American actor, best known for playing Captain Merrill Stubin in The Love Boat and Murray Slaughter on Mary Tyler Moore show. He has claimed he stood '5ft 10.5'...
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 16/Dec/17
Seeing is believing Rob, wouldn't you say? (Sorry for the double entry BTW, I was trying to correct some grammatical errors at 2AM..! :)

Editor Rob
his claim certainly doesn't hold up to how he could look.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 18/Nov/17
There is no way that this guy is taller than 5'7" (Probably 5'6" or less today in his mid 80s.) Just watched an episode of Hogan's Heroes where he's standing next to Klink (Who's listed as, and looks a strong, 5'10). Klemperer owns him by a good 3 inches. Look at old episodes of McHale's Navy. Borgnine, who was a strong 5'9 is taller than Gavin by at least 2 inches. Seeing is believing. This guy's "close to six foot" listing has bugged me for years.

Editor Rob
he may well be 3 inches shorter than his claim, I won't rule it out!
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 18/Nov/17
There is no way that this guy is taller than 5'7" (Probably 5'6" or less today in his mid 80s.) Just watched an episode of Hogan's Heroes where he's standing next to Klink (Who's listed as, and looks a strong, 5'10). Klemperer own him by a good 3 inches. Look at old episodes of McHale's Navy. Borgnine, who was a strong 5'9 owns Gavin by at least 2 inches. Seeing is believing. This guy's "close to six foot" listing has bugged me for years.
jwwjr. said on 4/Aug/15
G.Mcleod wrote in his autobiography. to get the part in Sand Pebbles movie he was asked. how tall he was compared to Steve McQeen. Mr. Mcleod said McQeen was taller than himself. (They worked together in a play years before).
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/07
On the Mary Tyler Moore Show, McLeod looked as tall as Ed Asner and Ted Knight (whatever their heights were back then).
Frank2 said on 8/Mar/06
I suspect that when he was young Gavin was no more than 5'9". After all he was no taller than Tony Curtis in the film Operation Petticoat and Tony was only 5'9". Which reminds me that all you fans who think that Kirk Douglas was 5'11" should take a good look at the film Spartacus. Douglas and Curtis are about the same height. Was Douglas wearing lifts in his custom-made sandals or was Tony Curtis wearing lifts in his custom-made sandals? Maybe they both were!
Mr. R said on 19/Jul/05
Nope, 5-7 tops.
CelebHeights Editor said on 19/Jul/05
In an old interview he stated he was "five-foot-ten and a half"
Palladium said on 4/May/05
I agree with u Mr. R, even when I don't meet that guy, what I really think is that "The Editor" do aware to add three to four inches more to test the Folk, so if here come a person who don't care what he write, let's say only to put some nice words maybe he sleeps than better, Rob know uups he swindle, so let the comment per, maybe that guy feels better than earlier but he pay to that comment null attencion. But if here come a person like me and you Mr.R who do know his stuff and say, nope that guy is exaggerated by couples of inches, this give him Power to stay "nimrod". Maybe isn't true what I blabber but anyway each one has his own OPINION.
Mr. R said on 3/May/05
Okay, this is completely wrong. I saw Captain Steubing at Robert Urich's funeral, and I accidently confused him with Norman Lear, the producer. They look like twins unfortunately for Gavin, that means that he is at best 5'7". I really want to say 5'6", but Rob won't believe that I have a new member of the 5'6" club!