Remoteboat said on 2/Apr/23
A legit six footer (and proof that’s tall)
I think Rob is dead on with this listing.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Oct/22
Edges 182cm guys so can't be shorter than this listing
181.6cm guy said on 8/Mar/22
He can be 184.5-185cm out of bed, and reach 6'.0.25 at lunch.
Slim 6'0.25 said on 27/Feb/22
Same height as me
I take that back, 184cm is too much
Slim 6'0.25 said on 6/Feb/22
Amell would edge him out
185.5-186 out of bed
Slim 6ft said on 1/Jan/22
Can pull off 6’1 with thick footwear so he’s gotta be 183.5-184cm
182 is out of the picture
Cool guy
A little bit taller than j Adam’s
👍🏻 😎
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Oct/21
Can pull off 6ft1 quite a bit
Slim 6'1.75 said on 2/Oct/21
Colin, Patrick the camera is tilted in j adams favour
And j adams likes to wear a bit of a heel to look 6ft
Slim 6'1.75 said on 21/Sep/21
I think underlisted
Slim 6'1.75 said on 21/Sep/21
At least an inch taller than McDonough
Slim 6'1.5" said on 26/Aug/21
Skinny build probably makes him look taller
Slim 6'1.5" said on 26/Aug/21
185.5-186 out of bed
Retro-178 said on 23/Aug/21
Compared to 'Mike Ross', yeah 183-184 looks right but he gives me strong 6'1/6'2 vibes when he stands next to the taller actors like DB Woodside and Chi McBride. He looked max 1-2 inches shorter than McBride and at one scene looked same height, if not taller than Woodside?
Slim 6'1.5" said on 24/Jul/21
Macht at 183-184 I consider tallish not solid tall like 6’1+
He thinks he’s smart and he’s from a family of lawyers
And he’s a super cool guy
I see him as a good role model and aspire to be like him
slim 6'1 said on 7/Jul/21
@Rob, do you think Gabriel Macht is smart? He believes he is.
I reckon he is.

Editor Rob
I am not sure I know enough about him, but one thing about Macht - to do a show like Suits for over 8 years is some dedication.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 4/Jul/21
Nearer 6ft than 6’1
Progking184 said on 21/Jun/21
6'0.25-6'0.5. 6'1 morning. Strong 6'0 is usually tall
Slim 6'1.5 said on 18/Jun/21
Harvey would also play a magnificent Batman IMO
I reckon just a quarter inch between Macht & Amell, nothing more
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 16/Jun/21
Amell 184 cm
Macht 183 cm
Slim 6'1.5 said on 7/Jun/21
I wish I was as cool and smart as Harvey specter…
He should play the next James Bond not idris Elba… 👍
Slim 6'1.5 said on 1/Jun/21
Rampage i agree with this guess: Amell: 184.5cm
Macht: 183.8cm
Also I agree that he’s in 6’1” territory out of bed like 185-186cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/21
This guy is definitely hitting 6ft1 at least first thing...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/21
Slim, I think it could be....
Amell: 184.5cm
Macht: 183.8cm
Amell: 184.8cm
Macht: 184.2cm
BT said on 26/May/21
6'0-6'0.25 overall looks fair and at times I'd have said 6'0.5 might be closer. One thing about Macht though is he does generally stand quite well, so he is going to appear taller than he really is when compared to people with a more normal posture - not necessarily including Adams, as he also seems to have excellent posture.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 23/May/21
I bet amell would only be millimeters taller than him, not a whole cm taller
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 25/Mar/21
183 cm max
slim 6'1 said on 8/Feb/21
He’s got fantastic proportions so he doesn’t look like a lanky freak but still pretty tall aswell. Easily hits 186cm out of bed
DarkPower729 said on 7/Feb/21
If ever there was a really strong six footer out there, it’s this guy. He probably wakes up around 184.8cm (6’0.75”) and ends the day at 183cm (6ft). Wouldn’t bat an eyelid if he claimed he was nearly 6’1”.
Egor said on 3/Feb/21
He might be a bit taller than Patrick J Adams, but he’s definitely not 6,1
slim 6'1 said on 30/Jan/21
I am a strong believer that 183.8cm can be argued
slim 6'1 said on 16/Jan/21
Let’s get Gabriel Macht to 50 votes 👏
slim 6'1 said on 14/Jan/21
Not only is he a little bit taller than j Adams but he’s also a little bit bigger aswell 👍
slim 6'1 said on 13/Jan/21
I do agree with animus on the j Adams page, at least 5’11,5” to be tall in America and about 6’-6’0.50 to be tall in Europe 👍
slim 6'1 said on 13/Jan/21
I loved the onscreen chemistry between j Adams and Macht
slim 6'1 said on 12/Jan/21
He did threaten to punch Neal McDonough in the face if he made fun of any of the costars, what a badass 👍
Chinedu said on 9/Jan/21
@Philip McMullin
If you look at pictures, you'll see that he's obviously taller.
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
No way Phillip Macht edges j Adams by a little bit 6’+ is possible for Macht but impossible for j Adams
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Jan/21
Rob, don't you think Macht is more like 3/4 inch higher than Neal McDonough than just legit 1/2" apart? Could it be the case Neal had already lost some height during filming Suits?

Editor Rob
it could be 3/4, don't rule it out.
Philip McMullin said on 8/Jan/21
He and Adams are EXACTLY the same height!
slim 6'1 said on 7/Jan/21
Yeah I agree with rampage he is a bit over 6’ his morning height would definitely be 185.5-186cm
Vsquad said on 6/Jan/21
@slim 6'1
I have to take back what I said before, cos I wouldn't say that Macht "barely has anything on Patrick J Adams". I think it's for sure around a 2cm+ difference, which isn't crazy small. There's a lot of scenes in Suits where you can see Adams looking up at Macht. Or even in scenes where they're close to eye-to-eye due to camera angles, you can still see that Macht's chin is higher.
Ironically, I think they look much closer in height than they are because Adams' head is big. Usually that would make someone look shorter on camera, but in Adams' case because he's already close in height to Macht, it actually favors him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jan/21
This is a strong 6ft guy and I wouldn't discount the full half inch over. Easily wakes up at 6ft1
slim 6'1 said on 4/Jan/21
He generally looks in that 183.5-184 range
He barely has anything on Patrick j Adam’s at all
Slim 6'1" said on 16/Dec/20
Edged two strong 5’11”s (McDonough & j Adam’s) and is one of the tallest guys on the show
Give him 6’ & three eighths already
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Dec/20
I’ve got him at 183.8cm
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Dec/20
Agree vsquad, he’s only got a Adam’s by 1.7-1.8cm yet macht is classified tall and j Adam’s average
Slim 6'1" said on 18/Nov/20
Pretty thin for a solid 6 footer
Slim 6'1" said on 18/Nov/20
Looked skinny in suits like 79-80kg
Slim 6'1 said on 18/Nov/20
@Rob, do u believe theses a chance he’s 184cm?

Editor Rob
I think a solid 6ft is ok for him, but a full 184 I'm not so sure about.
Slim 6'1" said on 17/Nov/20
He holds his own against a heel wearing gonna Torres and constantly towers short guys in suits,
183.8-183.9 at his low is possible
Slim 6'1" said on 15/Nov/20
I still believe 183.8 is arguable for macht
Slim 6'1@ said on 5/Nov/20
One of the tallest guys in suits I reckon he’s like 185.8cm out of bed
183.8cm before bed
Slim 6'1@ said on 3/Nov/20
I just have a gut feeling he scrapes 184cm at his low like 183.8-183.9cm
Slim 6'1" said on 25/Oct/20
183.8cm at his low, he is clearly taller than both strong 5’11”s j Adam’s and McDonough
Slim 6'1" said on 24/Sep/20
One of the tallest lads on suits
Just barely 184cm wouldn’t surprise me
Slim 6'1" said on 24/Sep/20
McDonough is 181.5
J Adam’s is 182
Macht is 183.8
Slim 6'1 said on 14/Aug/20
@Rob, is 183.8cm possible for this guy?

Editor Rob
I think earlier in the day he would hit it
Slim 6'1" said on 8/Aug/20
i like gabriel, he should play the joker
Slim 6'1" said on 8/Aug/20
@rob i dont think amell is that much taller than macht its more 183.8 macht. 184.5 amell
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
gabe looks tall wether as patrick was in struggle street looking up to the tall black dude and not way taller than short fat guy actor who plays louis litt
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
give him the 183.8 upgrade and patrick 182cm
Slim 6'1" said on 6/Aug/20
Could u argue 183.8cm? I reckon so, j Adams on the other hand is 181.5-182, Neal McDonough is 181/182
Wat do u think? Please sure ur opinion even if it’s parallel to mine
Davidjr said on 17/Apr/20
He is 184.2cm tall because it says in his biography he is a very tall actor and a great lawyer on Suits
Blanc said on 10/Apr/20
I think 6ft ⅜ would suit him best and ⅛ upgrade to Patrick too. Would you say better chance of 6'0 ⅜ or 6'0 ⅛?
Panchsfhool said on 28/Mar/20
This guy is a tall fella. 1.84 seems very accurate dont think he measure less than that.
Joao Pedro said on 9/Feb/20
Rob, would you say that he has a greater chance of measuring 184cm than 183cm? Because it seems to be the case to me

Editor Rob
Is he like Chris Pine or John Cena, guys I would say could measure 6ft 1/2 inch, but go with the 6ft mark in some quotes?
Maybe, at least I can see how 6ft and change seems reasonable up to 6ft 1/2 as possible...not 6ft 1 though.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Jun/19
I don't think 6'0.5" is impossible than way possible.
DanoneBrando178 said on 10/Mar/19
I can definitely see this guy at 184 cm.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Jun/18
A better upgrade. I still feel that he could be measure 184cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/May/18
I think for a good while he was listed here at 6ft1. A bit over this looks more reasonable
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Apr/18
Google listed Macht at 6'0.5" now. He could be that for a max height. Patrick J. Adams might be closer to 5'11.75" or right on the nose but not more.

Editor Rob
In the same way Jenny or myself have never said '5ft 8 and whatever' there will be some actors, maybe Macht included, who have never bothered with the extra fraction over their claim.
Animus said on 24/Feb/18
Broad shoulders? I'd say
Charlie Hunnam is a much better current example of a broad-shouldered six-footer.
Luker said on 23/Feb/18
Gabe Macht is one of the best-proportioned 6ft guys I've seen. Broad shoulders, long torso/legs - looks great on Suits.
He seems to have 2 cm on Patrick J. Adams max, but they both have pretty large footwear sometimes both on and off the show. Sometimes one has more than the other, so it's really hard to pin them down.
Junior Hernandez said on 4/Feb/18
@Psychedelic Earth Thats right. 6'0.25" a shout out also a chance 6'0.5".
Psychedelic Earth said on 3/Feb/18
Nice, we gave big miles a 183.5 upgrade. It’s time to do the same for Gabriel.
BT said on 25/Jan/18
@Editor Rob: Since you've started listing smaller fractions, maybe Macht could be given a 6ft 0 1/8 (183,2 cm) listing? Seems like that could be spot on for him.

Editor Rob
It might be possible for him.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 19/Jan/18
Gabriel macht: 184cm
Patrick j Adams: 182cm
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 15/Jan/18
Good news. Macht and J. Adams are actually underlisted a fraction!
Charlie Weber said on 13/Jan/18
Rob,what about his height (Gabriel Macht's one) compared with
Charlie Hunnam's? They look quite similar...
Who is taller in your opinion?

Editor Rob
A chance that Macht edges Hunnam out a slight fraction, if you ever measure them...more than the other way around.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Dec/17
Junior, he can look that mark...I wouldn't throw it out the window. Certainly a better chance of 184cm than 182cm
Junior said on 25/Oct/17
I recall a decade ago he was listed 6'0.5" everywhere i look into it. I believe that was the true height for Gabriel Macht.
Animus said on 17/Sep/17
As solid a six-footer as they come. He probably doesn't drop below 183cm.
Triplescrew said on 11/Sep/17
There is no way this guy is only 6'0" if Neal McDonough is 6'0". I also think that he holds his own too well against the 6'2"-6'4" range dudes on Suits to be in danger of slipping below 6'0", as some suggest.
Jack said on 19/Aug/17
Whoa, just checked in today to see both Gabe Macht and Patrick J. Adams downgraded. I feel that Gabe sits a bit comfortably over 183 while Patrick is a strong 181.
highlysuspect said on 16/Aug/17
Looks near 184cm. Also looks like he has lost some weight and muscle mass in the last year or two
Calvin Jex said on 14/Apr/17
I saw him in Toronto, a year ago. This guy is a legit 6 footer, or even more if he stands really straight. I measure 181, and I could sense at least an inch over me. One of the few guys who doesn't BS about his height.
John V. said on 17/Mar/17
Rob, what would his height be in dress shoes? (basically as Harvey Specter lol)

Editor Rob
could measured 186cm
S.J.H said on 6/Feb/17
I wonder if Gabriel Macht had measure 6'0 in the morning he might be just 5'11.75 so Neal McDonough and Patrick J.Adams could be 5'11 because the episode with 6'4-5'8 charles barkley guest star in Suits making Macht look alot like solid 182cm guy. In fact Gabriel Macht is still the most trusted 6'0 in this site. Alex O'loughlin may just a 5'11.5 guy not over
SH said on 5/Feb/17
What a proper 6 footer looks like (I would have accepted 6'1'') - someone who does not round up and make a random 6'2''/6'3'' claim like a lot of the other strong 6 footers on this site
S.J.H said on 15/Jan/17
Gabriel Macht was at least 6'0.5 and look about an inch taller than Neal McDonough who claim 6'0
Jackytt said on 11/Dec/16
He's at least 6'0.25, or 6'0.5, definitely taller than 6'.
Tiago said on 30/Oct/16
He looks 1,81 or 1,82 CM max
Silent_D said on 7/May/16
184cm. Gina torres is really tall too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/16
Rob how likely is a fraction over 6ft for Macht?
I think he might be a 183/184cm guy who just went with the nearest rounded figure. Wouldn't have budged if he had said 6ft1 to be honest. But watching Suits he does look to consistently edge out Patrick J. Adams who looks 181/182cm range (not quite a 6fter).

Editor Rob
I suppose there's a chance a little over 6ft, he does look a guy who is comfortably around six foot and I doubt really drops under it, so class him as a legit 6ft.
goon said on 18/Feb/16
Click Here
scroll down to the picture under "family."
hes got the legs of a strong 6 footer, and his shoulder build to match. could easily pull a strong 6'1 look in dress shoes, maybe even a 6'2.
makes sense if gina torres is 5'10 and wearing 3-4" heels
Sss said on 27/Jan/16
Macht - 183
Patrick - 181
Hoffman - 171-172
cath said on 4/Jan/16
he appears to be wearing shoes with rather thick soles
Chris said on 31/Dec/15
Rob can you make a page for Patrick J adams? He can look 181-182cm, but it's tough to call.

Editor Rob
generally he can appear a little shorter than macht
Idk said on 4/Oct/15
Also think 1.84
grizz said on 14/Jul/15
mId, Patrick is closer to the camera and seems to have thicker footwear than Macht.
I usually downgrade celebrities (bad grizz), but in this case I think Gabriel should be slightly upgraded -he's a case of a strong 6 footer (6'0.25). Maybe, just maybe he drops to 6' flat after intensive training.
So, 6'0.25 ?
VardonKK said on 24/Jun/15
1.84 for Gabriel and 1.82 for Mike
mId said on 24/Jun/15
Taller than this Patrick guy you say.. Hmm?.. Don't know them but it doesn't look it here.
Click Here I Think this Gabriel is a lift wearer in some pics/scenes.
cole said on 20/Apr/15
@mike 1.82: At times Gabriel's character has got a bit bigger heel, that's why he can look a little taller, especially when Patrick's character is wearing converse. I don't think there would be much between them, they could be very similar.
mike 1.82 said on 30/Mar/15
i cant understand just saw patrick j adams is listed 1.82 cm and others pages 1.83 cm. He looks 2 cm shorter than gabriel . So gabriel use lifts? our maybe he's 1.84?
mike 1.82 said on 30/Mar/15
i think he is a true 1.83 cm barefoot, patrick j adams loks 1.81cm next to him
Nessy said on 12/Feb/15
6 feet only??
He looks so tall :O
Triplescrew said on 22/Dec/14
Gina Torres (5'10"-ish) looked like a shrimp next to him when not in her 4 inch heels on Suits.
Jed said on 30/Nov/14
I'd give him another half inch. 6'0.5 probably.
Fredd said on 27/Aug/14
Hey Rob, how much do you estimate louis litt's height?(aka rick hoffman)
Zach said on 26/Aug/14
He does wear some decent sized heels in Suits...
Max said on 23/Aug/14
Hey rob! How much do make patrick j adams to be?
Max said on 22/Aug/14
Rob! How tall do you think rick hoffman is? He looks ridiculously short in suits and not to tall in anything else, he's listed 5'10 everywhere which i find laughable, how tall do you think he is?
cole said on 4/Jul/14
@Editor Rob: Yeah I guess. Pine doesn't claim any fractions either though. I remeber seeing some shots where Macht looked taller than the 6'0.5 listed Alex O'Loughlin, but he was wearing boots at that event. Maybe he's one to wear more sizeable footwear and that's why he can look taller.
Stevie said on 8/Jun/14
After watching the series i thought Patrick J. Adams was 5'8 or 5'9.
cole said on 24/May/14
Patrick J. Adams looks a little shorter due to less footwear most of the time, but I doubt he's a good 3 cm shorter than Macht. He looks 182 cm or so with 192 cm Joel McHale as well, so 5'11.5 looks about right for him.
Michael said on 14/Apr/14
Gabriel Macht looks 1,83 barefoot and Patrick 1,81, with boots 2,5 cm or 4,5 cm lifts Gabriel can 1,86 or 1,87 and Patrick 1,84 - 1,85 in that Suits show. This is the real deal
chrisssss said on 3/Apr/14
Gabriel macht - 184cm
Patrick j adams-182cm
Rick hoffman-172cm(NOT 178CM)
meghan markle-164cm(not 171cm)
chrissss said on 20/Mar/14
slight upgrade needed, really looks the 184cm! a strong 6fter
Freddy said on 14/Feb/14
always had him pegged for just under 6ft, and guys dont try to make him any taller than what he himself claims....he is 182cm in my opinion, good posture slim build and matched clothes make up for the rest
Drew said on 29/Dec/13
On his most popular show, "Suits", he always looked around 4 cm taller than his 181 cm co-star. I'd say at least 184 cm but could pass as 185 cm.
jasperwazup said on 3/Nov/13
He had 2'' on Adrian Grenier in the Adventures of Sebastian Cole. the most Adrian could claim is 5'10.25''
jasperwazup said on 3/Nov/13
Never knew his dad was Stephen Macht. really cool actor as well. He played in the Monster Squad and Graveyard Shift.
Silent d said on 16/Oct/13
184cm. He looks pretty tall next to his costars and his 5 foot 10 wife.
Yaspaa said on 9/Aug/13
He looks too tall next to Gina to be under 6'0, unless his shoes are hiding something.
Triplescrew said on 4/Aug/13
I think 6'0" is accurate. Somewhere between 5'11.25" and 5'10.75" for Mike Ross seems about right as well.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jul/13
"Gabriel Macht's height is 6ft 0.5in (184cm)"
Might even be 185cm
Jed said on 13/Jul/13
If Jake Gyllenhal is 5'11.5 Macht has got to be over 6'1. Which he isn't...
Nick said on 19/Jan/13
Looks 6ft. Although his co-star, Patrick. J Adams, on "Suits" looks more like 5'11.25.
AA said on 16/Jan/13
No chance he's less than 6 feet. He looks 6'0.5"
6 ft flat, end of story.
Hew said on 30/Dec/12
He's a boot-wearer, not alift-wearer, but a boot-wearer, it makes him at least 6'1. 5'11.5 or thereabouts is probably right, close enough to claim 6ft.
Joey said on 27/Dec/12
5'11.25 for macht (181cm)
btw jake gyllenhaal aint 5'11.5 lol..5'10 (178cm) at most is his real height actors however and celebs in general even regular people, like to round up their height...some more some less but they always do^^
AA said on 20/Nov/12
Macht - 6' 0.5"
Adams - 5' 11.75"
BigT said on 30/Jul/12
Macht - 183 cm
Adams - 181 cm
jasperwazap said on 28/Jan/12
if Macht say's he's 183cm then his co-star in Suits Patrick J Adams has to be 181cm 5'11.25'' at best
Ivan said on 19/Sep/11
Hi Rob, A few days ago he said that in his twitter account: "Answers to a few queries: Harvey gets punched for good reason, 6ft 175lbs and ticklish, don't know when season 2 airs-presume summer '12."
On the other hand, when he is in movie and tvshows promos he is always in boots, even when he is in suit.
I'm a big fan of you web page.
Greetings from Spain

Editor Rob
Ivan the great, thanks for pointing it out.
upol said on 25/Aug/11
yup, he's six and a half inch
Cranberries (17m, 193.75-191.25) said on 25/Jun/11
Hey Rob, this needs changing to 6'0.5"... He's listed as such everywhere.
anonymous said on 29/Dec/08
he did look close to 6`1 in the spirit.
anon5 said on 21/Sep/08
tigerbomb,he didn't look that tall next to her, because Mandy Moore is 5'10, so it would be only 3 inches separating them. He did looked taller than that next to Colin Farrell in The Recruit, who's listed here as 5'10 either. Maybe Mandy was wearing heels. Or Colin is shorter.
tigerbomb3 said on 8/Sep/08
In the movie because i said so with Mandy Moore he looked short but any ways 6'1" would be just right.