QM6'1.5"QM said on 12/Feb/23
Peak was 5'8.25-5'8.5" and 5'7" range in last days!
The Planet is fine. It's people are *ucked!
R.I.P. Legend!
John Rose said on 29/May/22
I can believe him being a full 5'9" barefoot in his physical prime. Unfortunately, he got progressively shorter as he aged. His daughter has talked about how much shorter he was when she saw him in the final years of his life. He may have lost 3 inches or so.
5'10 Dude said on 23/Oct/21
George Carlin looked 5'9 in his prime, but I'd say that he was certainly no more than that. He was a man of average height. I feel like his slim proportions could often make him look kinda tall especially when standing alone on stage. He was the quintessential thinking man's comedian.
Christopher Chammas said on 11/Dec/20
When he was arrested, he looked 5’8.75” in sandals, the sandals would give him 0.5” height which makes him 5’8.25” at night so he’s around 5’8.5”.
brthomas said on 18/Apr/20
Based on your information of two other celebrities, you are in error of George Carlin's height. I've pasted a youtube link at the end to see for yourselves. You list Johnny Carson and Richard Pryor at 5'10 which at 17min and 4 seconds seems to be accurate. But look at George Carlin who is not only taller than Carson and Pryor but a bigger man in size. I would say he's at least 5'11" if not a bit taller.
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viper said on 4/Apr/20
He was a genius in some ways
QM6'1QM said on 2/Apr/20
Probably, the greatest comedian (artist ?!) ever, at least in the history of U.S.
"The planet is fine. It's people are *ucked!".
I love his monologue about "7 words you can't say on TV".
He was very intellectual man - book "Brain Droppings", monologue "I'm a modern man", many special for HBO and his position about politics and war as proof to everyone.
Peak height: 5'8.25-5".
Last days: maybe 5'7 range (It's bad for ya, 2008).
P.S. My favourite comedian also as Bill Hicks, Jim Carrey, Mitch Hedberg etc.
Bwk said on 20/Mar/20
He still might be 5'9''. He can definitely look it a lot of the time. The sandals he's wearing could possibly be very thin and barely add anything to his height.
Jani said on 17/Aug/17
In many HBO specials he looked like 180-183cm but it may be due to the fact that he was very skinny. He looked pretty short in his last ones though (especially in the last one It's Bad For Ya).
He looks around the same height as Kevin Smith in this picture so maybe about 173cm for Carlin?
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Pitch_Fork said on 22/May/17
5'8.5'' at his peak
5'9 said on 24/Mar/17
Did George Carlin shrink in height?

Editor Rob
he could have been somewhere in 5ft 8 -9 zone, but did look to have shrunk at least an inch by his final years.
Jake said on 21/Feb/17
Typical strong 5'8" to weak 5'9" guy, around the same height as me I guess.
Jordan said on 6/Dec/16
I met him before and I'm going to say he looked 5'8.5
hijopotamus said on 22/Oct/16
174 big sloucher.
Melissa Officialis said on 6/Mar/15
In his mugshot he is "officially" 5'9 BUT wearing sandals. You should downgrade him in one inch Rob.
Sean said on 2/Nov/14
5'9" in sandals. His mugshot, showing footwear:
Click Here
Bob said on 27/May/13
Always thought George Carlin was 5'7 or something.
wiltonstilts said on 29/Apr/13
I agree with shammy. I always thought he looked 6'02. But I do believe he was 5'09 now cuz everywhere I've checked says 5'09.
shammy said on 28/Feb/13
always looks really tall on stage for some reason, i always though he was 6'2" or something.
jtm said on 8/Aug/12
don't think he was 5'9.
tony t. said on 7/Aug/12
What happened to the 5'8.5 listing?

Editor Rob
well I heard him claim 5ft 9 and thought maybe he shrunk a bit towards his late 60's
guyfrommars said on 17/Nov/11
Looked this height next to 6'1" Keanu Reeves in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
linke said on 12/Jan/11
Near 5'9 in mugshot but has sandals on.
ACG said on 1/Jan/11
Anonymous says on 20/Apr/10
I remember him saying he was 5'11'' during standup.
Now THAT'S some good comedy, right there! ;-)
glenn said on 28/Apr/09
really? he mustve shrunk some.i thought 5-7,5-8.love that dumb rednecks comment below.
mcfan said on 28/Apr/09
George Carlin was 5'9.
thekiddd said on 18/Oct/08
Rob, When an actor dies. How come you never use their current height vs peak height?

Editor Rob
I like to just leave the peak height. Maybe in some situations it's worth mentioning if the person shrunk more than typical.
Max said on 18/Aug/08
I'm glad glenn's gone from this website. From the comment he left on 24th June you can tell he wasn't the brightest banana.
Interstellar Overdrive said on 27/Jun/08
In one of his HBO specials he throws out 5'11 as an example as pointless things to be proud of. Seems to me that the first height that would come to your mind is your own. 5'8 seems fair.
glenn said on 24/Jun/08
saw this guy all the time and would ignore him.i only have 2 pics with him in 20 years.i was never much a fan.maybe i dont know much about him.
Anthony said on 23/Jun/08
I'll miss him. He was the Sinatra of comedy, someone who completely defined it as an art form and paved a way for many who, while funny, never were quite the real deal. R.I.P. George. Maybe now you've come to good terms with The Invisible Man In The Sky.
D. Ray Morton said on 23/Jun/08
1000 RIPs.
Adam said on 4/Jun/08
I'm surprised. He has atrocious posture on stage and doesn't look short.
Mr. T said on 16/Aug/07
Just because your grandfather didn't shrink doesn't mean that most people don't shrink.
Jon Doe said on 3/Aug/07
I seriously don't beleive that we actually shrink with age, I think alot of you people are just being gullable for example:my grandfather is exactly 5'6 right on the dot and always was and always has been and even though his 80 some years old now he never suddenly just "lost" height but as you get older you gradually slouch more often because your bones and whatnot are starting to just rot away,and my grandfather does slouch alot I can still tell that he's 5'6 when standing straight.This guy always seemed under average height to me,though he's a fantastic comedian I truely think he's 5'7 and always has been 5'7.
Mr. T said on 23/Mar/07
His knees look a tad bent in that mugshot. He really did look 5'9" at peak.
trueheight said on 13/Mar/07
As a big fan and seeing all of his concert footage - I'm almost positively sure that he was 5'10 at his peak - he appeared so from the 60s to the 70s. In the late 80s, he developed a slouch. He's had much medical troubles early on including two heart attacks - so now, he's frail. I say change the peak height to like 5'9 at least.
Anonymous said on 7/Dec/06
I would say he has shrunk a good bit since he was young. He always leaned over and was a big druggie so that probably didn't help in keeping his bones healthy when he got older. Saw his wall chart picture and he is more like 5'8, maybe 5'8 1/4 bare foot when he was young.
Todd said on 26/Sep/06
Definitely 5'9" at his peak. On his Rotten profile there is a picture of him next to a wall chart.
Click Here

Editor Rob
actually...seeing that, I'd take off maybe max 1/2 inch for those flips but also a little for perspective
steve jones said on 17/Jun/06
I had the pleasure of meeting George Carlin at a Napalm & Sillyputty book signing in 2002 on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I brought my disabled (blind) brother-in-law and when we got to the front of the line, George got up from behind the desks and moved around his handlers to come and greet him personally. It was actually very moving since we waited in line for several hours and he never got up from the desk to meet anybody, and I've always really had a deep respect for him going the extra mile for someone who was disabled. I shook his hand and stood directly next to him for maybe 2-3 minutes of pleasant conversation. AT ABSOLUTE MOST he would be 5'6" and has a very obvious slouch. In his prime stretched out years ago I could place him at 5'9" but he is quite short these days. He was just about as cool as you could ever imagine in person.
Glenn said on 16/Apr/06
Yeah,but he's old.
Polska said on 16/Apr/06
Glenn says he's 5'8" in the morning, and 5'7" in the evening. He look at least .5" taller than Carlin. That'd put Carlin at no more than 5'7".
carlinistrue king of comedy said on 26/Feb/06
Hello Im not sure his height but in case you guys didnt know George slouches to defy what most parent tell their kids about bad posture and slouching. If you notice he defies alot of things you just have to look at the details.
Viper652 said on 11/Feb/06
Im sure that 5-9 is with shoes on.
EJ said on 10/Feb/06
Here's his 1972 arrest sheet where he is listed at 5'9" (and 140 lbs):

Editor Rob
nice, very reasonable this was his peak height. Now, he does look like time has taken some toll on his stature
Damon said on 29/Jan/06
Holy crap, I always thought has much taller than this. If I just pictured him in my head I would say he's at least six foot. Just something about his head/face and frame. Crazy.
CoolJ said on 24/Jan/06
Wow, I thought the guy WAS 5'10.. But now he' slooking 5'7.5" - 5'8"
Marc said on 23/Jan/06
I saw George Carlin Live in Las Vegas. I noticed that he slouches a lot, possibly due to his older age. If he were to stand up straight, i beleive he would be around 5'8", possibly 5'9".