UK Actor from tv series New Avengers. This is his height on his cv.
Rory said on 30/Sep/24
Gareth is definitely overlisted at 6ft. I saw him in a scene with Simon Williams in Upstairs Downstairs and there was more than a 3 inch difference,up to 4 inches I'd have said. Similarly in New Avengers,didn't look a solid six footer at all. I'd personally give him 5ft11.5 whilst considering 11.25 possible.
Frank Col said on 4/Jan/21
Gareth Hunt wore big heels in The New Avengers and was still shorter than 5ft 11.5 inch Patrick MacNee who wore normal dress shoes. I really dont think he was any taller than 5ft 10 and certainly not 6ft.
MHouillon said on 24/Jun/09
Gareth Hunt was always shorter than 181-182cm (5'11.25-5'11.5) Patrick MacNee, though wearing 2 inch-heeled boots/shoes. He was a legit 173-175cm (5'8-5'9).
This site is so accurate, but this is the most untrue height, I've seen here so far...
174 seems on the spot.

Editor Rob
I agree he's not 6ft anyway today by a few inches anyway...I still haven't caught a rerun to see for myself how tall he looked in the show.
Raymond Delauney said on 10/Apr/09
I met him in Hull in the 90s (he was there doing Panto). He was a bit taller than me - I'm 1.80 (5'11") He may have been wearing lifts but he was 'off-duty', haggling in a shop over the price of a leather jacket when I bumped into him. Quite a well-built chap, bigger than he appeared in The Avengers (funny camera angles). Very pleasant fellow.
Daniel said on 16/Jan/09
I was thinking exactly the same.. he looked about five foot 9, but then noticed the high heels... they were all the rage in the 70's, he's about same height as Joanna Lumley
Arthur Healy said on 8/Jan/09
I've just been watching a re-run of the New Avengers on BBC 4 TV. And as I thought when I saw the series on its first outing, Gareth Hunt, is in no way a 'six-footer'! Watch his short legs when he's running..these are the steps of a smaller man, and not the 'strides' of a 6 foot person. Any out there agree or have any positive information...? Thanks - - -Arthur - --