GRANDFATHER'S SECRET??? I want to know so I can still be 5'10.5 when I'm 85. Hopefully, I'm not at my peak yet though. I'm only 19, and I did grow about an inch this year, so hopefully I can grow another inch, inch and a half and be a solid 6'. Does anyone know of any food or exercises that will help younger people get an extra inch or two of height before I'm done growing?
anonymous said on 3/Jun/07
drew, my great grandfather is 85, and when we measured him yesterday against the wall, he still was his peak 6`1 5/8. what is it exactly that makes one shrink. is it a combination of things?
Robert said on 2/Jun/07
George is taller in this picture than I thought. He is still leaning a little bit.
Therefore, I would give him easily a 5-11, unless he is wearing lifts.
Drew said on 31/May/07
I agree leonari. My parents are both in their early 50s and they are still the same height as their peak (at most they lost 0.5cm), and they are not the healthiest people I know either.
Jason said on 30/May/07
That sounds right, Leonari. My Dad's not even a mm shorter now, at 52, than he was in his 30s. And he's always carried a good bit of weight on him...
leonari said on 30/May/07
a healthy person does not lose height in their 40's!! Cooney had a very serious accident/injury and surgery.If he lost height that is the reason. I say height loss starts around 50 but is so minimal in a healthy person that its irrelevant. In your 60's people really start losing height...
dmeyer said on 29/May/07
to losse 0.5 cm at 46 years is ok but you are sayng that people dont even loose that in 40s but at 50 i think people will lose 0.25 to 0.5 at 60 about 0.75 and after that even worse look harisson ford who is in great shape lost 1.25 in at 60s

Editor Rob
Ford has admirably done a lot of donkey work on his movies, much more physical bashing to his body over the years than average joe's.
His discs I believe have degenerated more, he even said he had herniated discs (you'll find disc height decrease) and that he's had lots of knee surgeries, cartilage removal and no anterior cruciate in one knee etc
dmeyer said on 29/May/07
clive are you sayng cloooney is only 177 cm
dmeyer said on 28/May/07
so anubody before 50 shouldnt loose anyr=thing and even if they do it would be max 0.25 to 0.5 in so clooney might have been 5'10.75 and now 5'10.5 since 46 years old 2 friends of mine claim 6 ft and they look 5'10.5 and they are only 37 years old so i guess they never were 6 ft
dmeyer said on 28/May/07
rob is 5'10.75 possible for george

Editor Rob
1/4 inch at his age is possible, the guy from red dwarf about same age as clooney and in decent health said he was 1/4 inch shorter. I don't know exactly what clooney's back problem was in terms of if it effected any of his vertebrae. Women far more likely to lose height by 50 than men.
dmeyer said on 27/May/07
in this pic i think pitt 181 clooney 179 and damon 177
Clive said on 25/May/07
2 Pictures, 2 goods peak :
Click Here
Click Here
I don't know about Pitt, but one thing is sure Clooney is 2 good cm under him and Damon 2cm under Clooney. I saw them at Cannes, I'm 177 barefoot,180 with ankle shoes, and Clooney wasn't taller than me !!! It confirmed what I thought.
Anonymous said on 24/May/07
I have seen a listing for him at 5'8!
Anonymous said on 24/May/07
You may be right Aaron. I really don't think Pitt is more than 179 and he does have a penchant for heeled shoes that most likely include lifts.
Aaron said on 23/May/07
you have to take posture into account anonymous. If clooney had similar posture as pitt and stood up as straight as possible I think clooney would be taller if they had the same footwear. I think pitt has us all fooled big time--his posture and shoes make him seem a lot taller than he really is, and since clooney has relaxed posture in all his photos with pitt, it really is hard to say who's taller.
Anonymous said on 22/May/07
I think Clooney is more 178-179 and Pitt 179-180 myself.
Clive said on 22/May/07
Exactly Anonymous ! On every pictures you have celebrities with lifts so you tend to give a fooled estimation. When I read Clooney looks 180 or more I have the impression those people forget that he's always wearing ankle shoes (like any others famous people) but are we talking about barefoot height or "heels height" ?...
dmeyer said on 18/May/07
i think clooney is aleast 0.75 to 1 in taller than damon so damon 176 177 clooney 179 180 and pitt 180 181
Anonymous said on 18/May/07
i think clooney is 176 cm, pitt is 178 cm and damon is 175 cm. and all wear lifts so that clooney seems to be 180cm barefoot, pitt 182cm and damon 178cm. pictures can deceive you very easy. they help each other, when they said that one of them is bigger than in reality ,everbody seems to be bigger than he is.
SugarRay said on 18/May/07
Yo, I next to Clooney in New Jersey, I'm 5'8 and I was eyeball to eyeball with codpiece batman. if he's 5'10 he's wearing pumps
Anonymous said on 14/May/07
I agree. I think Clooney is 5'10.25 at the very least and no more than 5'11. I think Pitt is in this range as well, without his lifts of course.
Aaron said on 12/May/07
Pitt wears lifts to look 6' 1" Janice. Clooney is a legit 5'10.5"/5'11".
Drew said on 11/May/07
Have you guys seen Ocean's Twelve? He is exactly as tall as Brad Pitt. Now either Brad Pitt is 179cm or Clooney is 180cm.
pop said on 10/May/07
Clooney at this picture looks almost 6`1`` tall.
janice said on 4/May/07
if hes 179cm brad pitt would be 183cm?? but brad was only 181cm in real.. so don't think this guy was taller than 177cm as in his movies...
glenn said on 1/May/07
he has cowboy boots on.
Franco said on 27/Apr/07
everytime i see him on tv or movies or shows he always looks about 1.81m and i wouldnt be surprised he lost height after the back surgery.
i am betting he is 1.78m today.
in the pic with glenn though he looks 6'0 flat
dmeyer said on 25/Apr/07
i agree up to 50 people will loose 0.5 to 1 cm over 50 it could be 1 2 or 3 cm and at 70 some people loose a lot
Brad said on 22/Apr/07
He's lost an inch of height. His surgery was far more severe than reported. Motion picture corporations are raped by insurance firms on insuring their stars as shooting delays with major stars cost major dough. He's fragile....but after his last one took down Warner Bros. for tens of millions, I guess stinky movies cost dough also. I'd still say 5' 11".
dmeyer said on 20/Apr/07
with relaxed posture he looks 5'10 with military 5'11 179 is good for him no less no more
Guss said on 20/Apr/07
I entirely agree with what Editor Rob wrote. Over 1/2inch lost, there is a serious problem... Concerning Clooney, that's right he looks a solid 179 when he stands as tall as he can, and most of people are saying they're 180 when they're 179 or 178cm. But as you wrote above, he often has bab posture (on film like "One fine day" for instance)so you can easily think (and see) he's 178 especially without ankle shoes.
dmeyer said on 19/Apr/07
rob are you sayng that most people dont loose more than 0.25 in before 50

Editor Rob
30->50 in healthy men, 1/4 inch isn't really going to be noticeable, how many people when they were 30 for instance noted down their morning height and evening height and at 50 done the same thing, to the mm? Hardly anybody, and even some research studies don't have such controlled data to work with which is why there is variation in the average losses reported, because of measuring innacuracies like time of day. They might indicate 1/4 inch by 50 as average, if I combined the research of 2 studies I'd come up with from 30->70, 40% by 50, 60% through 50->70 which is unbelievable, so some studies gonna vary.
1/2 inch-3/4 by 50 in men would most likely indicate problems like vertebral fractures or excessive thinning of dics, spine curving etc.
dmeyer said on 16/Apr/07
exept if the surgery made him loose some height i think at 45 might have been 5'10.75 and now 5'10.5 but this guy looks smaller than he is
Guss said on 12/Apr/07
5'10 next to Cheadle at Darfur Conference
Click Here
Steiner said on 12/Apr/07
Apparently my link didn't work. I try again :
Click Here
Steiner said on 12/Apr/07
Yep he has certainly lost an inch since his 20.
Think many people remarked he's less tall nowadays.
On a Darfur Conference, he's standing next to Don Cheadle (173) and doesn't have more than 5cm over him :
Click here
So if my calculations are exact :-) Clooney is 178cm (barefoot of course).
Clive said on 12/Apr/07
The best solution is that Glenn remakes a photo with Clooney now (if it's possible...) in the same posture as he did with
Matt Damon (very good peak).
One thing I noticed on his film about the Darfur, is that he was 1inch shorter than his father whereas they looked roughly the same height some years ago.
Scarlet said on 11/Apr/07
5'10 now. He had drastic back surgery to remove a disc and fix a pinched nerve.
Anonymous said on 8/Apr/07
in from dusk till dawn clooney look maybe 5 cm taller than keitel (171cm)
Clive said on 4/Apr/07
My uncle suffers from that kind of injuries and has lost around 1cm since last year. He's as old as Clooney.
When you have serious problems on your back, it generally affects your height.
dmeyer said on 30/Mar/07
rob is 178 possible for george like 5'10.25

Editor Rob
could be theory of the ruptured disc or spine problem causing little loss
The Horse of FUNK said on 26/Mar/07
Actually, did a quick search on the net for an idea when he ruptured a disk and had work done.
"Suffered from a ruptured disk that kept him promoting his film, OCEAN'S TWELVE. (November 30, 2004)"
He clearly used to peak at 5'11" and has lost a little, which is illustrated in the socks incident with Damon where he oddly looks similar to Damon's height.
The Horse of FUNK said on 26/Mar/07
I'm betting the photo of him with Glenn above is before he experienced his back problems. That's probably why he seemed 5'11" back then (maybe a smidgen over) and now closer to
Matt Damon's 5'10". It's not unusual. According to my father's navy physicals he peddled 5'10" when he was younger and is now more of a flat 5'9" after suffering a ruptured disk.
dmeyer said on 25/Mar/07
hey rob wath was the highest and lowest you had clooney and also do you think clooney and damon have only 1 cm differance clooney looks a lot closer to pitt height

Editor Rob
I've got an old "Dec 19, 2004" dump of the db and he was 5ft 10.5, so really never changed. Wow, just glancing through some of the old heights from 2004 many hadn't changed, a good number have though, I just noticed one of the biggest underestimates was Dmx, who I had then at 5ft 7.5, that would have put glenn 5ft 4.5ish!!
bam said on 21/Mar/07
was clooney listed as 6'0 at any point in time?
Click Here
This article (apparently?) uses the heights from this site to expose the heights of a few celebs. Is cloony 6ft? The article directly quotes you Rob "George Clooney has never lied about his height, which I reckon to be about 6ft". Maybe Clooney is 6ft and looks shorter next to Brad Pitt, who supposedly has reached 6'3 in his party pumps. He looks 6ft in the pic above, but somehow oddly disproportionate? (short arms, short torso)I'd reckon he has a feasible 1.5 inch lift hidden in his boots.

Editor Rob
he's been 5ft 10.5 on here for 2 years. I said Clooney wasn't really lying in that he's close to his 5ft 11 claim, and said same thing about travolta being his 6ft claim. Person misquoted the line.
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
he was wearing cowboy boots.
Ed said on 14/Mar/07
Glenn, maybe you remember was Clooney wearing motorcycle boots in that pic. I know he rides, and his outfit looks like he would be wearing boots w/it. If so maybe he had a good 2 inch boot heel. Either way if you're 5ft9 plus in shoes, Clooney looks 6ft next to you.
Pop said on 14/Mar/07
I believe that Clooney is 180 cm tall, but at this picture he looks taller. Maybe 182-183cm.
dmeyer said on 13/Mar/07
i think cloney might wear 1.5 in heels sometimes so 0.5 in boost but not elevators
The Horse of FUNK said on 12/Mar/07
How old is Glenn's pic by the way? I never knew but was just reading that he suffered a ruptured disk or something like that. He could possibly have lost a little lately, like 1 or 2cm.
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/07
it looks like 4 inches difference
Brad said on 4/Mar/07
Oh yeah, his latest film lost 50,000,000 big ones for Warner Bros. Rumour has it they ordered him to do another Danny Ocean film to towel off the bath. Manthatslottabread. He can't military posture much due to that injury on "Syriana".
Brad said on 27/Feb/07
He's 5' 11".
Anonymous said on 25/Feb/07
AGAIN!!!, wow Glenn George is more than just 2.5" over your height of 5'8" George must be 6'0-6'1", !!
deadman said on 31/Jan/07
clooney might look shorter because he did suffer a severe injury to his back, and they had to insert something to repair it. i believe he tore his dura shooting the torture scene in syriana.
Steiner said on 29/Jan/07
daver: You're entirely right ! Who could make the difference if you say you're 5'11 whereas you're 5'10.5... That's the case for Clooney and if he wasn't shorter than Brad Pitt I would never have questioned him about his height.
179cm is certainly the max he can reach at morning.
MD said on 28/Jan/07
Wait, so now we're saying that both Clooney and Brad Pitt are 5'11"? Really?
daver said on 28/Jan/07
1/2 an inch is not really detectable in any kind of pictures (or in person)
at 5'10.5" no one would question you saying you were 5'11"
dmeyer said on 28/Jan/07
hey rob you say 5'11.5 in the 90s and 5'10.5 now are you sayng he lost 1 inch at 45 years old but 5'11.5 in the 90s make sens since a friend of mine who is legit 6 ft told me clooney looked his height in 94

Editor Rob
I mean 5ft 11.5 was mentioned in a manner that appeared as though he once 'peddled' or gave that mark to an interviewer.
there's of course a chance of 1/2 inch loss nearing late 40's. How much of a chance, hmm
dmeyer said on 28/Jan/07
i think clooney is the kind of guy that loks taller in person that pics could be full 5'11
Glenn said on 28/Jan/07
Clooney I think is a legit 5-11.Ill ask my friend,he met Rammstein.they were dicks.
The Judge said on 27/Jan/07
Hi Glenn..this is not about Mr.Clooney sorry but there is a man who is not describe here. Do you met Mr Till Lindemann, singer of Rammstein? he's describe from 6' to 6'4"!! What's the true? About Mr Clooney if Mr Pitt is 5'11", like i believe Mr Clooney is 5'10" or 5'10.5"..Look the magazine PREMIERE with photos of Mr.Damon, Pitt, and Clooney.
Steiner said on 26/Jan/07
leonari: If you read more attentively my second post you would have understood that I said Clooney is used to wearing that kind of elevator shoes but I'VE NEVER EVER WRITTEN that he wore shoes from this site...
There're several pictures on this websheet which show he can easily be 5'10 and others where he looks 6' but when one asks you how tall you are, will you give your height with shoes or barefoot ??? That's the real question...
derbi said on 25/Jan/07
looks 5'11 next to glenn
leonari said on 25/Jan/07
Steiner: get the *** outta here. Your post is a joke. This ridiculous shoe company abuses Mr. Clooneys name and you believe them ....!!!! that he wears that crap. Smart... Congrats Einstein, you figured it out.
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
i agree with rob that he alwais seems shorter than pitt so dosnt wear lifts i think clooney is 6 ft in 1.5 dress shoes so can look 5'11
Steiner said on 23/Jan/07
Not from but as Stallone he can easily gain at least 5cm.
He can look as tall as David strathairn (6') but he can be under
Matt Damon (5'10) in socks so...
Steiner said on 22/Jan/07
M.Clooney is used to wearing big elevator shoes. He can gain from 2 to 4 inches according to which shoes he wears !!!
Personnally, I admit he can look 5'11, even more, on most of his films. But if you take him off his big shoes, he can easily get down to 5'10 or 5'10.25.
Just take a look at the sort of shoes wearing by Clooney...
Click Here'll see he can reach 6' but if you measures him in socks I'm not sure he's over the 5.10.25

Editor Rob
George Clooney does not wear shoes from
Val. said on 22/Jan/07
at times I cant imagine Clooney being any talller than 5'9,other times he looks 5'11,real strange.By that id go by 5'10 for him.It would be interesting to see him next to the new bond though.would clear up some stuff.Cause no point to measure him next to Pitt,who in public doesnt look less than 6'1 shoes included nowadays.
wasa said on 13/Jan/07
what strikes me as odd is that all his extra height seems to be in his (upper) legs. rather smallish upper body it seems.
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/06
so rob are you saying he was 182 in the 90s

Editor Rob
nah, lol, I still laugh that I got quoted saying he was almost 6ft in that paper one time...*shakes head*. I doubt he's lost anything noticeable, a few mm maybe
dmeyer said on 20/Dec/06
rob you think he was 182 in the 90s many friend of mine describe him as 6 foot but to me could 5'10.75 guy so do you say he shrinked
Observer said on 18/Dec/06
Yeah he can look 5'11, but he's not ;D
Think I couldn't find a best peak than this one...
You have 5'8 Sam Rockwell(like Glenn)side by side with Clooney who's standing as straight as he can :
Click Here
So if that's not a reliable picture... Max 5'10 without hesitating.
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/06
can look 5'11
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/06
4inches heels give 3 inches if the person next to wears 1 in
Glenn said on 10/Dec/06
Dont forget guys,he is wearing heels in my photo.but he is around 5-11 barefoot.then stick with them Val.I know they dont match my encounters.
oc said on 8/Dec/06
in the pic with glenn, clooney looks more like 5'11.5 if glenn is 5'8.
Brad said on 8/Dec/06
Tell that to Mariah Carey, she has 5" stiletto's on 24/7-365 and it just makes her taller than tall.
MD said on 6/Dec/06
How many more times does it have to be said that 4 inch heels don't give a women four inches in height?
leonari said on 6/Dec/06
Man Tobey maguire looks tall in this pic!! Only one inch below Clooney...but pics can be tricky and Tobey is closer to the camera

Editor Rob
Tobey's been hitting the stretching journals...Hard!
Clive said on 6/Dec/06
Well seen Anonymous ! With her heels, she certainly reach 6' and if Clooney was 5'11 as he claims, with shoes, he should be 6' like Cate. However, he looks a good inch below. So he can reach 5'11 in shoes like on this picture but if you take them off he's no more 5'10.
Brad said on 5/Dec/06
Cate has on 4" heels. She's coming in at 6' next to Clooney. Tobey probably has his block heels on and, well, is Tobey height.
Anthony said on 3/Dec/06
In the issue of Poeple were George is named as Sexiest Man Alive (again!), he states in one section, "At 5'11, I was the tallest kid in school". But I think he's more 5'10.
Observer said on 3/Dec/06
Yes Rob you can check it out, I'm sure he's 5'10 BAREFOOT, think he can look taller thanks to his shoes but everyone knows Hollywood stars look 1 or 2 inches taller with those elevators boots...
In my opinion he's between 5'9 Andy Garcia and 5'11 Brad Pitt :
Click Here
ice said on 2/Dec/06
Looking at the picture, has anyone noticed how short Clooney's torso is? It looks like all of his extra height comes from his legs. LOL, that's suspicious. I still think he's 5'9.5 - 5'10 though. I just thought that was funny.
Anonymous said on 1/Dec/06
One celeb website has Clooney at 5-8!

Editor Rob
maybe forgot to check out glenn's photo with george then?
ice said on 16/Nov/06
Just because I know Brad Pitt is no more than 5'11 (he gave that height himself), I will say Clooney is 5'10. I don't buy the 5'9 and under claims. If he is, then Hollywood has done a fantastic job. Maybe they can work on making Tom Cruise look tall too.
Observer said on 14/Nov/06
It depends of the perspective you see him, he could look more or less tall according to the pictures... On this one, you can see Clooney in a good posture next to K.Reeves (185cm) who's not as tall as he could.
Click Here
On this posture, there're around 5 or 6cm of difference between both but if Reeves stands him as tall as he can, there could be 7 or 8cm of difference...
So I'd rather say 178cm for Clooney, that's my opinion !
ralph said on 3/Nov/06
The angle is a bit bad, but you can clearly see that clooney has one inch on brad. Brad is 5'10".
Brad said on 31/Oct/06
5' 11". He's got Glenn beat by 3" with ease if he stands straight. Clooney: "I'm 5' 11". Pitt is not 5' 9". I have a DVD somewhere about photographers in L.A. and he's walking through an airport just towering over all these chubby guys in beards bugging him. Looks like an erect broom with bowling pins scattering around him.
delphonic said on 25/Oct/06
Hey Ralph - You state that Pitt is NOT taller than Clooney as if you know this to be true for sure. I'm not saying it isn't, because I think that is very plausible as we all know Pitt is the posture/lift king. However, I am curious what you are basing it on as I imagine you have some decent evidence to state it with such certainty. Thanks
Leung said on 24/Oct/06
The man is 5’10.5”-5’11”.
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
I meant to say Clooney is more 175-176, not Brad. Pitt looks 5-10 at the absolute bare minimum to me, or marginally taller.
ralph said on 24/Oct/06
delphonic says on 24/Oct/06
Pitt is no more than a half inch taller than clooney if that. I think they're both somewhere between 5' 9" and 5' 10". Pitt just gets an inch above clooney in public thanks to superior posture and footwear.
Pitt is not taller than clooney, brother.
delphonic said on 24/Oct/06
Pitt is no more than a half inch taller than clooney if that. I think they're both somewhere between 5' 9" and 5' 10". Pitt just gets an inch above clooney in public thanks to superior posture and footwear.
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Brad is more 5-9.25-5-9 1/2 Max Id say.
anonymous2 said on 23/Oct/06
Brad says on 22/Oct/06
1" shorter than BP.
so 5'8 1/2 then? :D
Brad said on 22/Oct/06
1" shorter than BP.
Clive said on 19/Oct/06
Here you have a very good peak of Clooney and Pitt, they're standing as right as they can :
Click Here
Brad said on 17/Oct/06
1" shorter than BP in both movies and in the shots on location in Vegas last month.
Viper652 said on 17/Oct/06
You can tell hes an inch shorter from just watching the Oceans 11 movies.
Clive said on 16/Oct/06
One thing's sure he's at least 1 inch under Brad Pitt...
Click Here
anonymous2 said on 12/Oct/06
didn't Glenn say Clooney is wearing boots in that pic? and he may have lifts in them...
Lmeister said on 12/Oct/06
Hmm George H I was thinking exactly the same he does also have rather long legs...
MD said on 11/Oct/06
He's not 5'11". He is clearly shorter than Brad Pitt, so there is no way he's over the listed height, and more likely slightly shorter than this.
George H said on 11/Oct/06
Yeah, but his arms seem about as long as Glenn's.... Or he just happens to have short arms for his height?
Brad said on 11/Oct/06
5' 11". Look above. If he stands straight he's 3" more than Glenn.
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
rog is pretty precise since i think clooney is 179 180 range damon 177 178 range and pitt 180 181 range
ralph said on 10/Oct/06
he needs an upgrade, I would put him at 5'10.75"
Clive said on 9/Oct/06
Apparently, there's no need to insist, Rob seems to be convinced he's 179cm despite every photos showing he isn't... That's his choice but each one will have made its own idea !
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/06
gemma ward is lised at 5'10 they look similar but she might have heels so aleast 5'11
Steiner said on 2/Oct/06
Personnally I agree with the two last comments ! Too overevaluated this Clooney ;oD
Viper652 said on 29/Sep/06
I peg Pitt at 5-10 1/2 and Clooney at 5-9 1/2.
anonymous2 said on 29/Sep/06
if Pitt is just under 5-10, which is very possible, then George would be just under 5-9. and that would make Damon 5-7ish. But I doubt anyone wants to consider that...!
dmeyer said on 27/Sep/06
clooney could reach 6'1 in lifts too he is just more honest
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
Clooney is jellous that Brad can reach 6-1 in lifts.
The Judge said on 24/Sep/06
I forget this:
Matt Damon on many photos appears to be smaller than Mr.Clooney, but by 2 or 3 cm max. Personnaly, I think Mr.Damon is 176 cm or so and he rounds off his height
Clive said on 24/Sep/06
Sure the Judge, I don't understand too why Brad Pitt and George Clooney are both listed at 5'11 whereas Pitt is one inch taller than Clooney... That still remains a mystery :D
Either Brad is 182cm and I can admit Clooney is 180cm or Brad is actually 180cm (what I think) and in that case Clooney must be 178cm !
Observer said on 24/Sep/06
OK Steiner but he can also look 5'11 with the same Tom Jones
Click Here
Like with 179cm Nicole Kidman
Click Here
Brad said on 21/Sep/06
Cause as Clooney says "he looks 6' 1"". Cycle boots, tall posture, lean, etc..
The Judge said on 16/Sep/06
Hi guys!..I can believe he's 5'11", okay, but how do you explain that Brad Pitt is taller by an inch or an inch and a half and describe at 5'11" also.
Brad said on 15/Sep/06
I agree with Glenn: 5' 11". Look above, he's in his classic slouch. Add 3-4" to 5'8". Bogie did that a lot at Warner Bros. for years, he always looked shorter plus mucho close-ups. Brad Pitt eats him up with that big cycle boot-straight up stance.
MHouillon said on 8/Sep/06
Wait a second.... I, who finds the 5'10 caliming for
Matt Damon is just too much (look at the
Matt Damon thread), would NEVER have him on an unreal 5'8 (173cm)... 176cm (5'9.25") is a legitimate height for Matt, but NEVER a 5'8 !!!! (not even a 5'8.5"!) So George is a just-right-179cm (5'10.5"), as Rob has him listed at. (Isn't it clear ? George claims his real height half an inch taller than he really is.. Still believable and more realistic than those, who tell they are taller by more than one inch than they raelly are. Just read all the others postings. = " Not a FULL 5'11" ". = 179cm (5'10.5") for Mr. Clooney. Period.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
I still stand by Clooney being 5-9 1/2 barefoot. Damon in the 5-8 range.
ralph said on 6/Sep/06
yeah clooney looks a bit taller (one inch?) than 5'10" matt damon.
Click Here
Rut said on 2/Sep/06
Clooney is five ft. eleven, end of story!
Brad said on 16/Aug/06
True about Clooney's posture! He does side slouch a lot in photos & film.
Gotxo said on 15/Aug/06
Mhoullion and Obvserver got pretty much the thing!
Clooney's height must lie somewhere in the fork they propose, between 177 and 180cm.
Watch again "O brother", #1 because is a superb film, #2 you can compare there a 184cm-185cm Turturro to Clooney and he's not there a full 5'11".
Whatever, as said he's on average a cm under or over 5'10".
Observer said on 11/Aug/06
I share the same opinion with anonymous, 179cm with shoes and 177cm without.
Moreover he often has a quite bad posture and the photos I saw on this site are ones of the best I've been able to see on him.
So I repeat what I said underneath, 178cm on average !
dmeyer said on 11/Aug/06
in pics he can look 5 10ish but friends of mine that met him tell me he looks 6 feet so 5 11 is possible he looks 1 to 1.5 in smaller than brad but brad look 183 184 range in elevators so
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/06
even thaugh he has boots in that pics he looked 180 since he tower over glenn even when sloushing
Brad said on 10/Aug/06
I see Pitt is wearing big heels walking from his trailer to the location shoot 2 days ago.
anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
In some recent pics from the Ocean's set, Clooney looks about an inch shorter than Pitt. He does look the same height as 177 cm Spacey. (And in person he could look 179 cm in shoes.)
Brad said on 8/Aug/06
Somebody I know in Vegas just saw him a few hours ago: 5' 11" as George says. The whole Danny Ocean gang is in town. I think they are hanging at Mr. Cindy Crawford's crib.
Surfer said on 7/Aug/06
Here it's a photo which make me doubt about the height written above.
You have Clooney next to Kevin Spacey, listed on this site at 177cm... So how can he be 179cm ???
Click Here
MHouillon said on 5/Aug/06
He is a barely 5'11. Never ever a six footer like some people claim, and he's not a 5'9.5 either.
anonymous said on 5/Aug/06
After seeing those pictures I think he's no more than 177 cm.
Observer said on 31/Jul/06
I'm a fan of Clooney, and on average he looks 5'10, sometimes less like on this photo with 5'11 Pitt and 5'10 Damon in socks :
Click HereAnd the one when he stands him straight with 5'9 Andy Garcia :
Click Here
Glenn said on 28/Jul/06
Then Clooney wears lifts.or Im 5-5 in that photo.looks tall though.and lifts?
Guest said on 28/Jul/06
Personnally Glenn, I think it's not a question to "make yourself feel better" but to be the most realistic possible !
I got the chance to meet him recently or rather to shake his hand...
I'm exactly 5'10 and I was standing next to him so even if I couldn't be taken in photo like you, I can assure you we were exactly the same height.
Clooney looks a solid 179cm on the photo on the top but he is clearly younger than now, the photos I saw below are more representative of his actual height !
Glenn said on 27/Jul/06
Antonio is 5-9.and Clooney is 5-11.Stallone 5-10.take it from someone who sees these people in the flesh all the time.not downgrading to make myself feel better.
Clive said on 26/Jul/06
There was nothing against you, be sure of that but since I have visited this site I realized that many Hoolywood stars overevaluated their height...
For instance I've been convinced by others surfers'photos that Stallone is only 5'9 and Banderas wasn't 5'9 whereas I was sure of it.
For Clooney pershaps he was 179 or 180cm when he was 21, but currently 178cm is a max... Here is a last photo where you have an very good pic :
Click Here
MHouillon said on 25/Jul/06
Ahhhhh, I think he's got it, finaly.
Clive said on 24/Jul/06
I don't want to hurt you, but this time it's you who are joking !
You CAN'T compare Clooney's height on a sleeve of DVD it's ridiculous !
Brad Pitt and the others actors are all behind him this is why he looks the tallest !
If you had put Brad Pitt instead of Clooney, it would have done exactly the same effect !
So that's not what we can call a proof, rather look my last photo with the same Bratt Pitt at the same level than Clooney and the one posted by seen where Clooney certinly don't look over 5'10...
MHouillon said on 22/Jul/06
Dear Clive, here is a good pic to recognize, that Clooney is clearly the tallest.
Click Here
MHouillon said on 21/Jul/06
Or this: left BIG-LIFTS-damon, to the right little-lifts-CLOONEY
Click Here
MHouillon said on 21/Jul/06
I CAN ! Look at this picture here: there you can see, that Clooney is the tallest of all !
Click Here
Clive said on 17/Jul/06
MHouillon don't make me laught! You can always judge the quality of my photos but you don't bring others ones which prove what you're writing...
Glance at it :
Click Here
Height Detective said on 16/Jul/06
The problem with the photos of Brad Pitt and Clooney is that is hard to see one photo of their at the same level , so is difficult to judge their real difference on height.
In this photo
Click Here you can see Brad and George in the same level , there is a little , difference of may be 1 cm favoring Brad.
But is clear that
Matt Damon is the shortest of the three , because his position in that photo prove they wanna make him appear similar height as clooney and pitt.
martin said on 16/Jul/06
Mugshot in "From Dusk Till Dawn" says 75 and 1/2 inches (=192cm) for Seth Gecko. Richi Gecko's mugshot says 78 inches (198cm). I know that's ridiculous but interesting. ;-)
Larry said on 15/Jul/06
Actually, my daughter saw Clooney & Pitt together at a premier in San Antonio some time back & said they both looked about 5'11" to her. Not sure whether George ever wears lifts, but many people think Brad's height varies quite a bit. I think one needs to look for consistency. Does the actor appear ABOUT the same height from appearance to appearance?
Viper652 said on 14/Jul/06
Id say Clooney is 5-9, 5-9 1/2 Max barefoot. Brad Pitt is an inch taller.
MHouillon said on 14/Jul/06
I meant David's pic. Frog angle, very sloping... bad picture to judge a height. And Grant Heslov wears lifts. Clooney always had the appearance of a quite (I say it again: QUITE!) tall guy on tv.. because he wears lifts ofcourse. My opinion is, that a small guy could never appear realistic tallish. Look at Sly or Tom Cruise... They are obviously wearing lifts = Because they are really thick. With Clooney you need a second look to realise he's wearing lifts (I guess very decent ones). Still 179cm for Mr. Clooney.
MHouillon said on 14/Jul/06
Nonsense ! You want Rob to downgrade George Clooney because of this very bad picture ? Are you serious ? You must be kidding! Did you fly over the Cuckoo's Nest ? By the way, Damon is 176-177max. Clooney is 179-180.
Clive said on 12/Jul/06
Here is a photo of Clooney with Grant Heslov, now tell me if 5.10.5 is still appropriated to George :D
Click Here
Clive said on 10/Jul/06
Yes sorry... Strathairn is listed here at 6' therefore that doesn't change what I wrote, Clooney looks 5cm under, to say the least !
Clive said on 10/Jul/06
Hi Rob! Once again I found a photo with Clooney and Grant Heslov, here listed at 5'9!!!, and you can see that Grant easily looks 2inches more than Clooney...
So I can't believe he's "a solid 179cm" as you said :
Click Here

Editor Rob
strathairn you mean?
Clive said on 28/Jun/06
Yeah David that's alright! Rob you can definitively downlist him at 178cm, there're no more doubts...
David said on 19/Jun/06
Matt Damon is 5'10", how can George Clooney be 5"10 1/2" if in the following picture, if is obvious that Damon is taller than Clooney (unless he is wearing big heels)?
Click Here
theheightguru said on 18/Jun/06
I agree Clive, the more pics I see of him, the more I think Mr. R's 'five nine and a half is dead on'.
Glenn said on 7/Jun/06
I worked on that set.your right,she can look between 5-10 and 6ft.
Larry said on 7/Jun/06
Saw The Peacemaker on DVD & I'm not so sure Kidman's not wearing any heels. I couldn't tell. This may sound odd, but Kidman's height seems to vary all over the place. Maybe SHE's taller than advertised or something more bizarre? Both my daughter & Frank2 (different places, different times) have seem Clooney & they both say 5'11". AGREE with you about shoes, Frank2! Especially with a compromised right leg, I feel ANY heel on my darn shoes! Mostly I'm wearing sandles with the back straps removed around the house. I wore a pair of SAS shoes to the doctors the other day. They have a "wedge" bottom, maybe 1.25" high and I was in serious pain after wearing them for only about 2 hours. :-(
David said on 5/Jun/06
If Nicole Kidman is 5'10 1/2", Clooney must be shorter because if you look at the finale of The Peacemaker, there is a wide shot where they are standing next to each other and Nicole Kidman is NOT wearing heels. You can see that she is a little taller than Clooney.
Bluewin said on 5/Jun/06
I also would say shorter than 5'11,cuz shorter than Brad Pitt.
UK BOI said on 30/May/06
he looks shorter on film! esp in oceans 11 & 12! maybe because hes broad!
Frank2 said on 28/May/06
Back when I saw Clooney he looked to be my height. So did Pitt. But they could have been wearing height-increasing footware. But I saw nothing that really stood out. Just about all men's shoes today are big ugly monsters that I suppose they might have boosted them a little. I always wear the flatest shoes I can find since I have a bad back.
ForensicNYC said on 28/May/06
Frank2's comments and observations are quite right, as he has seen/met these celebrities. The picture, heights, and Brad's quip are meant to be FACETIOUS.
Have a look at the JOHN CLEESE page...
Click Here
And the CLASSIC...
Click Here
dmeyer said on 27/May/06
hey frank2 are you sayng clooney ant pitt are the same height
Frank2 said on 26/May/06
Clooney is not 6'. When I saw him he was no taller than me. But when I saw Pitt he was my height as well and when I saw
Matt Damon he was much shorter. In fact Damon was almost as short next to me as Glenn looks in the photo above with Clooney. So go figure!
dmeyer said on 25/May/06
this pic means nothing because the floor is lower on one side and clooney is slouching i think clooney is a full 5'11 many guys that met him say he is 6 feet
ForensicNYC said on 25/May/06
George Clooney 5'11",
Matt Damon 6'1", Brad Pitt 6'2"...(Aherm..cough..cough) estimated heights, according to this picture...
Click HereBrad Pitt: "Matt! You get down from that skateboard right now! You're giving George an erractic pulse!"
Glenn said on 17/May/06
He had boots on.
Anonymous said on 16/May/06
In the pic with Glen, they look roughly the same size from the waist up. But if Clooney stood up straight, he'd have at least 6 inches on Glen?! The height difference is all below the waist. Look how much higher Clooney's waist and crotch are compared to Glen's. Either Clooney is standing on a curb, or he borrowed some boots from Gene Simmons! The only other explanation is Glen's body is ridiculously out of proportion (which i seriously doubt).
leonari said on 16/May/06
Nate robinson is closer to 5'7.5". NBA heights are taken with shoes on. Everybody knows that. Plus Nate is one of the shortest NBA players and in order to get drafted in an early round he had to "fudge" his height. Plus: Spud Webb is 5'6" and nate was an inch taller or maybe 1.5 inches taller than Webb at the Slam Dunk contest...
J.J.F said on 16/May/06
As I suspected. Glenn says 5'11 with a bit of boot, I'd say 5'10.5 is right. Remeber that sidewalk is not level!
Mr. R said on 16/May/06
Polly, you have a tall family. Do you have a pic for us to see your wonderful brood?
Editor Rob said on 15/May/06
Anybody know Nate Robinson? He says he is 5ft 9...that's with shoes, right???
Click Here
On the above page he's with Clooney (who is a little closer), Ludacris (Nate is a little closer) and Isaih...
Of course:
Robinson, Nate 5' 7.75'' 5' 9'' 181 6' 1'' 7' 7.5''
I'm sure any basketball enthusiasts will understand what the above line from the draft means...
A-Bomb said on 14/May/06
Hold on. Why did you say 6 feet in the interview Rob, yet still have him listed as 5'10 1/2"?

Editor Rob
Clooney promised me and Glenn a walk on role in his new movie if I managed to get him described 6ft in print...
no, seriously, its easy to be misquoted or for someone to note down a wrong height. What I said - Glenn thought clooney looked 5ft 11, the height he claims and I said he wasn't really far from it, not really lying...but at the same time I was talking about McGregor having once been mentioned as 6ft, so you can see were wires might have got crossed over the phone.
polly said on 13/May/06
I'm a female. Height 5ft 11 ins. My partner is 6ft. My eldest son is 6ft. 4ins and my youngest 6ft. 8 ins. Have friends in all heights, colours, shapes, credos and sizes. Hey, who gives a bugger. As long as we love each other, that's the thing.
Marc B. said on 1/May/06
Pitt is the benchmark 5'11" in Hollywood, and George looks 2" shorter. Unless Pitt is wearing lifts or George has really bad posture, I say George is closer to 5'9-5'10".
deadman said on 1/May/06
george looks a couple of inches taller than grant heslov who is 5'8, and he was wearing nikes....i will try to find the pic...
Azarea said on 30/Apr/06
He did look to struggle next to kidman in The Peacemaker,The fact that he doesnt care how tall he is and doesnt try to look taller in pictures very much fits into his persona,very cool, i'd say 179pointsomething

Editor Rob
180cm in the morning? 179cm at night...
Eddd said on 17/Apr/06
hmmm, pitt wears alot of lifts then.
larry said on 16/Apr/06
OK, talked to my daughter on the phone today. She repeated that Mr. Clooney was 5'11" in regular shoes when she saw him. She also said that Brad Pitt was the same height. Hope that helps. :-)
larry said on 15/Apr/06
My 6' daughter works at The Bijou Theater in San Antonio, Texas. Both Clooney & Brad Pitt were present at the premiere of OCEAN'S 11 a few years back. She didn't get to meet either man, but saw both at about 5-6 feet distance. She stated they both looked 5'11". Said they were both wearing dress shoes and formal wear. I think when Pitt looks taller, he may have a "shoe advantage". I'll ASK her about this siting again. The Bijou is a premiere dinner theater in San Antonio. Will also find out who else she's seen.
C.Barrow said on 14/Apr/06
Hi! Remember From Dusk Till Dawn with Mr.Tarantino...if he's 6'1.5", then Mr.Clooney is 5'10.5"or maybe 5'11"! And yes, he appears to be 2 or 3 cm taller than Mr.Damon in Ocean's eleven...
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/06
He looks 6' 1" in this pic with Glenn, considering if he stood up straight with good posture.
dmeyer said on 3/Apr/06
your right women cant judge height i am barely close to 6 feet and some women think i am 6'2"
Eddd said on 3/Apr/06
I think a 3rd person can judge better, biases aside. Sometimes I look at a 6' mark on a wall and it looks like I'm that tall. Eye to eye with Clooney could mean your forehead got half an inch on his.
raj said on 3/Apr/06
Frank2, thats so true! My ex used to think I was 6-2 and im only 6 feet.
thing with clooney, pitt and damon is very funny but once we know the exact height of any of them well get the whole pack.
Frank2 said on 2/Apr/06
When I saw Clooney I thought he was my height. We were basically eye level. My wife thought I looked taller than Clooney. Not by much, but enough that she could tell. But then when I stood and talked to Bruce Willis who is exactly my height my wife thought he looked taller! I once met a woman who dated Peter Sellers and she insisted he was close to being 6' tall! Peter was no more than 5'7". Sometimes I wonder about women and their ability to judge things properly.
Eddd said on 1/Apr/06
So you're saying he LOOKS 5'11. But he really isnt, because he's shorter than you (and you're 5'11), according to your wife?

Editor Rob
remember barefoot on the monaco boat, well ok in socks, we've seen in the past clooney is a little taller than Damon, Pitt taller by a little more...brad of course needed the 1cm edge of slippers! he don't do sans-slipper shots
Frank2 said on 1/Apr/06
Clooney looks to be 5'11" and Brad when he's not wearing shoes that boost him is also about 5'11". When I saw Clooney he was wearing normal shoes.
Matt Damon cannot be that tall since when I saw him he was considerably shorter than me. Now my wife saw Clooney when I did and she thinks he was shorter than me! Go figure!
Eddd said on 1/Apr/06
5'10. Clooney is an inch shorter than Pitt. Unless Pitt is 6', Clooney is not 5'11
funkmonk said on 31/Mar/06
Sighting summary:
Mr R gives him 5'9.5"
Frank2 gives him 5'11"
Stef gives 175/176 cm
did i miss anyone?
Eddd said on 28/Mar/06
Frank2: there's a good picture pointing out that Damon and Clooney are the same height. How tall do you think Damon is?
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
I'm 5'11".
Many of the celebs listed here have wrong heights shown. This is especially true for actors who are well under 6'. As I've said earlier, today's TV stars seem to be much taller these days. I've seen many casting sessions and the fellows who line up are usually all at least 6' or well over it. Why for the little screen are actors taller than for the big screen is a mystery. But back when Fox was casting TV action shows Like Firefly and before that Space, Above and Beyond, the actors hired were almost all all big guys. When Fox was casting the role of Fox Mulder for The X-Files, a buch of hunks showed up. They ended up with David Duchovny who's at least 6'1" and plays down his height to 6'. Go figure!
DudeX said on 27/Mar/06
How tall are you Frank2?

Editor Rob
not speaking for Frank2, but on another page I think he recalled he is a solid 5ft 11er, so give him 181cm ;-)
Frank2 said on 26/Mar/06
Check this shot:
Click HereDamon is 5 inches shorter than
Ben Affleck.
And this one:
Click HereRemember, Matt wears height-increasing footwarw while Affleck being tall doesn't need to.
Another shot of Matt with Affleck:
Click HereWhen I stood next to Damon I looked about as tall as the guy in this photo:
Click HereWho knows? Maybe I've been measuring myself wrong all these years and I'm over six feet!
Eddd said on 25/Mar/06
I think Pitt is leaning left in the second picture, he could be half an inch taller.
theheightguru said on 24/Mar/06
Edd, about the pics you posted of Clooney, Damon and Pitt: In the first one, it looks as though George Clooney is further back, thus making him appear smaller. In the second, he's standing sideways, while Damon and Pitt are relatively straight. I think your pics do prove that all three men lie about their height.
J-Dog said on 23/Mar/06
Brad Pitt must be right at or close enough to 6 feet.
John said on 23/Mar/06
Wow Eddd, The last pic really does show that Damon and Clooney are the same hieght, so I say 5'9 for them both and 5'10.5 For Pitt.
Clive said on 22/Mar/06
I saw Eddd's photo and I'm really surprised !!! I knew Brad Pitt was 5'11 but what seems surprising on these photos is that between Pitt and Clooney there is at least 1 inch of difference... So I don't know if it's Brad who is taller or if George is really 5'10 ! Personnally I'd opt for the second possibility.
Mr. R said on 11/Mar/06
I saw the Oscars too, and Clooney and Nicole did look fairly close in height. However, do not forget the power of the almighty lifts! I stand by my just under 5-10 sighting of Clooney.
dmeyer said on 11/Mar/06
i agree with sam that clooney and kidman are both around 5'11
sam said on 10/Mar/06
At the Oscars, I believe Nicole Kidman was wearing 3 inch heels and Clooney was wearing regular shoes. I believe that these two are almost exactly the same height barefoot.
Frank2 said on 10/Mar/06
George is exactly my height which is 5'11". Brad Pitt was slightly taller than him in the film Ocean's Eleven and no way was
Matt Damon as tall as either of them. My God! what are you people looking at? Damon is 5'8". Pitt is about 6' and Clooney is 5'11".
dwarfy said on 9/Mar/06
Did anybody see watched the Oscars show? I was busy and i just saw the moment when he was heading towards 5-10" (+ something) Nicole Kidman to receive the statue.I didnt see Nicole's footwear but he didnt look like a dwarf.A 5-9 guy next to Kidman with heels would.
Eddd said on 7/Mar/06
I would say Clooney is a bit over 5'10 and Pitt a bit over 5'11.
Matt Damon is listed at 5'10, and we know that's his max height because no one would list their height shorter than what it really is.
In Ocean's 12, Damon was as tall as Pitt and taller than Clooney. If Clooney and Pitt were 5'11 and 6', respectively, then Damon would had to wear a 2 inch lift to get up to Pitt's height (shoes are not included because all 3 were wearing dress shoes).
Two inches of lift. You know how ridiculous that is? Has any tried 2 inches of lift? It's insane, and impossible.
MD said on 7/Mar/06
This isn't rocket science. I've met many celebs in NYC and wrote about it in the Pierce Brosnan section of this site. I talked about how celebs can manipulate their heights on the street by walking near the top of a sidewalk. All sidewalks slope downward towards the street to wash away rain into the gutters. Clooney is at the top of the sidewalk and that could easily add a couple of inches to his height. You can see a pretty obvious slope in that picture as well.
No_name said on 6/Mar/06
I was talking about that picture,if we see him next to Jen.Button.. he might had missed a night's sleep.!
No_name said on 6/Mar/06
We had been waiting for that pic.Guys, lets be serious,the guy is leaning a loooot and still and is still taller by 2,3 (..?) inches.Look,HE IS LEANING and looks much taller than 5-8.6 feet is a good guess for that pic (with shoes, but only Glen can know what we cant see in the picture)
Chris said on 2/Mar/06
Glenn - I know you haven´t met Brad Pitt, but now that you met Clooney, would you say Brad is 6 feet?
Mr. R said on 28/Feb/06
Rob...are you listening? Will I be vindicated? (Much as I would like to write Clooney off as just another vapid pretty boy, he is very bright and very friendly and generous to his fans. Good Night and Good Luck was the BEST film of the year. Look for a possible upset on Oscar night for his role in Syriana!) He is still no taller than 5-9.5!
John said on 27/Feb/06
Ok, I met Clooney the other day, he is filiming Micheal Clayton here in Orange Coutny NY...Im 5'11. and I was a good two inches taller, and I had sneakers on he had dress shoes. No ways he's 5'10.5...........I have to say tho he is a cool guy was real nice to everyone. Go to
Mr. R said on 17/Feb/06
Viper, I would say that Clooney is about 5'9.5 barefoot. I spent a pretty full afternoon with him and the cast of Goodnight and Good Luck.
d said on 15/Feb/06
hm, george looks easily 5'11, if glenn is 5'8 on the dot. The bizarre thing is all george's 3 inches here is in his legs, upper body and arms look the same length. If i didn't know any better i'd say george was standing on a box.
Glenn said on 15/Feb/06
he's 5-11.slight boots is a possibilty in that shot.
Mr. R said on 15/Feb/06
Actually funkmonk, I said AT LEAST and inch and half. Truly, I believe he was actually two inches shorter, but I was understating things.
dmeyer said on 15/Feb/06
in pics he looks between 5'10 to 6'
funkmonk said on 14/Feb/06
thanks Mr. R, btw the height 182cm = 5'11.65". So and inch and a half less than this is just over 5'10". Which is close to the estimated the height listed here. I know I being a pedant here! :-/
Mr. R said on 14/Feb/06
I stand by my story. I was recently measured at 182cm, and Clooney was easily an inch and a half shorter. He is between 5-9 and 5-10.
funkmonk said on 14/Feb/06
Seems like more than 2 inch gap there, I thought this guy was 5'9.5" to 5'10" -what does Mr R say?
But 2 factors: I believe that Glenn has stated that 5'8" is his morning height (we r all taller in the morning) and 5'7.5" is his normal height.
Also is that a slant I see on the road in favour of George?
JUSTMATT said on 14/Feb/06
Now...there's something wrong here...Clooney stated to be 5.11 but in this photos he seems like 6.1!!! Or he has boots or Gleen is not 5.8!!! In this photo Clooney seems at least 1o cm taller than Gleen but that's impossible! So or Gleen is 5.8 with shoes on or Clooney downgrade his height but I don't think that there is a celebrity who do that!b
dmeyer said on 14/Feb/06
in peacmaker he looks almost ass tall as kidman when she is in heels a full 5'11 is very possible i dont think he is a lift guy he wears 1 to 1.5 dress shoes
Mr. R said on 8/Feb/06
To give you a sense of how they can do tricks with the camera...I was watching the Batman movie with George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, and Uma Thurman, also Arnold. There was a scene when Uma walks between Batman and Robin, and Uma looks to be about the same height as George and Chris. Having met all three of them, Uma is by far the tallest at 6 feet, George is not quite 5-10, and Chris is not quite 5-9, yet onscreen you do not see the difference! (By the way, Arnold does look to be about 6-2 in his scenes with Uma, but I am sure his Mr. Freeze boots are helping him!)
dmeyer said on 21/Jan/06
in good night and good luck he did look close to david 6 feet 1 stratairn
Mr. R said on 20/Jan/06
I repeat, George was almost 2 inches shorter than me a few weeks ago. He is just below 5-10. I was watching Oceans Twelve the other day, and now that I am sure of George's true height, All claims of the Ocean's buch are suspect. Based on my Clooney sighting,
Matt Damon is not quite 5-9, and Brad Pitt is between 5-11 and six feet. If Clooney really believes that he is 5-11, that explains why he thinks of Pitt as 6-1.
dmeyer said on 15/Jan/06
glenn is right clooney is a full 5'11 can look taleler when he is wearing 1.5" heels
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
yes I do have photo.coming soon.he looks 5-11.
MD said on 7/Jan/06
He is the same height, if not even slightly less than Jay Leno in heels. Leno is either 5'10" (most likely) or 5'11", both in shoes. I'd guess that George is no more than 5'10.5" in shoes.
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/06
i never thought of lifts at the time but you could be right, hes not a small guy though and tends to date tall models. i would say hes medium build.
175cm16andgrowing said on 7/Jan/06
If he'S at least 6' the he wore lifts... otherwise Pitt is 6'2'' or 6'3'' :D. ... No, I think Clooney is around 5'10'' or 5'11''. He doesn't look small but his posture isn't always that great. I've also noticed that he looked taller when he was thinner, then I'd have said 6' but now I say between 5'10'' and 5'11''. He's smaller than Pitt so he can't be 5'11''.
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/06
Ive met clooney, im 5'7 and with heels he was still taller, was taller then me and most men in bar, I would say at least six feet.
elio said on 3/Jan/06
Anyone read the latest issue of the British version of FHM (For Him Magazine). In an article on different heights they give :
Tom Cruise 5'7"
Brad Pitt 5'11"
George Clooney 6'0"
talk about giving George a boost!
Gotxo said on 1/Jan/06
If Jeter is really 6'2", 5'9" for Clooney is a very good guess Viper.
He has not 4" on him, his eyebrows aren't above the other one's head dome, plus it makes sense with Mr. R's guesstimations, definatly less than 5'11" , in the 5'10"-5'9" range.
Viper652 said on 1/Jan/06
Jeter's real height is around 6-2. Clooney looks taller then 5-9 there I think.
bornio said on 30/Dec/05
clooney with derek jeter(jeter has his cleats on)
Gotxo said on 20/Dec/05
Hullo JustMatt, i've the same perception on Pitt too. Sometimes he looks a true six footer, others on the 5'11" range. And i also think there's something fishy about that bunch, if Pitt lies, he's doing so for an inch (not big lie) Clooney could fudge a bit more than an inch, but not two. Damon, he could be the big winner on that masquerade, he has been described by one spanish journalist who interviewed him as not the 180cm he told her (as the words used were of hard disapointment, even 5'10" sounds too good too for him)
JUSTMATT said on 20/Dec/05
Hi Gotxo I use
Nike Shox, without shoes I am 176 in the morning, with shoes 179-180. The problem is: I have seen a lot of photos of Clooney, Pitt and Damon. Pitt in an interview claimed to be 6', Clooney 5.11 and Damon sometimes said 5.10 and others 5.11. For sure or all of them lie or at least 1 or 2 of these actors lie because between Clooney and Pitt there's not only 1 inch difference and between Clooney and Damon there is an inch difference in Clooney favour. This is what I think: if Pitt is a true 6 than Clooney is 5.10 max and Damon 5.9 max. If Pitt is 5.11 well Clooney is 5.9 and Damon 5.8 but i find it hard to believe. Sometimes I think Pitt is a true 6' guy....
Gotxo said on 20/Dec/05
JustMatt what kind of shoes do you wear?
I'm five eleven and with 'em i'm only 183 or 184 at most depending on footwear, it is safe to say that he's about 3cm smaller barefooted (not five). Though Mr. R. doesn't give a full 5'11 with shoes for him, and has said that they were cluncky...HMMMM